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Bash your Ash in the gym!
So stop trying to sneak in my purse you little twats! And stop wiping your nose on those blankets at night - I have to hit them with
a stick before washing em! Ive told ya, you will have to wear boxing gloves in bed! Kids, I am so sick and tired of em. In fact,
only the other day the little bas...................
Mick Harts
barbed wire is IN
e are
Issue 21
Now then, here are
a couple of good
reasons for a nice
night in on
the sofa!
The Complete
Guide to
The Laymans
to Steroids
Errrr sorry lads....
but the videos are available from
Mick Hart Training Systems:
Call us on (01246) 811013 for more
details. Credit cards welcome.
(P.S. I wish I was a pair of jeans Mum)
Publisher, Exec. Editor
Graphic Design/Layout &
most swear words
Mick Hart
Assistant Editor
Chris Hart
Angela Hart
Tony Neighbour
Bill Cullen
Campbell Mckenna
Mick Hart
Ron Ball
David Gentle
Lou Ravelle (Spain)
Marshall Brown BSc
Chris Hart
Julia Abell
Marcel Apfel
Christian Breyer
Richy Troth
Gary Wheat
Cover Picture
Micks arm
The No Bull Collection is published by MICK HART TRAINING SYSTEMS and is distributed purely by that company - totally! All rights reserved and all articles published in this magazine auto-
matically become the sole property of said magazine. Anyone wishing to send in anything to publication are welcome, publication is of course at the editors decision. The magazine does not accept
responsibility for those who do not warm up well before ANY of the exercises given herein. Use your heads a little. We assume that all people are of a fit and healthy nature but if in doubt, have a
chat with your local G.P. before having a go. All stacks that are to be featured in future publications are given soley as information purposes and we are not stating in any way shape or form that
they have to be followed and are given purely for whats happening out there purposes.
4 Bodybuildings Last
Our first and last line of
8 Hart To Hart
Q&As how they should be
12 England, Life &
Marshall Brown BSc kicks
some arse - good style!
16 The Richy T Column
Richy hits home again -
this column will get harder
- I know!
20 Free NO BULL
TOJO hits
home with
his own
style - fag
26 FATS! - The Finale
Could have been a West
End show with a name like
30 Mind V Muscle
David Gentle help you to
utilise your mind to help
you train harder
34 Stephen Reeves
We inter-
view a
36 Once
an hour,
If you
would prefer it a lot and
more often too then read
this !
Picture sent in by 11 year old, Terri Surr, Mick Harts No.1 fan!

ey, who said it would be an easy job writing your own mag - well I would like to say that he was absolutely,
categorically, undoubtabley - 100% fucking well right!!
Ah well, we are still here and never went amywhere and all I can say is that I apologise once again for the delay -
this is being dealt with as best we can.
The reason? Well as we are not amongst the largest staffed magazine publication in the world AND we may well
be amongst the poorest BUT do we give a furrrrk? No way! We will ALWAYS come through, That I can guarantee
without a doubt.
y new book just had to be finished as the publishers (er, me) were just giving me hassle. Also, due to the
fact that these last few months I have been mobbed by women on a daily basis after someone leaked the
fact that I have a cock like a blind cobblers thumb!! Well I can tell you that was a nasty thing to do!! I also
have been swamped by Calvin Klein representatives to model bloody all sorts of stuff. What could I do? Ok, a
load of bollocks really, I agree. it wasnt Klein, it was Marks & Sparks! Fuck em!! After all that, we are really sorry,
but these things happen and normal pictures will resume as soon as possible.
Talking of pictures, I have had a couple of complaints about the language sometimes used in this mag and also
regarding the nice lady trainers in this mag of late AND the fact that their t-shirts, shorts and/or training bottoms
are missing. Well I can tell you this English will have to do and the clothes? Well, they bloody well werent missing
when we took the pictures! We got RIGHT down and had a good look - and nope - they werent there; so off we
trotted to get our nice BACON sandwiches....... hmnn mmm!
These thoughts bring me to a sort of conclusion me old pals...... you are reading the wrong mag and really should
be considering coming out in the open and admit that you are gay! Nothing wrong with that if you like it, everyone
to themselves that is what I say. But there is a genuine reason behind (sorry) the fact that I put these pictures in
this mag - I JUST LOVE PISSING YOU OFF!! Dan dan derrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Now fuck off while I write something will
ya. Ahem
nother reason (as you will soon realise and understand) is that
our web site is now totally ON-LINE!. Yeeeeeeeehaaaaa! I am so
proud and happy, gleefully cute and all that, we just might (and I
stress might) make a profit one day (yeah and I can rap my own arse-
hole with my nob - ouch!). But seriously, it will help a great deal I hope.
The cost of publishing the magazine can be quite frightening at times,
but I do promise that NO ONE will lose a mag. The address of the site
is simple:
this will also be featured somewhere in the mag should you need any
further information. Please visit it if you can and support the NO BULL.
We, (Angela and myself) would sincerely appreciate it.
Here is a personal thankyou to the wife Angie for all her help, assis-
Mick Harts NBC - 4
Mick Harts NBC - 5
tance, backup, support, love and care that she has given to me over the
many years that we have been together (25 actually). I can tell you
this, it would NOT have been possible AT all without her help -
not one bit. She is my strength, my love and me best mate.
Thanks Angie, I love you and all the sloppy stuff that goes
with it. Thanks love.
I am always appreciative of the support that we get from
everywhere, but I would like to thank the guys and gals from
the USA for their backing of the NO BULL which has gained
popularity like I could not believe it. You have been very kind in
your comments and I hope that we can continue to keep you
interested. The only problem is the cost of shipping to you
which I just cannot help - business is business as you well
know - but thanks again anyway and please stay with us.
Talking of the US, I had a nice letter from a guy who made a
few points that hit home. I wont mention his name for his own
security due to the authorities out there, but his point was
regarding the law on steroids that they have. He mentioned
the fact that the cops seem to pick on bodybuilders for easy
targets. He said:
I have yet to read about cops being killed by semi-automatic
weapons whilst arresting a bodybuilder for having steroids on his
possession. I have seen kids as young as 12-13 trying to flag
down cars to sell drugs - and the cops just ride on by! In the
States, its all about the almighty dollar - everybody makes money
from drugs; the dealers, lawyers, judges, you name it they just dont
care who dies from drugs! Over thirty years ago, the government put
a man on the moon, but they stll cannot stoip the hard drugs with ALL
the satelites and fancy spy equipment - or can they? It is total BULL-
SHIT in my opinion
I respect your points and thank you again. Makes you think yeah?
We have heard that there is a version of NUBAIN on the streets apparently, and it is dangerous! We have heard
that it contains KETAMINE, which if taken in the suggested dosages of that of Nubain, can be very dangerous
indeed. Then people who are allegedly doing this are totally out of order and will most certainly kill someone with
their stupid money making tricks. Please be careful and try and double check if possible. We will also try and get
as much information on how you can identify the products. But for now, please take great care.
On May 9th of this year, my son competed in the London South East Championships at Middlesex and placed
second to a man called Alan Mack. Now let me tell you something about this guy. I have met, competed against
and talked to many different types of people in this game and never have I met such a gentleman as he. If I were
to choose an ambassador for the sport he would win without a second thought. The reason for my mentioning it is
Alan Mack
simple. Chris and I went back stage to warm up after being a little late, after a little confusion, after well, mucho con-
fusion backstage on both competitor AND organiser to be fair to all. Anyhow, all competitors went back and started
to prepare. Alan and Chris were to change side by side, prepare and warm up more or less at the same time. from
the word go, Alan started to chat and introduce himself, (he had no idea who I was at the time) to which Chris imme-
diately responded to with the same attitude, respect an interest. They, and I, got on together tremendously.
Alan was obviously confident, he had reason to be, yet he did not at ANY time, try to intimidate nor confuse; instead
he talked, listened and even shared his pre-comp ideas and thoughts. He also listenened with interest to what Chris
and the other people were saying. Now this guy was in competition with virtually ALL in the room. Seem a little
No way! He presented himself this way because it obviously came natural to him; my respects to his family. I wish
that I could see more of this type of person in the bodybuilding field - I do so much. Alan, it was a pleasure to meet
you and please remember this, should anyone ask if I know ANYONE who could do such a job, I would be honoured
to put you forward. My sincere respects to you from myself, Chris, Angela and all here at the NO BULL! Continued
success to you - we shall watch with interest at the hopeful rise of your career. Thanks mate and I hope that you like
the pictures presented in the NO BULL as I promised. Please keep in contact sir.
Heard a rumour that NABBA are allegedley in a bit of a stew; financially and at leadership level here in the UK.
Anyone know anything about it we would love to know what the furrrrk is going on. Like I have said many times
before, to many chiefs NOT taking notice of what the little INDIANS have on their minds yeah? Please let us know if
you will.
Once again I would like to thank the writers of this great mag - I know that I have the best and am so proud that they
have stayed with me through the rough and tough times. Thanks lads. By the way, looking forward to Lou Ravelle
writing for us in the next issue. Lou has written for the best, now he writes for the very best. Welcome Lou!
I do HOPE that you all appreciate the fact that we have decided to tax your brains and add a little spice to your read-
ing - please enjoy. Remember that it took many minutes of hard work to figure out the puzzle and we expect that
many of you will not finish it. We wait and see. Good luck!
I have just found out that a good friend, Dave Doyle from Kirby, Liverpool was recently found dead. He had co mited
suicide. Apparently he had been arguing with his girlfriend and decided that he could not live with her nor without
her. His final desicion was certainly a sad one. I know that most of you will not have known him, but in the short time
that I did, I found him to be a nice guy; yeah a bit of a rogue I heard, but that is what gives us character, so long as it
is not bad. Dave was a good guy in my eyes.
I would like to pass on my sincere condoloncies to his family and to say how sorry I was to hear of his death.
I know how hard things can get between to people. I was in a situation very similar myself only a few short years ago
- I too had decided that death could have been a way out. My family helped me through it thank God.
Again, I am so very sorry and can only say that I know that time will heal but try to remember the good times,
believe me, I know that it helps. God Bless.
