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*Here you will find questions 13-20 answered.

13. Explain some of the key features of a social studies series teacher's edition.

Houghton Mifflin Teachers Edition

The unit planner will give the teacher a visual display of the chapters in the unit. Each
chapter in the Houghton Mifflin textbooks has core lessons, lesson extension ideas, skill
builder activities and chapter reviews.

There are many assessment options in these textbooks. Teachers can choose whole
group assessments, informal assessments, and ongoing assessments.

Reaching all leaner's page will offer suggestions to help teachers meet the needs of
ALL students.

Teacher read aloud is a way to share a content-related story while modeling fluency and

The chapter preview will help introduce new vocabulary words to students. Teachers
should make sure and see the misconceptions students might have.

The skill builder is a mapping lesson that will be found in every chapter. This will give
the teacher correct background to make sure that he or she is teaching the skill
The community handbook which I think is the most important for students makes a real-
life connection between the lesson and real life situations.

14. Explain each of the four social studies strands taught in Nevada.

History: Students will be introduced and eventually understand the development,
characteristics and interaction of different people, cultures, societies, religion and ideas
when the history standards are addressed in the classroom.

Civics: Students will learn and understand why society needs rules\ laws, government
and understand the roles and rights of being an American citizen. Students will also
understand and learn why we need to be respectful and thoughtful towards one another
even if they have different views, morals, or religion backgrounds. When teaching civics
in the classroom the students will be able to actively work with one another to create a
safe and fun environment to learn in.

Economics: When economics is being taught in the classroom students will learn and
understand the importance of making and saving money. Economics is the study of the
making, buying, and selling of goods or services. Students will understand the concept
of supply and demand and know that the U.S. economy is a whole.
Geography: When geography is being taught in the classroom students will learn how to
use maps and globes to locate specific destinations. Students will be introduced to
different places and how their environment has changed over time.

15. Explain why you think social studies should or should not be taught in elementary

I think social studies should be taught in elementary schools. By teaching social
studies students will learn about past and current events that have shaped our county
and made the place it is today. Students need to be updated on what is happening not
only in the United States but also around the world. Teaching social studies in the
classroom, students will be able to form their own opinions and views about religion,
culture, morals and society. It is important for students to learn about different and
diverse cultures so they can appropriately interact with others. It is also very important
that students learn about historical events that has changed our country. (i.e.,
Holocaust, World War I & II, Vietnam War, Womans Right etc.)

16. If you had the ability to do it, what would you change about the social studies
curriculum in Nevada?
Explain your ideas.

When I look back and reflect on my education I can barely remember learning social
studies in the classroom. If I could change something I would make sure that every
grade level in every school is teaching Social Studies. I have observed in several
classrooms for my college courses and I have never seen the subject of social studies
being taught. There is such a big emphasis on Language Arts and math that I think
subjects like science and social studies are bring removed in the curriculum. Students
need to know and understand about history, economics, geography and civics.
Teaching social studies in the classroom will make students well rounded when they
enter college or the real world.

17. Please see lesson plan # 3 under my planning tab. The lesson uses the Integrating
Language Arts and Social Studies textbook, Strategy 13, Connecting with Literature.
(Pages 92-96)

18. Based on what you've learned this semester, explain how your definition of "social
studies" has changed.

Before taking this class I thought social studies only taught about historical events and
issues that are happening in present day. After doing all the lesson plans, discussions
and class readings I realized that there is so much more to learn and teach about the
subject. Students can learn how to be a good citizen not only in the classroom but in
their neighborhood and at home. Each strand of social studies has so much information
to offer children. Students will be able to learn about different cultures, how to be a
respectful American, how to use different resources to find places around the world etc.
Social studies is so much more than learning about past and present issues that is
happening in our country.

19. Explain the advantages of collaborating with other teachers.

Teachers who work together in a professional manner see substantial improvements in
student behavior, achievement and attitude. If students are aware of what is expected of
them in every classroom, confusion will be eliminated for the students. Classroom rules
would not be changing year to year so the students will know what needs to be done in
order to succeed. For new teachers it helps them understand what needs to be done
academically. Veteran teachers can guide and aide the newer teacher\s of what the
principal expects to be done. All teachers will be one the same page when they are
teaching their students. It will bring experienced and beginning teachers closer together.
Collaborating with one another will help classrooms be more organized and prepared
for lessons, activities and assessments. Teachers will also feel more prepared to
support each others strengths and build on their weaknesses. Working together will
decrease planning time and will increase time to talk about different ideas and

20. Describe your biggest "a-ha" moment in EDEL 453.

My biggest "a-ha" moment was when I was creating my five day lesson plan. In other
college courses I was required to use the NSC template to complete my lesson plans.
Although, these lesson templates are great for writing lesson plans because they are
lengthy and give step by step instructions they take a lot of time and information to
complete just one lesson. Realistically I would not be able to use those templates when
I have my own classroom. They would take way too much time and would cut into my
instruction time. I was always worried because I was never introduced to a different
lesson plan format or how to write shorthand lesson plans. After practicing with the
lesson plans provided in my 453 class I will be able to use these templates for all my
lessons. They are easy to follow and precise. A guest teacher, student teacher or
administrator could easily follow my plans and understand what needs to be done day
to day.

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