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InCanadianPayroll,wehaveThreePrimeinfotypes,whichgovernthePayrolltaxcalculationforthe FederalandProvincialtax.ThosethereareInfotype461,462and463. Letscheckabouttheseinterestinginfotypes. 461TaxAssignmentCA

Province of Employment: This defines the provincial or territorial rules and rates used for income tax withholding purposes. Employment Jurisdiction : Here you enter the province having jurisdiction to pass labour-related laws governing this employee. If no entry is made, the system recognizes the province of employment as the province of employment . Province of residence : The place of residence of the EE. Province of Health Tax: The Province on which health tax is calculated.



Total credits: Employee's total for all personal tax credit amounts. Total non-indexed: This amount is the total personal tax credit amount that is not subject to an annual cost of living adjustment. Other deductions : other annual deductions ( line 22 of form TP-1015.3). Additional tax : The additional tax as requested by the Employee. Estimated net commissions : Income from Estimated net commission income for the year. Letters of waiver Deductions : Any other deductions authorized by Revenue QC, such as deductions granted to employees working outside of Canada. Letters of waiver Credits: any other non-refundable tax credits for the year as approved by Revenue QC . E.g charitable donations.



TotalCredits:employee's total for all personal tax credit amounts Totalnonindexed:This amount is the total personal tax credit amount that is not subject to an annual cost of
living adjustment. Additional tax : The additional tax as requested by the Employee. Designated Area :Employee's annual deduction for living in a designated area (Yukon Territory or Northwest Territories, for example), as indicated on form TD1.


Estimated remuneration: Estimated total remuneration for the year, as reported by the employee on line 4 of form TD1X. Estimated expenses : Estimated total expenses deduction for the year as reported by the employee on line 10 of form TD1X. Labour-sponsored funds : The amount of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed laboursponsored venture capital corporation acquired by an employee in the year. Letters of waiver Deductions : This field contains Annual Authorized federal deduction. Such as child care expenses, alimony, maintenance payments, etc. authorized by a Tax Services Office or Tax Centre for the employee. Letters of waiver Credits: Other federal tax credits, such as medical expenses and charitable donations, requested by an employee and authorized by a Tax Services Office or Tax Centre.


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