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With nightfall fade movement in security, and
spreading the darkness talk between wetlands,
dilapidated houses, the creeping sense of life
seems to be miserable died Moon overlooking city
just emerged from a lost battle, and how do they eat
the Decade and drinking, but the scourge of?! The
tragedy of ignored history, by Dyer
terms! As the belt for each node, the node
Dayer, here, from which six ways and shop
, garment and a workshop. All are closed to
avoid chill January that erodes the bones, and
introduces the lights emitted from the cafe grocery
Matongiya and Mokla based on Mina on they
encountered in the follow the movement of people
belonging to the worn down by fatigue and heavily
indebted countries fell asleep after a hard day, and I
hope a dominant as long as manipulated by tsunami
time until lost in the wind..
- I heard about the demonstrations which
This is how the Meena ask him to Khaled, who
inherited from his father His brown complexion
shackles and gown, however, is largely thanks to the
son of his father's shop in currency trade to trade
[ ]2

gaming mood, and keep something of the goods
behind glass faced for camouflage. In the meantime,
the Khalid squatting in another shop in front of the
tray is an open request Mina while he answered
without lifting his eyes what works..
- Uncle chap - he nodded.. Demonstrations in
which is being said about them before?
- Ok, facilitated a little bit and the Prophet,
- !
The Meena yellow smile..
- You aren't not !
- What are you afraid?
did not want to Mina that is otherwise subject..
- His name a category Da?
- Obama.
- Friendly good?
Flashing Khaled a particular station, roll paper:
[ ]3

- Shame on you.. Grasp!
Poke Mina coil in his clothes and received the street
in a rush..
- Peace!
After two steps fell on the shoulder Mina ceased his
brown complexion formidable weight in the ground
and has proved in mind one fact: arrested!
Immediately, the linking his mind between this
disaster microbuses, which he saw sneaks behind
died a short time ago, which was at least security
force must be disguised, short black, which is
his body as the owner of the strike he turned directed
his sight behind it as it dropped to the highest
- The On.. Allah destroy your home.. Rouhi
- ABC ?
He said the heckling yellowness teeth:
- I cut back.
- Is you already?!
[ ]4

And then throw a meaningful look at Mina..
- need de to Sinn Fein?
The Meena has regained his breath added survival
joy to delight the evening promised:
- Two Qudah thing when pursuant to
Ramadan.. What they come with us!
He pointed tip of Chin to crouching on the
- See the .
He stepped to Mina tone loaded with more
- I hear me.. Old evening!!
laughed on:
- What age differences plain!
Then nobility of the extradiction:
- handed me a cousin of Ramadan..
In front of the door of the workshop side Lane,
supervisor of the diamond-shaped and that even
[ ]5

Woofed arrived to bid farewell to Itaf Zalat who was
- A. All da?..
With surprise:
- What Les.. ?!
- Maine connects the wire?..
On the loop of By Mina and left him on my shoulder
Shawqi, wire outside of the workshop was that
the fireworks lit illuminated by Pale, jumped Mina to
earth accompanied by a batch of strong humorous
but by Shawqi:
- Allah destroy your home or your legs de..
- Ok why Zaq da?!
to the workshop I, Meena and Dr. Essam
Gharabawi, while sitting places, we went to take
heed Shawqi asked:
- Omal Sinn Fein pursuant to Ramadan?
- It is still standing by land.
This is how he answered Meena, ignites the
coal, be Shawqi head for the workshop and shouted:
- Pursuant to Ramadan!
[ ]6

Did shake pursuant to Ramadan and paying back
workshop astray looks at Dyer, Shawqi: retainer and
then Rana him again like someone who says (may
God forgive you, Uncle Ramadan); it once again
forget the issue of designed by,..
Pursuant to Ramadan, the most prominent signs
of Manna mandate by virtue of long history, its usual
to his chair in front of the threshold of the
doorknobs, drank a cup of tea in his right
hookah in his left, bid farewell to Itaf Zalat
who was stationed under his feet, and does not know,
whichever is sitting in the fever of the other, in time,
which monitors the cousin of Ramadan amused
every small and large in the region as a king
staircase crowned by supervising his kingdom and
private, with his own eyes swollen to tiny
slits to ensure that the impact of air conditioners, his
face Burgundy wet, gray hair , which
rarely pass the comb, blue ancient, dating
back to the days of work iron and steel plant in his
youth, paunch junk beneath the impact of liver virus
passive resulted from old was injured by a
small when he was taking a shower in a canal Small
near their home in the Zeitoun neighborhood before
the bridge of about sixty years, most importantly:
designed by fully; it is well known that the cousin of
[ ]7

Ramadan has heard of right index finger with a
setback in 1967, and has gained an amazing beyond
the capacity to understand the words of his
interlocutors by reading "lips movements".
Although the cousin of Ramadan did not complete
primary education, but instead, broad experience in
life chatter does not end the Interoceanic insatiable
reading all what is located under his hand from
newspapers Oiler Roll End Switch, which
buys the DVD falafel and the end of the old books
which them some friends and (of whom
intellectuals) to knew him from his passion for
surprising reading, pursuant to Ramadan also enjoys
a range of disturbing qualities higher
population, increased nervousness, his tongue ,
the lightness which fungal ready-made clothes,
which led him to fabricate a hot verbal battles with
the interoceanic waterway must come out a winner,
even if they were not willing because of fatigue,
headache, which Lampoons Self many of his
songs, and vulgar market segments originally
selected masterpieces of Arab singing, but the cousin
of Ramadan beautiful women Her words, dragging
the noblest human meanings to indecent political
satire veiled with vulgar insults their sexual
projections of Ibtisam and embarrassing passers-by
from both men and women. For example, a song
"Sina returned full Lena" that as long as by
Shadia on the anniversary of the liberation of Sinai,
so we echo with joy we young repeated "Egypt
today in Eid".. The same franchise, as long as that
[ ]8

inflamed anti-national sentiments falsifies pursuant
to Ramadan to "Egypt today in Railway", and does
not fail in the same time movements tradition Shadia
insecurities grabbing her hair and golden
sent frivolous to the public, this "his operetta
production remains" also, for example, but not
limited to: "Yama i wish i n " Um Kalthoum,
"" Mohamed Al-Ezabi.. "The Egyptians
numerous pieces" tents.. etc! Near midnight,
the cousin of Ramadan such as Mahbub
ended the paragraph to greet his friends from the
shopkeepers surrounding even elderly women sitting
on stones mastabas to homes in order to escape the
Ha, his men, I am inside I sleep.. I want to end
else?! Ha, Um Ahmed, it's alright Abu Ahmad
last night because many !
laughs where her fans there sent with her
kisses from every direction to withdraw his
wheelchair to inside the workshop Westdal door
behind it. While withers away with glee. bid
farewell to Itaf Zalat who was sleeping in his arms
This image market prompted many families
surrounding the thumbs up/thumbs down their
children to stay away from the cousin of Ramadan,
however, the workshop has been stocked with youth
and children of the region of each color and the
cousin of Ramadan represents for many of them the
source of wisdom and fun , until this moment.
[ ]9

The Shawqi behind pursuant to Ramadan until
he became the frequency step after a little, then
gently touched his shoulder, Berard, an uncle of
Ramadan adopting eurhythmic so sharply. (when
you touch one of the back of the rise was upset, and
then appears to be presumed innocent and exciting as
objects of pity, like a child was woken up suddenly
from sleep). Picking up Shawqi overview pursuant to
Ramadan fear reassuring smile, and then Ta'abbata
his arm and walked to the workshop and talk..
" destroy your mind, a teacher. And Allah
.. M laugh! "..
At this time, the cousin's wife Ramadan
embezzles seen from the GAP equivocal tags hiding
with silence, even as one of the approaches of
addressed to me at that moment, in mind
meaning Blame When greater jealousy
Commiserating ..

Sometimes last passes in front of my eyes as a
strip film influential Ramadan: when he saw the
first time it publishes a laundry in the terrace, on his
way to work in a workshop in Shubra, on progress
, their home current location, which chose to
be close to her family in Dayer in practice. The two-
storey, built, devoted its ground floor workshop,
while in the second workshop. The mourners wept
[ ]10

and simple , a boy and a girl, continued to
build the house to four roles when qualification,
apartment for each boy and girl! But money
was delayed, and reproduction delay, constructing a
Ramadan an oven mudflow on the roof of a barn
poultry Joss wood, quickly turned it into a lush
Paradise still mired in which all types of poultry. At
this time, the sweet life, Ramadan is an example of a
husband-loving sincere, and then beat the drums of
war! Ramadan volunteered in the army and signed
setback! Now he is back in dawn from
outdoors: shabby clothes torn, long beard, and feet
and a puffed face camel, Eyes .
will not forget outdoors, on the same corner in
the workshop, shaking, while I sat next to it
tenderly while people gathered outside..
You are good, Ramadan.. I am your mirror,
Joya. Can you hear me? You do not?
his face between his knees as if he was
afraid of them or the voice harms it..
Come see your home, Ramadan.. Minimum
here.. Come!
Rose votes from abroad.
Da apparent what : Guys..
Convergence of a bomb side need
dropped him pillows and blankets. Started
sponsored by it in place. still remember these
difficult days. Gets kidnappees to shout loudly at
midnight, it hits the walls of the workshop grip:
[ ]11

"Oh Lord, why do you work via thing Les..
Bleak months passed, during which sold
jewels to provide food, and forced Ramadan that
rents Apartment First floor as a source of monthly
income. When he entered the house for the first time
since his return, who cheered with joy:
You are recovered, Ramadan?! You can you
hear me??!
He shook his head, denying, and he said that he
would travel to Libya to overturn its lag behind their
livelihood. hit her chest:
that was boycotted by:
Between you and your mother two streets.
Come to live with you or were living with them to
She cried and resorted to relatives and
neighbors rushed toward the resolution, but she did
not know a man in his tenacity! Over a dozen years,
the Ramadan moves from Arab country to another:
Libya, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, while struggling
life alone, not linking it to the disbursal only
those visits spaced every year or two years. Finally,
Egypt opened a workshop Dokki, but he was used to
life alone on the pretext of work. Even after that it
appealed by the grace of God, did not change self-
immolation. His visits have become rare occasions
girds for Melee, scandals. The notes
wither again, weakness of beating her and
insulting. All this have shouldered in patience and
[ ]12

courage in order to preserve the family, even knew
the neighbors:
living with one another in no man's land.
She cried of the intensity of the sadness so as
Annet sleep when I woke up in the morning I felt
pain in the leg to prevent it from advancing,
neighbors to Coast hospital, where they detained,
along with a blessing that had not exceeded the
seventh year. Several days after the Ramadan Pant,
quitting her friends from the room knelt in prayer is
next to the bed.
You on all what you!
At this moment, struggled , not
chastisement for forgiveness, but to move her
forefinger Tatters before he addressed the rejection,
and then turned a blind eye!
After rupture, was the to fight life alone so
as not to extend a helping hand for Ramadan. Bought
sewing machine repair clothes and worked in
knowledge and neighbors pay. gone bankrupt
Ramadan Shubra returned to the workshop. But the
big dent had happened. The brief visits home with a
view to cradled shameless traversed strange heavy
burden on women: An intercourse strange man in the
same room. Eat and drink and used the toilet.
forced him to wash his clothes in and
comprise the smell of his race. With time, the gap
between them to become from each other,
and when he tried to break this Ramadan al-Qaeda. I
felt humiliated and raped, "fiercely been astonished
at the same despite its inability, shouted by:
[ ]13

"defect!! Come and eat and drink, welcome to
you, but not to sleep with me, Your Daughter CBOs
understand and place the three! ".
Since then, it has never Yatta Ramadan
Despite the distance between them and the
workshop is not more than a few degrees handed
over by converged, but they lived completely.
Got a Blessing to a diploma after so much effort.
became less interested in life, thereby acquiring
usually venting for consume food, , and I knew
the pressure, sugar joints, movement and
no longer strengthen the sunrise peace, responded
TV advices and slaughtered poultry for fear of bird
flu. So, they lost the source family diet almost the
only animal. Her mother was replaced by a blessing
place in work on the machine, in the market, and the
This hard life bequeathed to concern and
nervousness and bitterness has focused all this on the
blessing. The girl, despite their poverty, but it is nice
and visible, the conditions to enter and exit in front
of dozens of men and youth unemployment in the
region. Like any or live dream of the day in
which it sees her daughter married satisfied in her
home with her husband and her family, have been
discussed in all around the groom suitable her
daughter did not find the best of Shawqi, it may raise
their hands since he worked with Ramadan of
smoother his nails, and trusts the ,
in addition to that, he did not hide the by the
[ ]14

grace of the old by her daughter. Therefore,
did not hesitate to tell her daughter desire that. But
the shock that her daughter's categorical refusal
about an attempt to persuade them to
try known methods in order to search for a groom for
her daughter. But its efforts all failed. This
femininity explosive projected in her daughter
with delayed age of marriage make fears for her
daughter sedition outstripping prey to worry and
tension, and set of itself as a bodyguard for the
blessing! Search for inclusion, wardrobe her clothes
from behind, AUC SPIES ON ITS moves her phones
tapped and monoculturalism with her friends, are a
no longer able to endure alone, at the time in which
he lived his life Ramadan empty-mind not mourns
the death of the world are. Here are closely watched,
Eyes nightly surrounded by wrinkles, and
blindfolded, amid a gap frightening surrounded by
the walls of the House Il eroded fall, meager in
the first row of houses of three floors. What made it
more like a wall architecture that reflects the life of
Ramadan with finger armless failed! fired a sigh
lane, and withdrew her head to inside, are
prejudiced against condemns dark brown
spots so big skidded off the bed. The
beside the SOFA furnished carpet scraps of
old clothes, and on the Right wardrobe, antique
, based on the hands under under weight,
which exceeded 100 kg until the under
her underside left, and started the clock is ticking by
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heading to route which ends very narrow kitchen
where a blessing now, my bathroom more narrowly
based on door to now. there were implications
remain the quarrel in the morning,
minutes staring in admiration, and then quickly leak
concern to face haughtiness like someone I
remembered something:
You or what?
Uh, there is no problem?
I do not see what did this towels in the
Ok, thank God ...
a blessing.. The two months but
they do not come up, why?!
Gat me in the morning.. Salvation?!
She is a blessing and turbaned carrying a
spacesuit hot water was absent in the bathroom,
while did not stop questions:
Dirty shifting your father of the
What money?
in rage flying back to her bed and
Khallik like this, Ramadan.. with
your friends and your mind need!
In the bathroom I heard a blessing a mother and
assign its share. started to undress yourself to pipe
the shower, then spilt hot water on her body
took part part. The mere mention of her father
[ ]16

raises the same mysterious narrow. It is believed that
the first of all of her and her mother in their lives of
misery. Why wasted money in the pleasures
prey in the end of this extreme poverty? And
why does not carry responsibility now works hard as
men were respected to provide for a minimum level
of subsistence allowances, instead of waiting for a
gift from the neighbors here, and from there!
Therefore, what is the language of the uproar erupted
carrier workshop laughs her father, bid farewell to
Itaf Zalat who was barking, so I was distressed at,
and Irbid addressed Cose water over her head
at once, as if you want to wash painful ideas with
race and the effects of soap, spreading in whisper of
between its feet tiny sink to the crater.

The workshop closed pursuant to Ramadan in
the eyes of the law, it is curious that the cousin of
Ramadan himself, who sought to this situation final
solution to get rid of a flurry of water bills ,
electricity and gas, as well as the harassment of local
council and taxes, which deal with the workshop as a
company to generate millions, while not enough
proceeds to cover the cost of living, especially with
the market recession in the last five years, what was
the cousin of Ramadan, but the release a record
officially off an official activity of the workshop, as
well as to the electricity company, a request to lift
the counter, only de minimis share of proceeds
[ ]17

working on Shawqi Meena. Since this
moment turned into the workshop to a safe haven
policed the cousin Ramadan with his friends until the
The place is like a dark cell. In the corner of the
following section is a small ad hoc where
hanging from the wall Hashtables railways,
following that my bathroom is small. and to the right
to ensure that room, an area of not more than eight
meters square. There is a small window covered with
wire mesh close to the ceiling, with chaos place:
scrap old cars, number of scattered, recorded an old,
a pile of tapes, walls, paint, covered by Hebab,
and dozens of signatures and comments filled
obscene spelling mistakes: "Anniversary" the
"Eternal Memory" benefit in oblivion! Captions:
"Your Brother Meena, Afifi, Shawqi ", and
" " piston time".
We have taken our councils in the workshop,
and enjoyed galloped ahead at a breathtaking speed
first, and we bid farewell to Itaf Zalat who was
availabe in full freedom nice host welcomes its
guests! Ramadan began to moderate mood now,
smoke and pointed with his hand:
Ha O.. While it start from where?!
Always the answer to this question
precious time in controversy and bickering every
time. But this time , Dr. Essam, his hand anyway to
calmly and decisively:
I am currently budgeted I start from the
[ ]18

speak and looking forward to the feared!
Dr. Essam, Al-Gharabawi teacher in the Faculty of
Commerce, a cousin of Ramadan unfailing friend,
and the cousin of Ramadan treats great respect and
agrees to all its views as if give short shrift to the
need to follow suit! Dr. Essam, live alone in a villa
located behind a school Ahmed Orabi Canal Street.
It is widely reported that run by to satisfy
whose caprices were exaggerated with young girls
was said that hunt down many of them from among
the female students in the university, by virtue of its
work in academia in the League! Also, Dr. Essam,
his political activity in the National Party, in addition
to its contributions repeated press, to the degree that
makes it a guest used in conversational programs.
Doctor Essam of the oldest attendees on an evening
workshop. This comes after mid-night Peugeot
Driver only in so much that does not refrain from
seating on the ground throughout the night,
and to keep the morning so indifferent to his dusty
which have filled Deluxe clothes, and then in
his car heading to the university, so without sleep!
All this, the psychological barrier of awe stands
between us and Dr. Essam, and now is looking to us
as we consider him ..
ABC..? You (Arabs) kept silent toward why?
This is how commented in his own way, Dr.
Essam aristocracy groomed insights and then
Okay.. We start from the Corniche!
The unhindered pursuant to Ramadan to speak:
[ ]19

Yalla !
The Corniche pier catching up bid
farewell to Itaf Zalat who was in an atmosphere of
fun and laughs, and the colorful sunset crossed the
fence the city to take us back to vigilance in
gradually, they started to adopt modern
automatically to the news of the impending
demonstrations, said Shawqi:
The demonstrations, which in the
country tomorrow?!
I had heard the news, like many others, was
designed to ignore, supper bid farewell to Itaf
Zalat who was permeated by the legs front side of
the fence to stand a Nile, as I heard Mina answers:
I mean, today.. We stayed after the text of the
They say demonstrations strong rigid..
He said Shawqi forged Dr. Essam, full of
arrogant tone:
All da played kid.. The idea of the Government
are a good.. Another opportunity Lahad today..
So what puts adverts in freedom and
democracy and speech empty Da.. After 12 at night
Interior ..
He said Mina:
In your opinion? The country de unsolved a
solution? I swear by Allah, if I worked a..
[ ]20

the floor, I am deeply filled the air of
January, and then the body noteworthy a sigh I saw
incredibly warm Front commented, Shawqi nervous
Navid patience:
Because of that, Group, there is no
solution but what it..
Then, grasp the railings iron fence
violently did not have any impact on the fence firm:
! Uh, but Uncle Ramadan if you are
operating the project, in a brain-damaged woman!
I smiled and told him unwillingly share
my talk. The Shawqi had a rift over our heads over a
full year was not him who are not talking about what
he calls the draft age, to the of excessive
repetition, but, glory be to Allah, I do not know why
I felt seriousness and this time, it appeared as
if it needs to a full year of urgency and failure and
anger smoulders and despair and frustration, even
of boredom and condemnation:
Tani, Shawqi?!
Shawqi, he turned his adopting eurhythmic us:
Iowa Tani, folks.. Da draft age?!
and then adopting eurhythmic cousin to
Oh, cousin of Ramadan, listen to me. The
country they missed salvation..
and beaten every day sign-in order to wire!
I take Mina opportunity to attempt to
Shawqi uncle Ramadan and moves his lips with
every word, and with the same expressions and
[ ]21

references, while trying to difficulty of control on
ourselves not to laugh:
We sell microbus.. a loan from the World
Bank to ensure that the workshop.. The loan plus the
price of the microbus work lender company.. Raby
said spare parts of China. One one passion..
And here the Meena committed literature and
attention, because Shawqi turned us professes:
After that, a group.. We are large than a
gradualist.. (and hit his palm with his hand) take
piece of land in northern coast or Sina overblown
tourist village. remained!! And what is the
minimum tunneling: Guys.. Wrong speak da?! I say,
I mean, strange need?!!
A cousin of Ramadan:
You do "accidental" you Shawqi?!
Shawqi was in need of this sentence in
our faces all of us:
ok.. Let us remained in poverty da longevity!
And We left for ascended the wall as director
of his face to the Nile, and completed out a cigarette
have even initiated:
Complete Each Other bedroom ... Since
we too.. It is rich in US in his pocket three pounds..
He said smoke and inflate the air
transportation, and realize trunk line electrification,
during that passed beside US seller "" from the
backblast small wood, Dr. Essam arrogantly:
Best ... Hims!! Come..
Of course, the man looked forward to Dr.
Essam did not respond because of his rude, the
[ ]22

Meena position and played the role of a boy
immediately connect. taking money from Dr. Essam
went to deal with the seller, shortly after we were
lined up beside Shawqi on the wall in front of the
beach. Do not hear audio only plastic
spoons, we bid farewell to the most beautiful soup
hot Hims with salt and pepper and
cumin, tomatoes and many of chili, and empty refills
on pour under our feet, respectively, confronted with
the Nile. It is beautiful, that completed the So Strong
storm swept all cups were thrown violently to the
Nile, overview taken are filled with a sense of
bad, unfortunately, but Shawqi non-air quickly like
someone who throws a stone in Lake stagnant!
Ok, what do you think each and every one of us
says himself in the project da why?
He was asked about this is how we have
agreed, OK. The hour foray to us the way, and each
of us is at a glance filled with a lot of dream:
Essam: success in itself a beautiful thing.
nobody hates money..
MENA said: if I failed to say what
myself at the time of the program is not .. But
the other.. I want to live..
As for myself, I moment great dream and
I said:
I want to get married and support a family with
such a girl, things. The time in architectural
design, and kept the architectural artist, change the
form of the country de sincere..
Shawqi headed to Ramadan:
[ ]23

And you, cousin of Ramadan?!
Ramadan was held pursuant to their sleeves
chest considered Imnam) Dam to the horizon dark
and narrow his eyes and shook his head as if he
delivers insidious:
I stayed if participated in the project da timing
of issuing because one need but.. and headed to US
supreme his neck with his hand:
Heed Taree m minimum who learned to grab
me by the scruff of my neck!
The Shawqi was taken aback by. fired
incendiary a sigh then because his voice was filled
with warmth and compassion, and he says:
I stayed: Guys, I project da because Nani!
Looked Secretary-General Nani de remained?!
Silent Shawqi moment like someone who look
to himself, was feared to slip his tongue with the
word does not want, with sparkle with love Shine in
his eyes:
De girl, things!
Redskins game ended a blessing dried and
dams emptied her body and then wearing her clothes,
as usual, before the full out to her room. during
combing her hair in front of the mirror room broken
old sleep went ponders itself.. They are beautiful.
Two destinations wonderful, long hair and Pul-
i-Khumri prominent features a sweet, however,
inside a sense of bitterness. It is in the twenty-sixth
[ ]24

did not marry after, as attached spring back tree ripe
tribulations summer felt a blessing that they
lose some of the full bloom every day, bustling
may be farcical odd here is the drought
crawling to the outskirts of hair parted and stained
the sun on her face. The blessing on her
mother in the other room, her mother was sitting on
the bed watching TV, releases the laugh complete
tranquility, perhaps that was one of the rare
occasions on which enjoyed the clearness of mind,
either a Boon were heartbroken . She was
preparing itself to exit to meet important happy with
her lover, where it was supposed that approached her
father on his marriage, which was made a blessing to
throughout the day tensioned between joy anxious
and fear of rejection of her father, which she
said the other day, and when I tried to inquire of him
more than a request that the corresponding to tell
them what had happened in detail because the laptop
does not fit this talk. I think that it is a blessing to
continue in this miserable life empty for months and
perhaps years before she married from said. Wake up
every day early to stand in line fortified bread in
front of the furnace, and then return processed
breakfast and blaming him to her father. The
workshop is open to block in front of him, and then
turn the Chinese sometimes without a word.. Hates
designed by troublemaker is part of a plan being
ignored, practiced by the mother, her mother,
throughout their lives, and at the same time you'll
wonder of its ability to understanding without that he
[ ]25

heard nothing, stranger its ability to gloom in the
face and demonstrations, and from there to agitation
cutting any talk, although it is the first to know how
Hanoun. It is love in deep inside itself retrieve, but at
the same time system used to life without him.
Having no fridge to go to the market a day after the
age. Those usually gained from her mother , where
clients may'd recommend Untouched all good fruits,
not only stifled defective vendors to get rid of lowest
prices. Thus, the blessing to the white loaded
with parts of the fruits of broken, small fish
in front of her mother and initiate work
together in order to transform this "garbage" to
gourmet dining, after that comes a time cleaning the
house, washing dishes, clothes and dissemination on
the roof of the house, even if a solution the evening
dedicated a boon for follow-up to soap operas, which
completely, as you can see from which
a world other than the witnesses. There are people
living in the villas and palaces and live the life of
easy-to-luxury, they feel as if the ordinary men (and
most of them) Non-are or should be also to not
rich. When Retiring to sleep trying to forget
this miserable life and is considering in the future is
bright and beautiful with said. Knot kids boys and
girls struggling with him and pocket money home so
as to enable him to buy king, but may work in
sewing workshop or a vendor in order to assist him
in pocket money home, and little by little to improve
matters decent Apartment with Balcony View
air and light, and live a happy life hidden with their
[ ]26

children. You've learned to happy about two years
although it of the people of the area, but they did not
pay heed to it from before it also. he respected her
immature young taxi driver four years and worked
day laborers. Praise be to Allah do not smoke bhang
or take drugs such as most of the region's young
people. Good Form and skin and features carved
illuminate wherein two black rings
appeared Jihai, felt short (get used to tigress
2 army), since that met a blessing happy
changed her life. Related to the beginning of the day,
during the day and end the ringing of mobile phone
dozens of times to prove to him that they remember
and love! Cannot said in front of the passionate
emotions, but to hear all the long reflect the love
heart joy and wishes if you open it
but prevent itself so as not to bear the cost of
the call, at the end of the day must be related, and
perhaps meet embezzlement that inventing a blessing
any reason to exit, such as purchasing ounces
Halawa , or throwing garbage bag, after it
changed its course favorite place in front of the
church at the end of the street . However, this
relationship has not received the beautiful
drama. Despite the welcome or blessing the
relationship in the beginning, but it quickly turned to
the contrary, the idea of know her daughter to a
young man are inconsistent with what a chemist in
the traditions of conservative! situation stabilized
somewhat contradictory behavior with her daughter
and oddity, sometimes allow them to go out to meet
[ ]27

