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Affiliate Marketing Survival

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(arnings )is*lai er

(very effort has $een ade to a**urately represent this produ*t and its potential+ (ven though this in, dustry is one of the fe- -here one *an -rite their o-n *he*k in ter s of earnings. there is no guarantee that you -ill earn any oney using the te*hni/ues and ideas in these aterials+ (0a ples in these ateri, als are not to $e interpreted as a pro ise or guarantee of earnings+ (arning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our produ*t. ideas and te*hni/ues+ We do not purport this as a 1get ri*h s*he e+2 Any *lai s ade of a*tual earnings or e0a ples of a*tual results *an $e verified upon re/uest+ Your level of su**ess in attaining the results *lai ed in our aterials depends on the ti e you devote to the progra . ideas and te*hni/ues entioned. your finan*es. kno-ledge and various skills+ Sin*e these fa*tors differ a**ording to individuals. -e *annot guarantee your su**ess or in*o e level+ "or are -e responsi$le for any of your a*tions+

Materials in our produ*t and our -e$sites ay *ontain infor ation that in*ludes or is $ased upon for, -ard,looking state ents -ithin the eaning of the Se*urities !itigation Refor A*t of %334+ For, -ard,looking state ents give our e0pe*tations or fore*asts of future events+ You *an identify these state, ents $y the fa*t that they do not relate stri*tly to histori*al or *urrent events+ They use -ords su*h as 5anti*ipate2. esti ate2. 5e0pe*t2. 5pro6e*t2. 5intend2. 5plan2. $elieve2. and other -ords and ter s of si ilar eaning in *onne*tion -ith a des*ription of potential earnings or finan*ial perfor an*e+

Any and all for-ard looking state ents here or on any of our sales aterial are intended to e0press our opinion of earnings potential+ Many fa*tors -ill $e i portant in deter ining your a*tual results and no guarantees are ade that you -ill a*hieve results si ilar to ours or any$ody else2s+ In fa*t. no guarantees are ade that you -ill a*hieve any results fro our ideas and te*hni/ues in our aterial+

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Affiliate Marketing Survival

Affiliate Marketing Survival

The Art and Business of Affiliate Marketing What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate arketing is a type of arketing -here an individual pro otes another person2s produ*t or servi*e and akes a *o ission fro ea*h sale+ The affiliate arketer has no responsi$ilities for the produ*t /uality. delivery or aintenan*e of produ*t 8 other than the oral responsi$ility to their *usto ers of pro oting produ*ts of high value to the +

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Why parti*ipate in Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate arketing allo-s you the opportunity to -ork part,ti e or full ti e -hile $uilding a generous residual in*o e+ 1Residual in*o e ;also *alled passive or re*urring in*o e< is in*o e that *ontin, ues to $e generated after the initial effort is e0pended+= ,Marty Foley Affiliate arketing is one of the easiest ethods I kno- of to ake oney -ith little or no startup *osts and very little te*hnology kno-ledge needed+ There are also effe*tive lo-,to,no $udget arketing ethods availa$le ,, the produ*t o-ner is doing the a6or arketing to gain produ*t or servi*e e0posure+ Affiliate arketing is so ething you *an start i to *reate your o-n produ*ts and -e$sites+ ediately -hile you2re learning

Affiliate arketing is a revenue,generating a*tivity that you *an do -hile you $uild your ain Internet profit strea

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Affiliate Marketing Survival

Affiliate Promotion Process Belo- you -ill see another flo- *hart I have put together for you that helps you to see the $asi* Affiliate Marketing flo- pro*ess that you -ill $e involved in during your Affiliate Marketing+

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Common Ways to Promote Affiliate Produ*ts At this point I a 6ust going to list so e great -ays that I feel you *ould *on*en, trate on to pro ote your affiliate produ*ts -hen you are 6ust $eginning your Affili, ate Marketing venture+ In the follo-ing pages -e -ill go into ore details on the ones that I feel -ould $e $est for a $eginner to get started -ith+

!ist Pro otions,By developing a relationship -ith your list. you *an pro ote ite s that you feel -ould $e valua$le to the +

Blogging, Blogging is another in*redi$le -ay to pro ote affiliate produ*ts+ Paid $logs. -here you pur*hase and host your o-n do ain. are the ost effe*tive+ &o-ever. there are free alternatives that *an also $e effe*tive+ So e sites -here you *an set up a free $log?
@ @ @ @ @ @

Blogger Blog 8 http?AA---+$logger+*o WordPress 8 http?AA---+-ordpress+*o Wee$ly 8 http?AA---+-ee$ly+*o So*ial Media Marketing &u$Pages 8 http?AA---+hu$pages+*o S/uidoo 8 http?AA---+s/uidoo+*o

Article Marketing
@ @ @

(Bine Arti*les , http?AA---+eBinearti*les+*o Co Arti*les , http?AA---+goarti*les+*o A Arti*le )ash$oard 8 http?AAarti*ledash$oard+*o

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(asy Arti*les 8 http?AA---+easyarti*les+*o

'ideo Marketing ;produ*t revie-sA$enefits<

@ @ @ @

YouTu$e 8 http?AA---+youtu$e+*o Real People 8 http?AA---+realpeoplerealstuff+*o Revver 8 http?AA---+revver+*o MySpa*e 'ideo , http?AAvids+ yspa*e+*o A


Marketing a sear*h for the ni*he foru that fits your arketing needs+

You need to perfor

#lassified Ads
@ @ @ @ @

#raigs!ist 8 http?AA---+*raigslist+*o ESFreeAds 8 http?AA---+usfreeads+*o Ba*kpage 8 http?AA---+$a*kpage+*o Fi6i6i 8 http?AA---+ki6i6i+*o Godle 8 http?AA---+oodle+*o

So*ial "et-orking Sites

@ @ @ @ @

Fa*e$ook 8 http?AA---+fa*e$ook+*o T-itter 8 http?AA---+t-itter+*o Yahoo Croups 8 http?AAgroups+yahoo+*o MySpa*e 8 http?AA---+ yspa*e+*o "ing 8 http?AA---+ning+*o
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Pay Per #li*k Advertising

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Coogle Ad-ords 8 http?AAad-ords+google+*o Yahoo Sear*h 8 http?AAsear*h arketing+yahoo+*o Mi*rosoft 8 http?AAadvertising+ i*rosoft+*o

Sale, Lead or Click Affiliate net-orks are designed to *o pensate their affiliates $ased on 9 different types of a*tions? pay per *li*k ;PP#<. pay per lead ;PP!<. and pay per sale ;PPS<+

Pay Per #li*k Pay Per #li*k eans -hen a visitor to a -e$page *li*ks on an affiliate link. the af, filiate earns a *ertain a ount+ All the visitor has to do is *li*k through and vie- the advertise ent 8 it doesnIt re, /uire any other type of a*tion for the affiliate to get paid+ PP# is usually the lo-est paying type of a*tion. $ut the easiest to *o plete+

Pay Per !ead A visitor *li*ks on an affiliate link and fills out a for tion. 6oining a ne-sletter or online group+ re/uesting ore infor a,

