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deviating from the norm

eager and enthusiastic willingness

deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality

an expression of approval or praise

to ease or lessen; to appease or pacify

daring and fearless; recklessly bold

capricious inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic; unpredictable

censure to criticize severely; to officially rebuke

chicanery trickery or subterfuge

connoisseur an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert

discordant conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound

disparate fundamentally distinct or dissimilar

eloquent well-spoken; expressive; articulate

enervate to weaken; to reduce in vitality

ennui dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy

equivocate to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent

exculpate exonerate; to clear of blame

exigent urgent; pressing; requiring immediate action or attention

filibuster intentional obstruction, esp. using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action

ingenuous artless; frank and candid; lacking in sophistication

inured accustomed to accepting something undesirable


easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts

laud to praise highly

magnanimity the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving

martial associated with war and the armed forces

mundane of the world; typical of or concerned with the ordinary

nascent coming into being; in early developmental stages

nebulous vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form

neologism a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses

noxious harmful; injurious


lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression

obviate to anticipate and make unnecessary

onerous troubling; burdensome

parody a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, esp. in literature and art

perennial recurrent through the year or many years; happening repeatedly

perfunctory cursory; done without care or interest

prattle to babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and idle manner

prescience foreknowledge of events; knowing of events prior to their occurring

prevaricate to deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead


to disprove; to successfully argue against

relegate to forcibly assign, esp. to a lower place or position

solicitous concerned and attentive; eager

sporadic occurring only occasionally, or in scattered instances

static not moving, active, or in motion; at rest

stupefy to stun, baffle, or amaze

tortuous winding; twisting; excessively complicated

truculent fierce and cruel; eager to fight

voracious having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; ravenous

waver to move to and fro; to sway; to be unsettled in opinion

Abscond to depart ; to steal off and hide clandestinely

Clandestine in a secretive way, deceptively

Adversity great hardship or affliction; misfortune; calamitous event

Aggravate v. To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.

Arduous strenuous, taxing; requiring significant effort

Belie to contradict, to give a false impression

Bombast self-important or pompous writing or speech

Pompous exaggerated show of dignity or self-importance, bombastic

Cacophony harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance

Discordant disagreeable in sound, jarring; lacking in harmony, conflicting

Castigation severe criticism or punishment, reprimand severely

Censure to criticize severely; to officially rebuke

Chicanery trickery or subterfuge

Subterfuge (n) an excuse or trick for escaping or hiding something

Coercive serving or intended to compel by force or authority

Condemn express strong disapproval of

Denounce speak out against

Conspire to plan together secretly to do something wrong or illegal

Covert undercover, clandestine, sub-rosa, hidden

Cower shrink quivering as from fear; cringe

Cringe draw back, as with fear or pain, servile

Servile (adj.) of or relating to a slave; behaving like or suitable for a slave or a servant, menial; lacking spirit or independence, abjectly submissive

Craven Contemptibly fainthearted; lacking any courage

Denigrate defame, speak ill of, attack the reputation of

Belittle lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of

Sully charge falsely or with malicious intent, defame

Denounce to condemn openly; to accuse formally

Derision scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment, mokery

Contempt open disrespect for a person or thing

Diatribe a harsh denunciation

Discomfit a public act of denouncing, to defeat, put down

Disingenuous not straightforward; lacking in sincerity; pretending to know less than one actually does

Dissemble to disguise or conceal; to mislead

Exacerbate (v.) to make (a situation, problem) more violent, severe, bitter, or painful

Fraud a deliberate deception intended to produce unlawful gain

Furtive attempting to avoid notice or attention, secret and sly or sordid

Sordid unethical or dishonest

Garrulous pointlessly talkative; talking too much

Harangue to deliver a pompous speech or tirade

Tirade A long, angry speech, usually very critical

Impudent showing a lack of respect and excessive boldness

Inopportune ill-timed, inconvenient, inappropriate, unsuitable

Irascible easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts

Malevolent wishing or appearing to wish evil to others

Malice a desire or intention to harm others or see them suffer

Martial associated with war and the armed forces

Misanthrope one who hates mankind

Morose gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.


unyielding; hardhearted; intractable , hardened in feeling; resistant to persuasion

Obsequious Overly submissive and eager to please, fawning and servile

Obstinate stubborn; hardheaded; uncompromising

Onerous troubling; burdensome, involving hardship or difficulty

Opprobrium disgrace; contempt=worthless; scorn=worthless, despicable

Pedantic excessively concerned with book learning and formal rules; the parading of learning; excessive attention to minutiae and formal rules