Saeed, but delays with specific timings outside the
house, (and that is a blessing to knows all the
Dar es Salaam between them and said in detail! )..
And sometimes reaped its madness ,
shifting life between the two to permanent Ivory-
Billed Woodpecker.
The two are not a soft period. We have talked
and understanding in everything on everything so no
longer keep them only physical to
vent the misappropriated during their meetings
after midnight, where they launch during
which unleashed , sometimes to the
exercise of love over the airwaves, and not one of an
estimated obedience, and here is the father Continue
In intransigence and refuses the sermon sticking to
his obligations so as to gun wielded by before
any groom: "We must be firm in filling" in time,
which is suffering the most of youth in the area of
unemployment, or moving between works and non-
regular character. For this blessing was distressed at
ringing and felt grief. It had completed the turn her
hair and donned specifics are looked at concerning
its cloak and no longer fly within and when Ren
mobile phone, announcing the arrival of said at the
agreed place before Mary Girgis Church Street
overlooking , consideration on the
one hand her mother and had extended its hasty exit
line closed..
Ha.. ? Aboke said to him?
Her mother was happy to learn kept applauding
her daughter, it is no secret that it has exercised
[ ]28

police plan on two young men over the last months
pushing them to this bold step, despite physical
conditions, but it had been exhausted in the case of
the conflict in which the three and would like to
resolve the knows that it must demonstrate by force
in dealing with these matters, therefore, is that the
closed Nema line until fragmentation were shipped
to voice most practical and durability:
It was a blessing expects the question she
answered, evade the consideration of of her mother.
His Refusal to..
suddenly fell into force mask worn by her
mother, the world rose up from its place thee:
and avoided a blessing to the perimeters of her
mother medal keys:
Adeniyi precepts I know?
The Guardian on the mobile?
They turned to a blessing nervously:
Oh, sweet Mother of Mercy response.. Da pay
100 pounds each month contacts!
Her mother was silent moment tennis
player who escaped the strike hit Si vis pacem:
The Guardian here?
Sweet, strong! Gohr Edeek yourself eh!
We are talking about Sinn Fein remained? In the
workshop, and white, which is not a man?
Affirmed received a knockout Irbid, her mother
directed in surrender, blessing them because
they pity for the conditions in which innocent,
then the accepted a head in Hanan :
[ ]29

Excuse me, my lady. The head Ahi..
Turning to the alarm on the table.. And then, at
what ten..
This is how the blessing and opened the door
and left, with her mother at a glance and invited
loaded with compassion and concern. At the end of
the street overlooking the street Shubra, show
the ghost of Saeed standing determined his arms to
his chest and back to taxi.. The head at an angle
forward and accelerates pace approaching, so that he
saw even moderated stopover, and that reached even
exchanged a look at understanding and opening the
door of the car and installed and badly damaged, and
then engaged in street vehicle Shubra..

It would be a mistake to consider love Shawqi
to Ni'meh just a passion for emotional toward a
woman, burning and its authenticity fades and then
lose sight of oblivion, but it is nothing like life to the
extent that it is impossible without Shawqi, perhaps
because this love began in the early stage, it is
difficult to ignore: approximately, since the day you
were born a blessing! At this time, Shawqi operates a
boy in a workshop in Ramadan, not over the age of
10 years when he dared to the door of , to ask
them to see innocence born! Still Shawqi Happiness
is a blessing Small Piece Steak while smiling to him
[ ]30

with her eyes imminent in satisfaction.
In this today pictures of his small boyish imagination
that he swore when he grows up! Perhaps it was
smaller lover in the world when it was discovered
that love inside! After that, he used to watch from
inside the workshop and play in the region. When
stumble or fall, leaves his hand and accelerating its
rescue. washes dust from her clothes washing her
hands little hands. If not washing hands of the child
in the age of three years, but washing hands his
sweetheart! When I grew up a blessing of love and
Shawqi , it is no longer able to feel other
woman, was seen as the most beautiful KJB, changes
in minimum strongly, and how his dilemma this
jealousy in scuffles with counterparts in the region.
Even when assured him of one of his friends that it is
not very beautiful and imagine, ,
such as broad a man short. did not change a look at
Shawqi, on the contrary, it might perhaps be wished
to see it all in the same ordinary people, but ugly,
there are alone! The right to the Shawqi owes much
to Ni'meh. The knowledge of his love for them to be
interested in himself and his clothing grooming is
there seems to be a mechanical , was of
workshop wait returning from business school, and
to see even pretend passes a coincidence,
and by carrying her purse, that resulted in his
attempts in the end, has created new feelings
between them. Become a blessing prior to her
mother, to open a window or door when sent
pursuant to Ramadan in request or service.
[ ]31

together those Great magic moments:when he was fit
punished in the bathroom. Check out how
approached her hand even smelled the soap in her
clothes, how simmered bloodshed in his head and
face. specialising, and eyes two vast
, before they withdraw in remorse. When paid
his vision to a slot issued Lounge bulb is
installed, instead of anger, went to hesitate and
smiling. In this period Shawqi has lived the most
beautiful days of his life, trustworthy, fun, and
ambition, and to spread to buy pursuant to Ramadan
microbus, designed Shawqi on his leadership
himself, demonstrated his skill in which even his title
by his colleagues to the line B (Shawqi )! But
when the complete happiness! At the same time,
which was Shawqi sinking a blessing in terms of
love, which seem to be cautious is keen to show their
feelings. In the beginning, thought Shawqi,
neighborhoods, but with time, started to make sure
the change toward him. Finally disappeared
pushiness and smile and warmth , and replaced
by ignorance and indifference and nods centrifuges
misogynist! Then the thought of Shawqi in progress
for her hand, but how dare with this cool? It was also
sensitive because of his work at Ramadan. How
would it pursuant to Ramadan, which is the first to
know about the interview barely sufficient to eating
rifling through his! Instead of flying with ecstasy of
love install Shawqi inspired and started thinking:
what non-sweetheart? Do you discovered that it is
not appropriate, because a driver microbus? Do you
[ ]32

form that does not appeal to them? He Asmar,
moderate strength, not devoid of handsome features,
except for the scars on his face. He was a child
"hooligans" pursuant to violent exercises in the
workshop, it was not to provide in his pocket days
the price of sewing one of these wounds in the
hospital, the result was the criminal nature of the
Truth, which is not in any way related to! Shawqi
recalls what he said to his friend Afifi in parachute
garage (which was known as daughters of a number,
his head) that the girl such as minimum, if I liked
pursued the plane at a short, if left Mad
Cow wherever you go! Day Afifi advised him that
hurts their dignity and leaves her open, then that will
come kneeling to plead with him! But Shawqi did
not care about truthful! It was his love to Ni'meh
violent is sincere, that he could not hide nor be
ashamed of or lying by such ridiculous games, was
it is the reason why?! Or see had loved anyone
else? The head of Shawqi plagued these questions,
even this: shames, and to make things worse,
Shawqi, despite his work as a driver, but he lives in a
world closed could be called: World of blessing!
his name on the line "the blessing", since
years charged from his special to calligrapher to
write his name line blessing beautiful large on the
front and rear of the vehicle, with the microbus From
Inside like a lover : dolls red hearts
suspended on the windshield, label Women's sure
cars painted with the Big, Beautiful red patch
line engraving: (fond of Laila satellite night). and
[ ]33

dash image of Uncle Ramadan embraces a blessing
right arm in the small . It was still a young
girl, however almost unchanged to now!
Wake up each morning with a head Shawqi stressful
cloudy, his face under cold tap water, puts on
his hair gel, and accelerating the microbus like
someone who brought to amount. And that take
place in front of the steering wheel until it was
applied the tragedy, thus failing heart
breathing, crescendo raise: he is deprived of the
blessing, sucking at the same time!! And every night
when commemorating to bed under the bed,
(because of his mother and his brothers young jam in
their apartment, consisting of two rooms and bath),
the likes of imagine this terrible scene: when he
meets with the grace after he became valid
chandelier, exploiting the insights of repentance,
love, and create in mind, (so that it is sometimes in
tears) recognizes his mistake and their willingness,
which has never changed! Then do not hesitate
Shawqi the , , speed up the progress,
the legendary wedding ceremony, .
So Shawqi scene of the end, as it should be!
The current reality, with all its failures right, is not
for him, but false image and evasion, technical error,
unintentional! Since Months shined in his head the
idea seemed lightning in a cloudy sky. It had
reviewed all possible causes, which may be paid to a
blessing to leave him, he felt that, whatever the
reasons, but the blessing of the if rich! This
[ ]34

idea is a discovery! At this time, the project for the
establishment of a company had crystallized in his
mind, and make sure that the chances of its success,
the unhindered by after that had discovered that the
shortest and surest way available to desired wealth,
and then there is no longer a force conduct Shawqi
proceed to implement his plan and its designs. It was
of the opinion that the frustration and poverty had
brought the cousin of Ramadan Meena, and Mustafa,
it did not leave them any hope or ambition in the
future, either, Dr. Essam did not begin to feel them.
Whether it was the jailer prisoner? The aura of each
of them to do, and couldn't escape from capture even
through a dream! They then missed objects broken
does not please from behind any good, but the
Shawqi was fully aware, at the same time, it is not
able to complete its project without them, it is
inevitable that the and encourages them
perhaps dazzles in this desperate hearts dead, and
here he conducted Shawqi head to the group and
The idea of my Group, we properly different
problems, but all are unsolved, one solution, but. We
know what is?
Without waiting for an answer he firmly, which
raises his index finger:
The money!
As fails the patient in determining when and
how he started, started Shawqi detects the apathy of
the blessing. How responded with him? How
[ ]35

supplied by then has shied away and withdrew in
remorse. How eyes anxious, because its voice
with love & cozy.
Then he started to feel the blessings of change
on his part (him)
Since weeks received old Shawqi shock that
almost stopped his heart. That was when he saw a
blessing, a taxi ride with a young man from the
region. At the outset, I think he's wrong
approached the taxi, until it has been ratified by the
view. They were talking with generosity friends
mutual understanding, or ! He insisted on
traced. Lower passengers, traced their impact so i
stayed with him, and entered a blessing
teachers club on the Corniche. Night Shawqi was
returned almost did not see the road. His eyes were
We were pleased to small island in the field,
long cease to talk while rushing cars on
both sides of the island, both to raise our
voices whenever one of them, which Zammit
beside US..
But hands bank loan to ensure the
Dr. Essam:
Of course, not
has gone through a period of silence and
thinking until he shouted Mina:
But ?
[ ]36

Ayman Ghazi!
His Money?
Oh, Dr. Essam, you are not still you are with
him in the conference said tongue we
small loans to people who want to eat live.
laughter, Dr. Essam:
Your happiness I short it says only that..
But remain fully .. Let Yashar us on
Consider Dr. Essam a little, and then said:
Ok, you see.. they purify you required papers
all application forms and election day..
Mina enthusiastically:
Believe me, folks.. I feel that we wick
Money we like rain!..
The Shawqi speak with confidence and
enthusiasm we underestimate the truthful, then we
pay attention to spray light. Points, two points lace
the service Faces Skeptical to gain
insights into the sky, and then suddenly, Qa'qa
thunder heavy rain and hail pounded Shawqi in
our faces :
First Glance did not understand, but a sense of
what made us realize! we smiled at Laayoune Sirte
Tingle's delight hearts in Resurrection Shawqi from
US to open his arms rain and looks forward to the
sky, shouting:
Wonderfully ?!
The strong presence of the firm hangs over US
! The presence of the Hefei, sneaking
[ ]37

into our cells and despite the cold weather, frost
, couple around US curiosity killer,
and bewilderment, as if they are searching for the
source of this uncertainty and strength, so that we no
longer hear the voice Shawqi, screaming with all its
strength of the sky..

Wonderfully?! !
My name is Mustafa Kamel Ismail Abbas.
Many know me as an engineer, but very few of them
know me as an artist. But I think it's complex
problems of material in the basis. My father died
before he gives me any guidance is serious in life.
My mother was forced to work in a factory sewing
clothes and then pay to be able to meet the
educational expenses rapist my sister Zahra, so they
wanted the miracle of the sky for aging and a
handful of diseases. Graduated from the Faculty of
Engineering, Cairo University and married sister of
fruit merchant's son moved to live with him in the
city of sunrise next to his father's stores. Did you
know or love, but it has suffered from the bitterness
of poverty which makes them think in a way the
process. I loved the graphic since childhood in
which she was also a hard, even penetrated one of
my paintings school fences, was invited to the
program Baba Majed, which highlights the talent in
small television. I went there with my mother and a
youth from neighbors guides us to the television
[ ]38

building. As I insisted that I bring myself Big Book
stocked housing towers, mosques, churches
and streets lighting columns, when asked by the
Program before : Where are the people?
I replied spontaneously:
People Goh Houses!
General secondary terminated with a total of
95% were enrolled in Faculty of Engineering. In the
league knew how to celebrate false talent not for
sponsorship, but with a view to shoe officials,
ministries and institutions. It is therefore not only
actual opportunity in my fourth University when
submitted to a design competitions posed by Harvard
University on its website on the Internet. (By the
way, my mother has made considerable effort to
provide me a computer and printer for my sister sent
to assist me in the study and I would like to place on
record my thanks to them for that), at this time we
enter the Internet through cards limited time and
loading cargo. It seems that they believed I am a
genius and sent me a letter in which to travel
to complete my studies in the United States, but
because of a Doggone romantic leaked to some
books that I read, I have answered the call special
brief confident those words:
"I thank you for the kind renew me but I love
my country and I wish to remain in Egypt until
Mubarak added in the future," he said.
After graduation did not find pursuant to!
[ ]39

In interviews I was surprised that they exceed
university certificates, uncovering the strange
What is the name of the High School?
Nasser secondary Benin.
Often the reaction of Al-Dawa like this: to be
uncovered lip, or silent suddenly, and ending the
interview and the opportunity to work in the same
time. Later, I knew that he was supposed to tell them
the name of US or European school to get the job.
Thus, the graduated until I started this damnable
feeling alienation. it suddenly realized that there is a
kingdom of suspicious confused in the world that I
know. I had to move between the work of the many
guest to the areas of a relationship: Designed piece in
one of the offices, engineering vendors
in the Hilton hotel, waitresses in ,
security personnel in textile factory , finally, a
photographer Studio (Morris) Street in Shubra, a
function which settled until now. Although fatigue
and lack of sleep hours but I wake up every day at 4
am actively fireman. showered from my desires
, and pray in the morning and
resumed work in special draft creative until the date
down to work at noon. This double life made me fall
prey to violent conflict between human, artist,
my sense of isolation I experienced the Division
suffered by undercover agents and creators
victims of the time machine in science fiction, and
the attendant confusion mind changeable mood.
Sometimes moments of overwhelming
[ ]40

confidence in my abilities, the days and weeks of
depression and a sense of loss and failure at all
levels. I know very well that the lost most of
back me Prayer or fasting or reading Qur'an (and
you are sure to have you), but homicide or suicide or
the blast appears to be most appropriate solutions
reacted, therefore maths by the Provisional not
disclose their God that makes me a way out, thus,
and return the fish to the water, I went back to the
old friends of the areas of return and spend the night
after the other in a workshop in Ramadan in chat,
looking for a way out for us deferred, have
equated the comb all men between US frustration
and poverty, and education differences. Although
this did not mention one day of my goals identified.
It has been complicated by my thoughts started
technical process that opts to tend to the poor, since
five years emerged in vertical crazy idea to solve the
problem of the slums in Egypt and all countries of
the Third World. I know that the draft could not see
the light, but if you're as minister of housing or the
authors major engineering company name given by
bright in imaginary: A Company (housing)! process
step started in the ideas in the book, thus appeared to
me the requirements other than basic : books,
references, computer programs, presents and gifts. A
few of them was possible and most of them are
counting impossible with tough cases. However, the
idea of draft very simple! Can any of you game
(meter) that we were they were the young? The
framework of the small plastic, inside fifteen CD
[ ]41

plastic is being moved around itself with a view to
re-arranged by taking advantage of the vacancy of
the disc. In the same way the ideas to bring the slums
and built modern without resorting to outside
population displacement. The number of slums in the
Egyptian cities almost one hundred and twenty area
is work in which all of us in the same time. One
hundred and twenty residential compound in the
first month. Special my studies support says that the
biggest slum area does not need more than ten large
residential complexes, which means currency slums
Egypt to modern housing areas in a period of not
more than one year! I finished the book I went to the
General Egyptian Book Organization, disappeared in
included four months, after visits and urgency had
the competent official with contempt:
I am not, minus a headache. I am Al-Sherif
underlined you book, graphics, because I just, but we
do not publish this crap!
Reiterates the situation with all of
governmental publishing, which addressed their
doors. It also noted that the names of the publishers
in the chains are repeated fixed periodically like
savings association which earns one every several
months. Here, might ask: Why, then, does not
publish on your own?!
If I have five thousand pounds for deployment,
my dear, I found me in this situation! didn't notice
my brother reader where I live? Hornets Hebrews
had worn stone, wood with sand and painted white
washed houses in the form of two and three, mostly
[ ]42

Il fall. Let's not talk about the place and see the
person who inhabits. But the dig her nails seedlings
were exposed? My clothes that grouch, excessive
laundry? If I can provide ten this amount per month,
the borrowed from my mother the price of
transportation, and stayed in the workshop on the
Amalie rude dreams, and authorized enjoy
my life and do baby boomers who see them in TV
Series in the evenings, since replaced toothpaste
shaving face soap, but what you are this thin (65 kg)
despite portrait of approximately five feet. But
perhaps what I wrote this story originally, since I ate
one time instead of three hunger, tea,
tobacco, and remained Single in this age and Ameri,
Thirty-two years ago, and since my nerves frayed
and burned the nostalgia for liver genital
mutilation of repression, do not find a way for
satisfaction, but well-known ways replacing them
with the airwaves sometimes instead of the bed, not
only increased forcibly reduced wear spiritually and
psychologically after every interview with emotional
or call dear!
We have agreed to meet at our favorite
liberation in front of the compound. As usual,
arrived too late. The passers-by at a glance
eager to found the vast Kada to
disappear until it was found that there are
considerable specialising in parentheses
which was interesting..
What is the story?
[ ]43

I replied, I took my place beside the Chinese
wall earners:
An important issue!
Minutes after you had it project, which
we talked about in the workshop, and explained to
them the reasons for the disillusioned I was my
anxieties, she said with conviction:
My opinion is that you go through the
I don't understand the problem?
The draft slum my boss.. I don't have
time, I am not, there is no need?!
Jays succeed and compensate for all the
It is also possible that aborted the reality to the
roots of my neck..
eaders need.. One-eyed beaten on
his eye!
stopped for one moment, I found me smile,
laughing together teeth
very feminine way in the ground. Shortly after
fragmentation to serious tone warm dreamy vision:
Aref a poem the limelight?
Vertical indifference.
's eyes suddenly and seek voting soft
broken ice fragile poetry knew that Ibrahim Abu
the limelight.
[ ]44

The blocked all modalities for minimum
Do not stand..
So do not die, and you are standing!
then considered to eyes critical:
Is da my opinion, if really don't waste of
Visual rose to consider bathroom
squadron flying then I felt, however, warm dear
stuck to my hand he turned back and greeted him as
to it. I smiled around us spontaneously cautious
of people since we found both technicality to case
released back to it and found that it hammer.
Noted the road dust may hit toes overlooking the
open, confirming her start-up, not only love
commenting, augmented on her
more. The charming look to the flowed slivers soft
brown hair on the face, very charming, happy
burying an eye of the two pinks Safaa
spring kind smile. I loved until the effects of acne
on the skin. In this moment ring emitted SGHI
grayed-out, we decided that the together, but he
has continued to rise, so it became quite annoying,
hands of my hands and shake her head
dalliance narrowness representative there, like
someone who says, "don't have to, and what can we
do? !" But what the mobile pictures were taken so
that the turmoil as if they were surprised by circuit
breaker through:
Iowa, Mama?!
[ ]45

Taken audio clearly strong thanks to a headset
Of course, you're with Him!
exact DOB thing!!
literature is not apparent Nafi with you.. I am
of Doha with your brother from your hair.
I am responsible for the irritated some..
Means our reputation in mud exhorted
her responsible for the irritated some.. Go ahead,
National Spiritual off!
Not ..
Not ?! ok.. I am my obsession with
and closed the line, , then
Ren number this time, Aziza:
What !!
canceled the call, and I said to them:
Ok, come back.
I am not back home again!
" chanted as If stray out the words of the
unconscious in its depths.
Omal Sinn Fein?
Having considered to my eyes :
Yalla escape!
You ?
If you are afraid will build, I am myself..
Try what no scar resolution while you are in
the problem.
Your problem is that you AC!
[ ]46

