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Table of Contents

Aiticle of Faith: Belief in the Last Bay Page 1

Beath Page 1

The uiave Page 7

The Beginning of the Last Bay (Fiist Tiumpet) Page 16

Waiting Peiiou anu the Rain Page 17

The Resuiiection (Al-Ba'ath) (Seconu Tiumpet) Page 17

The uieat uatheiing (Al Bashi) Page 19

Inteicession Page 2S

The Recoius Page 26

The Accounting (Al Bisaab) Page 26

The Scales (Al Nizaan) Page Su

At the Ciossing of the Siiaat (Biiuge) Page SS

Final Bestination of the Bisbelieveis anu Bypociites: Bellfiie Page S4

Believeis Pioceeu to Al-Qantaiah: Biiuge to }annah Page SS

Final Bestination of the Believei: Paiauise Page SS

The Enu of Beath Page S9

Refeiences anu Recommenueu Reauing Page 4u

- 1 -
!"#$%&' )* *!$#+, -'&$'* $. #+' &!/# 0!1

2345 6789 :5 ;84< 57 =8>:8?8 :< 538 &495 04@A

Belief in the last uay means to have fiim conviction in the ieality of all that is mentioneu in
the Qui'an anu the Sunnah about the afteilife: what occuis at the moment of ueath; the
tiials, punishments anu iewaius in the giave; the iesuiiection; the gatheiing; the iecoius;
the ieckoning; the scale; the pool; the biiuge of 'As-Siiaat'; the inteicession; Paiauise, Bell
anu all that Allah ta'ala has piepaieu foi those who will uwell in them.

"#$% &'( )$%* +',,- .'*/0*1 )0,, 23'*1 4%567% 3$% 8671 65 3$% 967,12:::" ("#$%&'())*)**+,

$;B7C54<D8 7E =8>:8E :< 538 &495 04@

Belief in the last uay is one of the pillais of faith. If one uoes not believe in any of the 6
pillais of faith, then he is not consiueieu a believei.

;< (6= )$6 4%,0%>%? @%,0%>% 0* A,,'$B '*1 C02 D%22%*E%7 +D=$'..'1 -B '*1 3$% @66/
+3$% F=7G'*- )$0H$ C% $'2 2%*3 16)* 36 C02 D%22%*E%7B '*1 3$% IH70J3=7% )$0H$ C% 2%*3
16)* 36 3$62% 4%567% +$0.-B '*1 )$626%>%7 1024%,0%>%2 0* A,,'$B C02 A*E%,2B C02 @66/2B
C02 D%22%*E%72B '*1 3$% 8'23 &'(B 3$%* 0*1%%1 $% $'2 237'(%1 5'7 ')'(:K ("+$-*.(, 4:1S6)

;L3 02 *63 A,M@077 +J0%3(B 70E$3%6=2*%22- 3$'3 (6= 3=7* (6=7 5'H%2 36)'712 %'23 '*1 +67-
)%23 +0* J7'(%72-N 4=3 A,M@077 02 +3$% O=',03( 65- 3$% 6*% )$6 4%,0%>%2 0* A,,'$B 3$% 8'23
&'(B 3$% A*E%,2B 3$% @66/B 3$% P76J$%32QK ("#$/(0(1(2, 2:177)

In the Qui'an, theie aie numeious times wheie belief in Allah ta'ala is connecteu with
the belief in the Last Bay. This shows the impoitance of having ceitainty in this pillai.

;Q)$6%>%7 4%,0%>%2 0* A,,'$ '*1 3$% 8'23 &'( '*1 16 70E$3%6=2 E661 1%%12 2$',, $'>%
3$%07 7%)'71 )03$ 3$%07 8671B 6* 3$%. 2$',, 4% *6 5%'7B *67 2$',, 3$%( E70%>%K ("#$
/(0(1(2, 2:62)

Faith in the Last Bay has a gieat influence in a peison's life. Fiim belief in this pillai
iefoims one's chaiactei anu conuuct, anu uiives one to excel in iighteous ueeus, anu
iefiain fiom evil. This is the ieason why theie aie many occasions in the Qui'an wheie
theie is a link between belief in the Last Bay anu peifoiming iighteous ueeus.


Beath is the fiist station of the Beieaftei.
Eveiy soul will taste ueath.

"R>%7(6*% 2$',, 3'23% 1%'3$: A*1 6*,( 6* 3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306* 2$',, (6= 4% J'01 (6=7
)'E%2 0* 5=,,: A*1 )$6%>%7 02 7%.6>%1 ')'( 576. 3$% T07% '*1 '1.033%1 36 P'7'102%B $%

/334 3) 56((+ by ibn Taymiyah

- 2 -
0*1%%1 02 2=HH%225=,: #$% ,05% 65 3$02 )67,1 02 6*,( 3$% %*U6(.%*3 65 1%H%J306*:" ("#$761(+,

;9$'326%>%7 02 6* 03 +3$% %'73$- )0,, J%702$: A*1 3$% T'H% 65 (6=7 8671 5=,, 65 D'U%23(
'*1 C6*6=7 )0,, 7%.'0* 567%>%7:K ("1$8(26((+, SS:26-27)

"9$%7%26%>%7 (6= .'( 4%B 1%'3$ )0,, 6>%73'/% (6= %>%* 05 (6= '7% 0* 56737%22%2 4=0,3 =J
2376*E '*1 $0E$?" ("+$-*.(, 4:78)

The Righteous will uie,
anu the wickeu will uie.
The waiiiois who fight jihu will uie,
anu those who sit at home will uie .
Those who busy themselves with coiiect belief will uie,
anu those who tieat the people as theii slaves will uie.
The biave who ieject injustice will uie,
anu the cowaius who seek to cling onto this life at any
piice will uie. The people of gieat concein anu lofty
goals will uie, anu the wietcheu people who live only
foi cheap enjoyment will uie.

Remembei ueath often!

The Piophet saiu, "0ften iemembei the uestioyei of pleasuie (ueath)." ("'$9*16*:2*)

#38 F7;8<5 7E 08453

The angel of ueath anu his assistant angels appeai befoie the uying peison, ieauy to take his

0HC:<I 538 J4<I9 7E 08453

The uying peison tiies to holu back his soul befoie he finally submits to his inevitable fate.
Reluctantly, the soul exits via his thioat. As it leaves his bouy, his gaze becomes fixeu in the
uiiection of its uepaituie.

!EE4:C9 "8>45:<I 57 538
0@:<I J8C97<
! -8>:8?8C ! 0:9=8>:8?8C
+:9 E88>:<I 4=7H5 ;885:<I
Be loves it anu longs foi it. Be hates anu feais it.
!>>43K9 ?:8L 4=7H5 3:;, Allah loves to meet him. Allah hates to meet him.
2345 38 94@9 49 3:9 97H>
Be piaises Allah. Be iequests to ietuin to life.

Taken fiom the book ;<('2 by Shaykh 'Ali Basan al-Balabi
The following tables on ueath, anu the giave aie taken fiom =*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 3 -
F4<<8C 7E 3:9 97H>K9
It exits effoitlessly as
sweating, oi as watei flowing
fiom a watei-skin's spout.
It becomes teiiifieu anu
clings to the bouy, but then
exists noisily fiom the siue of
his mouth.

The Piophet saiu: "Whoevei loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him anu whoevei
hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him."

'Aisha, (may Allah be pleaseu with hei) saiu, "/&' ?< :*.#*4< :<('2@A

Be saiu: "It is not like this, but it is meant that when the time of the ueath of a believei
appioaches, he ieceives the goou news of Allah's pleasuie with him anu Bis blessings upon
him, anu so at that time nothing is ueaiei to him than what is in fiont of him. Be theiefoie
loves the meeting with Allah, anu Allah loves the meeting with him. But when the time of the
ueath of a uisbelievei appioaches, he ieceives the evil news of Allah's toiment anu Bis
Requital, wheieupon nothing is moie hateful to him than what is befoie him. Theiefoie, he
hates the meeting with Allah, anu Allah too, hates the meeting with him." (B(2*2 /&42(1*)

!.N'&/ )* 0'!#+

#38 !<I8>9 #4O8 538 /7H> 7E 538 -8>:8?8C

;V%70,(B 3$62% )$6 2'(W X<=7 8671 02 A,,'$ +A,6*%-BY '*1 3$%* 3$%( L23'O''.= +7%.'0*%1
6* ' 70E$3 H6=72%-B 6* 3$%. 3$% '*E%,2 )0,, 1%2H%*1 +'3 3$% 30.% 65 3$%07 1%'3$- +2'(0*E-W
XT%'7 *63B *67 E70%>%? @=3 7%H%0>% 3$% E,'1 3010*E2 65 P'7'102%B )$0H$ (6= $'>% 4%%*
J76.02%1?Y 9% $'>% 4%%* (6=7 570%*12 0* 3$% ,05% 65 3$02 )67,1 '*1 '7% +26- 0* 3$%
C%7%'53%7: #$%7%0* (6= 2$',, $'>% +',,- 3$'3 (6=7 0**%7 2%,>%2 1%207%B '*1 3$%7%0* (6=
2$',, $'>% +',,- 567 )$0H$ (6= '2/ 567: A* %*3%73'0*.%*3 576. +A,,'$-B 3$% <53MT67E0>0*EB
D623 D%7H05=,:K (C&..*#(', 41:Su-S2)

#38 !<I8>9 #4O8 538 /7H> 7E 538 0:9=8>:8?8C

;A*1 05 (6= H6=,1 2%% )$%* 3$% '*E%,2 3'/% ')'( 3$% 26=,2 65 3$62% )$6 1024%,0%>% +'3
1%'3$-B 3$%( 2.03% 3$%07 5'H%2 '*1 3$%07 4'H/2B +2'(0*E-W X#'23% 3$% J=*02$.%*3 65 3$%
4,'Z0*E T07%:Y #$02 02 4%H'=2% 65 3$'3 )$0H$ (6=7 $'*12 $'1 567)'71%1: A*1 >%70,(B A,,'$
02 *63 =*U=23 36 C02 2,'>%2:K ("#$"+)((#, 8:Su-S1)

#38 !99:954<5 !<I8>9

The assistant angels aiiive shoitly befoie the Angel of Beath. They sit at the limit of the
uying peison's eyesight, awaiting the Angel of Beath. As soon as the Angel of Beath extiacts
the soul fiom the bouy, they snatch it fiom his hanu.

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 4 -
!99:954<5 !<I8>9 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
089DC:B5:7<, They aie angels of meicy.
They aie angels of
Theii faces aie white anu
biight like the sun.
They aie stiong, hulking, anu
of uaik faces.
2345 538@ D4CC@,
White silk anu embalmment
fiom }annah.
Coaise fabiics fiom the Fiie.
#:6:<I9 538@ =C:<I,
ulau tiuings: "Exit to Allah's
gianteu happiness."
Alaiming tiuings: "Exit to
Allah's wiath."
!D5:7< HB7< C8D8:?:<I 538
They apply to it the shiouu
anu embalmment fiom
They beat his face anu back
anu wiap the soul in the
fabiic fiom the Fiie.

F:99:7< 7E 538 !<I8> 7E 08453

The Angel of Beath sits by the heau of the uying peison anu conuucts his job of extiacting
the soul. Be commanus it to exit fiom the bouy anu gives it tiuings of its imminent aboue-
iepeating this until it exits.

!D5:7< 7E 538 !<I8> 7E
! -8>:8?8C ! 0:9=8>:8?8C
+8 D7;;4<69 538 97H>,
"Bepait, 0 goou anu peaceful
soul that inhabiteu a goou
"Bepait, 0 malicious soul
that inhabiteu a malicious
#:6:<I9 38 I:?89 57 538
"Bepait to Allah's
foigiveness anu pleasuie;
uepait in a piaisewoithy
state; ieceive glau tiuings of
happiness, sweet fiagiances,
anu a Loiu who is not
uispleaseu with you."
"Bepait to Allah's wiath anu
angei; uepait in a
conuemneu state; anu
ieceive evil tiuings of boiling
fluius, uiity wounu
uischaiges, anu othei types
of suffeiing."
+7L 38 34<6>89 538 97H>, Be takes it gently.
Be extiacts it by foice,
causing the veins anu neives
to buist.

!E58C 538 /7H>K9 08B4C5HC8

As the soul leaves the bouy, it emits ououis that people in this life cannot smell. The angels,
howevei, smell them, anu aie eithei pleaseu oi iepulseu by them.

- 5 -
!D5:7< 7C '?8<5 ! -8>:8?8C ! 0:9=8>:8?8C
/;8>> 8;4<45:<I EC7; 538
68B4C5:<I 97H>,
The best scent of musk that
evei existeu on eaith.
The most iepugnant ouoi of
a uecaying cauavei that evei
existeu on eaith.
J79:5:7< 7E 538 499:954<5
They pass the soul among
them to smell it.
They aie iepulseu by its filth.
!D5:7< 7E 538 4<I8>9 :< 538
384?8<9 4<6 7< 84C53,
They supplicate foi him. They cuise him.
#38 I4589 57 538 384?8<9, They open foi him. They iemain fiimly shut.

#38 /7H>K9 #C:B 57 +84?8<

Aftei the soul's uepaituie fiom the bouy at ueath, the assistants of the Angel of Beath
ascenu with it to the heavens. A believei's soul is waimly welcomeu anu aumitteu into all
seven heavens. It meets the souls of othei believeis in }annah anu ieceives its Loiu's piaise
befoie ietuining to its bouy. A uisbelievei's soul is conuemneu, anu is not alloweu to entei
even the lowest heaven, anu it is uioppeu into the bottom of eaith foi the unhappy meeting
with the souls of othei uisbelieveis, anu it then ietuins into its bouy.

'?8<5 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
RH895:7< 7E 4<I8>9 4>7<I
538 L4@ 57 384?8< 4<6 45
538 E:C95 384?8<K9 I458,
"Who is this goou soul
coming fiom eaith."
"Who is this malicious soul."
"8B>@ 7E 538 4DD7;B4<@:<I
"So-anu-so," using his best
"So-anu-so," using his woist
"8D8B5:7< =@ 538 4<I8>9
IH4C6:<I 538 I458 57 538
>7L895 384?8<,
"Welcome, goou soul that
inhabiteu a goou bouy; may
Allah's blessings be upon you
anu youi bouy. Entei
giacefully, anu ieceive glau
tiuings of happiness, sweet
fiagiances, anu a Loiu who is
pleaseu with you."
"You aie unwelcome,
malicious soul that inhabiteu
a malicious bouy; ietuin in a
conuemneu state, because
the gates of the heavens will
not open foi you."
!6;:99:7< 7E 538 97H> :<57
538 E:C95 384?8<,
The gates open foi it anu it is
The gates aie shut, anu it is
not aumitteu.

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 6 -
#C:B 7E 4 -8>:8?8CK9 /7H> #3C7HI3 +84?8<9

Aftei the fiist heaven, the believei's soul is taken thiough each successive heaven unit it
ieaches the uppeimost heaven. At each heaven's gate, the soul is welcomeu the same way it
was welcomeu at the fiist heaven's gate. Fuitheimoie, the best angels fiom each heaven
escoit the soul to the next heaven.

