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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)

Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 610-613 January 2014 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 0882

IJSRET @ 2014
Yakubu Mandafiya JOHN
, Haruna Mavakumba KEFAS
, Daniel Oricha ANTHONY
and Aminu Baba USMAN
1, 2, 3
Chemical Engineering Department, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria.
Mechanical Engineering Department, Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria.
Hand-dug Well water is the major source of water for
domestic use in Song town shows that human activities,
indiscriminate location of dump sites and poor drainage
system close to these wells contribute to the pollution of
the well water. This research which is aimed at
assessing the potential level of hazard arising from the
level of contaminants in the well water revealed that,
some of its physical, chemical and biology
characteristics tested are above World Health
Organization (WHO) standards for drinking water. The
results obtained are stated with that of the (WHO)
Standards in bracket. Temperature; 30 31
C (5 10
C), TDS; 36.2 106 mg/l (5 100 mg/l), Iron; 0.12
0.4 mg/l (0.1 mg/l), Manganese; 2 5 mg/l (0.3 0.5
mg/l), Colonies of Bacterial; 80 150 cfu/ml(< 1
cfu/ml), Lead; 0.2 0.4 mg/l (0.05 0.1 mg/l), pH; 6.5
7.0 (6.5 8.5), Nitrite; 11 30 mg/l (45 mg/l), Nitrate; 6
18 mg/l (45 mg/l), Sodium Chloride; 30 95 mg/l (250
mg/l), Calcium; 10.8 32.16 mg/l (13 mg/l), Sodium;
19.5 38.3 mg/l (20 mg/l), Copper; 0.12 0.45 mg/l
(1.0 mg/l), Ammonia and Ammonium; 1.22 2.35 mg/l
and 1.15 2.28 mg/l (0.15 mg/l) respectively, Sulphate;
24 40mg/l (100 200 mg/l). The result shows that the
well water is unsatisfactory for direct drinking and for
industrial uses.
1. Introduction
Well water is obtained from underground water,
and is widely used for domestic, industrial and
agricultural purposes (Encarta, 2005).
The well water, in its natural state is never pure
for domestic uses (Hall, 1981). The extent of the
impurities is traced to the source, which is ground water.
When it rain, water flows on the ground surface and
collect small stones, erode top fertile soil and organic
matter in the form of suspended material and drain
through the soils slowly and join the underground water
The element in the water can cause health
problems; Lead (above 0.05mg/l) is known to influence
brain activity, causing learning disabilities (Encarta,
2005). Copper (above 1.omg/l) has been linked to
migraines, arthritis, emotional disturbances and even
cancer. Manganese or iron (above 0.1mg/l and 0.05mg/l
respectively) cause unwanted staining (i.e. staining of
the teeth) and encourage bacteria growth (Encarta,
Song (9
4928N 12
3730E / 9.8244
E) town of Adamawa State of Nigeria with
population of well over 4,000 people whose climate is
characterized by wet season from April to October while
the dry season last from November to March with mean
annual rainfall of between 79mm to 197mm, the wettest
month being August and September. Temperatures are
generally high throughout the year except between
November and February when harmattan winds tends to
reduce temperature to 26.9
C. However, mean annual
temperature is around 28
C.Relative humidity also varies
seasonally in the study area, with low value of about 18-
30% between January and March. Increasing in peak of
82% between April to August and September, and
declining again in October.
Song is a town with characteristically rapidly
growing populations with unplanned settlements that
leads to the rise in refuse (waste) dumps, which
invariably pose disposal problems. This is usually a
common problem with many rapidly developing towns
in Nigeria.
Population growth, poor development plan,
chronic unhygienic habits, poorly managed cattle market
and poor enforcement of regulations are reasons for the
environmental pollution. Hand-dug wells located in
unhygienic areas of Song town are due to acute
shortages of portable water and the consumption of this
contaminated water affects the health of the people of
this area thereby increasing individual and government
expenditures in respect to ill health treatment.
It is noted that about 90 percent of the
population in Song Local Government area in Adamawa
State depends on the well water for domestic uses
(Adebayo et al, 1999), which may contain some level of
the contaminants.
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 610-613 January 2014 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
This research is intended to assess the quality of
well water in Song town, Song local Government area in
Adamawa State. The assessments of the well water will
reveal the pollution level and how detrimental it is to the
2. Procedures
Well water samples collected from five wells
were the major experimental materials and were chosen
based on their proximity to obvious sources of pollution
such as dumpsites, latrines, drainages, areas of high
human activities like laundry and waste effluents from
abattoir and cattle market. Description of some of the
hand-dug wells are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Wells Descriptions.
Name of Sample Area Nature and Dimension of Source
A Gudure (market
Well at 3m from road path and 2m from mechanic workshop
B Ankwan Sarki Well at 4m from road path
C Mayanka Well at 4m from abattoir and pool of stagnant water, 3m from
D Fadde Murke Well at 4m from domestic waste effluent and 3m from high
domestic activities (laundry etc)
E Tsohon Kasuwa Well in a residence house at 3m from pit latrine and drainage
effluent, 5m from dumpsite and foot path
The water sampling involved the collection of
water sample to be tested for physical, chemical and
microbial.The collection of the water sample for
microbial analysis involve the use of five (5) Pieces of
300ml clean, sterilized bottles, while that of physical and
chemical analysis involves the use of five (5) pieces of
two (2) liters containers.
