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JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE (2005) 20(7–8) 625–641

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/jqs.988

Palaeohydrology of Laguna de Tagua Tagua

(34 300 S) and moisture fluctuations in
Central Chile for the last 46 000 yr
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Zaragoza, Spain
Geographical Institute, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Department of Forestry, University of Concepción, Los Angeles, Bı́obı́o, Chile
Estación Experimental del Zaidin, Spanish Scientific Research Council, Granada, Spain
Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA

Valero-Garcés, B. L., Jenny, B., Rondanelli, M., Delgado-Huertas, A., Burns, S. J., Veit, H. and Moreno, A. 2005. Palaeohydrology of Laguna de Tagua Tagua
(34 300 S) and moisture fluctuations in Central Chile for the last 46 000 yr. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20 pp. 625–641. ISSN 0267–8179.
Received 6 June 2005; Revised 21 September 2005; Accepted 23 September 2005

ABSTRACT: Central Chile (32–35 S) lies at the northern border of the strong influence of
the westerly circulation belt and thus exhibits a steep rainfall gradient. A new core from Laguna
de Tagua Tagua (34 300 S) provides a sedimentologic, geochemical and palynological record of
regional hydrologic balance for the last 46 000 cal. yr BP. According to our age model, relatively
humid conditions occurred during glacial times before 43 500 cal. yr BP and from 40 000 to
21 500 cal. yr BP. Reduced moisture conditions and likely lower temperatures occurred from
42 400–40 100 cal. yr BP. Higher lake levels, and pollen assemblages with Valdivian rainforest taxa,
imply much higher precipitation during glacial times (40 100–21 000 cal. yr BP) compared to today
and, therefore, enhanced westerly activity in northern Central Chile. Afterwards, the general decrease
in moisture was punctuated by two abrupt arid periods at 21 000–19 500 cal. yr BP and 17 000–
15 000 cal. yr BP, and two more humid intervals: 19 500–17 000 (almost coincident with the global
Last Glacial Maximum, LGM) and 13 500–11 500 cal. yr BP. The early and mid-Holocene were the
most arid periods in Central Chile for the studied time interval. Millennial-scale palaeohydrological
reconstructions from Tagua Tagua are consistent with regional climatic records. Copyright ß 2005
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEYWORDS: westerlies; Last Glacial Maximum; South America; palaeohydrology; stable isotopes.

Introduction 1998, 1999; Stuut and Lamy, 2004) in Central Chile are also
consistent with a northward shift of the westerlies during the
LGM, although other pollen studies (Markgraf, 1989a, 1989b,
The intensity and latitudinal shifts of the westerly circulation 1998) and climate models (Hulton et al., 1994; Valdes, 2000;
belt (westerlies) during the Late Pleistocene in South America, Wyrwoll et al., 2000) disagree with these interpretations. In
the correlation among marine, lacustrine and glacial records southern latitudes, cooler and wetter conditions have also been
during the last deglaciation, and possible interhemispheric interpreted in the Chilean Lake District (Lowell et al., 1995;
teleconnections have been topics of intense debate since the Denton et al., 1999; Moreno et al., 1999) and adjacent
1980s. The development of a Nothofagus forest during glacial Andean region in Argentina (Ariztegui et al., 1997). Wetter
times (including the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; ca. conditions have also been interpreted for the LGM in tropical
20 000–18 000 cal. yr BP) (Heusser, 1983, 1990), and the latitudes (Baker et al., 2001a, 2001b).
rich extinct Pleistocene megafauna with mastodonts found in In order to test these competing hypotheses regarding the
the Tagua Tagua site (Nuñez et al., 1994) have been interpreted palaeohydrologic conditions during Glacial and Lateglacial
as evidence for more humid conditions and a northward shift times, and to provide new data to evaluate possible interhemi-
of the westerlies. Pollen data (Villagrán and Varela, 1990; spheric teleconnections during the last glacial cycle, we re-
Moreno, 1997) and marine sediment studies (Lamy et al., cored Laguna de Tagua Tagua and performed new analyses.
The Tagua Tagua site is one of the key sites for palaeoclimate
reconstruction in northern Central Chile, and provides the
* Correspondence to: Blas L. Valero-Garcés, Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, longest lake record in this region, covering >46 000 yr.
Spanish Scientific Research Council, (CSIC) Apdo 202, Zaragoza 50080, Spain. The combined interpretation of isotope geochemistry, pollen
E-mail: blas@ipe.csic.es and sedimentological data from the new Tagua Tagua record

greatly improve our understanding of climate variability from abundant fish fauna. Dense littoral vegetation surrounded the
Central Chile. The lake is situated at the northern border of lake, and numerous floating islands, consisting of interwoven
the modern strong westerly influence. Currently, the precipita- rhizomes and stems of aquatic plants were common. Regional
tion gradient is especially steep in that region with high rainfall vegetation is characterised by broad sclerophyllous woodland
in the south (Lake District) and increasingly drier conditions or matorral (Heusser, 1990). While the former lake bottom is
towards the north (Norte Chico). Consequently, lakes in this used for extensive farming, the woodland covers mountain
area are ideal for the detection of humidity changes directly slopes to a maximum altitude of 1600 m a.s.l. In 1841, a chan-
related to the southern westerlies. nel between the north shore and the Estero Zamorano, which is
connected with the Rı́o Cachapoal, was dug and the lake was
drained with a network of ditches in order to make the basin
suitable for agricultural use. Our coring site (34 29.170 S,
Research area 71 100 W) is very close to the coring site of Heusser (1983,
1990; Fig. 1).
The climate in the lowlands of Central Chile is Mediterra-
Laguna de Tagua Tagua (34 300 S, 71 100 W) lies in nean. The summer is dry with high radiation and evaporation
a semicircular tectonic depression at 200 m elevation in rates because the very stable subtropical high-pressure
the coastal Chilean Cordillera. The catchment consists mainly cell blocks the frontal system of the westerlies. The winter
of volcanic and marine sedimentary rocks, tonalites and is cooler and humid, with positive moisture balance, as
granodiorites (Fig. 1). The drainage system contains many the westerlies reach Central Chile (Weischet, 1996). The
small ephemeral creeks with water only during the winter. seasonality of precipitation changes most rapidly around
No detailed surface and groundwater hydrological data 34 S. South of 34 S, winter precipitation is dominant and reg-
are available. According to Varela (1976), the basin formed ular, while north of 34 S, winter precipitation occurs epi-
during the late Tertiary and early Quaternary and filled sodically (Van Husen, 1967). Laguna de Tagua Tagua lies at the
with volcanic laharic deposits. The site was visited in the 19th northern border of the strong westerly influence where average
century by several naturalists (among others, Claudio Gay and annual precipitation in the last 50 yr is about 800 mm (Heusser,
Charles Darwin) who described a large, ellipsoidal lake with a 1990). The range of mean temperature in Central Chile is ca. 8–
surface area of about 30 km2, a maximum depth of 5 m, and 10 C in winter and ca. 18–20  C in summer (Weischet, 1996).

