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maxDNA System Settings

1. Event Collector program is running in OWS1 & OWS4. For SOE/PROCESS Event Summary display do t e !ollo"ing in administrator mode in case o! OS reloading# a. Copy startup.ini !rom c#$custom$s%p$startup.ini !ile. running event collector OWS. Pat #

%. &lso !or storing t e event !or more t an one day' c ec( !or settings in c#$custom$s%p$eventcoll.ini !ile. C)RR*+,O-./0-O 1,y de!ault t is /es2. c. 3n *CS Registry Editor' ma(e +P) &larm .ist Server 0 yes Note: 3n case o! !ailure o! one o! t ese PC' Event summary s all %e availa%le t roug ot er 2. For Trends display in OWS. 3n case o! reloading o! OS in ma4S5&53O-' !ollo"ing is to %e done in administrator mode. a. 3n *CS Registry Editor' c ec( !or Default Trend Source6 setting. 7alue !or t is registry s ould %e mxs trend. %. Security.reg !ile availa%le under c#$custom !older o! *&89EWS9CO*- PC to %e copied & registered again. !. Auto "ogon of maxSTAT#ONs # &ll operator "or(stations are set !or auto logon $ auto re%oot 1a!ter po"er !ailure2. :ence no manual inter!erence is re;uired in case o! po"er supply !ailure. &. maxO'( Ser)er Settings on maxDNA side: a. Presently connection is made t roug *&89S5OR9CO*- PC t roug On %oard .&- Card 13P &ddress# 1<=.1>.?.=@?/Su%net mas( address# =@@.=@@.?.?*. Total &+2 points are configured. %. Stand%y connection is made availa%le t roug *&89EWS9CO*- PC t roug On %oard .&- Card 13P &ddress# 1<=.1>.?.=4A/Su%net mas( address# =@@.=@@.?.?2 in case o! !ailure o! OPC .in( t roug *&89S5OR9CO*- PC. c. +CO* settings !or ma4OPC Server are ena%led in %ot t e ma4S5&53O-s. :o"ever in case o! OS reloading o! any o! t e a%ove PCs' +CO* settings to %e done as per document sent earlier else settings !rom ot er station may %e re!!ered.

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maxDNA System Settings -. .(S /egistry settings for maxSTO/#AN '(: Alarm Settings: a. &larm :istory *ega%yte 0 A??? *, %. &larm 5otal *ega%yte 0 =A???*, .ax Settings: a. *a4 :istory *ega%yte 0 1???? *, %. *a4 5otal *ega%yte 0 B????*, Note: in ma4S5OR3&- presently appro4 11<? points are con!igured. Client is accessing only 444 points. +. .(S /egistry settings for 0)ent collector 1OWS, $ OWS&* '(: Alarm Settings: a. &larm Event *ega%yte 0 A??? *, %. &larm 5otal *ega%yte 0 =A???*, .ax Settings: a. *a4 Event *ega%yte 0 1???? *, %. *a4 5otal *ega%yte 0 B????*, Note: in ma4S5OR3&- presently appro4 11<? points are con!igured. Client is accessing only 444 points.

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