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... through Bertha Dudde

Redemption only through Jesus Christ ....
el!"Redemption is not possi#le ....
$ou ha%e #een redeemed through the death o! Jesus Christ& and
not a single #eing in the entire uni%erse is e'(luded !rom this
redemption& !or )e has a((omplished )is a(t !or all on(e !allen
spirits& )e has a((omplished it !or all people past& present and
!uture .... But the #eing itsel! has to a(*no+ledge it& it
(ons(iously has to lay (laim on the #lessings o! the a(t o!
al%ation ....
God,s opponent is entitled to the spiritual #eing +hi(h had
%oluntarily !ollo+ed him into the a#yss .... -t turned to him and
a+ay !rom God o! its o+n !ree +ill .... o! its o+n !ree +ill it has to
turn a+ay !rom him again and desire to return to God. )o+e%er&
it +ould ne%er !ind the strength to separate itsel! !rom him&
#e(ause its +ill had #een totally +ea*ened #y the ad%ersary ....
-t +ould stay separated !rom God !ore%er i! the human #eing
Jesus& in Whom God had mani!ested )imsel!& had not a(hie%ed
the a(t o! al%ation #y means o! his (ru(i!i'ion& through +hi(h he
a(.uired the #lessings o! a stronger +ill& +hi(h (an no+ in(rease
the !allen spirit,s +ill and then also ena#le it to rise up against
the ad%ersary and stri%e to+ards God .....
/he a(t o! al%ation +ill not !or(e any #eing to return& #ut its
return is made possi#le !or it& +hi(h other+ise (ould ne%er ha%e
ta*en pla(e. $et it al+ays re.uires !ree +ill& other+ise all !allen
spirits would have been instantly redeemed and e%ery +or* o!
(reation +ould already #e spiritualised .... But the redemption
depends on the human #eing,s !ree +ill +ho& as a on(e !allen
#eing& is tra%elling the path a(ross earth !or the purpose o!
#e(oming !ree& i! he ta*es ad%antage o! Jesus, a(t o! al%ation
and )is a(.uired #lessings ....
/hen his redemption +ill #e (ertain& then he +ill return to his
origin as a (hild o! God .... then Jesus Christ +ill not ha%e died
!or him in %ain .... he (an still per!e(t himsel! in earthly li!e or
as(end in the spiritual *ingdom and #e a(ti%e in light and
strength and !reedom !or his o+n happiness.
-t only re.uires your +ill to #e redeemed& !or Jesus atoned the
guilt on his behalf& Jesus (leared the +ay !or him to the Father&
Jesus opened the gate to the *ingdom o! light .... But the human
#eing himsel! has to want that the a(t o! al%ation has #een
a(hie%ed for him& he has to (ons(iously pla(e himsel!
underneath the (ross o! Christ& he has to a(*no+ledge )im as
on o! God and Redeemer o! the +orld& in Whom God had
mani!ested )imsel! in order to #e a#le to #e(ome a 0%isi#le, God
!or all )is li%ing #eings ....
$et in that (ase one (annot e%er spea* a#out 0Self-
Redemption& e%en i! one,s o+n !ree +ill is the !irst (ondition to
attain the #lessing o! the a(t o! al%ation .... /he human #eing
(an ne%er !ree himsel! !rom his great guilt o! sin +ithout the help
o! Jesus Christ& in his +ea*ness o! +ill he +ill ne%er #e a#le to li!t
himsel! up and deta(h himsel! !rom God,s ad%ersary .....
/he redemption o! all souls is only possi#le through Jesus Christ&
and this is +hy the man Jesus Christ has su!!ered the (ru(i!i'ion
!or all !allen spiritual #eings and a(.uired the #lessing o! a
strengthened +ill& +hi(h e%ery #eing (an lay (laim to as soon as
it has rea(hed the stage o! !ree +ill as a human #eing again.
1nd this e'(eedingly 2oy!ul *no+ledge is (on%eyed to you
humans. For no+ you are in!ormed that you are not hopelessly
lost& that there is a path o! as(ent !or you& #a(* to your Father,s
house .... the path to the (ross o! Christ& +hi(h has to #e ta*en
+ithout !ail #ut +hi(h also assures you (omplete deli%eran(e.
-!& ho+e%er& you don,t ta*e this path then you +ill not !ind
redemption either& you +ill not #e released !rom your ad%ersary
and that means& that you +ill ne%er #e a#le to enter into the
*ingdom o! light #e(ause your guilt o! sin +ill pre%ent your entry.
$ou yoursel%es are una#le to !ree yoursel%es !rom this sin& #ut
you (an (arry it under the (ross& to Jesus Christ& Who shed )is
#lood !or your guilt and there#y also #ought you #a(* !rom God,s
Only& your +ill has to ma*e (ons(ious use o! this #lessing& and
then your guilt +ill also #e redeemed .... you +ill #e !ree #eings
again as you +ere in the #eginning& and need only per!e(t
yoursel%es in earthly li!e& that is& through lo%ing a(ti%ity shape
your nature into lo%e again .... you need only see* (losest unity
+ith God& your Father o! eternity& and your soul +ill mature and
then& as )is (hildren& #e a#le to enter the *ingdom o! light and
#liss ....
3u#lished #y !riends o! ne+ re%elations o! God 4-n!ormation&
do+nload o! all translated re%elations& theme"#oo*lets at5
4 http566en.#ertha"dudde.org6

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