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Active Library Explorer, Version 9.1 - readme_win.txt 2007-05-31

The Active Library Explorer allows the user to browse Ericsson Customer
Product Information with a standard web browser.
1. Products included in the delivery
2. Files included on the CD
3. New and modified features in this version
4. System requirements
5. Using the CD
6. Viewing the libraries included in the delivery
6.1 Viewing directly from the CD
6.2 Installation of libraries included in the delivery
7. Installation of Active Library Explorer
7.1 Automatic setup program on Windows platforms
7.2 Installation directly from the CD
7.3 Setting up Cache and Library directory
8. Platform specific notes
8.1 Windows 2000
8.2 Windows XP and Vista
8.3 Opening the Help file in ALEX for Windows
1. Products included in the delivery
Active Library Explorer (ALEX) CRAH 301 1061 R9/1
ALEX Server Solaris, version 9.1 CNAH 118 010/11 R9/1
ALEX Server Linux, version 9.1 CNAH 118 010/3 R9/1
ALEX Server Windows, version 9.1 CNAH 118 010/4 R9/1

ALEX for Windows, version 9.1 CAAH 101 016/2 R9B
2. Files included on the CD
The CD-ROM delivery contains the following file structure:
*.alx -- An Active Library Explorer library
(information container file)
readme_win.txt -- This file!
readme_unix.txt -- Readme file for UNIX platforms
Autorun.inf -- Autostart information for Windows
setup.exe -- Setup program for Windows, started
automatically when the CD is inserted
data_sheet.pdf -- Active Library Explorer data sheet (PDF)
alexserv_9_1_sol.tar -- Installation files for Solaris
inst_guide_unix.pdf -- Installation Guide for UNIX (PDF)
alexserv_9_1_linux.tar -- Installation files for Linux
inst_guide_unix.pdf -- Installation Guide for UNIX (PDF)
install.exe -- Installation program for Windows
inst_guide_nt.pdf -- Installation Guide for Windows (PDF)
Install.exe -- Installation program for
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
alex.exe -- Pre-Installed Active Library Explorer for
Windows 2000/XP/Vista

3. New and modified features in this version
The main new and modified features of the last two releases are:
Active Library Explorer version 9.1
- ' + ' and ' - ' operators can be used in the search pattern to include
or exclude words (AND and NOT functionality)
- When browsing in a document library it is now possible to switch between
the folder structure of the library and the chapter structure of the
currently loaded XHTML document. This makes it easier to navigate inside
large douments. This feature is available by clicking on the Document tab
in the left frame. Clicking on the Library tab will again show the
folder structure of the library.
- In the Advanced Search page, there is a drop down box that allows to
select a specific document type as a filter for the search result. This
feature is now enhanced to display only those document types that are
present in the currently viewed library. However, this works only for
document libraries produced from the beginning of 2007.
Active Library Explorer version 8.1
- When a document is opened, the corresponding folder to which the
document belongs will be highlighted in the left frame.
(Supported in IE 5 or later, Netscape 6 or later).
- Active Library Explorer Server:
Simplified installation and configuration procedure.
- Active Library Explorer for Windows:
Full support for browsing a Managed Object Model.
Support for automating site installations using customized directory
paths (please see chapter 7.3 below).
4. System requirements
Please see the Active Library Explorer - Data Sheet, page 2
5. Using the CD
When the CD is inserted in the drive, the setup.exe program is started
automatically. From this program it is possible to view the information
included on the CD, and to start the installation of Active Library
If the autorun feature is disabled on the PC, the setup program can be
manually started from the Windows File Explorer, or by selecting 'Run'
from the 'Start' menu. Write 'D:\setup.exe' and press 'OK' (please
substitute the appropriate drive letter for 'D', if necessary).
6. Viewing the libraries included in the delivery
If a Customer Product Information container file (an Active Library
Explorer library) is part of the delivery, it is included in the root
directory of the CD. The file is named *.alx.
6.1 Viewing directly from the CD
It is possible to use the pre-installed version of Active Library Explorer
for Windows, which is accessible from the setup menu, to browse the
libraries that are on the CD. Click on the "View library" button on the
first screen of the setup program.
This method does not require any installation!
6.2 Installation of libraries included in the delivery
If you install Active Library Explorer for Windows on your PC, you
can access the libraries in the following ways:
* With Active Library Explorer for Windows it is possible to use the
library directly from the CD. Just specify 'D:\' as the library
directory in the Active Library Explorer 'Preferences' window
(please substitute the appropriate drive letter for 'D', if
* If you prefer to store the libraries on your hard disk or file
server you can take libraries into use by copying it to a disk
directory that is configured as a library directory in
Active Library Explorer.
For details on how to configure Active Library Explorer to use a specific
disk directory, please refer to the Active Library Explorer Server
Installation Guide, or the Active Library Explorer for Windows on-line
7. Installation of Active Library Explorer
7.1 Automatic setup program on Windows platforms
When the CD is inserted in the drive, the setup.exe program is started
automatically. From this program is it possible to view the information
included on the CD, and to start the installation of Active Library
7.2 Installation directly from the CD
Active Library Explorer for Windows (2000/XP/Vista):
Run the self-extracting installation file /alexwin/install.exe
and follow the instructions on the screen.
Active Library Explorer Server on Windows:
Follow the instructions in the Active Library Explorer Server
Installation Guide /alexserv/win_nt/inst_guide_nt.pdf
Active Library Explorer Server on UNIX platforms:
Please see 'readme_unix.txt'

