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By: Bethany Turner O’Grady would be a fresh change

of pace for our city council and

Much like the candidates would add some fun debate if elect-
running for a seat with Wilmington’s ed along with our endorsed candi-
city council, I have a goal: I hope dates.
to help educate our campus on the Ricky Meeks:
importance of local elections. Our Meeks supports improv-
beloved city is governed by a coun- ing public transit and lowering
cil consisting of: a mayor, a mayor crime. He has run for city council
pro tem, and five council members. five times, New Hanover County
I have done a bit of research and School Board four times, and was
collected some general information even on the ballot for mayor at one
to help my fellow students gain at point. He has not been elected to
least a broad knowledge of the citi- any of these positions.
zens running for the next two-year Charlie Rivenbark:
term. Read the basics here and the I must give him credit
unedited version online. where credit is due; he was present
at the Candidates’ Forum. How-
The Incumbents: Jim Quinn, Mar- ever, one can only extend so much.
garet Haynes, & Dr. Earl Sheridan In an interview with the candidate,
There are several reasons he avoided my easiest questions
why you should not vote for these (“Why are you running?”) and in-
candidates (yes, even Dr. Sheri- sulted the intelligence of our resi-
dan), but the strongest may be this: dents. The best way to understand
They are all current members of the this candidate is to check out my
council, yet none of them attended Conservative Hawk blog, available
the 2009 Stand Up & Vote Can- on our Webpage. You won’t be dis-
didates Forum. Were these three appointed.
incumbents afraid to face the resi- Susan Clarke:
dents of our city? Clarke opposes denser
Kevin O’Grady: zoning development without the
O’Grady has a very “can- foundation of sufficient infrastruc-
do” attitude. He holds many leader- ture. She believes there is “out-of-
ship positions in city organizations. control spending” with the current
He disagrees with a lot of the deci- council, claiming they use invol-
sions made by the current council, untary annexation to make up for
including the ways they are han- their “shortfalls.” She ran in 2005
dling both Titan and annexation. and 2007, but was not elected either
There is no better way to describe these three candidates’ cam-
paign other than revolutionary. LaNasa’s best contribution is his belief
that the city needs to start thinking “out of the box” to create new ways
to generate revenue, rather than relying on annexation. McCoy feels
forced annexation in general is “tyrannical and un-American,” conclud-
ing this speech with, “If a body of government levies its taxes on a group
of citizens before they have had the opportunity to vote and elect the
people within that body of government, that is taxation without represen-
tation.” All three would like to be a voice of the People, as DeHart states,
“Too long have the voices of the average citizens been ignored.” McCoy
sums it up best when he says, “Our current leaders have no mentality
other than to keep bloating the budget year after year, to look for more
revenue through annexation and raising your taxes. We the People have
to take back our government. I do not want to be a politician - I want to
be a representative.”
By: Kevin King were unable to print out our syllabus
Editor-In-Chief or a particular quiz or test. Where is
this money then?
One of the perks of running The UNCW Budget Office
a publication like The Conservative seemed the most logical place to
Hawk is people see you as an out- start. I corresponded with Mr. Robert
let—an outlet through which injus- “Bob” Russell, Director of Budgets,
tices may be corrected and important via e-mail. After asking about gen-
questions be asked. Over the past eral salary increases at UNC Wilm-
few weeks, students, faculty, and ington, Mr. Russell said, “There are
staff brought one particular injus- no salary raises for state employees
tice to my attention: In these tough for FY 09-10 or FY 10-11, according
economic times, when the budget is to Senate Bill 202.”
frozen, certain people are allowed to North Carolina State Sen-
spend money that supposedly does ate Bill 202 (SB 202) was ratified on
not exist. At UNC Wilmington, those August 5, 2009. The bill set the ap-
certain people are in the Information propriations for the fiscal year 2009-
Technology Systems Division, or 10 and limited budgetary items such
ITSD. as raises.
When a budget is frozen, If this were so, how can the
there is not an extra $125,000 lying salary increases of 27 employees
around—let alone such a large num- within ITSD be legal? When asked
ber going only to salary increases. this very question, Mr. Russell re-
ITSD has not only given raises this sponded (punctuation errors includ-
fiscal year, but also has a net gain in ed), “There are many ways that an
their total salaries of $124,805. Doc- employee can get an increase in their
uments from an anonymous source salary, i.e., promotion, increase in
show salary increases for 27 em- job responsibilities, changing jobs,
ployees within the division. In a year etc; all of which are perfectly legal.
when the budget is said to be frozen, I believe that’s enough with your
these numbers are suspicious - and I questions.”
want answers. Enough with my ques-
For those not familiar with tions? Is that strictly because I asked
the budget freeze, the University is about salary increases during a fro-
basically cash-strapped. No unnec- zen budget? Or is it because I am a
essary spending is allowed. We have student asking questions above my
all felt this in the classrooms when pay grade? Either possibility is ap-
our professors have told us they palling. However, both possibilities
are topics of an entirely different dis- to find. Therefore, a formal Freedom
cussion: Either no one is willing to of Information Act request is cur-
divulge the answers, or the answers rently on file and pending. Once the
are kept from us intentionally. source of these frozen funds is dis-