She said at a glance contempt strayed
violently, spied her desolate US attention
The night when it was running beside
hijacked held as a prisoner to death. passed the gate
of Casablanca, Casablanca employee wry
look hostile, and attracted iron door tractor with
resistance collapsed dear tears asked silent on her
cheek as if on her anguish to do something in
order to save her, letter. agreed in the pool
on the acceptance of the adventure, and it seems that
they felt never once cracked a smile is
satisfied with's support before the closed wooden
door between US on my eyes. I became
obsessed with tension suddenly , igniting a
cigarette, and then I remembered the dates with
pursuant to Ramadan. The clock has exceeded 9
minutes and we have a lot to do in preparation for
electoral conference Yusuf Ghazi shortly after..
In the area of the Circus, so that the child learns
hiking, until the parents immediately trained in the
arts of acrobats! At the time, which breaks in which
any father or mother died when their child reflects
the lounge with a glass of milk glass or insists on the
sunrise peace alone, could be other counterpart
tightrope walk, or the black, jumping inside cuffs
[ ]47

firearms and elicit admiration of the public! In this
way is famous for some families in certain areas or
other trade or even in the field of crime. The right to
the Coptic family descends, Youssef Ghazi is one of
the oldest Egyptian families, which is famous in the
field of politics, in view of the role played by
influential in Egypt's modern history, since its name
in the Egyptian government for the first time days
Mohammed Ali Pasha, even now. Throughout this
history has been associated with this name in the
minds of the Egyptians unfair tax collection, and the
roles of controversial during the Royal British
colonialism and then talks at Camp David, and
Palestinian issue, the Yusuf Ghazi lift economic
positions in the State before that holds the ministry
three times until finally established as Minister of
Finance, in addition to that, an academic professor in
the economy, is married to the Jewish, and carries
the American nationality, however, hardly differs in
appearance from the middle class of Christians in
Egypt, and to speak until you feel it is coming from
the bottom of the society, in its own way in modern
market the myriad capable of giving contradictory
expressions of dozens of the way women in popular
areas, high , baby's palate, teeth and prominent
front (the hallmark of the family), tips and abusive,
so he did not refrain from insulting Religion tax
evaders in one of the meetings of the parliament, has
remained one of the abominable strongly faces in the
Egyptian street because the name of many economic
practices that have harmed the interest of citizens,
[ ]48

the latest of which was new tax law, in addition to
another point of weakness, should not be overlooked,
as the candidate of the majority of Christians in the
Muslim population, which placed in a difficult
dilemma, especially in light of the fierce
competition from the banned Muslim Brotherhood
Organization, and the owner of great influence on
the simple people in the street. At the last session,
there were public deals have been divided
between national constituencies, Muslim
Brotherhood, which resulted in the access of their
respective share of the disease of the parliament
seats, either in this session, it seems that, contrary to
what had happened to make the conflict is most
intense. As usual, Brotherhood started preparing for
battle before the date of election months; spend on
several millions of pounds to the poor district in the
form of bags of Ramadan, convoys and free
treatment, in-kind contributions to assist in the
processing of the girls for marriage, with all of the
services they were distributing papers marked
religious propaganda (Sevan, marked by the Qur'an,
the word Holy Quran taken from any jihad against
the enemies of the infidels: "Prepared", and
organized many of the marches have been mobilised
to hundreds of followers of villages and provinces,
that wandered the streets of the region choicest wine
to drink Islamic songs that shook the feelings of the
people. The National Party (which used to be the
result of forging his) is not only a few weeks before
the elections, and only deployment of signs that the
[ ]49

picture of Youssef Ghazi, allied with one of the
deputies of Muslim "national" and, sometimes, by
them appears the photo of President, thundering U.S.
bombers three pyramids and the words (God bless
you to Egypt and Egypt to you) continued to be the
case even if minimum election date a few days later,
came a bulldozer from the municipality and garbage
accumulated in "" pavilion was great election,
was quickly filled, etc. the audience, and abroad, the
scene was worse, where Beit twenty calves for three
days, slaughtered all in preparation for distribution
after the conference!
"A nonsense Secretary-General? !.. Youssef
Ghazi!.. ? Youssef Ghazi!"
These slogans attacked pursuant to Ramadan at
the door of the Pavilion electoral Ghazi Youssef, a
demonstration of at least 200 of the region's poor. He
was shouting in the speakerphone, is riding on a
donkey Egypt's flag, and commentator in his
neck election sign Yusuf Ghazi, while copper bells
hanging on the side of the donkey. Shawqi Meena
clap have maximum what they can to encourage the
demonstrators, while prisoners rescued by silent
about the nausea. The crowds, the dust, the smell of
race, Dung, viscous atmosphere, pools of blood
calves of dew on the ground, loudspeakers, which
echoed in the place Boisterously not likely, sharp
applause from inside Pavilion, naked children, flies..
All of these details was madness! there was someone
to hear in vain pursuant to Ramadan to
[ ]50

prevent people from entering the pavilion as donkey
has succeeded, until he has revealed it security
personnel, while the masses to devastate it inside,
shouted at me :
You are not coming with us?
here to go to a suffocating!
It's constricted?! Ok, remove yourself to God!
Inside the atmosphere was solemn:
sophisticated lighting, and applause erupted deck
high Theater. The demonstration was leaked
between grades occupied by thousands of audience,
while launched pursuant to Ramadan with Shawqi
Meena to greet the Minister, who was sitting next to
a table long, beside Dr. Essam. It seems that the
ceremonial atmosphere had been reflected in the year
everyone and acting as if they were the
representatives of roles in the theater, what is the
opinion of Dr. Essam, pursuant to Ramadan, the
place demonstrators surprised and happiness:
Welcome, welcome, cousin of Ramadan!
Then he turned to a telephone, a minister in his
Da pursuant to Ramadan your happiness that
word your happiness by.. The votes of the whole
region in his pocket!
The Gateway was sufficient to make Yusuf
Ghazi come from its welcome Ramadan currencies
with hospitality. and that the cousin of Ramadan
until it swooped Saeeda warmly accepted, for his
part, was arrested Yousef Ghazi strongly by pursuant
to Ramadan and lifting them high in the icon, the
[ ]51

concept of in front of the public, it won two wealth
of the shouted making real pleasure smirk on their
faces, to the degree that shined in kind pursuant to
Ramadan of vulnerability, with near Youssef Ghazi
microphone from his mouth and shouted:
Hey.. Da one of Habaibna" restaurant at..
Pursuant to Shaban.. I smiled and answered, I said
to him, in the interest of the Galle.. I said to him,
uncle Shaban.. I am inform people of the
regions .. To what extent do need my office is
open.. .. And .. The Office is
wherein door and enter and say that you you
want to help.. .. Da your right.. I am my job I
The cheers and applause erupted, but Youssef
Ghazi go digressing in Hamas:
Not only that,.. We now also 43
Pilgrimage Visas.. The good and mothers who
themselves visit the House of Allah and not able.
And with every visa 500 Saudi riyals help in
accommodation costs.. But you call me the honest
Mataf: the most successful in the elections in
order to serve you ..
Rising applause erupted again, as I am, I
continue to walk through bid farewell to Itaf
Zalat who was accompanying. It was my first move
away from the place, even by reference to the
workshop! was originally a space land where
the parties to the dyer, both, in the 1960s, the
Government of the place to dig trenches
underground shelters by locals at the time Israeli
[ ]52

bombardment, and after the war turned into dens of
thieves prospects blessings, as it turned to garbage
dump, since years, the Government
informing them with Quay maintaining a low
silhouette, did not finish, old role, but he
added to new roles: as has become a park free to the
poor of the region, where they resort to in order to
escape the heat in their apartments, narrow
land around them children, there has been a
complete harmony between them and the place, it is
no longer upset piles of garbage, and the stench,
stray dogs roaming the place where individual and
groups, medley by the cafe next door, street vendors
sweets and nibbles. The feet had outside
, where at least the hustle bustle of
loudspeakers almost disappeared, for to a tree
on the pavement, igniting a cigarette, with the
resumption and lift visual match to the road, if BBC
discovered another Orr stated on the opposite of the
street. It was specifically Brotherhood Pavilion, have
flooded the place with signs marked notably
unhelpful religious Koranic giant heartlands, by the
words "Muslim Brotherhood" carrying implicitly
with US Khabr provocative act, the pay my respects
for a woman mere chance in the corner of envy
them, as it was able to see through the entrance to
the pavilion, launcher and the three sitting to it, with
the side of the public! It seems I had arrived in a
period of silence between the two words, as it
removed one of the speakers behind the podium
microphone to the person sitting beside him, the
[ ]53

Kela wearing Islamic Groups: gown healthy
white beard. Just as the doctor handset in his ears
Before examination, or wearing eyeglasses, one of
them in his eyes before the reading, what that
recognizes the sheikh microphone, even tighten a
smile on his face, forgiving then said
calm tone:
In the Name of God the Merciful, my esteemed
listeners in Allah, I will be, God willing, but I will
tell you one word, but! God Almighty said in his
book Aziz: in the name of God the Merciful. "And it
becometh not if Allah and His Messenger and
ordered them to be good to them", the almighty God.
Da mean, what our brothers? It means that the
choice! ( clapped hands smiling) concluded
salvation! Either choose to religion (arrested Muslim
Brotherhood candidate strongly on the shoulder,
turning a blind eye sight in) and enter paradise, or
rejects religion and fire God forbid! Still, we are all
on the elections go choose a, beloved of God?
Religion! What God Willing..
As Exchange musical roles each of them
the same melody in its own way, was Youssef Ghazi
was sweating in national Pavilion, shouting in
Now he has one, you group requests for
employment for young people. Requests for loans to
small.. Poor people who want to eat live..
and immediately take Dr. Essam opportunity
addressed the microphone from the hands of the
minister and said: What you are seeing people who
[ ]54

viewed with suspicion in our credibility, Mr.
Minister on the first request now, in order
to keep the good omen, (Archery, pursuant to
Ramadan at a glance critical meaning, the speediest
last several papers out of his jacket folded and
presented to the minister, who was abducted by the
addressed to him, Dr. Essam demonstrated interest to
A Da? What God Willing.. very nice!
and then returned by the Yousef Ghazi
halfhearted tone, which is flashing a particular
remote from the public:
Da asked for a loan, you yourself are signed by
some thing Bank..!
The minister reportedly eyes in confusion
between papers and Doctor Essam. But the latter
reassured him with a smile and a nod are
encouraging. It took only one second. beyond
resolving Youssef Ghazi its resolution. So he packed
up and went to his face big smile bowed to sign
papers with enthusiasm, and then grabbed the
microphone from the hands of Dr. Essam :
The first request!
Pursuant to Ramadan did not find what reflects
the gratitude to only swooped on the Minister
again, abducted him microphone
burner with tears:
Member of the constituency's son!
Immediately, the raging public answered:
Youssef Ghazi!
[ ]55

Such forces, which cover the withdrawal by
firing in the air, empty withdrew pursuant to
Ramadan, Meena and they continue to shout until
they went out of the Pavillion as if it were a signal of
settlement, as it launched the roar of rally rushed
hundreds forms accumulated on the podium.
This happened in the same quiet moment in which
the bearded young man in Brotherhood Pavilion,
bowed with reverence to authorized Sheikh
whispered something, what to broadcast Sheikh the
Omagh and considered to the entrance to the
pavilion Frey pairs of young people every two of
them carrying a box filled with plastic bags, etc.
white with the logo of the Organization, proximity
microphone from his mouth and said in serene one:
Now he has one, folks.. The Brothers say that
Fabric ready, and God willing, will be distributed to
you bags in place, there is no need to break the
But any system of the empty places at once
with the rush of the masses on cages, they took funds
and started fight bags of meat, so that the young
people had been forced to leave funds on the ground
and get away quickly, while continued to ditch the
crowds outside pavilion about a meat. The Pavillion
bleeding profusely to the street. Some of the
masses of national pavilion was smelling a foul news
are provided also for their assessed contributions of
meat, but the Muslim Brotherhood chome waiting
for them, and immediately Ola shouting appeared
white weapons Bullets rumbled, stones were thrown
[ ]56

at a cigarette and unloaded feet in the
earth, and then sped away pace as soon as possible.
turned to a battlefield!
I held a demonstration in front of the Muslim
Brotherhood seemed Mixed battalion of international
forces. They squander his lead strongly
Carrying Swords and chains, and the counterparty
, you are another demonstration of thugs
National more than me, I alluded to it pursuant to
Ramadan and then Shawqi Meena
Almog, highest voice. Lula for a moment we
felt we Halkin, and stop pursuant to Ramadan
screaming, Hoot:
Ok, where should we go!
The divine providence has been reflected to us
in that moment on the side of a narrow and dark,
where panicked at the same moment,
where he met with al-Jumaan bullets, and rose
screaming Muzafarrabad, Sawat trashing severe
dozing and ripping, broke out votes women of
homes, and the cover of darkness and noise roaring
has given us the cover secure Fallouh Shawqi to
pursuant to Ramadan like someone who says to him:
out with you! While shouted, panic, running from
wounds of the seriousness of the situation:
Paper loan Sinn Fein?
What I am I have sworn to you!
What I am you again!
" shouted Shawqi, we were greatly astonished
by tone without darkness , slapping his Baolin,
[ ]57

our hearts for a moment. It was felt that the
loss of paper means the loss of our future, but the
cousin of Ramadan we saved it remained eagerly:
Eh.. ok..
Shawqi snatched the papers from the cousin of
Ramadan, and we took him in eagerness simple turn
on the light of the lamp to the mobile from it,
and the signing of the Yusuf Ghazi below it, ,
praise be to God, and have created throes lifeless
satisfaction as the cousin of Ramadan papers pause
to rest within his jacket if a hoarse screaming our
When mind surprise, was a man made
huge short white beard, having a thick
moustache, head shaved, carrying a sword real, (as if
it had come out of one of the scenes in the infidels in
old religious movies) if the he never discountenances
self indulgence in similar to that in "", solution
is threatened, waving to his sword in front of our
faces with a smile crazy while shining eyes a
monster, then he pointed to his cousin Ramadan
other confident tone controlling the situation:
Hat paper da!
At the same moment of the right of the five
others were injured, when we saw them we
discovered that he was not rude and most brutal. He
turned to them like someone :
States bribe in order to destroy
[ ]58

If three of them surround they squander our,
infidels, oh .. Allah Spend!.. Allah Spend!..
But the surprise. As soon enter the cousin of
Ramadan his hand in his jacket and remove lightly
holding something that , fired shots in the air,
what was the only three to back panic reaction of
natural inclination, one of them has been upset
balance of excessive surprise deceased on his back,
while the crowd shouted pursuant to Ramadan,
pointing his gun toward the remaining pipe:
and the movement!!
Just as they say in Ramadan a magical
incantation in their places look at it looks
stupid unpermissible already realized the
seriousness of their position requires, so stick to
sleep and was headed by the birds, and on the other
hand realized pursuant to Ramadan, the time is not in
its favor, since any seconds superfluous in this
situation may have revealed to them hesitated
us! He wanted to open a door for them to escape,
(and were in essence Baba us not them), raising the
barrel gun up tone does not know that it was
serious threatened or sarcastic :
Now he has one who wants to certificate
reading light on his soul, as they want to be
displayed ..
CIVPOL agents, engaging in a look at among
them as if they ask for that was pursuant to
Ramadan, I mean, really a chance to escape, and
their eyes returned to them, confirming what new
understandings opened their legs so that she could
[ ]59

muster presenting two of them in the way more than
And that is satisfied pursuant to Ramadan to
this result, even turned to us his head in Zhu of
expected waiting to be commended, and, indeed, in
reaction moments of terror, which we have
experienced active to pursuant to Ramadan
congratulating cheering, shouted the Shawqi in his
Excellency wide acclaim:
destroy your mind, uncle Ramadan! D'Egypte
gun Da?
He turned back and greeted him as the cousin
of Ramadan with confidence without shaking his
hand anyway pistol, which maintains the same
position that threatened by thugs as if whom he likes
that moment, he wanted to maintain the memorial
will be remembered by himself as long as valued and
cherished by replying Shawqi mainly then Vina
in tone dalliance located between reproof and pride:
Omal you think he did. That Talat of war
but not a?!
and then drawing a wide smile on his face,
what was one of us but that him willingly
embrace diversity, and we accept it cheering, jubilant
escape death, poverty together!

[ ]60

The next morning we bid farewell to Itaf Zalat
who was five - except, of course, in the Office of the
Chief of the bank's credit! from his position , and
the shortcut is the head of the Section in any bank
credit the person who stands at the end of the long
path through the requests for loans, which one signal
from another writer can simply golden, without a
review, to stop any request even if the sound, or to
allow him to pass trafficker profits owner of millions
and enters the World of wealth of widest doors. It
authorized the king of loans, or a guard dreams to
speak. We do not need to mention that the nature of
the work of sovereignty does not require an
interview of one of the applicants in normal
circumstances, but with the signing of Youssef
Ghazi was not difficult, and here is the bow to our
cards while checking it through his glasses dumps is
a paper after the other quietly as we have taken our
councils around the office in altruism and trust
motivated reassure Dr. Essam, US, and his
assurance that the matter very simple and semi-
finished, what gave us a window of time, we went to
Bible in which our eyes in the place and its owner.
the Kela in nearly 50, spacious in front of the
head, elegant, white-skinned aristocratic iron profiles
of expression reflects a strict narrow and aversion
calm and firm, it is seated in front of it a sign copper
etched with his name, and the name of the name:
(Sami Al-Dabbah ,), the Office of huge mahogany
wood in very elegant. Expensive curtains, plush
leather seats, which listened intently our sense
[ ]61

of non-alignment, landmines moquette green plants,
the shadow, the smell of the air freshener combined
with perfume precious sovereignty, and air
conditioning, all of these details have added to the
atmosphere, elegant, made us feel uncomfortable, to
take off his glasses shall mean that as soon as
the resentment and says :
Great.. and AIG required?!
You Thatcher's Son we approve!
It is not possible!
It is not possible Les!
He was speaking in a tone quiet hit crucial
ambition appeared in killing their impact on our
faces. As well as we are aware that there is a big gap
between the amount of the loan is required and the
value of the workshop as a guarantee real estate,
which means that the government is obliged to
natural way as a rejection of the delayed, therefore,
tried to use special , Shawqi, who are to
speak and sped up, saying:
Sir, you have all the papers ready, and then to
request the sponsorship of the Minister Youssef
He interrupted before to finish what I was
saying, shaking his head:
I don't think!
Here, shouted Ramadan's cousin :
Contact Us Dr Essam, Mina!
There was a moment of silence to hear the
name made Mina felt some Gorgeousness face
shadow of joy, rejoicing, being contact..
[ ]62

In the meantime, Dr. Essam ends one of his
lectures in the Faculty of Commerce, at first glance
to one we can note that most of the present and of
the female students who are concentrated in the first
three grades in free the rest of the rows, even if we
spent more time with Dr. Essam Al-Gharabawi
captures password, they called in the league ""
because in scope, which is not in conformity with his
academic, personality fun, clear
Taleban annoying him as a teenager frivolous
behavior, it does not follow a particular taste, but all
girls beauties in its consideration of as long as
they are young and, to the extent that he called them
"", equal has a smile tempting simplistic in
raw materials, hair long , short, soft sound
with her choked voice, Sadr he makes
you feel feminine. Large explosive cold
sleek, even face if available An exciting
customers' body, and Gazes stray frivolous, all these
"qualifications", Dr. Essam, very appreciated. As
with any phenomenon, the prevalence of this piece
of information has led to install graver to about what,
what has been bestowed on Dr. Essam Al-Gharabawi
Hala especially attracted to that type of female
students also has been themed on colorful
butterflies to fire, some of them motivates them
curiosity to the desire to power was reflected in the
self-esteem of the sincerity of what is rumored
around him, and some others, the most practical,
whole to what is behind that of possible friendship
[ ]63

features exceptional seminar will therefore vary
significantly, distinct in the work of the year, or win
some leaks exam, which made the room, Dr. Essam
Al-Gharabawi exhibition accessibility to most
beautiful female students in vain fluidity and
obviously flouts, Famm organization sees an to him
in full , clothing, very elegant and excitement to
the extent allowed by the traditions of the University,
and more than a little! Callous to concert, or
file to a groom, making his office like who
elect faces new representatives of the fame for any
concessions! which raised the anger of the Chief of
the Section and the rest of members of the teaching
staff were Dr. some occasional harassment without
that one would dare to develop real attack him, to
learn all that is protected from "above", but this did
not hurt, Dr. Essam once and for all, as it was not a
society of the whole represents more than decorative
interface does not deserve that Roils marred by or
change the pattern of his life for it , where the
envelope friendly relations is not only a
representative social mask integrates the utter
disregard and lack of sympathy would, even when it
was rumored in the recent period that he leaked
exam to a thief after established relationship with
illegal, it did not seem to Dr. Essam, any minimum
discomfort, faced mounting whisper of students and
teachers, with courage, or to transfer: rudely, to that
of the news To Dr. Abdel Maksoud, the chief of the
Section, so he thought it was an opportunity to
topple Dr Essam,, so he invited to his office, and told
[ ]64

him and evil hints at in his eyes that he wants in the
subject of an important exam on last, so the Dr.
Essam, however, abandoned at a glance and a smile
in defiance yellow, and then considered in his watch,
sitting in utter disregard:
STRONG STRONG, Doctor, but hopefully
what because I have an important meeting
after the text of the hour with the President of the
Council of Ministers!
In Alto students suffered gunshot wounds
in the head of the section the veins of his neck of
anger, but with closed his mouth, and did not think
of opening up this issue - or any other - then again..
Here is Dr. Essam, facing his students lightly
demanded in the twentieth, solution warms up
their audience to the theater before the start in
The solution to the problem of the economy in
again.. In what?
The first inscribed his ear, referring to it on
duty made like someone who strives to hear an
appeal is coming from a remote location, the
students, but that they had the floor was rocked by
the most, it was expected that the consent of the Dr.
Essam, but he shook his head in cartoon resentment,
he pointed to the first row, which is overcrowded
with Taleban imitating their way fluid in
pronouncing with a view to Humor:
[ ]65

The need for disclosures name "" ?!
Rising laughter from the runway, especially of
female students, which make the smile appears on
the face of Dr. Essam satisfied successful
mentioned as the end of the lecture, till it bent on the
Office combines his belongings in time, which rose
tone, waving lecturing to students
cheerfully Actor Bids Farewell to his audience:
Yalla.. Angue!!
The toleration, Dr. Essam surprise seriously,
which passes the threshold and the graceful wide
steps with will speak in the mobile, to continue:
Iowa, Shawqi best!.. Ok, !
At a Glance gratefulness did not appear,
but now only extend Shawqi hand to Sami Al-
Dabbah , mobile, which took a moment Gaube
Shawqi which at a glance the most neglecting
included the mobile Wade Shawqi dark old
effects of injury blow a knife on the back of his
hand, fingers, and the effects of coarse grease under
his nails, and then address the mobile parties in
which his fingers mumbled coldly:
Iowa.. Sami Al-Dabbah , head of the credit!
and brightest in Dr. Essam, great happiness and
a smile as if he met dear friend misses him for a long
time, shouted enthusiastic tone :
Welcome, welcome, Mr. Sami! With you, Dr.
Essam Al-Gharabawi.. Of course .. or what?
We With Sell ...
Interrupted Sami Al-Dabbah , official tone
lukewarm critical:
[ ]66

Please go ahead, sir!
The Dr. Essam, however, maintained its
cohesion to say:
You de people are guaranteed.. collateral, I
personally, and then 250 thousand pounds not
amount, I mean.. Da..
His sector Al-Dabbah , Second Time said:
Great, evacuating paper takes its course. Thank
He reaffirmed the mobile to Shawqi, what to
put on his ear, said Dr. Essam, nervous tone:
It is clear that there is no use.".. Let's cousin
Ramadan Deals!
and that ended, Dr. Essam contact until
his eyes were suddenly when they signed the
beautiful student sit on the front of his car amid her
colleagues, it appears that the group of students who
were in asleep in a fit of laughing and joking did not
pay attention to one of them, Dr. Essam, sneaks into
his car quietly and Farah Sonly keen not to issue any
sound. Cautiously he conducted, and that a move in
the direction of the gate to conquer everyday
requesting screaming and tended back based
on the reservation balance, was shaken and her
colleagues for moments and then had tarried that
realized the situation, raising them cheers, applause,
and whistles..
He said Sami Al-Dabbah , played with
extended his hand to pressurise button..
[ ]67

Sometimes not only gives the human one
moment to decide where his fate. One moment to
choose between life or death. Either to seize and
moves without thinking Last Hope in life, or
Miss in frequency sterile accounts ruin everything,
such as the moment was between by Sami Al-
Dabbah , button on the desktop, where no
sooner had fingers Al-Dabbah , touch the button
until the cousin of Ramadan had jumped from his
place and grasp his hand strongly. The movement
was bold enough to make Al-Dabbah , freeze
in place until after the left hand pursuant to
Ramadan. While approached him pursuant to
Ramadan, which takes breath look strong
fixed, and today is a gesture of us before that says
Les thing but? We too! Three days ago
we .. So what concern you! And we stayed
say is Sinn Fein? Sinn Fein, you see.. ?!
pursuant to Ramadan a thumbs up and
like someone who is trying to remember,
In Marina, uncle Ramadan!
like a rabbit led by lucky unlucky to fall
between a group of wolves, stop Al-Dabbah , we
have eyes various feelings of families, in the
time that we have continued our offensive in which
amused Sadi as if we were doing an entertaining to
the theater under the leadership of the cousin of
Ramadan, which continued its offensive in the same
[ ]68

sarcastic tone mischievous without lifting his eyes
from Al-Dabbah ,:
The IT function, there, Mina?!
There is no need, uncle Ramadan.. De reward
small after the loan is approved by the employer
company golden Persians..
The Baccam loan da, Mustafa?
Five Million!
Weah, SEE OWNER cheek guarantees?..
Never, uncle Ramadan, and Hawa.. By Phone!
Eyebrow raising pursuant to Ramadan:
Oh ?! This Palushi had suffered?!
No, of course! Swear Pasha came out of five
But ... ?!
Not da non-space Marina..
Was it function, there..
The Kheil.. Imported hippopotamus but,
uh.. !! Origin love poetry!
And then the cousin of Ramadan his palms on
the office, throwing Sami Al-Dabbah , challenging
Ha.. Like I tell you I took the km RPM? nor
sees pictures?!
He was stunned and had seized the man began
Al-Dabbah , like a hyper-linked material, which took
place in the trap did not utter a single word,
pursuant to Ramadan finger very quietly..
The Registry!
and immediately came to him the pen
is added, gestures to the paper :
[ ]69

Took Place!
Did Not Find Al-Dabbah , not to bow to the
papers and sign killer..
such as a drop of water has been locked in at
the bottom of a bottle of a sample if the bottle turns,
if liberated is flowing to abroad strongly Earth
gravity, as slipping into the child from its mother's
womb is called the first cry to breathe our air rushed
things in the same way that we have chosen for
ourselves. Approval has been given for the loan, one
hundred and fifty thousand pounds to ensure the
workshop, along with the forty thousand are the
price of the microbus. The outcome is not a fortune,
but it is the beginning of reasonable, to exploit
them as best we can. We found a company under the
name of (Ramadan & Co. export and import), in
Amara modest Sea Bridge Street rented small
apartment, of "". All of us some of the
al-Balah, Nadar saw several allowances used,
suitcase scrap Buick car quickly to new thanks
to the skill of Shawqi Meena and experience
pursuant to Ramadan, finally in our nature cards
regularity in the company. -, for example, has five
Cards: one under the title of Special driver important
figures, and delegate Public Relations, sales, and a
third delegate, and a fourth as a supervisor of sale, in
addition to basic function as Secretary for special
[ ]70

