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a collection of spiritual truths and teachings
August 17, 2006
THE ART OF STALKING. Life lessons, patterns
and themes
Posted by flashgurl under healing, maya, Nagualism, native spirituality, spirituality
[6] Comments
Stalking yourself is a warrior technique. To do this, watch your thoughts and reactions, feelings and
moods from day to day. What pushes your buttons? Watch for patterns. Do the same problems
arise constantly for you in your life? What is the source of the negative pattern that is happening in
your life. Most importantly remember that only YOU are in control of you life. Others may try to
tell you what to do. Society may try to tell you how to be and how to live but only you are in
Take me for example! I create chaos in my life on a constant basis. I have noticed that I have a
difficult time saying no to people. I hate letting people down. I have gotten much better at it over the
years but it has created and enormous amount of stress in my life. I was diagnosed with Anxiety
Disorder and depression caused from anxiety disorder when I was 18. Call it what you will but I
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have created an illusion in my life that if I let people down my life will fall apart! WRONG. Clearing
this pattern is part of my lifes work, as clearing many of your patterns is the key to clearing your
Not only is stalking yourself a valuable technique in discovering negative patterns in your life but
stalking others. This is how you can learn to avoid misery and chaos in your life. Of course when I
say stalking I do not mean that you should follow someone home from school and hide in the
bushes and watch them from their bedroom window, but observe people you see in your daily life.
People at work, on the street, at the supermarket. What mistakes are they making? How are they
creating un-needed misery in their life.
Watch and learn. One of the greatest gifts we have is that we do not always have to experience
tough life lessons first hand to learn the lesson to save ourselves misery. Although sometimes to
really get a lesson we need to have something happen directly to us so that it can be integrated
properly and really hit home.
Life is the greatest teacher. Keeping a journal is an excellent way to watch for patterns or simply
reflect on your day every night before bed. Look for patterns. I do this on the train traveling home
from work.
A spiritual guide or teacher, psychotherapist or life coach can help you to discover things about
yourself that you cannot see from within yourself.
My spiritual teacher gave me warrior tasks based around a journal that I wrote my life story
basically. This is called the Shideh journal or life journal. I will write another article specifically on the
Shideh Journal in the future.
Basically the warrior tasks will allow me to face my fears and avoidance in life directly. They will
make me into a strong spiritual warrior not afraid to meet many challenges life presents. They also
are designed to help transform me into a stronger, freer human and will eventually help me to be
happier and more confident in my everyday life.
These tasks will allow me to not only stop my negative patterns but to completely transform all
weaknesses into strengths, all misery into freedom, confidence and happiness.
Love and Light.
Sacred Alchemy.
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6 Responses to THE ART OF STALKING. Life lessons,
patterns and themes
1. aaron Says:
April 17, 2007 at 9:34 am
live life to the fullest, you live once, dont let your little pathetic routines and habits get in the way
of your true goal
2. Jen Says:
June 25, 2008 at 4:23 pm
thats a good one. one time i was in the park and a humming bird landed on a branch and i
hummed a sound. then it moved to another branch and i made another sound, so i kept doing
that and the bird became quite amused haha. i found that we can have multiple power animals,
but there are only 7 dreaming classes of which must be our primaries. they are subject to
colours. they are lions tigers bears elephants foxes wolves dragons. these all have a color
pertaining to them which u may see when gazing at shadows or find in lucid dreaming. colors
are crimson orange ,indigo purple, lilac red , grey green, violet purple, yellow brown, indigo
blue. u have to match the color with ur class. i hope u enjoy searching.
3. flashgurl Says:
August 22, 2008 at 3:17 pm
beautiful stories thank-you
4. lanoo Says:
April 25, 2012 at 2:39 pm
What is consciousness? Contemplate it, then read on..
What are some of the aspects that make up the consciousness? Well it cant quite exactly be put
into words. Just like one cant fully describe a sensation in words. One has to sense or feel it
themselves in order to know it. Mama says, Dont touch the frying pan, you will get burnt.
