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Supplementary Exercise

Molly Green MAT 431 Due Before Grades are Due

In the following exercises, we will construct R from Q. Let S be the set of all Cauchy sequences of rational numbers. That is S = {{an } : an Q for all n N and {an } is Cauchy}. We now dene a relation on S by {an } {bn } if and only if for every Q with > 0 there exists an N N such that |an bn | < whenever n N. Part 1. Show that dened above is an equivalence relation. If is an equivalence relation, then it must satisfy the following properties: a) an an (Reexive). b) If an bn then bn an (Symmetric). c) If an bn and bn cn then an cn (Transitive). a) Since |an an | = 0 < , we know that is reexive. b) Since |an bn | < , then by absolute values, it holds that |bn an | < . So is symmetric. c) Lastly, since we can make as small as we want, then we can say |an bn | < /2 and |bn cn | = |cn bn | < /2, thus we can write /2 < cn bn < /2 /2 + bn < cn < /2 + bn and /2 < an bn < /2 /2 + bn < an < /2 + bn . 1

Now, since an is within /2 of bn and cn is within /2 of bn , it follows that an is within of cn , hence |an cn | < , and satises the transitive property. Since satises all three conditions, is an equivalence relation. Part 2. Passing to the set of equivalence classes, S/ , we dene operations + and on S/ as follows: For any equivalence classes [{an }], [{bn }] S/ we dene [{an }] + [{bn }] = [{an } + {bn }]. For any equivalence classes [{an }], [{bn }] S/ we dene [{an }{bn }] = [{an bn }]. Show that these operations are well dened. That is, show that if {an } {bn } then {an + cn } {bn + cn } for all {cn } S and {an cn } {bn cn } for all {cn } S and hence our denitions do not depend on our choice of representative of a given equivalence class. First lets take a look at addition: Since {an } is Cauchy, then for some N1 N there exists a real number A such that |an A| < /4 whenever n N1 . Similarly, since {bn } is Cauchy, then for some N2 N, there exists a real number B such that |bn B | < /4 whenever n N2 . Now, suppose there exists a Cauchy sequence {an } which is equivalent to {an }. Then for some N3 N, |an A| < /4 whenever n N3 . Similarly, suppose there exists a Cauchy sequence {bn } which is equivalent to {bn }. Then for some N4 N, |bn B | < /4 whenever n N4 . Let N = max{N1 , N2 , N3 , N4 }. Then |an an | < /2 and |bn bn | < /2 whenever n N . Then |an an + bn bn | |an an | + |bn bn | < /2 + /2 = whenever n N . Therefore, an + bn and an + bn are equivalent and the addition dened is independent of the choice of representatives, so addition is well dened. Let us now take a look at multiplication: We dene [an ] [bn ] = [an bn ] which is Cauchy. Now, an b n an b n = an b n an b n + an b n an b n = (an bn an bn ) + (an bn an bn ) = (an an )bn + an (bn bn ). Thus, there exists an N N such that 2

|an bn an bn | |an an ||bn | + |an ||bn bn | < whenever n N .Thus, [an bn ] = [an bn ]. Part 3. Show that with these operations, S/ is a eld. A eld is dened as anything which is a group under addition, and a group under multiplication. More specically, it must satisfy the following axioms:

Addition Axiom 1: an + (bn + cn ) = (an + bn ) + cn (Associative across addition). Addition Axiom 2: an + bn = bn + an (Commutative across addition). Addition Axiom 3: There exists a kn such that an + kn = an (Additive identity). Addition Axiom 4: There exists an ak such that an + ak = kn (Additive inverse). Multiplication Axiom 1: an bn = bn an (Commutative across multiplication). Multiplication Axiom 2: an (bn + cn ) = an bn + an cn (Distributive across multiplication). Multiplication Axiom 3: There exists some ln such that an l= an (Multiplicative identity). Multiplication Axiom 4: There exists some al such that an al = ln (Multiplicative inverse). We now show that it satises the axioms as follows: Addition Axiom 1: [an ]+([bn ]+[cn ]) = [an ]+[bn + cn ] = [an + bn + cn ] = [an + bn ]+[cn ] = ([an ] + [bn ]) + [cn ]. Addition Axiom 2: [an ] + [bn ] = [an + bn ] = [bn + an ] = [bn ] + [an ]. Addition Axiom 3: Let us rst dene [kn ] = [0], the class of the constant sequence {0, 0, 0, . . .}. Then an + kn = an + 0 = [an ]. Addition Axiom 4: Let us rst dene [ak ] = [an ]. Then [an ] + [ak ] = [an ] + [an ] = [an an ] = [0] = [kn ]. Multiplication Axiom 1: [an bn ] = [an ][bn ] = [bn ][an ] = [bn an ]. Multiplication Axiom 2: [an ][bn + cn ] = [an ][[bn ] + [cn ]] = [an ][bn ] + [an ][cn ] = [an bn ] + [an cn ]. Multiplication Axiom 3: First, let [ln ] = [1], the class of the constant sequence {1, 1, 1, . . .}. Then an ln = an (1) = an . ]. Then an al = an a1 = 1 = ln . Multiplication Axiom 4: First, let [al ] = [ a1 n n Thus this is a eld.