Ramadan, the President of the Governing Council, of
course. Not long after tidying up to now still
beginnings and changes, for example, Ramadan
sermon in first day to inaugurate the company when
a tall behind his office in around the table
A. Mabrouk .. Finally, our company..
tells rigid and that I am FROM
Despite the fact that these words in time,
but I think we owe them already. has embodied our
case simply. We were really poor possessions
whatsoever, now! And then, we must maintain the
blessing. We resolved not to return to the street, and
directed our focus to the future, so we have forgotten
of the past with all its inability and frustration. Our
work in the trade of spare parts imported cars in
containers from China, we started , , did
not go beyond that to the goods never
LEGITIMACY! We changed the name of the place
and the company several times an evasion of taxes
and prosecution control organs, rapid success
and Profit More irregularities or "Smarts" according
to Shawqi. At the outset I refuse this way I have the
black shifts of narrow and anxiety thinking about
where to leave the company in order to save the
remainder of moral Maairi, which started to fall one
after the other as leaves in autumn! I thought I left all
that and return to art, but any Art? The Art stranded
in the brain without the ability to implement it
because of poverty is not an art but is a ticking bomb
[ ]71

of despair almost its holder to madness. Poverty is
the worst kinds of repression and oppression. Thus,
when you Mother of conscience is nearing to
bounce-back to the past, and leave the game as a
whole and stop the dream, was the Ramadan
contemplations to going mad.' In a moment. After
that I got used to! Dad pursuant to Ramadan (and
perhaps I am the one who convinced myself), we are
still young, the capacity of the market for us to
compete with whales, therefore, there is no
alternative but to us the way of smarts. After that, it
is quite normal, Banyarwanda myself on the way of
life and the way of a mechanism in the work I am
more than acts of manipulation and immoral without
a minimum degree of compunction! It also shipped
daily to work, and the time is no longer Mustafa
New Artist has nothing to do with the old one,
except it was my relationship with , which has
been a part of my new contradictory, hints at a
change in my concern questions but I hide with
difficulty resisted the temptation to disclose and
recognition, otherwise our relationship was totally
destroyed and irrevocably, help me, they have been
busy most of the time in her lecture and practical
training in the third year of the Faculty of Medicine,
and then there has been a new development work,
new deal offered to us you are the most enthusiastic
to unspeakable cruelty, was the first operations,
which jumped to the highest strongly our of
"trafficking" on purse Mina sarcastic expression, to
real company which has its weight and name in the
[ ]72

market. The process was extremely ,
inadvisable for Tsunami after a deal, the deal boiled
down to import large shipments and successive
Japanese car brands from one hug in the market. The
shipments had sunk in the ocean caused by the
tsunami in 2004, and is on its way to India, and the
fact that the shipment was insured in one of
insurance companies, insurance company has
resorted to picking up sunken cars nozzles, and
returned to the manufacturer in return for a waiver of
the proportion of compensation, what was of the
manufacturer, but the offer was rejected by the
consideration that the cars that had been two months
in the bottom of the ocean in the volcanic water
contaminated with sulfur is not only scrap painted
, here, resorted to insurance company
marketing the shipment in Iraq, because of the bad
conditions because of US occupation. The first
shipment arrived in Suez Canal when he flew to us,
here, applauded the opportunity pursuant to
Ramadan joy, saying:
Allah? Ok, what we, our circumstances are one
of them!
and began to strive to connect to the company
with a view to the agreement to transfer the cargo to
Cairo instead of Basra. This was a deal tsunami that
we have been able to flood the market, price
smuggled not more than a quarter of the price of its
counterpart of the Procuracy. We have achieved our
tsunami deal did not dream of profits, amounted to
more than four million pounds in two years. But as
[ ]73

life, the market began gradually up to the case of
saturation, it turned into our profitability to
unchanged and then decline, and we have recognized
the seriousness of which involves the adoption of a
company on one product, that succeeded and failed
rebounded bankrupted! With the critical financial
situation of the company, we must choose between
two things: either to search for a new road or
surrender to the decline curve was inevitably will
lead us with time to bankruptcy. At the same time,
we must use our name, which began circulating in
the market, which is not in line with the trade of
adulterated , most importantly we during this
period, we have also acquired enmities are endless
and the market waiting for the opportunity to destroy
us. And how was it easy, because we did not,
compared with them, more than boys playing with or
bugs crawling home must be eliminated as soon as
possible. In short, is no longer in our park as well as
we can no longer work in the same way, the former
should be to find a solution to this problem!
Empty weeks have passed, and in this period of
leisure and relaxation we started we are to last,
our souls to our favorite in Shubra, as long as the
witness to the sweetest and cruellest nowadays, so
we went there..
Sugar cafe overlooking the street-Kheima
Ahmad Hilmi briefcases on a highway, in small
[ ]74

triangular face Garden is divided into two sections,
the wall behind the railway station, security, and
, has made it possible for the on site cafe area
of large illegal redisseminating many, has extended
beyond her bed with chairs from inside the cafe even
enrolled in the ranks of the opposite outside and in
front of the garden, and car parking, and exploited
the tree trunks small branches in comment colorful
lighting, has attracted large number campers vehicle
liver sandwiches cigarette kiosk, and more from the
scanner shoes, rose laughs during the clamor Munis.
We were sitting outside a cafe in the corner favorite
controversy on the future of the company and
what we should do, so said Shawqi, Hits table wood
with his hand in the design:
Believe me, uncle Ramadan.. Non-solution
The Shawqi that we must at this stage change
activity. The construction is our next promising
, prosperous and vibrant housing crisis because
of the population explosion. For us, we look to this
opinion hope marred with suspicion, the cousin of
Ramadan has been categorically rejected. He was not
entirely convinced to leave the area of the car in
which the experience gained throughout his life to
risk in the area of new does not know anything about
him. But, at the same time feared talk Shawqi,
especially when a banner waved bankruptcy coming
from far away. It is invented by the tendency for the
idea may be motivated by fear of loss is not greed in
[ ]75

quarterly profit, communitarian soul of
retainer, intellectuals and then said:
What does this mean?
I mean, change activity!
practice regular charity,- shirts bedroom?
No, separate apartments!
He said pursuant to Ramadan like someone
who thinks we have aloud:
We are not engineers!
But with US engineer has minimum!
Need Money too.
Are there?
With people de!
He said Shawqi, referring to the cafe. He was
prosecuted pursuant to Ramadan answers as if it had
been prepared in advance, but pursuant to Ramadan,
who did not acquire recent answer narrow his eyes
and tends biennia:
hearing I don't need!
What aileth him Shawqi like someone who
gives him the secret slowly taking effect so that the
follow-up, with reduced features pursuant to
Ramadan of concern and focus:
We open the door for the people of that area
employ thing is that their money is returned with
US.. We we solve the problem of capital!
He said pursuant to Ramadan:
But States cannot find a eat!
Someone held Shawqi JR cyclic pursuant to
Ramadan, uncle Ramadan.. People de bad on other
[ ]76

... themselves live Xena.. but cannot find a chance
and what of the future.. We stayed hope da
... Believe me, uncle Ramadan.. I have Feasibility
Study What endure.. You just approved? I am
CIA.. Here? I said what?!
the marriage bond is dissolved pursuant to
Ramadan thinkers deadlines for a moment in which
his sight between us and the cafe, then he studdered:
Here, cheers for the Shawqi:
But Leah one condition!
Leah proportion of any deal with them by the
10 %!
Here extend Shawqi hand re-initiated a while
later greeting and confirming the agreement:
supported the one!
putting his hand in his hand pursuant to
supported the one!
Soon thereafter, have joined hands to them,
repeating all:
supported the one!
Then rose up Shawqi Happy:
Happy remained !
Without that raises his eyes happy
raising his voice over the clamor clamor for pioneer
Fati, he said to him, Shawqi:
[ ]77

According to all the people of coffee pursuant
to Ramadan in two words.. ALL beverages at
their expense.
And what are the only moments in which he
said was broadcast around us so met dozens of
Pioneer's necks were stretched out their necks, and
the curiosity to listen to pursuant to Ramadan, which
seriously deficient confusion for a moment, to look
at imams of, and then he summons his courage
and decided to deal with the reality!


The idea of Shawqi succeeded!
We have opened the door for the people of the
region to invest their money with us, we must
gushing down from the poor simple pounds to tens
of thousands of traders. our work in the area of
vehicles in addition to special dualistic our
shareholders' money, we started our first. It was
quite traditional. We bought a piece of land in the
Pyramid Plateau, the price of the square meter 90
Pounds, four million pounds from the Bank
to ensure that the earth, in two months we have
finished the first sale of a complex Paradise
[ ]78

residential and funded paradise, at a price per meter
1200 C on average. We were surprised at the profits
that exceed the weak cost cycle, rapid capital with
the least amount of risk, so we@ the full two years
in the field of cars before that we discover
this treasure! We knew the game. Marketing mainly
directed to returnees from the Gulf, in addition to
senior officials in the government sectors,
investment, oil, tourism, housing, agriculture, banks,
business, young, and senior doctors, they only have
the purchasing power of these units. Thus, in the six
months we have been able to achieve a significant
margin covering the weakening World Bank loan
funds and depositors together, we started new
projects, before that we, demanding to start paying
our material! Thus, barely a year I even impose the
name of Paradise himself in the real estate market,
its poster shows a rose on three floors of a large
towers in Dokki Street, also expanded organizational
structure of the Department to include planning,
marketing, and development in line with major
companies. and soon we showered offers, tenders,
and between these options, the major tender
announced in the Official Gazette: a piece of land on
an area of 250 thousand square meters in the
northern coast, at eight pounds per meter! The access
to the land means our transition one leap to adult
world. In a nutshell: Just a scoop age that as long as
our dream of a cousin of Ramadan! In order to be
able to enter this process was that we have to set
aside all our other small all our this
[ ]79

window of opportunity. We have had several
preparatory meetings in each time we discover what
in the project of potential new investment, in
addition to the unexpected difficulties to get it.
Which increased my profoundly attached to this
dream, so this was the meeting.
And then, you sons? Nasib stakeholders slip
from our hands, simply?! Da draft age!
He said pursuant to Ramadan UNSC US
eyes and a puffed face red eyes from excessive
ensure fatigue. The meeting had lasted for more than
eight hours, that included two lounges offering, we
had intensive contacts with parties to the task, have
accumulated in her even brooms of cigarettes,
Hall tobacco smoke, and cigars, and the smell of
vanilla aroma of Glion, Dr. Essam, that ended our
appreciation finally virtually impossible to win this
tender Group, at least at the current stage, and we
have fatigue and boredom and despair at once.
organizations took the opportunity to express the
view that negative throughout since the start of
the meeting.
The idea of Uncle Ramadan.. Tender de
not fully!
Ramadan was assigned to head the rest cigars
anyway, while Pierre forehead a thumbs up and the
other two not to satisfaction, he asked in a tone too
dim like someone suffering from colic:
What does this mean?
[ ]80

I mean, the size and characteristics de, was
supposed to get on certain conditions for investors
adults.. However, leaving the pulp is open in figure
da meaning that the door is open for Li pay a bribe!
The last part of the sentence with horror, and
deferred consideration of the multifaceted
researchers on the impact of the conclusion and did
not find, but looks ahead to complete what I was
saying, I hope sudden interest in loomed in the
cousin of Ramadan al-Kabbi, an me:
You remember?!
My Lips with outrage Maktoum:
I think!
Fallouh pursuant to Ramadan humidor matte:
If your words are true, certain to be
large bribe.. Very large too!
Dr. Essam:
and unwritten collections or systems paid
bribes de! Here we build the earth after this? You
punitive condition?!
We build as we built before thing.. "The
him!" buyers of money! The sweet,
but a little bit of the chief engineer, the km puts
adverts in the Declaration, and two daughters
suspicion of passengers marketing rid subject!
It is important to know the first Secretary-
General bribery de!
He said pursuant to Ramadan, putting Shawqi
the rear of the pen between his teeth:
Need a broker!
[ ]81

We reigned over a period of silence, returned
the smoke clouds hovering over the table of new
meetings, even shouted Mina:
Subject da Hey I want one six!
and then drawing a Mina with his hands in the
air has feminized full turn, the narrow waist, and
open up sharply when strongly on buttocks and
played his fingers and a couple of the two sides,
which is a particular flashing, which gave us all the
idea of categorically, any kind of women, I mean,
pursuant to Ramadan for a moment and then
lifting his eyes and said:
Six Naguib de where?!
Since we have a moment of silence puzzled
helplessly, bug that requires the first time for the
voice of the roar of air-conditioning, a refrigerator,
and a corner in the hall, during this heard whisper
vague quickly realized that it is specific: "I know
one," he said. All to audio source
surprised eyes, and that took place our eyes on Dr.
Essam until his face looked away from Irbid,
appeared in confusion!

The minutes that followed were confined in
an attempt from each other to enter his soul in his
[ ]82

body, is struggling to regain its balance,
therefore, protesting against a long time to be
able to exchange this dialog:
Strong , Essam.. A Chin de? your
form large strong..
You also one another.. The palace,
served , press, and you are writing about..
Woman remained a society of the first zip what
they say..
Laugh, and then yearned to look as if it were
warm :
We are their ..
He said Essam and turned his head on the
one hand the left astray looks like someone who
escaped from the narrow, which caused him to
talk about what was and the. It is now in ruins.
This is at least in the eyes of the same, and then
suddenly frozen his vision to a point what
eyes attentively an emergency, and in front of it
was settled back Badi-made old like Odeh
completely, and recognizing that rung in his ear
immediately as long as he was beaten by a
distinctive tune tones with his paintbrush with
nimble on his tendons his soul and mingle
in tune with students clamor , frgrance
was distinguished by please in the same
day, exclaiming God while his eyes. It was twenty-
five years ago, after a student in the university,
but this lute not Odeh and similar Emma
similarity.. rubbers teak wood honey
Brown and appointed 'Chick Flick' label, and
[ ]83

arm-studded Foie, neglected in Villa Shubra
since years did not mention the number, so it is no
longer his recollection or mention where retained
by the! Either this lute almost brightens the gloss
and elegance, which reveals that the attention of
the author of the place, was heard, please..
instruct you? Lute?
Beware of imagination one batch turned to
please :
You back..?
I am not, I said I was difficult. Remember
how we those brats around you in Jenina
jazzy university for us? You know, it is still
playing, Essam? Possible band because I hear you
Like Zaman?!
She is approaching the lute, it submits the
on the wall and progress, it paints warm
smile warmly:
Because I am thinking..
Essam Qilya frequency then addressed the
lute. And the Sirte yesterday, even in his body
Tingle eyes moved as if to embrace a close
friend was absent. Displaced slightly looks as if
waiting for a moment, then began moderating hit
composed by Al Atheer quickly lagoons tones of
the strings heavy flows..

[ ]84


Agreement has already been bribery and prepare
an arbitrator involved please Doctor Essam, for
our part, unknown agents of a party Mr. Ahmed
Minister of Tourism. In the horrific
separated from the canal construction,
incinerator and quotations harmless names,
garbage burning the hour of execution. We
have stood on the roadside like a dusty
Mountain, it was soon to have emerged a black
jeep through smoke, she came back toward us,
the Meena leads our car, beside Shawqi in taking
pursuant to Ramadan follow the position of the
rear bench with concern. I had refused to
participate in this disaster
reluctantly, provided that I am following drove
forage bid farewell to Itaf Zalat who was with me,
payed to the decree has been limited to
monitoring instead of actual participation! cars
stopped close to each other that was opened
doors, bid farewell to Itaf Zalat who was
staying when he saw Shawqi seriously carrying a
bag Samsonite black to meet a man like a dog
[ ]85

Tangled Up in His Black Sea Bald Head and
moustache seen with skin color retention Al-
Aharm ,. Not , or exchange a greeting, but
lifting the Shawqi and open trunk under my eyes
man swollen to tiny slits, surface packages
expert eye, then Poisoned hand between three
classes, (3 million pounds), and exited in a
packages, curses blurring between labor
movement in other trained, and then returned by
the trunk, and taken, then revert to his car,
bystanders applauding the doors. harbingers of
dust storm with strong before we take the
return during the dead..


In that night, it was clear that concern, or to
transfer loss, Martinez had Ramadan! The land is
still pending, and the region entered into by does
not know anything about, like blind crippled,
sensitive way in darkness. What he would do if he
disavowed by the minister and gave him soap"
after the bribe?! Then there will be a blood
money. Even so, would not dare to open his
[ ]86

mouth! However, cannot now only wait the
damned. The Ramadan with a mixture of sadness
lament days Shubra, when the maximum and
untroubled: electricity bill sample, or measure
price tube, or a fine contrary to microbus.
The failure of such things really individuals but
not fatal. The maximum is to the detriment of the
harm is the patience of the hunger for one or two
days have been made redundant, or even months,
or face from neighbors, now cursed
his experience in the business world has learned
that pain the abdomen sometimes be easier of
heartache! and that the Declaration on the need
for the loaf of bread less than the weight of the
declaration of bankruptcy, and that entering the
prison in a fine, less bitter from entering the lack
the capacity to pay premiums banking benefits
millions! Another thing I miss days Shubra is
internal peace. He could have simply if minimum
blackened in the face that raises hands asking
Allah to Take Mubarak and his government and
his son , either these days, perhaps because
he believed that Allah keeps for
intervention in business or the laws of the market
(in his capacity as a world is dirty and nasty
smells puerperal infection bribes
and sex how dirty) had felt that it would
be useful at all, but it is the lack of literature and
religion, that calls for Allah, even between him
and himself to solve it, especially as his tongue
now contaminated alcohol, hashish, and body
[ ]87

appointees, has been meeting of many of the most
beautiful singers dancers, the country, who
come to him publicly not secretly thanks to the
Messager, : (a ceremony audience per
person), a person, but he paid such as an
audience, of course, what is the sweetest !
In addition to something important. That, in the
past, calls on the government because of outside
it, now it is an accomplice with them, and ensure
that if God employs responded that covered by
the scourge of the sky who hit?! And even if it has
been replaced by his problem, what to be the only
solution of defecating in addition to new sink
fastest major corruption in the country? which
exudes smells noses, and resulted in
Ramadan wonder: that Allah sees all this and
remain silent! Without that sends us a hurricane
, or an earthquake of India quakes. It is
quite sure that Allah gives and neglect, and the
end of a century of carob will be black, and with
every day that passes this country peacefully
aggravated with certainty that the Day of
Judgment if the must start from here!
Now he is sitting now unabashedly under
my eyes, was caught red-handed dealing, while
poor Mina naive, who does not know his fate,
sitting under his feet, stone monuments merchant
secretariat actively, it seems forgetting that God
It was pursuant to Ramadan thinks of all
this with his eyes are turning, in the room
[ ]88

spacious and women lying naked under the tree
which brings of vineyards of the lips,
lighting, engineer, and headphones audio
stereogram, the bar, and a corner mood to sit
down now. Before the bed, in the form of the
heart of the red curtains hanging from the
crimson Rashid, and the smell of Race fun
holy irritant, which is similar to the smell of
relevance to corrupt, which with smell of
hashish, aroma precious women's beauty, powder
in the air cold Al Maktoum, gives his home the
smell of well-established and distinct function,
could be renamed the scent of debauchery! Even
so that all the evidence against him, and guides,
the corruption full well deserved
not a visa to reach the ground, but a visa to visit
hell they will burn therein, a hapless journey's
In short, was desperate. He started his
despair turns to surrender to accept the fait
accompli, or are expected to be: Off from Brindisi
for tender for another company, and declares
bankruptcy enters prison, and return to Shubra
worse than it was! Well, come the end, that he is
ready to have! This is how the thought of
Ramadan and withdraw a soul of new Shisha,
quietly he toured the ceiling shook his vision
momentarily Lake Adeel page fell in a heavy
stone, his eyelids and then gaze strongly a
watershed, with its focus, he discovered that the
[ ]89

Meena was fitting of moments between his
eyes, and asked reverie:
You Say You Need Mina?
ask the group?
He said this Meena, a distance between his
hands his head in respect of a reference to a
woman in the magnitude of a tree.
Do you mean?
Your group.. You aren't strong uncle
did surprise him the question until he had
extended his head, denouncing:
Hate?! I am if you are named after the
group name you Pav you?!
Then displaced Blind Eye away from the
tone of exponential growth:
Girls aren't what they want to..
crazy.. .. Don't understand what need..
let them comfort!
And then attract a soul of hookah strong red
stone him, and then leave's nave out slowly with
It is important.. There is no news on the
ground, Mina? !..
I know your knowledge, uncle Ramadan..
The had gained from Ramadan, his
tongue and started chatting like someone
You know, Mina we our fault that we are in
the subject of the Da.. He was supposed to start in
[ ]90

the People's Assembly. It was our time now does
not frightened about the need and putting our
hands on our pots..
And then considered it's eyes:
Do you think it's you, Mina Al Atta da
possible lay us?.. Optimistic mean?!
Mina lip:
Frankly, uncle Ramadan!
Mina sanctuary: Well, Oh my God!
and laughed so strongly coughed for:
Aref, Mina most important need in our
country de?
Money and influence!
He said pursuant to Ramadan surprise
seriously wear waved a shisha:
Money from non-influence, like not blaming
time of non-man forbid it!
Here emitted ringing strong mobile:
Reply da!
He said pursuant to Ramadan the prospects
for Mina of Isareli:
HAH..? You heard how?!
The enlightening screen in front of you, oh
Umm Qasr Ahi! Yalla.. A reply!
The.. Iowa, Dr. Essam!
MENA said the mobile construct loose
tone, then the pervaded the vigilant surprise:
Hard, and Allah?!
The CIA?
[ ]91

Mina turned to Ramadan,
overwhelming happiness:
A thousand congratulations.. ATA
disembarked we have Uncle Ramadan!
Ramadan opened his mouth like someone
who wants to say something, but he did not speak.
Only felt that his heart beat. Lively again. No, not
a synchronization pulse, But dancing
until the morning!

Finally, we got on the ground!
The untold delight we have not scratched
tread over the plateau overlooking the
Mediterranean coast, a vast penetrates it through
the green and blue, pillow-top mattresses butter
white when his limbs and leads to the beach is
cordoned off by a keycard waves of Hanan!
The reasonable? This treasure has become to us.
Toppled my glasses dark solar
consideration of the beautiful landscape. I
remembered what she said me dear! That
everything relative: dream, in fact, and fiction.
Here I am sure, which says! If this is a dream, the
most beautiful that we see a reality, and that was
a reality, the most beautiful that we see into the
dream. I am no longer classification, it is
[ ]92

important that we live this unique moment, and
do not let it slip away from us. times we see
memory for the what we live, and will be a
spectrum for the future, and the presence of Seoul
days what to Courtyard times. So we will
see our lives, after death, as we see it now? Or will
be transformed into the other with all dreams to
dream of the merits of the case, assumptions short
exists only in our imagination?! Therefore, it is
not prevail, we live, but what impressed by him in
our memories honestly, this alone, which will
remain, as it says dear, after that disappear
things! Ah! How I wish to make something, that
continues to this world, do not disappear from
memory! Therefore, did not doubt for a moment
that this treasure has become ours already, did
not want to spoil we remind
ourselves that all what we live in is not only a
dream Africas with him, within a workshop were
despicable and dark-Kheima?! Do not! But it is
the true extent of sincerity, and genuine as !
And I can now that I hear the roaring of the Sea,
looking quietly and observing Blue Sky
fresh air filled lungs, here I am, defiance in
, bowed to the ground and I quote a
handful of sand and then from
between my fingers in the air. It smelled fresh
saturated sea, fish, and the sun and the
warm, and here is the cousin of Ramadan
guarantee between his arms and voice cracked as
he conceded that his emotion:
[ ]93

- Finally, our dream is o. I am not certified
in kind.. Here largest tourist village in the
country. The village of paradise!
Then, he turned to tighten the arms
- your chance came arrival, Mr. engineer to
convert this land to paradise!
For me, I did not less than ecstasy of
brilliance, so I prepared my dark glasses
smile did not want to expose the joy of the
Infantile dance by my heart, in the time that I
myself when those awe that every artist knows
when facing white page!