Mick Hart
Dear Mick,
Please can you help me? Ive been training for years and struggle with my bodyfat, especially around my
hips and thighs. I do 1 hour step aerobics 3-4 times per week + weight training also 2-3 times per week AND
my diet is pretty good too. I am 5 2 tall and my thighs are 21 I am seriously considering taking steroids
(primobolan acetate) or clenbuterol. I would very much appreciate any advice you could give me that would
help me reduce their size.
Many thanks,
Hi Dem,
Looking at all of the time that you are devoting to your training and the amount of work load that you are doing I feel
that the problem is not there. It seems to me that you may have a slight thyroid problem, I mean that it may be not
up to scratch and your metabolism will be working slower than normal. Dont worry, this is such a regular occurrence
in people and easily remedied in most cases.
The way to do it is first of all have your thyroid checked out. Your doctor may just prescribe it for you. Looking at
your choice of clenbuterol and acetate etc, yeah it is a good idea, but a better one would be to take T3 or T4s which
are currently available and work absolutely fantastic in my opinion, ESPECIALLY when on growth hormone! Shit
man, that riiiiiips that fat of you and DOWN faster than a pair of knickers on a prostitute!
The clen and primo will certainly work, but adding a thyroid stimulant will definitely help. I would advise taking them
over a four week period. Starting at one per day and moving up to 2 somewhere in the middle of the four weeks -
say for 6-8 days. However, you MUST come off them for one week THEN you can go back on them for another 4
Dear Mick,
My son is thinking of taking up bodybuilding simply because he isn't very strong. At what age should a boy
take this up without doing his body damage and how can I make sure that he is doing the right sort of train-
ing program for him? I am also worried that he might be exposed to steroids at an impressionable age - is it
possible to 'tell' which gyms promote steroid taking and which don't? My son is nearly 14
Worried Mom,
Dear Mom,
It may surprise you to hear from me that I think that steroids is NOT a good idea for your son - but it really is not. I
am here to advise on the safety aspects and correct way of taking them - that is the ONLY way to be whether or
NOT you are pro steroid.
At his age, his own testosterone levels are by now going through the roof and up until he is about 18 years and
Mick Harts NBC - 8
stops growing, they will continue to do so. Whilst he is in this crucial growing stage he really does not want anything
that will upset the balance. try and keep him off them until he is ready. In the UK, 18 is the personal decision time, a
coming of age and after that we, as parents, really have no
As for the gym thing - well go look see and come right out and
ask them if they condone the use of steroids or not. State the
reasons, be polite, and explain that you see no problem in
anyone else taking them (maybe, maybe not but this attitude
will promote honesty I feel) but you really do not want the guy
taking gear. I think that you will be able to see the answer on
entering such a place. It would be best to go for the gyms that
are TOTALLY fitness based if possible, he can still increase
his strength and size - no problem.
As for his correct training, seek profesional advise. I can help
here if you wish and just say the word and I will send you
details asap. Hope this has helped.
Dear Mick,
What do you think of a stack of d-bol, sustanon and deca,
all overlapping? Best thing for gyno, 20mg nolvadex a
day? What is your favorite cycle?
No Name,
Via - Web Site
Dear No,
I think that it is good. Have you read any of my publications? The actual stack that you ask about is in both books
and the NO BULL magazines.
I would go for about 8-10 weeks. If you do, take 1ml 250mg Sustanon every Monday along with the Deca 200mg in
the same syringe. This will cut down the holes in your arse a little more.
The d/bol - take them like this:
week 1 - 3 per day every day for the week (based on 5mg per tab)
week 2 - 5 per day
week 3 - 7 per day
week 4 - 9 per day
then start to work your way down again having had two weeks on 9 per day. SO it would look like this: 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 -
9 - 7 - 5 - 3 OK?
Definitely 20 mg of nolvadex per day, you dont want to be visiting the nice bra shop now do you. Some say that
nolvadex can cut down 5-10% of your gains - hat a load of bollocks! I would sooner lose THAT than having nipples
looking like church coat hangers!!
My favorite stack? Well this is one of them to be honest, but I would be adding 50mg of stanozolol every three days
in the delts (alternating the jab of course) with a tiny insulin needle. This increases the pump and hardness tremen-
dously. I would also change the sustanon after 4-5 weeks and try
adding something like propionate or Sten
(a combination of three tests).
Train hard and be strong.
Dear Mick,
I'm a keen body builder and have been wondering
recently whether I should start taking steroids. I have
no great desire to compete - I can't dedicate enough
time to my training as it is! But I was wondering how
far you can get training naturally. There is a guy at my
gym that seems very keen to sell me some gear but I
have to say I am more than a little nervous about the
idea of taking any drugs... I guess I'm undecided...any
Via - Web Site
Dear Alan,
You are a keen bodybuilder, that is good. But are you really
Mick Harts NBC - 9
Is it true taking gear makes your dick shrink
I hope so! lugging this fucker around all day is killing my back
that keen to start taking steroids? This might seem a little bit contradictive coming from me who is so pro steroid, but
you have got to realise that taking steroids WILL NOT make you any more keener especially if time is not on your
side. Steroids make the body utilisze protein to its maximum enabling growth to take place faster, amongst many
other things, but it does not make you get up and go to the gym whether you like it or not. If you cannot dedicate
more time to training then personally I would not take steroids simply because you would be wasting your money -
and not because they would harm you.
The guy in the gym can see that you are a possible target due to your unsurity and confusion - dont be! It is hard to
gauge how much you can grow without steroids, everyone is different, but I can say that you will only grow and gain
to how much you time you can contribute to your training. I would leave the gear for a time, train as you are, dont
feel pushed into it and finally, tell the guy in the gym to g shove his gear up his butt! (excuse the pun). He sounds a
bit dodgy anyway, tell him to fuck off basically! Hope that this has helped.
PS - If he is really THAT big, shout it from a distance!!
Dear Mick,
I believe in moderation. 2000mg per week seems mighty excessive to me. Does that mean you have exhaust-
ed gains at lower dosages? If not, why increase the risk factor unnecessarily. Where do you go from 2000mg
per week...3000....4000?
I do think dosages have generally increased over the last 1-2 years in terms of what people claim to take. I
hope Mick gives us his view on the "wiseness" of such a trend.
Hi Steve,
The dosages have increased over the last few years simply because most of the gear has been absolutely fucking
shit - PERIOD!! Cmon lets be honest about it. That is why they have had to increase the dosages to get anywhere
at ALL!! Another point is that those who have not had the brains to listen to people about the POSSIBILITIES of
counterfeits (and some still believe that there aint any) think that it is quite the in thing to be taking more dosages
than that of the average BULL for Christs sake!!!
I have said it before and will once again, start off slow and easy, you cannot get it out once it has been put in. OK,
so we like to take the gear - well I do - but those big stupid hairy arsed twats that call themselves bodybuilders only
push the limits of bodybuilding over the top - period!!
1000mg is about average even for the largest of us bodybuilders and if not, then increasing it by as much as 250mg
seems a little better than the large jumps that you ask about. I agree with you with your assumption of dosages and
admire you for that.
There are stacks of stacks in my books especially my latest but I will try and get one of them in referring to TEST in
a couple of days mate. Hope that this has helped.
Hi Mick
It is great to have a UK web site like yours now - congratulations! I have a couple of questions for you if you
would be so kind :
1. When using Anabol, after about three/four days at dosages of only 15-25mg per day, I get bad lower back
pain that makes walking any great distance very uncomfortable. Any ideas what causes this?
2. I note from a lot of the Discussion Boards that the dosages people claim to take has increased significant-
ly over the last year or so. Claims of between 1000mg/1500mg per week are now not uncommon. The ration-
ale given is that to get the full benefit of cycling, you need to go heavy on dosage. What is your view Mick?
A Loyal Fan,
Via - Web site
Hi Mate,
Thanks for your questions by the way. Now then, about the ANABOL. First of all it could be one of many thing start-
ing with the fact that the steroid could be to strong for you - but at the dosages that you state my guess is - no way.
This is because the average dosage per day is about (and safely) 50mg. This is even when stacked with other
steroids in the stack too. It could be that there is a little liver strain but I think not. Just in case, drinking plenty of
water with pure lemon juice will help to eleviate the problem. Also, try taking about 3-4 grams of vitamin C which will
also help to cleanse the system.
You could have also slightly strained your lower back during a training session - I have known this with my students
in many cases. The reoccurrence is always pointed in the direction of the steroid when in reality it has nothing to do
with it. But it is best to play safe.
Mick Harts NBC - 10
Mick Harts NBC - 11
How often in the course of a day or week are you insulted or treated like an alien life-form because it is obvious that
you have a good physique?
Unfortunately, people in the UK, in general, just don't seem to be able to cope with bodybuilding, or even with look-
ing at bodybuilders!!! The basics of bodybuilding, and even why people do it, are facts that are perfectly understand-
able by anybody if, that is, they allow themselves to think and put their cruel prejudices aside. Most young 'men' in
the UK are unable to deal with it at all, as it seems to bring all their homosexual urges to the surface, and homosex-
uality is something that we do NOT particularly want in bodybuilding. This is where most of the prejudice and cruelty
leveled against bodybuilding stems from: total ignorance and unwillingness to learn about it (total negativity towards
it), and the fact that looking at pictures of men and women with beautiful, muscular bodies, arouses feelings of
homosexuality, jealousy, and other perverse thoughts, amongst many people in the general public. That is why
bodybuilding is still so unpopular in the UK, as these feelings that people have about it produce hate towards it, and
the people involved with it. It is a fact that the vast majority of female bodybuilders are beautiful women, especially in
off-season condition, and lets not forget the fitness models: they do bodybuilding, too!! How many fitness models
does Britain have? Not many, and to the best of my knowledge, there are none currently competing with the
Americans!!! People just can't cope with it in the UK!!!