Perjury false testimony while under oath; V. perjure oneself: testify falsely under oath

Provoke provide the needed stimulus for, (v.) to annoy or make angry, stir up; to do something in order to get a response

Recalcitrant stubbornly disobedient, resisting authority


conceal; hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism; CF. secretive

Specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally)

Spurious lacking authenticity or validity; false; counterfeit

Squander to waste by spending or using irresponsibly

Vexation annoyance; irritation

Ponderous 1) Of great weight; unwielding due to heaviness and bulk 2) labored, dull, or lifeless

Impetuous characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation

Convoke call together

Blithe carefree and happy and lighthearted

Taciturn the trait of being uncommunicative

Derision abusing vocally

recalcitrant marked by stubborn resistance to and defiant of authority or guidance

Apprise give information or notice to

Covert secret or hidden, a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something

Exacerbate make worse

Levy impose and collect, the act of drafting into military service, to declare and wage war

Alleviate the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance)

Stolid having or revealing little emotion or sensibility

Prodigious so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe, an impressive or wonderful example of a particular quality

Obstinate persist stubbornly

Abate become less in amount or intensity

Exculpate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges, to clear from a charge or guilt

Audacious aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery, original and spirited, insolent or contemptuous of rules

Innocuous unlikely to harm or disturb anyone, lacking intent or capacity to injure

Diffuse the act of dispersing or diffusing something, lacking conciseness

Veracity unwillingness to tell lies

Deference submit or yield to another's wish or opinion, a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard

Lackluster lacking brilliance or vitality

Specious an appearance of truth that is false or deceptive

Denunciation a public act of denouncing

Impermeable preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through

Tractability easily managed (controlled or taught or molded)

Nadir the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected

Concur be in accord

Approbation official recognition or approval

Sanction (Positive)- (v) authoritative permission or approval (Negative)-(v) a penalty intended to enforce compliance

Complaisant (adj) Agreeable;wishing to please

Ubiquitous (adj)Existing or present everywhere; constantly encountered or widespread

Distend (v) to extend; to swell from internal pressure

Vacillate (v) to waver indecisively between one course of action or opinion and another (v) sway from one side to the other

Perfidy (n.) faithlessness, treachery

Derivative unoriginal, obtained from another source

Fracas (n.) a noisy quarrel or brawl

Explicit clearly stated or shown; forthright in expression

Presumptuous Going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward

Extraneous (adj.) coming from the outside, foreign; present but not essential, irrelevant

Slight Small, not very important, slender or delicate (adj.); treat as though not very important; snub, ignore(v); an act of treating in this way; a discourtesy (n)

Vigor Active strength or force; vitality

Transparent (adj.) allowing light to pass through; easily recognized or understood; easily seen through or detected

Pristine (adj) Having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied

Confound To baffle; perplex; mix up

Console (v.) to comfort; (n.) the keyboard of an organ; a control panel for an electrical or mechanical device

Discrete separate; unconnected; consisting of distinct parts;

Specious deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious

Approbation (n) official approval (n) Commendation, praise; a warm expression of approval

Concur Agree; coincide; be of the same opinion

Nadir (n.) the lowest point

Tractability (n) capacity for being led, controlled, or taught; docility; (n) malleability; ease of being handled or worked with

Impermeable Impassable, not allowing passage through (such as by a liquid)

Denunciation An expression of strong disapproval; condemnation; accusation


(adj.) lacking brilliance or vitality; dull

Foment (v.) to promote trouble or rebellion; to apply warm liquids to, warm

Deference (n) A yielding to the opinion or wishes of another; regard; courteous submission; respect

Veracity (n) truthfulness, accuracy; habitual adherence to the truth

Diffuse (v) to spread or scatter freely or widely;(adj) long-winded, unfocused

Innocuous (adj.) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant

Audacious (adj.) bold, adventurous, recklessly daring

Exculpate to clear from blame; prove innocent

Abate (v.) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit

Obstinate stubborn; hardheaded; uncompromising

Prodigious abundant in size, force, or extent; extraordinary

Stolid unemotional; lacking sensitivity

Alleviate (v) to relieve, make more bearable

Levy Collect tax from, wage war on, or enlist for military service (v); act of collecting tax or amount owed, or the drafting of troops into military service (n)

