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dandy-in-t he -unde rwo rld.blo gspo t .co m http://dandy-in-the-underwo rld.blo gspo t.co m/2012/03/d100-peculiarity-table-fo r-galbaruc.html?


d100 Peculiarity Table for Galbaruc

I made this table f or my Galbaruc campaign, though with some tweaking it might work f or yours. I jotted down 106 entries, but ended up scrapping a lot of them, narrowing it down to the 50 I liked best. My campaign only has 2 PC races in it (Humans and VatSpawn) so this table's f or Human characters, to give them a little distinction. T hese are probably not even remotely balanced.

d100 1-2

Peculiarity You are A ndrogynous: +4 to attempts to pass as a (nonspecif ic) member of the opposite sex. You are a Libertine : You must make a successf ul WIS roll to avoid Carousing if you f inish an expedition with more loot than you started out with. You are a Struldbrug . You have immortality (barring death by violence, drowning, etc.) without eternal youth. For some reason, (1-2) dogs (3-4) cats (5-6) birds hate you. T heyll growl/hiss/squawk at your approach, and the GM rolls 2d6 each round you remain within 10 f t. of the animals in question, which attack on a roll of 2 even numbers. You have a Doppelganger . T his individual is identical to you in appearance and stats, and wholeheartedly devoted to your ruin and destruction. It will ref rain f rom outright killing you until it f eels that the youve undergone suf f icient discomf ort, loss, and humiliation. You are a shape-shifting reptile f rom another plane of existence. Your true f rom is undetectable by mundane means, but if it is ever compromised, you will need to devour another human to take their shape, a process requiring 48 hours in undisturbed darkness. Your ancient enemies the (1-2) red (3-4) black scaled reptiles have their agents as well, and you will periodically receive orders f rom your superiors as you carry on the millennia-long struggle against your rivals,. You may perceive oracular significance in the buzzing of insects. Some years ago, you were a member of a secret cult . Despite certain dire oaths to the contrary, you abandoned it. Your f ormer brothers and sisters are always on the lookout f or the runaway. Gain Distinctive Tattoo . You are extraordinarily forgettable . T his can be f rustrating, as you must constantly remind casual acquaintances of your identity, but it comes in handy when eyewitnesses to the robbery are describing suspects to the authorities. You are a Gourmand . You must make a Save vs. Spell roll at +4 dif f iculty to turn down the






1314 1516



chance of experiencing a new taste. 2122 2324 Once per session, you may summon the spirit of an illustrious dead ancestor of yours f or f ive minutes of consultation. A powerful Magic-User , for some unknown reason, has taken an interest in your progress, and will act behind the scenes as a patron . T his assistance will not come without a price. You were born with a tail. Casual investigation has led you to believe that everyone is, and that there is a secret conspiracy of physicians and midwives to lop them of f at birth, to some unguessable purpose. You were born with a birth caul: While it remains on your person, you cannot drown. You were baptized in the blood of the Salamander . You take no damage f rom f ire. You are a musical prodigy. You may give an unf orgettable perf ormance on any instrument, but the instrument will disintegrate or f all apart in dramatic f ashion as soon as you f inish playing. True or not, you have a reputation as a colossal pervert a sexual adventurer of the most depraved kind. T his will be met with interest and enthusiasm in some quarters, and suspicion and hostility in others. You bear an executioner s brand on your thumb, indicating a reprieve f rom the death penalty. If f ound guilty f or any crime in the f uture, you will swing f or it. You are an ordained cleric in the religion of your choice. You possess no mystic powers, but can perf orm all observances, rituals, and ceremonies expected of you. You have not been of f icially def rocked, but any relationship with the church hierarchy is strained, at best. Reroll if youre already playing a capital C Cleric. Ghosts, specters, etc. are especially drawn to you . T hese visitations are not always malevolent, and of ten take the f orm of pleas f or aid and redress of past wrongs. An otherworldly Insect parasite has lodged itself in the base of your spine. You will occasionally experience strange f ascinations and cravings, which you may attempt to resist


2728 2930 3132






with a Save vs. Spell. 4344 4546 You are an albino . You are unable to grow any hair . No eyebrows, no pubes, nothin. You are blessed to live in a time and place when wigs are f ashionable. You have a coin with the sigil of a Minor Demon carved into it . You may summon this demon once to f ulf ill a f avor, af ter which, the demon returns to its own plane and the coin is reduced to a worthless blackened lump of slag. Youve woken up from suspended animation af ter d10 x100 years. Take 1 dot in Lore, but your knowledge may be somewhat out of date. Your speech will probably sound a bit archaic, as well. Every time you f ail your Save while Carousing, make another Save (vs. Magic). If you f ail, you dream a monster into existence . You (or the GM) roll up a monster using a random generator, which then blinks into existence, terrorizing the town or countryside and working its way toward you. You have a horrible, rasping speaking voice but can sing like an angel. You can hold your liquor like a champ . +4 to save vs. poison when boozing it up. You have an inch-tall horn spiraling out of your f orehead. Your physical body is the chain that keeps a monster imprisoned . T he GM will secretly roll a number on a d100. When youve taken that much HP damage, (or die) the creature breaks its bonds and escapes. Magical Healing can reverse the process, but only at a rate of 1 HP/instance. Someone believes you to be the reincarnation of their f ormer lover f rom a past lif e. T here is a 15% chance of switching bodies with ones companion during sex. (particularly abandoned libertines may need to roll again to narrow it down). You cannot re-enter (as it were) the same body af ter leaving it.




5354 5556 5758 5960

6162 6364

6566 6768 6970 7172 7374

You have a lofty hereditary title to a place that doesnt technically exist anymore Attention whore: +1 to all rolls when in f ront of at least one non-participant thats paying attention. You are a Compulsive gambler : Save vs. Spell to avoid participating in games of chance. You were born during a thunderstorm beneath a blasted tree-- take no damage from lighting/electricity. T hrough the use of drugs, ecstatic ritual, etc., you can enter a Berserk state . +4 to hit, damage explodes on the highest 3 digits (melee) f or d10 + CON modif ier rounds, at the end of which, you f all unconscious f or d6 rounds. While Berserk you must make a Save vs. Spell to avoid attacking allies within 15 f t. of you. You are the deposed Heir to an Island Prince . Some day, you will raise an army and take back what is rightf ully yours! Your teeth have been filed to points. You are a Eunuch , with all that implies. Roll again if f emale. You have some training as an Actor +2 bonus to pretend to be of higher/lower social status. You have a cheap tin talisman of Seppophis the Huntress. +2 to attempts to f ind an individual. Your pursuers have a -2 to f ind you. You have in your possession a small shard from one of the mysterious standing stones that litter the surrounding countryside. You have no fingernails on your lef t hand. Your weapon is an ancient, storied implement of great renown and prestige . Generations of proud warriors have wielded it with glory and distinction. It even has a name. So your mother always insisted, and so you will tell the pawnbroker when you run out of money f or gin. You are Double jointed . T his has all kinds

7576 7778 7980 8182 8384


8788 8990


92 9394 9596 9798 99100

of f un mechanics implications that can surely be dealt with on an ad hoc basis. Keith Richards: take a +4 bonus and R2K1 on all Saves vs. Poison when taking drugs. You have a Holy guardian angel and it loathes you Pugilist! Your f ists do d4 damage, R2K1. You have a pickled punk a tiny, twoheaded f etus in a jar. It can tell you one f act about an individual f or each drop of their blood you put in its brine. Af ter 12 drops, the brine will be completely clouded with blood and the unf ortunate creature will f inally die.

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