One does not know what shes exactly talking about until one day they touch something very
hot and then it registers, Ahh! ok that was what Mama was talking about when she said
burnt. People have to know higher consciousness for themselves, because it is personal and in
many ways unique. Consciousness is an intelligent principle, an awareness that which is able to
see and evaluate, even discriminate. Almost like an eyeball that can see in all directions,
including within its own interior. It is the Seer or the beholder. Consciousness is related to
attention. Where we put our consciousness, our attention, is where we are, is what we live. This is
why we have to put our consciousness on our spirit. To be with It. Consciousness is a sense, a
way of perception more profound than the five physical senses. The consciousness is the root of
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perception. This must be perfectly understood. Consciousness in activity or concentrated
consciousness equals will power. This is why we call the body of the human soul, the body of
will. Consciousness is the only aspect of us that knows. To what extent does the mind have
consciousness? Well there are many aspects to the mind. To make things more understandable
when talking about the mind let us say that there are only two grades of mind that exist- solar
mind and lunar mind. Solar mind is mind imbued with consciousness the light of the soul. Its
nature is passive, receptive like a still pond with no ripples and is at the service of ones Being.
Then there is the lunar mind, active, chattering, mechanical. The lunar mind like a computer
knows nothing, it is literally caught up in duality, constantly measuring things and always
looking for an answer. The type of consciousness that exists in the lunar mind is related to
infraconsciousness, subconsciousness or the inferior dimensions of nature, even the inferior layers
of the planet. The solar mind has in its capacity, objective reasoning. The lunar mind reasons
only subjectively. When we transform the moon into a sun, part of that process is transforming
the lunar mind into solar mind. In other words the lunar mental body into a solar mental body.
It is convenient to know that there are two degrees of mind because authors will often make
statements and if this is not understood. It can be confusing. For example when it is said that the
mind is the cave, or dwelling place of the ego. We know then that the statement is referring to
the lunar mind. When Madame Helene Blavatsky states in her book The Voice in the silence,
The mind is the slayer of the real, let the disciple slay the slayer, we have an idea of what she is
talking about. A conscious master is so because he or she has transformed their subconsciouness
into consciousness. They have extracted or liberated the values that were formerly subjected in
the subconsciousness. Who or what was doing the subjecting? The ego of course. The ego is
constantly in a struggle over the human vehicle or human machine as it is sometimes called.
When one is conscious of something they know it. When they are unconscious they dont know
it. It is urgent to awaken the knower and be vigilant. A major part of being awake is constantly
being in a state of self remembrance and self observation. Self observation is using the
consciousness to vigilantly observe what is occurring in ones interior, within ones bodies. Self
remembrance is the act of remembering who one is as a Being. In other words moment to
moment denying the surfacing manipulations of the ego and diligently remembering and living
the virtuous characteristics of the spirit. Its like one is in a situation, someone is talking to them,
one can feel the ego surfacing, maybe anger for example. And rather than getting upset not just
externally but very particularly internally they stay cool. Staying internally cool is so important
because if not one taints their interior, taints the temple of their body. Its like the need of riding
the donkey and not to let the donkey ride oneself. Even if ones head feels like the steam horn of
a locomotive that just wants to blast, its about controlling the beast, keeping it in its place, not
letting it get the upper hand. Feelings and thoughts drive all physical action: so if we cannot
control our thoughts and feelings, then we cannot guarantee the control of our actions. If we
want to cease being angry, irascible, irate, furious, but as a prior condition we demand that those
who interact with us be sweet and serene and that they do nothing that bothers us, then yes we
are failures because they are not saints and at any moment they will put an end to our good
intentions. Psychological slavery destroys interaction. Psychological dependence on someone is
slavery. If our manner of thinking, feeling and acting depends on the manner of thinking,
feeling and acting of those persons who interact with us, then we are enslaved. Samael Aun
Weor. The inferior reasoning intellectual center is acting from ones head. The head because it is
part of the central nervous system automatically thinks its in charge of everything and all things
have to be solved through it. However the heart is the central sun of our bodies, our miniature
solar system and everything circulates around it. Within the hearts left ventricle (the ventricle
being a thick walled tube that is responsible for pumping blood to most of the body) is a master
atom called nous. This atom is a direct manifestation of ones spirit. Or ones Innermost as it is
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called as well. We have to go back and allow our hearts to lead us. Regain that wholesome
feeling that emanates from this center. One of the main teachings that is used in Dzogchen, a
Tibetan school, is a mirror. You will see Dzogchen masters who are wearing a mirror around the
necks, and carry them around. Sometimes they go to students to hold up the mirror. The point is
not to be funny, even though sometimes it is. The point is that the mirror is the foundation of the
school and the mirror is Self- observation. It is how we observe ourselves. Without it there can be
no awakening. There can only be ideas and there can only be suffering. It is essential that we
understand how to observe ourselves. Self remembrance is using ones sense of the spirit as a
central point of gravity. We have to learn to control our attention and learn to control how we
pay attention, this we call Self-observation and Self-remembering. Any individual who is trying
to learn how to meditate but is not learning how to Self-observe at all times of the day and night
will spend years being frustrated. Meditation is only deeper Self-observation. That is really all it
is. It is deeper, it is more profound, it is more focused. Without Self-observation there can be no
meditation. There can only be fantasy, and fantasy is the opposite of meditation. Self
observation, self remembrance and consciousness itself is like a muscle, one needs to work the
muscle and slowly, bit by bit it will become stronger. To be conscious is to not be unconscious.