PP! usually doesnIt re/uire a *ash transa*tion or *redit *ard infor ation+

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Pay Per Sale Pay Per Sale is usually the highest paying type of a*tion+ It also is the hardest ;gen, erally< to *o plete+ In PPS. the visitor ust *o plete a pur*hase or enter their *redit *ard to parti*ipate in a produ*t or trial offer+ The affiliate gets a per*entage ;*o ission< of the sale+

!"o#!ier Affiliate Programs Affiliate progra s are t-o,tier progra s that distri$ute *o ferral net-ork of sign,ups and su$,affiliates+ (0a ple? Affiliate A signs up to an affiliate progra or lead $y a visitor+ issions $ased on a re,

and gets re-arded for a sale

If Affiliate A attra*ts Affiliate B to sign up for the sa e progra using his sign,up *ode ;or affiliate *ode<. Affiliate B $e*o es a su$,affiliate of Affiliate A+ All future a*tivities perfor ed $y Affiliate B -ill then result in additional *o sions for Affiliate A+ $inding Products to Promote When you are looking for produ*ts to pro ote there are so e $asi* fa*tors you should $e taking into *onsideration -hen you are looking for produ*ts+ Also take into *onsideration so e of the follo-ing re*o endations -hen you re, *o end a produ*t to your list or as an Affiliate for any produ*t+ is,

Be pi*ky a$out -hat you pro ote. and take the ti e to $e sure that everything you re*o end is of legiti ate value+
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Be &G"(ST -hen aking your re*o endationsK "othing -ill turn people a-ay ore /ui*kly than a $latant atte pt to fill the full of hype and hot air 6ust so you *an ake a fe- /ui*k $u*ks+ Take ti e to go through the produ*t ahead of ti e to kno- e0a*tly -hat you are pro oting and that it is a*tually -orth the value you are trying to sell so eone on+ ;(spe*ially if it is a Marketer you do not kno- very -ell. and you are not fa iliar -ith the /uality of produ*t they deliver+< You shouldn2t $e selling -hat you do not $elieve in and. the fa*t is that per, sonal testi onials -ill do a lot to $oost your sales+

)eter ining Fa*tors of Affiliate Produ*ts So e of the *o on /uestions asked $y affiliate arketers are these+ 1What produ*t should I sell as an affiliate: What affiliate produ*ts are hot selling: Plain and si ple? Resear*h is the only solution here+

The Wants, Wants are the deter ining di ensions a ong *hoi*es+


The "eed,"eeds are the $asi* reasons a person is looking for the produ*t or servi*e+ The 'alue )river, 'alue )rivers are the values or intangi$les asso*i, ated -ith a produ*t or servi*e+ They are a*tually part of 1-ants= $ut your value drivers -ill $e*o e e0tre ely i portant -hen produ*ts or servi*es are not differentiated fro other si ilar produ*ts $eing offered+

The follo-ing are three e0*ellent pla*es to find produ*ts that you *an $e*o e an affiliate for?
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http?AA---+*li*k$ank+*o http?AA---+paydot*o +*o #o ission Lun*tion http?AA---+*6+*o

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Gther pla*es to *onsider revie-ing?

@ @ @

http?AA---+*li*k7sell+euA http?AA---+shareasale+*o A http?AAa aBon+*o

$actors to Consider When Choosing a Product to Promote There are any fa*tors to *onsider -hen sele*ting an affiliate progra to pro ote+ &ere are 6ust so e of the features that you should $e looking for -hen de*iding on -hat affiliate produ*ts to pro ote+

Relevan*e? Pro ote progra s that *o ple ent the the e of your site or your "i*he+

'isitors are already interested in the su$6e*t of our site. gives you the advantage of an easier sales *onversion+

Nuality & Sta$ility? There is a huge /uantity of Affiliate Produ*ts. do not S(TT!( for a progra that is sloppy 6ust to have a produ*t to pro ote++
o o o

!ook for good reputa$le *o panies that are sta$le+ Ask to speak to e0isting affiliates Make sure that full *onta*t details are provided+

#o issions? As far as *o ission per*entages go. look for produ*ts that you -ill earn a ini u *o ission of O7M+

In order to a*hieve a0i u profits. I re*o *o issions at the 4MP ,%MMP level+ &igh end produ*t -ill usually $e lo-er *o

end that you ai issions 74P,4MP


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!ifeti e #o life< Residual #o When are *o

issions+ ;your *usto er you sent is *ookied to you for ission issions paid

o o @

Affiliate Support? The $est *o panies to -ork -ith provide plenty of sup, port
o o o

Pro otional Advi*e a$out

aterial availa$le? sa ple ads. $anners. logos a0i iBing sales provided+

Statisti*s on *li*k through sales and earnings should $e provided and updated regularly+ A$le to get your /uestions ans-ered in a reasona$le period of ti e 8 say. -ithin 7> hours+ Be reasona$le+ If a produ*t o-ner is in a iddle of a a6or laun*h his support -ill generally $e heavier and they ay $e a little $ehind+

Sales Page or the Pit*h Page


'ie- pit*h page to help you learn ore a$out the produ*t and get ideas on ho- to pro ote it. su*h as -hat key-ords people ight sear*h to find it. $e, nefits you *an highlight in your pro otions. and ore+ !ook for produ*ts -ith good sales page to Is there a good strong and #at*hy headline Is sales page te0t or video sales page Is sales page *lean and easy to navigate Cood valid. solid. legiti ate testi onials fro Is there a good strong *lear *all to a*tion real peopleK arket as an affiliate

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)oes sales page have leaks that -ill ro$ your *o


Warning , look for sales page Qleaks1 As an affiliate you -ant the visitor to read through the sales page and hit that order $utton -ith you getting *redit for the sale+ There are a nu $er of reasons -hy this does not happen+ We *all these leaks in the sales page+

!ink to an affiliate sign up page+ Your potential *usto er *ould si ply $e*o e an affiliate and pur*hase ;steal your *o ission< the produ*t hi self+ Produ*t G-ner offers ultiple pay ent options so for e0a ple if you are using a #li*kBank I) and #li*kBank is not *hosen you ay not get the *o ission+ The produ*t you are pro oting is 6ust one of any unrelated produ*ts on a page , a put,off for the potential *usto er+ There are any e0ternal links -hi*h distra*t the visitor fro the order page+ rea*hing

The produ*t o-ner *aptures your *o ission+ There are offers to 6oin a ailing list or *lai a free report? Most of the ti e you -ill get *redited for any sale ensuing fro these leads $ut on o**asion you ay run a*ross a uns*rupulous produ*t o-ner that ay follo- up and ake the sale via his o-n link+

Link Cloaking Gne of the *riti*al things to do as an affiliate *o e potential+ arketer is to prote*t your in,

By asking or *loaking your link you *an prote*t your Affiliate I) and your affiliate *o issions+

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&ere are a fe- pla*es you *an *he*k into to help you and help you prote*t your affiliate *o issions+
@ @ @ @ @ @

ask your affiliate link

Bit+ly 8 http?AA---+$it+lyA ;My personal favorite< Po-er !ink Cenerator ;Mike Filsai e Produ*t< #li+gs , http?AA---+*li+gsA Eforgot+ e , http?AA---+uforgot+ eA BudER! , http?AA$udurl+*o A tinyurl+*o

