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Technical Report Submitted for KA21603 Geotechnical Engineering 1, Seme ter !!

, Se ion 2013"201#$


Student Name1 ABSTRACT: This document contains the format of the technical report, an individual report to be submitted to Mr Jodin Ma inda, the lecturer of !A"1#$% &eotechnical 'n(ineerin() This is an e*ample of the technical report) Report should follo+ the la,out, the font st,les and si-es of this template) A concise abstract is re.uired /ma*imum len(th "$$ +ords0) The abstract should state briefl, the purpose of the pro1ect, the essential ne+ information, the principal results and ma1or conclusions) The abstract must be able to stand2alone and references to the report should therefore be avoided) The font used in the abstract is Times2Roman, 1$pt, or e.uivalent) !e,+ords: Times2Roman, 1$pt, % to # +ords, do not indent if it e*ceeds one line)

3NTR456CT34N This assi(nment is a student2centered instructional strate(, in +hich students collaborativel, summari-e an investi(ation on soil classification) Students +or in small collaborative (roups and lecturer ta e on the role as 7facilitators7 of learnin() Accordin(l,, students are encoura(ed to ta e responsibilit, for their (roup and or(ani-e and direct the learnin( process +ith support from an instructor) This (roup assi(nment can enhance the content no+led(e and foster the development of communication, problem2solvin(, and self2directed learnin( s ill) The report should contain the follo+in( headers 8 chapters: 3ntroduction, Research Methodolo(,, Results, 5iscussion, Conclusion and References) The e*ercise aims to provide students +ith another medium of learnin( +hich is throu(h research, self2 stud,, (roup +or and +ritin( a technical report) 'n(lish is the lan(ua(e of the technical report)

The title of the paper and the name of the student and his8her matri* number to(ether +ith mailin( address should be +ritten on the cover of the C5)

&'N'RA; ST<;' The technical report should be t,ped sin(le2spaced double columns) This document is the MS2:ord template file that is available for the final formattin() The position of tables in the manuscript should be indicated) Number all pa(es consecutivel, at the bottom ri(ht corner) The technical paper should not e*ceed = pa(es / A4 size, e*actl, 1%pt spacin(0 includin( reference, fi(ures and tables) The rest of this document is (eneral information re(ardin( manuscript st,le) Title: 9rovide concise and informative titles) Avoid abbreviations and formulae +here possible) Student % name and affiliation: The student>s name should appear centered belo+ the title) 3ndicate student affiliations as a footnote to that name) The address at +hich the student actuall, did the +or must be retained as the main affiliation address) Superscript Arabic numeral is used for such footnote) &aragraph ' 'ach ne+ para(raph must be indented) The indent should be =mm) All te*t should be left and ri(ht 1ustified) No underlines or footnotes) The te*t should be in clear, concise, and proper 'n(lish, t,pe in 1$ point Times Ne+ Roman font or e.uivalent) Ac(no)ledgement if it e*ists should appear at the end of the te*t, before the references)

R'94RT S6BM3SS34N A Microsoft :ord printout of the technical report should be submitted to the lecturer) An accompan,in( softcop, /C50 format of the technical report should be submitted as +ell) Student is also re.uested to include the softcop, of all the references /1ournals0 .uoted in the report) Submission of the technical report implies that /10 the technical report is the ori(inal +or of the student /"0 the student is able to sho+ the data from the lab +or and the 1ournals upon re.uest b, the lecturer)

Matri* No, email address, Civil 'n(ineerin( 9ro(ram, 6N3?'RS3T3 MA;A<S3A SABA@

A4NTS AN5 ;A<46TS Aonts The +hole te*ts that appear in the paper should be consistentl, Times Ne+ Roman 1$ pt font, e*cept s,mbols used in e.uations) All para(raphs are =mm indented for the first line, and the line spacin( is set e*actl, at 1%pt) Report * title: Title must be centered at the top of the first pa(e, leavin( % lines blan from top mar(in, in 1" pt bold and uppercase font) ;eave 12 blan line after the title) Student name: 1$pt font) ;eave "2blan lines) Student% affiliation footnote : affiliations are cited b, superscripts as sho+n in the above e*ample, use Bpt font) Ab tract: 1$pt font) ;eave 12line spacin() Ke+ ,ord : 1$pt font) ;eave 12blan line belo+ abstract and "2blan lines belo+ e, +ords) ;a,out and Aonts of the Main Te*t 6se A2C si-e paper, +ith ")=cm mar(ins in the top and bottom) ;eave appro*imatel, "2blan lines bet+een the e, +ords and the main te*t) The main te*t should be in double columns, +hich have a 1)#cm side mar(ins, and about Dmm space bet+een the t+o columns) The main te*t st,le is usin( 1$pt font) S3 units should be used in Ai(ures as +ell as in the te*t) @'A53N&S /54 N4T 3N5'NT A4;;4: T@3S 'EAM9;' 3A 3T 3S ;4N&0 6se at most three levels of headin(s that correspond to chapters, sections and subsections) The first level headin(s for chapter titles should be in 1$pt, upper case font) ;eave t+o2blan lines and one2blan line before and after the first level headin(s, respectivel,) The Second ;evel @eadin(s The second level headin(s should be in 1$pt font) ;eave one blan line both before and after the headin() The third le-el heading These headin(s should be in 1$ pt, 3talic, font) 3nsert one blan line before and no blan line after the headin(s) The further lo+er level headin(s should be avoided) MAT@'MAT3CS