I am currently back in the UK for a while, in between work contracts (see below), and I can't walk about in my home
town after 6 or 8pm, unless I'm willing to commit a mass murder, WHICH I'M NOT! They just can't cope with me! I
went out for a walk a few days after I arrived back in England, and ended up with a gang of about 15 violent 'young
men' (queers, I expect), wanting to rip me to pieces, probably because they had no chance of getting anywhere near
my arsehole!!!! The key here is to not get scared, and so they couldn't belt me with their handbags!!! A man with
my job has no wish to get into a fight with arsebandits!
Now, back to the plot....We currently have a six-time Mr. Olympia in this country, Dorian Yates, and yet who knows
about him in the UK apart from the few people who read the bodybuilding magazines? An Englishman has never
before won the Mr. Olympia: the effort and dedication to win this contest six times is totally phenomenal, and yet
hardly anybody seems to care less
about these facts at all in the UK! Our Mr.O. should be put up there as a national hero, and yet what happens? I
think I've seen one crappy article about Dorian in an English newspaper, and apart from that, nothing except the
usual 'put-downs' that the English press seem to always enjoy hammering bodybuilding with.
I found that article by an English 'doctor' in a certain English newspaper (the reporters wear plastic tits on their
Life &
Dr. Marshall Brown. B.Sc. Ph.D.
Mick Harts NBC - 12
heads whilst writing their articles) a few years ago to be incredibly amusing!!! It was concerning the 'personalities /
psychology' of the average bodybuilder and was entitled 'wimps behind the masks of muscle' or something similar. I
felt almost insane with anger when I first saw it!!! In my opinion, this 'doctor' was/is obviously
homosexual and/or afflicted with jealousy..perhaps he had been trying to 'come
onto' bodybuilders, and got told 'where to go'! How does this pathetic little
pervert justify what he said in that article? How can men like
Arnold Schwarzenegger be wimps or losers? Arnold
came over to America in the late 1960's with
not much more than the shirt on his back,
and look at him now! Could a wimp do
that?!! He also has a beautiful wife and
wonderful children!
Bodybuilding is not about drugs - it is about
hard work! Without intense training muscle tis-
sue will not grow - regardless of how many
drugs are taken!
Drugs in sport only help with recovery and
growth after growth has been stimulated in the
muscles by training! If the muscles are not stimu-
lated by training, they will NOT grow and it is
unlikely that only side effects would be seen from
bodybuilding drugs WITHOUT training!
Let's take me (Dr. Marshall Brown) as another exam-
ple. As a child, I was very asthmatic and suffered very
badly from allergic reactions. This meant that I could not do sport at school, but I've always been very smart. These
two facts meant that my school life was made a total misery: if you stand out from the crowd, 'the sheep', then you
are a target. I wanted to be very successful in life
from an early age, and so I concentrated on what I
could do at school, and excelled academically. I
was hated by many for it: this lot have all since 'hit
the rocks'. At the age of 14, my asthma started to
get a bit better, and I was looking through a mail
order catalogue one day, when I saw a picture of
a certain bodybuilder. I know this sounds like a
bit of an old clich, but that bodybuilder was
He was advertising one of those Weider 'Y'
shaped strength builders, and I decided on
the spot that I wanted to improve my health
and 'grow some muscles'. The most effi-
cient way to do this is by weight training
with a sensible amount of aerobic exercise,
and so I started to study it and 'do body-
building'! I ended up putting on over 120
pounds of muscle up to this moment in time (I weigh about
225 pounds) and have even competed in the World Powerlifting
Championships in America, having won the British title as a qualifier.
Simultaneously, I was also obtaining a B.Sc. Hons degree in microbiology, followed by a Ph.D
in molecular biology, followed by a career in scientific research (which is just beginning). This career has already
allowed me to live and work in America, to give lectures at international conferences at different locations in America,
Mick Harts NBC - 13
Bodybuilding is not about drugs - it is about hard work! Without the intense training,
muscle tissue will not grow - regardless of HOW MANY drugs are taken......
Drugs in sport only help with recovery and growth AFTER growth has been
stimulated in the muscles by training........!
Australia, and England, and to get to know and meet so
many wonderful people in science and bodybuilding.
There has been the odd hiccup here and there, but the
key is never to give up the fight to do better for yourself,
no matter how difficult it gets. The feelings of happiness
that you can obtain, and the wonderful things that can happen, from having this attitude to life make it all well worth
the effort. The alternative attitude, i.e. just giving up and/or just existing.......this can destroy you, and you could end
up in a place where nobody should ever go......do you get what I mean? You have to have goals in life, or you just
stagnate: most people just don't realise just how wonderful life can be if you always have something to look forward
to, and to work towards. If young people don't have goals, then they can end up in a real mess with drugs, or what-
ever else, simply because their lives are basically boring, and they just end up getting pissed or using drugs to
'escape' for a while. In other words, negative activities that lead to a downward spiral.
In other words, try to live life to the fullest, which means not being afraid of hard work, but hard work is not the only
requirement: you have to work smart, too. I'll spell it out: you have to sit down and plan what you are going to do, so
that you at least have a rough idea as to where you are going to go with the things that you plan to do. Otherwise,
you could just put in an enormous amount of hard work, and not get anywhere: you have to thin about, and plan,
In America, these are some of the ideas upon which the majority of people construct their lives, i.e. to use positive
thinking, work hard and smart, etc. Great things can happen. For example, if something awful happens in your life,
or something doesn't work out the way that you planned, just sit down and think about the action that you could take
to 'turn the situation around'. This sounds obvious. When something bad happens, you have to try to 'do' something
to make it better, and the actual 'doing' will make you feel better. However, as I've said, you must really think first,
and think about the outcome of the action that you are going to take. Perhaps most importantly, listen to your con-
It is a fact that, sometimes, people need medical help to be able to do that which is outlined in the paragraph above,
e.g. by going to your doctor and getting some anti-depressants. Depression, that requires treatment, afflicts one per-
son in four at some point during their lives (the official figures are 1 in 10, but the current situation is such worse than
this), so it is a very common problem, and you can't train properly if you are depressed, as it is likely that your moti-
vation would be severely affected.
So, if your training is affected, see your doctor!
I heard some sad little creature on the radio the other night trying to have an argument with a professor about
depression. This 'creature' was going on about people that have depression expecting too much from life.... WHY
THE FUCK SHOULDN'T PEOPLE WANT WONDERFUL LIVES! I am sick and tired of pathetic little untrained per-
verts shouting their mouths off about things of which they know nothing!!
Cue the reporters complete with 'big plastic tit-heads'!....
Mick Harts NBC - 14
England, America,
Life & Bodybuilding
Dr. Marshall Brown. B.Sc. Ph.D.
WELCOME to my new column here at No Bull. I hope you all enjoyed my introduction last month. So what
makes me qualified to write for No Bull.
1. I am a competitive bodybuilder. 2. I am a qualified nutritionist with 3 diplomas. 3. I travel the world and
England to watch all the top shows, as well as local independent shows. 4. I have studied the whole chemical
side of bodybuilding, (Anabolics, GH, Insulin, etc.) I have been to lectures all around the Universities of this
country, as well as being a pupil to this countries best two authorities on chemical enhancement. 5. I get many
bodybuilders in contest shape and give advice to some very top British bodybuilders. 6. I myself am a natural
bodybuilder, not by choice unfortunately, but due to my cancer 6 years ago, (last issue
explains). I have a great inter-
est in supplements and have
carried out many experiments
and trials, which I am sure I
will enlighten on in the future
issues. 7. I have the facilities
where I work to test the analy-
sis of supplements and
steroids, which I do on a regu-
lar basis for some of the body-
building hierarchy in this coun-
Its not just bodybuilding that
fascinates me, I am a big fan
of Strongman Contests. I
attend these as often as I can.
I am very fortunate to have
two very good friends. Pete
Davis and Brian Batcheldor
who are at the core of this
So there you have it, and I
hope I can entertain or enlight-
en you on various different
issues of bodybuilding over
the next year. If you have a
subject you want me to cover,
please write in, but I must
warn people that I speak in
Black and White, I dont give a
damn who I upset if the article
justifies. I have many enemies
in the bodybuilding world, due
to many outspoken comments
over the years.
I expect the main reason Mick
and I have a good rapport
together is due to our contra-
Anyway, enough Bullshit lets
get on with my first article.
c o l u m n
As all of you will have read
in the daily papers or
watched many of the topical
shows on TV, Matt Coak, a
well known bodybuilder died
and according to the Coroner
his death was due to Abuse
of Anabolic Steroids.
All I want to do in this
short article is try and
revive a bit of respect back
for bodybuilding, after the
media has slammed us again.
I have personally known Matt
Coak for 15 years, we lived
in a rented flat together
for about 2 years. He was my
training partner for 3
years. I have competed
against him, I have dieted
with him, etc.; Im trying
to give you a scenario that
I knew him well (Get the
Picture). Matt was found
unconscious in his flat by
his girlfriend Sarah on
Christmas Eve 1998 and never
regained conciousness. His
mum and step dad (Carol and
Bill), gave permission for
the life support machine to
be switched off on the 27th
The inquest at which I was
present, was in my opinion a
total sham. Matts step dad
(Bill) was the first wit-
ness, in which he told the
Coroner everthing he could
that was considered relevant
to his death, ie; Matt had a
personality disorder from a
very young age due to neg-
lect and abuse from his nat-
ural father who died when
Matt was 13.
Matt had been in and out of
mental institutions all his
life, he took steroids from
a very young age, he had a
drink problem for the last 8
years and he had a cocaine
and amphetamine habit. All
these issues were brought up
and questioned.
Then the Doctor who per-
formed the Post-mortem had
her say.
When I first examined the
body of Mr Coak, it was
obvious he was a bodybuilder
who had used steroids, (Matt
only weighed 13 stone when
he died, copmpared to his
heaviest 17 stone 2lbs.), he
died as a result of having
an enlarged heart which had
clotted, sending bits of the
clot into his Kidneys and
Spleen, causing bad circula-
He was slowly dying of heart
failure, but as time wore on
his brain, due to lack of
oxygen, started to swell,
hence why he started to slur
Mick Harts NBC - 16
his words, and seemed a little
disorientated but eventually
his brain swelled too much and
he had a massive stroke and
the rest is history.