So Many Affiliate Programs% Which &ne 'o ( Choose? When you start out looking for the ulti ate affiliate progra to 6oin you -ill find that you -ill $e fa*ed -ith hundreds of possi$ilities every-here you look+ #hoos, ing the -rite Affiliate progra *an $e a $ig part of the su**ess you a*hieve as an Affiliate Marketer+ &ere are so e things you should $e looking at to help you

ake the right de*ision+

Will it *ost you anything to 6oin: Gut of the hundreds and thousands of Affiliate progra s availa$le to you to *hoose fro y re*o endation is to steer *lear of those asking you to pay+ There are plenty of free pro, gra s for you to *hoose fro that -ill give you good results+

When do they issue the *o ission *he*ks: Fno-ing -hen you -ill re, *eive your *o issions is al-ays a good thing to find out+ So e -ill pay you right a-ay after a sale and others -ill -ait 9M days or after re, fund periods are over to pay your *o issions+ Fno-ing this infor a, tion -ill help you plan your o-n finan*ial $udgets+

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What are the *onversion rates: Fno-ing the *onversion rates for the produ*ts that you are pro oting -ill help you to see if your results fro the efforts are in line -ith others that have pro oted+ It -ill help you de, *ide if the produ*t is -orth pro oting in the first pla*e+

If you are getting lo-er *onversion rates *o pared to other arketers it ay ean you need to step up the pro otional efforts on your end+ Ese the *onversions as a guide line to follo- for your o-n efforts+ If you are getting *onsidera$le lo-er than ost other affiliates you ay -ant to ask the produ*t o-ner -hat has -orked for others in pro oting their produ*ts+

)oes this progra have plenty of tools and resour*es: Finding Affiliate progra s that provide proper tools for pro oting the produ*t -ill $e a $ig help to you in your pro oting efforts+

Many ti es you ay noti*e there are no tools availa$le for you to use during your pro otion+ )o not $e afraid to ask the produ*t o-ner if they *an provide these tools to help+ Many ti es they 6ust have $een $usy and for, got to get the loaded up to the tools pages+ Many other ti es they 6ust never thought of it $ut -ould $e glad to at least provide you -ith so e good s-ipe *opy or $anner ads to help you $etter pro ote their produ*t+

&o- are referrals fro an affiliate2s site tra*ked and for ho- long do they re ain in the syste : What are the kinds of affiliate stats availa$le: Many Affiliate progra s -ill provide you -ith reports that you *an tra*k *li*ks on your links. sales you ade and your *onversion rate. et*+ These are i portant to kno- so you *an keep tra*k of your pro otional efforts and have a $etter understanding as to -hat is going on and ake any *hanges needed to get $etter results+

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)oes the affiliate progra *o issions on sales:

pay for the hits and i pressions. $esides the

Who are you doing $usiness -ith: ;Is it really a solid *o pany:< By all eans you should investigate any $usiness you are a$out to $e*o e in, volved -ith as an Affiliate arketer+ It is i portant to kno- -ho you are -orking -ith and -hat kind of reputation they have+ Take the ti e to do your resear*h ahead of ti e $efore you end up $urnt $y so eone -ith a less than honora$le reputation+ Is the affiliate a one,tier or t-o,tier progra : The differen*e $et-een the one and t-o tier progra is that the t-o tiers. you -ill get *o pensated for any *o issions generated $y other Affiliates that you refer to the Affiliate progra + Is this a progra that you like and have interest in: If it does not e0*ite and interest you ho- -ill you $e at su**essfully pro oting the produ*t: You need your target audien*e to feel your enthusias and interest over the produ*t you pro ote in order for the to feel it is so ething of great i portan*e to the as -ell+ Is a good fit for your targeted audien*e: You -ill not $e su**essful at pro oting produ*ts that your target arket is not interested in+ I a sure this is a no,$rainer for ost reading this e$ook !astly. -hat is the a ount of *o ission paid: I think this one speaks for itself+ Make sure you kno- -hat kind of *o issions you are -ork, ing hard for+ My re*o endation is to not get involved -ith *o is, sions less than 4MP unless it is for high ti*ket ite s+

)sing Product *ecommendations to (ncrease +our ,ottom Line Produ*t re*o produ*t+ endation is one of the ost effe*tive -ays to pro ote an Affiliate endations+

If *usto ers trust you. they -ill trust your re*o

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Affiliate Marketing Survival

Re*o end produ*ts that you have *onfiden*e in+ Those that you are re*o ing produ*ts to -ill sense the *onfiden*e you have in any given produ*t+


Cive a good produ*t revie-+ )o not $e afraid to ention things that you do not like a$out produ*ts during your revie-+ You need to $e *areful to not ake the produ*t sound like it is really a $ad produ*t+ If the produ*t really does have any $ad things that you -ill in*lude in your revie- I -ould stay *lear of it+ Also $e *areful if you are doing a revie- as in not re*o ending a produ*t+ Be *areful not to tear a produ*t a part in a -ay to di inish the *redi$ility of the produ*t o-ner+ There are ore effe*tive -ays to $eat your *o petition than to try and tear the do-n+ I have said this any ti es and I -ill say t on*e again. 1Gnly pro ote produ*ts that at*h your target audien*e and fulfill the needs and -ants they have+= F"GW YGER #ESTGM(RS+ Pro ote produ*ts that position -ell in your produ*t funnel+ It ust ake sense to the *usto er $efore they pur*hase+ You ay need to go $a*k and read *reating and positioning your irresisti$le offer if you are not sure as to -hat I a talking a$out right no-+ -etting +ourself .oticed on the Affiliate Marketing *adar Gne of the greatest things you *an a**o plish as an Affiliate arketer is to get yourself and your efforts noti*ed $y the arketers that you are pro oting for+ This opens up all sorts of opportunities to you that you ay have had a hard ti e -ith $efore su*h as finding L' partners to help pro ote and gro- your o-n $usi, ness+

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Belo- are the top > -ays I feel you *an go a$out getting noti*ed on the Affiliate radar+

Build your list+ This is huge for you and your Affiliate gro-th in so -ays+


"ot only does having a larger and ore responsive list help you generate ore sales as an Affiliate. $ut also on*e you have an esta$lished list that is -orking for you and gro-ing you *an leverage that list in getting others on your side to $egin helping you+ It does not re ain a se*ret for very long -ho the arketers are -ith good responsive list+


(sta$lish yourself as a Super,Affiliate+ Co the e0tra ile in your Affiliate efforts to $e*o e noti*ed+ Work hard a learning all you *an to $e*o e one of the top Affiliates in your field+

)o not $e afraid to put yourself out there to $e seen+ Make every effort to es, ta$lish your presen*e in any -ay you *an+


#reate your o-n in,de and produ*t+ #reating your o-n in de and produ*ts give you the *redi$ility you need to rise to the top of your Affiliate efforts+

Many people -ill get into Affiliate Marketing $e*ause they feel it keeps the a-ay fro having to *reate their o-n produ*ts+

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I feel this is so ething that *ould not $e further fro the truth+ If you are going to $e re*o ending produ*ts it only stands to reason you have to have *redi$ility and $e seen as an e0pert in your "i*he to gain the respe*t and trust fro those you are re*o ending produ*ts to+