7.3 Setting up Cache and Library directory
To set the cache directory and the temp directory at the time of
installation, the following environment variables need to be set
to the required directory before starting the installation.
%TEMP% - Specify the required cache directory
%ALEXWIN_LIB% - Specify the library directory
Note: This is applicable only for Active Library Explorer for Windows.
8. Platform specific notes
8.1 Windows 2000
Windows 2000 does not let the installation program update the registry,
unless the installation is done with administrator's rights.
The installation will still be OK, but the connection of the file type
".alx" to the Active Library Explorer will not be made. The
drawback of this is that double-clicking on a library file will not
automatically start up the Active Library Explorer.
Opening dialog or pop-up windows
Windows 2000 does not always give focus to a new window opened from an
application. This means that the user has to click on the window to give
it the focus. In Active Library Explorer this concerns specifically the
Preferences, Annotation, and Help windows when they are opened by clicking
on a button in the Active Library Explorer toolbar. In some cases the
window may even be hidden behind the browser window.
8.2 Windows XP and Vista
Opening PDF documents in ALEX for Windows
An error message "Page cannot be found" is displayed when clicked on the
toolbar buttons, in a PDF document. The problem is with the Acrobat 6.0
version in Windows XP Service Pack 2. To solve the problem, upgrade to
Adobe Reader 7.0.
Libraries are not getting displayed in ALEX for Windows
Due to the enhanced security settings in Internet Explorer in Windows XP
Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista, Internet Explorer blocks active content
in a page when the page is accessed from the users local machine. When
ALEX for Windows accesses the libraries from the users machine, Internet
Explorer blocks the same and the libraries are not displayed. The
libraries will be displayed after clicking on the message (displayed
above the ALEX toolbar on top of the browser window) and by selecting
"Allow Blocked Content...".
It is possible to avoid these warning messages, but this means lowering
the security level settings in Internet Explorer, which is not recommended.
8.3 Opening the Help file in ALEX for Windows
ALEX for Windows launches a different type of help file based on the
Operating System. In Windows Vista, a new HTML Help file (alex.chm) is
shown on click of the toolbar help button. For other Windows Operating
System, the Windows Help format (alex.hlp) is invoked.
Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2007. All rights reserved.

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