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Genarlow Wilson
Justice Deferred
by Roxanne L. Brown

Waiting for justice is truly trying business. he will soon be reunited with his family— out parole. Under an exemption of the law,
and birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas sexual intercourse between minors was
will once again have profound meaning. considered a misdemeanor while oral sex
Now 21, Wilson has served almost three was not taken into consideration.
years of a 10-year mandatory sentence for “When Genarlow’s mom came into my
having underage, consensual oral sex with a office, if you had said 31 months later
15-year-old girl when he was 17. A star ath- we’d still be dealing with this and all of the
lete and high school honor roll student, the things that happened, I would have said
young man’s future derailed at a 2003 New ‘No way,’” said Brenda Joy (BJ) Bernstein,
Year’s Eve party where drugs and alcohol Wilson’s attorney. “When I looked at her, I
were present, and where he and several of said, ‘Oh, we have to get the law changed,’”
his buddies engaged in sex acts with girls. she recalled. “In retrospect, that was cor-
Under a poorly written law, Wilson was rect and yet a little Pollyanna—thinking
convicted of aggravated child molestation, that people would just see—just like in
which was a felony in Georgia at the time the Marcus Dixon* case they saw—and we
and carried the mandatory sentence with- would eventually get this righted.”
Genarlow Wilson

The Georgia State Legislature
uanessa Bennett is hoping by the amended the law last year—
time her birthday rolls around, largely because of Wilson’s
the waiting will be over. With the case—so conviction for the
Georgia Supreme Court expected crime for which he was charged
to deliver a decision this fall that could free is now a misdemeanor, carry-
her son from prison, she and her daughter ing a maximum sentence of 12
Jiaya are both imagining their autumnal months. But for whatever rea-
birthdays will be buoyed by good news, giv- son, the legislature declined to
ing their family reason to celebrate. apply the law retroactively to
Genarlow Wilson is waiting as well, anx- Wilson’s case.
iously watching the days slip pass at Burruss In June of this year, Georgia
Correctional Training Center in Forsyth, Superior Court Judge Thomas
GA. When not working out, he spends qual- H. Wilson, citing Wilson as
ity time with the prison chaplain, attends the victim of cruel and unusu-
. Photo by Roxanne Brown

worship services and reads biblical scrip- al punishment, ordered the

ture. Having freedom come just within young man freed. He wrote in
his grasp this past summer, only to be the order granting release: “If
snatched away, his mother says he is edgy this Court, or any other court,
and frustrated. Yet, Wilson remains hopeful Wilson’s mother, sister and attorney cannot recognize the injustice
o continued on page 10
TRUMPET .NovemBER/DECEMBER 2007 9 www.trumpetmag.com