#reating your o-n produ*ts also gives you so ething to offer in return -hen the produ*t o-ner of the Affiliate produ*ts you are pro oting sees the great 6o$ you have $een doing and asks you ho- he or she *an help you+

#hoose to not *reate your o-n produ*ts is nothing ore than leaving piles of oney on the ta$le for other Affiliates and produ*t o-ners to *olle*t right out fro under you+


)evelop relationships -ith other arketers+ Again this is putting your,self out there to $e seen+ Make every effort to $uild strong relationships and let others see you are looking to do a good 6o$ and -illing to learn+

Sho- the you ean $usiness and intend to stay for the long haul+ It is hard to $uild relationships -ith so eone only to have the drop off the planet after so e ti e and not heard fro again+

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Affiliate Marketing the Moneti/ation 01uation

There is a *ertain order that has to $e follo-ed if you are truly going to $e su**ess, ful at $eing an Affiliate Marketer+ It is not 6ust gra$$ing an affiliate link for any old affiliate produ*t and e0pe*t to ake a $un*h of oney+ Yes it is possi$le to ake oney -ith that ethod $ut that is not the the strong Affiliates use to ake large /uantities of *ash+
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ethod that

Affiliate Marketing Survival

It all starts -ith 1YGE= providing a solution to a pro$le through Creat #ontentR

Your *ontent is found $y those sear*hing on the -e$ for the solution to the pro$le you have found the having through your proper resear*h+ This is kno-n as your traffi*+ Gn*e your traffi* runs into you $e*ause of you $eing -ell positioned to eet the . you $egin the Pre,sell pro*ess -hi*h is *reated through the relationship and ore good solid *ontent that you over,deliver to the visitor+ Then and only then. *o es onetiBation+

Content2 !he Pro3lem Solver Gnline visitors look for #ontent+ They are not looking for youK ;At least they don2t kno- they are yet< 'isitors do not kno- you. and ost do not even *are a$out you+ They are fo*used on solutions to their pro$le s or needs first and fore ost+ You need to stand out a$ove the *ro-d and $e the one they findK If you don2tR you failK There are a *ouple of very i portant things you need to re e $er -hen it *o es to the *ontent you are providing+

Positioning yourself *orre*tly in front of your visitors over your *o , petition+ )ifferentiate yourself fro your *o petition+

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)o your very $est to deliver great *ontent first and fore ost that helps solve your visitors pro$le s+. By doing so you -ill $uild Creat Traffi*. -hi*h gives you the opportunity to $e Pre,sold+ Then and only then. are you ready to MonetiBe+ You need to start fro the very $eginning not at the desired end result+

)o not $e like so any people that first spend ti e and energy setting up a shop, ping *art and a er*hant a**ount or so e other -ay of Q*olle*ting the oney+

!urn kno"ledge into content4 !hen convert that content into in# come4 There is on*e again a flo- pro*ess that you *an set into pla*e to help you a*hieve the desired out*o e of turning your *ontent into in*o e+

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!raffic -eneration A gro-ing Affiliate Business ust have Traffi* in order to survive properly+ If you do not have traffi* to the *ontent the onetiBation pro*ess -ill not o**ur+ Traffi* is *onsidered $y any the life$lood of any online or offline $usiness+

An online $usiness is no different than an offline $usiness -ithout traffi*+ Gf *ourse you also need the right kind of traffi* in order for pen properly as -ell+ onetiBation to hap,

With no -e$site traffi*. your -e$site isn2t going to ake you any oney or gener, ate any leads+ "ot surprisingly. ost people donIt kno- this+ They -rongly $elieve in the QBuild it and they -ill *o eQ prin*iple thinking they 6ust have to $uild a -e$site and traffi* -ill auto ati*ally flo*k to it+ This is *o pletely -rong+ And for this reason. several -e$sites end up $eing a$an, doned+ Although so e rando visitors -ill *o e a*ross your -e$site. the fa*t re, ains that signifi*ant oney, aking traffi* doesn2t 6ust appear+
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Start -ith one avenue first and ne- ethods+ aster that avenue of traffi* $efore oving on to

Many ti es ne- Affiliate arketers -ill get so *aught up in trying to generate any avenues of traffi* that they never really get good at any of the and their ef, forts re ain stagnant+

As you -ill see in the diagra $elo- you -ill need to infuse your online $usiness -ith any different avenues of traffi*+

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Pre#selling for Affiliate Moneti/ation Pre,Selling is positioning your offer in the sense to $uyK ind of the visitor so that it akes

The $iggest thing you have to re e $er is that you are dealing -ith a *o plete stranger. and you are a *o plete stranger to your ne- visitor+ They do not knoyou. like you. or trust you Y(TK Entil the visitor eets you at your -e$site they have no eans of esta$lishing a relationship -ith you yet+ Pre,selling is the ti e to $uild visitor *onfiden*e in youR ;The trust fa*tor< &o-: By Gver,deliveringR Gver,delivering is -hen you go $eyond -hat your *usto er -as pro ised or ever e0pe*ted+++ your visitors -ill 1!G'(= you+ ;Enless you already have a $ig $rand na e like A aBon. I We$ sites is ineffe*tive+< ediate QsellingQ on

!ist $uild is very i portant to your overall arketing and it is espe*ially i port, ant to your pre,selling efforts+ Cetting a person on your list gives you the upper hand and puts you in *ontrol and offers you ore pre,selling opportunities+ A *ouple of these pre,selling opportunities you have availa$le to you are
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Follo- Ep e ail series We$inars. Telese inars. Broad*ast essages

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These ethods are great to *ontinue to deliver ore *ontent and value to further your preselling to those not sold at the -e$site+

Moneti/ation Process of Affiliate Marketing Gut of all the steps -e have *overed I -ould have to say that easy part+ onetiBation is the

(verything you have put into pla*e if done properly -ill lead to onetiBation+ If you go through ea*h of the last 9 steps and still are not seeing any kind of onetiB, ation. you need to go $a*k and take a look at -here you -ent -rong in the first 9 steps+ Your Affiliate produ*t re*o endations ;if -ell,*hosen and positioned< should provide an additional servi*e and provide appre*iated value for your visitors -ho -ill in turn re-ard you -hen they open their -allet and give $a*k to youK ;You have no- onetiBed< The affiliate odel is an e0*ellent revenue sour*e+ ;It al-ays akes sense to add Affiliate Marketing as a great sour*e of in*o e into your $usiness+ I re*o end that you al-ays diversify your in*o e sour*es+< A very i portant part of the onetiBation pro*ess for you to realiBe is that. onet, iBation is -here you no- have so e *ontrol+ Ep until this point the visitor -as in *o plete *ontrol+

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They *ould leave and you -ould never see or hear fro the opportunity to provide ore value and ake further sales+ again and lose the

Content ,log Affiliate Marketing #reating ni*he sites andAor $logs *an $e a great option for affiliates -ho have ti e and *reativity than oney+ ore

