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AutoCAD is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting. AutoCAD had become the most ubiquitous microcomputer design program worldwide, with functions such as "poly lines" , "curve fitting, Chamfer, Trimming spline, 3 point tangent polygon Hatching , 3D Mirror and 3D Align etc. AutoCAD is used across a range of industries, including architects, project managers and engineers, among other professions, with 750 training centers established worldwide as of 1994.

Sectional views, commonly called sections, are used to show interior detail that is too complicated to be shown clearly and dimensioned by the traditional orthographic views and hidden lines. A sectional view is obtained making an imaginary cut through the part, and by drawing the features on the cut surface, as shown in Figure below.

In a drawing, the exposed or cut surfaces are identified by section lining, or crosshatching. Section views show internal part detail as solid lines instead of hidden lines, which improve communication. Hidden lines and details behind the cutting-plane line are usually omitted unless they are required for clarity. A sectional view can sometimes replace one of the regular views, for example, a regular front view as shown in Figure below

In orthographic projection, hidden lines are used to represent the details of an object which are not seen from the outside. In order to avoid too many hidden lines and to make the drawing more understandable, the object is cut by an imaginary cutting plane in such a way as to expose the required inner details of the object. The cutting plane is also called section plane.


A cutting-plane line indicates where the imaginary cutting takes place. The position of the cutting plane is indicated, when necessary, on a view of the object or assembly by a cutting plane line as shown in below. The ends of the cutting-plane line are bent at 90 degrees and terminated by arrowheads to indicate the direction of sight for viewing the section. Cutting planes are not shown on sectional views. The cuttingplane line may be omitted when it corresponds to the centerline of the part or when only one sectional view appears on a drawing.

Cutting plane shown as edge view: cutting plane line. Cutting plane arrow representing the direction of line of sight. Section lines (hatch) show where areas of solid material are present.

Hatching lining indicates the surface that has been cut and makes it stand out clearly. Hatching lines usually consist of thin parallel lines, drawn at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the principal edges or axis of the part. They should be evenly spaced. In AutoCAD, the line type is usually phantom and the line weight is thick (0.6 to 0.8 mm). Hatching pattern should be the same for separate areas of a single object


The hatch tool icon and tooltip from the Home/Draw panel

Hatch dialog box


FULL SECTIONAL Cutting plane lies on a single plane and passes through the entire object. HALF SECTIONAL A symmetrical object or assembly may be drawn as a half section, Fig(B), showing one half up to the center line in section and the other half in full view. A normal centerline is listed on the section view. The wording, half section, can be confusing because one thinks of showing half the part. Remember, a half section shows one-fourth of the part, not one half.

No hidden lines are shown figure A Visible lines behind the cutting plane must be shown figure A

The half section drawing is not normally used where the dimensioning of internal diameters is required. This is because many hidden lines would have to be added to the portion showing the external features. This type of section is used mostly for assembly drawings where internal and external features are clearly shown and only overall and center-to-center dimensions are required.

In this assignment we are going to make the figure below using 2D Drafting & Annotation and some Line, Line type, Trim command for making Front,Top,Side. We will examine the figure and we will select the suitable front side of fig which contains maximum information about figure. Symbol F denoted as a front side as shown in fig. First we make the views and will decide which view is suitable for cutting. As you can see that if we cut the object from vertical (A A) then the cutting piece can be easily seen from the front view. It is sectional view A. If we cut the object horizontal (B B) then the cutting piece can be easily seen from top view. It is sectional view B.

First make the front view by following the steps given below.
1. Draw 74 units line horizontal. 2. Draw 20 units line at 90 to the left edge. 3. Draw 28 units line at 90 to the right edge.

4. Draw 40 units line at 180 to the top of the right line. 5. Join the top edge of the 20 units line to the 40 units line as shown below.

6. Leave 5 units from both corner of 40 units line. 7. Draw a box of 30 units length and 20 units heights. 8. The 6 units depth cannot be seen from front but it can be easily seen from the top view.

9. Now draw the centre and hidden line of the circle which can be seen from the top view but not from the front. Centre of the circle is the middle of 30 units line and diameter is 20 units. Leave 10 units space from both side of the centre line.

10. Now draw the centre and hidden line of the circle which can be seen from side view but not from the front. Centre of the circle is the middle of 20 units line and diameter is 12 units. Leave 6 units space from both side of the centre line.

11. Now draw the centre and hidden line of the semi circle which can be seen from left side lower view. The centre of the semi circle is the same as 74 units line. The diameter of the semi circle is 24 units. First draw 12 unit line at 90 then draw 74 unit line at 0 from left side or if you plotting line from right side then 180.

12. Below is the complete view of the Front.

Second, make the top view by following the steps given below. 1. Make a box of length 74 units and width of 42 units.

2. At the distance of 40 units draw a line of length 42 unit at 90 .

3. Make a square box of 30 x 30 . Leave 5 units from both corner of 42 unit line and leave the depth of 6 unit

4. Now make a centre and hidden line of both semi circle and circle of diameter of 12 units which cannot be seen from top.

5. Now make a circle of diameter of 20 units at the centre of box.

6. Now trim the hidden line inside the circle by using trim command. Select the circle for cutting edge and the respective line.

Third, make the side view by following the steps given below. 1. Make a box of length 42 and height 28 units then draw another box of height 20 and length 30 units. Leave 6 unit distances from both ends.

2. Draw the semi circle of diameter 24 and small circle of diameter 12 which can be seen from side view and the above circle of diameter 20 which cannot be seen the side view, make centre and hidden lines for it. Use trim command for semi circle.

Cut the object sectional (AA)

From the front view those section which are chopped off, hatched them. Hollow semi and full circle will not be hatched.

Cut the object sectional (BB)

From the top view those section which are chopped off, hatched them. Hollow semi and full circle will not be hatched.


We can represent 3D object using full sectional view concept.

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