Exacerbate (v.) to make more violent, severe, bitter, or painful

Covert (adj) Not openly done, acknowledged, or avowed; veiled

Apprise (v) To inform, tell, or give notice to

Recalcitrant (adj.) Stubbornly resisting or defying authority or guidance

Derision (n) Ridicule, mockery, or scorn

Taciturn (adj.) habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little

Blithe (adj.) cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned

Convoke Call together, as to a meeting

Impetuous (adj) of, pertaining to, or characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion; impulsive

Ponderous Heavy, bulky and unwieldy; dull. Labored

Recalcitrant marked by stubborn resistance to authority

Plundered took goods by force

Refuting overthrowing by argument, evidence, or proof; disapproving

Sanguine confidently optimistic and cheerful

Verbiage overabundance of words

Tepid lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest

Taxonomy practice of classifying plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships

Relish vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

Rakish dashingly stylish and confident

Reproach to blame for something; a disgrace

Temerity recklessness; a foolish disregard of danger

Superfluous extra

Succession in order

Spendthrift someone who spends money prodigally

Preponderance the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance.

Myopic unable to see distant objects clearly


formally made public

Vacuous lacking ideas or intelligence

Prescient perceiving the significance of events before they occur

Ominous unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen

Nascent coming into existence; emerging

Mown (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine

Languished weakened

Lucre money or profits

Lexicon a dictionary

Ingenuous characterized by an inability to mask your feelings


certain, inevitable

Ersatz copied from something else and usually not as good as the original

Indignant angered at something unjust or wrong

Implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful

Illusory misleading, deceptive; lacking in or not based on reality

Avarice extreme greed for material wealth

Castigate to punish severely; to criticize severely

Callow lacking experience of life

Cleaved attach to, cling, stick to; split

Cloying distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental

Constrain restrict

Emotive characterized by emotion

Marred having the surface damaged or disfigured

Impenetrable not admitting of penetration or passage into or through

Indolence laziness

Adumbration a sketchy or imperfect or faint representation

Opaque not clear; impossible to see through

Obscurity a state of being unknown or forgotten; something that is difficult to understand

Precarious not safe or secure; dangerously uncertain

Feigned not genuine or real

Furtive done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticed

Edifice a building

Contentious involving or likely to cause people to argue or disagree

Conviviality relating to social events where people can eat, drink, and talk in a friendly way with others

Supercilious having or showing the proud and unpleasant attitude of people who think that they are better or more important than other people

Fatuous silly, foolish

Ribald offensive in speech or gesture

Endowed to provide with a permanent fund or source of income

Curtail to cut short or reduce

Timorous cowardly; fearful

Deprecated to express strong disapproval of something; to plead against; to belittle

