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Harris Academy South Norwood

Short Term Planning Template: Weekly Overview (2-4 lessons)

Subject Area: Design and Technology Half Term: Carousel Week Beginning: / Class: Year 8/9 Unit Title: Systems & Control

Differentiation Weekly Learning Objectives Weekly Learning Outcomes Resources

All Students to understand why systems control Review of marking procedure to take place and As below
(NC/GCSE Range) our lives. evaluation sheet shown to students with
examples of good evaluations.
Students are to continue construction of their
products with teacher acting as facilitator.
Task 1 completed by lesson end.
Most Students understand the concepts behind Task 1 to be completed by the end of the As below
(NC/GCSE Range) S&C and how we live in a system-based Lesson, with task 2 well under way.

Some Students consider the many examples of Tasks 1-2 to be completed by the end of the As below
(NC/GCSE Range) systems in the products they use. lesson.

Suggested Learning and Teaching Ideas

Starter Development Plenary Assessment
Unscramble the words WEEK 1: Q. and A. session on what Homework submissions to be
Students are given three words linked to Register taken at start of lesson in silence. students have learned about marked on Presentation and
control which they have to unscramble: flow diagrams this lesson. Effort Marks recorded on pro
Microchip – cophirmic Teacher to give input on the basic functions of Logicator. forma and feedback given in
Circuit – itucirc Focusing on Inputs & Outputs. Explain where the students comment section.
Computer - turpemoc should have progressed by the end of the lesson. Work to be given to student in
Introduction to idea of Flow Charts, shape of boxes, how order for them to insert into
to create a logical flow chart of processes and specific revision folder.
tools. If applicable, benchmark and
Demo of how to follow instructions (specifically the help target points to be noted in
files of how to construct the systems). students’ planners.
Introduce Outputs and Inputs.
Task 1a carried out as a class, task 1b introduced (idea of
problem solve). Students begin to work thorough the rest
of the system booklet individually.
EEN students given separate targets while main body of
students is on task.
Formal Review taken at end of the lesson.
Teacher to go through homework.
Resources Homework
Access to Logicator software a) INPUT DEVICES – Produce a list of five input devices, choose one and write a
Interactive whiteboard detailed description of how the input device works.
Work booklets b) OUTPUT DEVICES - Produce a list of five output devices, choose one and write a
detailed description of how the output device works.

Cross Curricular Checklist (in relation to 6 week overview)

Lit Num ICT Ent/WRL PHSEE Citizenship VAK

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