F885:<I )538C /7H>9

F885:<IK9 0854:>9 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
!558<6889, Believeis' souls. Bisbelieveis' souls.
J>4D8 7E ;885:<I,
In the seventh heaven in
In a ueep abyss in the
seventh eaith.
F85376 7E 538 97H>K9 5C4?8>,
uiaceful aiiival in the
company of angels.
It is flung uown fiom heaven
to eaith.
"8D8B5:7< =@ 7538C 97H>9,
Waim welcome anu pleasant
0nwelcome ieception;
mutual hate anu uistiust.
*88>:<I9 7E 7538C 97H>9,
Concein about this soul anu
giving it time to iest.
No concein.
/7;8 B7:<59 7E 6:9DH99:7<,
The conuitions of theii living
acquaintances on eaith.
Nutual blame anu

#C:BK9 %7<D>H9:7<

'?8<5 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
2C:5:<I 538 C8D7C69,
Allah says, 'Wiite my slave's
iecoius in illiyyun (loftiest
Allah says, 'Wiite my slave's
iecoius in sijjin in the lowest
of eaith.'
"85HC< 57 538 =76@,
Bis soul is (gently) taken
uown to the eaith until it
joins his bouy in the giave.
Bis soul is haishly flung fiom
heaven to the uepth of eaith
befoie joining the bouy in
the giave.

As soon as the soul ieaches the giave, the ueau peison is given the ability to heai the
footsteps of his companions as they walk away fiom his giave.

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly
=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 7 -
!>UV345:;43 W! J8C97<K9 '<6X

!5 538 5:;8 7E 68453Y L8 ;H95 53:<O I776 7E !>>43 54K4>4 4<6 34?8 37B8 :< +:;, }abii
b. 'Abuullah al-Ansaii iepoiteu: I heaiu Allah's Nessengei (may peace be upon him) say
thiee uays befoie his ueath: None of you shoulu uie but hoping only goou fiom Allah, the
Exalteu anu uloiious. (%&.#*6)
0ui life is uepenuent upon the last action that we uo befoie ueath.
'Abuullah bin Nas'uu (may Allah be pleaseu with him) iepoiteu: The Nessengei of Allah
, the most tiuthful, the most tiusteu, tolu us: ".I sweai by Allahtheie is no uou but
Beone of you may peifoim the ueeus of the people of Paiauise till theie is naught but
an aim's length between him anu it, when that which has been wiitten will outstiip him
so that he peifoims the ueeus of the people of the Bell Fiie; one of you may peifoim the
ueeus of the people of the Bell Fiie, till theie is naught but an aim's length between him
anu it, when that which has been wiitten will oveitake him so that he peifoims the
ueeus of the people of Paiauise anu enteis theiein." ("#$/&42(1*, %&.#*6)

#+' N"!Z'

#38 #8CC7C9 7E 538 NC4?8

It is naiiateu fiom Bani' the seivant of '0thman (may Allah be pleaseu with him) that he
saiu, "Whenevei '0thman stoou at a giave, he woulu weep until his beaiu became wet so it
was saiu to him, 'You iemembei Paiauise anu Bell but you uo not ciy. Yet you ciy ovei
this.!' Be saiu, 'Inueeu, the Nessengei of Allah saiu, 'The giave is the fiist step of the
Beieaftei so if one is saveu fiom it, then what comes aftei is easiei to beai. Anu if one is not
saveu fiom it, then what comes aftei is moie uifficult.' Then he saiu, 'The Nessengei of Allah
saiu, 'I have not seen a sight except that the giave is moie hoiiific.'" ("26(:, "#$9*16*:2*,
D#(..<: (. E(.(+ FG (#$"#F(+*)

#38 /[H88\8 :< 538 NC4?8

"Theie is squeezing in the giave; if anyone weie to have been saveu fiom it, it woulu have
been Sa'u ibn Nu'aauh." (B2(G42 -((.*1$&:$;<<+ (#$"#F((+<< .(*: *+ B(2<<2 (#$H((6*
IJKJLMN, *'. 7.+(: *. B(2<<2) (Sa'u ibn Nu'aauh is the 'one at whose ueath the Thione shook,
foi whom the gates of heaven weie openeu, anu whose funeial was attenueu by seventy
thousanu angels.')

#38 RH895:7<:<I

The questioning staits foi the ueau peison as soon as he is laiu uown in his giave, anu soil is
packeu upon him, anu his fiienus anu family, one-by-one, uepait fiom his giave.

=*)< *+ (#$/(1>(42 by Nuhammau al }ibaly

- 8 -
#38 #L7 !<I8>9

Immeuiately aftei buiial, the questioning staits. It is conuucteu by angels who have the
following uesciiption:

Questioning mannei:
What they caiiy:
"Nunkai" (the 0nfamiliai) anu "Nakii" (the Rebukei)
Shaues of black anu blue colouis.
Stein anu thieatening
Iion clubs

92< L 0&<.'*3+. (.4<: FG '2< J (+O<#.P%&+4(1 (+: -(4*1:
1. Who is youi Loiu.
2. What is youi faith.
S. Who is youi Piophet.

"A,,'$ )0,, /%%J 507. )$6 4%,0%>%B )03$ 3$% )671 3$'3 23'*12 507. 0* 3$02 )67,1Q"
(7F1(2*6, 14:27)

It is naiiateu fiom Abu Buiaiiah (may Allah be pleaseu with him) that the Piophet saiu,
'Inueeu, the ueau peison will be taken to the giave: The iighteous one will sit in his giave
without feai oi teiioi anu it will be saiu to him, 'What uiu you useu to uo.' Be will say, 'I
useu to abiue by Islam.' Then it will be saiu, 'Who is this man.' Be will say, 'Nuhammau, the
Nessengei of Allah . Be came to us with cleai pioofs fiom his Loiu anu so we believeu in
him.' It will be saiu to him, 'Bave you seen Allah.' Be'll say, 'It's not befitting foi anyone to
see Allah.' Then an opening will be maue foi him looking into Bell, anu he'll look to it anu
see its paits ciashing anu uestioying each othei. It will be saiu, 'Look at what youi Loiu has
saveu you fiom.' Then an opening will be maue foi him looking into Paiauise, anu he'll look
to its blossoms anu what it is in it. It will then be saiu, 'This is youi place of iesiuence,' anu it
will be saiu to him, 'It was upon yaqeen (conviction) that you liveu, upon yaqeen that you
uieu anu it is upon it that you will iaiseu, in sha' Allah.'

Be saiu, 'Anu the wiong-uoei will sit in his giave in feai anu teiioi anu it will be saiu to
him, 'What uiu you useu to uo.' Be will say, 'I uon't know!' Be will be askeu, 'Who is this
man.' Anu he will say, 'I heaiu the people saying something anu so I saiu it too.' Then an
opening will be maue foi him looking into Paiauise, anu he'll look to its blossoms anu what
is in it. It will be saiu to him, 'Look at what Allah has tuineu away fiom you.' Then an
opening will be maue foi him looking into Bell, anu he'll look to it anu see its paits ciashing
anu uestioying each othei. It will be saiu, 'Look to youi place of iesiuence. 0pon uoubt uiu
you live, anu upon it uiu you uie anu upon it will you be iaiseu, in sha' Allah.' (7F+ %(Q(2,
:<R#(1<: E(.(+ FG (#$/&.(*1*)

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 9 -
#38 0846 J8C97<K9 "84D5:7< 57 538 !<I8>9

The angels act with the ueau peison in a way that causes the following ieactions:

!<I8>9K !D5:7< ! -8>:8?8CK9 "84D5:7< ! 0:9=8>:8?8CK9 "84D5:7<
#38@ 4BBC74D3 3:;
Bis goou ueeus uefenu him.
Theie is nothing to uefenu
#38@ D7;;4<6 3:; 57 9:5
Be sits up without feai oi
teiioi, anu iequests to piay.
Be sits up in a state of feai
anu teiioi.
#38@ 49O 3:; [H895:7<9a
Allah guiues him anu makes
him fiim in woius, so as to
know the answeis.
Be stutteis, anu is confuseu
anu misguiueu.
#38@ 49O 3:; :< 4 958C<
This uoes not change his
This auus to his confusion.

#38 #C:4>K9 RH895:7<9 4<6 !<9L8C9

RH895:7< ! -8>:8?8CK9 !<9L8C ! 0:9=8>:8?8CK9 !<9L8C
b237 :9 @7HC &7C6A 237;
6:6 @7H L7C93:BAc
"Ny Loiu is Allah. I
woishippeu Bim."
"Ah, ah, I uo not know!"
b2345 :9 @7HC 688<A 2345
6:6 @7H 94@ 4=7H5 $9>4;A
2345 6:6 @7H 67 :< >:E8Ac
"Ny ueen is Islam. I auheieu
to it, anu ieau Allah's Book,
believeu in it, anu obeyeu it."
"Ah, ah, I uo not know! I
heaiu people say things, so I
saiu the same."
237 :9 5345 ;4< L37 L49
98<5 57 @7HAc
"I testify that theie is no
(tiue) gou but Allah, anu that
Nuhammau is Allah's
seivant anu messengei who
biought us cleai signs fiom
Allah, anu we believeu him."
"Ah, ah, I cannot iecall his
name. I uo not know. I just
heaiu people say that he is a

#38 #C:4>K9 %7<D>H9:7<

The iesult of the tiial is announceu by the angels anu confiimeu by Allah ta'ala.

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly
=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 10 -
!<<7H<D8C *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
#38 4<I8>9
"We expecteu you to say this.
0pon ceitituue you liveu,
upon that you uieu, anu upon
it will you be iesuiiecteu."
"We expecteu you to say this.
You neithei knew noi
ieciteu. In uoubts you liveu,
upon them you uieu, anu
upon them will you be
"Ny seivant has spoken the
"Be has lieu."

%34<I89 :< 538 NC4?8

At the tiial's conclusion, the enviionment in the giave changes in a way uepenuent on the
tiial's outcome.

%34<I8 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
#38 6846 B8C97< :9 I:?8<,
Fuinishings anu clothing
fiom }annah.
Fuinishings fiom hell.
! 677C 7B8<9 EC7; 3:9
IC4?8 57,
}annah; so he enjoys some of
its bliss anu fiagiance.
Bell; so he suffeis some of its
heat anu fieice winu.
'M58<5 7E 3:9 IC4?8,
It is spieau to the limit of his
eyesight: 7u ! 7u cubits.
The eaith contiacts on him
causing his iibs to bieak.
&:I35:<I 7E 538 IC4?8, It is illuminateu foi him. Baikness engulfs him.
#38 IC4?8 :9 E:>>86, With gieeneiy. With fiie.

%7;B4<:7< :< 538 NC4?8

The ueau peison's ueeus will mateiialize befoie him in the foim of a peison who can speak
anu will tell him, "This is the uay that you weie piomiseu."

'?8<5 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
+:9 68869 54O8 538 E7C; 7E,
A hanusome companion with
nice clothing anu a pleasant
A hiueous companion with
ugly clothing anu foul smell.
#:6:<I9 D4CC:86 =@ 538
"I biing you glau tiuings of
Allah's acceptance, anu of
gaiuens with eveilasting
"I biing you bau tiuings."

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly
=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 11 -
+:9 C89B7<98 57 538
"ulau tiuings fiom Allah be to
you too. Who aie you. Youi
face is one that biings
"Bau tiuings fiom Allah be to
you too. Who aie you. Youi
face is one that biings evil."
!<9L8C 7E 538 D7;B4<:7<,
"I am youi goou ueeus. By
Allah, I only knew you quick
in obeying Allah, anu slow in
uisobeying Bim. Nay Be
iewaiu you with the best."
"I am youi malicious ueeus.
By Allah, I only knew you
slow in obeying Allah anu
quick in uisobeying Bim.
Nay Be iepay you with the

077C9 57 J4C46:98 4<6 +8>>

Two openings appeai to the ueau peison in his giave. 0ne opening shows blissful anu
splenuiu views of paiauise. The othei shows giuesome views of uestiuction in hell.

'?8<5 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
#38 4<I8>9 B7:<5 45 538
7B8<:<I 57 38>> 4<6 58>> 538
6846 B8C97<,
"Allah saveu you fiom this- It
coulu have been youi aboue
if you uisobeyeu Bim."
"This will be youi aboue in
'EE8D5 7E 53:9 <8L9 7< 3:;,
It auus to his joy anu
It auus to his iegiet anu
#38 4<I8>9 B7:<5 45 538
7B8<:<I 57 B4C46:98 4<6
58>> 3:;,
"This will be youi aboue in
"Allah uepiiveu you fiom
this- It coulu have been youi
aboue hau you obeyeu Allah
anu believeu in Bim."
'EE8D5 7E 53:9 <8L9 7< 3:;,
It auus to his joy anu
It auus to his iegiet anu
'?8C@ ;7C<:<I 4<6
8?8<:<IY 38 :9 4I4:< 937L<,
Bis futuie aboue in }annah. Bis futuie aboue in hell.

! 0:9=8>:8?8CK9 JH<:93;8<5

A uisbelievei's punishment in the giave staits aftei his tiial anu extenus until Resuiiection.
It is conuucteu by a special "executoi."

Executoi in the giave:
A meiciless, blinu, ueaf, anu uumb beast is appointeu to toituie
The executoi's tool of
The executoi has an iion hammei that can tuin mountains to
uust. In some cases, it is a thick whip with a tip of fiie.

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly
=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 12 -
Beating methou:
The uisbelievei is hit between his eais a mighty blow that causes
him to tuin into uust. Be is then iestoieu as he was, anu hit again.
Louu shiieks: With eveiy blow, he emits louu shiieks of agony.
Who can heai the
Bis shiieks aie heaiu by all cieatuies, except foi humans anu

#38 -76@ :< !>U-4C\4O3

A believei's bouy is iestoieu to its pievious state of ueath, anu it is put to a iestful sleep,
wheieas a uisbelievei's bouy continues to be punisheu until Resuiiection.

'?8<5 *7C 4 -8>:8?8C *7C 4 0:9=8>:8?8C
#38 6846 B8C97<K9 L:93
L38< 38 9889 L345 4L4:59
"Ny Loiu, launch the Boui so
I may iejoin my family anu
"Ny Loiu, uo not biing the
Boui (of Resuiiection)."
+:9 L:93 57 D7<?8@ 538
I776 <8L9,
Be says, "Allow me to infoim
my family."
Theie is no goou news to
"89B7<98 57 538 L:93,
The angels tell him, "Be
tianquil, go to sleep."
Be suffeis iestlessly.
F4<<8C 7E 9>88B :< 538
Be sleeps like a newlyweu
who expects to be awakeneu
by the ueaiest peison to him.
Be sleeps like a peison bitten
by insects anu snakes.
#38 C895 7E 538 4=768 :< !>U
Be sleeps, anu time passes as
if it is but a shoit napuntil
It suffeis in the company of
othei evil souls.

Believei: The Piophet saiu: "Inueeu, a (ueau) believei's soul is a biiu that eats fiom the
tiees of }annahuntil Allah iestoies it into its bouy on the Bay when Be iesuiiects him."
(%(#*4,(+$-(.(*, 3'2<1.@ S<1*)*<: '3 F< (&'2<+'*R FG (#$"#F(+*@)

Bisbelievei: ;Q'* %>0, 367.%*3 %*H6.J'22%1 T07G'=*G2 +P$'7'6$- J%6J,%: #$% T07%N 3$%(
'7% %[J62%1 36 03B .67*0*E '*1 '53%7*66*B '*1 6* 3$% &'( )$%* 3$% C6=7 )0,, 4%
%23'4,02$%1 +03 )0,, 4% 2'01 36 3$% '*E%,2-W "\'=2% T07G'=*G2 +P$'7'6$- J%6J,% 36 %*3%7 3$%
2%>%7%23 367.%*3?" ("#$T2()*1, 4u:4S-46)

#38 #3C88 L37 L:>> <75 =8 RH895:7<86 :< 538 NC4?8

The Shaheeu (The Naityis)
The believeis who uie on Fiiuay
Believeis who uie fiom an abuominal uisease

What is it with giaves that they uo not iesponu
When the soiiowful one uoes call out to them.