Figure 1 Geographical and geological setting of Laguna de Tagua Tagua in Central Chile. Location of Varela (1976) section, Heusser’s pollen profile
(Heusser, 1983), and the core studied in this work are indicated

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Methods about 20 000 yr present a larger error than the younger ones (up
to 1300 yr in one case, Table 1), even causing overlapping in
two cases (Fig. 2). The first one occurs in the interval from
The sediment core analysed in this study (1105B, 834 cm long) 30k to 25k cal. yr where sedimentation rates are the highest
was taken from the dry former lake bottom in 1998 (Fig. 1) and the second one prior to 40k cal. yr when calibration proce-
using a modified Livingston piston corer 5 cm in diameter. dures still need to be improved (Reimer et al., 2004). In spite
The core was split lengthwise and photographed. The facies of these limitations, the coherent results after the analyses
and sedimentary units were determined using lithology, miner- of up to 10 dates and the detailed comparison with previously
alogy, organic macrofossils, sedimentary structures, smear published sequences from the same lake, allow us to build
slides and thin sections. Magnetic susceptibility was deter- a well-constrained chronological model based on linear inter-
mined at 0.5 cm intervals with a Bartington susceptibility polation between dated intervals (Fig. 2).
Organic carbon content was determined as loss on ignition
(LOI) after Dean (1974). Stable carbon and oxygen isotope
compositions on calcite were carried out every 5 cm by mass Sedimentology
spectrometry in bulk sediment samples following standard
procedures and using an IRMS Finnigan MAT 251. The isotopic Varela (1976) provided the first detailed stratigraphic descrip-
values are reported in the conventional delta notation relative tion of the Tagua Tagua lacustrine sequence. He described
to the PDB standard. After acidification of the samples with several profiles close to the main drainage channel Fig. 1).
HCl 1:1, 13C on organic matter was measured by an Elemental The 12.6 m thick lake sediment sequence described by Varela
Analyser Fison NA1500 NC. Certified standards and replicated (1976) overlies laharic deposits dated as 450 000 
samples were routinely measured with satisfactory results, 60 000 yr BP (Stern et al., 1984) with an erosive unconformity,
being analytical precision better than 0.1%. Smear slides and and it is subdivided into eight members. Member 1 (12.62–
XRD analyses were performed to check the presence and type 11.37 m) is composed of massive sand and gravel of alluvial
of carbonate in the sediments. Only calcite was present, origin, and Members 2 to 8 are composed of lacustrine clays
although in small amounts, particularly in the lower part of and silts. The estimated age for the onset of lacustrine sedimen-
the sequence. Ten 14C dates were determined by conventional tation in the basin based on extrapolated sedimentation rates
and AMS analyses. Dates are based on terrestrial macrorests in following Varela’s chronology, is greater than 51 000 yr. In
the lower part of the sequence and on bulk organic matter in our core, the lake sequence is composed of laminated to
the upper part where terrestrial macrorests were not found. banded greenish-brownish silt with variable organic matter
Laboratory processing of pollen followed standard techni- percentage (5–15%) and very low carbonate (only calcite) con-
ques (Faegri and Iversen, 1975). Samples were treated with tent, and a 1 m thick peat layer (Fig. 3). The upper sediment
KOH and HF, filtered and mounted on slides with glycerin. A shows redder, brownish colour with modern edaphic features
minimum of 300 pollen grains was counted per sample. The at the top. Seven main sedimentary facies have been identified
identification of pollen was mainly based on Heusser (1971), in our core after visual description, microscopic observation,
Markgraf and D’Antoni (1978) and Villagrán (1980). grain size and sediment composition analyses (Table 2). The
interpreted depositional environment for the sedimentary
facies is used here as a proxy for lake-level change, considering
Facies 1 deposited in the deepest lacustrine sub-environments
Results and Facies 7 in the shallowest one (Fig. 3). The new Laguna de
Tagua Tagua sequence does not record the whole lacustrine
sequence since it spans, according to our chronology, the last
Chronology 46 000 yr.
Figure 4 shows the correlation among the eight members
Radiocarbon dates range from 6590  280 to 40 200 (Table 1, described by Varela (1976), the pollen zones by Heusser
Fig. 2). Those younger than 20 000 14C yr BP were calibrated to (1990) and the facies and sedimentary units defined in this
calendar years with the Calib 5 program (Reimer et al., 2004) study. Unit 9 (833–702 cm, >42 400 cal. yr BP) is mostly com-
based on the new calibration curve INTCAL04 and the oldest posed of dark brownish-greyish organic-rich silty sediments
ones were calibrated by CalPal2004 software (http://www. (Facies 3), with thin intercalations of greenish banded silt layers
calpal.de). In Table 1, ranges of the calibrated 14C years are (Facies 2 and 1). This unit is interpreted as deposition in a
given for the 1- (68.3%) confidence interval. Dates older than relatively deep freshwater lacustrine environment dominated

Table 1 Radiocarbon dating of Laguna de Tagua Tagua core. Ua ¼ Angstrom laboratory, Uppsala (AMS dating); Hv ¼ Radiocarbon Laboratory,
Hanover (conventional radiocarbon dating). See text for explanation about calibration procedures

Depth (cm) Age (14C yr BP) Age (cal. yr BP) 13C% (PDB) Material Laboratory no. Method Calibration curve

80.5 6590  280 7232–7728 26 Bulk organic carbon Hv-23492 CALIB 5.0 intcal04.14c
133.5 9735  270 10 687–11 413 24.6 Bulk organic carbon Hv-23493 CALIB 5.0 intcal04.14c
191.5 11 710  430 13 121–14 045 25.5 Bulk organic carbon Hv-23494 CALIB 5.0 intcal04.14c
272.5 19 320  230 22 611–23 330 24.0 Bulk organic carbon Ua-16878 CALIB 5.0 intcal04.14c
294 20 430  1300 23 318–25 787 23.8 Bulk organic carbon Hv-23485 CALIB 5.0 intcal04.14c
384.5 22 495  830 25 996–28 142 22.5 Bulk organic carbon Hv-23495 CalPal CalPal_2004_SFCP
411 22 430  485 26 355–27 706 27.8 Plant macrorests Ua-16458 CalPal CalPal_2004_SFCP
504.5 24 690  585 28 879–30 191 25.5 Charcoal and wood Ua-15091 CalPal CalPal_2004_SFCP
600.5 35 745  1950 38 599–42 109 28.9 Wood, carex Ua-15271 CalPal CalPal_2004_SFCP
697 >38 000 (40 200) 40 589–43 968 27.4 Wood (small branch) Ua-15272 CalPal CalPal_2004_SFCP

