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Evaluative Bibliography

"The Big Picture: Schools Tailored to Students Individual Needs - See More At:
needs." USA Today 24 Nov. 2004: n. pag. Web.
This article provides an introduction to the Big Picture school system. It was founded by Dennis
Littky and Elliot Washor. They both wanted something different for high school students. Why?
The current system isnt working. So in an effort to make a different, Littky and Washor set out
to reinvent education. They dropped standardized testing and grades to in favor of projects,
internships, and individualized courses. Since embarking on this mission of change, the two
founders have been successful. One hundred percent of their students are accepted into college.
Big Picture schools have some of the countrys highest attendance and graduation rates in the
country all because of a change in how education operates.
The article provided me with information on how the Big Picture schools got started and the
initial success the system had. The article also shows most of the benefits that the tailored
education system in America presents. In order to know the incentives to the program, I first had
to learn how it operated. The article provided me with a base for my paper and a good start.
USA today is a reliable news magazine. Not only is the Big Picture school on the move, Bill and
Melinda Gates are providing most of the funding for this change in education. Most of the
attention the school receives comes due to innovation.
Bromley, David, Christine Bare, Edward Garcia, and Anne Saporito. "The Problem: The Failure
of Traditional Education." (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
In the article, The Problem: The Failure of Traditional Education, focuses on why the
traditional education system is failing in America. The first topic, which is a part of the
problem, is the graduation rate in America. Statistical data shows that in 2008-2009 one student
dropped out every twelve seconds. That would bring the approximate drop out number to 2.6
million for that particular school year. When you look at the job opportunities for a high school
drop-out, they are little to none. The article explains that a student who fails to get a high school
diploma will see lifelong consequences. The article states that they are less likely to own a
home, and they will have higher rates of health problems.
In order to really see the benefits of tailored education, I feel that it is necessary to examine why
traditional education just isnt working. One of the biggest problems I found seems to be the
graduation rates of students. This article highlights that significantly. At my school, we had a
true graduation rate of 77%. It was a true graduation rate because some schools in the state
pass their students in order to achieve a high graduation. If you drop out of high school, just like
the article said, there are lifelong consequences. One of the benefits of tailored education is a
truly higher graduation with lifelong benefits.
This article was both credible and helpful. One of the main sources for information was the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are a major part of the
movement for improving education through research.

Goodman, Phoenix. "TED: Ideas worth Spreading." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. N.p., n.d.
Web. 23 Mar. 2014.
This particular article is about a different style of tailored education. It follows the Myers-Briggs
personality types. It let know you that at different stages in education and age, students should be
learning a particular subject.
This isnt my strongest article out of the five presented. It was one of the first articles on tailored
education that I found. The article however shows another way that tailored education can work.
The article written by Goodman was added by Ted.com. Ted.com always has articles on the
latest discussions around the country and around the world.

Houston, Paul D. No Challenge Left Behind: Transforming American Education through Heart
and Soul. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2008. Print.
The book written by Houston is separated into four parts that highlight the building blocks of
leadership, his job as a superintendent, the challenge of transforming education, and his
lessons from the road. No Challenge Left Behind: Transforming America Education through
Heart and Soul provides great insight of the traditional education system from an administrative
standpoint. Houston states that, education reform is driven by the thought that the system is
badly broken and must be fixed. In his opinion, the system isnt broken, its just a well-oiled
machine, doing the wrong thing. Houston explains that the demands of the world are constantly
changing; subsequently, the way we operate within our schools has to change.
Im not going to use all of the information presented in Houstons book. Some of the information
is not helpful at all. I like that this particular book brings information from schools in the
traditional education system all across the country. Information from across the country will
offer information from a diverse pool of problems within the traditional education system.
Houston states that the system isnt broken, but what exactly is going wrong?
Paul Houston, author, has served in just about every way possible in the education system:
Teacher, principal, superintendent, and mostly recently the President of the American
Association of School Administrators.

Mitchell, Eunice. "Big Picture - A Statement." Big Picture Personalized Learning One Student at
a Time an Innovative Education Alternative News. Regional Director for Network Support &
Innovation - See More At: Http://www.bigpicture.org/2014/02/a-
statement/#sthash.BMk1v7bn.dpuf, 3 Feb. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014
The article written by Mitchell displays the type of benefits one could experience with a Big
Picture education. Eunice Mitchell had the opportunity to help seniors with theyre college
application process. In the article, the main focus was centered on their personal statement. This
article gives insight to the help students in tailored education receive. Mitchell offers
encouragement and advice for students to help build on personal achievement. At a big picture
school, you pick your teachers and your advisor. In this case, Mitchell was an advisor to over ten
I cannot write about the benefits of tailored education without knowing what some of the
benefits are. Many people dont receive help with theyre college application. This article shows
how personal or in depth advisors at a Big picture school get with their students. A Statement
helps me to build on what most schools in the traditional education system arent offering
Mitchel is an advisor at a Big Picture school. The Big Picture website published and posted the
article on their website. The New York Times also posted the article.

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