=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 13 -
A uitch it is, encloseu anu ioofeu ovei them
Anu iocks anu stones anu iaiseu sanu uunes
In theie lie fatheis anu little chiluien
Young youth anu ageu men too
Bow often has theie been, a beloveu one who
Ny soul nevei expecteu to one uay sepaiate fiom
I left him theie in some of those giaves
Be was cast to the giounu, although he's a beloveu
I passeu him anu foigot him, but suiely inueeu
The uay I'll see him again is uiawing neai

0''0/ #+!# %).#$.e' #) !**'%# !*#'" 0'!#+

08869 L:53 N776 #C4D89

Below aie examples of goou ueeus whose tiaces may extenu aftei a peison's ueath. If the
tiaces aie goou (oi evil), they keep auuing to a peison's iecoiu of goou (oi bau) ueeus as
long as theii tiaces exist aftei him.

08869 L:53 N776 #C4D89
Establishing an ongoing chaiity
Teaching beneficial knowleuge
Calling to Sunnah anu guiuance
Raising a iighteous chilu
Establishing a facility foi woishipping anu obeying
Establishing a facility foi helping the neeuy, wiuows,
oiphans, etc.
Enuowing mushafs anu books of Sunnah anu othei
beneficial knowleuge
Setting up watei souices, planting fiuitful tiees,
paving a ioau, anu othei acts that aie of help to
people anu animals

/7;8 7E 538 -8<8E:D:4> 08869 07<8 =@ )538C9 E7C 538 08D84986

Showing patience at his ueath
Piaising his viitues
Piaying the }anazah piayei foi him
Chaiitable ueeus fiom the ueceaseu's chilu
Fulfilling his vows
Payment off his uebts
Invoking foi him

92< T1(U< *. V&1 "WW3*+'<: X#(R< ;(1 (#$Y('(+, 8*G(:2, Tianslateu by Faihia Yahya
=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly
=*)< *+ "# /(1>(42 by Nuhammau Nustafa al-}ibaly

- 14 -
/88O JC758D5:7<

"##((2&66( Z*++<< Z(Z33'2& F*4( 6*+ Z('2((F* Q(2(++(6( ?( 6*+ Z('2((F*#$0(F1* ?( 6*+
)*'+('*#$6(2G(( ?(#6(6(('* ?( 6*+ .2(11* )*'+('*#$6(.<<2*:$:(QQ((#@

"0 Allah, I take iefuge in You fiom the punishment of the giave, fiom the toiment of the Fiie,
fiom the tiial of life anu ueath anu fiom the evil affliction of the Al-Naseeh Au-Bajjal."

- 15 -
F!f)" 'Z'.#/ 0e"$.N #+' 0!1 )* feN0F'.#

[+3?*+O '2< =(.' ;(G by Nuhammau al }ibaly

- 16 -
#+' -'N$..$.N )* #+' &!/# 0!1 W#+' *$"/# #"eFJ'#X

The last uay begins with the total uestiuction of this woilu. 0nly the woist of people will
witness this.

#38 *:C95 ->7L 7E 538 #CH;B85 =@ 538 !<I8> $9C4E:>

;#$%* )$%* 3$% #7=.J%3 )0,, 4% 4,6)* )03$ 6*% 4,6)0*E +3$% 50723 6*%-B A*1 3$% %'73$
'*1 3$% .6=*3'0*2 2$',, 4% 7%.6>%1 576. 3$%07 J,'H%2B '*1 H7=2$%1 )03$ ' 20*E,%
H7=2$0*E: #$%* 6* 3$'3 &'( 2$',, 3$% +]7%'3- R>%*3 4%5',,: A*1 3$% $%'>%* )0,, 2J,03
'2=*1%7B 567 3$'3 &'( 03 +3$% $%'>%*- )0,, 4% 57'0,B '*1 367* =J:K ("#$E((00(2, 69:1S-16)

$9C4E:> :9 "846@ 57 ->7L $5

The Nessengei of Allah saiu: "Bow can I be at ease when the one who blows the tiumpet
has put it to his mouth, bent his foieheau anu inclineu his eai, waiting to see when he will be
oiueieu to blow it." (-(11('<: FG (#$9*16*:2* *+ (#$B&+(+, J\L, 3'2<1., (+: R#(..<: (. B(2<<2
FG (#$"#F((+* *+ (#$B*#.*#(2, ]^_`)

#+' #)#!& 0'/#"e%#$).

;9$%* 3$% 2=* 02 )6=*1 76=*1 '*1 ,623 032 ,0E$3 +02 ,623 '*1 02 6>%73$76)*-: A*1
)$%* 3$% 23'72 5',,N +A*1 )$%* 3$% .6=*3'0*2 '7% .'1% 36 J'22 ')'(N '*1 )$%* 3$%
J7%E*'*3 2$%MH'.%,2 '7% 4% *%E,%H3%1N '*1 )$%* 3$% )0,1 4%'232 '7% E'3$%7%1
36E%3$%7N '*1 )$%* 3$% 2%'2 4%H6.% '2 4,'Z0*E T07% 67 6>%75,6)N '*1 )$%* 3$% 26=,2
'7% U60*%1 )03$ 3$%07 4610%2 +3$% E661 )03$ 3$% E661 '*1 4'1 )03$ 3$% 4'1-: A*1
)$%* 3$% 5%.',% +0*5'*3- 4=70%1 ',0>% +'2 3$% J'E'* A7'42 =2%1 36 16- 02 O=%2306*%1:
T67 )$'3 20* )'2 2$% /0,,%1^ A*1 )$%* 3$% +)7033%*- J'E%2 _65 1%%12 +E661 '*1 4'1-
65 %>%7( J%726*` '7% ,'01 6J%*N '*1 )$%* 3$% $%'>%* 02 2370JJ%1 655 '*1 3'/%* ')'(
576. 032 J,'H%N '*1 )$%* C%,,M507% 02 2%3 '4,'Z%: A*1 )$%* P'7'102% 02 476=E$3 *%'7B
+#$%*- %>%7( J%726* )0,, /*6) )$'3 $% $'2 476=E$3 +65 E661 '*1 %>0,-:K ("'$9(4?*1,

;9$%* 3$% $%'>%* 02 H,%53 '2=*1%7: +a- A*1 )$%* 3$% 23'72 $'>% 5',,%* '*1 2H'33%7%1N
+b- A*1 )$%* 3$% 2%'2 '7% 4=723 5673$N +c- A*1 )$%* 3$% E7'>%2 '7% 3=7*%1 =J201%
16)* +'*1 470*E 6=3 3$%07 H6*3%*32-: +d- +#$%*- ' J%726* )0,, /*6) )$'3 $% $'2 2%*3
567)'71 '*1 +)$'3 $% $'2- ,%53 4%$0*1 +65 E661 67 4'1 1%%12-: +e-K ("#$7+)*'(1, 82:1-S)

;9$%* 3$% %'73$ 02 2$'/%* )03$ 032 +50*',- %'73$O='/%: +a- A*1 )$%* 3$% %'73$
3$76)2 6=3 032 4=71%*2B +b- A*1 .'* )0,, 2'(W "9$'3 02 3$% .'33%7 )03$ 03^" +c- #$'3
&'( 03 )0,, 1%H,'7% 032 0*567.'306* +'46=3 ',, 3$'3 $'JJ%*%1 6>%7 03 65 E661 67 %>0,-:
+d-K ("# a(#>(#(2, 99:1-4)

;I6B )$%* 3$% 20E$3 2$',, 4% 1'Z%1B '*1 3$% .66* )0,, 4% %H,0J2%1B A*1 3$% 2=* '*1
.66* )0,, 4% U60*%1 36E%3$%7: <* 3$'3 &'( .'* )0,, 2'(W "9$%7% +02 3$% 7%5=E%- 36
5,%%^KK ("#$b*G(6(2, 7S:7-1u)

- 17 -
! .'2 '!"#+

;<* 3$% &'( )$%* 3$% %'73$ )0,, 4% H$'*E%1 36 '*63$%7 %'73$ '*1 26 )0,, 4% 3$%
$%'>%*2B '*1 3$%( +',, H7%'3=7%2- )0,, 'JJ%'7 4%567% A,,f$B 3$% <*%B 3$% L77%202304,%:K
(7F1(2*6, 14:48)

"Buiing Resuiiection Bay, the people will be assembleu upon a yellowish-white lanu,
like white-floui uough, without any lanumaiks." ("#$/&42(1*, %&.#*6)

;A*1 )$%* 3$% %'73$ 02 237%3H$%1 5673$B '*1 $'2 H'23 6=3 ',, 3$'3 )'2 0* 03 '*1
4%H'.% %.J3(K ("#$7+.2*0(0, 84:S-4)

2!$#$.N J'"$)0 !.0 #+' "!$.

4u (length of the 4u peiious is not stateu)

"Between the two blows, theie will be foity (eias of time). Allah will then senu uown
iain fiom the sky, anu they (the people) will giow like vegetation." (/&42(1*, %&.#*6,

'The Boin will be blown, anu all people will uie. Allah will then senu uown iain like uew
causing the people's bouies to giow. It will then be blown again, anu they will iise anu
look aiounu." (%&.#*6)

'The people's iecieation will stait fiom theii tailbone. These tiny bones will act like
seeus, anu we will all spiout fiom them like plants spiout fiom theii seeus. Bow
uiffeient this will be fiom the way we weie fiist cieateu!"

'The soil eats away all paits of a human beingexcept foi the tailbone. Fiom this bone,
he was fiist cieateu, anu fiom it he will be iefashioneu." (/&42(1*, %&.#*6, (+: 3'2<1.)

;866/ 3$%* '3 3$% %55%H32 +7%2=,32- 65 A,,f$G2 D%7H(B $6) C% 7%>0>%2 3$% %'73$ '53%7 032
1%'3$: V%70,(? #$'3 +A,,f$- 9$6 7%>0>%1 3$% %'73$ '53%7 032 1%'3$ 2$',, 0*1%%1 7'02%
3$% 1%'1 +6* 3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306*-B '*1 C% 02 A4,% 36 16 ',, 3$0*E2:K ("1$8&6,

#+' "'/e""'%#$). W!&U-!K!#+X

#38 /8D7<6 ->7L 7E 538 #CH;B85

Linguistically, Al-Ba'ath (Resuiiection) means the senuing foith oi the uispeisal of
something. Technically, it means the biinging to life fiom the ueau on the Bay of }uugment.

[+3?*+O '2< =(.' ;(G by Nuhammau al-}ibaly

- 18 -
;A2 9% 4%E'* 3$% 50723 H7%'306*B 26 2$',, 9% 7%J%'3 03B +03 02- ' J76.02% 40*10*E =J6*
g2: #7=,( 9% 2$',, 16 03:K ("#$"+F*G((c, 21:1u4)

;L 2)%'7 4( 3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306*: A*1 L 2)%'7 4( 3$% 7%J76'H$0*E 26=,: &6%2 .'*
3$0*/ 3$'3 9% )0,, *63 '22%.4,% $02 46*%2^ h%2: 9% '7% A4,% _%>%*` 36 567. $02
50*E%730J2:" ("#$b*G((6(2, 7S:1-4)

JC7B385 FH34;;46 g#38
*:C95 )<8 57 ":98 EC7; +:9 NC4?8

"I will be the chief of the chiluien of Auam on the Bay of Resuiiection. Anu I will be the fiist
foi whom the giave will open, anu the fiist to inteiceue, anu the fiist whose inteicession will
be accepteu." (%&.#*6, "F33 ;((?33:)

$=C43:; WJ84D8 =8 7< +:;XK9 /HBB>:D45:7<

"9$6 $'2 H7%'3%1 .%B '*1 03 02 C% 9$6 E=01%2 .%N +ij- "A*1 03 02 C% 9$6 5%%12 .% '*1
E0>%2 .% 36 170*/ +ik- "A*1 )$%* L '. 0,,B 03 02 C% )$6 H=7%2 .%N +jl- "A*1 9$6 )0,,
H'=2% .% 36 10%B '*1 3$%* )0,, 470*E .% 36 ,05% +'E'0*-N +ja- "A*1 9$6B L $6J% )0,,
567E0>% .% .( 5'=,32 6* 3$% &'( 65 S%H6.J%*2%B +3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306*-B" (".2$B2&(1(,

.7 )<8 L:>> =8 *7CI7558< 7< 5345 04@h

;9$%7%>%7 (6= .'( 4%B A,,'$ )0,, 470*E (6= 5673$ ',, 36E%3$%7: L*1%%1B A,,'$ 02 H'J'4,%
65 160*E %>%7(3$0*E:K ("#$/(0(1(2, 2:148)

!>>43 54K4>4K9 JC7;:98 :9 #CH8

;A*1 3$% C67* )0,, 4% 4,6)*N '*1 '3 6*H% 576. 3$% E7'>%2 36 3$%07 8671 3$%( )0,, $'23%*:
#$%( )0,, 2'(B "< )6% 36 =2? 9$6 $'2 7'02%1 =2 =J 576. 6=7 2,%%J0*E J,'H%^" _#$% 7%J,(
)0,, 4%`B "#$02 02 )$'3 3$% D623 D%7H05=, $'1 J76.02%1B '*1 3$% .%22%*E%72 36,1 3$%
37=3$:" (d((.<<+, S6:S1-S2)

;#$% &'( )$%* 3$%( )0,, H6.% 6=3 65 3$% E7'>%2 O=0H/,( '2 7'H0*E 36 ' E6',B )03$ 3$%07
%(%2 ,6)%7%1 0* 5%'7 '*1 $=.0,03(B 0E*6.0*( H6>%70*E 3$%. +',, 6>%7-? #$'3 02 3$% &'(B
)$0H$ 3$%( )%7% J76.02%1?K ("#$%(c(1*Q, 7u:4S-44)

!>>43 54K4>4K9 J7L8C 4<6 07;:<4<D8

;A*1 6* 3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306* 3$% )$6,% 65 3$% %'73$ )0,, 4% E7'2J%1 4( C02 C'*1 '*1
3$% $%'>%*2 )0,, 4% 76,,%1 =J 0* C02 S0E$3 C'*1: ],67050%1 02 C%B '*1 C0E$ 02 C% '46>% ',,
3$'3 3$%( '226H0'3% '2 J'73*%72 )03$ C0.?K (">$a&6(1, S9:67)

"0n Resuiiection Bay, Allah will holu the eaith on Bis fist, anu will folu the heavens in Bis
iight hanu. Be will then say, 'I am the King. Wheie aie the kings of eaith. Wheie aie the
tyiants. Wheie aie the aiiogant." (/&42(1*, %&.#*6)

- 19 -
#+' N"'!# N!#+'"$.N W!& +!/+"X

Al-Bashi linguistically means a gatheiing anu ieligiously, it iefeis to the gatheiing on the
Bay of }uugment so that they may be iecompenseu anu juugeu.