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

aquatic plant macrorests, and reworked intraclasts occur in

subunits 6c (402–386 cm, 26 850–26 490 cal. yr BP) and 6a
(342–301 cm, 25 570–24 720 cal. yr BP) suggesting periods of
deposition with a higher alluvial-derived input and shallower
environments. Fluctuating, but relatively deeper deposition in
subunit 6b (386–342 cm, 26 490–25 570 cal. yr BP) is suggested
by the dominance of Facies 3.
Unit 5 (301–260 cm, 24 720–21 500 cal. yr BP) is composed
of alternating Facies 2 and 3 at the base, similarly to Unit 6,
and Facies 3 (massive, dark brownish organic-rich silts) and 4
(massive light brownish-greenish silts) at the top, reflecting a
trend toward shallower depositional environments. Unit 4
(260–193 cm, 21 500–13 790 cal. yr BP) is composed of alter-
nating brownish silt layers with lower magnetic susceptibility
values (Facies 3 and 4). The base of the unit is a 2 cm thick layer
composed of cm-long intraclasts. Higher amounts of intraclasts
and a susceptibility peak occur at the 245–217 cm interval
(19 780–16 500 cal. yr BP) suggesting increased alluvial influ-
ence and littoral reworking. Units 5 and 4 are interpreted to
reflect a dynamic wetland-lacustrine system composed of shal-
Figure 2 Age–depth model of the Laguna de Tagua Tagua core. low submerged areas and more protected, deeper environ-
Detailed information about the calibrated radiocarbon ages is given ments with lower clastic input. Unit 3 (193–150 cm, 13 790–
in Table 1
11 790 cal. yr BP) is composed of light grey-green, massive fine
silt (Facies 2). Abundant palaeo-Indian tools and remains of
by clastic sedimentation and with a significant organic produc- extinct mastodont, horse and deer were found at the top of
tivity. The presence of molluscs (Tropicorbis) in Member 2 Member 5 (Varela, 1976) that correlates with the top of Unit
(Varela, 1976) also suggests deposition in a relatively deep lake 3 (150 cm, 11 790 cal. yr BP). The high silicate content, lower
environment. organic matter content, presence of transported plant remains
Unit 8 (702–598 cm, 42 400–40 100 cal. yr BP) groups peat and relative increase in magnetic susceptibility indicate a
facies (Facies 7) and dark grey, brown massive silt (Facies 3). general increase in clastic input.
The reworked nature of the base of the unit (702–686 cm) with Unit 2 (150–60 cm, 11 790–6080 cal. yr BP) is composed of:
abundant fragmented peat and silty intraclasts, points to littoral (i) dark brown, massive to poorly laminated sandy silt with
reworking and dominant shallower environments at about abundant organic-rich and dark coloured intraclasts (Facies
42k cal. yr BP according to our chronology. Small water table 5), and (ii) light brown, massive to poorly laminated, fine
fluctuations could flood the peat bog and lead to the develop- silt with carbonate intraclasts (Facies 6). These facies form
ment of a shallow lake where organic rich, massive silt would centimetre-thick fining-upward sequences. The coarser silt
have been deposited. The peat unit is also found in Heusser’s represents deposition in a shallow lake during periods of higher
core (1990). This unit would correlate with fine sands and silts transport energy related to increased alluvial input from the
in the littoral areas (Members 3 and 4; Varela, 1976), where surrounding ephemeral creeks; the finer silt with carbonate
sedimentary structures indicate deposition in a shallow lake intraclasts represents littoral sedimentation in a shallower
that dried out at the top of Member 3. Member 4 (5.61– environment. The sequences reflect decreasing transport
4.49 m), bounded by erosive unconformities, consists of clayey energy and lowering lake level in littoral, shallow depositional
silt towards the centre of the basin, and sand and fine gravel environments. The top of Unit 2 is characterised by a small
closer to the margins. This is interpreted to indicate a very increase in organic matter, abundant, large non-carbonate
shallow lake with frequent desiccation periods. intraclasts and an increase in susceptibility, probably indicat-
Unit 7 (598–402 cm, 40 100–26 850 cal. yr BP) is mostly ing a period of higher alluvial input into the lake. It correlates
composed of greenish, laminated silty sediments characterised with Member 7 of Varela’s sequence (2.07–1.04 m) composed
by a low magnetic susceptibility that reflect deposition in a of massive silts with abundant mollusc fossils.
relatively deep lake. The finely laminated Facies 1 represents Unit 1 (60–0 cm, 6080–0 cal. yr BP) corresponds to lake
deposition in the offshore areas, not affected by bioturbation sediments altered by edaphic processes after the basin was arti-
or littoral reworking (subunits 7b and 7d). A relatively high ficially drained. Varela (1976) described a palaeosoil horizon
carbonate concentration, abundant intraclasts and poorly with numerous archaeological remains at the top of Member
preserved laminae indicate shallower, more littoral conditions 7 and dated as to about 6150 14C yr BP. He interpreted it as a
during deposition of the light greenish silt (Facies 2; subunits reflection of a low lake-level stand. Unit 1 correlates with Var-
7a, 7c and 7e). The alternation of these two facies reflects ela’s Member 8, which is composed of clay-rich diatomites
changes in the lake level. The thickness of this unit decreases reflecting a lake-level rise and a relatively deeper lake during
toward the littoral area, and Member 5 of Varela (1976) encom- the late Holocene.
passes Units 7 to 3 in our core.
Unit 6 (402–301 cm, 26 850–24 700 cal. yr BP) is charac-
terised by the alternation of centimetre- to decimetre-thick
layers of poorly laminated light greenish silt (Facies 2) and thin Stable isotopes
(centimetre-thick) layers of dark brownish, more organic-rich,
massive silt with abundant intraclasts deposited in more littoral The 18O values of calcite range greatly (16% to þ0.3% vs.
conditions (Facies 3). The alternation of these Facies 2 and 3 V-PDB) suggesting significant palaeohydrological changes in
reflects lake level fluctuations within a lake dominated by the lake basin (Figs 3 and 5). The range in 18O is attributable
clastic sedimentation and with depositional environments shal- to changes in the isotopic composition of authigenic calcite
lower than during Unit 7. More littoral facies with abundant alone, as a detrital source of calcite is absent in the Tagua

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)
Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Figure 3 Sedimentology and stable isotope geochemistry of the Laguna de Tagua Tagua core. Facies are arranged from 1 to 7 from deeper (Facies 1) to shallower (Facies 7) depositional environments. Lake types
also indicate qualitatively the lake depth, with 1 (relatively deeper lake), 2 (shallower lake, with wetland areas), and 3 (ephemeral lake, peat bog). Facies are described in Table 2

J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)


Table 2 Sedimentary facies from Laguna de Tagua Tagua core

Facies Description Depositional subenvironment

Facies 1 Finely laminated (about 1 mm thick), dark Distal (offshore) lacustrine

Deeper lake
green, siliciclastic silt. MS is low to
intermediate; OM < 10%
Facies 2 Massive to laminated, light green to greenish, Sublittoral with alluvial
siliciclastic silt. MS is high and OM  10% influence
Facies 3 Massive, dark brownish-greyish organic-rich Distal to sublittoral with
silt with abundant intraclasts. MS is significant organic

Shallower lake, with wetland areas

intermediate and OM is higher than 10% influence and alluvial activity

Facies 4 Massive, light brownish-greenish siliciclastic Distal to sublittoral with

silts. MS is low to intermediate and OM  10% significant alluvial activity

Facies 5 Massive to poorly laminated, dark brownish- Littoral with significant

reddish sandy siliciclastic silt with abundant alluvial activity
organic–rich and dark coloured intraclasts.
MS is intermediate and OM  10%
Facies 6 Massive to poorly laminated, light brownish- Littoral with low alluvial
reddish fine silt with carbonate intraclasts. MS activity
is intermediate and OM  10%
Facies 7 Massive, dark brown, organic-rich peaty Peat bog and wetland complex
sediments. MS is low and OM ranges from 10
to 25%

