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Carlos Alberto Baca Maldonado1; Cassio Hamiton Abreu Junior2; Omar Daniel3; Lucia Pittol Firme2 1 Eng. Agrnomo, Dr, Bolsista DCR, FCA/UFGD; 2 Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricutura CENA/USP; 3 Eng. Florestal, Dr., Docente do PPG Agronomia, FCA/UFGD (omar.daniel@pq.cnpq.br) RESUMO: Objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento e a produo de madeira em plantas de eucalipto (E. grandis) em funo da aplicao de lodo de esgoto e adubao mineral convencional, para tal foi estabelecido um experimento de campo com quatro doses de lodo de esgoto (0; 7,7; 15,4 e 23,1 Mg ha-1, base seca, equivalentes a 0, 50, 100 e 150% do recomendado (com base no critrio do N, norma P. 4.230 CETESB), considerando-se 15,4 Mg ha-1, como sendo a dose 100%, nitrognio (0; 46,9; 95,1 e 142 kg ha-1, equivalentes a 0, 33, 67 e 100% do N recomendado e fsforo (0; 27,7; 53,6 e 84 kg ha-1, equivalentes a 0, 33, 67 e 100% do P2O5 recomendado, em esquema fatorial 4x4x4, com confundimento e duas repeties. A altura e dimetro na altura do peito das rvores foram medidos aos 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 33 e 44 meses aps plantio, e, ento, determinado o volume de madeira. Os resultados obtidos foram avaliados por modelos de superfcie de respostas, em funo das doses de lodo, nitrognio e fsforo. Pelos resultados obtidos mediante o estudo de superfcie de resposta, permitiu-se constatar que a aplicao de lodo, com base na dose recomendada pelo critrio do N, pode propiciar a reduo de 33% no uso do adubo fosfatado e 100% do adubo nitrogenado, sem prejuzos ao crescimento e nutrio do eucalipto, sem reduzir a produtividade de madeira, considerando o perodo de at 46 meses aps a aplicao. . Palavras-chaves: Eucalyptus, madeira, biosslido, resduo

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the growth and wood production eucalypt (E. grandis) depending on the application of sewage sludge and mineral fertilization conventional for this was established a field experiment with four doses of sewage sludge (0, 7.7, 15.4 and 23.1 Mg ha-1, dry basis, equivalent to 0, 50, 100 and 150% of the recommended (based on the criterion of N, P norm Cetesb 4.230), considering 15.4 Mg ha-1 as the 100% dose, nitrogen (0, 46.9, 95.1 and 142 kg ha-1, equivalent to 0, 33, 67 and 100% of the recommended N and P (0; 27.7, 53.6 and 84 kg ha-1, equivalent to 0, 33, 67 and 100% of P2O5 recommended, 4x4x4 in factorial scheme, with confounding and two replications. height and diameter at breast height of trees were measured at 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 33 and 44 months after planting, and then set the timber volume. results were evaluated by the response surface models, depending on the sludge doses, nitrogen and phosphorus . the results obtained by studying the response surface, allowed himself to see that the sludge application, based on the criteria recommended dose of N, can provide a 33% reduction in the use of phosphate fertilizer and 100% nitrogen fertilizer without damage to the growth and nutrition of eucalyptus without reducing the productivity of wood, in the period up to 46 months after implementation. . Keywords: Eucalyptus wood, sewage sludge, waste

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