'.uations and s,mbols should be t,ped in the e.uation editor) The e.uations should be numbered in se.uence) The e.uation number, enclosed in parentheses, is placed flush ri(ht) S,mbols and notation should be defined +hen the, first appear) 6se one blan line before and after the e.uation)

A 0 + =. t /
/10 A3&6R'S AN5 TAB;'S ;ocation of Ai(ures and Tables 3n (eneral, fi(ures or tables should be verticall, ali(ned at the top or bottom relative to margin , on the same pa(e +here the, are referred for the first time) 5o not place them alto(ether at the end of manuscripts) Ai(ures or Tables should be si-ed the +hole +idth of a column, as sho+n in Ai()1 /Ai(s) 1, F0 or Table 1 in the present e*ample, or the +hole +idth over t+o columns) 5o not place an, te*t besides the fi(ures or tables) 1o -ertical border line in Table are needed)

Table 1 Caption of table should be left 1ustified placed in a te*t bo* center above the table) 3f it is lon(, it should be continued li e this) No vertical border lines in Table are needed 3tems 1 " % A 1= 1# 1D B "$ "1 "% C "= "# "B

Captions of Ai(ures and Tables Table and Ai(ures should be numbered consecutivel,, and should have informative titles, +hich ma e the data in the fi(ure or table understandable +ithout reference to the te*t) Table and fi(ure caption uses the same 1$ pt font as the te*t, left 1ustified placed in a te*t bo* +ithout fillin( or line) 9lace the te*t bo* in the center above the table) 3nsert appro*imatel, one2line spacin( above and belo+ the table or fi(ure caption)
=$$ C$$ < cate(or, %$$ "$$ 1$$ $ $ " E cate(or, C #

A list of reference should be (iven at the end of the te*t in alphabetical order of first authorGs last names and then further sorted chronolo(icall, if necessar,) More than one reference from the same author/s0 in the same ,ear must be identified b, the letters 7a7, 7b7, 7c7, etc), placed after the ,ear of publication Citin( and listin( of +eb references) As a minimum, the full 6R; should be (iven) An, further information, if no+n /author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc)0, should also be (iven) :eb references can be listed separatel, /e)(), after the reference list0 under a different headin( if desired, or can be included in the reference list) Aor anon,mous reports and standards, alphabeti-e b, the issuin( institution) The reference list must be summari-ed at the end of the main te*t) Ma e sure reference information is complete and accurate in the follo+in( order: last names and initials of all authorsH ,ear of publicationH title of paper, report, or boo chapterH title of boo or periodicalH volume and issue numbersH name and location of publisher /for boo s0, name and location of publisher or sponsor /for proceedin(s0H and inclusive pa(e numbers) The references are =mm han(in( indentation)

Ai() 1 Caption of fi(ure should be left 1ustified placed in a te*t bo* center belo+ the table) 3f it is lon(, it should be continued li e this

AC!N4:;'5&'M'NTS 3f it e*ists should appear at the end of the te*t, before the references)

0ualit+ of figure 2the third le-el heading )ill be li(e thi $ Ai(ures and pictures should be computer2(enerated, not simpl, scanned in) All fi(ures and illustrations should be professionall, dra+n the same as the final printed version /+ithout enlar(ement or reduction0) 9lease do not send fi(ures in an, other format /J9&, &3A, :ord, '*cel, etc0)

R'A'R'NC'S An um, 9), !o(a, !), Se(eren, :)A) and ;ui1endei1 , J) /1BDD0) ;essons from 1"$$ ,ears impolderin( in the Netherlands) 9roc) 3nt) S,mposium on Shallo+ Sea and ;o+land, 3nstitute of ;o+land Technolo(,, Sa(a 6niv) Sa(a: 1$"21$D) ;o(anatham, N), Balasubramaniam, A)S) and Ber(ado, 5)T) /1BB%0) 5eformation anal,sis of emban ments) J) &eotech) 'n(r() ASC') 1BB/D0:11D=21"$#) Madhav, M)r) and Miura, N) /1BBC0) 3ntroduction) 3n: Miura, N), Madahav, M)R) and !o(a, !)/'ditors0, ;o+lands, 5evelopment and Mana(ement) A)A) Bal ema, Netherlands and 6)S)A):%12%I) Mousta as, N) /1BB$0) Relationship of morpholo(ical and ph,sicochemical properties of ?ertisols under &ree climate conditions) 9h)5) Thesis, A(ricultural 6niv) Athens, &ree ) 9er ins, A)') and &unaratnam, 5)J) /1BI$0) Numerical Solution of 6nstead, Alo+s in 4pen Channel)

C3TAT34N AN5 R'A'R'NC' ;3ST 'nsure that ever, reference cited in the te*t is also present in the reference list /and vice versa0) The citation should appear in the te*t as the author/s0 last name/s0 follo+ed b, the ,ear of publication in brac et, e)() /An um et al) 1BDD0, /9reissmann 1B#10, /Madhav and Miura 1BBC0, /;o(anatham et al) 1BB%0, 5on et al) /"$$=0) 6npublished results and personal communications should not be in the reference list, but ma, be mentioned in the te*t) Citation of a reference as Gin pressG implies that the item has been accepted for publication)

@,drod,namic ;aborator,, Report No)1"I, M3T, Cambrid(e, Massachusetts, 6)S)A) 9reissmann, A) /1B#10) 9ropa(ation des 3ntumescences dans les Canau* 'trivieres /9ropa(ation of the S+ellin(s in the 'trivieres Channels0) Airst Con(ress of Arench Assoc) for Computation) &renoble)

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