Part 4. Now dene an element [{an }] S/ to be positive if there exists a rational number r > 0 and a representative {rn } [{an }] such that r < rn for all n N. Dene an ordering relation < on S/ by [{an }] < [{bn }] if and only if [{bn an }] is positive. Show that S/ with this < is an ordered eld. For a eld to be ordered, it must satisfy the following order axioms: Q1 For any a, b R only one of the following can be true at any given time: a = b, a > b, a < b. Q1 For any a, b R, if a < b is true and b < c true, then a < c (transitivity) Q1 For any a, b R if a < b is true, then a + c < b + c is true for all c R. Q1 For any a, b R if a < b is true, then a b < b c is true for any c R and c > 0. Q1 Show that for any a, b S/ only one is true, a = b, a < b, or a > b. Proof. Let us choose a representative sequence {rn } {an } to be a monotonically decreasing sequence. Then {rn } must converge to the same value, A, that {an } converges to, and is never less than A. Choose r > 0 such that 0 < r < A. Then r < rn for all n N. It follows then, that rn > 0 for all n N. Now, since [{an }], [{bn }] S/ . There are only three options, either {bn an } is positive, {bn an } is negative, or {bn an } is zero. Assume {bn an } > 0 Then bn > an . Assume {bn an } < 0, then bn < an . Lastly, suppose {bn an } = 0. Then bn = an . Therefore, we see that only one of these properties can hold at a time. Q2 Show that for any a, b S/ if ab and bc, then ac. Proof. Let [{an }], [{bn }] and [{cn }] S/ . Let [{an }] < [{bn }] and [{bn }] < [{cn }] be true. Then {bn an } 0 and {cn bn } 0. Thus, 0 {bn an } + {cn bn } = {cn an + bn bn } = {an bn }, so {an bn } > 0. Thus, [{cn }] > [{an }]. Q3 Show that for any a, b S/ if a < b then a + c < b + c is true for all c S/ . Proof. Let [{an }], [{bn }] and [{cn }] S/ . Let [{an }] < [{bn }]. Then [{bn an }] > 0. Thus, [{bn an + cn cn }] = [{bn + cn (an + cn )}] > 0. Hence [{bn + cn }] > [{an + cn }], thus [{bn }] + [{cn }] > [{an }] + [{cn }]. Q4 Show that for any a, b S/ if a < b is true, then ac < bc is true for all c S/ . Proof. Let [{an }], [{bn }] and [{cn }] S/ and let c > 0. Suppose, without loss of generality that bn > an . Then [{bn an }] is positive. Now, since cn > 0 for all c S/ then [{cn }][{bn an }] > 0. It follows then that [{cn }][{bn an }] = [{cn bn cn an }] > 0, so [{bn }][{cn }] > [{an }][{cn }].

Part 5. Finally, show that S/ is complete. This is easiest using the Cauchy Criterion denition of completeness. That is, show that if {[an ]k } is a Cauchy sequence of elements S/ then {[an ]k } converges to an element of S/ . Hint: the equivalence class of the sequence {an , n} whose nth term is the nth term in the nth sequence is a good candidate for the limit. Proof. Let ak = {{an }1 , {an }2 , {an }3 , . . . , {an }k , . . .} be a sequence of equivalence classes that are Cauchy. Let > 0. Then there exists a K N such that for all l, k K there exists an N N such that |an,k am,l | < whenever m, n N . Similarly, let bn = {{a1 }1 , {a2 }2 , {a3 }3 , . . . , {ak }k , . . .}. Let n max N, K . Then |{ak } {bn }| = |an,k an,n | < whenever k K . Thus, limn |{ak } {bn }| = limn |an,k an,n | < . Hence, {ak } {bn }.

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