The Doctor said the death was
due to Anabolic Steroid abuse
which had caused the enlarged
heart. The Coroner listened to
all this and gave his verdict:
Matt was truly a good friend
of mine and I will miss him
deeply, but Matt through all
his problems in life had one
sanctuary, the Gym. He loved
bodybuilding and loved compet-
ing - WIN OR LOSE! So I know
Matt would want me to state
some facts that might upset other people - TOUGH!!
1. Matt had a Cocaine habit which he had for about 2 years prior to his death.
2. Matt used Base Speed every day over the last two and half - three years. I know
for a fact that Matt used at least 1 gram daily.
3. He smoked 40 cigarettes daily.
4. His natural Father died at a young age from heart failure.
5. Matt had a drink problem for about 8 years, although not an alcoholic like we
know, but someone who had to drink 10 - 12 pints or a bottle of spirits every time he
went in a pub, wether at dinner or night time which was most days, although he was
never drunk.
6. Matt did use steroids in excess fropm the age of 18 to 25 although he always took
4-6 weeks off between courses.
7. Matt was diagnosed at a very young age of having a personality disorder.
8. Matt had tried several times to take his own life.
9. Matt had a 10 month addiction to Ecstasy tablets, which I personally helped wean
him off.
10. Matt had horrific scars over his face, all self inflicted.
11. They did not test for Anabolic steroids at the Post-mortem.
12. They did not test for any other sort of drug at the Post-mortem.
13. The so called expert Doctor said that due to the appearance of Matts physique it
was obvious he used Anabolic steroids, I just hope she never sees me in a pair of
posing briefs because she will accuse me of swallowing or injecting the whole chemi-
cal works.
14. Matt had not taken very much in the way of Anabolics for about 4-5 years.
Although he still trained, be it erratically, and basically went through the motions
whilst in the gym, he had lost the fire for all the workouts, but still loved the
sport which had given him so much and still possessed an excellent muscular physique
although scaled down from a massive 17+ stone to a 13 stone lean muscular physique.
I know the man who supplied Matt with his gear and all he ever used in the last 3
years of his life was a fortnightly shot of Deca and the occasional shot of
Primobolon, no orals, no heavy use of Testosterones; he had just used them as main-
Because Matt had a history of Steroid use and an enlarged heart and was muscular,
were the facts given to the Coroner to make his conclusions:
The late Matt Coak - a sad loss indeed. R.I.P.
Mick Harts NBC - 17
I honestly believe in my heart of hearts Matt died of drug abuse from the use of
Cocaine/Amphetamines/speed and the like. He had addictive tendencies and basically
slowly destroyed his body over the last 3-4 years of his life, due to his increased
use of the drugs.
Myself, family and REAL friends tried to help him, but to no avail, he was his own
worst enemy. I just wish the hospital and authorities had been a bit more thorough in
there investigations, especially when a man of 30 dies in suspicious circumstances.
Richy T on: JUDGING! Richy T on: JUDGING!
Just a short piece on a bodybuilding issue called judging or as I believe at the
present time BLINDNESS. I have seen so many bad decisions last year its outra-
geous. The most classic had to be for the overall at the Mr Universe. I was sat with
two EFBB Judges, a British Professional heavyweight and two Top Class British
Champions, all of us picked the overall, 1st Simon Cohen, 2nd Steve Creighton and 3rd
Gary Lister. As history now tells, 1st Gary Lister, 2nd Simon Cohen and 3rd Steve
Simon Cohen had the best NABBA physique I
have personally seen for many years. He was
100% perfect, no faults, no weaknesses,
condition-A1. Simon cant even go back to
the drawing board because he was perfect,
no offence to Gary Lister, he had a fantas-
tic physique and was worthy of the Class 1
Title, but next to Steve and Simon, his
faults loomed out.
People say at the judges defence, Yes, but
what was the judging criteria?
Well my friends and I get fed up with that
ridiculous comment, the judging criteria is
quite simple. The best overall physique
WINS. So come on judges dont look over
your shoulder at the other judges scores,
have single vision on the stage and do what you are supposed to do, JUDGE. I also
think we need more younger judges that have competed and are still at the hardcore of
bodybuilding. The best judging I have seen over the last 12 months has been independ-
ent shows. Anyway enough about judging, but Im sure there are thousands for you out
there who feel the same way.
Richy T on: GYMS Richy T on: GYMS
As we all know the true hardcore bodybuilding gyms are slowly but surely dying, and
in there place we have these chrome fitness centres opening up everywhere which are
cheaper, have heating and showers, etc., they have everything? Well nearly (I dont
think so).
Do they have squat racks, olympic weights, 60kg and dumbells? No they dont. You see
people who come out of these places as fresh as daisies, stating they have just had
an awesome leg or back workout. When you squat, bend over row, deadlift, etc, you
crawl out of the gym, white in colour. In between sets youre lying on the floor
gasping for air, not sat down watching MTV!!
All Im trying to say to our younger readers, if you really want to get big, go to a
real gym and train around bodybuilders/powerlifters. The incentives you get just
watching these guys is worth the training fee, and dont think these places are
intimidating because the guys dont talk or look to menacing to approach. 99% of
these guys are approachable and will give you all the advice you need, but just wait
until they have finished their workout!
But one thing I will guarantee you is that you wont see them in your chrome fitness
When you squat, bend over
row, deadlift, etc, you
crawl out of the gym,
white in colour. In between
sets youre lying on the
floor gasping for air,
not sat down watching
The Embassy No.1 Leg/Fa
The bait!
The leg biceps tense & the bait is
... cmon baby, come to Daddy!
ham sandwiches
puckered an a
The information herein is given so as to assist those who believe that t
other. Remember that the tests that took place were under the strictest s
used to sell the crack of his arse out to people who wanted to park their
whatsover. Should there be any kids reading this then please remember t
gym where they have the proper ash trays provided for you. Please und
concerned about losing our contacts who nip
You should not attempt any of these exercises unless you
have had total permission from the phone bill payer (?!)....
Also, remember that not only was the Captain capable of
doing this because of his tremendous willpower and
strength - he did it simply because he is a total TWAT!
Fag Curl Training System
Tojo Power!
s under strain - lips
at the ready......
... cmon baby, come to Daddy!
OK, one rep - fuck it, whose counting!
consider the dietary
aspects of this type
of training - an
Embassy No.1 and a
cup of Rosy Lea!
training AND smoking can actually work inconjunction with each
supervisory conditions and that CAPTIAN TOJO is a trained pro (he
r bikes!). Also, we can honestly say that there was NO SAFTEY NET
that you should not try this at home but seriously consider joining a
derstand and consider that we are not condoning smoking but are
p over to France every so often - ahem!
The present situation, as I understand it is that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have recognised the IFBB
has a legitimate organisation representing bodybuilders and that the lOC will now be giving serious consideration to
the possibility that the Sport can be given full Olympic recognition. In the meantime, the IFBB has until the Games in
2004 to put forward a full programme of events and to apply for bodybuilding to be granted demonstration sport sta-
tus at those Games.
Ben Weider has been pushing the idea of bodybuilding becoming recognised as an Olympic Sport for many years.
This, he has argued, would give the sport legitimacy, able to be treated seriously just like all the other established
sports. The tact is that most of the international sports establishments regard bodybuilding as nothing more than
beauty contests for men and muscular women. Added to which each Olympic Games is becoming such a ponderous
great dinosaur that it costs millions (or billions) to organise and can almost bankrupt the bodies and countries doing
the organising. On top of this, there is an increasing resistance to adding more sports which depend on opinions for
the selection of winners and losers. Although if Ballroom Dancing and Synchronised Swimming can be Olympic
Sports, I suppose anything is possible.
To be a competitive Bodybuilder these days even to enter local and area contests - requires levels of commitment
and discipline way above most other sports. As David Parry said at a recent seminar in our Gym, you have to be a
bodybuilder 24 hrs per day, seven days per week. You have to eat the right foods, in the right quantities, at the right
times; to train correctly, pushing yourself all the time to do better - with more reps per set, or with heavier weights, or
at a faster pace, etc. - to get plenty of rest; to supplement your diet with a spectrum of products - some good, some
bad, some legal, some not so legal. And after all this, you have the torture and commitment to dieting down to ridicu-
lously low bodyfat levels to stand a chance of winning a contest, which will get you an almost valueless (in money
The Olympics
So, bodybuilding is going to become an Olympic Sport, or at least that is
what we are told by Ben Welder. What is it going to mean for real
Bodybuilders? Does anyone want it? At the end of the day, I suspect that the
Olympics will not be the thing that changes Bodybuilding as we know it now.
Ron Ball on........
Mick Harts NBC - 22
terms) trophy and recognition by nobody outside the sport of Bodybuilding.
The sheer cost of preparing for a contest is so high (in money terms) that
many men are now deterred from ever giving it serious consideration and
for women there are the additional obstacles of not knowing what the rules
will be from one month to another. It would be nice to think that top body-
builders could get more monetary recognition for what they do.
But is the whole Olympic Games thing really a fantasy? The ability of any-
one in any sport to earn decent money from their activity depends on its
pulling power for television.
Golf to me Is the most boring thing imaginable short of being dead, but
there are hours and hours of wall to wall golf on TV relayed from every cor-
ner of the globe and this allows golfers to earn vast sums of money from
knocking their little balls down a series of holes spread across a field, which
sometimes has a few ponds and sandy holes dotted around to try to make
the business slightly interesting.
I remember seeing Billy Connelly on his World Tour of Australia standing in
a desert where they had laid plastic grass to create an artificial golf course
and his remarking that this was the sort of thing that happened when people
took seriously what the people of Scotland had intended as a joke. But nev-
ertheless Nick Faldo, at the height of his career, could earn more than 5m
per year!!
Some footballers earn obscene sums of money it has to be admitted that
many do not - much of it not - for actually playing football. How about
5,000 per month for agreeing to have breakfast once in each month with a
man from the Daily Mail or Sun and just chat for a couple of hours about
football in general. That money alone would be enough to keep many
Bodybuilders very happy. But bodybuilding will never be able to get big
crowds watching live or millions watching on TV to see the Mr Olympia (or
any other contest) - and that's the test of earning power.
