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Thse en XII-ime
I. a) Lisez le texte : Faudrait-il attendre qu il soit trop tard pour ragir ?
De nos jours , nul n ignore plus les risques accrus dus l augmentation de la
temprature sur la Terre : 2004 a mme t la plus chaude depuis presque un sicle et
demi. Quels sont les risques qui nous menacent exactement ? Le drame qui nous attend
est-il inluctable ?Ne fait-il pas rappeler les types de dangers que la plante encoure, puis
se demander si certaines solutions peuvent tre encore envisages ? Dans un premier
temps , il apparat que les risques lis laugmentation de la temprature sont nombreux et
dj prsents. En premier lieu, laugmentation des scheresses, des vagues de chaleur et
des ouragans est dsormais prendre en compte. En outre , des catastrophes cologiques,
telles que la fonte de la calotte glacire et laccroissement du nombre d incendies se
multiplient. De surcrot,aux dangers pour la plante s ajoutent les menaces sur les
populations : le cot humain. Laugmentation de la temprature nous promet donc des
jours sombres. Cependant, est-il vraiment trop tard ? Doit-on attendre sans rien faire ? Il
semble au contraire que l Homme ait encore la possibilit sinon darrter au moins de
freiner cette volution dsastrueuse. Tout dabord , il est de notre responsabilit de limiter
les dpenses d nergie afin de faire baisser la pollution lorigine du rchauffement de la
plante : nous pouvons ainsi au quotidien faire attention par exemple notre
consommation d lectricit ou notre usage de la voiture . Deuximement, nous devons
encourager le recyclage des matires , telles que le papier, le verre ou le plastique. Enfin,
les gouvernements devraient dvelopper une meilleure coopration, notamment entre les
pays dvelopps et les payis mergents. Tout nest donc pas encore jou . Ainsi, sil
semble que les risques cologiques et humains sont extrmement importants et en partie
dj prsents , il nen reste pas moins que l Homme a encore la possibilit d influer sur
son propre avenir. Faudrait-il attendre qu il soit rellement trop tard pour ragir ?
II. b) Lisez la consigne, faites ce qu on vous demande : cochez la bonne rponse
ou rpondez aux questions.
1.Ce texte pourrait appartenir la rubrique :

0 2 points

a) fait divers
b) environnement
c) texte littraire
2. Quel est le but de lauteur du texte ?

0 2p.

a) critiquer la position de la socit

b) attirer l attention vers l augmentation de la temprature sur la Terre
c) nuancer l image des scientifiques dans le problme existant

3. Vrai ou faux. Justifiez votre rponce .

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 p.

a ) 2004 a t l anne la plus chaude depuis 200 ans .

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b ) Les catastrophes cologiques augmentent .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c ) Pour arrter le rchauffement de la plante il faut multiplier les dpenses d nergie .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Trouvez dans le texte les synonymes des mots

0 2 4 p.

Augmenter =
Auto =
5. D aprs le texte quelle est lattitude de l auteur :

0 2 p.

a) neutre
b) agressive
c) critique
d) ironique
6.Trouvez dans le texte trois solutions pour amlliorer la situation existante
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Relevez lide principale du texte lu .
0 1 2 points
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Justifiez la raison pour laquelle laugmentation de la temprature sur Terre
prsente aujourdhui un drame .
0 1 3 5 6 points

II. Grammaire : Lisez et compltez les blancs avec des articles ncessaires,
prpositions, pronoms, mettez au fminin, mettez le verbe la forme convenable,
accordez le participe pass sil le faut :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20p.
Je prfre prendre -------th ou ------caf avec------biscuits ou ---------bonbons . La
vieille femme tricotait et coutait --------chant monotone ----------pluie sur -------toit . Ses
mains sont toujours (chaud )---------------, mais elle est trs (tendre )---------------. Nous
sommes tous ( blond)---------- , une seule fille est( chatain)-------------------.Nous savons
qu elle est(arriver )----------------hier. Je souhaite quelle (venir )-----------------me voir
bientt . J attends une lettre ---------mon amie doit m envoyer. Ont-ils appris cette
nouvelle ? Oui , -----------------------------------------------. Je veux que vous partir -------------- la semaine prochaine en Chine et que vous( faire ) -------------- ce travail. Si mon pre
( tre )------------- avocat ,notre famille serait riche. Paris est la ville -----------me plat
beaucoup .
III. Sujet de production crative . 20 lignes


Jtudie parce que...