At the site where the samples were being
collected, the bottles were first half-filled, shaken and
emptied. The bottles were then filled completely and
covered. The samples were kept in an ice box (cooler) in
order to avoid temperature rise and biological changes.
The collection of the water sample from the site
to the testing point (laboratory) was done within three
(3) hours.
3. Analysis of well water samples.
Conductivities, Total Dissolved Solids and
Salinity of the well water samples were immediately
measured after sample collection using a Hach Sension 5
Portable Conductivity meterwhile a Hach Sension 5
Portable Temperature meter for pH and Temperature
measurements was also used. The Trace and Heavy
Metals in the well water samples were determined by
Hach DR/2010, DR/2000 Spectrophotometer and
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, pye Unicorn SP
9 (AAS) using appropriate wavelength for each metal
(Fe, Zn, Pb and Cu). The Turbidity of the samples was
also determined using a Turbidity meter.
The bacteriological analysis for the presence of
microbial and faecal contamination was carried out. The
organisms were cultured using Nutrient Agar and Mac
Conkey agar.The colonies were counted using Leica
Quebec dark field colony counter. The colonies were
counted using Leica Quebec dark field colony counter.
Table 2: Results of Physical, Chemical and Microbial Analysis Compared with WHO Standards
Parameter Gudur
WHO standards
(maximum permissible
1. Temperature 30.0 30.0 30.0 31.0 30.5 5-10
C (>26
2. PH 6.5 7.0 6.8 8.4 6.8 6.5 8.5
3. Turbidity(FAU) 45 30 50 20 40 5 10
4. T D S 77.5 106 36.2 47.1 63.2 5 100
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 610-613 January 2014 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
5. Conductivity s/cm 167.3 229 78.5 102.8 126.5 1000
6. Nitrate (NO
) 10 18 6 14 12 45
7. Nitrite (NO
) 14 21 11 30 18 45
8. Chloride 45 57.5 30 49 47 250
9. Sodium chloride 74.25 95.0 49.5 80.85 77.55 250
10 Sodium as Na
29.25 38.3 19.5 31.80 25.2 20
11. Sulphate 32 28 40 24 39 100 200
12. Iron 0.12 0.4 0.28 0.23 0.25 0.1
13. Phosphate 1.31 0.86 1.44 0.67 1.30 Nil
14. Copper 0.45 0.15 0.30 0.22 0.12 1.0
15. Hardness (Ca as CaCo
) 53.2 27.2 80.4 48.8 62.4 150
16. Hardness(Mg as CaCo
) 130.64 67.16 197.4 119.5
145.38 150
17. Total Hardness 183.84 94.36 277.8 168.3
207.78 150
18 Calcium (as Ca
) 21.28 10.8 32.16 19.52 25.0 13
19. Magnesium Carbonate 110 56.55 166.2 100.7 122.41 150
20. Magnesium 31.9 16.4 48.2 29.2 35.5 0.2
21. Manganese 2 4 3 6 5 0.3 0.5
22. Ammonia (NH
) 1.76 2.35 2.12 1.22 2.31 0.15
23 Ammonium (NH
) 1.66 2.28 1.98 1.16 1.15 0.15
24. Ammonium nitrate
1.40 2.13 1.72 1.01 1.53 NiL
25. Lead 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.27 0.37 0.05 0.1
26 Coli form (cfu/100ml) 126 130 168 220 172 Not more than 1cfu/100ml
27. Colonies of
80 90 101 98 150 Not more than 1cfu/ml
28. E. coli Present Present Present Presen
29. Salmonella typhi Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Not permitted
4. Discussion of results
The Temperature of the well water sample is in
the range of 30 31
which is above the most
desirable temperature (i.e. 26
C) for public water supply
(Sharma, 2000). The high temperature recorded is also
the cause of high number of colonies forming unit in the
water samples, because bacteria grows at high
temperature (i.e. 37
C and above) (Jawetz, 2002). Such
water should be chlorinated using chlorine for
disinfections, before drinking.
It is also noted that the water samples are highly
turbid, which is caused by the presence of suspended and
colloidal matters in the water. The high amount of
Turbidity (i.e. in the range of 20 50 FAU) in the water,
which is against that of the WHO standards (i.e. 5 10
FAU) is also caused by the soil type (sanding soil) of the
region, since turbidity depend upon the type of soil over
which the water has moved. It is therefore, necessary for
the water to be filtered using a sample filter
cloth for drinking, to avoid outbreak of epidemic which
is mainly caused by turbidity in water (Sharma, 2000).
The Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in the water
samples is very high (i.e. 36.2 106 mg) as against that
of the WHO (i.e. 5 100 mg/l) which signifies hardness
and alkalinity in the water. Thus, the high level of TDS
has been attributed to unlining of wall of the wells,
which causes the falling of the wall to the water directly.