;A,,f$? 8f 0,f$' 0,,' C=)' +*6*% $'2 3$% 70E$3 36 4% )672$0JJ%1 4=3 C%-: I=7%,(B C% )0,,
E'3$%7 (6= 36E%3$%7 6* 3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306* '46=3 )$0H$ 3$%7% 02 *6 16=43: A*1 )$6
02 37=%7 0* 23'3%.%*3 3$'* A,,f$^K ("+$-*.(, 4:87)

;I'(W Xh%2B 3$62% 65 6,1 '*1 3$62% 65 ,'3%7 30.%2B ',, )0,, 2=7%,( 4% E'3$%7%1 36E%3$%7 567
'* 'JJ60*3%1 .%%30*E 65 ' /*6)* &'(:YK ("#$Y((0*(2, S6:49-Su)

.7 '9D4B8 7< 5345 04@h

;A*1 +7%.%.4%7- 3$% &'( 9% 2$',, H'=2% 3$% .6=*3'0*2 36 J'22 ')'( +,0/% H,6=12 65
1=23-B '*1 (6= )0,, 2%% 3$% %'73$ '2 ' ,%>%,,%1 J,'0*B '*1 )% 2$',, E'3$%7 3$%. ',,
36E%3$%7 26 '2 36 ,%'>% *63 6*% 65 3$%. 4%$0*1:K ("#$[(2), 18:47)

'?8C@ &:?:<I %C845HC8 L:>> =8 N4538C86

;#$%7% 02 *63 ' .6>0*E +,0>0*E- H7%'3=7% 6* %'73$B *67 ' 4071 3$'3 5,0%2 )03$ 032 3)6
)0*E2B 4=3 '7% H6..=*030%2 ,0/% (6=: 9% $'>% *%E,%H3%1 *63$0*E 0* 3$% @66/B 3$%* =*36
3$%07 8671 3$%( +',,- 2$',, 4% E'3$%7%1:K ("#$"+c(6, 6:S8)

'?8C@7<8 L:>> =8 N4538C86 :< "7L9

;A*1 3$%( )0,, 4% 2%3 4%567% (6=7 8671 0* +,0*%2 '2- 76)2B +'*1 A,,f$ )0,, 2'(-W "m6)
0*1%%1B (6= $'>% H6.% 36 g2 '2 9% H7%'3%1 (6= 3$% 50723 30.%: m'(B 4=3 (6= 3$6=E$3 3$'3
9% $'1 'JJ60*3%1 *6 .%%30*E 567 (6= +)03$ g2-:"K ("#$[(2), 18:48)

'?8C@7<8 L:>> =8 N4538C86 .4O86Y e<D:CDH;D:986Y 4<6 -4C8E77586

At the time of gatheiing foi the }uugement to occui, we will be assembleu nakeu,
unciicumciseu, anu baiefooteu.

Aisha, may Allah ta'ala be pleaseu with hei, iepoiteu that the Piophet saiu: "The people
will be gatheieu baiefooteu, nakeu anu unciicumciseu.' Aisha saiu: '0 Allah's Nessengei!
Will the men anu the women look at one anothei.' Be saiu, 'The situation will be too haiu
foi them to pay attention to that.'" (/&42(1*, %&.#*6)

"The fiist peison who will be clotheu on Resuiiection Bay is Ibiahim." (/&42(1*, %&.#*6)

- 20 -
#+' 0e"!#$). )* #+' &!/# 0!1

#38 &495 04@ W"89HCC8D5:7<Y N4538C:<IY fH6I;8<5Y
85DaX L:>> >495 4 J8C:76 7E Q`Y``` 184C9h

;#$% '*E%,2 '*1 3$% Sn$ _o0470,` '2H%*1 36 C0. 0* ' &'( 3$% .%'2=7% )$%7%65 02 5053(
3$6=2'*1 (%'72:K ("#$%(c((1*Q, 7u:4)

Imagine waiting foi Su,uuu yeais in a conuition wheie Allah ta'ala says: ;#$'3 &'( 2$',, '
.'* 5,%% 576. $02 4763$%7: A*1 576. $02 .63$%7 '*1 $02 5'3$%7: A*1 576. $02 )05% '*1
$02 H$0,17%*: R>%7( .'*B 3$'3 &'(B )0,, $'>% %*6=E$ 36 .'/% $0. H'7%,%22 65 63$%72:K ("#$
c"F(.(, 8u:S4-S7)

"But this stanuing will be maue easy foi a believei, seeming like the uuiation fiom when the
sun ueclines foi setting until it finally sets." ("F33 d(c#((, 7F+ E*FF((@ S<1*)*<: '3 F< (&'2<+'*R
FG "#/((+<<@)

#+' /e. 2$&& 0"!2 %&)/'

"0n the Bay of Resuiiection, the sun woulu uiaw so close to the people that theie woulu be
left a uistance of only one mile. The people will be submeigeu in peispiiation accoiuing to
theii ueeus, some up to theii ankles, some up to theii knees, some up to the waist anu some
woulu have the biiule of peispiiation anu, while saying this, the Nessengei of Allah put his
hanu towaius his mouth." ("# %*0:(: *F+ ".?(:, R3##<R'<: *+ B(2*2 %&.#*6 I5+O@ 91(+.N S3#@\,
X@ ]\e_$e, -3@ MefJ)

#38 /8DHC86 )<89 7< 538 04@ 7E N4538C:<I

;V%70,( 3$62% 567 )$6. 3$% E661 $'2 J7%H%1%1 576. g2B 3$%( )0,, 4% 7%.6>%1 5'7 3$%7%
576. +C%,,:- #$%( 2$',, *63 $%'7 3$% 2,0E$3%23 26=*1 65 03 +C%,,-B )$0,% 3$%( '401% 0* 3$'3
)$0H$ 3$%07 6)* 2%,>%2 1%207%: #$% E7%'3%23 3%7767 +6* 3$% &'( 65 S%2=77%H306*- )0,, *63
E70%>% 3$%.B '*1 3$% '*E%,2 )0,, .%%3 3$%.B +)03$ 3$% E7%%30*E-W "#$02 02 (6=7 &'( )$0H$
(6= )%7% J76.02%1:"K ("#$"+F*G((, 21:1u1-1uS)

- 21 -
!"# %#&'(#) *+#, -#./()
The 7 unuei Bis Shaue:
A just iulei
A youth who giew up in the woiship of Allah
A man whose heait is attacheu to the masjiu
Two people who love each othei foi Allah's sake, meeting
foi that anu paiting upon that
A man who is calleu by a woman of beauty anu position
foi illegal inteicouise, but he says: "I feai Allah"
A peison who gives in chaiity anu hiues it
A peison who iemembeieu Allah in piivate anu his eyes
sheu teais
The Piophet saiu: "!"#(# /(# ,#0#+ ."12 344/" .544 ,"/)# 5+ 65,
%"/)# 1+ 7"# 8/9 ."#+ 7"#(# 5, +1 ,"/)# #:&#;7 65, %"/)#: a just iulei; a
youth who giew up in the woiship of Allah, the Nighty anu Najestic; a man
whose heait is attacheu to the mosques; two men who love each othei foi
Allah's sake, meeting foi that anu paiting upon that; a man who is calleu by a
woman of beauty anu position |foi illegal inteicouisej, but be says: 'I feai
Allah', a man who gives in chaiity anu hiues it, such that his left hanu uoes not
know what his iight hanu gives in chaiity; anu a man who iemembeieu Allah
in piivate anu so his eyes sheu teais." (!"# %#&'(&')* +,--.+/.0 (1 2')() '-3
4#5)'&(* 6,-78* 9,7 :;<* 2')() =#>-(? 6,-7;* 9,7;;@A)
The peison who shows leniency towaius a uebtoi oi wiites
off his uebt.
"Whoevei uefeis a financiallybuiueneu peison (in settling a uebt) oi
absolves him344/" .544 ,"#47#( "52 '+)#( 65, <!"(1+#=,> ,"/)#."
Be who ielieves a haiuship of this life foi a believei
Be who makes it easy foi an inuebteu peison
Be who coveis a Nuslim's mistakes anu shoitcomings
"Be who ielieves a haiuship of this Bunya (this eaithly life) foi a believei,
Allah will (#45#0# / "/(),"5; 1? 7"# 8/9 1? -#,'((#&751+ foi him; he who
makes it easy foi an inuebteu peison, 344/" .544 2/@# 57 #/,9 ?1( "52 5+ 7"#
8'+9/ /+) 7"# 6#(#/?7#(; he who coveis a Nuslim (his mistakes anu
shoitcomings), 344/" .544 &10#( "52 5+ 7"# 8'+9/ /+) 7"# 6#(#/?7#(; 344/"
.544 A# 5+ 7"# ,4/0#B, +##)C as long as the slave is in his (believing) biothei's
neeu." (2')..) =#>-(?)
The }ust ones: Those aie the ones who aie just in theii iule,
families, anu anything of which they aie given chaige
"Inueeu, on the Bay of Resuiiection, 344/" .544 ;4/&# 7"# D',7 ;#1;4# 1+
;4/7?1(2, 1? 45E"7F !"#9 .544 A# 1+ 7"# (5E"7 ,5)# 1? 3(G-/"2//+anu
both of Bis Banus aie iight hanus. Those aie the ones who aie just in theii
iule, families, anu anything of which they aie given chaige." (=#>-(?)

- 22 -
!"# %&'()"*#'+ ,'#)

!"#$ $&'#()$* *+",- .$)",/

!"# -(' !"# %&'()"*#'+
Those Who Tuin Away fiom the Remembiance of
"Anu whoevei tuins away fiom Ny iemembianceinueeu, he will have a
.#/0#))#. 1(2#, anu We will 34+"#0 "(* 5' +"# 647 52 8#)&00#9+(5' :1('..' Be
will say: "0 my Loiu! Why have you iaiseu me up blinu, while I hau sight befoie.
(Allah) will say: "Like this, 0ui Ayat came unto you, but you uisiegaiueu them, anu
so this Bay, you will be neglecteu." (0' 1', 2u:124-126)
The Aiiogant
The Nessengei of Allah saiu: "The aiiogant will be gatheieu 1(;# )*411 4'+) ('
+"# 250* 52 *#' on the Bay of Resuiiection, oveiwhelmeu by "&*(1(4+(5') 205*
411 )(.#)." (234056#57+58 1'*'- 1'7$$3+)
The 0ppiessois
"Avoiu oppiession, because oppiession will iesult in .##/ .40;'#)) on
Resuiiection Bay." (9:*)5#)
The Nuslims Who Biu Not Pay Zakah
"Those who hoaiu up tieasuies of golu anu silvei anu spenu them not in the way of
Allah; give them the news of a /4('2&1 /&'()"*#'+< 5' +"# 647 ="#' +"4+
>=#41+"? =(11 :# "#4+#. (' +"# @(0# 52 A#11 4'. =(+" (+ =(11 :# :04'.#. +"#(0
250#"#4.< +"#(0 )(.#)< 4'. +"#(0 :49;), (anu it will be saiu to them:) 'This is the
tieasuie which you hoaiueu foi youiselves. Now taste of what you useu to hoaiu.'"
(2340':.'+, 9:S4-SS)
The Betiayeis
"0n Resuiiection Bay when Allah will assemble the fiist anu last of people, a
:4''#0 =(11 :# #0#9+#. 250 #B#07 :#+047#0 )47('3< C!"() () +"# :#+04741 52 )5
4'. )5< )5' 52 )5 4'. )5.D" (9:*)5#)

- 23 -
!"# %&'()!)&' &* !"# +,)'#( &'#-

!./0 1233 456/ "57/

"#$ %&' ()* +&'$ %&' ,)-% ./01 )1123'-4 %&' 51262$)7- +277 7/-' )77 &/8'9: (!"#$%&,

!./0 1233 8/ +926/: ;32<:= (>?8= 9<: (/9@

";' -&)77 <)%&'1 %&'6 %/<'%&'1 /$ %&' ()* /= >'-011'5%2/$ /$ %&'21 =)5'-4 ?72$@4 @06?
)$@ @')=4 %&'21 )?/@' +277 ?' .'77A +&'$'3'1 2% )?)%'-4 ;' -&)77 2$51')-' =/1 %&'6 %&'
=2'15'$'-- /= %&' B21'9: (!'#()"*+, 17:97)

!./0 1233 A93B 5< !./2C *9D/6

"C&/-' D7/-'1-E +&/ +277 ?' )--'6?7'@ 08/$ %&'21 =)5'- %/ .'779: (!'#-%".**/, 2S:S4)

!./0 1233 8/ 2< -.9DB3/6= %35E./: 2< F9C?/<E6 5@
G92< 9<: !5CE>C/ 9<: !./2C *9D/6 1233 8/ ;39DB/</:

:C&'21 <)16'$%- +277 ?' /= ?7)5F 82%5&4 )$@ =21' +277 5/3'1 %&'21 =)5'-9: ((0"*+1&, 14:Su)

!./0 1233 A26. !./0 %9< +9<65? !./?6/3H/6

"G$@ 2= %&/-' +&/ @2@ +1/$< 8/--'--'@ )77 %&)% 2- /$ ')1%&4 )$@ %&' 72F' /= 2% +2%& 2%4 %&'*
+/07@ -01'7* /=='1 2% )- 1)$-/6 =1/6 %&' )+=07 80$2-&6'$% /$ >'-011'5%2/$ ()*9: (!'#
2%&*", S9:47)


IH)* %/ G77)& ?'7/$<- )77 2$%'15'--2/$9 C/ .26 ?'7/$<- %&' @/62$2/$ /= %&' &')3'$- )$@
%&' ')1%& )$@ %/ .26 */0 -&)77 )77 1'%01$9I (!'#2%&*", S9:44)

Inteicession is the uominion of Allah ta'ala, to which none othei than Be is entitleu.
Theiefoie, seeking it fiom othei than Allah ta'ala is an act of majoi 3+1"4 (such as the
iuolssaints which people woiship, claiming that they aie uoing so in oiuei to obtain

%5<:2E25<6 @5C )<E/CD/6625<

The inteicession in the Beieaftei will take place only if the following conuitions aie met:

1. Allah ta'ala must appiove of the one foi whom inteicession is maue, as Allah ta'ala says:
")$@ %&'* 5)$$/% 2$%'15'@' 'J5'8% =/1 &26 +2%& +&/6 .' 2- 87')-'@: (!'#!/015**6,


- 24 -
This implies that the one foi whom inteicession is maue must be a believei in !"#$%%&.
It is naiiateu fiom Abu Buiayiah that the Nessengei of Allah saiu: "!"# %#&%'# ("&
()'' *# +&,- *'#,,#. */ +/ )0-#12#,,)&0 &0 -"# 34/ &5 6#,711#2-)&0 41# -"&,# ("&
,4/ !"" #$""%" #$$'($$"% ,)02#1#'/ 51&+ -"# "#41-.8 ('()$"*+)

2. Allah ta'ala must give peimission to the inteicessoi to inteiceue, because Allah ta'ala
says: )*%+ #, %- .%". /"0 #0.-1/-2- 3#.% 4#5 -6/-7. 3#.% 4#, 8-15#,,#+09: (,-.
'"/"*"$, 2:2SS)

S. Allah ta'ala must appiove of the inteicessoi, as Allah ta'ala says: );3%+,- #0.-1/-,,#+0
3#$$ "<"#$ 0+.%#0= -6/-7. ">.-1 ($$"% %", =#<-0 $-"<- >+1 3%+5 4- 3#$$, "02 #, 7$-",-2
3#.%: (,-.0"12, SS:26)

!"# 94:&1 ;"4544<4" =>0-#12#,,)&0? @ !& ;-41- -"# A7.B+#0-

!"# C1&%"#- ()'' )0-#12#.# &0 *#"4'5 &5 4'' "7+40)-/D When the uistiess, afflictions
anu teiiois of that Bay become too gieat, the people will inteiceue with Allah ta'ala thiough
the Piophets anu ask Allah ta'ala to stait the }uugement.

