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Musicologa de la Msica Electroacstica [MME]

Dicho de un modo simple, la musicologa es el estudio de la msica. La musicologa electroacstica es, entonces, el estudio de la msica electroacstica. Se puede subdividir en tres reas que se superponen parcialmente: estudios musicales etnoelectroacsticos, histricos, y sistemticos. El rea histrica ve a la msica diacrnica y sincrnicamente, tomando en cuenta, cuando corresponda, diversos aspectos de la musicologa sistemtica y la tecnologa. El foco de la investigacin es la msica misma, de las formas ms esotricas a las mas populares. Los estudios musicales etnoelectroacsticos se relacionan con el impacto de esta msica sobre nuestra escucha, sobre nuestra cultura auditiva, as como sobre nuestra relacin con todos los sonidos que nos rodean. Finalmente, el rea sistemtica est formada por un conjunto de subreas, muchas de ellas enfocadas hacia aspectos tericos, aunque no exclusivamente. La siguiente lista cubre un amplio nmero de temas relevantes:

- nuevas teoras relacionadas con el arte sonoro - categorizacin de sonidos (a nivel micro y macro) - familias de enfoques/obras - (re)sntesis del sonido - manipulacin del sonido - anlisis espectral - espectromorfologa - nuevos instrumentos - interactividad/interfaces para la interpretacin - nuevos protocolos para el control digital de sonido - nuevos abordajes a la interpretacin (contextos) - multimedia - sonido y espacio/acstica - nuevas notaciones/representaciones - nuevas formas de anlisis - ordenamiento de sonidos (a nivel micro)

- ordenamiento de grandes entidades musicales electroacsticas (a nivel macro) - inteligencia artificial - modos de escucha/percepcin - psicoacstica/cognicin/semitica - archivado de informacin - esttica/filosofa/crtica (Fuente: Leigh Landy (1999). Reviewing the Musicology of Electroacoustic Music. Organised Sound Vol. 4, No. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 61-70)

English - Espaol - Franais - Deutch - Italiano Alphabetical order - Chronological order 1-60 | 61-95 | >> 60 next

ASUAR, Jos Vicente (1959). En el umbral de una nueva era musical (At the doorstep of a new musical era) ASUAR, Jos Vicente (1963). Msica electrnica: potica musical de nuestros das (Electronic music: musical poetics of nowadays) ASUAR, Jos Vicente (1972a). Msica con Computadores: cmo hacerlo..? (Music with computers: how to do it..?) ASUAR, Jos Vicente (1975). Recuerdos (Memories) ATKINSON, Simon, LANDY, Leigh (2004). The ElectroAcoustic Resource Site (EARS): Philosophy, foundation and aspirations BATTIER, Marc (2004). Electroacoustic Music Studies and the Danger of Loss BATTIER, Marc, LANDY, Leigh (2004). Electroacoustic Musics: A century of innovation involving sound and technology - resources, discourse, analytical tools BATTISTELLI, Giorgio (1995). Tecnologia e drammaturgia (Technology and dramaturgy) BHAGUE, Gerard (1983). La msica en Amrica Latina (Music in Latin America) BERNARDINI, Nicola, VIDOLIN, Alvise (1995). Piccola economia della musica elettronica (The micro-economics of electronic music) BLANCO, Juan (2001). Para una historia de la msica electroacstica en Cuba (For a history of the electroacoustic music in Cuba) BOULEZ, Pierre (1986). Technology and the Composer CHADABE, Joel (1997b). Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music CLARO, Samuel (1965). Panorama de la msica experimental en Chile (Panorama of experimental music in Chile) COX, Christoph, WARNER, Daniel (2004). Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music DAL FARRA, Ricardo (2003). Electroacoustic music in Latin America DAL FARRA, Ricardo (2003a). Historical aspects of Electroacoustic Music in Latin America:

From the Pioneering to the Present Days DAL FARRA, Ricardo (2006a). A Journey of Sound through the Electroacoustic Wires. Art and New Technologies in Latin America (Un voyage du son par les fils lectroacoustiques : Lart et les nouvelles technologies en Amrique Latine) DE BENEDICTIS, Angela Ida (2004a). Scrittura e supporti nel Novecento: alcune riflessioni e un esempio ({Ausstrahlung} di Bruno Maderna) (Writing and support in 20th century music: some remarks and an example ({Ausstrahlung} by Bruno Maderna)) DELALANDE, Franois (2007). The technological era of sound: a challenge for musicology and a new range of social practices DURANTE, Sergio, ZATTRA, Laura (eds.) (2002). Ventanni di musica elettronica alluniversit di Padova. Il Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (20 years of electronic music at Padua University. The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale) FIELDS, Kenneth (2007). Ontologies, categories, folksonomies: an organised language of sound GENTILUCCI, Armando (1972 (reprinted 1983 4th ed., 1990 9th ed.)). Introduzione alla Musica Elettronica (Introduction to electronic music) GIOMI, Francesco (2002). Scuole storiche italiane di musica elettronica (Historical electronic music schools in Italy) GIORGIO, Battistelli (1995). Tecnologia e drammaturgia (Technology and dramaturgy) HEIFETZ, Robin Julian (Ed.) (1989b). On the Wires of Our Nerves: The Art of Electroacoustic Music HERRERA, Silvia (2005). Gabriel Brncic: Un primer acercamiento hacia el compositor y maestro chileno en el exilio (Gabriel Brncic: A first approach to the Chilean composer and maestro in his exile) HODGKINSON, Tim (2001). An Interview with Pierre Schaeffer JUSTEL, Elsa (2000). The Formal structures in the music of electronic production KAHN, Douglas, WHITEHEAD, Gregory (Eds.) (1993). Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde KUGEL, Peter (1990). Myhills Thesis: Theres More than Computing in Musical Thinking LANDY, Leigh (1999a). Reviewing the Musicology of Electroacoustic Music: A plea for greater triangulation LANDY, Leigh (1999b). Heightening Access and Cohesion within the Worlds of Electroacoustic Music: The Promotion of Triangulation in Creativity, Development and Scholarship LANDY, Leigh (2006c). Electroacoustic Music Studies and Accepted Terminology: You cant have one without the others LANDY, Leigh (2007a). Understanding the Art of Sound Organization LANDY, Leigh (2007b). La musique des sons/The Music of Sounds LANDY, Leigh (2007c). The ElectroAcoustic Resource Site (EARS) Approaches Its Next Phase: Going global and addressing the young LANDY, Leigh (2007d). The ElectroAcoustic Resource Site (EARS) LANDY, Leigh, ATKINSON, Simon (2003b). Introducing the ElectroAcoustic Resource Site (EARS) LINTZ MAUS, Igor (1989). Msica Eletroacstica no Brasil. Composio utilizando o meio eletrnico (1956 - 1981) (Electroacoustic Music in Brazil: Composition using the electronic media (1956 - 1981)) LOCATELLI DE PRGAMO, Ana Mara (1973). La notacin de la msica contempornea (The

notation of contemporary music) MANNING, Peter (2004). Electronic and Computer Music - Revised and Expanded Edition MORAWSKA-BNGELER, Marietta (1988). Schwingende Elektronen. Eine Dokumentation ber das Studio fr Elektronische Musik des Westdeutschen Rundfunks in Kln 1951-1986 (Swinging Electrons. A Documentation of the Electronic Music Studio at the WDR Cologne 1951-1986.) ODGERS, Alejandra (2000). La Msica Electroacstica en Mexico (Electroacoustic Music in Mexico) PARASKEVADIS, Graciela (2000). Eduardo Brtola. Un retrato del compositor argentino (1939-1996) (Eduardo Brtola. A portrait of the Argentinean composer (1939-1996)) PAVN SARRELANGUE, Ral (1981). La Electrnica en la Msica ... y en el Arte (Electronics in Music ... and the Arts) POUSSEUR, Henri (1976). La musica elettronica (Electronic music) RISSET, Jean-Claude (1999c). volution des outils de cration sonore ROCHA ITURBIDE, Manuel (2004). Cronologa Comparada de la Historia de la Msica Electroacstica en Mexico (Correlated Chronology of Mexican Electroacoustic Music History) SCHAFER, R. Murray (1994). The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World SCHATT, Peter W. (2005). Larte della transizione : funzioni dellelettronica in {Mixtur} di Karlheinz Stockhausen (The art of transition: electronic functions in {Mixtur} by Karlheinz Stockhausen) SEGNINI-SEQUERA, Rodrigo (1994). Comprender la msica electroacstica y su expresin en Venezuela (To understand electroacoustic music and its expression in Venezuela) SOSA, Rogelio (2004). Nuevas poticas electroacsticas (New electroacoustic poetics) TAMBURINI, Alessandro (1988). Il calcolatore e la musica : informatica musicale, compositore e pubblico (The computer and music: computer music, composers and the public) UNGEHEUER, Elena (1992). Wie die elektronische Musik erfunden wurde...Quellenstudien zu Werner Meyer-Epplers Entwurf zwischen 1949 (How Electronic Music was DiscoveredSource study of Werner Meyer-Epplers Plan between 1949 and 1953) VIDOLIN, Alvise (1995). Documentazione, conservazione e restauro dei beni musicali elettronici (Conservation, documentation and restoration of electronic musical assets) WISHART, Trevor (1996a). On Sonic Art - Revised Edition WOLL, Thomas (1994). Nacionalismo ex machina. Zur Geschichte der elektroakustischen Musik in Mexiko (On the History of Electroacoustic Music in Mexico) ZATTRA, Laura, DURANTE, Sergio (eds.) (2002). Ventanni di musica elettronica alluniversit di Padova. Il Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (20 years of electronic music at Padua University. The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale)

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