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1he beglnnlng of Lhe pro[ecL

unravellng Lhe mysLerles of Lhe cosmos was

Lhe key feaLure of creaung a pro[ecL for Lhe
cosmlc lab, karLhlk and l boLh agreed on Lhe
same facL LhaL we should Lake up !"#$%
#'$$'(#$)%* *)+' as Lhe Loplc for our pro[ecL
laylng Spore
1o begln wlLh we sLarLed
wlLh playlng Lhe C game
Spore ls a mulu genre game
LhaL's allows Lhe player Lo
conLrol a specles from Lhe
beglnnlng of a mlcro cellular
organlsm Lo a fully evolved
lnLelllgenL and soclal specles
1hls allowed us Lo Lruly
undersLand Lhe worklng and
lnuence of every organlsm
ln a planeLs ecosysLem and
Mlnu MAlnC
Creaung solar sysLems
1he lssue was how Lo creaLe solar sysLems
wlLh accuraLe planeL daLa
Aer hours of research on Lhe lnLerneL we
found hup://don[on.bln.sh/world/ . 1hls
webslLe leLs Lhe user creaLe solar sysLems wlLh
proper readlngs
8efore we dlve lnLo llfe on our planeL, leLs Lake ume Lo
undersLand Lhe formauon and Lhe mechanlcs of Lhe planeL.
We look aL Payden SLar SysLem. 1he CenLer of Lhe sLar
sysLem ls Lhe SLar Crca.
1he sLar ls named so because lL forms Lhe norLhern mosL up
of a consLellauon LhaL resembles a klller Whale from LarLh
(Crca ls Laun for klller Whale).
Crca ls a sLar much unllke our sun, Sol. noL as magnlcenL or
large, yeL more fasclnaung. Crca ls a 8ed uwarf.
A $', ,-%$+ ls a small and relauvely cool sLar. 8ed dwarfs
range ln mass from a low of 0.073 solar masses Lo abouL
30 of Lhe Sun and have a surface LemperaLure of less Lhan
4,000 kelvln.
1he Payden SLar SysLem conslsL of one sLar and Lwo planeLs
revolvlng around Lhe sLar ln hyper Lllpucal CrblLs.

SLar Crca
A Pyper Llllpucal orblL ls an exaggeraLed orblLal
shape LhaL Lhe planeLs of Lhls Solar SysLem Lake
Lo revolve around Lhe SLar. uue Lo Lhls Lype of
an orblL Lhere are regular cllmauc pauerns on
Lhe planeLs of Lhls solar sysLem.
1he CLher laneL ln Lhls Solar sysLem ls eam.
eam ls a 8arren 8ock laneL much smaller
Lhan Lhe LarLh. lL has been found noL Lo have
much slgnlcance. Speculauons are LhaL Lhls
mlnlaLure planeL was derlved from Lhe debrls
of Lhe solar sysLem when Lhe sLar exploded
(around 7 bllllon years ago).
kanorls ls Lhe second laneL from Crca.
lL ls speculaLed LhaL kanorls Loo was formed from Lhe
uebrls of Lhe orca exploslon where Lhe oaung rock
parucles condensed under an emergenL gravlLauonal force
Lo from a rudlmenLary llfeless planeL.
1he planeL has ma[or lce caps LhaL cover around 30 of Lhe
planeL's surface and only 9 of waLer coverage. Ma[or
componenL's of Lhe laneL's crusL are lron and Slllcon
(much llke LarLh).
Llfe sLarLed emerglng on Lhe planeL 3.9 bllllon years ago
because of a serles of chemlcal evoluuon very much slmllar
Lo LarLh.
Creaung 1erraln for kanoras
1he planeL had Lo be creaLed from scraLch,
wlLh no ldeas comlng ln from our baslc human
knowledge of planeLs
kanoras ls aplaneL wlLh blue colour Lerraln,
blue colour planLs and blue skles
A landscape renderlng soware called
1erragen3 was used Lo creaLe Lhe Lerraln for

1he rendered Lerraln
Llfe on kanoras
Llfe on kanoras began wlLh a proLozoan llke
unlcellular organlsm called /78%9%:;78'<
whlch feed and sLore waLer from Lhe planeLs
lcecaps durlng summers and muluply durlng

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