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Tese are the observations I, James Farley, have of my condition and what the efects have been of

the automobile accident I had on May 13, 2013.

As a result of getting hit, my head banged against the door with such force that I blacked out for
a few moments, and am still having lapses of memory, such as: I didnt remember that the doctor
told me at the physical examination on May 14, that I have type 2 diabetes, for two months, until
I revisited the same doctor and was told again. I also received a phone call that week setting up an
appointment concerning my diabetes, diet requirements, and blood testing supplies. I missed that
appointment because I didnt remember the conversation and incidentally, still do not remember
the conversation. Since then I have missed other appointments, such as meeting with the bishop
from my church and several Cherokee Country government meetings, in which I was supposed
to be a participant. I have had difculty keeping track of my utility bills as well. I will ofen leave
the house and forget where I am going, what Im getting, and what its for. Ive lost at least three
sets of keys. I also have lost a debit card and a cell phone. I can only focus on one task at a time,
but I used to be able to multitask quite well.
Te same day as the physical exam (May 14) I also had a pre-arranged eye check-up examination,
as I had surgery 2 or 3 months earlier. Te previous checkup had gone well, and good progress
was being made. Te day afer the accident, the checkup did not go well, there had been serious
damage, and I was told that unless I had another surgery I would be blind in that lef eye within 6
months. I had the surgery this past summer to repair the damage, and since then it is slowly heal-
ing, but Ive been told that it will never be as good as it was, and I have to wait another 6 months
until I can get a prescription for reading glasses. As a result of the damage that was uncovered at
the May 14 eye exam, I can no longer see well enough in low light to drive, and reading is more
Since the accident I have daily headaches. Tey are not getting better or worse. Its just something
I have to deal with on a daily basis. Sometimes I am unable to get up and do daily functions, such
as cooking or bathing.
On May 13, I was in recovery from a back surgery done the previous August, for a broken verter-
bra and damaged spinal cord sheath, and was making good progress. Afer the accident, I began
tripping and falling a lot due to foot drop, which is continuing and no longer getting better. Also,
I wrenched my back in the accident, which caused me debilitating pain and I spent months going
to the chiropractor at least twice a week, and now at least once a week, so I can function some-
what. I still live with daily pain in my back, and have been given no expectation from my doctors
that it will get any better.Also, because of the pain in my back, and having to favor one side, my
hip is now causing me constant pain and a limp.
Other than the above, Im doing pretty well for a 68-year-old man.
___________________________________ ___November 4, 2013___
Signed Date

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