Tagua watershed. Accordingly, smear slides observations show decrease lowers rainwater 18O values by 0.69% (Dansgaard,
that carbonates particles are either small authigenic crystals 1964). As a net result, the effects of temperature on the isotopic
or fragmented bioclasts, most likely from calcite-coated macro- composition of rainwater and evaporation processes (palaeo-
phytes. The two primary factors controlling 18O values of hydrological information) generally outweigh a direct tempera-
calcite are temperature and isotopic composition of lake water ture effect (mineral–water fractionation). If the bulk of
(McCrea, 1950; O’Neil et al., 1969; Kim and O’Neil, 1997), carbonate was formed approximately at the same season with
although pH can also be responsible for some variations a narrow range of temperature, the variation of the correspond-
(Zeebe, 1999). Isotopic composition of source rainwater ing 18O values may be primarily controlled by past changes in
depends on geographic and climatic parameters, and, for the isotopic composition of the lakewater, a balance between
one specific locality, temperature and amount of precipitation evaporation and input waters (meteoric and rainwater) isotopic
are the most important effects (Craig, 1961; Dansgaard, 1964; composition change. There are no isotope hydrogeological
Rozanski et al., 1993; IAEA, 2001). In the Tagua Tagua region, data for the Tagua Tagua lake and catchment that allow us to
modern summer precipitation 18O values range between constrain this simplified model. The range of isotopic composi-
2% and 6% whereas winter precipitation is considerably tion of lakewaters calculated using the equations by Kim and
depleted, ranging from 6% to 18%. (IAEA, 2001). Further O’Neil (1997) and the range of surface temperatures (15 to
south, and at higher altitudes, rainfall is also isotopically 25  C) and the extreme 18O values of calcites (12.5% and
depleted. Surface meteoric water and in particular lakewater þ1% vs. V-PDB) show 18O values between 10.3% and
are also affected by isotope fractionation due to evaporation 12.6% and þ1% and þ3% (V-SMOW) (black and white rec-
(Craig, 1961; Siegenthaler and Eicher, 1986; Gonfiantini, tangles in Fig. 5(A)).
1986; Gat, 1995, 1996). Consequently, the oxygen-isotopic Intervals with low 18O values such as those from Units 9a,
composition of lakewater is controlled by (1) the oxygen isoto- 8, 7, and Unit 5 could also represent changes in rainfall pat-
pic composition of the rainwater which, in turn, is controlled terns (both water sources or quantity), reduced evaporation
by the temperature, the altitude and the amount of the rainfall, processes affecting the lakewaters, increased runoff and river
(2) relative humidity, (3) effective evaporation from open sur- input, a lower mean air temperature or a combination of all
face, (4) the input of surface waters from runoff and creeks that of these factors (Talbot, 1990; Gonfiantini, 1986; Gat, 1995).
usually reflects rainwater isotopic compositions and (5) the A shift of 18O to more negative values, such as at the transition
isotope composition of any admixed groundwater, if present from Units 9b/9a and from Unit 6 to 5, might have been caused
(Gonfiantini, 1986; Talbot, 1990; Chivas et al., 1993; Gat, by an increased input of isotopically depleted rainwater. These
1995). shifts could be related to higher effective moisture, a change in
The 18O/16O ratio in authigenic carbonates depends on both the seasonality (more winter rains) or rain source (increasing
the 18O/16O ratio of the lakewater in which they were formed contribution of water from mountains: altitude effect), or an
and temperature. However, as temperature falls, the 18O con- increase in groundwater or surface water input. As rainwater
tent of rainwater decreases, while the 18O of calcite that forms at low environmental temperature is more isotopically
in equilibrium with rainwater increases. These two phenomena depleted than at high temperature (Dansgaard, 1964), a
counteract one another, thereby complicating the task of a decrease in the mean annual temperature or a contribution of
simple relationship between temperature and the isotope more winter precipitation would deplete the isotopic value of
composition of the calcite (Delgado and Reyes, 2001). The lakewater. In the Tagua Tagua record, periods with low 18O
temperature-dependent fractionation factor for oxygen during values or the shift of 18O values to more negative numbers
calcite precipitation is 0.24% per degree Celsius (Craig, correlate with sedimentological (finely laminated facies) and
1965; O’Neil et al., 1969). However, a 1 C temperature palynological (increased arboreal components, see section

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Figure 4 Comparison of the three stratigraphies from the Tagua Tagua Lake Basin

below) proxies for more humid conditions. Conversely, periods The 13C values of calcite cover an extremely large range,
with high 18O values generally correlate with sedimentary from 26.7% to þ15.2% (V-PDB) (Figs 3 and 5(C)). The
facies indicating low lake levels. Three main periods when 13C curve shows a similar trend to the 18O profile: large
lakewater was enriched in 18O occurred; these are: Unit 9b 13C values in subunit 9b, 6, and 2, low values in Units 7
(>43 500 cal. yr BP), Unit 6 (26 900–24 700 cal. yr BP) and and 5, decreasing trends in Units 9a and 8, and at the top of
Units 4 to 2 (21 500–6100 cal. yr BP). The base of the sequence Unit 6, and increasing values in Unit 3. The top sample
of subunit 9b shows the highest 18O values and finely lami- (13C ¼ 16.0%) could be affected by soil-forming processes.
nated facies (deep lake deposition), indicating 18Owater values In the absence of precipitation of carbonates during diagenesis,
ranging between þ1% and þ3% (V-SMOW) (Fig. 5). Inflow of changes in the 13Ccalcite reflect variations of the DIC (dissolved
more isotopically enriched water (rainfall) during the warm inorganic carbon) input values and changes in the limnological
periods cannot explain these positive values since rainwater and biological parameters of the lake, as pH, alkalinity, pro-
of middle latitudes usually ranges between 6% and 10% ductivity, oxidation of organic matter in the sediments, equili-
(V-SMOW) (Rozanski et al., 1993; Aravena et al., 1999; IAEA, brium with atmospheric CO2 evaporative and residence-
2001). Consequently, the most plausible explanation is 18O time effects (Hakänsson, 1985; Talbot, 1990; Kelts, 1988;
enrichment evaporation into a relatively dry atmosphere. Iso- Street-Perrott et al., 1998; Bade et al., 2004). The correlation
tope analyses performed in the very small amounts of calcite of 13C and 18O values (Figs 3 and 5(C)) reflects a dynamics
occurring in the peaty sediments of Unit 8 show very low that has been interpreted in terms of dominant hydrologically
18O values, similar to those of Unit 7. During this period, a closed behaviour where residence-time evolution plays a sig-
large change in the precipitation rate might have occurred as nificant role in the carbon isotope budget (Talbot, 1990; Li
the Tagua Tagua lake became a peat bog. and Ku, 1997). The correlation also suggests that high 13C

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Figure 5 Stable isotope composition. (A) Stable isotope palaeohydrology. The curves represent the theoretical temperature of formation of calcites in
equilibrium with meteoric waters based on the equations by Kim and O’Neil (1997). Surface temperatures (15 to 25 C) and the extreme more frequent
values of calcites (12.5% and þ1% vs. V-PDB) have been used to calculate the maximum and minimum 18O values of water (black and white rectangles).
(B) 18O in calcites vs. depth. Note that, at least, three relatively arid periods can be distinguished. (C) 18O–13C isotopic composition cross-plot of calcite
Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

