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Programming software for PANASONIC KX-TD1232/816/3 8 P!

This program was developed to simplify parameter editing of the popular KX-TD1232" KX-TD816 or KX-TD3 8 PANASONIC super hybrid PBX (KSU). Im#ortant$ This program is not apable of setting the parameters of other PBX models from Panasoni li!e KX"T#$%$#&'## or KX"T(%&)'*#*'*$+ PBX. ,f you have su h a system- please he ! out our other programs. Using this program you.ll no longer have to use the rypti ommand number system (entered on the phone from e/tension #&#) to set your PBX parameters. This will ma!e onfiguring your PBX mu h easier in other ways as well- li!e being able to use a real !eyboard to enter e/tension names. (ll parameters are grouped in a logi al manner a ording to the fun tion- not based on the rypti ommand number se0uen e in the KX"T1#$%$ user manual. (nother important feature is that you an now ba ! up your PBX onfiguration to your omputer. ( true lifesaver if your PBX has some type of failure ausing it to lose programming or if you ever have to repla e your system with another KX"T1#$%$. Sin e you an save your parameters to your omputer- you an also wor! on the onfiguration anywhere that you an bring your omputer. 2hen you.re ready to implement the hanges- simply go to your phone roomonne t your omputer to the KX"T1#$%$ and dump the new onfiguration to the system. To use this program- you.ll need a P3" ompatible omputer running either 2indows %.#- %.## or 2indows 45'6T. To onne t your omputer to the PBXyou.ll also need a spe ial onne tion able (see pin assignments below). ,mportant7 The able used to onne t the PBX to your omputer differs from ommon .modem. ables used to onne t modems to omputers. The software will not wor! without the orre t able. The orre t able is basi ally a .null"modem. able- but be areful " there are a few different null"modem s hemes and most will not wor! with the KX"T1#$%$. ,t is highly re ommended that you use the able des ribed below. The two onne tors used to ma!e the able are available from 8adio Sha ! or 9ust about any de ent ele troni s store. ,f you la ! the s!ill to ma!e your own able- any ele troni servi e store should be able to ma!e one for you for a fee. To install the program- run ,nstall:T1.e/e. ;ou an then sele t a subdire tory where the pa !age will be installed (default is 3<=KXT1#$%$). The program itself an be laun hed under 2in %.# " see below. (fter su essfully installing the program- double" li ! the phone i on (lo ated in the KXT1#$%$ folder) to laun h the program. Be sure that you have valid parameters in the 3>? option of the Settings menu. 3onne t to the PBX by li !ing the .3onne t. button. ;ou should now be able to as ertain the PBX status by li !ing the .read speed. button on the toolbar of the program. The differen e between this read"only version and the full"featured version is that this version an only read and view urrent PBX settings. 2hile you an edit and save settings to dis!- you will not be able to upload your hanges ba ! to the PBX. ;ou an- however- hange the time and date of the built"in PBX lo !. The main purpose of the read"only version is that it allows you to test for program fun tionality and ompatibility with your PBX. ,f you find the program useful- you an buy the full"featured version whi h is write"enabled. See file @>2T>BU;.1>3 for more details.

,f you wish to onta t for 0uestions- omments- et - please write to< adminApb/software. om

1. Cable to connect PBX and computer 3able $5(male) " $5(female) pin #"# $"% %"$ +"5 5"+ * " $& B"B $& "* 3able $5(male) " 4(female) pin $"$ %"% +") 5"B *"+ B"5 $& " * 3able 4(male) " 4(female) pin for KXT1%&) PBX $ """ % % """ $ B """ ) ) """ B * """ + + """ * 5 """ 5

2. Troubleshooting: The most ommon reason for onne tion failure is usually due to either using the wrong able- a problem with the able or the able was not orre tly made. There are a few different ways for pin assignments to be onfigured for a null"modem able- but you absolutely must use the pin assignments outlined above. 8e he ! your wor! " this is the most ommon reason people have trouble with the software. The se ond most ommon reason for a onne tion failure is improper port settings for the P3 and PBX. Both must be onfigured identi ally. There is a good way to test for proper ommuni ation- that overs the P3- able and PBX. The test is to re eive all logs from the PBX. To run this test<

a) 3onne t the PBX to the P3 with the able des ribed above. b) 8un any terminal program (for e/ample- Terminal.C/e from 2in%.#@yperTerm from 2in45- TCD,X- P8>3>?- et .) 3onfigure it for the simplest terminal mode " TT;. Set the 3>?"port parameters of the port so they are the same as the ones for the PBX. ) ?a!e a few alls through your PBX " after a short delay you will see entries appear on the terminal s reen des ribing your all. ;ou.ll see the number you dialed as well as the e/tension number from whi h you made the all. d) ,f you still don.t see any log information- try pressing 3trlEF. ,f you still don.t re eive anything- he ! the hardware. There is probably a problem somewhere inside the able. Third " he ! password used to a ess programming interfa e of the PBX. Program uses .#$%+. string by default " loo! the dialog Settings"GSystem of the main program menu to hange it.

3. Installation Problems The a tual Programmator program an be used under 2in %.#- but ,nstall:T1.e/e only wor!s properly under 2in45'6T. ( wor!around to this dilemma is to temporarily install it on a 2in45 or 6T ma hine and then< a) 3opy the P8>H.CXC and P8>H.@DP files to the omputer running 2in %.#. ) ?anualy install the font @CDIC3;8.J>6 " it is unpa !ed by ,nstall:T1.e/e into the subdire tory 2,61>2S=J>6TS. ,f this is still a problem- 9ust send me email and ,.ll send you a Kip file that ontains the installed omponents.

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