Ebullient lively and enthusiastic

Detritus debris

Gaudiness too bright and heavily decorated

Extirpate to destroy completely; surgically cut out

Ignominious dishonorable; humiliating

Coarsened to make (something) rough or rougher

Croupier an employee of a gambling casino who collects/pays bets

Truculent easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue

Salubrious favorable to or promoting health or well-being

Erudite (adj.) scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic

Prodigal lavish; wasteful

Fervid intensely emotional; feverish

Audacious fearless and daring

Desiccate to dry out thoroughly

Loquacious talkative

Ephemeral lasting a short time

Lethargic Drowsy; dull

Obdurate Stubborn

Philanthropic Charitable

Ostentation excessive showiness

Exuberantly Full of enthusiasm or joy

Candidly Honestly

Amalgamate to combine; to mix together

Ameliorate to make better; to improve

Anachronism something out of place in time

portenous ominous; giving signs of evil to come

indolent lazy

inert lacking energy; slow,

phlegmatic lacking energy; indifferent; slow, lazy, sluggish

languid lacking energy; indifferent; slow, lazy

lassitude (n) weariness of body or mind, lack of energy

slothful lazy, sluggish

torpid (adj.) inactive, sluggish, dull

quiescent motionless, inactive, lazy

ONTOLOGY the study of the nature of existence

SEMINAL influential

mercurial quick, shrewd, and unpredictable

petulant sulky, bad tempered

placid even tempered, calm


lasting a short time

imbue inspire, feeling, quality

eschew avoid

exorbitant increase, high cost

acrimony bitter feelings

capitulate (v.) to end resistance, give up, surrender, throw in the towel

gainsaid always have to be right

ostentanious showy, excessive

miscreant bad speaker

orator great speaker

ignoble no virtue

notoriety unfavorably famous

imperceptibly not know

morose, doleful gloomy , unhappy

nonplussed perplexed

abate (v.) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit

abscond to leave secretly; to flee

aggrandize power increase

amalgamate to combine; to mix together

ameliorate make better

analogous similar, alike

antipathy extreme dislike

apathy lack of interest, lack of emotion

ardor intense passion, feeling

assuage to make less unpleasant

attenuate weaken, reduce

austere severe or stern appearance

banal predictable, clich, boring

bombastic loud, pompus speech

caocophony n: loud, unpleasant mixture of sounds

capricious changing mind quickly and often

castigate to punish or critcize

caustic biting in wit

chicanery deception by means of craft or guile

credulous guillable, too trusting

deference respect, courtesy

deride treat with contempt

diatribe (n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack

diffident lacking self confidence

dilatory intend to dely

dilettante someone with superficial, amateurish l interest in topic

dirge, elegy funeral hymn mournful speech

disabuse to set right, free from error

disparate not alike, not the same

dissemble (v.) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false impression

enervate to reduce in strength

engender to produce, cause, or bring about

reticent silent; reserved

brusque blunt, abrupt

arcane old, outdated

infallibility Inability to make a mistake

Lauding PRAISE


to remove from, censor

incohate attempted crimes, in an initial stage; not fully formed; disorganized

cosseted pampered and spoiled

dandle hold like a baby

craven lack of courage

temperate show moderation and restraint



abhored regard with disgust, to feel disgust or hate, to feel disgust or hate, I hate natto!

abjured retract, renounce

chagrin mental annoyance

sardonic mocking, sarcasm

imprudent Unwise

ignominious shameful, dishonorable, ignoble, undignified, disgraceful


brain smarts

insouciance , blithe nonchalant, casual, or a lack of concern

roman a clef story of a person

ambit Ambitious

phoneme (linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language

picaresque adventure. Huckleberry Finn, Don Quixote.

patronage 1. Support; encouragement, bestow, usually in form of money

impecunious poor; having no money

nascent starting to develop; coming into existence

hackneyed Rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage, word ghetto!


hubris Arrogance, excessive pride

mendacity lying

Confound to confuse Syn - dismay, perplex, baffle, mix, disconcert, puzzle

Repudiate to reject Syn - deny, renounce, disavow, reject, refuse, disclaim

poignant making you feel sadness or regret Syn - sharp, pungent, acrid

polarize divide people into two sharply contrasting groups with different opinions

facetious trying to be funny or clever about something that should be treated seriously Syn - jocose, jocular, waggish, comic, funny

perturb make anxious or unsettled Syn - disturb, worry, unsettle, upset

Imperturbable not easily perturbed or excited or upset Syn - tranquil, cool, calm, composed

Impetuous acting suddenly without thought Syn - rash, violent, vehement, hasty, impulsive


spreading widely through something Syn - permeating, permeate, pervade, percolate

arcane understood by few, mysterious or secret Syn - occult, esoteric, mystic, obscure,

Tortuous twisting or winding, winding, full of carves, highly complex. Tortuous lines


marked by harshly abusive criticism, Using or containing harsh, abusive censor, e.g: Vituperative comments.

Pungent causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting, or strong and sharp in smell or taste, e.g: Pungent as the Colloquial language.

Viscous THICK, SYRUPY, AND STICKY, Viscous syrup.


lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy, state of inactivity. e.g: After returning home from his coast-to-coast trip, the truck driver sank into a peaceful torpor, watching TV and dozing.

Ameliorate To improve, make better, correct a flaw or shortcoming, e.g: ameliorate its effects.

Guileless FREE OF CUNNING OR DECEIT; ARTLESS. e.g: One of the charms of the novel is that guileless hero manage to defeat the scheming villain. / Guile: deception or tricky, Playing poker requires guile as well as skill.

Fawning seeking favor by flattering, the boss has a reputation for hiring fawning employees.

Impair injure; hurt; damage; make imperfect. e.g: Alcohol has been shown to seriously impair the functioning of the brain.

Officious excessively eager to deliver unasked-for or unwanted help, too helpful, meddlesome; e.g: some of us on the tour found the guide officious, but others thought she was helpful and courteous.

Presumptuous. adj. rude; improperly bold, overconfident, arrogant, verb presume, Noun presumption.