The WBF tried to make pro-bodybuilding in the U.S.A. into a pro-wrestling
type TV extravaganza, but after the first year, the audience almost disap-
peared and the WBF collapsed. When darts was given top prime-time TV
showings, a whole crowd of new performers became known to Joe Public
and for a time, these guys (I cannot bring myself to call the heavy gutted
boozers sportsmen) earned large sums of money.
When TV dropped the darts, the money rapidly started to disappear. But
playing darts was something that many couch potatoes could associate
themselves with. Most people have played darts at some time or other
when we have had a few pints down the local pub. Butb ripped top level
bodybuilders are rarely seen; more than ever they are like aliens to the gen-
eral public and with the media only ever reporting bodybuilding as part of a
steroid shock/horror story, we do not have a good start.
Let's not kid ourselves that making body building into an Olympic Sport will
generate vast amounts of sponsorship and money earning potential for the
top men. It will not.
There are thousands of men and women who have competed as Olympic
athletes and earned nothing. In the UK alone there are thousands who
have spent all their own money and lived on a shoe-string to have the
"honour of representing GB at the Olympic Games. How many famous
Rowers, Greco-Roman Wrestlers, Walkers, Shot-Putters, Discus Throwers,
etc. etc. do you know? And some sports remain so obscure, I cannot even
name the sports, let alone the participants.
If bodybuilding is to become an Olympic sport. the IFBB will have to accept
all the IOC rules. As these stand at the moment, changes in principles are
unlikely (in the short term), all athletes who wish to compete will have to be
prepared to undergo random drugs tests. They will have to prove them-
selves drug free via such tests for up to 2 years before allowed to compete
there is an
resistance to
adding more
sports which
depend on
opinions for
the selection
of winners
and losers.
Although i f
dancing and
nised swim-
ming can be
sports, I sup-
pose anything
is possible.
Mick Harts NBC - 23
at all and then they
will have to provide
a full itinerary of
their movements
for their whole com-
peting life and they
must be prepared
to undergo a ran-
dom drug test at
any time.
There have been
numerous occa-
sions recently
where athletes (not
bodybuilders) have
not complied with
these regulations
and have found themselves in trouble with the authorities. Now if bodybuilding
does become an Olympic sport, I can tell you that the media of the world will
be harrassing bodybuilders night and day, week in and week out to dig-out
drug scandles. The IOC and the IFBB will be determined to prove that every-
thing is OK and will subject bodybuilders to more testing than all the other
sports put together. Because if steroids and other drugs help build bigger,
stronger muscles, nobody on earth shows even a fraction of the massive mus-
cle size of top bodybuilders - with them the muscle size is an end in itself.
It does not matter if your 100 metres is 2.0 or 3.0 secs slower or faster than
Ben Johnson or if you can lift more or less than Gary Taylor; what matters is
the size, shape and definition of your muscles. Now, do bodybuilders want all
this drug testing? Some Pros say, when they are interviewed, that they would
like to see drugs completely out of bodybuilding and that they wish they did not
need to take drugs at all. Then off home they go and give themselves multiple
shots of whatever it is they are on at the time. Then there are the various natu-
ral organisations, where apparently it is OK to use anything provided you can
call it a food supplement!
Let's forget creatine (although even this is now becoming re-defined as "the
controversial drug, creatine) and HMB and the rest, I am talking about these
various pre-cursor compounds - like androstenedione, DHEA, androstenediol,
etc. These are all banned by the IOC - they are all pre-cursors of testosterone
- but not by the U.S.A. Natural Bodybuilding organisations (or American
Baseball apparently). These products can significantly increase the amount of
free testosterone in the blood stream and hence can make improvements in
muscular performance and recovery. They can cause the body's own systems
to shut-down testosterone production, just like steroids, and anyone using
these could fail a drugs test (as the American Randy Barnes did recently - and,
as I write, it seems possible that this was the case with one or more of the Irish
rugby players as well.
As soon as a compound appears, the IOC or the FDA (in America) or the
Medicines Control Agency (in the UK) bans or tries to ban it and then the man-
ufacturers come along with a new compound which does the same, promises
even more, but has a new name. It makes lots of money for the manufacturers.
But these are all drugs! They just happen to be weaker and less effective than
even simple oral steroids like dianabol - which at present on the UK black-mar-
ket are generally cheaper.
Since Ben Weider's announcement about Olympic recognition, I have not
noticed any great enthusiasm, or interest even, from ordinary bodybuilders -
except from the supporters of the various natural organisations. My own
impression is that if random drug testing
Even now,
are having
problems get-
ting enough
and crowds.
Dont tell me
this is
because of
drugs. If it
were, the nat-
ural events
would be
jammed to
the doors -
they are not!
Can the IOC cannot really judge this?
Mick Harts NBC - 24
continued on page 38....
becomes a serious regular happening, many of the bodybuilders will want to compete in different organisations
where drugs tests are definitely not going to be carried out. Why? Is it perhaps that the men in suits and blazers for-
get why competitors are bodybuilders and what made them start going to the gym in the first place? It was because
they wanted big muscles.
At first they may have just felt they wanted to be a bit bigger, but then as the bug took hold, wanted to push further
and further. A 16 arm looked good, but an 18 or 20 arm would be better - much better. Very few bodybuilders went
to the gym because they wanted to be fitter or healthier. A hardcore bodybuilder wants muscle more than anything
else on this planet. Even when reality should tell on individual that he does not have the genetics for a Mr. Olympia
physique, he will still keep trying and trying to get that awesome physique. And is it surprising that many will use all
kinds of drugs and supplements which may just help.
All serious bodybuilders now know that steroids will make significant improvements to a muscular body and over the
years, even if there are health risks, the evidence is that these have been much exaggerated.
There are other compounds which do pose significant health risks and some of these products cannot even be
detected by drug tests - but which most bodybuilders will treat with great respect. The fad is that the really serious
bodybuilders have all used drugs and want to continue using drugs. The difference between the best truely natural
Bodybuilders (if there are any) and the best of the chemically assisted bodybuilders, is probably 20 to 80 lbs of mus-
cle - maybe more!
The majority of natural bodybuilders who look to have decent muscle size
are not very tall - to maintain the same proportions on a man over 6ft
probably remains impossible without drugs. Another matter which has to
be considered is; will anyone support 100% drug tested contests? Sure,
natural bodybuilding events can get good audiences but for the most part
it is not the same audiences that go to NABBA, lFBB, EFBB, WABBA and
other open established events. I have been to both and I will continue to
do so - but it is necessary to change your judging criteria when you go to
the natural (or at least "semi-natural") events.
If all the contests had physiques of the average standard of the naturals,
would all these organisations be able to run so many contests? I think not.
Even now some organisatlons are having problems getting enough con-
testants and crowds. Dont tell me this is because of drugs. If it were, the
natural events would be jammed to the doors; they are not. And at any
contest which competitors are the ones who get the audiences screaming
and shouting? It's the freaks!! The guys who are pushing the limits of mus-
cular development further and further.
I have never felt that getting bodybuilding into the Olympics was a particu-
larly worthwhile objective. It will only make us another pawn in internation-
al politics, to be used by a collection of power mad, paranoid leaders to deflect attention from their own inadequacies
and we will become even more the centre of all the hysteria about drugs in sport.
Ben Weider himself, while obviously having a commitment to bodybuilding, is prone to touring around the world col-
lecting gongs (medals, honourory degrees, titles and assorted other paraphanalia) and, no doubt Olympic recogni-
tion will create a potential for a few more meaningless awards.
We as bodybuilders get a lot of stick but ultimately, do we care? I love the sport. If the world outside wants us they
should take us as we are. If they dont like what they see, then, simple - sod em!!
It there is a real threat to bodybuilding it is not this Olympics nonsense, it is the increasingly puritanical, authoritarian
society in which we live. There have been a whole collection of drug and performance enhancement stories in the
last few months, none of which has involved bodybuilders. The most dramatic, of course, has been the Tour de
France Bike Race, which has demonstrated that few, if any, of the top cyclists do not use drugs. But more recently
there have been reports of footballers and rugby players failing tests and suggestions that many players use
The managers, coaches and organising officials in rugby have been fairly unanimous in blaming the problem on
bodybuilding gyms and one England coach has demanded that the Drugs Czar - ex Chief Constable Hallewell -
should be giving attention to organising a motor investigation (presumably by the police) of bodybuilding gyms.
This, and Tony Banks' resolve to lead the war against drugs in sports could well cause serious problems and much
hassle. If you have been reading this column over the years, you will know that my own views on liberty and the indi-
vidual are quite clear - everybody should be allowed to do what they damn well like so long as it does not interfere
with the rights and liberties of others (or, as Bernard Shaw said, provided it does not frighten the horses), but in
Blair's World this is not an acceptable view. I will be writing more about this in the near future but in the meantime,
be careful.
Mick Harts NBC - 25
We asked the Queen her opinion..
.. she just pissed herself laughing!
Quantities and balance
ost traditional diets that kept people free of degenerative con-
ditions contain about 15 to 20% of their calories as fats. The
Inuit (Eskimo) diet contained 60% of it's total calories as fats,
much of it from raw whale blubber. The Inuit were free of blood clot
induced heart attacks and strokes. They were free of cancer and free of
diabetes. Whale blubber fatty acids are rich in essential fatty acid deriv-
atives from Omega 3 and Omega 6, and are completely unprocessed.
Fats in traditional diets contained both essential fatty acids. They were
unrefined, and contained the 'minor' ingredients from the seeds and
nuts from which oils are pressed. Technology for removing health sup-
porting 'minor' ingredients from oils became widespread only in the last
100 years.
What is the ideal balance?
ome researches have suggested that the perfect ratio is 1
Omega 3 for every 4 Omega 6's. But they base these figures on
enzyme studies in tissue culture.