Each Piophet will pass on this iesponsibility to anothei Piophet until they ieach Piophet
Nuhammau , who will inteiceue on behalf of all humanity to stait the }uugment.

Naiiateu Anas: The Piophet saiu, "Allah will gathei the believeis on the Bay of
Resuiiection in the same way (as they aie gatheieu in this life), anu they will say, 'Let us ask
someone to inteiceue foi us with oui Loiu that Be may ielieve us fiom this place of ouis.'
Then they will go to Auam anu say, '0 Auam! Bon't you see the people (people's conuition).
Allah cieateu you with Bis 0wn Banus anu oiueieu Bis angels to piostiate befoie you, anu
taught you the names of all the things. Please inteiceue foi us with oui Loiu so that Be may
ielieve us fiom this place of ouis.' Auam will say, 'I am not fit foi this unueitaking' anu
mention to them the mistakes he hau committeu, anu auu, "But you'u bettei go to Noah as
he was the fiist Apostle sent by Allah to the people of the Eaith.' They will go to Noah who
will ieply, 'I am not fit foi this unueitaking,' anu mention the mistake which he maue, anu
auu, 'But you'u bettei go to Abiaham, Khalil Ai-Rahman.' They will go to Abiaham who will
ieply, 'I am not fit foi this unueitaking,' anu mention to them the mistakes he maue, anu auu,
'But you'u bettei go to Noses, a slave whom Allah gave the Toiah anu to whom Be spoke
uiiectly.' They will go to Noses who will ieply, 'I am not fit foi this unueitaking,' anu
mention to them the mistakes he maue, anu auu, 'You'u bettei go to }esus, Allah's slave anu
Bis Apostle anu Bis Woiu (Be: Anu it was) anu a soul cieateu by Bim.' They will go to }esus
who will say, 'I am not fit foi this unueitaking, but you'u bettei go to Nuhammau whose sins
of the past anu the futuie hau been foigiven (by Allah).' So they will come to me anu I will
ask the peimission of my Loiu, anu I will be peimitteu (to piesent myself) befoie Bim.
E"#0 > ,## +/ F&1.G > ()'' 54'' .&(0 )0 =%1&,-14-)&0? *#5&1# H)+ 40. H# ()'' '#4I# +#
=)0 %1&,-14-)&0? 4, '&0B 4, H# (),"#,G 40. -"#0 )- ()'' *# ,4). -& +#G JK 97"4++4.L
64),# /&71 "#4. 40. ,%#4MG 5&1 /&7 ()'' *# '),-#0#. -&N 40. 4,MG 5&1 /&7 ()'' *# B140-#.
=/&71 1#O7#,-?N 40. )0-#12#.#G 5&1 /&71 )0-#12#,,)&0 ()'' *# 422#%-#.DJ > ()'' -"#0 14),#
+/ "#4. 40. %14),# +/ F&1. ()-" 2#1-4)0 %14),#, (")2" H# "4, -47B"- +#G 40. -"#0 >
()'' )0-#12#.#.

- 25 -
!"#$%&$''()" +)% #,$ -$)./$ )+ -0%01('$

Be continueu: 'Allah will allow me to inteiceue (foi a ceitain kinu of people) anu will fix a
limit whom I will aumit into Paiauise. I will come back again, anu when I see my Loiu
(again), I will fall uown in piostiation befoie Bim, anu Be will leave me (in piostiation) as
long as Be wishes, anu then Be will say, '0 Nuhammau! Raise youi heau anu speak, foi you
will be listeneu to; anu ask, foi you will be gianteu (youi iequest); anu inteiceue, foi youi
("#$%&$''()" will be accepteu.' I will then piaise my Loiu with ceitain piaises, which Be has
taught me, anu then I will inteiceue.
Allah will allow me to inteiceue (foi a ceitain kinu of people) anu will fix a limit to
whom I will aumit into Paiauise. I will come back anu say, '0 my Loiu! None iemains in Bell
(Fiie) but those whom Qui'an has impiisoneu theiein anu foi whom eteinity in Bell (Fiie)
has become inevitable.' " The Piophet auueu, "Theie will come out of Bell (Fiie) eveiyone
who says: !"## %&#'# %&&(&&#',' anu has in his heait goou equal to the weight of a bailey giain.
Then theie will come out of Bell (Fiie) eveiyone who says: !"## %&#'# %&&(&&#',' anu has in his
heait goou equal to the weight of a wheat giain. Then theie will come out of Bell (Fiie)
eveiyone who says: !"## %&#'# %&&(&&#',' anu has in his heait goou equal to the weight of an
atom (oi a smallest ant)." ()**+ ,-./ 0#1%2' ,345)

20%()3' 4#,$% !"#$%&$''()"'

The Piophet's inteicession +)% #,$ .$)./$ )+ .0%01('$ 50' .%)6$" (" #,$ ,01(#,
The Piophets
The Angels
The Believeis: "When the believeis aie beyonu the fiie, they will pleau with Allah on
behalf of theii biotheis who will then be in the fiie saying, "0ui Loiu, they useu to fast
with us, piay with us, anu go to hajj with us.'' So they will be tolu, "Take out whomevei
you can iecognize of them." Thus they will take out (of the fiie) a laige numbei of
people." ()6+'#7%/ 869&%:)
Allah ta'ala: "Then the piophets anu Angels anu the believeis will inteiceue, anu (last of
all) the Almighty (Allah) will say, 'Now iemains Ny inteicession.' Be will then holu a
hanuful of the Fiie fiom which Be will take out some people whose bouies have been
buint, anu they will be thiown into a iivei at the entiance of Paiauise, calleu the watei of
life. They will giow on its banks, as a seeu caiiieu by the toiient giows. You have noticeu
how it giows besiue a iock oi besiue a tiee, anu how the siue facing the sun is usually
gieen while the siue facing the shaue is white. Those people will come out (of the Rivei
of Life) like peails, anu they will have (goluen) necklaces, anu then they will entei
Paiauise wheieupon the people of Paiauise will say, 'These aie the people libeiateu by
the Beneficent. Be has aumitteu them into Paiauise without them having uone any goou
ueeus anu without senuing foith any goou (foi themselves).' Then it will be saiu to them,
'Foi you is what you have seen anu its equivalent as well.'" ()**+ ,-./ 0#1%2' ,3.;9)
Chiluien who uieu befoie the age of pubeity
The Qui'an:
o Suiah Al-Nulk will inteiceue until the peison is foigiven
o Suiah Al-Baqaiah anu Suiah Aal-'Imiaan

- 26 -
!"# %#&'%()

!*+,, -+./01 .2 3,.04,

!"#$ &'( )*++, -.++ /0 .# 12300 43'(567 8' 12'60 '# 120 3.421 9 2'- ):'31(#*10, -.++ /0
12'60 '# 120 3.421;, "#$ 12'60 '# 120 +0:1 9 2'- )(#:'31(#*10, -.++ /0 12'60 '# 120 +0:1;,
"#$ 12'60 :'30<'61 -.++ /0 :'30<'617= (!"#$%&'(%), S6:7-1u)

!*, %,5.+61 .2 7*, 8,49,:,+1 ;<6 7*, %,5.+61 .2 7*, (91=,49,:,+1

!>20#? *6 :'3 2.< -2' -.++ /0 4.@0# 2.6 A0B'3$ .# 2.6 3.421 2*#$? C0 6(30+& -.++ 30B0.@0
*# 0*6& 30BD'#.#4? *#$ -.++ 301(3# 1' 2.6 :*<.+& .# E'&; F(1 -2'6'0@03 .6 4.@0# 2.6
A0B'3$ /02.#$ 2.6 /*BD? C0 -.++ .#@'D0 ):'3 2.6, $0613(B1.'#? *#$ 20 62*++ 0#103 * /+*G.#4
H.30? *#$ /0 <*$0 1' 1*610 .16 /(3#.#47= (!"#*+,)'&%%&, 84:7-12)

!"# >&&'?@!A@- B>C "A)>>8D

Al-Bisaab (The Accounting) linguistically means, the estimation of something (i.e., a
numbei). Religiously, it iefeis to Allah ta'ala's examination of Bis seivants baseu on theii
ueeus. This is affiimeu in the Qui'an, the Sunnah anu the unanimous agieement of the

Allah ta'ala says: !I03.+&? 1' J6 -.++ /0 120.3 301(3#7 >20# @03.+&? :'3 J6 -.++ /0 120.3
*BB'(#1.#4 )C.6**/,7= (!"#-)%%,)'.%), 88:2S-26)

!"#$ &'( -.++ 600 0*B2 #*1.'# 2(</+0$ 1' 120.3 D#006 )D#00+.#4,? 0*B2 #*1.'# -.++ /0
B*++0$ 1' .16 A0B'3$ )': $00$6,7 >2.6 K*& &'( 62*++ /0 30B'<50#60$ :'3 -2*1 &'( (60$
1' $'7! (!"#/%0)'.%), 4S:28)

!"#$ 0@03& 6'(+ -.++ B'<0? -.12 .1 * $3.@03 *#$ * -.1#0667= (1%%2, Su:21)

The uiivei will leau him to the plane of }uugment anu the witness will be the angel (oi two
angels) that iecoiueu his ueeus.

!"#$ L0 2*@0 :*610#0$ 0@03& <*#M6 $00$6 1' 2.6 #0BD? *#$ '# 120 K*& ':
A06(330B1.'#? L0 62*++ /3.#4 '(1 :'3 2.< * /''D -2.B2 20 -.++ :.#$ -.$0 '50#7= (!"#
*,3%(, 17:1S)

!>2*1 K*& 62*++ &'( /0 /3'(421 1' N($40<0#1? #'1 * 60B301 ': &'(36 -.++ /0 2.$$0#7=
(!"#4%&&%), 69:18)

>44;* 7;E;4;F 7*, G.17 "9H*F I944 5.J, 2.+I;+6K !*, ><H,41 I944 49<,
/0 9< 4;+H, </J=,+F ;<6 7*, ",44 I944 =, =+./H*7 I97*9< :9,IK

!O'; L20# 120 0*312 2*6 /00# +0@0++0$ P 5'(#$0$ *#$ B3(620$ P "#$ &'(3 Q'3$ 2*6 B'<0
*#$ 120 *#40+6? 3*#D (5'# 3*#D7 "#$ /3'(421 R-.12.# @.0-S? 12*1 K*&? .6 C0++ P 12*1 K*&?
<*# -.++ 30<0</03? /(1 -2*1 4''$ 1' 2.< -.++ /0 120 30<0</3*#B0T C0 -.++ 6*&? UV2? W
-.62 W 2*$ 60#1 *20*$ R6'<0 4''$S :'3 <& +.:07U (!"#5%63, 89:21-24)

- 27 -
!"# %&##'" () *++," -,.,+, -( /01
%#23,4-1 (4 -"# 5,6 () 789:#;#4-

<3#26 1(8+ =0++ ># &2#1#4-#9 -( *++," -,.,+,? ,49 @89:#9 902#'-+6 >6 /0;? =0-"(8- ,46

'Aui ibn Batim (may Allah be pleaseu with him) saiu: Allah's Nessengei saiu: "Theie is no
one fiom you except that Bis Loiu will speak with him, with no inteipietei between them.
Then he will look to his iight anu will see nothing except what he has put foith (of ueeus)
anu he will look to his left anu will see nothing except what he has put foith. Be will look in
fiont of him anu see nothing except the Fiie in fiont of his face. So feai the Fiie even with
half of a uate. Whoevei uoes not even finu that, then with a kinu woiu." (!"#$%&' )*+, -.-/0
12/340 5"67'8 )*+, -9-14)

B( C#,2#2 () C829#41 =0++ C#,2 *4(-"#2.1 C829#4

!"#$ #& '()*(* &+ ',*$(#- -.)// '()* )#&0.(*1- ',*$(#2 )#$ 3+ ) .()43/5 /)$(# 6)//-
)#&0.(* 0& 7'()*8 .3- /&)$2 #&0.3#9 &+ 30 :3// '( 6)**3($ (4(# 0.&,9. .( -.&,/$ '( ) 6/&-(
*(/)034(;;;"#$ .( :.& <,*3+3(- .3=-(/+ 7+*&= )// >3#$- &+ -3#-82 0.(# .( <,*3+3(- &#/5 +&*
0.( '(#(+30 &+ .3- &:# -(/+; "#$ 0& "//). 3- 0.( 7+3#)/8 ?(0,*# 7&+ )//8;@ (:%;'&, SS:18)

!"# D8#1-0(404:E*890-04:

Allah ta'ala will question us about oui faith anu the gieat favouis anu blessings Be
bestoweu on us uuiing oui lifetime.

!A)5B C+ 5&, >#(: :30. ) -,*( >#&:/($9(; D(*3/52 E&, -.)// -(( 0.( '/)F3#9 G3*( 7H(//8B 7I8
"#$ )9)3#2 5&, -.)// -(( 30 :30. 6(*0)3#05 &+ -39.0B J.(#2 &# 0.)0 K)52 5&, -.)// '( )->($
)'&,0 0.( $(/39.0- 75&, 3#$,/9($ 3#2 3# 0.3- :&*/$8B@ (<;=>%#%%;$"&, 1u2:S-8)

!D(*3/5B J.( .()*3#92 )#$ 0.( -39.02 )#$ 0.( .()*02 &+ ()6. &+ 0.&-(2 5&, :3// '(
L,(-03&#($ 7'5 "//).8;@ (<7=?6&%%', 17:S6)

The fiist act of woiship that we will be questioneu about will be oui piayei.

The Piophet saiu: "The fiist thing foi which a peison will account uuiing Resuiiection
Bay is his piayei. If it was goou, he will be successful; anu if it was bau, he will be a losei."
(<;=>'&8'@;$'0 <A=*%6%%BCC, DC&'E'C@ ;+ FC %";$CA;'G FH %7 <7F%%ACC )I%$CC$ "7=J%%8'B *+

The fiist thing (fiom the iights of humans) that mankinu will be juugeu foi will be the
matteis conceining bloousheu, uue to the Piophet's saying: "The fiist thing that will be
juugeu between mankinu, on the Bay of }uugement, will be the matteis conceining
bloousheu." (!"#$%&')

<3#26(4# =0++ ># *1F#9 -"# G03# H4#30-,>+# D8#1-0(41

The Piophet Nuhammau saiu: "The son of Auam will not pass away fiom Allah until he is
askeu about five things: how he liveu his life, anu how he utilizeu his youth, with what

- 28 -
means uiu he eain his wealth, how uiu he spenu his wealth, anu what uiu he uo with his
knowleuge." ("##$ hauith %&'#%(&$ )* +,-, .(/01%,1(21)

!"#$ &'()*+,+- .*/ 01' 2'3,'4'/#

!"#$%& () *+, #-. /#+ /-00 1$ 2-3$% #-) 4$5+,6 -% #-) ,-2#7 #(%6& #$ )8,$09 /-00 ,$5$-3$ (%
$()9 ,$5:+%-%2& (%6 /-00 ,$78,% 7+ #-) *(.-09 -% ;+9<= (.3/+45216--6, 84:7-8)

533"1 0"6"3" 7,33 8*4'/ 91',/ :,+#

"Allah will biing the believei veiy close anu piivately anu ask him "Bo you know this sin. Bo
you know that sin. The believeis ieply will be, "Yes 0h Loiu," until he is ieminueu about all
of his sins, anu he thinks he will peiish. Then Allah will say "I coveieu up youi sins uuiing
youi life, anu I will foigive youi sins touay. Then he will be given his book of goou ueeus."
(7892-%1: ;8531,)

91' ;**<'= >+'#

As foi those who will be askeu about even the smallest of theii ueeus anu have theii account
closely examineu will be iuineu.