In the past few months has been busy
following creatively designs and the village. The
lifetime opportunity, as long as I dreamed of,
TO WORK enthusiastically and phased. So
my shrunk to rare times has been replaced
by the discussions in the project Don't Talk This
Way. It took two months to complete preliminary
designs, and about this time to implement them
on your computer by a team of professional
engineers, and has been the preparation of
abroad, then soon the company began a campaign
ads marketing great village, quickly have borne
fruit, and then we started construction in full
[ ]94

swing, benefiting from the payments book units,
to the soft loan from the World Bank at a value of
15 million we got in would smile and simply do
not compare to severe difficulty that we have got
the first hundred thousand, it became clear to us
that the play very much easier to millions of bitter
struggle for a living, and here is the village extend
under our eyes on an area of 200 feddans ready
for delivery. The chalets and cabins, Villas area,
business center surrounded by open area theme
parks, Hall, a film, small mosque in the form of
an obelisk carved into the Pharaonic verses Kufic
gravestones inside cartridges like writing
hieroglyphics, a bowling alley, and tennis courts,
equestrianism, in addition to a number of the
most prestigious international restaurants. And
that I simulate nature, all the configurations
or waves of concrete inspired by the sea, and
approached the automatic Rural Villages Open
gardens old neighborhoods instead of
cliches cold engineering firm, which brought to
an exciting exploratory and cozy atmosphere. we
reflect on the village of our site on the plateau, we
are far from giant lying on the beach,
fascination, until he screamed in Ramadan in his
excellency, long-overdue on my back:
its currency, genius!
ecstasy, satisfaction it
fill my chest with satisfaction did not know lean
over ten years that followed the graduation. The
creative which emerged recently is the essence of
[ ]95

what concerns me in this achievement, despite
that you are fully aware other side, which we
have achieved; it has already reached what we
desire: adult world! Only now, we no longer need
to worry and fear. The conflict ended with waves
wall survivor ship.

bright colored Village
Night rose, shouting, cheering guests who strewn
across the beach giant until the theater! The
preparation for opening ceremony took full week
to show in this form: Audio Devices, lighting,
distributed in each place made air shaking music,
and a giant screen that displays on the theater of
the paragraphs of senior stars: Tamer Hosni,
gardens, belly dancer Dina, (which now lead
paragraph on the melodies of popular song
vineyards), and now is the kneel to rear of
shaking the public dalliance interesting manner,
raising the shouting and whistles of a new,
erupted with wine bottles over their
heads, also played many girls and women dance
naked clothes mere imitators Dina movements
with a view to draw attention. This was an
overview of the manifestations of youth passing to
the ceremony, either the region for senior visitors
[ ]96

in the hotel's courtyard and around the pool, of
course was characterized by an aristocratic
Majestic, where inform the place the security of
the hotel in cooperation with the crew VIP
escorts, and at home, the higher the display
screens, Sri sound from the speakers, up
calculated, was accompanied by natural echo
carried by the wind, and the attendance of
community Summit in a match to review the
finest wildcard evening, including
Shadha Umar imported perfumes, Sri buzzing
speeches interspersed with soft laughs male
respectful signal, and women's ringing,
aristocratic, and sometimes thin coin. All that the
form of a background of elegant and comfortable
allow any two modern exchange in full freedom
without one, which is exactly what you do
I and dear. For me it was not the party represents
more than the opening of an unpretentious
commercial project. A part of the propaganda
campaign and marketing of the village, the dear,
which succeeded with difficulty in persuading
them to attend was curiosity Magnate to explore
this layer, Layer corrupt "precious" and the like
to call it. was honestly surprised at how nice
clothes, which was selected to attend the
ceremony. not strange in disagreement on what
used to wear it, but because it was barely differs
from the way in simple clothing. Now therefore
jeans trousers and a black man style elephant,
lashes embroidered black longline silver
[ ]97

Najaf went instead of T-shirt. Suddenly 's
eyes and noted with surprise infantile
Boss boss boss. Do you see what I am ?!
The CIA? But the non-what consultation!
She was referring to two men share in
modern funky Toto, one of them is a
religion of the neck of the planned Green
tastefully decorated in an elegant rustic and one
Shapely silk black only that the two
high shaking hands, she said:
"Brothers" and "national" a beauty and
harmony da God? !.. What , they are also
the ones who eat in some of the media what they
Sawa.. Two factors like men, he
and his wife were.. With the daytime
misinformation and at night-time ghee, honey!!
The surrealist embodies the struggle for power!
Fired high laugh belonged to change the
Ok, hey, come recognize the People.
arm of spontaneous movement on the
one hand, the group :
Uh.. A computer!..
The CIA?
There is no need? in a
demonstration yesterday
resigned because of the judiciary.
Anger :
[ ]98

I am not asking you about the reason for the
demonstration, I am exactly why ? You are
the owner of the money talk da?!
It was known as negative opinion of the
feasibility of the demonstrations, and expected a
quarrel coming, I smiled and told him
downplaying of the command:
Praise be to Allah Hazarajat sound!
opened my mouth to say something, but the
strange teddy bear activity in the place, and
began to change their places of escorts rushing
toward the door of the hall, flew underneath the
eyes, and what to do next even dear rose
sarcastic surprise:
What God willing, you you arrive at too?!
Over 40 years, the age Bahgat Allam
political punishes the three heads of without
shaking his position in the government, not only
that but continued promotion of junior officer in
the Republican Guard Office of the
president's national security, and finally as
director of the institution of the presidency. In
order to illustrate the seriousness of this position
is not sufficient to say that, from a paper, or a
complaint, or important incident, or a person, or
even information that can be passed to the
President, but the way it is, and of a presidential
decree (whether officially or orally) but it would
be the first to know the Allam, which make the
Bahgat Alam in the last ten years one of the most
[ ]99

serious participants in decision-making on some
invisible, in addition to this, the secretariat of the
ruling National Party, and succeeded in
maintaining a seat in the Parliament of the Al-
Helmiah power for several consecutive sessions so
far. Although the Christian majority in the
chamber to ensure that no candidate won a
Christian, however, the influence of Allam was
guaranteed to win every time not spent one
penny, as it did not need more than the sectarian
game simple, where agreed with senior Salafi
sheikhs of the Security of the State, the religious
rhetoric in the mosques of the Chamber against
Christian population, and encourage their
followers to exercise of bullying on behalf of
supporting religion to settle as a result of the
elections in favor of Allam against Christian
candidate, however, when demonstrations broke
out wide sectarian, because of the disappearance
of Christian's wife was rumored kidnapped
Allam, played the role of the Peace dove
between feuding groups, made contacts and
agreements concluded by handing over to the
church, (in strange position makes the Church
authority over the authority of the State), that
eased the feelings of Christians angry
disturbance! Suffice it to influence Bahgat Allam,
to reflect on how torturing Utmost cruelty.
An example of the famous story with Dirdeiry, a
businessman who is popular in the locality, was
called the "whale construction". When informed
[ ]100

of Allam Dirdeiry intention to nominate himself
in front of him was sent to him from warning nice
style, but he insisted he declared his challenge to
him, and he was not arrested for this man, in the
48 hours had faced more than 150 charges,
beyond political life forever! either in his personal
life, it is known for being the Zeer Allam women
of first class, a fact which did not seek to hide
never Allam, on the contrary, it is always boasts a
multilateral relations to women's close friends,
(these stories are not only a few of the many,
narrated by his driver Mena said by virtue of
their friendship close arising, which confirmed
the Mena said "in detail" the rumors about the
exploitation of Allam its influence in the work of
the romantic relationships temptation of
Fine Art and society, and not to respond to a fight
in their work or fabricates a charge of
prostitution popularity immediately.
Is this enough information to draw a picture
of Bahgat Allam?
Of course not! Above all of the above are
the most important capabilities of Allam at all,
but first, . What the person was a man or a
woman, but can Allam one glance and a few
words of passing to define exactly what kind of
people is. Not only that, but it, and preserve all
important background information about him,
and then recorded in his memory steel until the
need for it, and then reflected this capacity when
Allam this person a coincidence after years his
[ ]101

and asks him, for example, the health and
boys, here, fall in the heart of man, crescendo and
awe, subject to Him! Although the Allam
Dies at 70, but it seems to be smaller than the age
of five years at least, staying in Shape Staves Off
system thanks to strict military life,
regularity of sport, all that disappears in ordinary
looking not draw attention, medical and
subsistence requirements of old classic style, his
hair light, wayfarer defeat but, malicious
way in talk, his voice voice hoarsened,
reformulating edged black and shook hands with
loose, all this gives to be completed to attend a
thorny, not comfortable making it more like a
mouse, an old arch, in the recent period have
spread rumors that Bahgat Allam gear that
tremendous pay "Draft Inheritance". means the
preparation of political scene to receive the
president's son, to succeed his father in power, a
term which spread to attract the attention of
ordinary people, who feared that the new man
. The legendary halo of fear and uncertainty
, which takes Allam made many people of
influence and statesmen and politicians even
opponents of them fear him as a
last and liquidation to resolve differences and
problems, so that many fictions works
"bogeyman"! The right to the Bahgat Allam was
the first and the most important of the US help in
the draft the village from the moment we get on
the ground until the day before to open, it is only
[ ]102

natural for them, then, that seems to be pursuant
to Ramadan anxious and tense. This picture is
waiting for the guest, so He recollected himself,
assisted by the Shawqi, to be ready for the arrival
of the guest, and here is the news of his arrival in
the hall, what was the cousin of Ramadan, cutting
his talk with one of his guests suddenly (causing
embarrassment to the guest), ran toward Bahgat
Allam to be the first to welcome the Secretary,
with the impact of Shawqi Meena.


After a few moments, you are dear in my
car outside the village. The darkness hides the
Sahara sky has lost all trace of noise that they are
sounding like air isolation barn dark car. Moor's
fired Lane, had been entrusted with her head on
the steering wheel, as generated in which my face
away in an attempt to calm my nerves, but every
[ ]103

moment of silence, we were more than the more I
angrily asked her.
Li, you can say what happened Da?
So I asked her sharply, has not responded.
The escalation of emotional Pidie on board
the vehicle:
When we upstream I wasn't calling her
"", in times of anger, I am automatically fights
caused by its reckless abstract humiliate. Angry
opened to say something, but I have been
frozen when raised to addressed to me. The
's eyes with tears:
A response to you! You are the one who is
not designed I met there are people like states?
Fragmentation reared its ugly head
and then returned to eyes forcing her out:
If you saw what I saw what was I not i
said only that!
And then voice cracked as he conceded that
its voice crying:
Estimated say, I mean, uh, Judge
central security imposed by IAEA director
general Mohamed El Baradei ! Tell me, an
engineer, an informed, uneducated.. Tell me da
The panting under collapse tears like
bleeding profusely, face several times
Nada affected by lace cumbersome,
then thinkers!
[ ]104

-25- -26- 27 - -28-

The following afternoon promenade
on Aga Khan in Shubra, we left our cars in Abha.
April Shawqi beige, Dr. Essam, silver, Prado,
cousin of Ramadan crimson led by Mina, finally,
Toyota headdress, chosen by me dear eyes color. We
were tired , are filled with ecstasy of victory
and comfort access. The reasonable this?! The
workshop destitute clique, which did not know you,
Egypt only despair, unemployment and loitering
become a paradise?! Land and projects which
expand tourist village on the beach sea in a
world of dreams?! All this is for us? Even our town,
which was not identified yesterday it is today we
smile cunning! Oh you from force majeure! Oh
eaters never forgetting the poor strength necessary
rulers insurpassable. was the first to call you "killer",
Cairo! But this is not the time for the account, but
the joy and enjoy a taste of victory! We have
iron wall promenade looking forward to page Nile,
we Whiffs bandages neck as . In
the water, a group of boys were playing. Shouting
and bustle. Spray water races and laughed. We went
we reflect on memories of our childhood and
[ ]105

dreams, what exactly like today, nothing has
changed only dreams of manifest, the reconstruction
of assumed, and years did not feel it! One of them
lay back on the Nile, softly, and staring at the
sun disc. The rest of them, and they were three,
participated on the pavement in a colorful paper
plane, the swings in the air slightly between distant
planes, do not know its source, perhaps from other
places on the other side, if rises and they are
consulting, and began to attract the thread
plane quickly rose to the sky, and took flying alone
in high stature, seemingly disregarding the fluttering
long, as Princess of mounts throne in dread and
pride! Shawqi, sight on the horizon the
anniversary of his eyes and his lips items under the
smile reconciled with self-restraint, to
Ramadan standing next to it:
- A thousand congratulations, cousin of
and then transferred his sight among us:
- Secretary-General was ratified, a group,
which we, the Da?!
He commented Ramadan with satisfaction:
- everything is growing?, you sons!
Then he turned to us it flirting:
- And then we go that we may.. Or what!!
The giggles complete tranquility, no sooner had
we bid farewell to bring even turned Shawqi to
pursuant to Ramadan the mysterious smile smile on
his lips and gained his new tone. Ramadan for
a moment but he did not want to raise his eyes on the
[ ]106

Nile. What was of Shawqi, but our country more
than in having stood and said:
- a thousand congratulations, cousin of
Ramadan.. Finally I check our dream!
Here, he turned to Ramadan sharply the Irbid
- say, what Shawqi.. What ?!
- say thank God, uncle Ramadan.. Convicted
we concluded the Village will be the text of the
units, now heed my right.. or what?
- The right?
Shawqi laugh fired short high, then quickly
disappeared to be replaced by the expression
"hostile, and raise its voice as if he tells us about all
of us:
- Haky profit sale of units in the village. Ten in
the hundred what we agreed on! ABC,
uncle of Ramadan? You forgot or what?
the marriage bond is dissolved pursuant to
Ramadan a moment and then said:
- No, of course! Your Right in safe hands.
Held, Mina hat purse Shawqi of Arab!
This is the cousin of Ramadan to Mina,
proceeded immediately to the vehicle where absent
moments, then returned holding a black bag small
open to Shawqi face:
- CIA da?!
- your right, Shawqi!
Shawqi bag:
- Da not right?! I Hakki MILLION!
[ ]107

He rejoiced and learned Ramadan:
- You in your mind? Million Pounds
what you are talking about them.. You ?!
The Meena :
- our day Phil: Guys!
He said Dr. Essam:
- Hey capture presented a little bit.. Not
some because nonsense!
- Shawqi did not utter a single word, but
throwing Shawqi looking firearms to
his face. Later, he returned to face pursuant
to Ramadan, taking his hands in new sieged
in Design:
- Boss, you are Ramadan.. you sold 100 units
up to now.. Winning the 10 million pounds,
up till now, I mean, I've followed the
agreement Million Pounds.. The rest
after sale of the rest of the units. Da what I
- Our agreement was one of the hundred, but!
- Not ten. States witnesses!
- What .. You !
Shawqi shouted in anger:
- You , teacher!
The rushed a few steps are pursuant to
Ramadan, Lula Meena I strongly participating even
by means, as it dropped a little while pursuant to
Ramadan to the wall and lit the cigar in calm and
said in overlooking the Nile:
[ ]108

- look, Shawqi.. What we have agreed, I am I
have sworn to you.. I don't Have and What Else, if
you want to increase recently, my son, will give
you a laid! I what I have said, you have Ahi..
Take It.. Not never throw it away in the
sea.. In a briefcase, Mina!
This is how you say Ramadan last words
harshly and decisively, the speediest Mina pouch and
presented to Shawqi in silence. The Shawqi pouch
and considered, and then lifting his eyes. Were
, landmarks, sent a look cloudy, and then said
in a loud voice GHARIB:
- The thing?!! Ok, Ahi!

If they received pursuant to Ramadan
coincidence, and I asked him about the place, it will
not hesitate a moment to help you. On the contrary
would do so very happiness and attention. At the
outset, may deliver you some simple questions in
transit to determine exactly what you want, and this
is the apparent target, the hidden objective is
identified to you! Often you will find nothing in
modern by one of Zingers. , and
perhaps exchange some views, even if relieved
curiosity, to inquire about his mind, started guides
you to your destination with all the accuracy and
[ ]109

interest in it, the Peace Secretariat of the person you
are looking for, or to volunteer to sends you one of
young boys (who are not abstaining from playing in
the street day and night, and do not come to their
homes but to eat or sleep), we have now turned to a
friend. Warmly goes on and on, when
inevitably will remember. The surprise devolved
will blow when one of them tells you that the person
who met him since few, did not hear one word,
simply because it is deaf! This, in short, is the key to
personal Ramadan. Does not heard pursuant to
Ramadan Really?! Only God knows! Often we asked
ourselves this question. Only answer was due to its
ability to read the language and False Bosoms, as
already explained. But sometimes, this interpretation
is unable to stand in front of some things. Sometimes
it seems pursuant to Ramadan like someone who
does not care about even given the retracting his
hand without affecting the flow of talk between
them, and sometimes fail to make it "hear us", erect
higher exits to clarify each character, and enlist
references gestures, and in the end does not solve the
crisis, but a paper and rarely before Ramadan what
we want to say. For many did not depend on one of
many before this mystery as long as there is a kind of
interpretation, as I am, of what I offered dear
scientific interpretation of strange, as she told me
that she had read once on one of the types of
psychological disorders to the loss of temporary in
one of the senses, , or hearing, for example, if
an earthquake strong emotional or acute
[ ]110

depression. choke so it is perhaps a few minutes for
months, and then disappear this situation is often
itself, is suffering pursuant to Ramadan such a thing?
There is no doubt that the answer will not be in one
word, but we may need to take a look at the life of
passing pursuant to Ramadan as a whole!
Pursuant to Ramadan, whose full, Ramadan
Abdul Majid Mohamed Radwan, seventy-three years
old, was born twelve years before the revolution,
July 23, there is, behind a school machines in
the poor district of Galatasaray Dome district,
successive Governments property, which witnessed
the plant's inured processions, decrees, scandals and
conspiracies and demonstrations finally: Revolution!
His father was working, noting Maurice textile
factory in the same district, it was often accompanied
by him to work as Ramadan be untangled and
workers and generate buzz his ambition to become
an engineer, but lost his mother early, followed by
the father went in another direction. Ramadan moved
to live with his cousin Suleiman husband talk was
his wife Soraya any in beauty. She loved Ramadan
by the concerned as a nation, it seemed that
the Ramadan will inhabit a happy life is stable in this
small family, but the blow toppled by leaving their
impact in the same Ramadan. In one winter nights
during return home if inning object Shay in
the field of flowers, and ask for Women:
"jet out"!
[ ]111

They tied up the husband and beat him with
rifle butts until he fell unconscious he fell
bloodstained before in blood, when prospects for,
rushed to small and behind Ramadan as soon as the
price of (police station), and shouting face:
oh people.. Your Excellency, I looked
.. them thieves stole my wife! Raising the
officer English eyes: Secretary-General stole your
mirror man are you? He said: Asaker inning! His
face lightly! The officer volunteered Egyptian
position treatment facilities. The lever pursuant
to Ramadan the cornerstone and tighten the
shoulder: What Ha back!
- Hard honorable officer.. I mean, these
- I hear. The alone. Huda chill out you
are just, and your mouth" .. What rewrite
on yourself! Understand?!
They bring home shame bag containing US
dollars and Pounds sterling hundreds!
Indeed returned stray chandelier torn after three
weeks, but the setback suffered by the family had an
impact on all what to spread the disease of his uncle
Solomon excessive drink and then died quickly, and
with his death the family torn apart, and this has
been reflected in the Ramadan xenophobic English
and King, and wished to grow up and become a
leader of the nation, enters Zaghloul or Mustafa
Kamel, him and walked; in pupils in demonstrations
against the king, as an army of red ants
short in front of the palace, shouting: "King
[ ]112

SAP Queen, Nariman, Jaap lost small but see
him Sinan!" and his friends on their necks ,
shouting from behind him: "Oh, Farouq, Wicca.. Hat
Your Mother Of America!"
His uncle Saleh framework of his hand, and in
the iron refers to the university graduates prescriber
Warning: You see, Ramadan?! Ramadan
university graduates and they stick to their backs and
chests testimony University seal University of
King: rights, medicine, engineering, ethics, while
bend sweeps the streets, and polishing shoes and
surveying foreign cars to embarrass the government.
feel compassion for his cousin on his shoulder:
Because of this I am chill of chap - he nodded
the tale of Engineer de final! Education was
available but jobs which fit for university diplomas
were not for the people, but disabled mediations of
great men tiles, in while the guests enjoy the sons of
the aristocratic class laziness vacuum.. Ramadan has
absorbed the lesson, his uncle Saleh plant division
(Antoine Shusha and his sons) in rain-fed the
country or as it was called the English "the town"
(the town) of its jurisdiction in the market, factories
and shops, which they have been misrepresented by
people in the name of the olives, and then spread
new name CNCA blessing because it was the
name of the Qur'an and a symbol of goodness and
peace. Ramadan Received professional education
first by Al Khawaga Stefano Greek George ,
learn to craft its assets, (and still boasts so to Now!)
lived in warm flowers in Shubra behind cinema
[ ]113

Dolly, there where the Ramadan or Soheir first
juvenile girl! .. .. Any: Oh, a dog, a
pig, and sometimes insults, swearwords without
regard this: Quarterly Loss! Although enrolment of
Ramadan to work and deprived of education, and to
participate with students in demonstrations, but it has
remained the hatred nevermind, king and their
associates, it was thought that work away from the
atmosphere, which I love, but it was soon known as
the group of workers in their discussions of
intellectuals, who Nd textile workers in
demonstrations demanding to improve their
situations and stop the export of cotton to Britain,
and the demand to leave. It is a factory Shusha to a
workshop (Abdul Salam Abu Taleb) next to the
Abdeen sailors, where he was frequently on
"al-Khawaja" Abdul peace friends, who was one of
them: Youssef religions, or of Suso Diane and was
known by his friends, Jewish, who was impressed by
the boy with skill and the Secretariat. and it become
insist on, after other time: "What a hero.. Don't you
intend operate with US?! Since it was felt by some
fear and hesitation, says to him: What . Not
indolence. in two workshops at night
and arrest of two workshops! Suddenly the
revolution! Ramadan was surprised as the other
Egyptian armored convoys fill the streets of major
district and prohibits the curfew, and isolate Al-
Tahera Palace, what was it that swept with million
Egyptians to the streets. Filled with the field of
Ismailia (Liberation) now, etc. the students and
[ ]114

workers, Egyptians and the ordinary people, and in
the field of Abdeen, lined up the army officers who
led the coup in the balconies of minors, waving to
the masses, which was flying their lives in the sky of
ecstasy, shouting from the depths: "Long live the
revolution.. People's Army and the Army of the
people !!!) ".. The revolution, such as beautiful
dream of the Egyptians of humiliation King Britons,
and their associates, and returned to their sons again.
It was therefore Iman Ramadan revolution
Insured New religion not be shaken and unwavering.
He was ready to sacrifice his life in the process,
when he declared Abdul Nasser nationalized the
Suez Canal Anglo-Tripartite Aggression on Port
Said, did not hesitate in Ramadan accession to young
volunteers in iron door and then travel to popular
resistance to rescue the besieged city. After that
aggression could splinter returned from Port Said
Ramadan, Iron and Steel Plant, which was
established by the leader as a base to launch in heavy
industrialization, then the foundations of a workshop
Shubra, married , and stand face to face with the
leader who shook hands with him and commended
the superiority which transmits it distinguished
workers Certificate of Appreciation training mission
to Germany, but what he heard dire forebodings war
in 1967 to apologize for travel, and surrendered
himself to the army. as reassured as to Dean view
held by the miracles did not Ramadan Ramadan
doubted for a moment, the possibility of aggression
and crush Israel, in order to restore full occupied
[ ]115

Palestine. Across the desert with thousands of
soldiers and shoot enthusiastic songs, and suddenly,
in the middle of the desert turned upside down until
he felt that he dreamed of, and what is not true. The
Israeli aircraft fire cloak like rain cross over their
heads from the east to the west, and then return
safely without mercy, when they tried to
address orders strange and frightening:
destroyed all withdrew heavy drop your weapons!
redemptive in the desert, and on the way back, the
Ramadan old friend, the presence of the Commander
of the unit officer Fahmi, moderately in his mind.
The non-certified that his friend was martyred until
the end of the trip, and when he towers, telephone
lines from far started to regain consciousness, and on
the edge of the highway stop unpermissible beware
the truth for the first time. He turned back and
greeted him as to desert light read the spirit of the
martyr, and then he stepped on foot swollen hot
asphalt road, well this movement between the two
men, and . The stop in front of the pavilion in
consolation died lucid manner and shabby
presence frightening mourners shouted one of them,
fleeing from the place: a devil Ramadan! What I
believe this phrase! True to the extent that it could
serve to address new personality! He has retired
from Ramadan in doorknobs, joined in the way
Borhami school at wool. The interim period helped
him to cope with new life. After that, he traveled to
work in Libya, there was heard in October and
restore the land, not precluded from examining
[ ]116

whether such an extraordinary news delayed by a
few years! Egypt reasonable wealth and then fell,
and soon his livelihood, his daughter, his dear son,
by Alphonse d'Albuquerque is a blessing, it was a
RAMADAN large workshop in Doqqi was
generating profits excellent, except that dispelled all
the hashish vanquished the life of amusement to go
wild and crazy junk women, dancers, girls and night
workers and wives respectable men.. In this period
the marital life has deteriorated and abandoned or
Soheir that went bankrupt and was forced to return to
the Shubra, where he has retired in the workshop of a
new, until this moment. Bring Shawqi Meena from
alleyways near to work with boys in the workshop,
and found two consolation and solace for giving
birth to males. and jurisprudence, even bought a
microbus, offset by market recession, only a few
hardly sufficient to continue and his family
life. Never did not steal, not oppress one never,
rising gasoline prices each period, is another of the
taxi, and bears loss for himself. Always recommends
Shawqi Meena only take taxi from needy, or children
going or returning from school, or a woman
incapable such as . It is not insane or been much
more so. On the contrary. That poor man is much
less than what it deserves. As for the question of the
designed by, thyself that he exploited to save from
the exploitation of Shawqi in the agreed, pain is also
trying to be exploited for profit is not the right? Why
is exploited by people? that when they are seen to his
[ ]117

life not only find continuous series of exploitation.
Seventy years of his grab will have lost himself and
everything? The poverty of rules, as well as to get
rich its bases, and here is the opportunity to have the
recently conquered himself of this terrible life, may
be blamed because it is trying to live for once, as he
wants without exploited by one? Once live proud
resistant secure non-free, even in a world of Dream
until the morning?!