It is therefore advisable to coagulate the water with the
use of Aluminum Sulphate [Al
] for hardness, to
avoid much soap consumption in laundries and deposit
of debris in boiler (Encarta, 2005 and Ababio, 2002).
High concentration of Iron and Manganese was
recorded (i.e. 0.12 0.4 mg/l and 2 5 mg/l)
respectively as against the WHO standards (0.1mg/l and
0.3 0.5 mg/l respectively), which lead to the growth of
micro-organism in the water, increase hardness of water
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue 10 pp 610-613 January 2014 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 0882
IJSRET @ 2014
and tendency of corrosion of water pipes and other
equipment when use in process industries. The high
level of Iron and Manganese recorded could be traced to
location of the wells particularly Well B and D which
are close to dumpsites and blood from abattoir, where all
sorts of metals are found. It is therefore necessary for
this water to be coagulated using lime (Na
) for
removal of the Iron and Manganese and disinfections for
both domestic and industrial uses (Ababio, 2002).
High concentration of Lead (i.e. 0.2 0.4 mg/l)
was also recorded compare to the WHO standards (0.05-
0.1mg/l), which could be attributed to the location of
some of the wells close to dumpsite and drainage
system. This indicates the possible outbreak of lead
poisoning, hypertension and damage to nervous and
reproductive systems and kidneys. Preventive measures
such as avoidance of indiscriminate dumping of wastes
and location of well close to dumpsites should be
employed to avoid infection caused by the lead.
The pH of the water samples varies with
different sampling point from 6.5 8.4. The PH value
falls in the range of WHO standard (i.e. 6.5 8.5) thus,
when consumed, will have no negative effects on both
human beings and industrial processes.
The result of nitrite and nitrate (11 30 and 6
18 mg/l respectively) is below that of the WHO standard
(45 mg/l), which shows their presence in the water is not
harmful. But nitrite in the water is due to partly oxidized
organic matters present in the water (Sharma, 2000).
This requires the water to be fully treated (coagulation
process) for drinking, because excess of nitrite or nitrate
cause mathemoglobinemia disease to children.
The concentration of Chloride or Sodium
Chloride (i.e. 30 95 mg/l) in the water is far below the
WHO standards (250 mg/l). Therefore, making the
Water portable.
The concentration of Calcium (in the range of
10.8 32.16 mg/l) and Sodium (in the range of 19.5
38.3 mg/l) is found to be far above that of the WHO
standards (13 mg/l and 20 mg/l respectively). Calcium
compounds, a major reason for hardness of water which
are as a result soil nature coming from Calcium
Chloride, gypsum and limestone can be minimized by
lining these wells to prevent falling of wall of the well
directly into the water (Encarta, 2005).
Also, the concentration of Copper (in the range
of 0.12 0.45 mg/l) in the wells is below the WHO
standard (1.0 mg/l). Though, the presence .of Copper
indicates pollution, but small quantity of it is desirable
from health point of view (Sharma, 2000). Also,
according to Sharma (2000) Copper is rarely found in
natural water. It existence in high concentration in the
well water is an index of pollution from leachate and run
effluent of the polluted environments where the wells are
The concentration of Ammonia (in the range of
1.22 2.35 mg/l) and Ammonium (in the range of 1.15
2.28 mg/l) was found to be far above WHO standards
(0.15mg/l). Their presence in water is due to
decomposition of organic matters that may lead to
depreciation of Oxygen Demand in the water (Sharma
2000). Such organic matters are as a result of the wells
proximity to dumpsites and latrines.
Though Lower concentration of Sulphate (in the
range of 24 40 mg/l) was also recorded compare to the
WHO standards (100 - 200mg/l), it is necessary for this
water to be completely treated for hardness, using
, Al
or Ferric Chloride as the coagulant,
for domestic and industrial uses to prevent soap
consumption and corrosion of boilers.. This is because,
the presence of Sulphate also contribute to high level of
hardness in the water.
High Colonies of Bacteria (i.e. 80 150 cfu/ml)
were recorded in the water samples and the presence of
Escherichia coli (E-coli), which indicates the possibility
of presence of pathogenic bacteria in the water (Sharma,
2002). It is obvious that the wells are been exposed to all
sorts of contaminants such as domestic wastes since they
have no casing head (cover) and also, the leaching of
wastes from dumpsites into the wells, and human
activities such as washing around the wells. This shows
that the water from these wells is not in any way suitable
for drinking and should therefore be purified for
[1] Adebayo, A.A and Tukur A. L. (1990). Adamawa
State in Maps. Paraclete Publishers, Yola, Nigeria. 23-26
[2] Hall, Fred (1981).Plumbing: Cold Water Supplies,
Drainage and Sanitation. International Student
Edition.Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. New York. PP 39.
[3] Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg (2002). Medical
Microbiology. International Edition. 22
McHill, New York Page 135.
[4] Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2005.
http://encarta.msn.com. [Retrieved 2010].
[5] Sharma J.L. Public Health Engineering, Second
Edition, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi. PP 113-135

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