The Piophet saiu: "0n Resuiiection Bay, no one is helu accountable except that will be
uoomeu. 0n heaiing this, Aisha (may Allah ta'ala be pleaseu with hei) aigueu that Allah
says: >?) *+, #-. /#+ -) 2-3$% #-) ,$5+,6 -% #-) ,-2#7 #(%6&@ #$ /-00 1$ 2-3$% (% $()9
(55+8%7-%2AB (.3/+45216--6, 84:8) The Piophet then explaineu: 'This only iefeis to
piesenting the iecoius. But as foi a peison whose account is closely examineu, he will be
uoomeu.' (.3 7892-%1: ;8531,: #(2&%5)

"As foi the uisbelieveis anu the hypociites, they will be calleu openly in public: 'These aie
the ones who lieu against theii Loiu! veiily Allah's cuise is upon the unjust ones!'" (7892-%1:

91' ?@A@@@ !3,0' B'*C3' D1* 7,33 !+0'/
B"/"=,#' D,01*E0 5+$ &'()*+,+-

".anu with them aie 7u,uuu who shall entei Paiauise without ieckoning oi punishment.
They aie those who uo not seek Ruqyah fiom otheis (woius fiom the Qui'an oi Sunnah saiu
foi the expiess puipose of piotection oi cuie), noi uiaw omens, but iely upon theii Loiu."

9F! DG9H!::!:

91' 9'#0,<*+$ *. 01' B/*C1'0#

!"#8) C$ #(3$ .(6$ 9+8 D7,8$ E8)0-.) F ,$(0 1$0-$3$,) +* G)0(.-5 E+%+7#$-).& 7,8$
*+00+/$,) +* H,+I#$7 E8#(..(6 (%6 #-) J8%%(#K& ( ;8)7 L(%6 7#$ 1$)7@ %(7-+%& 7#(7 9+8
1$ /-7%$))$) +3$, .(%:-%6 (%6 7#$ E$))$%2$, LE8#(..(6@ 1$ ( /-7%$)) +3$, 9+8= (.3/
7-6-%-2, 2:14S)

- 29 -
!"#$%&'(()* ,--./0 naiiateu that Abu Sa'eeu al-Khuuii (may Allah be pleaseu with him)
saiu: The Nessengei of Allah saiu: "Nooh (peace be upon him) will be calleu on the Bay of
Resuiiection anu it will be saiu to him: 'Biu you convey (the message).' Be will say: 'Yes.'
Then his people will be calleu anu it will be saiu to them: 'Biu he convey (the message) to
you.' They will say: 'No wainei came to us anu no one came to us.' It will be saiu to Nooh:
'Who will beai witness foi you.' Be will say: 'Nuhammau anu his ummah.'" Be saiu: "That is
the woius of Allah, 'Thus We have maue you a just (anu the best) nation.'" (Ahmau (1u891))
auueu: Be saiu: "Anu they will be calleu anu they will beai witness that he conveyeu (the
message), then I will beai witness foi you."

"##$% &$'$#$'( )*(&+,-./

!"# %&' ()* +&'# ,--)& +.-- /'01//'2% %&'3 )-- %45'%&'/ 6.7'7 4# %&' ()* 48 9'01//'2%.4#:
)#; .#84/3 %&'3 48 +&)% %&'* ;.;7 ,--)& &)0 <'=% )2241#% 48 .%> +&.-' %&'* &)?' 84/54%%'#
.%7 ,#; ,--)& .0 ) @.%#'00 4?'/ )-- %&.#507A (!"#1%2(3("(', S8:6)

)*(&+,-./ -0 &%* ".1*#(

B69'3'3C'/D: %&)% %&' %+4 /'2'.?'/0 6/'24/;.#5 )#5'-0: /'2'.?' 6')2& &13)# C'.#5
)8%'/ &' 4/ 0&' &)0 )%%).#'; %&' )5' 48 =1C'/%*:> 4#' 0.%%.#5 4# %&' /.5&% )#; 4#' 4# %&'
-'8%7 E4% ) +4/; ;4'0 &' 64/ 0&': 1%%'/> C1% %&'/' .0 ) +)%2&'/ C* &.3 /');* 6%4 /'24/; .%:7
(4((5, Su:17-18)

)*(&+,-./ -0 &%* 2+,3(

!F&.0 ()*> @' 0&)-- 0')- 1= %&'./ 341%&0> )#; %&'./ &)#;0 +.-- 0=')< %4 G0> )#; %&'./ -'50
+.-- C')/ +.%#'00 %4 +&)% %&'* 10'; %4 ')/#7 6H% .0 0).; %&)% 4#'I0 -'8% %&.5& +.-- C' %&'
8./0% %4 C')/ %&' +.%#'00:7A (6(57*) !8#6(9():; <="> ??; @(AB ?-) (C((7BBD, S6:6S)

Anas bin Nalik (may Allah be pleaseu with him) saiu, "The Nessengei of Allah laugheu
anu smileu one uay, anu saiu: Will you not ask about why I laugheu.'' They saiu, "0
Nessengei of Allah, why uiu you laugh'' Be saiu: I was amazeu at how a seivant will uispute
with his Loiu on the Bay of Resuiiection. Be will say, "Ny Loiu, uiu You not piomise me that
you woulu not tieat me unjustly'' Allah will say, "Yes.'' The man will say, "I will not accept
any witness against me except fiom myself.'' Allah will say, "Is it not sufficient that I anu the
angels, the noble sciibes, aie witnesses'' These woius will be iepeateu seveial times, then a
seal will be placeu ovei his mouth anu his oigans (oi limbs) will speak about what he useu
to uo. Then he will say, "Away with you! It was only foi youi sake that I was aiguing!'' (E8
F(7 )BG=)3B3 9H '*I; E9D !9* J(8*I; 1%7"*I; !D#K(7(L*>)

)*(&+,-./ -0 &%* 4$5&%

!F&)% ()* .% +.-- ;'2-)/' .%0 .#84/3)%.4# 6)C41% )-- +&)% &)=='#'; 4?'/ .% 48 544; 4/
'?.-:7A (!" M("N("(', 99:4)

- 30 -
!"# %&'(#% )'( *+,''-.

!"#$ &'( )(*+'*#+ ,# &'-& $-. /0-. ,1 2(3455(6&*,#7 )*88 9( &'( &54( /)(*+'*#+7: ;, -3
1,5 &',3( )',3( 36-8( /,1 +,,$ $(($37 )*88 9( '(-<.= &'(. )*88 9( &'( 3466(33148 /9.
(#&(5*#+ >-5-$*3(7: "#$ -3 1,5 &',3( )',3( 36-8( )*88 9( 8*+'&= &'(. -5( &',3( )', )*88
8,3( &'(*5 ,)#3(8<(3 /9. (#&(5*#+ ?(887 9(6-43( &'(. $(#*($ -#$ 5(@(6&($ A45 ".-&
/B5,,13= (<*$(#6(3= <(53(3= 8(33,#3= 3*+#3= 5(<(8-&*,#3= (&6:7:C (!"#!$%&', 7:8-9)

!"#$ D( 3'-88 3(& 4B E-8-#6(3 ,1 F43&*6( ,# &'( 0-. ,1 2(3455(6&*,#= &'(# #,#( )*88 9(
$(-8& )*&' 4#@43&8. *# -#.&'*#+: "#$ *1 &'(5( 9( &'( )(*+'& ,1 - G43&-5$ 3(($= D( )*88
95*#+ *&: "#$ ;411*6*(#& -5( D( &, &-H( -66,4#&:C (!"#!)*+,&&$, 21:47)

"Buiing Resuiiection Bay, the Scales will be set up such that, even if the heavens anu eaith
weie to be weigheu in them, they woulu accommouate them. The angels will say, "0ui Loiu,
whose ueeus woulu be (so gieat as to be) weigheu in these Scales.' Allah will ieply,
"Whoevei's ueeus I will fiom Ny cieation." The angels will then say, "Exalteu aie You! We
suiely have not woishippeu You as much as You ueseive." (-./0%1.1 *, !"#2&3+45 6.%+'+.1 70
*. &879.)7+/ *, !"#!"*&&).. &:#;&9..9&9 <05 =>?)

@9&7 A+"" *. A.+B9.1C
The actual ueeus
The book of iecoius
The peison himself will be weigheu

Abu Buiaiia iepoiteu Allah's Nessengei as saying: "A bulky peison woulu be biought on
the Bay of }uugment anu he woulu not caiiy the weight to the eye of Allah equal even to that
of a gnat. Noi shall We set up a balance foi them on the Bay of Resuiiection." (D8:"+4)

!IJ5*K-' /&'( 3&5*H*#+ ?,45 *:(: &'( 0-. ,1 2(3455(6&*,#7= /L7 D'-& *3 &'( 3&5*H*#+ /?,457M
/N7 "#$ )'-& )*88 G-H( .,4 H#,) )'-& &'( 3&5*H*#+ /?,457 *3M /O7 P& *3 - 0-. )'(5(,#
G-#H*#$ )*88 9( 8*H( G,&'3 36-&&(5($ -9,4&= /Q7 "#$ &'( G,4#&-*#3 )*88 9( 8*H( 6-5$($
),,8= /R7 S'(# -3 1,5 '*G )',3( 9-8-#6( /,1 +,,$ $(($37 )*88 9( '(-<.= /T7 ?( )*88 8*<( -
B8(-3-#& 8*1( /*# >-5-$*3(7: /U7 E4& -3 1,5 '*G )',3( 9-8-#6( /,1 +,,$ $(($37 )*88 9(
8*+'&= /V7 ?( )*88 '-<( '*3 ',G( *# ?-)*.-' /B*&= *:(: ?(887 /W7 "#$ )'-& )*88 G-H( .,4
H#,) )'-& *& *3M /LX7 /P& *37 - 1*(56(8. 98-Y*#+ Z*5([ /LL7C (!"#E&%+$&9, 1u1:1-11)

- 31 -
!"#$ "& '($ )*+('$",-
0$123 )$415/
A fiim belief anu a life
baseu on '!"" $%""&"
Allah's Nessengei saiu: "Noses saiu: 0 my Loiu! Teach me something by which I can iemembei You anu
supplicate to You. Allah saiu: 0 Noses! Say laa ilaaha ilallaah. Noses saiu: 0 my Loiu! All Youi slaves say
this. Allah saiu: 0 Noses! 6& '($ -$2$7 ($12$7- 17/ 188 '(1' '($3 9"7'1*7: "'($5 '(17 ;$: 17/ '($ -$2$7
$15'(- 4$5$ <819$/ *7 "7$ -918$: 17/ 811 *811(1 *818811( 4$5$ <,' *7 '($ "'($5: '($7 811 *811(1
*8818811( 4",8/ ",'4$*+( '($# 188." ('()*+,(- ./ 0.1 2$..""1 $1 &$3 4"&((& 56*7 898:; "1- "%<2""=$> $1
"%<?@3,"-+"= 5ABC8D;)

Piophet , who saiu: "A peison fiom my ummah will be summoneu in fiont of eveiyone on the Bay of
Resuiiection. Ninety-nine sciolls will be unfuileu foi him, each scioll extenuing as fai as the eye can see.
Then it will be saiu: Bo you ueny any of this |i.e. youi bau ueeusj. So the man will ieply: No, u Loiu. Then it
will be saiu: Bo you have any excuse oi any goou ueeu. The man, in a state of teiioi, will answei: No. It will
then be saiu: Rathei, you uo have some goou ueeus anu no injustice will befall you this Bay. So a paichment
will be taken out foi him, upon which theie will be the testification of laa ilaaha illallaah anu the
testification that Nuhammau is the Slave anu Nessengei of Allah. The man will say: 0 Loiu, what is this
paichment in compaiison to those sciolls! It will be saiu to him: No injustice shall befall you. =($ -95"88-
4*88 '($7 >$ <819$/ *7 "7$ "& '($ -918$- 17/ '($ <159(#$7' *7 '($ "'($5? '($ -95"88- 4*88 >$ 8*+(' *7
4$*+(': 4($5$1- '($ <159(#$7' 4*88 >$ ($123@" ('()*+,(- ./ ",<E$+>$-&(( 56*7 8F:A;G H+*> IJ.-@%%""&
$.1 IJ>+ +"-&$/J%%"&@ "1&@7 0, K"3 -(L%"+(- ,* .( 4"&((& ./ 4&"/=& "%<J%.""1(( $1 "3<4"&((&"& 56*7A9C;7)
uoou chaiactei anu
"0n Resuiiection Bay, the ($12*$-' '(*7+ *7 1 -$5217'A- -918$- is goou manneis." (J.** M"K**-)
Saying: "!"#$%&'())%$* ,%
Abu Buiaiiah (Nay Allah be pleaseu with him) iepoiteu: The Nessengei of Allah saiu, "Theie aie two
statements that aie 8*+(' &"5 '($ '"7+,$ '" 5$#$#>$5: ($123 *7 '($ !918$- anu aie ueai to the Neiciful:
`Subhan-Allahi wa bihamuihi, Subhan-Allahil-Auheem |uloiy be to Allah anu Bis is the piaise, (anu) Allah, the
uieatest is fiee fiom impeifectionj'.'' (J%<N@=&"+$G ?@3%$>)
uoou ueeus (in geneial)
"Whoevei biings a goou ueeu shall have '$7 '*#$- '($ 8*B$ '($5$"& '" (*- 95$/*', anu whoevei biings an evil
ueeu shall have only the iecompense of the like theieof, anu they will not be wiongeu." (J%<J1O">, 6:16u)

- 32 -
!"# %&#'!#(! )*(#&(

!"#$ &' ()*#++#, -. /"*#00 12 3200 $4) 3*2 562#3273 047267 89 627:2;3 4< &3*286-
,22,7= />*472 ?*472 2<<4637 *#@2 A229 ?#732, 89 3*87 08<2 ?*802 3*2$ 3*4)5*3 3*#3 3*2$
?262 #;B)86895 544, A$ 3*286 ,22,7C />*2$ #62 3*472 ?*4 ,29$ 3*2 D$E3 4< 3*286 F46,
#9, 3*2 (223895 ?83* G8+H "4 3*286 ?46I7 #62 89 @#89J #9, 49 3*2 K#$ 4< L27)662;3849J
12 7*#00 #77859 94 ?285*3 <46 3*2+HM (!"#$%&', 18:1uS-1uS)

')+"',- .!"# /**)0

Buiing the long stanuing of the gatheiing anu }uugment filleu with teiioi anu tiials, the
people will expeiience extieme thiist. Stieams fiom }annah will flow to the lanu of the
gatheiing. The fiist to uiink fiom it will be oui beloveu Piophet followeu by the
believeis. Anyone who uiinks fiom it will nevei be thiisty again!