[ ]118

Such as two trains similar cease for the
side by side, but when he was first left
beware the other to that stands alone,
Georges moved, if the distance to
accommodate them mad! This is how
matters have developed between me and
dear since I joined the company. Front
opened up entirely new world. you learn
new things every day and met with types of
people did not deal with it before, and I
have one of two ways, either to reject new
global in my experience and come
back as you are, or that absorbed what is
happening around me and successful
with you chose to myself as always. Thus
did not hesitate in choosing the second
road. changed my way of food, clothes,
drinking water and talk and thinking
about the end of the change, which is the
most dangerous material aspiration which
did not exist in my dictionary. As for the
first time begun i'm ideas of the type:
When I put my skills to the service of
others, even if it was pursuant to
Ramadan? When I Draft? Why should
begin with the Office of (housing)
engineering directly? Would it not be wise
to start contracting company standard
personal financial safety check Me First?!
Not necessarily in the field of architecture.
The company can be cuisine or ceramic
factory, or even the trade currency, thus
[ ]119

New World soft sand leakage pool
even become . This situation warm
faded between me and dear Don't Talk
This Way dreamy disappeared on the
future architecture and new cinema
movies, and replaced by petty details
of work daily, which controlled the fully: A
conflict "clannish" abhorrent atmosphere
generated by collective action and
generates the organism Race, feces! Email
Provokingly, who sent me Dr. Essam pink
compelling him to be more than his
functions to technical aspects has nothing
to do with it, with a copy of the response to
the cousin of Ramadan for transcript
contains other innuendo suggesting.. etc..
The dear Eyes Change, I am deeply
concerned and warned, and hinted at me,
but I considered their signals an
acknowledgment of success is not an alarm
bell, who said so could not have! After
months turned into common life to
separate , in time, which were dear is
engaged in the in last year, suffering
of Unity and the need to support, love, was
up my phone ring as I had to
perform to receive delegation of one of the
companies on reconstruction
projects in my office, while the stand alone
among male and female students inspector
of the name among successful payroll in
bachelor's degree, you are filled with
[ ]120

supportive of and I concluded contracts
and shaking the major companies and
share the celebration in halls hotels with
pursuant to Ramadan, Doctor Essam
Meena. Dear moved to new apartment
proxy. It was like a captive unilateral
consistency to her cell, headed by the
concierge, who was carrying a bag her
youngest huge apartment elegant
aristocracy modest gray hair parted ,
the spacious rooms furnished in a manner
the process.. and the concierge desk and
Ms. venerable and closed the door behind
even undercutting Aziza module.. What
was, however, considered that the network
of old , purchased, and today came
two of the site, carrying the device until the
apartment door, it is a girl, that put the CD
in dear attracted the Ignition until
the voice of Sayed Darwish hesitate in place
to respond to the new spirit. In the evening
you are formulating the final lines in one of
the company's outstanding Housing
Association ad hoc doctors when emitted
mobile ring and lit the word (Love) on its
screen, lasted more decisive period in
which bandwidth is fun and then you
choose a tone of high suggest that
everything is OK, shouted:
Love! A. alibi long de?
Does not the prophet? I mean, you are
[ ]121

she screams ... Weighs.. AA..
Changed Its Tone prejudicial tolerant
warm tone:
What .. Meeting again today?!
Its Tone voted Sayed Darwish
song "I identity came" which hesitate
behind, the heat breath Hustlin' in my
ears.. All this melted my nerves, I can only

The picture seemed clear Nafie wrote: a black jeep in
an interview Mercedes ghost of white, Down,
Shawqi portfolio is full the second is related to the
banknote offering what in which, before the
retrieved to another man amid tombstones, while
showing the Ramadan is following delivery of the
rear bench, bending down from the window in
concern with a car accommodation overlooking the
dog bark like a without a sound! Everything was
recorded accurately and clearly, and from different
angles to prove complicity of received bribes
themselves! It is regrettable that discovers that now.
See how arrested for that featureless? Or see
them with the government already! The position is
terrible and shameful, wishing him Ramadan that
[ ]122

apply the skies or by the ground so no one
would see it, but he did not resist the temptation to
sample childish desire to peep side look to Bahgat
Allam, when did he found ponders the smiling in an
irony, returned to follow up on the offer. They were
sitting next to a table medium enough for the
meeting of a family of six members of the food,
under concentrated light like those used over the
pool tables, and to the right rose a large screen in a
dark corner, was the center of the lobby is spacious,
has not been fully lit, however, is like an immense
adult Royal pomp wood Aru, luxurious
carpets, parquet flooring and impressive large
chandeliers, the roof restaurant Gold threads. Allam
pressure OFF button and then the Segara Pilin
amused like someone who just finished watching a
movie indeed.
You Ramadan?! The film that you liked at all?! Yet I
saw him 3 times until now!
Did Not Find Ramadan is attached, reared
heckling guilty. With added Allam:
Those are the countries of Mister, FBI, CIA da! It is
not possible.. infidels!! It is important.. I read the
The file that he means Allam a subject in front of
Ramadan on the table, he had read carefully over the
past hour before the arrival of Allam, it has
everything: Investigation FBI investigation, public
funds, reports the administrative control, and all
written on it (SRI), so reports Bank of Cairo.. But
even a workshop Shubra. The paper, which could not
[ ]123

be recovered from the proceeds, ha is present, with
attached note other nights of the workshop, and
hashish, and stealing electricity, Etc. In another
securities held the participation in the village of
paradise. d Ramadan condemns big
spots and open the file last time, the heart of the
cool, and then left. His face like someone
suffering from vomitting.
Iowa.. But I do not want to participate in the village
running my!
Not to keep what did this?!
This is how laugh noisily Allam, then capital of the
Ramadan and his own way:
And then you participation occur? Da system.. The
right of the State. Allam silence a moment and then
He was asked about last component not only of the
two characters, but they Huge shipment of threat
and impatience, that in his view, Ramadan
thinkers, Allam even lifting his face and then
went on to say:
Look, Ramadan, the 25% of the profits from the
project. Turning each month in the manner that we
have agreed upon.
Narrowing his eyes inquiring about Ramadan..
"Not ".. Your happiness is not hearing it..
Possible write me your happiness step de in a
Pick Allam pen on paper and gone above, reading:
[ ]124

25% of the profits, every month, on behalf of
the Majdi Salim Hanna Makarios on his account
number in Switzerland ... Please go ahead!
Then push the paper on the one hand, Ramadan,
which considered an In His..
A name Da? The first time I heard it..
laugh noisily Allam high:
The !
Then assumed his seriousness and money on the one
hand Ramadan impact iPod close friend:
You know, Ramadan said that we are a state of
institutions. Just friendly procedures in order to
prevent clashes between different devices.. The
bootstrap mean..
The Ramadan to the paper carefully, and then lifting
his eyes to my eyes Allam, smiled in calm
ambushed a magnet, in this time, withdraw the paper
quietly appeared to be spontaneous movement:
What , BAHGAT Sacirbey.. The name that
you typed me da curtain.. I have no objection caused
the decade da sincere, but it is my understanding..
I want to understand what?
I want to know I am exactly, is not the right?
Curbing Allam said outburst difficulty:
"There are people," he said.
Okay.. People?
Transfer Allam insight between Ramadan and the
paper, putting his hand on it violently Allam
calculated strongly and withdrawal of:
People who I am from their eyes.. question
[ ]125

And then tore the paper turned to Ramadan with
patience has ended:
This was the utmost Ramadan to do: to know. He
was fully aware that it is not able to rejection, and
procrastination more than that. To accept the
expulsion of half of paradise, or sticks to the
interventions in hell! and any other word not
calculated. Any mistake could kill him once and for
all. The lip wore yellow under a smile. If they were
Sears inside his car, there is no Lord to be this
interview also registered, but they broadcast on TV
to a place. Here, renting a sudden feeling scared by
the easy gesture involuntarily to it, but look for
himself , confined returned his sight in the file.
And then decided. "Half of blindness and blindness
as a whole," he said, breathing deeply, and then
bowed to the securities line above this acquittal in
the steering wheel, like someone who wants to get
rid of the odious, and technicality without the
permission or even consider on the one hand Bahgat
Allam, steady pace on the one hand, and headed for
the hall. Have you forgotten or deliberately insult?!
The Allam gaze in amazement and promoted
have shone in his eyes anger before the malicious
to willingly, then shouted at maximum
The to Rock secret of the soldiers, but with
Ramadan, Kay, deaf people, has not been heeded or
disrupt the rhythm of his steps sober parquet floors,
[ ]126

so the exit door will automatically compile and left,
and then docked section from behind in the
Allam staring eyes polished floor and chandelier in
effect not stunned..

have fielded 36.


Defeat time received by Ramadan obligated
continued his house two weeks he spent in complete
isolation, it was not easy to bear this loss? A quarter
of the village?! It was Ramadan had heard of before
the royalties and partnerships, which imposed
exclusively on adult business, but never imagined
that one of them. And as much as the catastrophe
[ ]127

that befell the mysterious fear, the file that
read like a book of work on the account, all his
movements, and its realization, . The problem
has increased his feeling that reality under the grip of
the unknown. All what he understood from Alam
said that the deal was in favor of "people".. But these
"people" did not curb Allam more than this, he
wondered RAMADAN any person in the country
most of Allam himself? Only if the intended .....!
The nicest oh Lord!! Long Days Passed where
Ramadan did not do any thing. A few little bites, and
the rest of thinking and fumigation. He wondered: on
the one hand, those who know him every small and
large in this figure, and has estimated at the same
time the issuance of government approvals, loans,
and move files accountability or saved, and
repayment installments. Such an entity, which
obliges him to deal with an unarmed man like him?!
Why not take what they want by themselves without
the media, but if they prefer to stay in the shadows
and the use of screens of others. Yes, this is exactly
what they want him to: Coverage! They then they
need and tarnished. Why insist on considered
himself a victim? And why not take advantage of
this situation as much as possible?! As shining spark
violent lightning, lightning lit up the crashing of
pulling friction idea mind have eyes surprise
vigilance. At a Glance turned to the torch of the
activity. Continuous work, contacts, and orders to
assignments, take a shower the morning, visits after
midnight, to his office, which turned into something
[ ]128

like the operations room in the event of war, the
papers are piling up on his office is corroborated
with interest in Steganography elegant gray, and in
the morning of today flooded satisfaction after that
ended everything, the youths sat down roubles de run
Chambres D'hotes Banters Shatta at his feet and call
Allam, opening the handset to allow Mena said
immediate translation dialog to understand lips
movements. He asked the health of Allam, his voice
exudes a recovery as if nothing happened and asked
him to set a date. Allam tried to discern what's
behind it, but that the Ramadan only, saying: Take
important, Allam Sacirbey your happiness!
What was the only Allam replied that Ramadan iPod
docking station:
STRONG STRONG.. In the party tomorrow at one!
And in the night and half of the afternoon left Allam
cover gray file flowing from his hands to the Office
Ramadan shouted in surprise:
You used to dream of coming to you, Ramadan?! It
is not possible government approves the prices de
sincere.. You want to buy a meter in the area like de
B 5 pounds?
The file contains the subject to Alam site map
neighboring land paradise for Jews, the total area has
been divided into eight parts, each piece of submitted
by the request for a separate, with a statement
proposed prices.
It was Ramadan expected rejection at the outset,
therefore, did not shake his smile, but continued to
[ ]129

swear to this I am jet , BAHGAT Sacirbey..
Move the Allam his head to the right and left not
convinced then said:
Iowa, but the conditions say that all allocate more of
a piece of land one person in..
d Ramadan Yedid Monday and open the file before
Allam on certain page:
Mana Aref your happiness. Because of this 8
requests for fictitious names.. Sons : Guys I
have just trust..
Silent Allam a little, and then said:
But the areas that you de where natural
reserves and places is prohibited dealing it.. It is not
possible government agrees on the need for uniform
never thing..
Smile lightly in Ramadan:
Your happiness all de details of trivial! Oh,
BAHGAT Sacirbey.. And then, who agrees
agrees ! We reconstruct our country,
BAHGAT Sacirbey.. If our hands in
supported the Government in order to benefit the
country. Employers and the country. (He on duty
made to Bahgat Allam himself).. Keep ?
He said this Ramadan Allam thinkers the hour
foray way in which speaks of Ramadan and
colleagues on his lips like someone who turns
it in his head.
M M M!
All that you want to help from your happiness.. That
Your Happiness project da on "people".. (The
[ ]130

Ramadan disturbing in my eyes Allam fix the speech
immediately) "People officials".. The God who is
he chokes Allam Ramadan deep look critically, and
then said:
Okay.. We see!!
What he heard this Ramadan to answer even smile
and promoted immediately excused me to leave
without comment Mada his hand to shake hands with
Allam, who shook hands with him this time coldly,
without the Shoulder), and remained diary deep
consideration to that mattered. We make sure that the
sheikh of a brilliant statesman, and not an easy man
as he thought!

Since the morning, tens of demonstrators
on the Press Syndicate on the Supreme Court
House, raising signs and chanting slogans
demanding to depose the government to
amend the constitution, and the release of
their detained colleagues, Alman also rose
two black, one of them a decree by the grip of
the annexd movement white April 6, and the
other yellow Kefaya movement written by
name in black, and some have raised pictures
of late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. The
[ ]131

demonstration of adults and young people, but
that some of them were in the prime of life
(that was clear from the appearance school
bags, which they hold over their backs). And
they have to stop some of their colleagues
were throwing them by loud cheers. In the
face of this scene Asaker lined Central
Security in Somber black uniform among
females behind iron cordon on the
demonstrators, while police were deployed
armored vehicles to sustain the entrances and
exits, Ramses streets has extended
intensive security presence until the field of
liberation, national party make the central
country like a military barracks and dramatic
scene , although it took cheers echoed
"On and on, and on the audio.. What
not "
"Our country, uh, oh, oh, Amen says..
"Oh, our Governor investigations.. All
people feel "
"On the walls of the prison and..
Revolution roller chill what abandoned"
" Thor.. Let our country
sees light"
" .. But not "
The Aziza had participated in the
demonstration of the first day and lift with a
colleague big sign a written on it "No for
Extension, No for Bequeathing". The
[ ]132

proximity of the times was the setting,
reached its peak security forces closed the
entrances and exits the region so isolated the
demonstrators, and grandiose heaven charged
atmosphere of tension escalated cheers, it was
agreed that some of the young people in an
attempt to get down to the street and clash
with Israelites, at the same moment, their
colleagues (including Aziza) filming the
scene mobile phones than attending in an
attempt to raise public opinion, and started the
implementation of the plan, and rushed some
youth crazy boldly in an attempt to open
cordon and immediately addressed to them
Asaker central security body armor and huge,
but that one of the youths had succeeded in
penetrating barriers to the street preparing the
Israelites ground, beaten, trilled, and
arrested on his feet and started in on the
tarmac, and rose cries "Sebouh.. Sebouh" with
and insults women emotional and with
the case of the hub bub succeeded in
penetrating more young people strongly
cordon the stampede, hand-in-hand with
rising Security Force Commander of far over
their heads close to the Passion held by the
fingertips of both hands to contact the
command in a clash, and immediately the
clarion call security car wrestled the Israelites
demonstrators began to undress young people
falling and bloodstained injured people in
their blood mixed voices cries trashing
[ ]133

with cheers "Freedom of.. FREEDOM OF"..
All this image dear laptop.. They had
lost their sense of self was completely mind
may stop thinking and turned to a part of all,
it is not only the lens of the laptop or a cry
lost all concern is salvation, did not notice,
but by itself it fell to the ground, one of her
arms toward armoured .. Following
Pictures become shaky and owed. Soldiers
forced her to ascend to police tanker. I tried to
evade them, but I felt strong armchair
surround by violently within dark
motorway fell under foot, after it emerged, (or
), did not discriminate something of
many faces, which took, but I understood that
they arrested now I heard shouts rising around
"".. They felt in her legs and
suffocation, and severe shortage of air
from the window of the railway tracks. did
not see anything from gas clouds,
strongly, and when the vehicle is started to
shout around rose again: "O freedom Fink
Fink?.. Interior Pena, Pink".. Here I
remembered the decision of good.. removed
from her pocket the registry and a small paper
written by the words brief fast, telephone
number and threw the paper from the window,
been satisfied by air, but when I found
one of the passers-by to speed up from the

[ ]134


The figure was not written in snippet
only telephone number, and beneath it a
precipitate line:
"I am detained from in front of the
syndicate and not know Sinn Fein".
This is all what I got the information. I felt the
ground shake from under my feet paper
in with outrage and I thought that I do
anything to save it immediately, which was
the first of the thought to call is Dr. Essam, of
course. Immediately, the last of which was the
contacts held brief call me: "appreciates the
receive from the Nile palace after hours," he
said. No sooner had half an hour until you are
standing in front of the Nile palace has started
in the air Ramadi last day as a architectural
facade of fear that suits old villa of the
Royal, weary police cars nearby,
and indifference to the officers. The
gloomy day withdraws marked the evening.
During the chaos and noise caused by the
[ ]135

prisoners' families gathered in front of the
section appeared so dear to the gate. The first
glance calculated by an old woman or a
patient from eyeing debilitating steps
introduce the joint-stock and then rose to face
swirled vigilance and anxiety in
rushed to it. Minutes later we were in the
restaurant "Kentucky" in front of the
American University. Food was before us, but
it did not affect nothing of it. Sitting in the
depressed the table her fingers
and gave them her forehead in fatigue.
So why did the same.
This is how disciplined twice and then
pot calling the kettle black hostile glance said:
Can you tell me what is the nature of the
relationship which make you apprise me of an
estimated two hours after the reservation is?!
shook my head narrowness
Possible you CIA to
nor , God forbid?
The head with sadness:
Why you can't understand that our
country stolen from us?
You remained what ?
Reply anger:
You should hear me.. We agreed that,
before you THE PROBLEMS!
Unfortunately, you are the one else!
[ ]136

did not notice that sweep Commiserating
but resentment in her, with the same
How can we appreciate you your
life as Da? Possible ?!
Strangely echoed by then fragmentation
of the glass to the movement of people in the
street, just kept silent :
ran head to quietly taken crucial decision:
Do not..!
This is how the word flowed from
between her lips spontaneously so that it did
not pay heed to it, but too late, 's eyes
with tears, CVMs, and then returned to
stare at my face look as if strange Trani
first.. I felt afraid, development of a modern
and conciliatory voice scared him
accounting at a Glance:
you in on you with me
because ..
Maybe you !
Passed Between us for a moment of
silence, dear I detected penetrates
exactly into gold, which you purchased it
since three years ago as a symbol of our deep
attachment. I noticed that I see them,
fingers a moment and then settled its
resolution, addressed to me at a glance
mourning exponentially penetrates
exactly into from her finger in calm, expected
[ ]137

moment to put on the table, but it had
been holding, like someone sympathetic to the
cheap, and then raised her shadow said
contempt was awed by:
Boss.. I don't have to link yourself Biya
because what you problems you in
" She sighed, rinsed in satisfaction have
been overtaken by its grip on penetrates
exactly into like someone who got rid of the
burden of the tired, are to:
The ear!
you money?
So I asked her after that turned to leave
This is how she asked the rose in
derision once again, and then added:
Uh.. performed me every need!!
It outlines the laugh, but that their voice
was and forcing her out critical,
remained silent and did not comment, and
left, , while getting out of the restaurant
Excelsior I felt that my soul leave my body at
the same moment.

[ ]138

It is strange that the government has agreed to the
allocation of land, paradoxical that the measures did
not take more than three weeks, after which occurred
in our possession thirty acres is located on the
eastern side of paradise for Jews with a view to
establish tourist projects, but that Ramadan has
succeeded in selling the land in less than a week
three hundred million pounds, three quarters of
which have been converted to bank accounts in
Switzerland, according to agreed with Allam, during
this period reiterates the meeting between the two
allies in the Elameer Sharm el-Sheikh, where
requested Alam said that the advances of Ramadan
by typing three new applications of the names of
others to own three pieces of land on the Red Sea
coast, in Sharm El Sheikh,, Dahab, St. Catherine
overlooking the monastery and Montenegro, for
"people" and approved pursuant to Ramadan, but
dedicated Allam Diamond Watch at least paid for the
fifty thousand pounds. During this period the
relationship established pursuant to Ramadan
more have become one of the pioneers (Sedan) is the
name that refers Alam on the wing, which was
devoted to his friend, the owner of the hotel "safety"
in Nasr City in which to meet friends. As you open
the door in front of the cave treasure opened up "the
Salon" before Ramadan impressive world did not
know anything about him. Trade and the effects of
land and real estate, commercial and investment of
[ ]139

tens and hundreds of millions, the purchase and sale
of major factories, which were constructed in the
1950S and 1960S to foreign investors after thwarting
lucrative lowest prices thanks to a policy of
"privatization" policy of the State. Ramadan also
learn how to draw money and how wash turned to
abroad or freeze in real estate or major projects, and
how to manipulate the stock market to maximize
profits, and remove competitors or punished. It was
discovered that it is not only within small gear
system like a daunting interrelated network of
businessmen and politicians, ministers and senior
state officials and staff who possess capital corrupt
devolving things in the state, where interests
intertwined with family relations friendships
, and ending the network are all in the
hands of "the people," he said. fully understanding
the work outside this system doomed to failure fully
and exclusion from the game, and on the contrary
view himself how to protect the system itself very
force and simplicity succession the same time, the
simplest example of this is the accident of the
sinking ferry safety (90) which is owned by the
owner of the hotel in which to meet, that incident
that rocked the country since four years ago, which
claimed the lives of more than 1300, most of them
from the same Egyptian workers and pilgrims
returning from Saudi Arabia on the ferry. However,
the system, the protection of the "safe" the author of
the words very force, from reporting fabricated
prosecution, to the testimony of dozens of
[ ]140

parliamentarians and politicians before the Court in a
row the company, that the case is over acquittal of all
the accused in the case and to oblige the State to pay
compensation to the families of the missing
symbolic. This is how things are going within the
system. Among the many areas of business, which is
known to Ramadan hour foray land trading in
particular, although the Dr. Essam, Meena were the
most important confidence-men who adopted them
Ramadan in this area with others in paradise,
that I didn't know anything about what is going on
behind the scenes, it seems that the cousin of
Ramadan in order to lack of reassurance to the
reaction or pending the moment, which I think it is
time that night in the billiard in a hotel Sofitel
Maadi, which we are used to the frequency after
work, you play with Mina, with SAT pursuant to
Ramadan watching, when he said, speaking to the
background of the votes of the strikes orbs remained
broken sarcastic smile on his lips.
Hey, you, Mustafa, would you like to buy the land?
Sinn Fein?
Not important!
How de?
What are you when cars arrived again.. I mean,
Iowa but i money..
He asked surprised:
Do you have nothing else?" 100 thousand pounds?
Why are you stealing your money disposition of
Sinn Fein?
[ ]141

The Meena pursue dialog with interest the speediest
grab him, uncle Ramadan.. As I worked with me!
He turned to him pursuant to Ramadan:
Strong strong but is approved..
and then adopting eurhythmic syntax:
The piece small land not more 100 thousand
pounds, ready you in a week, Commission
sweet.. I mean what Profit on.. (considered
pursuant to Ramadan to the ceiling moment
intellectuals as if the profits, and then waved his
hand in a sign of expenditure without the expense).
20 in the hundred! Ha.. I said a.. ?!
I turned my face to the cousin of Ramadan looking
closely at hesitant has not been without doubt, then
they hint with my head:


[ ]142

Why approved?
"And what?" this is answered by myself, and what
the words! The same has, which you always
when the thieves and swindlers
murderers and traitors and prostitutes. Do not
pretend that I don't know fully legal deal in the
territory of privatization, but I was to pretend
ignorance! If the "ignorance" sorry morally
acceptable what is the worst "ignored", and
most "demonstration of ignorance"! The
professional ambitions in " Al-Baroud large
originally entered the dream to achieve in this
group clique miserable: A Company (housing),
large charming, which will remove the slums
of Egypt fully, and will be replaced by modern
scaffolding housing does not produce
ignorance and extremism, organized crime and
terrorism transportation problems. The goal of
Nabil and no doubt, but what if the wrong
road?! You need the money and influence in
order to achieve this dream. The most difficult
to achieve these conditions in a country such as
this only through wrong! This is what long
years since graduation! Why don't I change my
way even once?! Thus, I ask myself, in the
heart of darkness and the Gurgle a shisha, if I
have the opportunity to satisfy my wish not
only reflections, why entered this dream of
basis? I think that I would not hesitate one
moment, forty a friend of sugary clique has not
left them in Egypt now but Not you? Why?
[ ]143