Some marketers suggest that the traditional Omega 3 to Omega 6
ratio was 1:1. This is untrue. The Inuit ration was 2.5:1 and did not
produce Omega 6 deficiency symptoms. Mediterranean diets are
about 1:6 without producing Omega 3 deficiency. The brain of both
traditions contains a ratio of 1:1, indicating that the brain takes what
it needs from what the body gets. In practice, we find that oils richer
in Omega 3's provide the best health support and improvement.
Flax oil is too rich in Omega 3's for the long term, and can lead to
Omega 6 deficiency, because Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFA's com-
pete for enzyme space in our cells. I experienced dry eyes,
skipped heart beats and fragile thin skin, and got feedback from
others who, misled by marketers who proclaimed flax oil as the
best source of both essential fatty acids, suffered similar prob-
lems. (Flax is the richest source of Omega 3's but a source of
Omega 6's). No traditional diet has flax's high ratio of 4:1
Omega 3 to Omega 6. The Inuit's 2.5:1 ratio is the Omega 3 -
richest diet, and serves as nature's measure of the upper limit
of safe Omega 3 richness.
Safer blend
he better balance Omega 3 - rich flax oil, I developed a
safer blend to prevent Omega 6 deficiency. It contains
everything we need from fats and nothing that we should
avoid. It is richer in Omega 3's because of their therapeutic
value in the present diet of Western countries. The blend -
Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil blend - is packaged in amber glass
by Flora Manufacturing of Canada (nothing at all to do with mar-
garine sold in the UK!). The blend does not answer any theoreti-
Mick Harts NBC - 26
the concluding article on
fats by Dr. Udo Erasmus
questions, but it gives a practical answer to a practical question: What
ratio gives the best therapeutic results? A ratio of about 2:1, almost as
rich as Omega 3's as that of the Inuit, gives the best results.
'Udo's Choice' contains 9 ingredients. Flax supplies most of the Omega
3's. Sunflower and sesame oils provide most of the Omega 6's, but
some of these also come from the oils from rice germ, wheat germ,
and oat germ. Of all possible Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils I could have
used, those richest in 'minor' ingredients known either by research or
by clinical practice to have the most powerful healing benefits - the six
oils listed above - won out over oils such as corn and safflower. All oils
in the blend are unrefined, quite a production feat, because some of the
oils are not commercially available in unrefined form.
Good stuff
n addition to the six oils, 'Udo's Choice' contains medium chain triglyc-
erides, the good stuff from coconut oil. These are easy on our liver,
lower cholesterol, improve fat absorption (which in the case of the
essential fatty acids we want), inhibit tumor growth and have a pleas-
ant taste. I also added lecithin, which has a long history of traditional
use, and Vitamin EFA's, the oil-soluble free radical scavenger. The
blend is the only oil I use. Yes, I take my own medicine. I take
Missing Link for Humans and/or Udo's Choice with me when I travel.
I cannot make claims for Missing Link or for Udo's Choice, but the
feedback from users has been excellent. I have a letter on my desk
from a women who writes " I've had arthritis for 26 years. A week
after starting to take your blend, all my pain was gone. But I still
have asthma. Am I being impatient?"
Interesting reports!
have received many verbal reports and some letters on
Missing Link and Udo's Choice attesting to:
skin improvement; better tanning and less burning:
improvement in eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
remarkable improvements in energy levels in the older
increased stamina and improved performance in
strength and endurance sports; better gains in body
builders; faster recovery from fatigue after exercise;
quicker healing of sprains, strains and bruises.
elevated moods; improves mental function, colour per-
ception, and visual acuity; better communication; less
better healing; less joint pain; less stiffness and arthritis;
less inflammation.
less infections.
* less proneness to clots in arteries; lowered high triglyc-
Mick Harts NBC - 27
can harm
& heal
by Dr. Udo Erasmus
fat loss (a fat that keeps you slim!).
less water retention in tissues (Oedema); less pre-menstrual symptoms.
less craving for cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, junk foods, and sugar.
slowed or stopped tumor growth; better energy in cancer patients.
lower insulin requirements in diabetics; improves glucose tolerance and stability.
Benefits in all major degenerative conditions.
Practical conformation of what we know from research that essential fatty acids do in the body. Most people prefer the taste
of Udo's Choice to that of flax; the blend is more stable than flax; is better balanced; and does a better job on skin than flax oil,
which is well known for it's benefits on skin.
When people ask, "Is there a simple way to get everything I need from oils, without getting anything I should avoid?", Udo's
Choice is the answer to their question. Udo's Choice was developed to provide a convenient way to get all the good stuff from oils
without getting the bad stuff we should avoid. Not high fat; not a low fat trip, but the right fat solution.
s our fat habits change over the next 20 years, I will modify the formula of Udo's Choice whenever necessary, with the
practical needs of the population in mind. As far as I know, I am alone in attempting to provide this kind of practical, health-
ful, balanced, convenient answer to the practical question.
For dogs, cats and horses, we use whole foods and food concentrates containing properly balanced essential fatty acids, and
have also seen the effects described above. We prefer whole foods over bottled or encapsulated oils for animals for two reasons.
First, animals need less oil than humans. We are the high fat animal on the planet. While we need 15 to 20% of calories as
essential fatty acid rich oils, dogs and cats need less than 10%, and horses live on a diet of grass that contains less than 5% of
calories from essential fatty acid rich oils. Second, several other essential nutrients are inadequately present in animal foods.
Without them, essential fatty acid-rich oils can do damage.
Missing Link
o, for animals we developed Missing Link, a human quality whole foods, food concentrate and Super Supplement that pro-
vides the essential fatty acids missing from processed commercial animal foods. It also contains the minerals, vitamins,
enzymes, fibre, friendly bacteria, proteins, and phytochemicals that were present in nature. Missing Link makes commercial
animal foods which cannot provide everything an animal needs for health because of the way they have to be processed, work
better. Added to their regular food as a daily dose of
one tablespoon for an average sized (50 to 90) dog
one teaspoon for a cat
one third of a cup for a horse
Users report major improvement or complete reversal in most degenerative conditions. Just by improving (optimising) the animal's
nutrient intake!
Our work with animals is important for two reasons. First, I developed Missing Link for animals without studying their diseases. I
studied zoology, biochemistry, genetics, and nutrition. I know how normal (healthy) cells work. I am interested in health, not in dis-
ease. By adding nutrients that nature would have provided to animals, the animals' cells were able to fix their problems. We have
some wonderful before and after pictures
of dogs. The health approach packs
power. If we know health and the com-
ponents of health by optimising their
essential nutrient intake, the animals
cure themselves. We need no definition
of disease for this.
Every cell in every organism has a built-
in definition of health, and a built-in
(genetic) program for building health,
which can work properly only if it has the
tools (optimum quantities of essential
ingredients) required to do it's job.
Without them, even the best genes can-
not build healthy cells.
Second, animals do not respond to
placebo effects. What you see is what
you get. Results with Missing Link in ani-
mals cannot be written off as artifacts of
healer's personality (besides, I did not
meet most of the animals personally).
Something really interesting happened. People using Missing Link for their dogs, cats, or horses saw so many benefits about 40
different degenerative conditions improved or cleared up completely! That some owners, knowing that we use only human-edible
quality ingredients, began to eat 'Missing Link' they had purchased for their animals. One owner told us "When I saw the results in
my dog, I thought to myself, why should my dog be healthier than me ?", I started taking it myself, and got benefits.
Human Link!
New workout bench - designed by, er - who gives a shit!
Mick Harts NBC - 28
n response to this interest, we developed 'Missing Link' for
Humans, based on the same concept, but additionally incor-
porated vegetables and herbs that contain phytochemicals
known to support our immune system and to suppress cancer.
The feedback from people using 'Missing Link' has been as
good as that from animals, perhaps even better. In addition
to the benefits provided by essential fatty acids in
humans and animals, people have reported:
improved digestion, and less gas and
bloating after meals
less problems with allergies and Candida
better bowel regularity, with improvement
in both diarrhea and constipation
lowered high cholesterol, as well as lowered
high triglycerides
better glucose stability, and lower insulin
requirements in diabetics
less sleepiness in the afternoon
less mood swings on missing a meal, and better
mood control
better communication of parents and children and
improved energy levels and stamina
resolution of back pain
disappearance of persistent joint pain from past ath-
letic injuries
A few people have reported spectacular improvements. One
man in Canada was unable to work, or even leave the house.
After 2 months of using 3 tablespoons each day of Missing
Link for Humans, he returned to full time work for the first time
in 2 years.
Another man, the father of a radio show host, has cancer. His
son prevailed upon him to try Missing Link, with father protest-
ing that he wasn't going to eat no dog food. But the son pre-
vailed upon him to try the human formula for 3 weeks, and dad
felt so much better on it that he continues to take the product.
Both his son and his doctor are amazed at how much better he
looks. The father is amazed at how much better he feels.
The recommended daily amount of Missing Link for humans is
three tablespoons with lots of fluid (water, vegetable juice, milk,
fruit juice) and brought about the benefits noted above. Under
some circumstances, the intake of Missing Link can be dou-
On the road
hen I travel I take 3 tablespoons in the morning, and 2
more in the afternoon with plenty of fluid, and a large
green salad in the evening. Missing Link is my meal in
a bag. It gives me a measure of independence from the awful
foods available in transit. Clean water and fresh greens are not
difficult to find in hotels.
Missing Link is a granular product that comes in a one pond
bag, vacuum sealed to protect the essential fatty acids and
other sensitive ingredients from destruction by light and oxy-
gen. The bag keeps the product fresh until we are ready to use
Missing Link is rich in essential nutrients, but low in empty
calories. As we age, we need more essential nutrients accom-
panied by fewer calories in order to maintain weight and
There are fats that kill, and fats that heal. We should avoid the
first, and make sure that we get the second. We should not go
for low fat diets, but should aim for what I call the Right Fat
Diet, which contains the essential fatty fatty acids we need for
our cells to function.
Essential fatty acid-rich oils have
to be treated with care,
because they are
destroyed by
light, oxygen (air),
and heat. They should never
be used for frying, which makes
them toxic to health.
Essential fatty acids require many other essential
nutrients - minerals, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants - to
function. If these are not present, essential fatty acids won't
work as well, and can even do damage.