values could also be related to increased evaporation. The only zones have been defined (Figs 6 and 7) and the correlation with
other source of such enriched DIC is methanogenesis, but Heusser’s four main pollen zones is shown in Fig. 4. Heusser’s
carbonates related with methanogenesis processes do not (1983, 1990) pollen study was performed in a 10.7 m long core
necessarily correlate with increasing 18O values, nor is it retrieved near our coring site and south of the sites described by
likely that methanogenesis was occurring in the lakewater col- Varela (1976) (see Fig. 1).
umn. Increased biological productivity can also be responsible
for higher 13C values in units where littoral environments are
dominant, although these effects are usually smaller compared Pollen Zone TT6 (512–460 cm, 30 370–28 340 cal. yr BP)
to the range observed in Tagua Tagua. The most negative 13C
values are mainly related with soil CO2 of areas dominated This zone shows relatively low arboreal taxa, Nothofagus dom-
by C3 plants, and the corresponding 13C values of dissolved beyi-type (from 15% to 30%), Nothofagus obliqua-type (from
inorganic carbon (DIC) produced in these water bodies. 5% to 10%) and Prumnopitys (from <5% to >10%), and a
Soil CO2 is about 4.5% heavier than its corresponding plant decrease in Chenopodiaceae (from 30% to 15%). The rela-
biomass (C3-C4) (Cerling, 1984; Cerling, 1991). The isotopic tively high percentage of Chenopodiaceae in the lower part
difference between CO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon of the unit suggests a reduced arboreal cover and not very
(DIC) depends on pH and temperature. This difference is near humid conditions. The onset of Nothofagus expansion at the
0% at pH values close to 5 (driven at very negative DIC), but for top suggests increasing humidity; temperatures, however,
pH values between 7.5 and 8 it is relatively independent would remain cold, as indicated by the reduced presence of
(Romanek et al., 1992), becoming enriched at 10%. Conse- Prumnopitys.
quently, areas with slightly basic pH generate DIC enriched
regarding the terrestrial vegetal biomass in about 14.5%. This
is concordant with 13C values in DIC of about 30% (V-PDB)
of lakes located in areas of acid rock (Bade et al., 2004). The Pollen Zone TT5 (460–260 cm, 28 340–21 500 cal. yr BP)
most negatives 13C values, related with slightly acid pH in soil
around lake where mainly DIC is generated are well correlated Pollen spectra show large increases in arboreal and aquatic
with the most negatives 18O values typical of wet and cold cli- vegetation: Prumnopitys progressively increases from 10% to
mates (Fig. 5(B) and (C)). 30%; Gramineae from less than 5% to 30%, Cyperaceae from
The 13C values of organic matter (13Corg) range from less than 5% to 40%, and Pediastrum up to 25%. Nothofagus
15% to 27% (V-PDB) and they show good agreement with obliqua-type decreases from 10% to 1% and Chenopodiaceae
the sedimentary facies described in the previous section. Less from 15% to less than 5%. Other taxa, like Nothofagus dom-
negative 13C values (15% to 22%) occur in Units 9 and beyi-type (ca. 25%), Maytenus (ca. 5%), Asteraceae/Tubuli-
7, and in the lower part of Unit 6. These facies were deposited florae (ca. 20–15%) and Acaena (ca. 5%), maintain relatively
under deep-water conditions. Organic matter formed in shal- stable proportions in this zone.
low water and littoral lake sediments and peat facies yield
more negative 13Corg values (22% to 27%). Unit 9 shows
13C values from 23% to 17% at the bottom, and fluctuat- Pollen Zone TT4 (260–193 cm, 21 500–13 790 cal. yr BP)
ing values around 20% in the top, corresponding to two lake
level cycles. The peat unit has the lowest 13Corg values, indi- This zone is characterised by an increasing trend in Chenopo-
cating an atmospheric CO2 source for C3 photosynthesis. After diaceae (from less than 5% to 30%) and Gramineae (from
a peak at the base of Unit 6, 13C values decrease to the top of 10% to 20%), and the first appearances of Typha (from 1% to
Unit 4. The upper part yielded relatively low 13C values, ca. 5%), Euphorbiaceae (ca. 1%), and Poaceae >40 mm.
although with an increasing trend in Units 3 and 2. Nothofagus dombeyi-type maintain percentages around 30%,
Factors such as lake palaeoproductivity, evaporation, and Prumnopitys andina shows the highest percentage (40%)
changes in the vegetation and the catchment of the hydrological in this zone. The peaks in Myriophyllum, Lemna-type and
system could play a significant role (Aravena et al., 1992; Cyperaceae point to shallower waters, particularly at the
Meyers, 1994; Street-Perrott et al., 1998). However, the corre- base of the zone. Cyperaceae values remained below 10%
spondence of high 13Corg values with a deep-water facies and during the middle part of this zone (200–240 cm) correspond-
low 13Corg values for peat and shallow lake facies suggest ing to the maximum of arboreal pollen, that indicates a regional
that the 13Corg curve could be interpreted as a function of the Fagaceae and Podocarpaceae forest. Other taxa with a signifi-
relative contribution of atmospheric CO2 or DIC in the synthesis cant decrease are: Acaena (from 5% to 1%) and Gunneraceae
of vegetal tissues: (a) submerged aquatic algal (mainly 12% to (from 10% to 1%).
11%) and palustrine macrophytic (mainly 20% to 24%)
using CO2(aq) and HCO3 (Keeley and Sandquist, 1992).
Note that during periods when 13C values of DIC are most
Pollen Zone TT3 (193–150 cm, 13 790–11 790 cal. yr BP)
positive, the organic matter is less negative (Figs 3 and 5(C)).
(b) emerged and terrestrial plants (C3 plants 13C values mainly
This zone is characterised by a drastic drop of Nothofagus type
ranging between 25% and 30%; Deines, 1980; Pate, 2001)
antarctica/dombeyi and Prumnopitys that almost disappears at
are the source of the most depleted organic matter. Only a con-
the top. Cyperaceae, Asteraceae-Tubuliflorae, Amaryllidaceae,
tribution of C4 plants (11% > 13C <20%; Pate, 2001)
Apiaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Typha percentages increase and
could be confused with submerged aquatic plant and algae.
Chenopodiaceae maintain high values (45%).

Pollen Pollen Zone TT2 (150–60 cm, 11 790–6080 cal. yr BP)

Our pollen record spans the last 30 000 yr, including the LGM, Chenopodiaceae (45–60%) and Typha (15–30%) show
the Lateglacial period and the Holocene. Six palynological their highest values in the core. The high content of Typha

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Figure 6 Overview of the main pollen taxa in the Laguna de Tagua Tagua sequence

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Figure 7 Overview of the main arboreal, fern, and aquatic taxa typical components of the mild-humid forest in Laguna de Tagua Tagua sequence

(10–30%) indicates a fluctuating water table. The arboreal the age model, corresponds to 43 500 cal. yr BP. A large change
components, Nothofagus dombeyi-type and Prumnopitys, in atmospheric circulation patterns might have occurred at that
almost disappear. Asteraceae-Tubuliflorae and Euphorbiaceae time. The high 18O and 13C values in calcite precipitating in
also show significant decreases. The regional forest must have relative deep water facies indicates that evaporation was not
almost disappeared at this time, and large areas colonised by the main driver of the isotopic composition of lakewaters,
grasses. and suggest a large input of isotopically heavier meteoric
waters. Higher biological productivity, and a pH increase
could also result in an enrichment of 13C (increasing in atmo-
Pollen Zone TT1 (60–0 cm, 6080–0 cal. yr BP) spheric CO2 capture). An increase in winter precipitation and
colder temperatures conducive to reduced evaporation could
This zone is characterised by a large decrease in Chenopodia- explain the lighter 18O compositions that dominate Units 8
ceae (from 60% to 10%), an increase in Gramineae and arbor- and 7 (42 400 to 26 800 cal. yr BP).
eal taxa, and the reappearance of Prumnopytis (5%). Between about 42 400 and 40 100 cal. yr BP the water table
Gramineae values decrease from 30% to less than 15% and decreased and a peat bog (Unit 8) developed. It correlates with
Typha from 20% to 5% toward the top, suggesting less wetland Heusser’s (1983) Zone 3 and Members 3 and 4 of Varela (1976).
development. Pollen spectra from Heusser’s Zone 3 shows very high
Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae percentages, which indicate
a drier climate less favourable to tree populations. However,
Discussion the 18O curve does not reflect an increase in evaporation during
peat deposition. We interpret this as a period of decreased rain-
fall with a similar source to before and a decrease in temperature.
Regional vegetation and palaeohydrology Heusser’s Zone 2 (28 500–10 000 14C yr BP) contains the
highest percentages of Nothofagus dombeyi type and Prum-
Sedimentary facies and pollen assemblages (Heusser’s Zone 4) nopitys andina reflecting the beech–podocarp woodland
suggest that during deposition of Unit 9 (>42 400 cal. yr BP) expansion, and a cooler climate with increased precipitation
Laguna de Tagua Tagua was deep and the regional vegetation and reduced evaporation. Our pollen zones TT6 to TT3, and
was characterised by the presence of N. dombeyi type, sedimentary Units 7 to 3 correlate with Zone 2. Unit 7 (598–
Prumnopitys andina and Gramineae. The development of this 402 cm, 40 100–26 850 cal. yr BP) represents the deepest water
beech woodland with podocarps represents displacement of deposition in the Tagua Tagua sequence. Five main sequences
these trees northward and to a lower altitude compared to have been identified: lake transgression and deepening (subu-
today. An increasing trend in 13C and 18O (carbonate and nits 7e: 598–542 cm, 40.1–33.8k cal. yr BP), two cycles of ero-
organic matter) values probably reflect increased evaporative sion and progressive deepening (7d: 33.8–29.3k cal. yr BP); a
processes, and the presence of the lighter green to grey, slightly period of dominant shallower littoral conditions with progres-
laminated sediments (Facies 2) point to a shallower period at sive deepening (7c: 29.3–28.6k cal. yr BP); relatively deep
the transition between subunits 9a and 9b, that, according to water conditions (7b: 28.6–27.5k cal. yr BP) and a progressive