Because they chose to hesitate in now: article
or value? They have chosen article, and
travelled remained alone with the value. Begs
piece work on office doors, Sharks gathered
transportation of your pockets, before
going to meet Aziza, sometimes apologizes
languishes trees. The country? "have drunk it!"
and throw in your face on the pier 26 July your
friend journalist who traveled since five years
ago: "Instead of you insult me Egypt at home,
price from abroad, Front thirty
years of insults and free before the recovered
my right: Beyond thinking in return!!" you
have to choose, Mustafa between poverty and
wealth, darkness and the smell of smoke and
foot, breathe now, Barking stray dogs
outside the workshop, and hunger, which
overcome the burden more tea cups now, and
cleanliness, progress and prosperity drifting
past! More importantly, the choice is the
celerity, if rely on God! Hunger does not wait,
time is passing, and day approaches, we have
very little time. .. until the morning. So,
one wonders that two years MRA infiltration of
gray hair to Mineralnye Vody, faces changed,
souls, were combined our ways, "All this
in six hours!" as he said in his speech the victor
Sadat, we hope it will not have mercy on him,
telling Allah! For the first time I had the
feeling recklessness and freedom, but
indifference and satisfaction because I disagree
[ ]144

with dear. You need to move on the ground
without an angelic Rochot ideals blocking
caused 24years! But I tried to Deceive
My conscience temporarily, that regular land
deals not only ordinary brokerage, the issue of
trade, and trade Shatara, as they say, ! land
dealer in the presence of the Bahgat Alam in
his villa, and tap brake cousin voted Ramadan:
"Turning off lights, Mina".. I woke up, started
smelled fragrant jasmine , combined
with the smell of old socks voice
faded, and was replaced by massive iron
gate of Villa Bahgat Allam, appeared three
security personnel to inspect the vehicle, and
money on Ramadan whispering bad
smell of the same:
Not Tani, Mustafa. The man who now
da very important.. What ! Da broker, there is
no large piece of land from the territory of
privatization or sold to buy only through. The fact
that the Bahgat Sacirbey what that you be
present with us last night keep you documented.
deal with you, and you know, Mustafa Bahgat
Sacirbey documented if you da means, (zero
pursuant to Ramadan in my face grew ): Keep
I say nothing! But the cousin of Ramadan he
interrupted a signal from his hand, and as soon as the
Board, ending his words:
I'm already not because minimum !
[ ]145

Then asked me to go and take place in Mina
Why is not coming with us?
Not Mina here in security.
The Hassan Marzuki, the man who person who him
pursuant to Ramadan on the table Allam, a
Palestinian from Gaza Strip and carries the Egyptian
nationality, does not differ from the many of its
citizens I saw the newspapers pages, screens
surround them did not relax. It was in the late held
fourth of old manicured beard cut-sheet 2 tigress
harbor. gray hair, and felt short, features carved
Burgundy Mountain, look deep net, simple clothing
as if he bought from (the al-Balah)-Khema,
traditional suit blue black beige-colored pullover,
beneath neck, light prayer mark. Loose handshake, a
smile friendly almost represent a part of
its features, modernly as if to relax its owner if it
leads to the contrary! In addition to his own in
modern which do not conform with the
final owned by: tourist company in Sharm El Sheikh
to bring Israeli tourists, and houses and offices in Al-
Arish specializes in land trading, not only in Sinai,
but in any place in Egypt. The Marzuki, when
speaking does not consider the appointed counterpart
often addresses as if people did not exist, and
without even mobilized to amend his tone Shamia
TO EGYPTIAN.. The objective of the meeting was
the agreement with Hassan Marzuki on the sale of
the new plots, the first half of the meeting, in the
[ ]146

words of welcome and networking brief "May God
reward you with good" and "God is good sake"
before the main topic, entrance in the details when
he referred pursuant to Ramadan to the guest with
his hands the two:
By God, Da the same words I said to him, "Bahgat
Sacirbey.. my saliva with him there is no Fayda..
I smiled when I thought I'll answer it for
because you hear ..
Here, tighten Marzouki smile considered quiet down
in humility, as if will enter into the prayer and
then said:
By God, BAHGAT Beck Mark collateral any
surface and any real estate in the future, on condition
that it be in Sinai.. Hadi affecting them more Shi.. It
has exposed particular.. The Fayoum land or any
place the second ordered him various..
He started with Allam said he lost his temper..
Iowa, but de the Territory isn't easy.. Its value is
I asked Moncef Marzouki:
Do you have an idea of the nature of the projects
required work?
You have thrown the question once that responded to
my mind, Marzuki look critically and then
quickly look to himself and he was transferred his
sight to banana trees, Omagh in satisfaction:
Good, God Willing!
The Alam:
[ ]147

Ok, ok.. is important to people who ready?
We need ten started what foreign suspects
uniform past time!
Smile widened Marzuki:
There is no problem. Mr. Sasson answer instead of
ten illiteracy, but according to the conditions!
Mr. Sasson!
The next moment reactions by our actions. I played
Allam, considered to Marzuki, opening his
mouth like someone who will deliver the word
Reprimand, preceded by heavy last without
that anxiety calm his features are thinner than a
minimum change, only disturbed by his smile but
quickly regained the sight to relegate moisturises by
the emotional, as the cousin of Ramadan Pavos
deeply disturbed and conveys his sight between me
and Allam. I my eyes in three important then I
turned to go without a word, and ably played an
enviable Allam Mandali in D I re-initiated a
while later greeting his right, it seemed as if
warmly taking his hand on my shoulder, The nuncio
, and tighten the hands of iPod:
Oh !! The truth, I am very happy one-to-
one migration de. You should come party conference
which week Da.. Da annual conference for
youth and your opinions, there is something very
Then he turned to Ramadan with surprise
Allah. You are what you call Ramadan or
[ ]148

and then tighten the hands of strongly:
We want in the conference.. We always
youth who Zec! Please go ahead. Please go ahead.
And left..
The perceptive has almost stopped at the word
"Sasson", and has done a trick Allam more than it
postponed the explosion a few minutes ago so went
out of the door and contacted the garden's ,
descended from the vehicle at the beginning of the
road to the Meena quickly returned to the villa. As
for me, I was happy destroyed around me reverie,
back-up dust on Canal scenes along overflying
swarms of mosquitoes, and cars and buses
overcrowded bus launches exhausts suffocating
black, and general readiness to continue their way
transport vehicles loaded deafening, a man on
a donkey is aligning the road, VEILED STUDENTS
fat crosses it, and I am alone I stand on the edge of
the intersection I wonder: Am I was asleep or
awake? Do I stand in the right place?! or to remove
The workshop now?!

The first time I met was in an
exhibition for young artists of the Opera
House. Despite our love of art, but I have
not previously or have access to
[ ]149

exhibitions, we were there, but the duty of
friendship toward some of the participants,
is awaited recall that moment when I stood
before the Board appeared to be
abandoned in one corner . It is
broadcasting a sense of ambiguous loss and
alienation forget my attention started
oozing race of cold gradually. The
panel of a group of turtles in a spiral of
waveforms are frightening looks forward
to its eggs placed on the beach, The
eggs in bloody under the sun even
temporarily for some embryos. As is well
known, the marine turtle received on
the beach and then to return to the water
to produce, in order to ensure safety and
survival, but at the same time rob him of
what is most important in life: Love,
eliminate absolute alienation! Drvie the
situation, colors, small details, did not pay
attention, but I mumbled::
The wonder!
It was the same word of feminine voice
beside me, he turned back and greeted him
as depositary of the leftist two
wonderful thing and beauty of bright
derived characteristics of rural origin
mixed with European and Oriental genes
resulting in the brown hair Flowingly
on the form of the tail of a horse and
lying on the chest over-colored pullover,
black jeans trousers.. did not share the
[ ]150

word.. It seems that it took direct and
the question is not free from the
admiration, in confusion. At the end
of an evening exhibition center we met
friends at the table a cafeteria/ Opera toast
to celebrate the exhibition. There is a
brown atmosphere saturated and
shouting friends was encouraged that I
asked her for her name, she said with a
smile sorry as if they were not satisfied
with the name:
The name of the beautiful God, strong!
went by and I put laughing:
The now-called name da?!
I enthusiastically AUTO:
I push in the name da million pounds!
Moment addressed and
then suddenly lifted the curtain on the
eternally two vast cessation and
simplified it as if it were decided to
Ok, hat!!
I pretended to inspect coal pit at
Baoshi then disciplined:
The truth, I am not with me now is not
exposed to boarding, but..AA..
before proceeding:
But.. Benefit type lender Secretariat
The last words and I look forward to
her eyes warmly decorated Sadeq totally
[ ]151

failed in , in mind, I started
burying an Hanan bucket of its charm even
intoxicated, I smiled and told him .
Thus, in simplicity, open love us ball
in old legends. And here I claim that I can
talk about Aziza, not as a human being,
but who lived through every inch of
their own thinking and hope has been
saddened and ambition, child pariah.
Single turtle eggs lying on the beach, which
is so dear to nausea and Loss Bitter loss for
the first time when her father died. He was
a trader owns a shop selling small imported
clothes threshold, and in one of its business
travels to Port Said was killed in a car
accident, has thus moved with her mother,
younger dear Gibraltar to the home of the
family of her mother in Al-Sayeda Zeinab
district, there are open their awareness of
the bustle of the family, the neighborhood's
lively bustle at the same time the heavy
fires no longer differentiates between the
severity of the mother, and discarded. It
was hit and explodes in flagrant trivial
mistake, and reputation dear crying:
Khalfa and girls are.. The girl de why not
passports until now! Dear started fore,
with it, stops describing it equally, she ran
to stay in her stepmother's house, which
had abided by the love and care as a
demonstration of their daughters three
alternative strings so the role of the mother
[ ]152

, excess or dear ferocity and cruelty to her
daughter, and dedicated attention to
themselves. It was beautiful worship itself,
and it wants to exploit this beauty to the
maximum degree, what turned the family's
house to shrine to receive her, so
Arab rich caste fifteen years, thus quickly
moved to her husband she used New in
Doha, where discovered dear face-to-face
another harsh her mother, became ignore
administer wryly arrogantly as if it refuses
to its presence or covered by the love
bucket to Egypt, at the same time
did not forgive her dear husband new
arrogant, which was often insults it, saying:
"Yalla, an Egyptian!" She ran so dear
spend much of its time in reading
and writing thoughts and hear cassette,
thereby increasing their sense of isolation
and alienation; so whenever I heard
nothing about Egypt agitate their feelings
and the intervention of a flare-up of crying
so that it sometimes warm What has been
running a song Sayed Darwish "Sweet de"
that you love dozens of times without ml,
thus what that got the general secondary
sped her mother sent to Egypt as if it gets
rid of a heavy burden, I joined the
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
dear and established in Dar es Salaam City
Malak nuns or dear after it refused to
allow her daughter to stay at her aunt in
[ ]153

the family house Ms., therefore, did not
find Aziza significantly in the idea of
escape, but that the idea was not for them
but to flee to love and affection lacking,
were sometimes addressed gets its voice
wounded defeated: "You dropped me!"
When I say that our escape will cause a
problem eternal with your family..
What !
She said to me:
you know? Whenever I in the subject..
I ask myself: If Baba Ayesh, timing of
issuing his opinion? If I imagined him
annoyed changed my opinion, if it has
received Farhan as if I am encouraged by
the resolutions. Implement immediately
without hesitation!
The ABC-defect guaranttee in our
She said precipitately:
If Baba Ayesh was old ..
The !
Zozo vulnerable just because I don't
care, they are the ones escape. I am
I.. Possible despite your family,
sheep ahead of them. .
It is my understanding remained. It is
rejecting the idea of which, because they
want to end the indispensable from
I try to convince her again..
descend TO EGYPT!
[ ]154

Fired truncated laugh:
"die, a donkey.!!
Do you have contributed to this newly
established in character Pugnaciousness
bullying powers,despite
phenomenon? During its second university
presented so dear to request a statement
from the Department of the University of
one of the book's invitation to a seminar
student opponents inside the university
campus, and met with its request rejected
did not hesitate to organize a pause,
condemning the brigadier in defiance of the
University Guard ended by depriving
them of the test last year, by reviewing the
year without a sting of remorse or broken.
How it alone in Egypt and
blockade, i the most important causes of
this siege? Many others were agent luxury
life easy, but preferred to the struggle and
confrontation, and to do what is believed to
be right. We are similar, oh dear more than
we imagine. I, you, as ships, sinking in the
wind between denies denies family home..
There is no salvation for us not only in love,
and not the beginning, but after the
meeting, no retreat in the middle of the
road! But I am to be honest with you now,
when I said "it is not our problem alone,
but the tragedy of an entire generation.
For. We are all getting hungry to love and
attention. Not Interested in one of our well,
[ ]155

or teaches us well, or caretaker well
respected, not one.. No one has the right to
prevent us from anger and screaming now!
We turtle eggs placed on the beach without
parents, over its solid burned
bloodsuckers are dragging our faces. It is
our problem, which is not our fault. It will
not be resolved by others, as long as he
does not feel our one Ourselves?!
This is how I started myself I
penetrated drive corniche street. Had
shipment of vigilance and rebellion
after my silly pursuant to Ramadan with
Moncef Marzouki. such as a computer
virus efficient embarrassed him now
needs to be re-cleansing operation,
contacted after returning from the
meeting, but it did not respond, I knew
from newspapers news that there is a pause
organized by young people on the
promenade of Alexandria and Cairo,
condemning the killing of a young man
called Khaled said as a result of torture in
police stations, that is sure to be
cherished among them. In like crazy out
wandering without guidance. At the outset
looked forward to face toward the center of
the country while I am in the way rung in
my ears the words you heard from dear
The meeting yesterday was excellent!
Oh! Sinn Fein remained?!
[ ]156

anywhere.. The club, cafe, that Shallah
is .. is important to be close to the
group of Shubra!
Repeated to myself "group of
Shubra", and I was on a bridge 6 October
in the last moment left would
have made node amid the country
intending Shubra again. My eyes
remained between the pier Street and the
Corniche. The hundreds of young people
had lined up in mourning in the form of a
series of long divided themselves paste
lampposts, lying at a glance stray along the
Nile in attach their backs as children angry
to the city! started to hit the headache of
excessive focus, finally, when the first
Maspero. almost a miracle occurred, I felt
vague moment in my heart traffic in
one of girls. controlled the mental image
for several seconds, what was to me, but
stopped the car and walked back on foot.
One hundred meters made as if in a dream
until identified by finally.. It is.. Dear! I
learned despite scarf black, directed by
over Koran small follow him in
diminishing. It approached them even
stood beside it ended with a perceptive
street noise Sakina lamented the
satisfaction.. my head felt For my
part quietly as if I was standing to its
vicinity from the outset, net view
echoed the spectrum to smile reconciled
[ ]157

quickly evaporated, leaving silence Foley
each of us face the river, on the one hand,
we find what we say even asked the words
of my mouth. I feel strange situation of
freedom thats Boubon St. I myself or made
a confession ..
Watch out for Zouzou.. You are right!
I know that you are true, and Ameri, what
I saw that what da is wrong, on the
contrary. You are great and I know this is
good.. All that is in the subject that Leah
viewpoint of another.. can be formed in a
way different.. I am a child who was a
defect scream.. To cry because this breaks
my fault.. Talat spite me walked in a
demonstration.. Can be myself as an
artist felt that I needed Da.. Because I
have another means to express objection:
Art! I change my reality a pen, not with
cheers.. Because of this experience accepted
de you feel encouraged by.. Housing
Company which you dream with it.. The
company de because change hard.. Love
I gave my last turned to smile,
encouraging approval directed at Hamas.. I
smiled and told him..
The lights inside, dear
happily wide acclaim in place..
You know you're ..
She is extremely dismissive Hammer
until the board meets infrequently
[ ]158

touched the edge of the Office. I feel
nostalgic atmosphere of fleeting around us,
or the US tone tightrope makes all of us
feel the least in the spirit of the other,
I have to go to see what
tears poured down overlooked such
reared its ugly head in silent weeping. Then
a small offense falls to Star in her hands
everyday holocaust and steered
toward me, for me at that moment
roaming aspires to warm families fear,
arm and Hewitt by , not lust or
desire, but of thaw between starting
until they found each other in the area
recently , disturbed at the outset and
then quickly felt fetish Tarja between my
arms, head on my shoulders Vlaams
Blok her hair soft and filled my face deny
Lothario , I felt taste salty
tears in my mouth and I circulate the latter
with kisses, and when I returned to her
lips as if they catch a break ,
where all illiterate
rude, so I felt tend their fingertips
in my back and sighs as if it is
difficult to After that they found, even
from O nicely decorated, is still a
hammer lips desire to blind eyes
Yalla walked..
[ ]159

When she returned to her home was
tired dear gloom. The head
scratchy conflicting ideas: the sad feelings
of anger and frustration, my surprise
inclement international, of
witnessed love which did not Mum'im
Al-Arees ,, destiny suspended between hope
is absent and a homeland , opened the
door by Al Ahli's defeat, and I
thought that sleep immediately, without the
change her clothes, but what that closed the
door behind them and raised her eyesight
so they stormed the sound rude harsh..
You Sinn Fein, oh Yeken?!
The sound familiar however
retreated and blending her heart, not her
voice, but her mother surroundings,
Gibraltar dear brother, sat in the two
issued gain insights into angry

[ ]160



In that night has eluded the bedrooms.
You enjoy great blessings over the cushion
in the case of emotion broadcast strange
degree of internal vigilance awareness, so I
felt as if I was flying over the world
myself I outlined and coordinates
accurately in the place and time! Details
dark room furnished luxurious white but
of Nour lamp Fader, instilled in blood, the
roar of the fridge, and then cut, white hairs
that had infiltrated hidden to Mineralnye
Vody. It was my return to dear like a
beginning of a new reminded me of
my feelings first. Those Ecstasy mixed
satisfied and tranquillity and fear and
optimism, confusion and anxiety, is it the
New Taste for love will not be known until
[ ]161

after the test of separation? According to
the snap on her lips, as if to snap the two
entities, as long as I searched for him until
I found it, and then gasp warm to my
heart audience with my eyes. She
wondered: How Our patience to remain
independent entities throughout two years
since Company until now?! and how
it was likely to lead to secession
forever? I thought that we should let us
marry girls or women! But we have
coincided with already since those magic
moment between us, only announcing this
news on the whole world! I was surprised,
a policy that has the capacity to distinguish
or exotic convergence between Hapidin? or
that the world outlook is not only a
manifestation that reflects the essence of
the spirit, and therefore the agreement
which, I mean, the similarity of life, and
the difference, I mean, ? I have spent
time and dear believed to be all of us that
he makes a point of view, however, if we
are aware of one moment that we disagree
was not in the way, but in the way?!
believes that any of these methods is the
right thing to do and which is wrong? I
was permanent and blame criticism
on its own without ask yourself once: Did
you are not at fault and proper? Was it not
more courage when you are taken from the
firm stance from the outset, attitude of
[ ]162

rejection and resistance frank, resorted to
you through appeasement harmonizing to
avoid failure sends shivers up your spine
since smooth your nails? Your determined
the incursion into the painful lost to the
beach and the trend, if ball is
manifest you invite you offering you her
charms eagerly: Mustafa.. I accept!
As you are standing in front of the senses,
Harrowed will, does that time for
correction and escape? Answer a call
unstoppable death ahead in front of you?
Then, according to the invitation extended
to me Bahgat Allam yesterday, in the
presence of party annual Youth
Conference, which was not seen in more
than a courtesy call on contrived to get out
of the dilemma that was caused by a
sudden I am withdrawing, or cheap
attempt, which, or the way
he made naive persons feel recruitment
enemies of youth, if BBC See to look at this
call made my eyes new inkling is
serious, but I remembered that he is
supposed to be held this conference
tomorrow, revolted from and
opened a drawer comedians eagerly
inspectors from the call to found, it a sigh
of relief. Outlandish under Nour lamp as a
prisoner was found recently on the cell, it
is not only to be administered by the latch,
and went beyond being impressed by its
[ ]163

breathtaking words have acquired at that
moment particularly serious:
"has the honor to inform the Secretariat of
National Democratic Party at the
invitation you to attend the annual
conference for youth, which will be held at
6 p.m. The conference hall, on 30
December 2010 ".
When you have finished reading visual
paid to the vacuum, as if I see with my own
eyes what will happen, and hear what they
would say, and then did not broadcast that
satisfied my heart the decision taken by,
gasp sent warm have
physical, Sakina in brushes
that did not broadcast and defeated me
The following day the Hall of the
Conference of the party's youth national
programs like Studio One of open dialog.
In the background, the emblem of the
party national papers surrounded by large
ornate olive, the ground theater, it was in
the form of a disc white high rise of the
level of the hall, as if they were prepared to
receive a paragraph review popular
superstar, however, was not one of there he
is above only president's younger son, or as
they call it "the groom".. Note theater
rows of seats does not increase the percent
and tidy in the form of the Arc de
Triomphe and the last of which was filled
[ ]164

with young people of both sexes, who
seemed to be from their appearance that
they carefully selected so as to reflect the
image of deliberate ambitious middle-class
youth, the happy feared unmistakable, as
students perform the test in the last year, it
was clear that the questions were arranged
in advance, and that it does not aim at only
shoe son, and that the Conference is
coming to an end as evidenced by the
number of hands filed a request for the
word after each question, this was in itself
a cause for satisfaction and contentment
that appeared on the faces of everyone,
including the president's son, as if they
were about to get rid of a heavy burden,
and here is a wave of applause and
laughter Madiba erupt emancipation of
tension in which young people who under
the assassins Throughout the meeting, and
charts Basma is satisfied with is confident
in the president's son, and there he is on
the theater Liberties Trust property of
prized as next president, a scanner
attendance :
The Les questions the second?
did not raise in the hall only three
supported the requests raised the floor,
including my hands, but that this request
from the President's son, that there he is
several steps before the stop belittle
the me almost no notice of his eyes :
[ ]165

Please go ahead!
played very quickly what was reported by
a show of hands the microphone from the
first lines that I have been advised,
from my mouth and drew a smile grudge
against peaceful and very surprised me
from my hidden on representation, and
started talking about:
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the
Compassionate. My name is Mustafa
Kamel Ismail, architect in free work
... I have a little questions and queries, and
I wish that you accept to my queries W. .
Please go ahead!
He had made me carries out his ,
filled with pride, so it became a few steps
holding their sleeves in front of his chest
exposing his stature
indifferent smile, represents an confident
in front of the cameras has focused in the
face with a look strong and in-kind, as if
reminds me of his stature and ability of
which special staircase crowned by king
awaiting the end of words until the
judgment, has received all these messages
assures it all the same smile the peaceful..
The first inquiry, Sir for economic sphere..
We all know. The figures, which the
government in national newspapers and
television said that the economic growth
rate is very high and about 8% or 9 %..
eaders exports increased.. The Suez Canal
[ ]166

revenues increased tourism.. But we, as a
nation, not feeling any need of needs de..
As we read the opposition newspapers or
disembark the street have tragic image of
another sincere ... The rate of poverty has
increased. According to the report of the
recent Arab development.. The 68% of
Egyptian families living as less than 2000
pounds a month, I mean, 350 dollars,
despite the statistics of the world's richest
people appear each year Egyptians too.. If
wage gap find strange.. Days
feudalism, what is the revolution of 52.. In
a time in which there is, pay an engineer or
a doctor or a teacher 200 or 400 pounds in
one month we will find someone else in the
same eligible, but in another location in the
State income millions under the name
bonuses and allowances? In addition, Sir,
nepotism and corruption of government,
which has spread to every area of life
almost.. The adoption of the education of
youth conservation has become out all
humanist total, friendly with the declining
role of the Al-Azhar and information
except New starch informs the
thinks, not linked to history and what he
doesn't know the religion properly.. 12
million homeless. Street children arrived at
2 million.. 3 million Egyptians live in the
cemetery, 60 Egyptians living as without a
[ ]167

In the area of health. EGYPT RANKED
FIRST IN THE WORLD in diseases of
kidney failure, and sugar, and pressure,,
viral hepatitis, which became infected 18
million Egyptians, according to the latest
statistics. All da did Egyptians who were
known they more people linked to their
country and the rate of migration. At least
they started their loyalty to think of travel..
The rate of immigration has increased 30
times in recent years. If you stayed now the
street and asked any young man if I would
like to live in Egypt and not..
answering that he wants a country!
Friendly simple reason.. Because it is not
feel dignity.. You, as any member of the
police stop me in the street because
of emergency law.. The question carefully..
Is there another questions?!
This is how the president's son, said with a
laugh is exempted yellow truncated
delivered to the young people who seemed
to be they attach my eyes, however,
was not executed a few murmurs and
laughs at empty intermittent dimmed, I
was not sure that the president's son, who
did not ride never in his life, and did
not play or tangles in the streets of Shubra
background is small, never before has also
said that his life was in such a position, and
therefore do not know how to act, and thus
can not be forced on an end to the words if
[ ]168

designed to continuation, and not the
appearance of suppresses Youth
Conference, which destroys the idea of his
claim, and then each crouched this fact has
changed confusion full control of the
situation, and I fired visual empty
laugh did not mean, however, coverage
The seriousness of the situation,
determined to continue with the same
smile, which confirmed that they have lost
the capacity traps now completely, but I
did not who said so could do so:
I am very hard very happy I am speaking
with you, and I thank your patience! Last
question, Sir in the area of policy. It is
noted that the marginalization of all
opposition parties, as well as the
Constitution gives the president the powers
possible abandonment deterred many
years in power. While I believe that it is
our right, like all democratic peoples we
choose our president from more than one
candidate, so that the duration of the
remaining four or six years only two terms,
in order to give hope to any one of the
young people of that possible keep the
President of the Republic of the day.. Also,
recent constitutional amendments article
76 and 77 landed impossible conditions the
candidate for the post of the president so
that it is almost impossible to apply to a
non-you.. Friendly except for the strong
[ ]169

rumors in the street that is being
processed, you, as the heir of governance,
although the rule of President Denies da,
and we are, of course, , but all
indications are that I have mentioned you
say the opposite, so that in the end
wonderfully in the picture any non-Sir..
The Last Word has shined eyes victory
rejoicing and read in his face he started to
inquire combined defeat and anger and
disability, and I don't know why it
reminded me of the famous world trade
tower immediately in America while
riddled pride that the plane immediately..
and burned up!