Disabuse free from a misconception, undeceive, enlighten, set right. e.g: The chairman of the Federal Reserve used his testimony before Congress to disabuse his audience of the idea that the business cycle had been eliminated by the unprecedented period of prosperity.

Aver v. to affirm; declare to be true; e.g: Yogis aver that everyone has a guru.

Alacrity eager and enthusiastic willingness; speed.

Analagous Comparable, having analogy; corresponding in some particular; e.g: The psychology researcher's experiment postulates that the brain is analogous to a digital computer.


gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole, amounting to a whole, total; The aggregate wealth of a country include private as well as public resources and possessions.

Dismiss to send someone out; to let someone leave, end one's encounter with somebody by causing or permitting the person to leave VERB. to send away or permit to leave; to remove from a job; to stop thinking about.

belie To contradict; misrepresent; give a false impression; The boxer's childlike face belies the ferocity with which he can attack opponents in the ring.

Relegate (v.) to place in a lower position; to assign, refer, turn over; to banish, to consign to an inferior position; like relegating philosophers to the garbage can.

Medacious dishonest, the judge ruled the testimony inadmissible because he consider it mendacious. Remember Medo.

Facetious adj. humorous, Remember Fase: funny

Frugality N. thrift; economy. In economically hard times, anyone who doesn't learn to practice frugality risks bankruptcy. frugal,ADJ.

Impermeable preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through, an impermeable stone; impossible to penetrate, the virus protection software is said to be impermeable to attacks by malicious software.

Insensible unconscious; unresponsive, not able to feel of perceive.


v. produce and release substance into organism.

Gregarious sociable; fond of the company of others

Amiable agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly


known only to those with specialized knowledge. small group of people Remember: Eric.

Polemic A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something, Remember: Pol from politics, politics is controversial.

Equanimity calmness, composure, refusal to panic, calmnss


resisting authority or control

vale a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river - a valley

gorge to overeat or eat immodestly

gaffe a socially awkward or tactless act

rapacious excessively greedy and grasping

incendiary deliberately setting or causing fires; designed to start fires; tending to stir up strife or rebellion; one who deliberately sets fires, arsonist; one who causes strife

furtive marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

auspicious tending to favor or bring good luck

forte an asset of special worth or utility, strong point or special talent in a person's character

mendacious lying; untruthful

litigious inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits

trivial not large enough to consider or notice

disquietude feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable

conation mental effort towards a goal, desire, purpose

caliper an instrument for measuring the distance between two points

compunction a feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed)

avaricious greedy for riches

maraud a sudden short attack, raid and rove in search of booty

voracious excessively greedy and grasping

dissension disagreement

quietude a state of peace and quiet

proselyte One who has been won over from one religious belief to another.

mythic based on or told of in traditional stories; famed, romanticized, storied; fabricated

supineness inactivity, sluggishness, passivity (indolence)

phylum (biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants

meritorious deserving reward or praise

timidity fear of the unknown or unfamiliar and of making decisions

indigence a state of extreme poverty or destitution

exigency a pressing or urgent situation

secrete hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism, place out of sight

chamois a soft suede leather formerly from the sheep of the chamois antelope but now from sheepskin

facade a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant, the face or front of a building

gauche awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy

suave smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication

sortie a sudden attack by troops from a defensive position; a single mission of a lone airplane against an enemy

succulent juicy

corpulent excessively fat

copulate make love

poltergeist a ghost that announces its presence with rapping and the creation of disorder

gallantry heroic courage; respect and courtesy; an act or statement marked by a high level of courtesy

abasement humiliation; degradation, depriving one of self-esteem

supercilious having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy

fealty obligated loyalty or faithfulness

chintz a brightly printed and glazed cotton fabric

edifice building

sordid wretchedly poor; run-down, squalid; mean or selfish; dirty, filthy

deciduous falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves; Ex. deciduous tree/teeth

unkempt not properly maintained

errant deviating from the regular or proper course; erring; straying.

scale reach the highest point of

edifice a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building

opaque not allowing the passage of light, not transparent; hard to understand

sullen resentfully silent

stagnant (adj.) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull

rancid having a nasty smell or taste, rotting

crescendo (music) a gradual increase in loudness

palpitations pounding, racing heartbeats

paucity shortage; scarcity

talon claw of an animal, especially a bird of prey

myriad a very large number; multitude

dulcet pleasing to the ear

immerse engross (oneself) fully

algorithm An established procedure for solving a problem or equation

laconic brief and to the point; using few words.

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