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Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant

-Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant
Directive 2014:05.09
Exchange agreement with the U.S Department o
!ome"an# Sec$rit%
Issued by
Aesyr Wdanaz
SPC Scandinavian Phalanx Covenant Directive 2014:05.09
Exchange agreement with the U.S Deartment o! "omeland Sec#rit$
US Dpt. Homeland Security
Malm University
The SPC successfully established a communications uplink ith Malm University faculty
of business development in early May
Pipeline pro!ression toards commerciali"ation of the #motional Symbolic $an!ua!e
%technical specifications supplemented&' anticipates market maturity ithin ( years once
!oo!le !lass is made available to a !lobal mass market consumer audience
US Dpt. of Homeland Security ).*.S.T %)uture *ttribute Screenin! Technolo!y& identified
as a prime candidate system for #S$ fast track commerciali"ation
Technolo!ical e+chan!e a!reement beteen MUST and the US !overnment
1 Choo&ing 'alm( Univer&it$ a& o#r main artner
* presentation of the #S$ as delivered to the university on *pril ,- and e are proud to report
that the faculty of business development have e+tended an invitation on may ,.rd to meet SPC
representatives and discuss the pro/ect in !reater detail. 0e are lookin! forard to buildin! and
maintainin! a close lon! term partnership ith Malm University pointin! to shared similarities in
!eo!raphical settin!' cultural and philosophically shared values as factors that ill enable such a
vision to come into fruition.
*s a first step in this nely formed inte!rative process the SPC have voluntarily offered to consult
domestic and international business associates to investi!ate collaborative possibilities in the
retrieval and limited diffusion of U.S Dpt. of Homeland Securitys classified ).*.S.T pro/ect
technical specifications.
2 ES) commerciali*ation
0e believe in the mass market potential of the #S$ as a revolutionary additive lin!uistic dimension
to ,1st century communication hose primary historical counterpart as the invention of the
alphabet. 2n our spearheadin! analytical research as an international strate!ic' humanitarian' and
spiritual thinktank !oo!le !lass mainstream enablement of au!mented reality has been identified as
a near future paradi!m shift of !reat ma!nitude. 2norder to secure and maintain an early competitive
advanta!e in this sector of au!mented reality it is imperative to initiate and discuss conceptual and
theoretical product aspects ell in advance of consumer access to industry specific technolo!ical
enablers hich are e+pected to arrive in late ,314.
0e are comfortable in the assertion of the Sedish and US !overnments responsible and discreet
handlin! of realtime and historical data monitorin!' analysis and stora!e of end user dynamic
emotional states of the #motional Symbolic $an!ua!e di!ital platform based on the ).*.S.T system'
hich is hy the recipients are hereby encoura!ed to respond ith enthusiasm and keen pursuit of a
bilateral technolo!ical e+chan!e a!reement.

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