The door four beat fast nervous, and then
open and entered the mother Aziza
face, carrying Chinese food, while the
Gibraltar prevailed in section swollen
white thick beard and angry fierce.
The Aziza was itself above the bed,
and started to follow her mother and her
brother in silence gain insights into filled
anger and scorn. It was regretted that this
her mother. It was sympathetic , however
[ ]170

they hate because they understand. You
know it's material and selfishness, rigid,
feelings throughout her life was not
interested in itself, and now still perfume
themselves choke white skin
creases , beauty and sent
slivers of her hair dyed under posed by
seeming to Be exudes its cloak
and no longer fly within the Black Gulf
smell of incense lute, and in the same
time swallow pills for depression and
pressure, and burning fat, and claims
it lives miserable and repeated complaints
from the heart, hemorrhage is not only
because of the permanent and Egypt,
while Aziza well aware that her mother is
lying; it is the constant animosity with her
family, in the view of Egypt as a country is
poor, backward, as suspects in all of the
Egyptians; and thou seest them have
their eyes on the doomed, when forced to
visit Egypt reduced disallowed to the
maximum that can be so Not more than a
few days in which they commit themselves
to the home and paid to others with a view
to ending the interests of bribery,
immediately after the end of the Mission,
which I attended for rushing to Doha in the
first plane May without being deposited
Aziza, the real cause of suffering was
attributable to the sense of being lost
twenty years old, after he married her
[ ]171

husband of a young woman who gave birth
to a boy, and thus will grab, the bulk of
the inheritance. The Gibraltar has caused
pamper his mother to him, and life of
isolation imposed by him, that broke out
trivial does not serve for something, and
possibly pushing it to have committed
themselves to the religion defeat his feeling
of inferiority and failure in public life,
thus, it has become very dear to both,
mother and brother, the last chance to save
the future of the Family, which is
threatened by marriage is dear to another
Arab rich, final attempt from mother to
gambling, and who knows? Perhaps her
mother had agreed to marry her already
arrested a deposit such as commodity price
and that only the date of the handover,
therefore, prevented her from her mother
out until the date of the travel in days,
in her room, food and drink is to
arrive through the door, even the
bathroom go to the request in guarding her
brother Tariq, that the time remaining on
the date of her very few days at the most,
so that Mustafa had in no doubt is her
absence, thus distinguish between them
forever. Dear followed her mother's face in
that avoided considering them, her
features a bus with anger and hatred. The
bottle of water from Gibraltar and placed
[ ]172

next to Chinese food on the table and then
to Aziza:
I want to call the mobile task!
We have said there is no exit and mobile
volatile so hostile!
This is how her mother cast harsh reply
from excessive spaces dry, she said Aziza:
Ok, they want to go to the bathroom!
Here, as soon as her brother warning:
bathroom open if your voice came
out one word what's ASOE with
He said Tariq, referring to toward the door
on duty made, in rage head
between her knees, and here the Gibraltar
jesture laugh short exchange beyond look
at understanding with his mother and then
walked away.. Dear remained submissive
cow that head, even if I heard the
sound of a key in the door and she felt
simulacrum steps her mother and her
brother in the lounge, and make sure that
it is only the head slowly has replaced
vigilance and determination of defeat and
surrender. Quickly fell to the ground and
raised the party had high solvency
potentials the bed, and started to attract
beneath it portfolio large travel of the pack
of Casablanca, and that has become in the
middle of the room until its slot and started
to modify the contents quickly and panting
under the excessive emotion and effort to
[ ]173

found the stray: old. photographed
by listened attentively moment. You hear
the voice of her brother and mother to talk
about it in the lounge..
You are the one who decide on, my mother
in Egypt, at!
Muted Aziza respirable particulate matter
and occupy the mobile, and the tone was
emitted open until strongly under the
pillow. I waited for a moment to watch her
mother and her brother's words abroad
You want to connect to the Habib heart!
Her father uniform outer casing.. But I
know and maybe I break it, God Willing!
Satisfied that they in speaking,
affirmed the serious reaction attracted
Deep Breath Iris lane in gasp then
considered the mobile Record
Button Pressed contact..

cold air and I go out to a patio party
cloudy eyesight than people farsightedness
distraction. The fear I grieve' like someone
who swallowed a fatal poison is expected to
[ ]174

end at any moment, render faster pace
toward the parking mechanism in a
manner as a fugitive from the danger of
what does not know, wipe the race for
heavy despite cold January, felt many
eyes in awe and curiosity. A few of
them would have wished me because I said
, including safety did not dare one of them
as saying, the rest, the majority, there is no
doubt that they wish to solve my
disaster in Alto. The Necati represent great
disappointment for them, as
ratification from the comfort of their idea
of false themselves: that they are people
who are respected patriots, did not sell
themselves cheaply to corrupt regime is
weighing heavily on the will of the
Egyptians , started to attack a bunch
of police officers and taken me in front of
everyone is the happiest the end of the cold
comfort for them, and make them forget
what happened silly One on his
face and then completes his way, then-to
remember - will be able to summarize my
story in the words comfortable financer
resentment among them in "A man was
insane or paid a requital of this! ".. From
the other hand made a considerable effort
to proved a truism in my mind: that the
security men and the police deployed in the
entries and exits the place was not
any particular insights, and does not know
[ ]175

what it has done, for the simple reason:
that none of them did not leave his place
since morning; however expected security
response terrible, and imminent and
unexpected, myself in interrogation
room bleak like a film Karnak, State
security officer asked me conceit amid his
men: Your name a your mother?
Visual pavement even hid in a look of
anger, Scowl Governor :
Mustafa Kamel Ismail!
To him, "What do?
An engineer!
Kanye found does not represent little
protection have been legalized: Chairman,
Department of construction, and member
of the Board of Directors of the Group
Mysterious look and then he asked:
Do you think of Gamal Mubarak?!
"You Bin Dog owner in my opinion? And
why Lord, we highlight the not and
have mercy on us? !" So I wondered to
myself, however, that I would be remiss if I
did not say the name without titles, I
answered challenging tone:
It is my right to say my opinion frankly!
If slap loud rock entities of salt to blood
from my mouth punched and kicked
deeper one in my stomach to climb deep
pain and lost consciousness, I woke up
beyond the wooden cross and physical
[ ]176

awkwardness of torture I was convinced
that the maneuver is the best way to deal in
such circumstances lowering my tone has
changed from the outset:
"I am with the Government. Minimum
look at Phil, but da what monetary
that always required.. In all the time ... Not
consent to the officer, raising his
brows surprising became silent!.. With all
of the vehicle after you pressed the Unlock
button Sfeir , dealt
with the mobile from my pocket and
Harkatul mechanism also opened, as if he
was my escalated. opened the door of
the car and I thought that ignore the call
until I leave the place, but I feel that that
there is a relation between the connection
as yet unseen threats to me, I answered out
hostile tone belligerent posture unwillingly:
you what da, stupid.. Are you sure ?!
This instrument of audio shouting, cousin
of Ramadan anger. I do not know
how I jumped to my mind pictures of a
child and one big, he rebukes me ,
incendiary wave of anger, I
of excessive emotion:
I am free to say what I you want to help W.
He interrupted the revolution:
[ ]177

You you say? You also forgot that I
Allen?! Not speak now.. I hear I
am in management.. A railway
station and I have.. Please go ahead?!
I do not know who closed the line: I am, or
is it, and how do I forgot designed by
O'Keefe knew I repeated it. Perhaps felt
his fingers causes shocks phone from
excessive , possible, but in any case I
did not anything with pursuant to
Ramadan. I thought that declared the
mobile of excessive anger but it rang again.
Having considered to display more
radically the anxieties of revolutions as
much as I can:
Iowa, oh dear!
secured in this today, that the misfortunes
is not the individual, as it took me dear me
the worst news in the worst of times,
fractious of anger My
Lips with outrage and I heard in
heaven and earth, like someone who is
looking for a safe haven, but it was not
there, but the Courtyard security,
lights hanging on the walls, and leaving
their feet or their cars. Even exploded and
started nervously, in the same
moment in which the Bahgat Allam Pavos
from far I consider it instruct
through phone with confidence and
firmness of his hand things over:
[ ]178

No, of course, nobody can feel! YOU
WANT TO YOU hero of him or what?!
And then before that closes the line: I am
.. Peace! Line closed roof of
the vehicle in my hand several times of
excessive anger, before he threw myself in
front of the steering wheel and run the
vehicle, perhaps in kind Bahgat Allam
were another I passed the gate of the
party, such as fishing naive slip honestly to
the hunter!



[ ]179

Paid door violently intruded into the office
pursuant to Ramadan he turned back and
greeted him as me deeply disturbed rose up
crouching bid farewell to Itaf Zalat who was
under his feet. Along the way you are more
expensive, land in an effort to the clash.
You cant wait to quarrel with any one of the
fearful of entitled to it to grumble Add to My
anger waterfall.. Who did not encountering
only Ramadan! The last time Sheikh Ga-ga
updates blessing be modified on the I,
Engineer Mustafa Kamel, artist, which would
otherwise have been nepotism and corruption,
it would have been thousands of students to
receive me science every day, the question of
engineering one, Ramadan is much more
complicated than the all what I thought about
the gas throughout life, went off in my ear his
twentieth time: "What is done da Jughbi!"
stupid?! Well, Saric stupidity on his origin!
This is faced blatant defiant tone as if to say to
him, "I am here in front of you me what you
can do? ".. He had erupted on four limbs
with me, , and evading the names of
between my lips pursuant to Ramadan, which
look where Ashfaque and strange cab
meets his son young young boy after losing it
of many years, embarrassed for a
moment. I noticed that he was relaxed does
not seem to be any deliberate intention to
attack, on the contrary he smoked cigar in his
seat plush luxury behind his office the
tobacco smoke scented room granting
[ ]180

this special event shadow will never forget.
However, all of these details didn't
completely in a timely manner with the
rampage, which dominated the and I came
with a look of fire had decided pursuant to
Ramadan hot blood in my face. If you are a
monster in which it
arose, it would perhaps be read in be you all
his face and recovered quickly restored
the role of the Director, with all its energy to
the explosion! resurrection and Dar-es-
Salaam on his office. his grinders at the fore
muscles broken jaw, approached me even
faced with. A little silence Jaffna
trembling moment, I thought that he had
something smack me, strained my muscles
and I am therefore..
I want to understand what I said in the
conference da?!
This is how he asked me in a tone in rough
herbicide tank for fear of dynamite, a
minimum pay earthquake to the explosion,
have converged on a smile and wicked
sarcastic intended to exaggerate the insulting:
What? Are you afraid for your own interests!
I said that the Da corrupt regime.. Are not the
de fact?!
I can hardly believe that the cousin of
Ramadan did not picking up a word I said,
Powell expression on my face and then cut his
eyes, as if they were hiding what of
grimaces during cross-examination, and the
Arc de Triomphe, tighten, etc. before the
what to raise the so exploded in. In shouting
[ ]181

Yazbed trembling of excessive emotion
and I wasn't in need more than that in order
to escape Egal revolutions. We are faced with
conflicting . In the following
three or I swear that Ramadan did not hear a
word I say. We share shout in the subject, yes,
but all of us were in a valley seems to be
speaking another language, the cousin of
Ramadan called shell I even followed by
following pronouncement just read my face
not my lips, did not feel in my life more;
Fadwa emission!
You are the owner of the money and people?
The extent ? Aisha..!
Aisha?! The de Aisha? 200 .. 300 family
looters whole country.. people remained
dust says to me "Aisha" ?!
Where workers educated history?! I
read how many pages. You are a donkey don't
understand need, and Aref need! Ok,
speak da Les days Shubra Zaman?!
anytime we overpowering.. There is no need
to have supported the ourselves passion.. The
stayed senior stayed it pollute them.. !
every need was on hand.. They pay a
bribe is upset you? We paid blood! Aref, I
mean, what blood?! In the dust that you what
Shi, Da!
I gave him my back I pointed out to the
street's dark outside the window.
ahi remained all corruption!
At intervals shouting:
But you generation .. What a country
! Why ?! Why himself?!
[ ]182

think he did. yourself the best of US.. any
one of my generation neck A. you! Okay, we
are corrupt.. But I would like to tell you about
my shared blessing that you where de
own mosque! You forget you? you forget you,
what an artist?! If you are a little bit
.. I M streets having an economy
and a currency board of Paradise.. The
largest group in the country. Now
? !
I mean, the largest group of them thieves!
Beginning with in his face, stripped myself
leaving, back in the corridor. did not use
the elevator, but rushed bow descend stairs on
my feet! Even if a way out a genius wanted to
be brilliant scene that reflects the fall ,
confusion and loss of regression, found
informed mad paper on peace cyclones
autumn falling wind as I look from the
point of view of the cousin of Ramadan, which
holds the railings supreme peace making half
Screechy hysterical that led to the
Stupid! Faker Ha states?
Da system.. You have the system? and
unwritten collections or systems to get out..
M burrow Amat Brotherhood
terrorists 1000 years after chore..
what is not on how they feel like what
worked in Algeria. Is da fact.. Tell me
CIA in countries and then speak ... I knew
that you are ignorant ?! Ignorant and
Stupid! In hell.. I do not want to end with me..
I am myself!!
[ ]183

I couldn't get out of a dream of a new
workshop to darkness, I drove maximum
speed on non-Hoda, overwhelmed by noise in
showers of light in feel rushed in clouds
of smoke wishes. Dear disaster, and
shamelessly lurch will not pass peacefully, and
Sheikh says that this is the reality!
What a bad reality?! If life was so bad, why
should we prefer the death? And when we get
out of this rotten sink?! A moment of horrific
fell to zero value of everything was equated
with death life dreams, losses, fractious
hardest cars are indifferent verbally or death.
I've found giant sign of Paradise
resentment with sarcasm on my face, and did
not find it in my heart that the place which it
occupied in the past, she wondered about the
feasibility, and our experience was deserve to
live! That was why our imagination, of
making our anger ?
Or is the life of intensive in capsule was
informed of decades have passed since we
have a dream Transit Without meaning
and interpretation, therefore ! It
is the experience of an indelible mark to leave
the place? Or time? or that our Innocence lost
during which does not respond and does not
replace remains we owe forever?! Wi-Fi life of
[ ]184

those? But any evening? But any curse?! If we
were to this as without end; how we were
beginning?! Do you erred when it accepted
the adventure? Lost your art, Your Heart
Buried in the salty sea, and then you forget
yourself, what nigh you that the water is
more more then from the bottom?!
And tomorrow become fossil! Sheikh Saeed.. I
invite me survival! Oh God! Where are you
my dear of this painful housing even
sedation? must get out of this dilemma,
Mustafa, but had already left! I felt that I
need to speak with one, and I don't know why
the ME Shawqi.. Love is the only good in this
life, and friendship meaning reflected in
moments labyrinth and loss.. strongly
on the accelerator pedal heading to Manial


[ ]185






[ ]186


And in the same place, a few meters confronted with the
same the fence was there a couple stand such as their.
Young based on the fence only, while wipe her
nose with a handkerchief and it seems that it crying, and
youth standing beside it is almost encircled by other lever
arm moves in the air, as if they were struggling to
persuade them to do something, it was all a couple or
more busy control the other , did not attract
attention. At this moment, we laughed fade from far
followed by an uproar is unclear, when he said the young
girl, saying:
What , blessing..
The lighting had seemed to be lit up overlooking
them glowing eyes in silence, while they ensured
that the passers-by and noise cars a chance to speak
without the one, which encouraged a blessing that
who burst into tears more went out clear voice crying:
[ ]187

? !..
Convicted go as authorized in his home in order to write
to you?
And then?
And then I answer a new lease apartment cousin of
Ramadan healthy.. Here I say Mister.. You say
apartment.. Adeniyi I bring you apartment Aho.. The
overriding to Allah..
searched her tears and nose and boycotted by weak
as if they pretend it upholds the On Her shyness about
rent is paid?
If so, my lady bid farewell to Itaf Zalat who was.,
I looked forward to started to dry tears and nose,
lightly said her chin:
a blessing.. Do you have what my ..
and extended his hand reversing wind escaped from
under the veil , raising to gently and then smiles in
That's it, then.. Hey, let us marry girls or women..
Laugh.. Yalla remained, Reina laugh sweet..
I smiled a blessing in spite of renewed only two
tears from her eyes, he said to them:
you listen.. Come on gets it out before the authorized
to go, what is your opinion..
[ ]188

Grace shook her head:
Do not inflict first authorized..
Okay.. Ok, Yalla Pena..
Taken said of her taxi and a movement of the
bridge, which filled with dozens of double standards in
the face of the Nile CD-ROMs on both sides.


Protest said: in the background poster film (Bonn
La Soiree) says it.. What's your opinion enter Bonn La
Soiree tomorrow.. Are contained.. The Section would be
put Grace take another taxi driver, he says: I say
Mustafa Kamel I reserved in the section.
What to suspend Said to realize the first look that he was
involved in an ambush traffic. The view was the reason
for concern. There are two cars beside the pier,
while standing strength in humiliating in Waiting
Amnesty for their cards on which had certainly been
withdrawing them, while the members of the Committee
in the case of harassment, ignoring enjoy drivers, it was
clear that it hour dinner of the members of the
[ ]189

Commission, shows that the Chinese food , one to
the Secretary of the police, and two of the Israelites,
while singled out second officer, who was sitting on the
corner over other wicker chair, remove one of the stores
on the street, which is to be careful to enter the happy
even to easy gesture to the entrance to the street, the
THE VEHICLE officer lightly face demonstrators
follow-up to the way the matter does not concern..
He said the Secretary-General arrogance. The impact on
the Saeed, who papers quickly, while he
The pasha, what?!
Opposite direction!
The happy to leave anything of the Secretary-General as
a feeble, weak showing a sign "hidden" behind a tree in
the street so that it was almost impossible to detect from
the outside of the street, but after entering the -the sign
(All traffic in the opposite direction) for a moment
suspend said at a gateway like someone who absorbs it.
The stringent and harsh words sharp fully
consistent with the pattern of life which Mawsili is due
not happy depends very much on the question, however,
stopped a moment of imminent in the sign. In fact, he
was thinking of how to act in this position . It was a fine
traffic in the opposite direction is known, cents
became the modern people, who denounced high value
1200 pounds, to add to the list of blackmail drivers, and
here is the Secretary-General asked to 500 pounds.. I
[ ]190

have heard said dozens of stories in this regard, and
knows exactly how to act in these situations: Out of the
paper under solar 50 pounds (the price accepted bribery)
shortly after the attractions and leave the Secretary-
General give him satisfied with the amount that will be
shared with the rest of the yield with the officer who was
sitting there pretending to follow-up the road. This was
what was said by will in ordinary cases, although this
was supposed to be happy at the disposal of the
mysterious reason this time entirely different way..
Oh Pasha I still authors from here yesterday was not the
The Secretary-General so bowed his head into the
window of the window and take a look at the blessing
and then said in a tone of low unequivocally retain beside
his arrogance like the word comma in the subject:
Hat 500!
Is it the machismo that plague men when accompanied
by a woman? Is it because it felt like that from the outset
that participate in particularly odious that it demanded
their representative to blackmail him with utmost
rudeness, or that the many compliance pressures one
reaches in a moment to the explosion without any
account of the consequences, the capital also with Him is
all owned by the difficulty of its borrowing from five of
its owners for generating costs of the Qur'an has not
ready to blame, because it, is today bad horrors
throughout the day.. May be all these reasons may not be
any of them, but the result is the same, namely that the
blood simmered in the face of the happy, so much so that
[ ]191

the hair heart strikes almost be painful and found himself
in the face of the smouldering:
you originally ambush da wrong basis!
Yes, the spirit of your mother!
A spirit of your mother?
The Secretary-General opened the door of the car and
attract said of his jacket to abroad violently..
Ok, lower me here..
He said he keeps on the face of the Movement surprise as
she screamed a blessing followed abroad.
You , why? I am a criminal?!
Iowa criminal and nephew a whore!
Strongly slapped him on the face.
What happened after that the hijackers , did not
exceed scored, but that is a blessing to remember very
The Secretary-General has charged happy with both his
hands for a moment, and that restored its balance to
the other two policemen, who confessed had said
cuffed his arms strongly swooped successor of the
Secretary-General on the happy retaliatory punch
to stomach the officer had arrived in the other violent and
heavy blow drew most happy, but said he had received,
being indifferent as he was thinking of a post over the
blessing, which stood her wail and screams
people and members of the Committee, during the course
[ ]192

of this staring at some passers-by, who took the position,
without the temerity to just one approach, and perhaps
thought that the matter is to discipline the fact that people
outside the law already committed an unforgivable act,
and perhaps found in this idea sorry appropriate absolves
them before of attempt to intervene. Another
reason for making people on this as it is their
fear of detention under the emergency law in force,
which gives the right to any recruits to arrest any person
and deliver the behind the sun on mere suspicion! This
was the silence gave the members of the Committee a
fertile strikes to kill said kiss of all toward, while so-
called happy loud cry with every strike, while not
attempting to stop a boon for distress with passers-
by in vain. Only one car, it seems that the claimant is
breaking the barrier of fear marched toward them bow.
A whip behind.. her cheek with you Shubra..
Obeyed veteran speak with catch a blessing beside him,
he screamed in which said the highest :
Having said Mustafa Kamel said that I am reserved in
Get a taxi..

[ ]193





"abattoir" is the name of the room, rolling Detained
By happy!
[ ]194

Unlike the name, seems to be the room quite
normal. Square, without windows, there is also another of
no more than four meters, tiles are worn approached the
color of the Earth from excessive football, and free from
the furniture, but of great from the ceiling in
one corner, much resembled those hooks hanging at
butcher to suspend slaughtering, apart from that there's
nothing else in the Room.
In that night, three of the Board of Trustees of the police
try to underpants said, in a an officer with the rank of
captain, holding a stick, threatens to enter in the rear. In
Saeed resist air legs fiercely until he was able, in
the end, to avoid the two men and then the advancement
of and closed the trousers and resulted in being
throughout the room panicky escapes from the
slaughter, so that they were able to apprehend and finally
here showered by strikes from all toward, although it was
not completely surrendering to weightlessness had
originally offered strange power to the resistance and the
exchange of rivalry between each blow, screaming and:
O the dog.. o the dog! bloodshed began erupting from his
face, nose, mouth and at the moment that was showered
over several blows hysterical with the same big stick,
which was determined to willingly between .. Finally
Basile said for a moment and spat bloody blended
adhesive carrying front teeth and blocks of blood bean
curd and cucumbers that gathered in because of his
nose bleeding, which crashed, teeth on the ground
and then he vomited blood rosy before him in own
vomit motionless amid amazement of trustees..
It is difficult to know the happy that recognizes it now..
[ ]195

Blood continues dripping from many parts of his body,
his face bloody bloody balloon because of the air
under the bones of his pockets nasal sinuses , as
his eyes were strongly because of
internal bleeding in his brain, and teeth broken front,
either his breathing was no longer felt, or is already just
had stopped. They had unanimously agreed to them to
get rid of him before to brief him on the morning melts
away, and the sleuth Poking a bundle of bhang (available
from progress always Section) in his mouth, and then he
delivered from the roof section to equate the cause of the
killings street brawl on money or drugs. The three
were carrying on the surface of the Section in the care of
the officer, approached the fence was explored, one of
them the street: the shops are closed, and the movement
light and far from the scope of the Section, the houses
remote Windows were dark or closed in most of them,
and not be seen as being of any of them, thanks to the
dark rooftop terrace.. Everything is ok then, and
now they are they get through over the fence, he heard
sound of collision bones asphalt..


[ ]196




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