()"* ,&- ,./- 0-"1-2-.3 41"" 0- %""54-6 ,5 6.1)7 '.58 1,9

Anas iepoits that the Piophet once uozeu off foi a little while. Be then iaiseu his heau
anu smileu. Then he eithei saiu to them oi they saiu to him, "What has maue you smile." Be
saiu, "A Sooiah has just been ievealeu to me. It says, 'In the Name of Allah, the Nost
uiacious, the Nost Neiciful, We have given you the Kawthei (Rivei of Abunuance).' until
the enu of the Sooiah. Then he saiu, "Bo you know what Al-Kawthei is." They saiu, "Allah
anu Bis Nessengei know best." Be saiu, "It is a iivei Allah will give me in Paiauise. It will
abounu in goouness. 0n the Bay of }uugment, my followeis will come to it anu finu theie as
many cups foi uiinking as the numbei of stais. Some of them, howevei, will be taken away. I
will say, '0 Allah, they aie fiom my nation.' Allah will say, 'You uo not know what they uiu
aftei you.' (!&8%6)

}abii naiiateu that the Piophet saiu, "Al-Bawu is squaie (its angles aie equal), one siue of
it measuies the uistance of tiavelling one month. Its cups aie like the stais, it smells bettei
than musk, is whitei than milk. Whoevei uiinks fiom it will nevei become thiisty aftei it
again." (!&8%6)

"12 2344 567 8743797:; <7 &7=1>?3@7AB

The Sahaabah askeu the Piophet , "Will you then be able to iecognize us." Be ieplieu:
'Yes, you will come to me with shiny faces anu limbs fiom the tiace of wuuu (ablution).'"

8743797:;C "DE1=:357;C -3;<743797:;F
GH14412 26I5 D1J J;7A 51 21:;63EKL

Allah's Nessengei saiu: 'Buiing }uugment Bay, an announcei will call, 'Let eveiy people
follow what they useu to woiship.' Thus, no one who useu to woiship othei than Allah, of
iuols oi symbols, but fall into the Fiie. When theie will iemain only those who woishippeu
Allahwhethei iightfully oi wiongly, the Loiu of the Cieation will come to them anu say,
"What aie you awaiting.' They will ieply, "We will iemain in this place until oui Loiu comes
to us." Be will ask them, "Is theie between you anu Bim a sign that you can iecognize." They

- 33 -
will ieply, "Yes." The Loiu will then show Bis Shin. Theie will be no peison who useu to
willingly make sujoou to Allah but that Allah will allow him to make sujoou. Anu no peison
who useu to make sujoou foi ueception oi show off but that Allah will tuin his back into one
block so that he woulu fall on his back anu eveiy time he attempts to make sujoou.'
(!"#$%&'(%"& "* +',%(+ -./"-,., $0 '1 234+'-%5 6371%#5 "(+.-78)

All those who committeu shiik anu woishippeu anything othei than Allah ta'ala will be
thiown in Bell fiie
0nly the Believeis anu the Bypociites will be left
The Bypociites will be unable to make sujoou

!"# %&'()*+,#-

!"#$%$%&$'( *+$ ,-. /+$0 *+$ 1+20 3+-44 &$ 4-25 &-'$ "26$6 *+$ ,-. 78 #$39''$:*270( -05
*+$. 3+-44 &$ :-44$5 *7 ;'73*'-*$ "*7 <44-+(= &9* *+$. "+.;7:'2*$3( 3+-44 07* &$ -&4$ *7 57
376> (91:;'1'#, 68:42)

!"#& .+/#0 1 .+2# (2 3+&11

4560 7"#6 ,"#& -,160 2(* '*1&#*8 ,"#& -,160 91:+9&8 -"(7+6; <,"#=-#9/#- ,(> ,"#
'#('9# -05 07* '$%$%&$'20? <44-+ $@:$;* - 42**4$A> (9&:<%7'', 4:142)

5! !%? @3ABBCDE AF !%? BC355! GH3CIE?J

.+6;K+-,+)199&L cleai, stiaight path
!#)"6+)199& G+6 B"1*+1"JL It is the biiuge placeu ovei the Bellfiie, ovei which the believeis
will pass to entei }annah. This biiuge is extenueu ovei the two enus of Bell.

The Siiaat will be in uaikness
The light (nooi) on the biiuge will be accoiuing to one's level of eman (faith)
A wall will be placeu in between the hypociites anu the believeis
The believeis will then pioceeu to cioss the biiuge

!"# .+;", GD((*J (6 ,"# B+*11,

!B0 *+$ ,-. .79 3+-44 3$$ *+$ &$42$C20? %$0 -05 *+$ &$42$C20? /7%$0 *+$2' 42?+*
'90020? 87'/-'5 &$87'$ *+$% -05 &. *+$2' '2?+* +-0536 D4-5 *2520?3 87' .79 *+23 ,-.E
D-'5$03 905$' /+2:+ '2C$'3 847/ "F-'-523$(= *7 5/$44 *+$'$20 87'$C$'E G'94.= *+23 23 *+$
?'$-* 39::$33E

!B0 *+$ ,-. /+$0 *+$ +.;7:'2*$3 %$0 -05 /7%$0 /244 3-. *7 *+$ &$42$C$'3H IJ-2* 87' 93E
K$* 93 ?$* 37%$*+20? 8'7% .79' 42?+*EI L* /244 &$ 3-25H ID7 &-:M *7 .79' '$-'E G+$0 3$$M -
42?+*EI 17 - /-44 /244 &$ ;9* 9; &$*/$$0 *+$%= /2*+ - ?-*$ *+$'$206 L0325$ 2* /244 &$ %$':.=
-05 79*325$ 2* /244 &$ *7'%$0*6I (91:=',%,, S7:12-1S)

- 34 -
!"# %#&'#(#)* +, ,"# -')++, .%)'/0#1

!"#$%$ '( )*+ *)$ *, -*. /.+ 0'11 23(( *4$% '+ 56$1178 +#'( '( 0'+# -*.% 9*%:8 3 ;$<%$$
0#'<# =.(+ /$ 3<<*=21'(#$:> "#$) ?$ (#311 (34$ +#*($ 0#* .($ +* ,$3% @113# 3): 0$%$
:.+',.1 +* 6'=> @): ?$ (#311 1$34$ +#$ AB1'=C) 52*1-+#$'(+( 3): 0%*)D:*$%(E $+<>7
+#$%$') 5#.=/1$:7 +* +#$'% F)$$( 5') 6$117>G (!"#$"%, 19:71-72)

234 5'&& ,"# %#&'#(#)* 6)3** ,"# -')++,7

They will cioss it accoiuing to how they submitteu to Allah ta'ala in theii life

'It is a slippeiy (biiuge) on which theie aie clamps anu (hooks like) thoins, which aie wiue
at one siue anu naiiow at the othei anu have bent enus...Some of the believeis will cioss the
biiuge as quickly as the wink of an eye, some otheis as quick as lightning, a stiong winu, oi
fast hoises oi she-camels. So some will be safe without any haim; some will be safe aftei
ieceiving some sciatches, anu some will fall uown into Bellfiie. The last peison will cioss by
being uiaggeu (ovei the biiuge).' (&'()"#*)

89:;< =>-!9:;!9?: ?8 !2>
=9-%><9>@>A- ;:= 2BC?6A9!>-D 2><<89A>

!"# 23))3)* 3E 2#&&E')#

!@): +#*($ 0#* :'(/$1'$4$: 0'11 /$ :%'4$) +* 6$11 ') D%*.2( .)+'1E 0#$) +#$- %$3<# '+E
'+( D3+$( 3%$ *2$)$: 3): '+( F$$2$%( 0'11 (3-E !;': +#$%$ )*+ <*=$ +* -*. =$(($)D$%(
,%*= -*.%($14$(E %$<'+')D +* -*. +#$ 4$%($( *, -*.% 9*%: 3): 03%)')D -*. *, +#$
=$$+')D *, +#'( ;3- *, -*.%(HI "#$- 0'11 (3-E IJ$(E /.+ +#$ 0*%: *, 2.)'(#=$)+ #3(
<*=$ ')+* $,,$<+ .2*) +#$ :'(/$1'$4$%(> K"* +#$=L '+ 0'11 /$ (3':E IM)+$% +#$ D3+$( *,
6$11 +* 3/':$ $+$%)311- +#$%$')E 3): 0%$+<#$: '( +#$ %$(':$)<$ *, +#$ 3%%*D3)+>GI (+,-
.'%"#, S9:71-72)

!?$ (#311 D3+#$% +#$= +*D$+#$% *) +#$ ;3- *, N$(.%%$<+'*) *) +#$'% ,3<$(E /1'):E
:.=/ 3): :$3,E +#$'% 3/*:$ 0'11 /$ 6$118 0#$)$4$% '+ 3/3+$(E ?$ (#311 ')<%$3($ ,*%
+#$= +#$ ,'$%<$)$(( *, +#$ O'%$>G (+,-/0#", 17:97)

Theii iegiet: !P, -*. <*.1: /.+ ($$ 0#$) +#$- 3%$ =3:$ +* (+3): /$,*%$ +#$ O'%$ 3):
0'11 (3-E IQ#E 0*.1: +#3+ 0$ <*.1: /$ %$+.%)$: K+* 1',$ *) $3%+#L 3): )*+ :$)- +#$
('D)( *, *.% 9*%: 3): /$ 3=*)D +#$ /$1'$4$%(>I (+, +23"%, 6:27)

Bypociites: !P):$$:E +#$ #-2*<%'+$( 0'11 /$ ') +#$ 1*0$(+ :$2+#( *, +#$ O'%$ R 3):
)$4$% 0'11 -*. ,'): ,*% +#$= 3 #$12$%>G (+2-4*0"", 4:14S)

!Q) +#$ ;3- ?$ 0'11 (3- +* 6$11E I634$ -*. /$$) ,'11$:HI 3): '+ 0'11 (3-E I@%$ +#$%$
(*=$ =*%$HG (5""6, Su:Su)

Intensity: "This fiie of youis is only one of the seventy paits of the fiie of Bell." (&'()"#*7
!'0,*%7 89):#0)

- 35 -
Least toituie: "Inueeu, on }uugment Bay, the least in punishment among the people of
the Fiie will be a man who will have a buining coal placeu unuei his feet causing his
biain to boil." (!"#$%&')

"#$%#&#'( )'*+##, -* .$/0.1-.'.23 "'%,4# -* 5.11.2

.6/07897:7; <= 7 =>766 ?:<@AB 7C9B: 9;B (<:779D E;<F; 9;B ?B6<BGB:= E<66 ;7GB 9H F:H==
?BCH:B B89B:<8A 57887;I

Abu Sa'eeu Al-Khuuiee iepoits that the Piophet saiu, "When the believeis cioss the
Bellfiie, they will be stoppeu at a small biiuge (Qantaiah) befoie enteiing the Paiauise anu
will be given ietiibution foi injustices between them until they become puiifieu. (Then)
they will be peimitteu to entei }annah. So, by the 0ne in whose Banu is my soul, they will
know theii way to theii homes in }annah, bettei than they knew theii ways to theii homes in
Bunya." (!"#$%&')

-;B JKC6<= L"78M:KN9O

It is naiiateu fiom Abu Buiaiiah (may Allah be pleaseu with him): The Nessengei of Allah
saiu, "Bo you know who is the (")*'+ (bankiupt)." They (the companions) (may Allah be
pleaseu with them both) saiu, "The bankiupt amongst us is the one who has no money anu
no piopeity." The Nessengei of Allah saiu, "Inueeu the (")*'+ (bankiupt) fiom my nation
is the one who comes on the Bay of }uugment with piayeis, fasting, anu zakat (to hishei
cieuit). (Bespite all this) he comes having cuiseu this one, slanueieu this one, eaten the
wealth of this one, sheu the bloou of this one, anu beaten up this one. So this one will be
given anu iecompenseu fiom his goou ueeus anu this one fiom his goou ueeus. If his goou
ueeus aie all useu befoie all his uues (to those who weie wiongeu by him) aie paiu off, theii
bau ueeus will be taken anu thiown on him. Then he'll be thiown in the fiie at last." (,(%(
."+*'(/ 0'&('1$'/ 2$(%1)

-;B )BHN6B HC .6/.P:7C3 -;B<: 4HH@ ,BB@= 78@ #G<6 ,BB@= 7:B #QK76

!"#$%##& $(#) *(+,, -# + .#/,0 +&1 2& $(# (#/3($* %/,, -# )#& %(2 %24,1 5&2% #.#672&#
-7 (/* )+65*8 $(#7 %/,, 9+,, 24$ $2 $(# :2);+&/2&* 2< $(# =+61#&0 >;#+9# 2& 724>8 $(#7
%/,, &2$ (+.# #&$#6#10 -4$ $(#7 %/,, (+.# +& +**46+&9# ?$(#6#2<@A B(#& $(#/6 #7#* *(+,,
-# $46&#1 $2%+61* $(# :2);+&/2&* 2< $(# C/6#0 $(#7 %/,, *+78 >D46 E261F G#&1 4* &2$ $2
$(# 92);+&7 2< $(# %62&3H12#6*A> I(# )#& 2& $(# (#/3($* %/,, 9+,, $2 9#6$+/& )#& %(2)
$(#7 %/,, 5&2% <62) $(#/6 )+65*0 *+7/&38 >D< %(+$ ;62</$ $2 724 %#6# 7246 (2+61* +&1
7246 +6623+&$ %+7*J >"#(2,1F K6# $(#*# &2$ $(# )#& %(2) 724 *%26# $(+$ K,,+( %/$(
L/* M#697 %24,1 &#.#6 -,#**J N&$#6 7# $(# =+61#&8 &2 <#+6 *(+,, -# 2& 7240 &26 *(+,, 7#
36/#.#AO> (2*324&%), 7:46-49)

R%1.$ ,#(-%1.-%*1 *R -2# "#$%#&#'3 ).'.,%(#

No one will entei }annah without Allah ta'ala's Neicy anu uiace.
No one will entei Bellfiie but by Allah ta'ala's justice.