If you are looking for so e ethod of Affiliate Marketing that delivers instant res, ults I have to say right up front this is not for you+ !ike arti*le arketing. this te*hni/ue *an take ti e $efore you start seeing results. so it2s not so ething you should e0pe*t to sho- i ediate returns+ It is ho-ever a great -ay to *reate sustaina$le long,ter profits. and a great *red, i$ility $uilder -ith a ini u of oney spent+ Think *onsisten*yK !ike any other aspe*ts of online arketing *onsisten*y is the key to Affiliate Marketing through a *ontent $log+ #ost for *reating your o-n self,hosted $logS

)o ain na e and hosting. $ut these are typi*ally pretty s all+ O7M,O4M to get started+ S all onthly for hosting+ Cenerally under O7M a onth+

Although I do not re*o end the free option for your professional $log. there are any options to get your o-n site or $log that is hosted for free+

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)ra-$a*ks of a free $log are. you ay $e ore li ited on options like. the look and feel of the site. ho- any pages your site *an have. your onetiBation ay $e li ited if at all. and *ontrol of *ontent. and a $ig #redi$ility destroyerK Be very *areful $uying ready, ade sitesR these sites su*h as S(GK ay have li ited fun*tions

Plan Well and Stick !o the Plan

Plans for onetiBation of your *ontent $log re/uire you to plan -ell and sti*k to your plan+ The hardest -ork is at the start+ The first sale is al-ays the hardest and to getK Blogging gets easier on*e you have $uilt Gn*e you have o entu o entu + Be #onsistentK ost *ostly

it is hard to *hange dire*tions

Think a$out your *urrent readershipR Will they a**ept the *hange: If you have readers that are reading your $log for the -ay you are no-. you have to take into *onsideration that fa*t that they ight not like the ne- *hanges and 6u p ship+ Cenerally *hanging your ind eans starting over and re,$uilding fro s*rat*h+ B *hanging dire*tions id,strea eans a lot of lost ti e and painK

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!he (m5ortant $irst (m5ression

"e- visitors arrive at your $log everyday as ore *ontent is developed and opti , iBed+ What is the visitors very i portant First I pression: Right no- they are nothing ore than a visitor that is a potential *usto er+ They are not fa iliariBed -ith you or -ith the advertising. or *ontent on your $log. and further ore they do not *are a$out you+ ;Y(T< !et2s take a look at so e things that -ill help you *reate a great first i pression for your ne- $log visitor to keep the -anting to *o e $a*k ti e and ti e again+
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Feep your site si ple and *lean. and easy to navigateK It2s not ti e for flashy $anners and $uy no- $uttons+ It is all a$out $uilding a relationship -ith people through your *ontent and your $rand+ My favorite saying at this point is. 1Lust $e*ause you *an does not ean you shouldK= Lust take a o ent to think a$out -hat I 6ust said and I think it -ill sink in as to -hat I a talking a$out+ Provide good relevant "i*he spe*ifi*. pro$le solving *ontent+ Re e $er that the purpose of *ontent is to provide value to others+ )o you provide genuine value. and is it the $est you2re *apa$le of providing: Gn*e you gain visitor trust & love in -hat you give the gin to onetiBe the + you *an slo-ly $e,

Takes ti e and dedi*ation. and *onsisten*y. $ut if you *reate great *ontent -hi*h people -ant to read then ultiple revenue strea s open up

"ever $elieve that your -e$site visitor *ares a$out you or your produ*tK Your visitor takes one look at your -e$site and turns around and leavesR+ Why: You designed your -e$ site for your needs. not their needs+ &ere is so ething even -orse to think a$outS after they leave theyIre going to one of your *o petitorsI sites and $uy so ething+ What visitors *are a$out -hen they sho- up to your site is. does the *ontent solve their pro$le s:

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A *ouple things to -rite do-n and pla*e -here you *an see the your -e$site?
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as your $uilding

The only reason

y -e$ site e0ists is to solve

y *usto ersI pro$le s+ *reating solve:

What pro$le s do the page and the *ontent II

Make it *lear to your visitors -hat your $logAsite is a$out+ )o not the K


If you -ant $etter results stop the entire displaying of *leaver little tri*ks+ You -ant your visitor to find e0a*tly -hat they *a e sear*hing for+ )on2t use little disposa$le *ontent 6ust to in*rease page vie-s and ad i pres, sions+ Your goal should $e to truly help you visitor that sho-s up to your $log. and y personal opinion is that anything else is -asting their ti e as -ell as the ti e you spent adding it to your site+ I find that *ontent ri*h arti*les that really give so e eat to the visitor are $etter at generating links and referrals and $uilding traffi*+ Make first i pressions *ount+ You -ant the visitor to feel like the visit to your site -as ti e -ell spent. and that the visitor leaves feeling they en6oyed so e serious take,a-ay fro the *ontent you provided+

+our Writing Style Matters

The style in -hi*h you -rite your $log posts *an greatly affe*t the readership of your $log+ Write as if you personally kno- ea*h person -ho is reading your $log+ My suggestion is to al-ays $e -orking to-ards $uilding a relationship -ith your readers so they feel they Qkno-Q you+

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By taking this ti e for the to get to kno- you. and $y you getting to kno- your readers. you -ill develop a loyal reader $ase for your $log+ Be *arefulR Think #redi$le (0pert 'S Friendships Sho- that you *are. and are interested in your readers+ This -ill develop loyalty and even help your $log go viral + This not only $rings you ore readers it ulti, ately gives ore Affiliate !ink #li*k,through+ !ook at your Blog Posts fro the perspe*tive of your readers+ Read the K

Creating +our ,log Content In this ne0t se*tion I a going to dis*uss > -ays to generate great *ontent that -ill help you in the onetiBation pro*ess of your $logging efforts+

Write it yourself, Best

ethodR after all you are the e0pertRYour

personality is a good thing to $e seen in your -ork+ )ra-$a*k is that it is ti e *onsu ing on your part+


Gutsour*ing, You *an get short $log posts done for a$out O7,%M at ---+Arti*leB+*o . G)esk+*o . Warrior Foru . et*R

!ook for -riters -ho have a strong portfolio+ Ask for relevant -riting sa ples si ilar to the type of arti*le -riting you need done+ Read the R If you -ant your Blog posts to rank -ell. ake sure they -ill $e -ritten for readers first and fore ost++ Al-ays *he*k the *ontent to assure it is -hat you -ant and that it is good solid *ontent+ )on2t a**ept *rap+ Ask for arti*les not $log posts+ Most -ill *harge need a $log post -ritten+ ore if you say you

Pros & #ons To Gutsour*ing

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Advantages ;Pros<?
o o

You donIt have to spend ti e doing the resear*h The ti e you save in having so eone else do your -riting is ti e you *an spend arketing The *ost is ini al

o o o @

ItIs usually effi*ient and a aBingly fast You usually *an pay only after you approve the -ork+

)isadvantages ;#ons< ?
o o o o o o

The -riter The -riter The -riter You

ight not agree to your ter s ;Feep looking< ay take longer than they or you anti*ipated ay not -rite (nglish fluently.

ay end up -ith an a ateur instead of professional -riter+ ay not $e as e0perien*ed in S(G as you need ay $e e0*ellent at S(G. $ut not $e very good at -riting

The -riter The -riter

for hu an $eings


Cuest Blogging

Trade posting $log *ontent -ith another $logger is *alled Qguest $logging+= Gne thing to al-ays re e $er is that. the $etter your $log. the $etter guest op, portunities you -ill haveK

