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Moris Kimathi
6 May 2014
Responsibility and Ethics vs. Artificial Intelligence
Technology is developing rapidly as time passes by. With the development in
intelligence, a lot of technological discoveries and inventions are introduced on regular basis.
Artificial intelligence is perhaps one of the most controversial issues in science and technology
as it, sometimes contradicts general ethics and morality. Genetic engineering is beginning to
grow and evolve, as many scientists challenge, what might be possible and what is out of this
world. The article, What is genetic engineering?; published in 2003, explains this science as a
group of technologies that brings usage to the alteration of the genetic composition of cells. It
also transports genes from one being to another to produce a new kind of organism. Methods that
are being used are complicated manipulations of genetic and biological substances and/or
materials (What is genetic engineering, 2003). Since animals are also living beings that we know
have feelings; animal rights have been made to protect these creatures. A lot of people fight for
their rights and even refrain from eating animal meat to promote their good intentions. These
people claim that animals should not be butchered and fed to people because they are living
things, just as humans. Many of these animal right activists fight for animals right and privilege
to be taken care of, and preserved; but for most people animals like chicken and pigs have a
different case, as if they are made for eating purposes expressly. There have been many movies,
novels, and stories made to exhibit ethical issues and dilemmas about animal genetic engineering
and animal cloning. This paper discusses the message in these narratives about the ethical
concepts regarding animal genetic engineering..
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Frankenstein, one of the famous science-fiction novels, is about a mad doctor who tried
to create a being that is composed of different human and non-human body parts (McDonald,
2013). He used electricity to give life to this lifeless thing. When the creature becomes alive, it
was not taken care of and it questioned its purpose of living. Hence, it lived in anger and hatred
towards its creator (McDonald, 2013). In the end, Frankenstein Monster, portrayed a creature
that had had human feeling in him, all he wanted was to live normally with a partner, a family. .
The monster as he is called in the novel, taught himself to teach and read a beautiful piece
about finding harmony of nature with a wife! The novel effectively portrays his desire to spend a
lifetime of peace with eternal companion, as mentioned by McDonald (2013). Since its
publication, moral and ethical issues have been raised regarding the whole story of the novel.
Science played a big role in contradicting ethical issues. One of the biggest ethical issue or
dilemma is the sense of responsibility that Victor Frankenstein (the creator) should have shown
as soon as he created this being, which later was called, Frankensteins Monster. We are
always responsible for what we create. Based on an online article, Underlying Ethics in Mary
Shelleys Frankenstein, we contemplate on the ethics of parental responsibility that relates to
the life of the author and her novel. Its obvious that the author expressed her position as Victor
Frankensteins part, in avoidance of his crime. The need of parental authority, love, and care is
rudimentary for people, specifically children who hope for happy and successful relationships;
which is actually evident in the life story of the author. Shelley lost her mother at birth and she
was raised alone by her father. Many assume that this is the authors portrayal of the need for
parental figures in her life; she showed how important the role of parents is for everyone. And
this fact is true even today.
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The next is example is a film directed by Steven Spielberg titled, The Jurassic Park. In
the movie, a group of scientists found a prehistoric mosquito that was preserved in amber. The
extracted blood form this mosquito was used for DNA genetic engineering. The product was
creation of dinosaurs. These prehistoric creatures were inhabited on an isolated island they called
The Jurassic park, it was to become a different kind of Park and the income generating from
this was supposed to be outstanding. In the end, the creatures they created turned against
humanity which caused chaos in the park. killing a lot of people along the way.
Both of the above discussed situations coming from fictional stories, where manmade life
was illustrated in stark reality. Here when the situations became dire, both responsibility and
ethics was contradicted by science. With every creation comes great responsibility of the creator.
God, who is our creator, created us; therefore, He is responsible for us. In all the three stories,
responsibility towards the creation were not given focus on, hence the chaos erupted in the end
of each story. In terms of ethics, in both stories, there is the use of science which is also called
upon as Playing God. This statement denotes the act of doing something that God should be
the only one doing. Creating another living being is only the doing of God, and once we try to
create something close to a living being, we somehow are trying to challenge Him. On the other
hand in real life during such experiments, it is also inevitable to possibly cause physical or
emotional harm to these animals. The animal rights are made to protect such distresses to
animals. Responsibility and Ethics correlate the two situations with each other where there is a
creator and its creation. In relation to this, we bring in animal ethics that support the argument of
having the responsibility of what we are working on. Protection of the living being is the main
point of responsibility. A set of rules have been made in order to save and protect the animals. In
one of the codes the, Duke Animal Program Code of Ethics (2013), the use of animals during
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experiments is minimized especially when live animals are used. There has to be a valid and
reasonable explanation for the use of the animals, before using it as an experimental object.
There should not be any action towards the animal that may cause discomfort and pain to them.
(Duke Animal Program Code of Ethics, 2013)
The code of ethics extensively covers animal rights, their main concern and mode of
actions is making it imperative for companies and scientists alike, to not harm the animals in any
way while studying them. At the same time, when working on animals while they are conscious,
prolonging pain while experimenting on them and any other likely experimentations is
prohibited. This action also saves many species of animals and puts them away from extinction.
What then is my stand in all of this? I answer with a definite disagreement with genetic
engineering and artificial intelligence with exception for cases ,if the purpose of doing so is for
the good and betterment of the animal/creature itself. Situations like these are more promising
than using the technology on these animals for The Greater Good. These creatures bring beauty
to the world and preserving .it is the correct path to redemption. God gave us these creatures so
that we could be responsible in taking care of what He has given us. These animals might not
have the same intelligence as we do but they feel anger, happiness, excitement, and even love,
hence, they are living beings. They should be respected and not violated. We should not Play
God, as He is the only powerful being that can create such living beauty.
Works cited
McDonald, I. (n.d.). Imagining Other Worlds: Science Fiction and Animal Ethics. Our Hen
House. Retrieved April 18, 2014, from http://www.ourhenhouse.org
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The Duke Animal Program Code of Ethics. . (2011, May 14). Animal Care & Use
Program. Retrieved April 20, 2014, from http://vetmed.duhs.duke.edu
What is Genetic Engineering? (2003, June 14). Union of Concerned Scientists.
Retrieved April 20, 2014, from http://www.ucsusa.org/

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