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

shallowing trend marked by increasing magnetic susceptibility, The two Chenopodiaceae peaks in zone TT4 correlate with
decreasing organic carbon and increasing carbonate content the two 18O peaks of sedimentary Unit 4, marking two periods
(7a: 27.5–26.8k cal. yr BP). The absence of Typha in Zones of increased aridity at about 21–19.5k cal. yr BP and 17–
TT6 and TT5 may suggest that palustrine areas were greatly 15k cal. yr BP. Chenopodiaceae percentages decreased and
reduced and open-water environments dominated when lake forest taxa reached their highest levels, implying humid, but
level was higher. also cold conditions during the period 13.5–11.5k cal. yr BP,
Sedimentary facies (light green facies in subunit 7c), and pol- which was characterised by relatively deeper facies and lighter
len assemblages (higher proportion of Chenopodiaceae and oxygen isotope compositions.
relatively lower Nothofagus) suggest relatively less humid con- Overall, the Pleistocene record of Tagua Tagua is dominated
ditions for the short period from 29 300 to 28 600 cal. yr BP by pollen taxa such as Nothofagus dombeyi-type and Nothofa-
(Pollen Zone TT6, and Heusser’s Zone 2b, about 530– gus obliqua-type, two classic arboreal components of the tran-
500 cm, around 28 000 14C yr). Pollen Zone TT5 (28 600– sitional zone between Mediterranean and temperate rainforest
21 500 cal. yr BP) shows large increase in arboreal and aquatic vegetation, and Prumnopitys andina, modern high-elevation
vegetation, indicating the presence of a Podocarpaceae and woodlands in the Andes of Central Chile. The pollen assem-
Fagaceae forest as the regional vegetation, and extended blage includes common pollen taxa of the mild-humid forest
wetland areas in the basin. Finely laminated facies (Facies 1) such as Lauraceae, Proteaceae, Winteraceae and, particularly
and small decreases in 18O values mark the period 28 600– Myrtaceae, a typical component of the Valdivian rainforest.
27 500 cal. yr BP as another relatively high lake-level stand. There is no pollen record of Eucryphia/Caldcluvia and Wein-
Decreasing regional lake levels led to a development of mannia, however; their distribution is mainly restricted to the
wetlands at the top of Unit 7 and during subunits 6c and 6d, area around 41 S.
as indicated by alternating Facies 2 and 3, higher 18O values, The regional vegetation at the onset of Zone TT3
and an increase in Pediastrum and Cyperaceae. (13 790 cal. yr BP) was still a Fagaceae and Podocarpaceae for-
Pollen in the upper part of Zone TT5 correlating with sedimen- est. However, the forest opened and arboreal taxa decreased,
tological Unit 5 (about 24 800–21 500 cal. yr BP) indicates a very while Chenopodiaceae increased, indicating overall drier
humid period when forests developed as the regional vegetation conditions. Sedimentological data suggest an intermediate
and large areas around the lake were colonised with palustrine lake level during Unit 3 (13 790–11 800 cal. yr BP), but with a
vegetation. The decreases in Nothofagus obliqua-type and rapid transition to lower lake levels in Unit 2. These trends
Chenopodiaceae pollen percentages are a reflection of the correspond with the general increase in Chenopodiaceae–
humidity increase. The increase in Poaceae and particularly in Amaranths, and the dramatic decrease in sclerophyllous
Cyperaceae in the upper part also points to higher humidity woodland taxa recorded in the transition from Heusser’s Zone
and the presence of large wetland areas in the surroundings. In 2 and 1 (10 000–0 14C yr BP). Both trends are interpreted as
addition, small amounts of Lomatia and Myrtaceae, further drier conditions during the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary
common taxa of the Valdivian rain forest and not of the montane and the early Holocene. This corresponds to pollen Zone TT2
forest in northern Central Chile, were present. This zone corre- (11 800 and 6080 cal. yr BP), when the regional forest must
sponds to Heusser’s profile 500–280 cm interval, starting around have almost disappeared, large areas were colonised by
28 000 14C yr BP, and lasting until about 15 000 14C yr BP grasses, and low lake levels dominated, with large wetland sur-
(ca. 18 000 cal. yr BP). Heusser also interprets this period as face fluctuations according with the relatively high and vari-
indicating a beech–podocarp woodland expansion, with cooler able content of Typha (10–30%). Hence, conditions at the
and more humid conditions, and with the highest lake level and Pleistocene/Holocene limit and the early Holocene appeared
surface area. Lighter isotopic compositions in Unit 5 also support to be very dry.
the presence of a humid period. After about 6000 cal. yr BP, conditions were more humid as
The Cyperaceae peak at the transition between Zones TT5 indicated by the reappearance of tree pollen and the sharp
and TT4 (ca. 21.5k cal. yr BP) and the first occurrences of Typha decrease of Chenopodiaceae in Zone TT1. Pollen Zone TT1
suggest a large development of wetland areas that correlates shows a pollen assemblage similar to the upper part of Heus-
with sedimentological evidences for reworking (intraclastic ser’s Zone 1 (late Holocene) that is interpreted as warmer tem-
facies) in littoral lacustrine environments at the base of Unit peratures and more humid conditions than before. The regional
4. Sedimentary Unit 4 and pollen Zone TT4 show large forest of Fagaceae and Podocarpaceae suggest the develop-
changes in vegetation and hydrology in Laguna de Tagua ment of a Mediterranean climate with a marked seasonality
Tagua from 21 500 to 13 700 cal. yr BP). The regional vegeta- in rainfall. Heusser’s profile (60–0 cm) also indicates more
tion during the lower part of zone TT4 was a Fagaceae and humid conditions, but only during about the last 2000 yr. The
Podocarpaceae forest. Before 18 000 cal. yr BP, Nothofagus disturbance of the sediment in this unit, however, does not
ant./dom.-type percentages were high and Prumnopitys allow for an exact dating of the onset of increasing humidity
showed the highest percentage in this zone and Chenopodia- during mid-to-late Holocene. Another sediment record from
ceae were very low, indicating humid conditions. The highest Laguna Aculeo, however, allows better dating and shows a
amounts of Prumnopitys, which often indicate very cool condi- change to more humid conditions after 6000 cal. yr BP as well
tions, coincide with the global LGM. Myrtaceae, a clear (Jenny et al., 2002, 2003).
component of Valdivian rainforest, was still present, but disap- In general, sedimentary facies, pollen assemblages and
peared after 20 000 cal. yr BP. This zone shows the maximal 13Ccalcite values provide coherent interpretations (Fig. 5). Very
forest extension, generally humid conditions, where precipita- negatives 13Ccalcite values, likely related with slightly acid pH
tion exceeded evaporation. From 18 000 to 14 000 cal. yr BP, in soil around the lake where mainly DIC is generated, and
this unit is characterised by an increase in Chenopodiaceae, associated to an increasing in the vegetal biomass in the
Typha and Gramineae. Euphorbiaceae appeared for the first recharge area, are well correlated with very negatives 18O
time. Arboreal taxa, such as Nothofagus dombeyi-type and values typical of wet and/or cold climates (Fig. 5(B) and (C)).
Prumnopitys, decreased. Heusser (1983) suggested that condi- More positive 13Ccalcite values are associated with high eva-
tions turned drier and lake level dropped after about 17 500 poration ratios (most positive oxygen values) and finally an
C yr BP, which corresponds to the change in our core around intermediate situation characterised by 13C values around
18 000 cal. yr BP. 10% to 5%, and a relatively large range of 18O values.