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!ook for Blogs that do not dire*tly *o pete -ith ea*h other for readers. -hen you do you *an $e*o e an added servi*e to ea*h other and to our re, spe*tive readers+ Your $log ay pretty u*h $e on -ork at ho e opportunities and aking oney online so you *ould find another Blog that has to do -ith so ething si ilar or -ith a target audien*e that -ould like to hear a$out ho e oney aking opportunities like a Blog that deals -ith Stay at ho e parents+ You s-ap QguestQ postsR You -rite *ontent on that Blog -ith a $yline and link ;$a*k,link< $a*k to y o-n Blog The o-ner of the Stay at ho e parents $log -rites *ontent on your Blog -ith a $yline and link ;$a*k,link< $a*k to their o-n Blog You no- have a**ess to the loyal readers of another $log and they -ill have a**ess to your $log++ Private !a$el Rights #ontent ;P!R<


Esing Private !a$el rights produ*ts or P!R is one of y all,ti e favorite -ays to generat, ing and finding *ontent for y *ontent $logs+

Benefits of P!R

Ti e Saver 8 Who -ouldn2t -ant ore ti e in their day: Writing. even though very -orth it. *an take a ton of ti e+ That ti e *ould $e $etter spent else-here+ Ine0pensive 8 P!R is easier on the -allet+ Who doesn2t like thatK Fle0i$ility 8 Re-rite it. add your o-n spin and personality Profita$le 8 Turn into Blog Posts -ith your Affiliate !inks

o o o @

Fo*us on P!R reports and ($ooks in parti*ular+

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Enlike P!R arti*les. private la$el rights reports ake repurposing your *ontent even easier+ Cet the ost $ang for your $u*k

Affiliate Links in your ,log Posts

Gne of the ost effe*tive onetiBation relevant affiliate links to your sites+ Gne of the post+

ethods is to add strategi*ally pla*ed and

ost effe*tive affiliate links *an $e found -ithin the te0t of your $log

You ay $e thinking that no$ody -ants to sho- up to your $log and $e pit*hed at the -hole ti e they are reading your $log+ That is so e pretty s art thinking on your part+ Your 6o$ in -riting is not to pit*h. it is to presell and lead the to the *all to a*tion point of your post+ With the in*reased use of $logs you -ill find that $log readers are used to seeing links in $log posts+ As long as the link has relevan*e for $eing there. leads to a relevant $enefit for the reader. and offers a solution to their pro$le or need. you -ill not offend anyone and you -ill find yourself -ith a higher *li*k throughR a *li*k through -ill often lead to a sale+ What I 6ust said is so ething that is very i portant+ Pre,sell the *li*k through on your Affiliate !ink through your *ontent+ As so eone reads your *ontent they need to feel they are getting so e real value and help+ )o not pit*h a produ*t+ Your 6o$ is to pre,sell the produ*t. and get the to take a*tion $y *li*king on your affiliate link that you have strategi*ally pla*ed throughout your post+

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&ere are a *ouple things to re e $er -hile -riting your *ontent for your postS

Sho- e pathy ;understanding and entering into anotherIs feelings< -ith your reader2s situation or pro$le + Gffer an Affiliate produ*t or servi*e that -ill provide the solution to their pro$le + -ith a suita$le endation

)on2t underesti ate the po-er of affiliate links -hen your re*o rea*hes thousands daily+ Moneti/ation through ,log *evie"s Blog Revie-s

If you have a list of su$s*ri$ers you -ill find that so eti es e ail *ontent is 6ust not enough to pre,sell your produ*t re*o endation+ So eti es it takes 6ust a little ore of a push and a great -ay to do so is to dire*t your visitors to a Blog Re, vie-s Site -here you -ill $e a$le to provide a little ore eat to your re*o , endation+ People ay not $e tolerant of a long dra-n out e ail -here they -ill e0pe*t to see a little ore *ontent $eing delivered through your post on your $log+ There are a fe- really *ool $enefits of using the $log revie@


With a $log revie- you *an provide produ*t pi*tures. e $ed a video re, vie-. and generally offer ore *ontent to pre,sell the offers+ Blog revie-s allo- you to pi*k up traffi* fro the sear*h engines if you use the title of the produ*t in the title of the post+ You *an *onne*t -ith your list fro a $log revie-+ Send the to your $log to read your revie-+ This starts training your readers t take a*tion instead of 6ust reading your e ails+

)on2t $e afraid to state the o$vious -hen -riting you2re revie-+ )on2t underes, ti ate ho- little your reader ay a*tually kno- a$out the su$6e*t or produ*t you

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are revie-ing+ There2s no need to give a full life story. $ut a $it of $a*kground info is al-ays good+ Be spe*ifi*, (0a ple? !ive event revie-R (0plain the at osphere of the event. the attendee2s rea*tion to *ertain speakers. &o- the hosts prefor ed. the value of the *ontent taught. *ertain points that really stood out in the speakers *ontent. et*+
+our uni1ue selling 5ro5osition4

Many a arketer is trying to pi*k up so e e0tra *ash $y getting on the $log revie-agon and any fail and never ake a di e+ Gne of the reasons any fail to ever su**eed -ith a $log revie- is $e*ause they are offering nothing different than any, one else+ Think a$out having a 1uni/ue selling point= so ething that your revie*an offer that people -on2t $e a$le to find else-here+
o o o o

)o you

anage to $ring a hu orous slant to it:

)o you have a spe*ifi* or rare e0pertise a$out the su$6e*t Is your opinion vastly different to that of everyone else: &ave you anaged to $e the first one to revie- so ething:

Ese your o-n individual uni/ueness that you have to your advantage+ Your fo*us is not only on the produ*t you are revie-ing. it is also on your uni/ueness and -hy so eone should listen to you over top of everyone else around+
'on6t 7ust "rite a3out yourself4

Be *areful -hen talking a$out your uni/ueness+ Gn*e you have the hooked in get off of yourself $eing the topi* at hand+ In other -ords ake sure that you don2t -rite a$out yourself+ Revie-ers -ant to kno- a$out the produ*t. and that should $e -hat you *on*entrate on+ When -riting your $log revie- the nu $er one /uestion running through your ind should $e. 1-hat does the reader -ant to kno-:= This is the ost i portant thing to re e $er -hen -riting a revie-+

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You *an *raft the -ittiest revie- -ith the *leverest etaphors. $ut unless the read, er finds out -hat they -ant to kno-. you2ve not done your 6o$ as a revie-er+ )o your $est to think of the sort of /uestions your readership is likely to $e asking the selves a$out the produ*t or servi*e you are revie-ing+ Cenerally I find that the /uestions I have running through off fro -hat y readers -ant to kno- as -ell+ y ind. are not too far

,e !rans5arent

If you -rite a Blog revie-s. a**ording to the FT# rules and regulations. you have to dis*lose if you are $eing *o pensated $y a anufa*turer. advertiser. or servi*e provider -hen you revie- an ite +

(0a ple? If a $logger gets a laptop fro a anufa*turer to revieand gets to keep it. he or she -ill have to ake that fa*t pu$li*+ If you got a produ*t for free you ust dis*lose this infor ation+

