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Important Numbers. . . ,
. a . . . . . . ~ . : . : . . . : ~ . . ~ ~ ~
You can find
information on
Facebook & Twitter!
Emergency 9-1-1
Flood Helpline/ 357-3211
There are two groups on Facebook where you can find flood
Fire Dept
River Watch
Road Report
Oromocto FireDepartment or
https: / / www.facebook.com/oromocto.fd?fref=ts or
Maugerville's Flood Watch 2014
https:l / www.facebook.com/ groups/ 1398432750406422/ ?fref=ts
Once on the page you can see everything being posted by
other members of the group. If you wish to post things your-
self simply look at the top right hand corner and click the but-
ton that asks to join the group.
To follow us on Twitter : @oromoctofd.
Be Prepared
In preparation of a
flood, please make
eve ry effort to stock
up on perisha-
ble food and
water sup-
plies that may
be needed.
Ensure that your
home emergency kits
are fully stocked and
readily available
when the time comes.
Discuss with your fami-
ly the emergency con-
tact information
and have an
plan in place.
For further infor-
include in your emer-
gency kit or to be bet-
ter prepared, please
see the 72-hour emer-
gency guide booklet
or visit the website:
Note: You should have
2 litres of water for
each person in your
household per day.
For a family of 4 this
would equal24 litres
for 72 hours.
Protect yow pet in the event of an
Your pet is a domesticated animal and
therefore lacks the survival instincts
that wild animals have ... do not let your
pet fend for itself1
Keep a current colour photograph
showing distingui shing marki ngs.
Keep it with your "Pet Grab & Go
Keep vaccinations up-to-date and
store a copy of these n:cords with
the " Pet Grab & Go Kit".
Keep up-to-date identification on a
collar and tag for your pet.
During stress ful times your pets be-
haviour may change. Two pets that
normall y get along may fight as a
result of stress.
If you lalO\\ that disaster is Immi-
nent bri ng your pet inside.
Emergency Pet Plan
Some evacuation/reception centers
will not accept pets.
((you must leave your pet hehind:
Put your pet in a safe, secure room
without windows but with adequate
ventilation (bathroom).
Leave enough food to last for seven
Fill up the sink, bathtub and contai n-
ers that wont tip over easily with
water. Your pet will be under stress
and may drink more water than
usual. One or two gallons of
water per day per pet can be
used as a guidel ine.
Leave fa mili ar bedding and
toys that the pet is used to.
Don' t confine dogs and cats in
the same space. Cage small
animals and birds.
Ensure that your pet is wearing
identi fi cation tags.
Place a notice on your front
door that there are pets in the house and
where they are located.
Provide a telephone number where you
can be reached or the number of your
If you expect fl ooding provide access to
elevated spaces or counters.
Never leave your pet tied outside, espe-
ciall y when expecting a fl ood.
When you evacuate your pet, put your pet
in a portable kennel and remember they
Pet Boarding Information
Solid Gold- 40 Ann Crt. Hanwell: 457- 1530 (www.sgpr. ca)
Lincoln Pet Hotel- 2310 Lincoln Road: 458-9759
www.lincolnpethotel. webs. corn)
Catspa- 1647 Woodstock Road: 457-0404
Cats Only (www.fredericton-catspa.corn)
Hausebrewer Kennel- 1280 Rt. 105 Douglas NB: 472- 3604
Dogs Only (www.hausbrewerkennels.corn)
Check the Yellow Pages for other local pet care providers.
How to Minimize Emotional Affects of a Nat ural Disaster
The American Psychiatric Associa-
tion (APA) offers tips and other
mental health recourses on how to
minimize possible mental and emo-
tional effects of trauma caused by
destruction and Joss of life and
property during a disaster.
The devastating effects of natural
disasters can have tremendous
psychological impacts both direct-
ly and indirectly. Affected individ-
uals may have various stress reac-
tions that present psychological,
as well as physical symptoms.
However, there are steps that can
be taken to mitigate and lessen
the impacts.
After an event has passed, the
AP A recommends following these
steps to begin coping with the
possible devastation and stress
that follows such a disaster:
Keep informed of new information
and developments but try to avoid
overexposure to news broadcasts.
Be sure to use credible sources to
avoid speculation and rumors.
Take control of what you can. If
possible, stay out of heavily dam-
aged areas that will cause unnec-
essary stress and anxiety.
If you feel depressed, angry
or anxious, you are not alone.
Talk to friends, family or col-
leagues who likely are experi-
encing similar feelings.
If you have contact with chil-
dren, keep open dialogues
with them regarding t heir
fears of danger and
the disaster. Let them
know that in time, the
tragedy will pass.
Don't minimize the
danger, but talk
about your ability to
cope and get through
the ordeal.
Feelings of anxiety
and depression fol-
lowing a traumatic
event are natural. If
these symptoms con-
_ __ __, tinue, even after or-
der has been restored, or if these feel-
ings begin to overwhelm you, seek the
advice of a psychiatric physician in
your local community.
Source: Healthy Minds, Healthy
3 Steps to Emergency Preparedness
1. Know the Risks- Although the consequences of disasters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to your
community and region can help you better prepare. Find out what the hazards are in your region.
2. Make a Plan- It's easy and essential. Every Canadian household needs an emergency plan. It will help you
and your family know what to do if disaster strikes. Make your own plan and print it out today.
3. Get a Kit- It doesn't take long- find out what goes into an emergency kit, or where you can buy one. An
emergency kit helps ensure you and your family are ready to cope on your own for at least 72 hours.
(retrieved from www.getprepared.gc.ca)
For more information please
contact the Flood Line at
Flood Updates for 2014
1 Evacuations: In the event
I there is need for evacuation,
residents are encouraged to
utilize the services of the
, Red Cross. Should an evacu-
1 ation occur, the location for
1 registration will be an-
Helpline: Authorities in-
dicate there is a possibility of a
flood event in 2014 and in effort
to keep residents informe d , the
11 2014 Flood Helpline for non- I
has been activated I
(357 -32 11). This is a non-
nounced at that time.
emergency number.
You will be asked to provide
In the event of an
the Red Cross with your
personal contact information emergency please call
for updates and providing to
1 concerned out- of-town fami- Over the last few years, the
ly members. Oromocto Fire Department has
Communications: Resi-
dents are reminded to check
Facebook and Twitter as
well as listening to their
regular radio and television
stations for current infor-
been reviewing what worked
well and what could b e im-
proved on for any future flood
response. Some of the major
highlights of those discussions
covered such things as opera-
tions, communications, logistics,
safety and personnel.
If you have any suggestions or
comments to make, feel free to
post your message on our
Oromocto FireDepartment Face-
book pages.
You may also contact us through
Twitter- @oromoctofd, alt-
hough this is not monitored
2417. In case of Emergency
CALL 911.
Should it become
necessary, passes
will be issued.

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