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To be a Union infantry soldier at Gettysburg go to page 2.

To be a Confederate infantry soldier at Vicksburg go to page 9.


Imagine you are a Union soldier at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Hey John did you hear about that big battle we are marching to?
Ya. Its in a small town called Gettysburg.
You can hear it all ready.
You and your best friend John are marching to what some people are walking your death. The Union and
Confederate armies have met at a small town called Gettysburg.
. . .
You have just arrived at Gettysburg and are setting up camp when someone comes riding in on a horse.
Colonel Smith needs more men on the left flank. Any volunteers come with me.

This is the chance you have been waiting for. You have not seen any combat yet. On the other hand,
people are saying its a death sentence.
To go to the left flank go to page 2
To stay with your company go to page 4

You shout out that you will go.
13 others volunteer to go. Sadly, your best friend is not one of them. As you are walking over to the left
flank you find out you are going too little round top. You get there and are told to go to sleep. The big
attack will come in the morning.
. . .
You feel someone tapping your shoe. It is the colonel that got you yesterday. All he says to you is its
starting. You grab your rifle and head to the line. It takes 20 minutes and then you hear the terrifying
rebel cry. They are coming. You see them step out of the tree line and realize you are outnumbered 2-1.
You must hold your ground anyway. The rebels start there charge. Its not too long until they are in
range of your rifle. You squeeze off a shot and see someone fall down. You quickly reload and fire again.
This time your shot missed. You reload and see you have a clean shot at a captain. You shoot and see
him fall grabbing his arm. Then you see the rebels are retreating.
To run after the rebels go to page 4
To stay were you are go to page 8


You put your bayonet on your gun and run down the hill. As you get closer to the base you realize you
are about to be part of the rebels second charge. You stop, turn around, and try to run back up the hill
but you are noticed and shot. You are dead before you hit the ground.


You get dinner and go to bed. You wake up the next morning to the sound of canon fire. You are told
there will be no fighting where you are today. You spend the day cleaning your rifle and writing a letter
home. The next day you are told there will be battle. You and your battalion form a line behind a small
wall of rocks. You are told to lie down as canon rounds fly over your head. After 2 hours of canon fire, a
long rebel line steps out of the woods. The line must be over a mile long you think. As they start
marching over the open field your canons open fire. The only obstacle for Johnny Rebel is a road with a
fence. Soon they reach the fence and are in range of your rifle. You fire your first shot. You reload but
when youre finished you realize it will come to hand to hand combat so you put on your bayonet. You
fire again and see someone fall over. When you finish reloading you look up and see your best friend
fighting a rebel but your captain is about to get shot.
To save your captain go to page 6
To save your best friend go to page 7

You get up to shoot the man aiming at your captain but you are quickly shot. As you fall to the ground,
the last thing you see is a bayonet sink into your best friends chest.

You get up and shoot your best friends attacker but as you shoot you are shot in the arm. As you fall,
you see your best friends opponent fall. You hit him! You just saved your best friends life and the rebels
are retreating. You get up to walk away and a doctor rushes up to you and says the bullet went through
your arm but it missed the bone. Your arm wont have to be amputated! Congratulations you and your
best friend will live to fight another day.

The rebels are starting their second charge. You fire off five shots and get five kills. Soon the rebels are
in full retreat. You held them off. You decide its time to find your company again. You head to the scene
of Pickets Charge because it was reported that your company was there. You get there and see your
bunkmate. You run up to him and ask him where your best friend is. He solemnly tells you your best
friend was shot and killed. You head off with the rest of your company not saying a word.

It is the Siege of Vicksburg and you and your company are running low on food. Your orders just came in
and you need to go look for unexploded cannon balls. Your captain gave you the choice to go or to stay
and look for food.

To go and look for canon balls go to page 10
To look for food go to page 13


You are looking for 1 hour when you find a canon ball. Your captain says to wait for a wagon but your
sergeant says you can get it on your own.

To wait for a wagon go to page 11
To pick it up on your own go to page 12


Your sergeant and 3 men pick it up anyways. It just left the ground when it exploded. Your 5 men were
killed. Your arm was blown off. You will survive but without an arm.


You and 4 other men pick it up. You move three feet when someone collapses. The cannon ball falls and
your entire company is killed.


You start looking for food. It is not to long before you see a rat.

To try and catch the rat go to page 14
To keep looking for food go to page 15


You grab the rat by the tail when it turns around and bites you. You start having hallucinations and you
are put in a military hospital. In two weeks you go crazy and kill yourself.


You keep looking for more food. It is almost sundown when you see a squirrel. You quickly shoot and
you have a full belly for the night. You end up surviving the war. Congratulations! You won the Civil War.

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