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Joey Francilus

ommunications !"perience
#o$ Jones %e$s Fund &usiness 'ntern( )atch( 'nc.( %e$ *ork( %* June+,ugust 2-./
0esearch( aggregate and remotely report four to se1en daily trending and breaking ne$s stories for the
)atch %ational #esk in %e$ *ork for o1er .-- hyper2local ne$s pages throughout the 3.4. during a
transitional business period. o1er Florida5s 2-./ Florida gubernatorial election( the 2-./ ,tlantic
hurricane season( the 6-
anni1ersary of the i1il 0ights ,ct of .97/( and communities in Florida( the
8ashington( #.. area and 9eorgia.
!ditorial 'ntern( ,:;/<he =uffington )ost >edia 9roup( >iami( F; 4ept. 2-.2+>arch 2-.?
0esearch( aggregate and reported three to fi1e daily >iami and Florida2related stories for the
,:;/=uff)ost >iami bureau. 0eported on admimistration of Florida 9o1. 0ick 4cott for =uff)ost
during the 2-.2 general election season( the !1erglades and >iami politics and culture. ,ssist editors
$ith pre2reporting( fact checking and breaking ne$s co1erage.
#J( 8@3> 9-.6 F> <he @oice( oral 9ables( F; 4ept. 2-.-+>ay 2-.2
)roduce and host a li1e( $eekly t$o2hour rotational music program featuring Auarterly $eather( ne$s
and e1ents rele1ant to the >iami community and an audience reach of ..6 million.
8riter/!"ecuti1e )roducer( 3><@( oral 9ables( F; 4ept. 2-.-+>ay 2-.2
4er1e as head $riter and e"ecuti1e producer of the 3ni1ersity of >iami <ele1ision political debate
program( 8e the 4tudents. #e1elop debate topics( scripts and rundo$ns. =ost local and natioanl
debate teams and political organiBations $ith financial support from the ,drienne ,rsht Foundation
olumbia 3ni1ersity in the ity of %e$ *ork( %e$ *ork( %* >ay 2-./
>.4. in JournalismC 8all 4treet Journal Fello$ship( &en 9rauer olumbia Journalism 4cholarship.
#igital media specialiBation. Focus in business( data analysis and beat reporting in >idto$n and
northern >anhattan. <raining in &loomberg <erminal( campaign finance and demographic analysis.
2(7--2$ord master5s $ork on the impacts of real estate de1elopment on #ominican ,mericans in
8ashington =eights. #ata computing and analysis piece on traffic ticketing trends in >iami2#ade
and &ro$ard counties in Florida.
3ni1ersity of >iami( oral 9ables( F; ,ugust 2-.2
&.,. in 'nternational 4tudies( minor in historyC Florida &right Futures >edallion 4cholars ,$ard.
9raduate concentration in ;atin ,merican politics and culture. ,cti1e in campus media.
4kills D 'nterests
omputer2assisted reporting: #ata entry( coding and analysis for storytelling( public business data( &loomberg <erminal
8eb: 4!: and content management for the $eb( =<>;/44 coding and social net$orking
&roadcast/multimedia: :n2air reporting and production( !%)4( non2linear editing E)remiere( Final ut )ro( ,uditionF( digital
photography and image processing E)hotoshop( ;ightroomF
;anguages: !nglish( =aitian reole. )rofessional proficiency in 4panish and French
,ffiliations: 4ociety of )rofessional Journalists( olumbia ,ssociation of &lack Journalists( olumbia 3ni1ersity =ispanic
Journalists( 8ikimedia Foundation
James 4terngold( 4enior 8riter( 8all 4treet Journal( E2.2F /.72?-97
=elen &enedict( )rofessor of Journalism( olumbia 3ni1ersity( E2.2F G6/2?722
#onald 4pi1ey( )h.#.( )rofessor of =istory( 3ni1ersity of >iami( E?-6F 2G/227?7

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