Mr. Bob Russell does not covered, we will provide you with an
provide clarity or rationale about update and explanation. Until then, I
the ITSD salary increases. It makes encourage everyone to continue to
sense when he states, “there are ask questions. If you don’t feel com-
many ways that an employee can fortable confronting an issue on your
get an increase”—for one employee own, you can contact me at editor@
here and there. But how does that theconservativehawk.com and I will
statement explain pay raises for 27 be more than glad to help in any way
employees? That answer seems to possible. After all, The Conservative
elude the Director of Budgets. Hawk is here to give a voice to those
Simple answers are not easy who are silenced.
By: Vincent Conti jor gains, from the burdensome and
punishing income tax to activist courts
Years ago I argued with an el- that impose their will on the people.
derly woman who was convinced that My criticism of the abandonment of
the war in Vietnam was a meaningless liberty is a bipartisan one; however,
endeavor. At the time I had studied clearly the progressive movement has
the matter very little; but, I felt in my all but entirely taken over the once
gut that whenever men and women honorable Democratic Party.
fight for America it cannot possibly be In January we saw the his-
deemed meaningless. toric inauguration of our nation’s first
Years later I was part of the bi-racial President - for this we should
initial phase of the war in Iraq. By all be proud. However, President
2006-07, when public support for the Obama is the most radically progres-
war was at its lowest, I heard similar sive president in our nation’s history.
sentiments from some of my class- Progressivism is a belief in a strong
mates and professors. Thankfully by curtailment of our individual liberties
this time, I not only had some experi- and our private property for the gen-
ence, but some years of study behind eral use of the collective, including
me, and refuted these claims. In light the outrageous belief that the purpose
of recent events in the past election of taxation is not to provide for the
season, I am not sure I was correct. legitimate needs of government but
What exactly was the purpose social engineering, as well as buying
of the war in Iraq, or WWII, or even future votes. The recent “Economic
the American Revolution for that mat- Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
ter? After all, no one had to take our 2009” is little more than a federal
freedoms away; In 2009 Americans are subsidy of Democratic Party donors.
more than willing to vote away their From restricting the individual right to
liberties to progressive politicians. self-preservation, massive new taxes
Why is it we stand up to the threats (including hidden taxes as the result
from abroad, but actively embrace the of the Cap and Trade scheme), this ad-
enemy from within? Since 1913 the ministration has at its core a distrust
progressive movement has made ma- for you and your freedom.
A reasonable question to
pose is simply: Was the point of
fighting wars to free ourselves from
the British Crown, to avoid submis-
sion to the various despotisms of
the past century just to vote for the
imposition of totalitarianism upon
ourselves? Is it okay to be a sub-
ject of a statist power if that power
is spread between three branches of
government as opposed to a single
tyrant? Does the fact that the destruc- way it was, and you might better un-
tion of our liberty is being achieved derstand what the Founders were try-
by democratic means as opposed to a ing to prevent.
violent revolution or war make it more Individual liberty tempered
palatable to my progressive friends? by a good moral standard (to distin-
I, for one, am not going to be polite guish liberty from license) is the ulti-
about this any longer. I am not going mate goal of a civil society. Through
to abide by the advice given to me as individualism we can all set our agen-
a young man to not discuss politics in da, provided I don’t interfere with
public any longer. I am going to speak your life, liberty and property. The sky
truth to power from this point on and is the limit.
all lovers of constitutional liberty This is a call to action for all
should join me in this quest in their of us: republicans, democrats, and in-
own way. dependents. Let us reject anyone who
Anticipating an objection that rejects our Constitution and the juris-
I am overstating the dire circumstances prudence of originalism; anyone who
we find ourselves in, I would remind plays the rich against the poor, or vice
you of the liberty already lost since the versa. Let us all respect the property
progressive era began. One quick ex- of one another so that ours will be re-
ample is the fact that private property spected in turn. Call it conservatism,
rights are under assault throughout libertarianism, or simply the American
the country through eminent domain way; it is about political freedom, and
and the endangered species act. What not government dependency - which to
was once understood to be a primary my mind is the new slavery. If we can
freedom is now subject to the whim of reverse the trend and begin the hard
government needs. work of undoing the massive state and
It is true the Republican Party restore the America that has been a
has not done enough to stop the pro- beacon to the world, the wars fought in
gressive movement and begin to re- our history, those currently underway,
peal the soft tyranny that is its goal. and even those yet to be fought will be
For that reason, I invite all readers of worth it. If not, I’m afraid that elderly
this column to re-examine their politi- woman may have made a good, albeit
cal beliefs, seek out information about inadvertent, point.
why the Constitution was framed the
21-40 of the Top Salaries of UNCW
This month we felt it important to continue to shed light on the
salaries here at UNC Wilmington. Below we have listed the next 20 sala-
ries to expand on the 20 from last issue. We will continue to do so every
issue. You can find these and more online at http://starnewsonline.com.

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