I. Reed the text and accomplish the post- reading tasks.


1. One of the pursuits the humans waste major part of their4 life on is career. Career
planning is not an activity that should be done once , in high school or college and then
left behind as we move forward in our jobs. It is not a hard activity , not something
to be dreaded or put off , but rather an activity that should be liberating and fulfilling ,
providing goals to achieve in your current career or plans for beginning a transition to a
new career. Career planning should be a rewarding and positive experience. 2. A
successful career cannot be achieved overnight. Every fresh graduate will have to go
through a lot of sacrifices just to mare sure the career path is according to plans. In essence
the career success depends on the competence which is a competition of knowledge ,
skills and attitudes. Before one embarks on the long journey of a working career theres a
strong need to acquire knowledge and education. The objective of the career path is to
seek progress and growth which brings satisfaction and widen the professional horizon by
adopting new skills to deal with changing situations. 3. Of paramount importance is
building a personal brand that means how others perceive you . The most important thing
is to build your reputation and the trust of others in you . Your brand is more than your
job title , it is about how you get things done and also the way you carry yourself and
interact with others. Moreover , building a circle of influence is essential for the career
growth and success. It is good to learn from others and share knowledge for mutual
benefits. Additionally , an attitude of open-mindedness is the right way to sustain the
career planning. A major component becomes reviewing and adjusting to the social
changes and trends. Having information about career trends is vital to long-term career
planning success . 4.The key to an effective career planning is exploration of new
education and training opportunities . Information really does lead to power and success
so one should never pass up chances to learn and grow more as a person and as a worker.
Therefore , part of career planning is going beyond passive acceptance of training
opportunities to finding new ones that will help enhance further professional evolution. So
, be conscious about setting goals. A career goal helps you to stay focused and motivated.
It must be flexible since there will also be disappointments and things out of your
control. Your career goals will change with alterations in your environment and
personality. Reevaluate your goals every two years and make adjustments as needed. If
you dont have any future plans , it means you are drifting and will miss many
opportunities along the way to be best you can be . Your career will always have a
learning curve. Make the most of it and when you find that you are not satisfied anymore ,
sit down and reevaluate your position and career goals.
Item 1. Answer the question.
0 1 2 3 p.
Hoy should people understand career planning ?

Item 2. Find in the text the antonyms for the words given below
and make up two sentences using these words : 0 1 2 3 4 6 p.

To find _______________________
Item3. Circle the correct variant (True /False ). Justify your choice. 0 1 2 4 6 p.
a) Setting goals is not an important part of career planning. T F
b) A successful career depends on your abilities and education.
Item 4. Entitle the paragraphs :
0 3 6 p.
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4. -_______________________________________________________
Item 5. Express the following sentence in your own words:

0 3 5 7 9 p.

Your career goals will change with alterations in your environment and
II. Grammar. Underline the correct variant using the words in bold , insert the
articles and prepositions where necessary. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Arrange the adjectives in the right order.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 p.
1. The first television broadcast (to make) ________________________in
April, 1939. Since then it (to become ) __________________one of the most
Important facts of modern life. Its effect ( to feel )____________________all over
the world at present. 2. Not long ago I saw an /a Buddhist /seated/gold/impressive
statue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .3 In________ ordinary English town there is usually

__________High Street , which is _____principal street of many towns . 4. I apologize
___________not writing ____ _you sooner, but a week________ bed _____flu didnt let
me do it. 5. ______________(long ) I live, ______________________(good ) I feel about
life itself. 6.We _________________(have ) the contracts__________________(
prepare) by a lawyer next week. 7. If only she_____________________(not, lie ) to me
then. 8. Father suggested______________(to leave) the hotel later but the children were
anxious _____________________(to get) home as soon as possible . 9. Tom
________________ (free /freely) admitted that he had not worked ________________
(hard /hardly ) so far .
III. Written production. A persons should never make an important decision
alone .Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer. ( 20 lines )

Obiectivele tezei
Elevii vor fi capabili :
-s neleag sensul global al textului propus ;
-s recunoasc i s utilizeze corect structururile lingvistice studiate ;
- s demonstreze capacitatea lor de a produce mesaje scrise ;
`- s exprime opiniile personale referitoare la subiectul propus.
Matricea de specificare



mesajului textului

Aplicare, analiz , sintez









Barem de corectare
Subiectul I
Pentru toi itemii ce vizeaz nelegerea textului nu se vor lua n consideraie greelile
gramaticale i nici cele de ortografie. Toate greelile se subliniaz.
Subiectul II
Se acord cte un punct penzru fiecare spaiu completat corect ; o puncte pentru un spaiu
completat incorect sau lips de rspuns.
Subiectul III
a) Respectarea sarcinii i a volumului indicat
b) Corectitudinea lingvistic: adapteaz rspunsul su la situaia propus -


c) Capacitatea de a prezenta poziia personal


d) Coerena i coeziunea : unete clar ideile ntr-un text coerent -


e) Competena lexical/ ortografia lexical. Extinderea vocabularului.


f) Posedarea ortografiei .


g) Gradul de posedare a frazelor.


h) Alegerea timpurilor i a modurilor.


i) Morfo-sintaxa /ortografia gramatical : face corect acordul n gen i n numr , utilizeaz

corect pronumele, formele verbelor.

Analiza tezei la l. francez/englez n cl. a XII-a

Instituia :

Media tezei



Pe list elevi :


Au scris :
Notele : 10- 9- 8- 7-


6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1

Numele, prenumele



Subiect de

Scor final


Gradul de realizare a

Informaia se prezint pn la 15 decembrie pe adresa postical.@mail.ru i pe

hrtie la DE Criuleni.


Puncte 78-80 70-77 63-69 51-62 40-50 28-39 22-27 16-21 10-15

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