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College of Education Lesson Plan Template-5E Design Teacher Candidate: Breanna Cook 'chool: &err()ood Date and Time

of Lesson: 3-2 -! " #:$$ %& 'u*+ect",rade Le-el: 'cience"


Description of Lesson: In this lesson, students will look at the relationship of an organisms patterns of behavior to explain how those behaviors are related to its environment. Essential .uestion that guides the lesson: How does an environment affect an organisms behavior? Curriculum 'tandards %ddressed: SC Curriculum Standard s!" 'cience: -2: #he student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and patterns that allow organisms to survive in their own distinct environments. $ife Science! SC %cademic Indicator s!" -2/5: &xplain how an organisms patterns of behaviors are related to its environment including the kinds and the number of other organisms present, the availabilit' of food and other resources, and the ph'sical characteristics of the environment!. -2/0: &xplain how organisms cause change in their environment. EED%- Standard (" Students will demonstrate a positive attitude toward work and the abilit' to work together.

Lesson 1*+ecti-e2s3: )hen instructed to choose an animal, all fourth grade students will discover and anal'*e an organisms patterns of behaviors and the relationship to its environments.

%ssessment2s3 of the 1*+ecti-es: +efore" I will ask students to identif' what the' know about what organisms need to survive. ,uring" I will walk around to listen to students as the' work with their partner to figure out the others chosen animals. I will also observe the students in their respective ecos'stem groups as the' discuss behaviors and changes organisms make to their environments. #here will also be whole group discussion for me to check student comprehension of organisms behaviors and changes organisms make to their environments. %fter" I will have students complete

an exit slip so that I can read what each student writes to individuall' anal'*e whether or not students grasped the content of the da's lesson. I would then use this information to anal'*e what I might need to reteach or review before students take their final -ui* for the unit. &aterials"4esources: .encils, South Carolina Science workbooks, and -uestion sheets created b' the teacher with -uestions to ask partners/groups Prere5uisites 2Prior 6no)ledge3: Sociall', students will respect their peers opinions and ideas. #he' will activel' listen while the other person is talking with their e'es on their partner. Cognitivel', students learned in third grade about how behavioral adaptations helped organisms survive in their environments. Students will also use their knowledge from previous lessons to review characteristics of ecos'stems and the animals and plants that live in each ecos'stem. #his lesson will also review students knowledge of ac-uired versus inherited behaviors and adaptations from the previous week. .h'sicall', students will sit on the carpet, listen to the teacher and their peers, and write down the information about organisms behaviors and the effects on their environments as discussed as a whole group. &motionall', students will have the confidence to speak up and state their ideas and opinions for all students to hear. Procedures Engagement: 0. Have students move down to the carpet with their science workbooks and a pencil. 1. 2)hat do animals need to survive?3 food, water, shelter! 4. Skim read pages 15617 and 45647 with students as a whole group. a. +riefl' discuss how what was read hibernation, migration, nocturnal, competitive behaviors, feeding behaviors! are all part of an organisms patterns of behaviors. b. 2How do these patterns of behavior affect the organisms environment?3 Prey is easier to find at night for animals who are nocturnal, competition is used for organisms to claim a certain area as their own territory or for food, different animals possess a variety of feeding patterns to match their characteristics (a bird cannot eat meat because their beaks do not allow for such feeding behavior), animals hibernate and migrate to escape harsh winter conditions.

(. 2#hink for a second about an animal.3

a. 2#o 'ourself, decide what t'pe of animal 'ou are.3 b. 2)hat do 'ou look like?3 c. 2)here would 'ou live as this animal?3 d. 2)hat would 'ou eat?3 E7ploration: 7. 2.air with a partner.3 .ass out the -uestion sheet to students. 8. 2%sk each other 'es or no -uestions using the -uestions provided on the sheet3 given b' the teacher!. 9. 2:sing the answers from 'our partner, 'ou will determine their chosen animal.3 a. %llow about 7 minutes for this part of the activit'. ;. 2<ow, group 'ourselves b' ecos'stem according to 'our animals swamp, rivers and streams, tropical rainforest, desert, tundra!.3 a. 2:sing pages 45647 in 'our workbook, talk as a group about 'our animals behaviors and the affects the' have on the environment.3 b. 2How does 'our organism change their environments?3 E7planation: =. Call on one student from each group to name one animal the' talked about. a. 2Swamp" what is the animal 'ou chose?3 b. 2)hat behaviors did 'our group decide affects 'our environment? Hibernation >igration +eing nocturnal Competitive behaviors ?eeding behaviors %llow 467 minutes for this discussion. .ull back as a whole group to talk about what was discussed.

c. 2)hat changes do the organisms make to their environments?3 Introducing new plants

+uilding dams @lobal warming %cid rain" @ases released in the atmosphere fall as rain making the water in lakes and oceans more acidic ,eforestation %ir pollution

These changes are made to better adapt to the environments for a higher chance of survival. Changes in an organisms environment such as pollution, deforestation, global warming often lead to changes in the behaviors of the organisms. d. Aepeat the above -uestions for each of the remaining ecos'stems rivers and streams, tropical rainforest, desert, tundra!. Ela*oration: 05. %s a whole group, have students brainstorm what can be done to help prevent issues such as pollution, deforestation, global warming. Plant new trees to replace those that are cut down, pick up litter, and recycle and reuse.

b. 2)hat does this prevention do for the organisms in its environments?3 elps to keep their habitats unaffected so that they do not lose their homes and have to find a new place to live and ensures that the air or water their breathe and the food they eat do not contain to!ins that are harmful to them.

E-aluation 2%ssessment3: 05. #hroughout the lesson, the teacher will walk around to listen to student discussions about organisms behaviors and how the' affect the environments in which the' live to make sure students are sta'ing on task. 00. #hen at the end of the lesson, students will complete an exit slip answering the -uestion, what did 'ou learn about how organisms behaviors are related to their environment?

a. #he teacher will read the responses to see whether or not students grasped how an organism affects its environment. b. Students who seem confused would be pulled for small group instruction to clarif' an' aspects the' did not comprehend during the lesson. %ccommodations: #his lesson assists &SB$ students, low6 achieving level, and resource students through the use of partner pairs and small group instruction. #he use of movement and interaction with their peers will increase all students learning. #he use of the animal guessing game will allow students to relate to the lesson and communicate with others, thus, helping with information retention. ?or groups that finish earl' the' would be asked to draw their chosen animal in their science Cournals and write about the animal including some ke' characteristics, the ecos'stem where the organism would live, and the food the organism eats. $ate finishers would be asked to conference individuall' with the teacher later during the da' to make sure the student or students completed all parts of the lesson. 4eferences: Science S4 ?ourth @rade >odule (61.7

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