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Caitlin Turnbull Mr. Hawkins Period 1st 26March2014 Should the Electoral College be abolished?

When the Constitution was written, voters had fewer opportunities of their own to learn about Presidential information that was given to Electoral College. Over the years there has always been a debate between why the Electoral College should be abolished or not. Everyones opinions has a statement to say but the Constitution has their and will stick with it regardless of what we as the people have to say. Robert Hardaway, Professor of Law, Kay Maxwell and Dovahkiin both agree that the Electoral College should be abolished as do I. Dovahkiin states that the Electoral College is outdated and should be abolished because it takes away our freedom as the people and doesnt give us a clear say on what or who we want to be our leader of our Country. We might have little say but nothing compared to the Government, Kay as well states that the candidates would campaign to get as many individual votes as possible in every state, instead of the government focusing on one state and on who THEY want to win the Electoral College. We as the people can learn about the candidates for ourselves and trust to choose our own President and see where the votes go. (Dovahkiin, 2013)

Theres been a discovery between an Electoral Vote vs. Popular Vote. In a Presidential Election, the popular vote simply means an aggregate of all voters from all states in America. The Candidate wins the popular vote and yet looses the Presidential election but then come back and win the Electoral vote if congress likes you and knows your good for Country then you will definitely win the whole election. To Robert Haradway and Kay Maxwell, its not fair to win just because youre their favorite. It should be based on us as the people to have a say in what and who we choose to be our leader in this Country. For this Election to be fair you need 538 votes total from each state of the United States. The voting Membership of each state in congress; The House of Representatives and number of Reps have a final say but we beg to differ. A presidential candidate should only need 270 (over 50%) electoral to win for it to be fair. Each vote we make should make a difference and will lead to increase voting across the country. Politically it represents the democratic and republic, each popular vote goes directly to the democratic and the Republic. The Electoral votes show that they represent the democratic and the republic regardless of what the final say is. The progressions of votes that are the citizen votes for the delegates or the representatives, generally in accordance with allegiance. The popular votes are when we as the people vote for officials and the majority votes are elected. In the Electoral vote system is that its possible for a presidential candidate to win popular vote or win electoral vote. . Over the years there has always been a debate between why the Electoral College should be abolished or not. Everyones opinions has a statement to say but the Constitution has their and will stick with it regardless of what we as the people have to

say. Changing the population affects not only the representatives but also now many of the electoral votes have. It helps because other people not just myself think that, we as the people choose our leader and not just the government. It doesnt matter whos favorite, but whos better for running this country.

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