Mick Harts NBC - 29
f s
For most, mind over muscle conjures up visions of fire walkers, voodoo and yogi buried alive for days in
trance like states. Hypnosis, for example, produces some striking phenomena, with actual changes of the
muscular systern. Groups of isolated muscles can be easily put into a state of paralysis by suggestion and
as easily released. Strangely enough, the paralysis always takes the form or idea as suggested to the patient
and rarely the actual anatomical distribution of the nerve supply.
Under the heightened suggestible state of hypnosis, intense rigidity
or contractions can be produced, for example the stage trick where-
in the subject is stretched between two chairs supported only by
the head and ankles and yet in this unbending state he can support
one or more people standing on his mid section. In the normal
waken state, the individual would refuse to attempt the stunt, believ-
ing himself too weak, but under hypnosisr with all inhibitions
removed he is able to exert his full muscular power.
This inherent power is far greater than most imagine, one example
given that our jaw muscles alone have a capability of 6OOlbs pres-
sure, allowing many seemingly amazing feats to be performed by
trapeze artists who hang from their teeth/jaws etc. A useful contrast
to the cataleptic states is the abjity under suggestion to produce a
condition known as CEREA FLEXIBILITAS, where by the muscles
become so super relaxed, that they can almost be moulded into
waxen like shapes.
Changes in sensation can be produced varying front increased sen-
sitivity to actual anaesthesia, with the practical application making it
possible (in good subjects) to have painless operations from tooth
extraction to major surgery. Less spectacular but of equal if not
more importance, is the effect of our normal everyday EMOTIONS!
The emotions and the body are absolutely inseparable. The fuel for
most of our actions, i.e. the stimulus are feelings or emotions. You
had to become emotionally involved and mentally motivated to
make even an attempt at bodybuilding or weight training or indeed
any form of self improvement.
The subconscious mind is affected more by feelings than rational
thought. Before you ever attempt to lift a weight or commence an exercise program, you have to engage
your imagination with firm thoughts of becoming better developed healthier and stronger. The image has to
be there first before any thing can be achieved. When you begin training, you were using POSITIVE
THOUGHTS and good emotions and what I wish to pursue in this article is the amazing importance of mind
over muscle and the power of good.
m u s c l e p o w e r
Mick Harts NBC - 30
You must learn not only how to emotionally call upon your body to act, but also how to call upon it with pos-
itive emotions. Face it, if almost everything you do is done in reaction to anger, revenge or jealousy, you are
probably spending more time hurting than helping yourself. On the other hand, if your actions are the result
of curiosity, trust, faith and enthusiasm, they are more likely affecting your life in a positive manner. All
successful people, be they successful in the gym, in their personal lives or in business, have a set of posi-
tive emotions which trigger their actions., so says MIKE DAYTON former natural bodybuilder, famed for his
ability to break free from regulation handcuffs and other amazing feats of strength.
As regular weight trainers we have become aware that even moderate exercise stimulates the pituitary gland
producing higher levels of the bodys own morphine like endorphins. Thus healthy exercise allows us to han-
dle more stress. As body-builders we regularly study the latest dietary findings, the importance of vitamins,
minerals and supplements from amino acids to regrettably in some cases drugs, and yet very little attention
is paid to the most positive of all health (and therefore strength factors) i.e.. HEALTHY EMOTIONS.
Ill health, caused by poor emotions is usually bracketed under the label as psychosomatic. No longer
labelling people as hypochondriacs or neurotics. Modern medics recognise a wider and wider growing list
of illnesses as psychosomatic (literally translated as the mind making the body sick).
All the muscles in the body are
influenced by the emotions. An
obvious well known emotional
effect is blushing. Equally com-
mon is emotional or tension
headaches produced by the con-
traction of the blood vessels
inside and outside the scalp.
Nearly all headaches are pro-
duced by emotional tension.
Migraines, admittedly a more com-
plicated type of headache and
often one associated with certain
food allergies, can also be pro-
duced by stress and poor emo-
Your epidermus (skin) soon
shows signs of poor emotions,
especially tension, with constant
squeezing down of blood vessels
in the second skin layer, produc-
ing symptoms such as NEUIO-
DERMATITIS. Other results of
emotions on skeletal muscles include fibrositis (Ive got that right this minute just typing) rheumatism and
similar named complaints. The emotions that cause such muscular aches and pains, are those of despair, or
irritation.. ie. the emotions produced by a person having to do something he or she would prefer not to or a
situation from which he (or she) would like to escape. (most usually WORK).
The pain is caused by the involuntary tightening of muscles, usually those of the lower back, shoulders and
neck. EMOTIONALY tight muscles can also produce chest and stomach pains even more worrying to the
owner, mimicking more serious problems You will never produce good muscular developmenty or great
strength unless your glands, via emotional stability, are working in happy balance.
The pituitary is the most imiportant gland in the body, a small pea shaped gland situated in a very unaccesi-
ble part of the body on the underside of the brain. Taking its orders from the hypothalamus and responsible
amongst other things for changes in weight / appetite, water balance and moods. Super sensitive, it is
affected by minerals, vitamin deficiencies, drugs,stress and EMOTIONS. This gland produces a wide variety
of hormones all of which are extremely important to the delicate balance of the bodies chemistry. Amongst
these vital hormones is the SOMATOTROPHIC hormone, the 8th and 5th, which is an agent which mobilises
the bodies defence mechanism against infection.
Scarcella - the power of the mind BEFORE!
... tis the mind that makes the body rich... William Shakespeare
Mick Harts NBC - 31
The thing to remember is that it is the 5th
doing its work in fighting the invading
virus, that makes you actually feel ill. The
important fact I want you to assimilate is
that the emotions of despair, dismal, miser-
able dark erriotons that also produce the
5th stress,with the accompanying feelings
of illness similar to those induced by infe-
cion. In plain words, being miserable or
despondent will make you feel ill, giving
you aches, pains, headaches and stomach
Anyone who insists on having continual
negative emotions. and you really DO
HAVE A CHOICE, will be subjecting their
body to diseases of which the list is long,
includng high blood presssure, rheumatoid
arthritis, ulcerated colitis and even a form
of asthma... (usually the most chronic) can
be associated with 5TH diseases.
The point we wish to repeat, over and over
again, is your own OUTLOOK ON LIFE and
the EMOTIONS you produce will drastically
effect your health and well being. The anti-
dote to stress diseases is of course to
have or develop good emotions which
have greater potential for good health than
any medicine or drug yet discovered by
man, (cortisone, penicillin and other antibi-
otics are of course indispensable. With all
the good will in the world, even good emo-
tions can not cure some illnesses).
The other great antidote to tension and
stress diseases is RELAXATION. It is no
coincidence that all of the bodybuilding
stars who remain consistently at the top
have one thing in common. When not train-
ing they have a RELAXED and PLACID
NATURE! They do not waste or drain their
energy reserves withuseless worrying or get into emotional problems. Real strong men have learnt through
experience or been blessed by nature with superb CONROL of their emotions.
Muscle stars of real qualilty, when away from the gym, completley relax, facing life with a positive attitude,
with dedication to training in the gym and mastery of their emotions when away from the weights.
Everyone, even YOU, can in time learn to control and improve your own emotions with enormous benefits to
your health and general well being. Rewards include more energy to do the things you enjoy - and cutting
down your chances of developing one of the mulitude of diseases relating to stress.
Mental training like physical training must be sensible, suitable and practised in gradual stages until it
becomes second nature. What you have to do to give your body the best chance for good health, is to
achieve a good balance of optimal hormones. Feeling cheerful, happy, contented, optomistic, hopeful,
friendly and sympathetic is the best way!
Good emotions will counteract the effects of stress diseases. Remember YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Next time
you find yourself becoming emotionally worried, fearful or simply fed up, CONSCIOUSLY CHANGE your
thoughts to those of courage. cheerfulness and determination. Positive thinking and good emotions can
change your whole outlook, health and help you to obtain the targets you may require in life, be it Mr
OLYMPIA, the WORLDS STRONGEST MAN or simply contenment.
(With fond acknowledgments to John A. Schindler M.D. whose philosophy changed my life.)
Scarcella - the power of the mind AFTER!!
Mick Harts NBC - 32
Hi Readers,
Quite a few
months ago I
received a couple of pho-
tos from a reader asking me
my opinion of one of his
friends; Steven Reeve. I was
quite impressed and decided to ask
for an interview that he kindly
accepted to give. I asked simply
because I believe that this guy could
go very far in this sport, sometimes you
spot em, sometimes you dont; this time
I did. Steven is a Sports Nutritionalist
and Consultant out of Essex and doing
very well. Here is his story:
Mick: What is your basic training system Steve and how do you construct it, 3, 4, 6 days etc?
Stephen: Well Mick, I like to train three days per week on non-consecutive days and use the following split:
Day One:
Back, Traps, rear delts and biceps
Day Two:
Chest, shoulders and triceps
Day Three:
I like to train my abs twice per week on non training days.
After warming up, I will do only one work set which is
worked to positive failure, usually within the region of 6-12
reps. This is followed by some high intensity techniques
such as forced reps, drop sets, rest pause and negatives.
On some occasions, I will do a super set in pre-exhaust
style, such as leg extensions straight into squats.
Mick: Do you like to g straight into the hard workout or pre-
fer a gradual build up?
Stephen: My training philosophy is to train intensley for a
brief period of time (50-80 minutes) and then allow plenty of
time to rest, recuperate and grow. I have experimented with
training more often and with more sets and the only thing
that I developed was over training syndrome.
Mick: Yes I agree, many people do not realise the dangers of
Mick Harts NBC - 34
over-training. I try and explain this time and time again. What about
your diet Steve, is it so strict all of the time?
Stephen: Well in the off-season I dont have a set diet and believe in
making the most of this time by eating some of the foods I like, to
reduce my pre-contest cravings. However, I make sure that I eat six
me als per day (3 whole meals and 3 protein drinks with fruit) which
contains good quality protein. I aim for at least 3 grams of protein per
kilo of bodyweight per day. This way I know that I am meeting my
requirements to make the fastest possible progress. I also like to
take advantage of the post-workout window of opportunity (referring to
a time when the body is highly receptive to nutrients) by making a
drink which provides 1 gram of carbohydrates and protein per kg
bodyweight to restore glycogen levels and repair muscle tissue.