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Palaeoclimate implications for the last 46 000 yr the coast (32–34 S). These patches may represent remnants of
a continuous band of rainforest found along the coast of Central
The new record of Laguna de Tagua Tagua provides an oppor- Chile during the Late Pleistocene. This view supports more
tunity to evaluate the different hypotheses concerning the gla- humid conditions and a probable northward shift of the wester-
cial climate in central Chile, the timing and structure of last lies as indicated by Heusser (1983). Moreover, both the wide-
deglaciation and the teleconnections with other South Ameri- spread Magellanic moorlands in Chiloé island (Villagrán,
can records for the Lateglacial and the Holocene. 1988a, 1988b) and further north in the lowlands of the Lake
District (Heusser et al., 1996; Moreno, 1997; Moreno and
León, 2003) indicate increased rainfall and a probable north-
Glacial period (>43 000 to ca. 18 000 cal. yr BP) ward shift of the westerlies. At Quereo (32 S), wetter condi-
tions prior to 10 000 14C yr BP are implied by abundant
From the previously presented palynological, sedimentological pollen of swamp and wetland plants, before conditions
and geochemical indicators and according to our age model became much drier during the early Holocene (Villagrán and
we infer moister climatic conditions before 42 000 cal. yr BP, Varela, 1990).
and again from about 40 000 cal. yr BP to 12 000 cal. yr BP, Simulations by Wyrwoll et al. (2000), however, suggested a
although with several oscillations. In association with these more poleward displacement of the southern westerlies during the
humid conditions, a rich, now extinct, megafauna, including LGM, based on a general circulation model, although the
mastodonts, megatheria, native horses, Camelidae and deer, changes in the westerly circulation show significant regional
has been documented around Laguna de Tagua Tagua (e.g. differences. The simulations of Valdes (2000) also suggest a
Nuñez et al., 1994; Villagrán and Armesto, 1993). Around general southward movement of the westerlies, but in some
12 000 cal. yr BP, moisture availability decreased rapidly and models, the change is very small. Overall, the models produce
conditions remained dry during the early and part of the mid- a relatively consistent picture of temperature cooling but show
Holocene. A return to more humid conditions occurred during greater uncertainty for precipitation.
the late Holocene although the timing from the Tagua Tagua The Laguna de Tagua Tagua pollen record favours more
record is less accurate. humid, cooler conditions during the Late Pleistocene. Firstly,
During the Late Pleistocene in general, the temperature was we found small amounts of Lomatia, Myrtaceae, Lauraceae,
very low and therefore, evaporation must have been lower than Drimys and ferns, which are typical components of the modern
it is today. However, it is still under discussion whether or not cool-temperate rainforests. These plants have their main distribu-
the dramatic moisture increase, inferred from the pollen and tion in the Valdivian rainforest region between 39 and 41 S.
sedimentological record, was just a response to the tempera- Very small amounts of Lomatia, Myrtaceae and Drymis prior to
ture decrease and hence less evaporation. From 42 000 to the Holocene were also found by Heusser (1990) in the Pleisto-
40 000 cal. yr BP, water table decreased, a peat bog estab- cene record of Laguna de Tagua Tagua. Secondly, if the montane
lished, and Chenopodiaceae increased (Heusser, 1990). Dur- forest range had lowered during glacial times, abundant montane
ing that period, temperatures were much lower than during taxa between 34 and 36 S should have appeared in the Tagua
the Holocene, and evaporation would also have been reduced Tagua record, e.g. Austrocedrus chilensis. This pollen type, how-
but hydrological conditions in the basin indicate lower water ever, is completely absent in the record. Thirdly, sedimentary
tables. So temperature depression alone was most probably facies and stable isotope geochemistry indicate the highest lake
not able to provoke such a dramatic increase in moisture avail- level stands for the full glacial period (40 000–28 000 cal. yr BP).
ability as it is postulated for the glacial period after The period of minimum regional insolation in the southern hemi-
40 000 cal. yr BP. sphere (30–35k yr) corresponds to deposition in Tagua Tagua of
The different interpretations of pollen records from Central the deepest lacustrine facies. The transition at 28k yr into shal-
Chile (32–35 S) provide two different hypotheses about the cli- lower facies of Unit 6 correlate with some Southern Hemisphere
mate mechanisms behind the increased moisture availability records from New Zealand and Chile showing an early onset of
during glacial times. Heusser (1983, 1990) postulated that pre- maximum glacial conditions at about 30k yr ago, soon after the
cipitation was much higher in Central Chile than it is today, as minimum southern insolation at 32k yr. (Vandergoes et al.,
indicated by the northward displacement of the distributional 2005). The similarities among these Southern Hemisphere
ranges of Nothofagus dombeyi and N. obliqua types, Podocar- records (i.e. an earlier onset and longer duration of the LGM)
pus saligna, and Prumnopitys andina. He proposed a latitudi- support the hypotheses of a strong link with regional Southern
nal equatorward shift by at least 5 of the westerly Hemisphere insolation and asynchronous changes between the
precipitation belt during the LGM and Lateglacial period, prior Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
to 12 000 yr. Markgraf (1989a, 1989b, 1993), and Markgraf Marine sediments off the coast in Central Chile (33 S) (Lamy
et al. (1992) postulated that the westerlies did not expand et al., 1999) indicate generally cold-humid conditions from
equatorward, but intensified and shifted poleward, and a tem- 28 000 to 18 000 cal. yr BP with a short drier interval from
perature decrease of about 6 C is enough to explain the greater 26 000 to 22 000 cal. yr BP. Subsequently, the deglaciation
effective moisture availability in the lowlands. Therefore, period was characterised by a trend toward more arid condi-
instead of an equatorward shift of the Valdivian forest to the tions. Further north, at 27 S, a region, which is still mainly
Tagua Tagua region, as proposed by Heusser, Markgraf influenced by precipitation related to the westerlies, marine
(1989b) suggests that the full Glacial and Lateglacial vegetation sediments also indicate humid conditions during the LGM
at Tagua Tagua represents a montane open forest that had (Lamy et al., 1998; Stuut and Lamy, 2004). In this marine
expanded into the lowland due to cooler conditions. Several record, the reconstructed moisture variability is similar to the
palaeoclimatic archives located near Laguna de Tagua Tagua Tagua Tagua sequence since the wettest period is confined
show indications for more humid conditions during the LGM between 31 000 and 17 000 cal. yr BP, except for a dry event
compared to today. Villagrán and Armesto (1993) suggest wet- around 25 000 cal. yr BP (Fig. 8). This dry interval may corre-
ter climatic conditions along the coast of Central Chile. Patches spond with Tagua Tagua Unit 6 (26 850–24 720 cal. yr BP).
of deciduous Nothofagus forests and evergreen rainforests According to these authors, the variations detected in the
dominated by Aextoxicon punctatum occur today on the sum- moisture availability at 27 and 33 S are related to a latitudinal
mits of coastal hills and in some ravines in Central Chile near shift of the westerlies.