- 36 -
!"# %#&'(")* +, -./.0'*#

!"""" $%&'( )%& *(+,(- $%(., /&,- ).00 1( -,.2(3 $& 4+,+-.'( .3 5,&67' 63$.08 )%(3 $%(9
,(+:% .$ )%.0( .$' 5+$(' %+2( 1((3 &7(3(- +3- .$' ;((7(,' '+98 <4(+:( 1( 67&3 9&6=
9&6 %+2( 1(:&>( 76,(= '& (3$(, .$ $& +1.-( ($(,3+009 $%(,(.38< ?$%(9 ).00 (3$(,@" A3-
$%(9 ).00 '+98 <4,+.'( $& A00+%8 )%& %+' *60*.00(- *&, 6' B.' 7,&>.'( +3- >+-( 6'
.3%(,.$ $%( (+,$% ?'&@ )( >+9 '($$0( .3 4+,+-.'( )%(,(2(, )( ).00" A3- (C:(00(3$ .'
$%( ,()+,- &* ?,.5%$(&6'@ )&,;(,'" A3- 9&6 ).00 '(( $%( +35(0' '6,,&63-.35 $%(
D%,&3(8 (C+0$.35 ?A00+%@ ).$% 7,+.'( &* $%(., /&,-" A3- .$ ).00 1( E6-5(- 1($)((3 $%(>
.3 $,6$%8 +3- .$ ).00 1( '+.-8 <?A00@ 7,+.'( $& A00+%8 /&,- &* $%( )&,0-'"< (!"#$%&'(,

!F( G6.:; .3 $%( ,+:( *&, *&,5.2(3('' *,&> 9&6, /&,-8 +3- *&, + H+,-(3 )%&'( ).-$%
.' $%+$ I&* $%( )%&0(J &* $%( %(+2(3' +3- &* $%( (+,$%8 7,(7+,(- *&, $%( ,.5%$(&6'K (!"#
)&('*, S:1SS)

!A' *&, $%&'( )%& 1(0.(2( +3- )&,; ,.5%$(&6' -((-'8 $%(9 ).00 %+2( $%( 5+,-(3' &*
4+,+-.'( +' %&'7.$+0.$9" L$(,3+009 $%(,(.38 $%(9 ).00 3&$ -('.,( +39 &$%(, ?70+:(@"< (!"#
+',-, 18:1u7-1u8)

Abu Buiaiia iepoiteu Allah's Apostle as saying that: Allah the Exalteu anu uloiious,
saiu: I have piepaieu foi Ny pious seivants which no eye has evei seen, anu no eai has
evei heaiu, anu no human heait has evei peiceiveu but it is testifieu by the Book of
Allah. Be then ieciteu:" No soul knows what comfoit has been concealeu fiom them, as a
iewaiu foi what they uiu." (.%/"0& 23)

<M& '(3'( &* *+$.56( '%+00 $&6:% $%(>8 3&, '%+00 $%(9 I(2(,J 1( +';(- $& 0(+2( .$"< (!"#
405(, 1S:48)

Abu Sa`eeu al-Khuuiee anu Abu Buiayiah both naiiateu that Allah's Nessengei saiu:
"Theie will be an announcei |in Paiauisej who will make this announcement, 'veiily,
theie is in stoie foi you |eveilastingj health. You will nevei fall ill, anu you will live
|foieveij anu nevei uie. You will iemain young anu nevei giow olu. You will always live
in affluent ciicumstances anu nevei become uestitute.' |This is explaineu inj the woius
of Allah, the Exalteu anu uloiious, NA3- .$ ).00 1( +33&63:(- $& $%(>8 ND%.' .' $%(
4+,+-.'( 9&6 %+2( 1((3 >+-( $& .3%(,.$ *&, )%+$ 9&6 6'(- $& -&"O' (!"#!6('-, 7:4S)"

!P(,.098 $%&'( )%& 1(0.(2( ?.3 $%( Q3(3('' &* A00+% +0&35 ).$% $%( '.C +,$.:0(' &* R+.$%8
."(" $& 1(0.(2( .3 A00+%8 B.' A35(0'8 B.' F&&;'8 B.' S(''(35(,'8 T+9 &* U('6,,(:$.&38
+3- A0VW+-+, IT.2.3( 4,(&,-+.3>(3$'J V X'0+>.: S&3&$%(.'>@8 +3- -& -((-' &*
,.5%$(&6'3(''8 $%(., /&,- ).00 56.-( $%(> $%,&65% $%(., R+.$%= 63-(, $%(> ).00 *0&)
,.2(,' .3 $%( H+,-(3' &* -(0.5%$ I4+,+-.'(J" D%(., )+9 &* ,(G6('$ $%(,(.3 ).00 1(
Y61%+3+;+ A00+%6>>+ IH0&,9 $& Z&68 Q A00+%[J +3- Y+0+> I7(+:(8 '+*( *,&> (+:%
+3- (2(,9 (2.0J ).00 1( $%(., 5,(($.35' $%(,(.3 I4+,+-.'(J +3- $%( :0&'( &* $%(.,
,(G6('$ ).00 1(\ A0VB+>-6 /.00+%. U+11.0V]A0+>.3 ?A00 $%( 7,+.'(' +3- $%+3;' +,( $&
A00+%8 $%( /&,- &* ]A0+>.3 I>+3;.3-8 E.33' +3- +00 $%+$ (C.'$'J@"K (7%*%/8 1u:9-1u)

Abu Buiaiia iepoiteu Allah's Nessengei as saying: "In Paiauise, theie is a tiee unuei
the shauow of which a iiuei can tiavel foi a hunuieu yeais." (.%/"0&)

- 37 -
"A space the size of a whip in Paiauise is bettei than this woilu anu al that is in it." (!"#$
"&'()*+, -./01, "2'3"4"4+56 7899:2#"*; 82 <=6&+9 0>.0--)

!"# %&'("#) *+,, -# )"# .+&/) )' 01)#& %2&23+/#

"I will come to the gates of Paiauise anu ask foi it to be openeu. The gatekeepei will ask,
"Who aie you." I will say, "Nuhammau". The gatekeepei will say, "I was oiueieu not to open
the gate foi anyone else befoie you."" (<=6&+9)

!"# 42/) 521 )' 01)#& %2&23+/#

Abuullah ibn Nas'uu iepoiteu that the Nessengei of Allah saiu:

"The last peison to entei paiauise will be a man who will alteinately walk, staggei anu be
toucheu by the Fiie. 0nce he has passeu out of the Fiie, he will tuin to face it anu say,
"Blesseu be Be Who has saveu me fiom you. Allah has given me something that Be uiu not
give to the eailiei anu latei geneiations. Then a tiee will be iaiseu up foi him, anu he will
say, "0 my Rabb, biing me closei to this tiee so that I may enjoy its shaue anu uiink of its
watei." Allah will say,

"0 son of Aauam peihaps if I giant you this, you will ask Ne foi something else."

Be will say, "No, 0 Rabb, I piomise that I will not ask foi anything else." Allah will excuse
him because he is seeing something that he has no patience to iesist so Be will biing him
closei anu he will enjoy its shaue anu uiink its watei. Then anothei tiee, bettei than the
fiist, will be iaiseu up foi him anu he will say, "0 my Rabb, biing me neai to this tiee so that
I may uiink its watei anu enjoy its shaue, then I will not ask you foi anything moie." Allah
will say,

"0 son of Aauam uiu you not piomise Ne that you woulu not ask Ne foi anything else.
Peihaps if I biing you closei to this tiee you will ask foi moie."

So the man will piomise not to ask foi any moie, anu Allah will excuse him because he is
seeing something that he has no patience to iesist, so Be will biing him closei anu he will
enjoy its shaue anu uiink its watei. Then a thiiu tiee will be iaiseu up at the gate of
Paiauise, anu it will be bettei than the fiist two. The man will say, "0 Ny Rabb, biing me
closei to this |tieej so that I may enjoy its shaue anu uiink its watei, anu I will not ask foi
anything moie." Allah will say,

"0 son of Auam, uiu you not piomise Ne that you woulu not ask Ne foi anything moie."

Be will say, "Yes, 0 Rabb, I will not ask you foi anything moie." Bis Rabb, may Be be
gloiifieu, will excuse him because he is seeing something which he has no patience to iesist,
so Be will biing him closei. When he is biought closei, he will heai the voices of the people
of Paiauise, anu will say, "0 my Rabb, aumit me to it." Allah will say,

"0 son of Auam, what uo you want so that you will nevei ask Ne foi anything else. Will it
please you if I give you the woilu anu as much again."

- 38 -
Be will say, "0 Rabb, aie You making fun of me when You aie the Rabb al-Aalamin."

Ibn Nas'ouu smileu anu saiu, "Why uo you not ask me why I am smiling." They askeu, "Why
aie you smiling." Be saiu, "Because the Nessengei of Allah smileu". They askeu, "Why
aie you smiling, 0 Nessengei of Allah ." Be saiu,

"Because the Rabb of the Woilus will smile when Be is askeu, "Aie You making fun of me
when You aie the Rabb of the Woilus." Be will say, "I am not making fun of you, but I am
able to uo whatevei I will." (!"#$%&' )*+ ,-.' /%012 3$45&16' 712 189%: 364)1: 89":";36)

<6= %6 09> ?>:#%*6 *@ <2A B3CD=' 9> 3==#'
"Allah will tell him,
"ask foi such anu such"
anu when he has stateu his wishes, Allah will say,
"You will have them anu ten times moie."

!"# %&"#'()*'+ *, -./0('123+

It was iecoiueu in the Two Sahihs that the Nessengei of Allah saiu: "If you ask Allah foi
Paiauise, then ask him foi Al-Fiiuaws, foi it is the highest pait of Paiauise, in the miuule of
Paiauise, anu fiom it spiing the iiveis of Paiauise, anu above it is the (Nighty) Thione of the
Nost Neiciful."

E9* #93$$ %69>:%0 F%:=3G#H
1. Successful inueeu aie the believeis.
2. Those who with theii Salah aie Khashi`un (with feai anu with tianquillity).
S. Anu those who tuin away fiom Al-Laghw (ill speech)
4. Anu those who pay the Zakah.
S. Anu those who guaiu theii piivate paits.
6. Except fiom theii wives oi theii iight hanu possessions, foi then, they aie fiee fiom
7. But whoevei seeks beyonu that, then those aie the tiansgiessois.
8. Those who aie faithfully tiue to theii Amanat (tiusts) anu to theii covenants aie Ra`un
9. Anu those who stiictly guaiu theii Salawat (piayeis)
1u. These aie inueeu the heiis.
11. Who shall inheiit 0('123+. They shall uwell theiein foievei.
(<$4!"I&%6"6' JK: 1-11)

455%67 -88-9 !-:-8- ;-</<=:>-9?

"#$%&'( )*+',- ./*. 0*1- 2344 5' 6*73*8.- 4%%938: .%2*67, ./'36 ;%67< (<$4L%M3&39,

Abu Buiaiiah saiu that the people askeu the Piophet , "Will we see Allah on the Bay of
Resuiiection." Be ieplieu, "Bo you have any uifficulty seeing the sky in the miuule of a cleai
uay." They ieplieu, "No, Nessengei of Allah." Be then askeu, "Bo you have any uifficulty

- 39 -
seeing the moon in the miuule of a cleai night." They saiu, "No." Be then saiu, "You will see
Bim on the Bay of Resuiiection like that." ("#$%&'() *#+,(-)

The Piophet of Allah naiiateu, "When those ueseiving of Paiauise woulu entei Paiauise,
the Blesseu anu the Exalteu woulu ask: Bo you wish Ne to give you anything moie. They
woulu say: Bave You not biighteneu oui faces. Bave You not enteieu us into Paiauise anu
saveu us fiom Fiie. Be (the naiiatoi) saiu: Be (Allah) woulu lift the veil, &./ 01 2%(.3+ 3(45.
20 2%5- .02%(.3 60#,/ 75 /5&'5' 20 2%5- 2%&. 2%5 +(3%2 01 2%5(' 80'/) 2%5 *(3%29 &./ 2%5
:,0'(0#+." (*#+,(-)

The Piophet naiiateu this uu'aa in a Bauith in ;#.&. &.<=(+&&>( (&#2%5.2(?&25/ 79 ;%&9$%

@,,&%#--& A..B @+>&,#$& 8&/%/%&2& &.<=&!&'( (,C D&E%($& 6&+% ;%&6F& (,C 8(FC>($.

!" $%%&'( ) &*+ ,-. /-0 1'2 32%45'1 -/ 5&6475 &1 ,-.0 8-.7127&792 &73 1'2 2&52072** -/
:221475 ,-.;<

=>? ?@A "B A?$=>

Abu Sa`eeu iepoiteu that Allah's Nessengei saiu: "Beath will be biought on the Bay of
Resuiiection in the foim of a white-coloieu iam." |Abu Kuiaib maue the auuition, "Then it
will be maue to stanu between Paiauise anu Bell." So fai as the iest of the haueeth is
conceineu, theie is peifect agieement between naiiatois.j "It will be saiu to the people of
Paiauise, 'Bo you iecognize this.' They will iaise up theii necks, look towaius it anu say,
'Yes, it is ueath.' Then a commanu will be given to slaughtei it, anu it will be saiu, '0 people
of Paiauise, theie is eveilasting life foi you anu no ueath.' Then |auuiessingj the people of
Bellfiie, it will be saiu, '0 people of Bellfiie, theie is eveilasting life foi you anu no ueath.'"
Allah's Nessengei (peace be upon him) then ieciteu the following veise pointing with his
hanu to this |mateiialj woilu: !"#$% '()* +, '() -#. +, $)/$)'0 1()% '()2$ #,,#2$3 1244 5)
-)62-)-7 8(). #$) 9%*2%-,940 #%- '(). -+ %+' 5)42):)7! (*&'9&-, 19:S9) (*#+,(-)

Abu Buiayiah naiiateu that the Piophet saiu: "It will be saiu to the people of Paiauise, '0
people of Paiauise, eteinity |foi youj anu no ueath!' To the people of the Fiie |it will be saiuj,
'0 people of the Fiie, eteinity |foi youj anu no ueath!'" ("#$%&'()

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Al Kawthai See !"#$%&!!'!( !"#*+,-!, 2S7-262; !"#.!//!( 0!1"#2!!-, 166, 167both by
Shaykh '0mai al-Ashqai

"The Believei anu Bisbelievei at the Time of Beath" fiom 3!45' !"#.!/5%6 by Nu!ammau
N"ii au-Bin al-Albni

7884 89 :'!!/ by Ibn Taymiyah

"Beath anu Resuiiection by the English Language Section of the Bepaitment of Islamic
Resouices" (islamway.net)

;(< :=<-/!" .8+-/<& 28=<> (AlNaghiib Institute)

;(< :?@"!/!=%8/ 89 =(< A+/B!'</=!"> 89 C>"!'%D 7<"%<9 by Sheikh Nuhammau ibn Salih Al-
0thaymeen, Tianslation by Abu Salman Biya uu-Been Ebeile

A!=( !"#7!!-% by al-Baafiz Ibn Bajai, 11466

;(< E-!F< %> 8+- 3@@8%/=<B G"!D< # H!- !"#I!=!/J K%&!B(, Tianslateu by Faihia Yahya

L80 MD8-<> I%"" 7< M<=="<B N/ ;(< H!& N9 K<>+--<D=%8/ by Bi. `0mai Al-Ashqai

*%=!!, 3=#;!0(<<B by Shaikh Imam Nuhammau Abuul-Wahhaab

*/80%/O =(< P!>= H!& by Nuhammau al-}ibaly

P%9< %/ !"#7!-6!4( by Nuhammau al-}ibaly

Q!/4%/B 0%"" ,< E!=(<-<B by Imam Ibn Quuaamah al-Naquisee anu Explanation by Shaykh
Nuhammau Saleh Al 0thaymeen (RahimAllah)

;(< Q+>"%'R> 7<"%<9 by Shaikh Nuhammau as-Saleh Al-'0thaimin, Tianslateu by Bi. Naneh

N+- P!>= L8+- by Abu Saifillah 'Abuul-Qaauii

K!&> 89 A!%=(S A+/B!'</=!"> 89 A!%=( 28=<> (AlNaghiib Institute)

;(< M<F</ T/B<- ;(< M(!B< N9 3""!!( by Yahya Auel Ibiahim

"The Speech of Allah to Bis Seivants on the Bay of Resuiiection" fiom 7!(U!( $+"88, !"#
3,-!- by Shaikh `Abuui-Rahmaan ibn Naasii as-Sa`uee

I(!= %> Q<!/= ,& =(< 7"80%/O 89 =(< ;-+'@<=V !"#$%&!!'!( !"#*+,-! by Shaykh '0mai al-
Ashqai, SS-42; 31"!!' !"#M+//!( !"#Q!/>(88-!(, 122.

Al Huda Sisters are a group of dedicated Muslim
women committed to providing authentic, insightful,
and enlightening Islamic education for the Muslim
and non-Muslim women and girls of our community.

We are a non-profit organization with members from
various backgrounds and cultures coming together
under the banner of (Laa ilaaha illallaah).

To many of us, Al Huda has become our second home:
a place where we not only bond with our sisters for
the sake of Allah, but also nourish our hearts and
souls in the hope of coming closer to our Lord.

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