Anyone -ho is dire*tly *o pensated to -rite a$out a produ*t $y an advertiser is *overed $y the ne- FT# rules+

Before I leave the topi* of $log revie-s. I -ould like to re*o end that you really *onsider doing video revie-s of the produ*ts you are revie-ing and add the to your revie- site+ 'ideo plain and si ply *onverts+ Creating a Sim5le 8ideo Package Another great -ay to onetiBe your -e$site is $y *reating a very si ple video pa*kage and then using it to drive traffi* to your s/ueeBe page and give it a-ay+

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These videos are very si ple to *reate and *an $e done using very si ple tools and e/uip ent su*h as a digital *a era -ith video *apa$ilities or a Flip 'ideo that you *an pi*k up for right around O%MM,O%9M+ This pro*ess involves finding %M,7M /uestions that people are asking in a profita$le "i*he of your *hoi*e+ There are any -ays to find these /uestions if you *an2t *o e up -ith the your o-n+ Belo- are a fe- suggestions+


#he*k into foru s -ithin the "i*he and find out -hat /uestions people are asking+

If you are not finding /uestion $eing asked all you need to do is *reate a post and ask people to post the top /uestions they have on the topi* you are -orking -ith+

#he*k out so*ial sites su*h as T-itter and Fa*e$ook+


Again sa e thing applies as -ith the foru + If you do not see any one asking /uestions. ask the +

@ @

#he*k Yahoo ans-ers+ )o a sear*h on Coogle for the top %M /uestions asked on your topi* or the top %M tips on your su$6e*t if you are doing a top tips series+ If you have a list. do a survey and ask+ Write a post on your $log asking for people to leave you the /uestions they have on your su$6e*t+ Attend live offline events as this is a great pla*e to get fa*e to fa*e video ti e+ Attend other arketer2s live N&A *alls and -rite do-n the /uestions people are asking+ This is also a great ti e to -rite do-n the ans-er if you yourself do not kno-+

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Wat*h your e ail+ Many ti es arketers -ill send out e ails after doing live *alls letting you kno- -hat the top /uestions -ere asked $y the at, tendees+ )ra- fro your o-n e0perien*e and the /uestions you had -hen you first got started or that you have no-+

Be *reative the /uestions are out there $eing asked and they are /uite easy to find+ Gn*e you have your /uestions you are 6ust going to shoot a 9,> ea*h /uestion. and then supply the ans-er+ &ere are the steps for you to follo-?

inute video on

#hoose a Profita$le "i*he that you are kno-ledgea$le a$out or *an resear*h to find the infor ation+ #reate %M,7M /uestions on the top /uestions people -ant to kno- a$out the "i*he you have *hosen+ You ay do the top %M istakes. or the top %M pro$le s. et*R Shoot short 9,> inute videos giving the pro$le for ea*h of the %M,7M /uestions



and the solution+ % video

(0a ple? &i this is Your "a e fro Your )o ain I a an e0pert Share What Makes You The (0pert and I -ant to share -ith you the top %M /uestions and ans-er that people -ant to kno- a$out Your "i*he + Cive Nuestion T% And Cive The Ans-er To Nuestion T%+


(nd your video -ith so ething like the follo-ing e0a ple?

I have *reated a series of these videos that -ill really help 6u p start your Affiliate Marketing #areer+ To re*eive the entire %M video set series of solutions to the top %M pro$le s "e- Affiliate Marketers are *ontinually plagued $y 6ust go to Your S/ueeBe Page )o ain and I -ill send the right out to you+


!oad ea*h of your videos individually up to YouTu$e -ith a *all to a*tion and link dire*ting the $a*k to your s/ueeBe page+ Make sure your videos

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are properly tagged using the proper key-ords $eing used to sear*h for your topi* you 6ust *reated the videos for+ You -ant to get these videos seen+

"e0t send the to your S/ueeBe page ;or Blog< to opt,in for the other 3 videos in the series+ #hoose a good relevant Affiliate Produ*t to send your ne- su$s*ri$er to after they opt in to your s/ueeBe page+ Gn*e they opt in you -ill dire*t the to the sales page of the Affiliate offer you have *hosen. #hoose a produ*t -ith a good *onverting sales page and one that is dire*tly related to the "i*he you have *hosen and that -ill ake sense in the ind of the su$s*ri$er+



Belo- is the flo- pro*ess of ho- this

onetiBation pro*ess -ill take pla*e+

Step %, 'isitor finds your video on YouTu$e Step 7,'isitor is taken to your s/ueeBe page to re*eive the entire video pa*kage you have *reated+ Step 9,'isitor is taken to a thank you page thanking for opting in for the free gift and dire*ting the to go to their e ail in$o0 and *onfir that they do indeed -ant the free gift+ Step >,'isitor *onfir s $y *li*king on the link in the e ail and is i ediately taken to a sales page for the Affiliate produ*t you have *hosen that is relevant to the topi* you *reated the videos on+ This offer -ill add ore help on the su$6e*t+ Step 4,After pur*hasing the affiliate produ*t the no- $uyer is taken to the Gne Ti e Gffer page of the Affiliate produ*t for a *han*e of you aking ore *o is, sions+

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There is another -ay you *an approa*h the onetiBation pro*ess that ay see less painful for the visitor to gra$ the Affiliate produ*t you have *hosen+ Step %, 'isitor finds your video on YouTu$e Step 7,'isitor is taken to your s/ueeBe page to re*eive the entire video pa*kage you have *reated+ Step 9,'isitor is taken to a thank you page thanking for opting in for the free gift and dire*ting the to go to their e ail in$o0 and *onfir that they do indeed -ant the free gift+ Step >,'isitor is taken to the produ*t do-nload page -here they -ill find an un, advertised $onus -aiting for the + This $onus *an $e another free gift for the to sign up to that -ill lead the through your affiliate link to sign up for the free gift and right into the Produ*t o-ner of the Affiliate produ*t you have *hosen+

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)sing ,onus offers to enhance Affiliate Product *ecommenda# tions Gne of the $est -ays to enhan*e any Affiliate produ*t re*o spe*ial $onus offers to the pa*kage+ endation is to add

A*tually -hat -e are going to $e talking a$out is adding $onus offers that ake it easy for the visitor to say yes $e*ause they -ill see ore value in the $onus than the Affiliate produ*t you are offering the + So ething you need to keep in ind fro the very $eginning is that the $onus of, fer. Must Make Sense in the Mind of the Person reading The Gffer+ You ust al, -ays re e $er this+ Many ti es you -ill see $onus offers that really ake no sense as to -hy so eone -ould add the to a produ*t re*o endation due to the fa*t they have no relev, an*e+
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There are any $enefits of adding $onus offers to your re*o -ay -e are going to $e dis*ussing+

endations in the

o o o o o

&igher #onversion Cives You More #redi$ility Better Relationships More Money You #reate A Produ*t

!et e lay out the step $y step for at of using a $onus offer that see s to really outshine the produ*t you are re*o ending. and that -ill help you *ash in on your Affiliate pro otions+


#hoose lo- end ;O%H,ODH< range Affiliate Produ*t+ Work to-ards repla*ing this -ith your o-n produ*t+ You *an find these produ*ts in several pla*es+ !isted $elo- are 6ust 9 of the any pla*es for you to look+
@ @