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)

Modelling studies of the Patagonian ice cap by Hulton et al. et al., 2004). The explanation for this discrepancy may be related
(1994) indicate much more humid conditions at 40 S during to the different dominant forcing mechanism that influences the
the LGM and, hence, a northward shift of the precipitation belts records. Accordingly, the position and intensity of westerlies
by about 5 . Glaciation during the LGM was very extensive in together with the changes in the size and proximity of the ice
northern Patagonia prior to 14 000 14C yr, also indicating cold- sheet may control the available moisture necessary for glacier
humid conditions, before many ice lobes started to collapse advances and retreats (i.e. Lake District). At the same time, these
(Lowell et al., 1995). Based both on glacier advances deduced factors may have modified the vegetation cover and lake levels
from moraine deposits and on pollen analyses, the last glacial from 40 to 34 S (i.e. the Tagua Tagua record). On the other
period (ca. 30 000–17 750 cal. yr BP) in the southern Lake Dis- hand, marine records would be more influenced by the intensity
trict and Isla Grande de Chiloé (40 –42 S) was also cold and and position of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) that led
humid (Denton et al., 1999; Heusser et al., 1999; Moreno et al., to the variability detected in SST (Lamy et al., 2004).
1999; Clapperton and Seltzer, 2001). The early Holocene in the Tagua Tagua record is marked by
Overall, there is general agreement for much lower tempera- an arid trend. In contrast, moisture availability, indicated by
tures in northern Central Chile during glacial times, as derived pollen data, increased during the late Holocene. Detailed
from pollen, marine and glacier studies. Therefore, evaporation information, however, is not preserved due to human distur-
should have been reduced. However, most likely, reduced eva- bance of the top sediments by agriculture. Dry conditions
poration could not account for such a dramatic increase in during the early to mid-Holocene are also shown in other
moisture as shown from the Heussers’ and our pollen and sedi- palaeoclimate records in Central Chile (32–35 S), e.g. in
mentological record of Tagua Tagua. The higher lake level, the marine sediments (33 S) by Lamy et al. (1999), in pollen
high pollen percentages of common mild-humid forest taxa, records at Quintero and Quereo (33 S) by Villagrán and Varela
even with some pollen taxa that are strongly related to the Val- (1990) and Villa-Martı́nez and Villagrán (1997) and in the
divian rainforest, such as Myrtaceae, imply enhanced precipi- Laguna Aculeo (34 S) by Jenny et al. (2002). The same dry
tation and, consequently, intense westerly activity in north scenario during the early to mid-Holocene is detected at
Central Chile during the LGM and Lateglacial times. 40–43 S (Abarzúa et al., 2004; Moreno, 2004; Moreno and
León, 2003). In Laguna Aculeo, the dry early to mid-Holocene
period lasted from >9500 to 5700 cal. yr BP. After
Deglaciation and Holocene (18 000–0 cal. yr BP) 5700 cal. yr BP, effective moisture increased and at approxi-
mately 3200 cal. yr BP, modern humid conditions were
The timing of the glacial advances and retreats in the central and generally established and flood events related to strong ENSO
southern Andes, the moisture reconstructions, and the global cor- seemed to become very frequent (Jenny et al., 2003).
relations for the deglaciation period are still controversial. The These lake records imply that during the Last Glacial Maxi-
variability deduced from glaciological and lake records is in con- mum, the westerlies appear to have been strongly enhanced
tradiction with the reconstruction from marine cores. From mar- compared to today, whereas during the early and mid-
ine records located at 41 S (Lamy et al., 2004) a clear synchrony Holocene, the westerlies were probably blocked and hence
with Antarctic cores is demonstrated during last deglaciation. deflected southward by the subtropical high-pressure cell. Sub-
Two major warming steps were detected from the SST alke- sequently, the higher precipitation during the late Holocene
none-based record at 19.2–17.4k and 12.7–12.1k cal. yr BP, thus seems to have been strongly related to a weakened subtropical
highlighting the similar pattern with Byrd ice core and supporting high-pressure cell with intensified westerlies and probably
the hypothesis of a ‘see-saw mechanism’ acting during deglacia- increased El Niño activity, and increased seasonality following
tion (i.e. Blunier and Brook, 2001). the increase in precession at 30 S during the Holocene.
The palaeovegetation and palaeohydrological sequence
of changes encompassing the last glacial termination studied
from the Laguna de Tagua Tagua record is characterised by an Conclusions
increase in the aridity after the generally wet glacial period
(40–21.5k cal. yr BP). However, as presented before, this drying
trend is not uniform but interrupted by two very arid periods from A multidisciplinary study of a new core from Laguna de Tagua
21–19.5k and 17–15k cal. yr BP, which are characterised by an Tagua (34 300 S) provides a multiproxy record of past vegeta-
increase in Chenopodiaceae and more positive isotopes tional and hydrological changes in Central Chile for the last
values (Fig. 8). Between these events, a wet interval (19.5– 46 000 cal. yr BP. Higher lake levels, and pollen assemblages
17k cal. yr BP) that almost coincides in time with the global with Valdivian rainforest taxa, imply much higher precipitation
LGM is deduced from the decrease of Chenopodiaceae, more during the full Glacial and Lateglacial periods compared to
negative isotopic values and the presence of laminated facies, today and, therefore, enhanced westerly activity in northern
similar to those deposited during glacial times. This evolution Central Chile. High lake level occurred before 43 500 cal. yr BP
resembles the deglaciation pattern identified by glacial geologic and particularly during 40 000 to 21 500 cal. yr BP. A period
and palynological studies (Denton et al., 1999), with two of reduced moisture conditions and probably lower tempera-
warming events at about 18k cal. yr BP and around 15k cal. yr BP. tures occurred during 42 400–40 000 cal. yr BP when a
A period similar to the Younger Dryas has been also proposed on peat bog developed. The general decrease in moisture during
the basis of glacial geologic and palynological studies from the deglaciation was interrupted by two abrupt arid periods that,
southern South America region (Denton et al., 1999; Ariztegui according to our chronology, occurred at 21 000–19 500 and
et al., 1997; Moreno et al., 2001). In Tagua Tagua, the period 17 000–15 000 cal. yr BP, and two more humid intervals:
between 13.5k and 11.5k yr BP characterised by a decrease in 19 500–17 000 (corresponding to the global LGM) and
Chenopodiaceae content and deposition of laminated facies 13 500–11 500 cal. yr BP. The early and mid-Holocene were
(Fig. 8) reflects a wet episode that could correspond to a cold the most arid periods in Central Chile for the last 46 000 yr.
reversal (Hajdas et al., 2003) and the glacier advance postulated The millennial-scale palaeohydrological reconstructions from
for southern latitudes during that period (Denton et al., 1999). On Tagua Tagua are coherent with most regional records and sup-
the other hand, marine sediments from the same southern port some differences in timing between the Southern and
latitudes mark a clear warming period at that time (i.e. Lamy Northern Hemisphere of the main climatic events.

Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)
Copyright ß 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Figure 8 Vegetational and palaeohydrological reconstructions for the last 46 000 yr in Laguna de Tagua Tagua sequence based on sedimentary facies, 180 and magnetic susceptibility profiles, and selected pollen taxa.
The N Chilean humidity index obtained from grain-size analyses in marine core GeoB3375 (27 S) after Stuut and Lamy (2004) is plotted for comparison

J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 20(7–8) 625–641 (2005)


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