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Titus 1

New International Version (NIV)

1 Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of
Jesus Christ to further the faith of Gods
elect and their knowlede of the truth that
leads to odliness !
in the hope of
eternal life, which God, who does not lie,
pro#ised $efore the $einnin of ti#e,
and which now at his appointed season
he has $rouht to liht throuh the
preachin entrusted to #e $& the
co##and of God our 'avior,
)o )itus, #& true son in our co##on
Grace and peace fro# God the +ather and
Christ Jesus our 'avior,
Appointing Elders Who Love What Is
Titus New International Version 1
)he reason I left &ou in Crete was that
&ou #iht put in order what was left
unfinished and appoint
elders in ever&
town, as I directed &ou,
1n elder #ust $e
$la#eless, faithful to his wife, a #an
whose children $elieve
and are not open
to the chare of $ein wild and
'ince an overseer #anaes
Gods household, he #ust $e $la#eless!
not over$earin, not 3uick4te#pered, not
iven to drunkenness, not violent, not
pursuin dishonest ain,
6ather, he #ust
$e hospita$le, one who loves what is ood,
who is self4controlled, upriht, hol& and
8e #ust hold fir#l& to the
trustworth& #essae as it has $een tauht,
so that he can encourae others $& sound
doctrine and refute those who oppose it,
Rebuking Those Who Fail to Do Good
+or there are #an& re$ellious people, full
of #eaninless talk and deception,
especiall& those of the circu#cision roup,
Titus New International Version 2
)he& #ust $e silenced, $ecause the& are
disruptin whole households $& teachin
thins the& ouht not to teach!and that
for the sake of dishonest ain,
:ne of
Cretes own prophets has said it* ;Cretans
are alwa&s liars, evil $rutes, la<&

)his sa&in is true, )herefore
re$uke the# sharpl&, so that the& will $e
sound in the faith
and will pa& no
attention to Jewish #&ths or to the #erel&
hu#an co##ands of those who re>ect the
)o the pure, all thins are pure, $ut
to those who are corrupted and do not
$elieve, nothin is pure, In fact, $oth their
#inds and consciences are corrupted,
)he& clai# to know God, $ut $& their
actions the& den& hi#, )he& are
detesta$le, diso$edient and unfit for doin
an&thin ood,
Titus 2
Titus New International Version 3
Doing Good for the ake of the Gospel
" ?ou, however, #ust teach what is
appropriate to sound doctrine,
)each the
older #en to $e te#perate, worth& of
respect, self4controlled, and sound in faith,
in love and in endurance,
@ikewise, teach the older wo#en to $e
reverent in the wa& the& live, not to $e
slanderers or addicted to #uch wine, $ut to
teach what is ood,
)hen the& can ure
the &ouner wo#en to love their hus$ands
and children,
to $e self4controlled and
pure, to $e $us& at ho#e, to $e kind, and
to $e su$>ect to their hus$ands, so that no
one will #alin the word of God,
'i#ilarl&, encourae the &oun #en to $e
In ever&thin set the# an
eAa#ple $& doin what is ood, In &our
teachin show interit&, seriousness
soundness of speech that cannot $e
conde#ned, so that those who oppose &ou
Titus New International Version 4
#a& $e asha#ed $ecause the& have
nothin $ad to sa& a$out us,
)each slaves to $e su$>ect to their
#asters in ever&thin, to tr& to please
the#, not to talk $ack to the#,
and not to
steal fro# the#, $ut to show that the& can
$e full& trusted, so that in ever& wa& the&
will #ake the teachin a$out God our
'avior attractive,
+or the race of God has appeared that
offers salvation to all people,
It teaches
us to sa& ;No= to unodliness and worldl&
passions, and to live self4controlled,
upriht and odl& lives in this present ae,
while we wait for the $lessed hope!the
appearin of the lor& of our reat God
and 'avior, Jesus Christ,
who ave
hi#self for us to redee# us fro# all
wickedness and to purif& for hi#self a
people that are his ver& own, eaer to do
what is ood,
Titus New International Version 5
)hese, then, are the thins &ou should
teach, Bncourae and re$uke with all
authorit&, Co not let an&one despise &ou,
Titus !
aved in "rder to Do Good
% 6e#ind the people to $e su$>ect to rulers
and authorities, to $e o$edient, to $e read&
to do whatever is ood,
to slander no one,
to $e peacea$le and considerate, and
alwa&s to $e entle toward ever&one,
1t one ti#e we too were foolish,
diso$edient, deceived and enslaved $& all
kinds of passions and pleasures, De lived
in #alice and env&, $ein hated and hatin
one another,
Eut when the kindness and
love of God our 'avior appeared,
saved us, not $ecause of rihteous thins
we had done, $ut $ecause of his #erc&,
Titus New International Version 6
8e saved us throuh the washin of re$irth
and renewal $& the 8ol& 'pirit,
who# he
poured out on us enerousl& throuh
Jesus Christ our 'avior,
so that, havin
$een >ustified $& his race, we #iht
$eco#e heirs havin the hope of eternal
)his is a trustworth& sa&in, 1nd I
want &ou to stress these thins, so that
those who have trusted in God #a& $e
careful to devote the#selves to doin what
is ood, )hese thins are eAcellent and
profita$le for ever&one,
Eut avoid foolish controversies and
enealoies and aru#ents and 3uarrels
a$out the law, $ecause these are
unprofita$le and useless,
Darn a divisive
person once, and then warn the# a
second ti#e, 1fter that, have nothin to do
with the#,
?ou #a& $e sure that such
people are warped and sinfulF the& are
Final Re#arks
Titus New International Version 7
1s soon as I send 1rte#as or )&chicus
to &ou, do &our $est to co#e to #e at
Nicopolis, $ecause I have decided to
winter there,
Co ever&thin &ou can to
help Genas the law&er and 1pollos on their
wa& and see that the& have ever&thin
the& need,
:ur people #ust learn to
devote the#selves to doin what is ood,
in order to provide for urent needs and
not live unproductive lives,
Bver&one with #e sends &ou reetins,
Greet those who love us in the faith,
Grace $e with &ou all,
Titus New International Version 8

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