#li*kBank+*o #B (ngine Find #li*kBank Marketpla*e Produ*ts that Sell+ Affiliate arketing professionals use #B(ngine to resear*h the top #li*kBank Marketpla*e produ*ts to pro ote+ Pay )ot #o + #o

@ 7+

#reate Elti ate "o Brainer Bonus Gffer

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My suggestion is an online -orkshopS Find Private !a$el Rights produ*t in the "i*he that you have *hosen. and that -ill ake sense to $e*o e a $onus. or *reate it fro the *ontent of the Affiliate produ*t you are pro oting+

#reate a 7,> odule Gnline training #ourse that -ill -alk the *usto , er that $uys your Affiliate produ*t $y the hand through the step $y step pro*ess of learning the "i*he Topi* you are an Affiliate for+ "ote? Bonus Gffer does not need to $e *o pletely ready+ It $e*o es a produ*t that you are going to *reate as you go+ You -ill deliver this -orkshop live through inviting those that $y the Affiliate produ*t to sho- up to your live -orkshop trainings+

Gf *ourse it is possi$le to have this already re*orded so that you *an de, liver the -orkshop through the use of video re*ordings+

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Write an e ail and a $log post that are very si ilar in *ontent+ The e ail you -ill $e sending out on day one of the pro otion+ The $log post is going to $e -here you -ill $e sending the on day t-o of the pro otion+

Gne option to *onsider is the use of video on the $log instead -ritten *ontent for higher *onversions+


Begin the arketing pro*ess $y sending out the very first e ail+ You -ill noti*e in the diagra s I have provide I sho- you e0a*tly -hat should $e in, *luded in your e ail that you -ill $e sending out+ This sa e *ontent -ill $e pla*e on your $log either through -ritten *ontent or video+

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Gn*e the visitor reads your e ail or your $log and *li*ks on your affiliate link to pur*hase the Affiliate produ*t. it is no- ti e to deliver your pro ised $onus+ As dire*ted in your e ail. the *usto er -ill fill out a support ti*ket letting you kno- they have pur*hased $y sho-ing you2re their pur*hase re*eipt that they -ill re*eive fro the produ*t o-ner of the Affiliate produ*t you are pro oting

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Gn*e you re*eive the support ti*ket you -ill send $a*k *opy and paste instru*tions dire*ting the to *li*k on the en*losed link that -ill give the all of the dire*tions they need to sign up for the live -orkshop $onus. and -hen it -ill $e starting+ The link they *li*k on -ill lead the to a s/ueeBe page to sign up for the -orkshop pla*ing the on a list to help you *o uni*ate -ith the ne- $uyers+ Re e $er you do not need to start the -orkshop the ne0t day+ You have so e ti e+ I -ould try to start the -orkshop -ithin a H,%M day period to keep everyone e0*ited a$out attending+

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Gn*e the *usto er signs up for the -orkshop they -ill $egin the dou$le opt in pro, *ess of *onfir ing they indeed -ant to re*eive this infor ation fro you+ Gf *ourse you kno- $y no- that this is another *han*e to onetiBe this pro*ess+

Gn*e they opt in they *an $e taken to a one ti e offer giving the a great oppor, tunity to not only attend the -orkshop. $ut to also o-n the -orkshop as their very o-n high end training *ourse after the -orkshop is *o pleted+ You ay -ant to keep the training *ourse in the fa ily and 6ust offer resell rights to the produ*t offering your *usto ers the opportunity to sell the produ*t for you instead of *lai ing it as their o-n+ (ither -ay you have a great one ti e offer to onetiBe your efforts even further at a higher pri*e point than the original produ*t you pro oted+

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The -hole ti e the *usto er is *he*king out your Gne Ti e Gffer so ething a, gi*al $egins to happen right under their nose that -ill $egin a great relationship+ It is *alled the follo- up e ail series+ Gn*e they dou$le opt in to your list your very first follo- up e ail -ill $e sent out thanking the for their pur*hase and also dire*ting the to *he*k out the Affiliate produ*t they 6ust pur*hased fro you+ Re e $er your -orkshop is $eing developed around the Affiliate produ*t you pro oted to the + You are going to $e tea*hing the the syste presented in the produ*t in ore depth than the produ*t itself+ You -ant your *usto er to start going through the produ*t so they *an fa iliariBe the selves -ith the ethods taught+

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In this sa e follo- up essage you are giving the *usto er assuran*e that you -ill $e getting -ith the in the ne0t fe- days -ith ore infor ation a$out your live -orkshop you are *reating+

The ne0t step in the pro*ess is to hold the live -orkshop training+ My suggestion is to use Co to -e$inar servi*e for getting your students on the *all in order to $e a$le to see you s*reen+ I -ould also use #a tasia to *apture the re*ording of your -orkshop+ Re e $er this is $e*o ing a produ*t that you are putting together for yourself and possi$ly for an GTG you 6ust sold to your *usto ers $y offering the resell or private la$el rights to the training+ Make sure you re*ord+ After ea*h session of your -orkshop you have a pri e opportunity to go after those that have not pur*hased your Gne Ti e Gffer to the pa*kage+
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The reason this is su*h a great ti e to present your offer is $e*ause those attending no- see the /uality of your training and -hat the /uality of the produ*t -ill $e that they -ill o-n or $e selling+ They -ill kno- e0a*tly -hat they are going to get+

After your Training you still have ore opportunities to onetiBe this a aBing pro*ess+ Re e $er the agi* that $egan -hen your first follo- up essage -ent out+ If you have done your 6o$ properly you still have ore follo- up essages ready to go out that -ill *ontinue to $uild your relationship -ith your ne- *usto ers and also pro ote related affiliate produ*ts you -ant to re*o end+ You *an take the right $a*k through the -hole pro*ess on*e again+

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Com5lete System Com5letely Automated This is a great syste $ut it does re/uire so e efforts and so e -ork on your part+ But i agine this syste *o pletely auto ated on*e you have done the initial -ork+ You kno- have a day after day and onetiBation syste that -ill *ontinue to $ring you in in*o e onth after onth+

(very Ti e so eone sho-s up to your -e$site and they su$s*ri$e to your list they are delivered this entire pro*ess $eginning -ith your Autoresponder Follo- Ep seriesK Gn*e the pro*ess is *o plete it fires off the ne0t produ*t offer and repeats the sa e pro*ess+

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Gn*e the se*ond pro*ess is *o plete. it fires off the ne0t produ*t offer and repeats the pro*ess again+ You set it all up $y si ply *opy and paste -ording for the ne0t produ*t offer+ ethodR you 6ust need to *hange the

Rinse and RepeatR You 6ust drive traffi* to your -e$site+

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Affiliate Marketing Summary

Su**essful affiliates in any affiliate progra for oney to *o e+

si ply donIt sit there and -ait

Why: There isn2t any

oney in si ply sitting around and -aiting+

If you -ant to $e su**essful in affiliate arketing and if you -ant to *on, tinually gro- your affiliate *he*ks. youIve got to do so ething+

Most of all have fun $eing an Affiliate Marketer+ ItIs one of the $est 1$usi, ness odelsQ in the -orld+

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