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I chose this topic because everywhere it says about the role of men, who had in wars, but never

talks about the role that women had. Through this speech I want to demonstrate the role that women had in winning a war. Women, especially young women, found that their lives were dramatically changed by the war. Many women worked in jobs which were traditionally mens jobs before the war and many actually served in the armed forces and other important war effort services. Women were employed in industry and on the land (the Land Army). For the nations who were deeply involved in World War II, the war effort was total, with women volunteering in huge numbers alongside men. At home, women filled traditionally male positions, taking both active and supporting positions in factories, government organizations, military auxiliaries, resistance groups, and more. While relatively few women were at the front lines as combatants, many found themselves the victims of bombing campaigns and invading armies. By the end of the war, more than 2 million women had worked in war industries. Hundreds of thousands had volunteered as nurses or members of home defense units, or as full-time members of the military. In the Soviet Union alone, some 800,000 women served alongside men in army units during the war. World War I was to give women a chance to show a male-dominated society that they could do more than simply bring up children and stay at home. In World War I, women played a vital role in keeping soldiers equipped with ammunition and in many senses they kept the nation moving through their help in various industries. With so many young men volunteering to join the army, and with so many casualties in the war, a space was created in employment and women were called on to fill these gaps.
Femeile, n special femeile tinere , a constatat c vieile lor s -au schimbat n mod dramatic de rzboi . Multe femei au lucrat n locuri de munc care au fost n mod tradiional, locuri de munc pentru brbai , nainte de rzboi i de multe de fapt, a servit n forele armate i alte servicii importante ale efortului de rzboi . Femeile au fost angajai n industrie i pe teren ( Armata Land ) . Pentru naiunile care au fost profund implicate n al doilea rzboi mondial , efortul de rzboi a fost total , cu femei de voluntariat n numr mare alturi de brbai . La origine , femeile completat poziii n mod tradiional de sex masculin , avnd att activ i sprijinirea poziii n fabrici , organizaii guvernamentale , militare auxiliare , grupuri de rezisten , i mai mult . n timp ce relativ putine femei au fost la liniile de front ca combatani , muli s-au gsit victimele bombardeze campanii i armatele invadatoare . Pn la sfritul rzboiului , mai mult de 2 milioane de femei au lucrat n industria de rzboi . Sute de mii de oameni au oferit voluntar ca asistente medicale sau de membri ai unitilor de aprare acas , sau ca membri cu norm ntreag ai armatei . Numai n Uniunea Sovietic , aproximativ 800.000 de femei servit alturi de brbai n uniti ale armatei n timpul rzboiului . Primul Rzboi Mondial a fost de a da femeilor o ans de a arta o societate dominat de brbai , care ar putea face mai mult decat aduce pur i simplu copii i stau acas . n Primul Rzboi Mondial , f emeile au jucat un rol vital n meninerea soldati dotate cu muniie i n multe sensuri au inut naiunea se deplaseaz prin ajutorul lor n diverse industrii . Cu att de muli tineri de voluntariat s se alture armatei , i cu att de multe victime n rzboi , un spaiu a fost creat n ocuparea forei de munc i de femei au fost invitate pentru a umple aceste goluri . 1 Women have served in military conflicts since the American Revolution, but World War II was the first time that women served in the United States military in an official capacity. Although women traditionally were excluded from military service and their participation in the Armed Forces was not promoted at the outset of World War II, it soon became apparent that their participation was necessary to win the war. During the war, many women took a wide variety of civilian jobs that had once been filled by men Femeile au servit n conflicte militare de la Revoluia American, dar al doilea rzboi mondial a fost prima dat c femeile servit n armata Statelor Unite ale Americii n calitate oficial. Dei n mod tradiional de femei au fost excluse din serviciul militar i participarea lor n Forele Armate nu a fost promovat de la bun nceput al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, a devenit evident c participarea lor a fost necesar pentru a ctiga rzboiul. n timpul rzboiului, multe femei au o mare varietate de locuri de munc civile, care au fost odat ocupate de brbai 2. Approximately two million women have enrolled in the Second World War. Some figures of the time - women who fought in the war: 400,000 American women, canadicence 45,000 and 800,000 Russian women

In America, women have participated in the war as follows: 140.000-enlisted in the Army, 100,000 in the Navy, 13,000 in the Coast Guard, 1000, in the Aviation and 74,000 in Body nurses.

British women were registered in large numbers in the Women's Land Army (WLA), an organization that encourage women to work in agriculture. 80,000 ladies were members WLA. 180,000 were recorded in the British Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF). Women-pilots were used either in the transport missions, be packed parachutes, or deciphering codes and analyzing images sent by troops to recognition. 4. Soviet women played a major role in World War II (locally known as the Great Patriotic
War). While most toiled in industry, transport,agriculture and other civilian roles, working double shifts to free up enlisted men to fight and increase military production, a sizable number of women served in the army. The majority were in medical units.

There were 800,000 women who served in the Soviet Armed Forces during the war. Nearly 200,000 were decorated and 89 eventually received the Soviet Unions highest award, the Hero of the Soviet Union. Some served as pilots, snipers, machine gunners, tank crew members and partisans, as well as in auxiliary roles. 5 Russian woman Ludmilla Pavlicenko was one of the most effective marksmen in the
history of wars: she killed - 309 Germans, in defense of Sevastopol.

Captain Hanna Reitsch was the first woman who piloted a helicopter and received medals and decorations Lutwaffe Iron Cross. She was active in Nazi propaganda of the '30s and '40s. Barbara Lauwers was born in Czechoslovakia, She became an American citizen in 1943 and then immediately joined the Women's Army Corps. Fluent in five languages, Lauwers worked to turn German POWs into operatives, and trained them to disseminate rumors among the German Army after their release from Allied custody. Operation Sauerkraut was quite successful, and Lauwers continued to design and supervise propaganda operations in the the European theatre. She trained POWs to gather intelligence and report back to the Allies. Lauwers earned a Bronze Star for convincing six hundred Czech soldiers to turn to the Allies by her propaganda efforts. 7 The women, not only made sacrifices but also contributed to the role and rights that women have today. They must also be remembered and honored. World War I and WWII was to give women a chance to show a male-dominated society that they could do more than simply bring up children and stay at home

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