by Rhoda McKinney-Jones

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

t’s not often that one gets to interview an icon. Someone called former Calypso singer and classically trained violinist, knew there
by a singular moniker and everyone knows of whom you speak— was a greater calling on his life. That calling began with his joining
a person who can walk into a room and cause pause because of the Nation in 1955 and changing his name to Louis X. Since that
his physical presence and historical significance. That’s exactly what I time, the rest, one could say, is history.
was privileged to do a few days ago from my humble kitchen perch. The Minister helped breathe new life into the Nation after the
I interviewed the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan by phone on death of Elijah Muhammad, attracting thousands upon thousands
everything I could think to ask in 15 fleeting minutes. of young, eager, African American men who found a home in the
The Minister’s voice was strong, smooth and steadfast, giving faith, pride in themselves and a leader in the Minister. From the
no hint of the health challenges that have plagued him the last few streets of Chicago’s South Side to the Million Man March and to the
years. He talked about the future of the Nation of Islam, his hope greater Islamic world, the Minister has and is making a difference.
for the faith, his pride in African American people, his love of music But that road has not been an easy one, as his friend Father Michael
and the state of Black America. Then of course, when prodded, he L. Pfleger of St. Sabina Church in Chicago explains.
talked of his legacy. I asked questions in quick succession and he “Minister Farrakhan is probably one of the most misunderstood
willingly responded, eloquently quoting biblical scripture, speaking and mis-defined leaders of our day,” says Pfleger. “When you don’t
in parables and peppering his answers with references to the Quran, want to deal with someone’s truth, you try to destroy their charac-
Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Honorable Elijah ter or redefine them…That’s what the media has sought to do with
Muhammad. He spoke and I couldn’t help but listen and learn. Minister Farrakhan. His truth causes America to face its racism and
“When Minister Farrakhan speaks, Black America listens,” says its hypocrisy.”
the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, likening the Minister’s influence to “Minister Farrakhan has been a personal friend for more than
the E. F. Hutton commercials of old. “Everybody may not agree with 20 years,” continues Pfleger. “His leadership has evolved, and I
him, but they listen…His depth on analysis when it comes to the believe the coming days will see him as a unifying force, calling real
racial ills of this nation is astounding and eye opening. He brings a Christians, real Jews and real Muslims to come together on princi-
perspective that is helpful and honest. ples of truth and justice… Contrary to those who want to make him
“Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and anti-white and anti-Semitic, I believe Minister Farrakhan is presently
21st century giants of the African American religious experience,” building the umbrella for people of conscience to come together no
continues Wright. “His integrity and honesty have secured him a matter the race or creed. I am honored to call him my brother.”
place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics. His love Because of the Minister’s influence in the African American
for Africa and African American people has made him an unforget- community, Trumpet Newsmagazine honors him this winter at its
table force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere Sounds of the Shore gala with an Empowerment Award. It seemed
about his faith and his purpose.” a fitting tribute for a storied life well lived. And as our brief interview
The Louis Farrakhan story is one most of us already know, but drew to a close and he thanked me for taking the time to talk to
that does not diminish its import or impact. Born Louis Eugene him, I could not help but think, the Minister, the man with whom I
Walcott, 73-years ago in the Bronx and raised in Roxbury, MA, the had been so casually speaking, truly epitomized greatness.

o continued on page 16

TRUMPET .NovemBER/DECEMBER 2007 15 www.trumpetmag.com


Rev. Dr. Charles G. Adams

Inaugural William and Lucille Nickerson
Professor of the Practice of Ethics and
Ministry at Harvard Divinity School
e congratulate economic development initiatives have
our trustee, the gone even further in helping to revitalize
Rev. Dr. Charles much of northwest Detroit.
G. Adams, one Beyond Detroit, Adams has been integral
of the most to the World Council of Churches’ efforts
prominent and to combat racism. In this regard, for exam-
dynamic ministers ple, he spoke before the United Nations on
in the United South African apartheid. He has been presi-
States, as he joins dent of the Detroit Branch of the NAACP
Harvard’s faculty of and holds memberships on numerous
divinity as the first boards, including the National Council of
William and Lucille Nickerson Professor of Churches and Morehouse College. In 1994,
the Practice of Ethics and Ministry. He started he accompanied President Bill Clinton to
a five-year term this past July. Jordan to witness the signing of the peace
“Charles Adams is one of the country’s accord between Jordan and Israel.
most accomplished religious leaders,” said In addition, he has acted as one of Harvard
Dean William A. Graham, in announcing Divinity School’s (HDS) most trusted
the appointment in June of last summer. advisers over the years, and has won
“He is not only a widely acclaimed preacher, several of the School’s alumni/ae
but has been just as influential as a pioneer awards. He was a founding member of
in linking the church’s mission to urban the Black Alumni/ae Network, now
revitalization through economic, educa- known as Alumni/ae of African Descent.
tional, and social initiatives. This range of He played an integral role in raising the
experience makes him an especially apt money to create the Black Seminarians
choice to inaugurate the Nickerson profes- Fund. He has also been a guiding force
sorship, which was created, in part, ‘with in the development and growth of HDS’
special attention to economic policies and Summer Leadership Institute (SLI), an
practices as they affect both the profession annual two-week program, begun in
of the ministry and society as a whole.’ “ 1998, that trains pastors and lay leaders in
Adams, a Harvard divinity degree gradu- community and economic development.
ate, has been pastor of Hartford Memorial Not only has Adams served on the SLI
Baptist Church in Detroit, since 1969. Under faculty each year, he has engendered a fruit-
his leadership, the church has established ful cross-fertilization between Hartford and
social, educational and recreational pro- Harvard, bringing Harvard professors to
grams for a congregation whose number speak at his church. l
now exceeds 10,000 members. Its various
TRUMPET .NovemBER/DECEMBER 2007 20 www.trumpetmag.com

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