Mick: Do you stay within a certain range of your contest bodyweight
or like to get BIG!
Stephen: I tend to get about three stone over contest weight in the
off season, which some people may think is too high, however, I find
that it helps my strength and recovery and therefore my progress. I
am also glad to have some competitions under my belt because I
know I can shift it come contest time, which was previously a worry.
Mick: What was your last competition body weight and when?
Stephen: I last competed in November 1997 as a junior competitor at a weight of 13st 7lb (at 5 7). I started my
diet 16 weeks out and was over 16 stone at the time. My diet was highj in protein with moderate carbs and low in
fat. It had to be inexpensive because I had just graduated from university so I ate only porridge oats (made with
water), egg whites, baked potatoes, tuna paked in water and whey protein isolate mixed with water. I had whey pro-
tein with each meal to improve the amino acid profile of the food because tuna on its own is quite poorly absorbed.
My only fat was derived from two tablespoons of extra virgin oil per day to provide the essential fatty acids.
Mick: Did this system stay the same throughout the 16 weeks pre-comp?
Stephen: Yes it did. I just reduced the quantities as the competition got closer. Also, I was having milk and sauces
which I cut out at the 12 week point. Obviously this is a very bland diet which is very hard to stick to, so next time I
will do things slightly differently. However, because I was concerned about peaking in time, I felt an extreme diet
was necessary.
Mick: Do you do much aerobic work in or off season?
Stephen: Off-season I really was not doing much aerobics at all,
so I introduced stationary cycling quite gradually. I started at about
20 minutes on non-training days, working up to 60 minutes for the
last couple of weeks. My approach to weight-training remained the
same. I dont believe in training more often or with higher reps pre-
contest because the only thing that this will achieve is a loss in
muscle mass.
Mick: About your qualifications? You have a degree?
Stephen: Yes, I have a degree in Exercise and Health Science and
Food Science and Nutrition I work for myself as a Sports
Nutritionalist Consultant and am available for freelance work.
Mick: Niiiiiiice plug mate! Anyway, thanks for your time, it has
been a pleasure talking to you. I would ask; would you be interest-
ed in writing a few articles for us here at the NBC?
Stephen: Yes, maybe answer a few of the readers quesions?
Mick: Thanks again Steve, look forward to seeing you soon.
Mick Harts NBC - 35
Yep, that is how my mate likes
it - looks well on it too! Thats
training by the way, you
perves! Whaturrr you loike??
The reason for this article is
that I have many questions
from readers, (well two), on how to fit in their training due to work and home commitments etc. I know that this can
be a pain in the arse, but for some missing training can throw out your day and upset the balance of life - such as
the case with me! I hate missing training and when I do I tend to dwell on it and I know that I shouldnt, but you do
dont you. Especially when it is such a part of your life that everyday commitments tend to be routed around the gym,
diet etc. That is the sport though.
One of my friends (yes I have two), is lucky to be able to train at work
after convincing the gaffers that it would enable him to work better and slip
in the extra bit of overtime as a favor. At his place of work, there is an
area (sort of cupboard I think) that his boss has let him build a small gym -
only the basics, but good. The boss uses it as well so that went down well
too. I think that he convinced him on the Japanese theory, you know, Tai
Chi in the morning, hand waving and stuff - hmnnnn, nice for some. I just
get flagged when I walk into the office - fucking window cleaners! Strange
though, well I have to laugh sometimes because my youngest lad is the
spitting image of him - hmnn again - life is strange. Where is the wife anyway? - Shammy bugger!
Anyoldhow, he (with the help of me) has designed a training system so that he is able to train ONE bodypart per day,
thro Monday to Friday AND be able to hit that bodypart extremely hard as well! This is what we came up with......
He starts his training on Monday with whatever bodypart comes round for its turn. In this case lets say chest for
example. So.......
Mon: Chest only
Tues: Legs only
Wed: Arms - one set for each part
Thu: Back
Fri: Delts & abs - abs one set alternate
Now for each bodypart, EIGHT sets are done EVERYDAY (with the exceptions). Seems a lot, but it isnt. The reason
is that at the start of every morning, at the stroke of 9 oclock, he will go to the gym and have a quick warm up (I
think its Tetleys actually) and then he starts his daily workout on the bodypart to be worked. In this case chest.
He uses a different exercise each workout on each part; say bench press one week, heavy flyes the next, d/bell
press next etc etc. He does this regardless of the fact
that one is
to be a
builder and
the other a
They ALL
build never mind what people say about compound exercises being the
only ones that build mass - nahhh . It works well.
He does only ONE set per hour and that is it, but that set is hit to the
absolute end and with the maximum amount of weight for as MANY
reps as possible. Every effort is made to get as many reps out as is pos-
sible because he knows that he has an hour to recover until the next set and it works perfectly well for him. He has
plenty of time to recover and when the next set comes around he can give it all he can. There is no problem with
time as he can be in and done in about 5 minutes TOPS with maybe some to spare. It suits his situation perfectly.
His time at home is his own and there is no conflict with the missus.
You see the great thing about it is the recovery time which many do not
realize is so important. I realized the importance of it many years ago
after trying so many different systems - as you do. After giving recovery
EVERY hour,
5days per week
Mick Harts NBC - 36
per day...
an HOUR...
Do not try this at home kids - Do it in the garage!
a nose for the job!
more priority, I started gaining so well I could not believe it. Alan can train the
whole body to the MAX, recover well and at the same time push quite
respectable weights depending on the way he feels.
The mental attitude and direction of any person is also one of the definite
keys to success in bodybuilding. Visualizing the bodyparts being trained at
the time getting bigger, most definitely works without a doubt. For instance,
when pumping out reps on say a preacher, I stare at each bicep and think
about how bigger and fuller I want them to be. I remember Arnold talking
about it many years ago and thinking that it was just another commercial
trick from the Weider company - I was so wrong.
Strange thing the mind. It can do the same sort of thing with the gear. Some
people have contacted me and told me that they have had great results from
using a certain type of steroid when actually I know that from their description
of what they are using, they have definitely been using a counterfeit without
doubt. The fact that their minds have already set up the growing process in
themselves, had triggered off their own production of testosterone within their
bodies. Works great, but still does not give an excuse for shit gear!! When
they had found out that the gear was duff, their gains droppped so dramatical-
ly it took some believing.
So, from this conclusion, if you can adopt the same attitude using genuine
gear, you really have it cracked and the results will always be positive.
Thats why then body likes to get into a routine in all types of training. Like the training system that we have just dis-
cussed, if you want it to work then it will. All systems will if you want them to especially and give it all you can. The
one set per hour system gets great results simply because each and every set that is done is forced out using the
visualization method. If you can somehow develop this routine to fit your own particular training, then I believe that
you could be really happy with the outcome.
The best effects are found when you have had a few good workouts under your belt. The body realizes that it has to
get used to it and in most cases does, responding by gaining faster and faster. It is not noticed much at first, but
eventually you will see that regular, consistent workouts do really start to count. Missing the odd one really does not
cause that much of a problem, but can when it becomes a regular habit.
Give it a try and if you feel that you can alter your training to suit and need a hand, give us a call and we will try and
help as best we can.
Going off the subject slightly, I had a call from someone asking about a cycle/stack that someone had suggested to
them to use for only two weeks at a a time. He said that he had been told to go on the gear heavy for only a fortnight
and off for 3-4 weeks. He was also told that it was the only way gear would work. What was my opinion?
Shit really!! If you have to take such large amounts of gear over such a short period of time I think that it is not only
dangerous but fucking stupid to be honest. By the time the gear kicks in and starts to work, you are taking it out
again - nope, cannot see it myself. BUT - like I have said, it can work for some I suppose and it really depends on
whether or not your own testosterone levels are high or low.
Personally I find that using very high amounts of gear is a waste of time and just results in me bloating up with
unwanted water and knocks my duck off right good and proper (cannot get the old man hard..... ahem). I prefer to
use the minimum amount, build it up until I feel that my size and weight starts to peak, then and only then, I can start
to reduce it down again. That is safer and it works very well indeed. PLUS I actually AM that furking well good look-
ing!!? I even took myself out for a drink, enjoyed myself and, ahem, (catch this guys) ended up in bed with my right
hand - sharing a fag! Phew what a night WE had. (only kidding, it was the afternoon actually!).
The main point is that this system works bloody well good and can be adapted to suit as I have said before. This
system can mean that you are not ruled to a set time. Training for a 5 minute period to the max every hour means
that you can adopt all the normal training attitudes and STILL grow BIG!
Another example is that if you could not train every hour, why not go for say two or three sets every third hour for
instance; again the same will happen - growth without losing any momentum. Give it a shot ('scuse the pun).
The gear? Well the intake would be exactly the same as if you were on a set time; the advantage could lay with this
system as the recovery rate would be that much better - AND the fat would be worked off in a more or less balanced
way. Any questions? Then give us a call.
Mick Harts NBC - 37
The luverly me - please note that this picture is
NOT for wanking over. Have some respect.
Bondage pictures available seperately and on
request only!
Their boyfriends think so - we do not! So therefore, we
are obliged to tell them about the famous.....
The two
very tired
know the importance of taking a good PROTEIN drink
AFTER strenuous exercise.....! This they have done, it
seems - but is it the right one for them?

the product blamed
for many a success
story - we admit
this and take it on
the chin!
(as do the two very tired ladies.
Hope they are OK soon! Bet they
must train so hard, especially if
there shorts fall off!)
Mick Hart Training Systems, R/O 7, Barl;borough Road, Clowne, Chesterfield,
Derbys. S43 4RA England
Tel. 24 hours ++44 (0)1246 811013 - Fax ++44 (0)1246 570551
or order direct from our web sight:
Available to purchase by credit
card, cheque, postal order & cash
(registered mail please) to:

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