To be awake, is to not be asleep. Therefor we have to know the enemy, what is putting one and
keeping one asleep. Stop taking the meds- the sleeping pills, avoid feeding or entertaining that
enemy, starve it. The spirit never loses control, it moves upon the waters of the deep. It controls
the waters of chaos, does not allow them to take over its element of creative will. If we
consciously comprehend the ego and then apply the technique or the practice of how to
eliminate the defect by means of ones own internal spiritual fire then we will liberate our soul
essence which is its prisoner. Those who feel they can eliminate the ego without taking into
consideration the utilization of the spiritual fire go astray Not only do they go astray but they
cause others to go astray as well. The path is spiritual and the spirit is fire. It is the fire that
purges and it is the fire that has the power to eradicate, incinerate the ego from whichever body,
the astral body, the mental body, the physical body etc. Know the way of the fire personally and
the fire like the strongest ally will do its work. In Buddhism the word they give to describe the
ego is defilements. What is it to defile? To defile is to dishonor. Honor is to remember. When we
honor someone for their work in the community or honor someone for their birthday we are
giving them attention. We are remembering them. Hence when one is acting from the
perspective of the ego and the false personality (the false personality being part of the parcel of
the ego), they are essentially disremembering or dishonoring the spirit, the truth, of their own
life. An excerpt from the book Angel of the Children of the Fifth Sun. Coming 2012 4more email
5. Julian Says:
August 28, 2013 at 9:11 pm
i applaud your conviction,but judging from your post its hard for a logical observer to deduce if
you are male or female.if i were to guess,i would guess you tend more to the feminine side than
you know,because what you say contradicts what you think and what you do.the moment you
begin to perform stalking,you can only interact with your self and people in terms of controlled
folly,so you could literally come to know that you yourself are your one best teacher,in truth,a
stalker doesnt need anyone to tell him or her who they are,because they know that better than
anyone,so why seek out a spiritual teacher,a guide or a psychotherapist ? i respect your
desire,but dont let your tonal get the best of you,because the mastery of stalking is the path of
the heart,but i prefer to call it the path of the body or the path of instinct,you literally pass on
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your sovereignity to your body because your body has no concept of the idea of death or
mortality,thus your body is indestructible in every sense of the way,thats what it means to be a
stalker,however you must practice not just the mastery of stalking,but the mastery of
awareness,or the path of tonal or the path of reason,in order to reach the perfect balance between
these powerful entities,and you must also master the path of the spirit,or the path of the
nagual,which is mastery of intent,because only the nagual has the power to decide what you do
and when you do it,dont ever let your tonal tell you that YOU are in control,because the truth
is,YOU are not in control,the spirit,the nagual is,as such,when you decide to live according to the
naguals wishes,that is in essence the way of a warrior,the way of living impeccable.Dont get me
wrong,im not saying this to state that i am superior to you,i was just amazed to find that i am
not the only madman seeking out the truth,and quite frankly i am pleased to find out that more
and more like me are out there,it gives me the feeling that im not really . as alone as i used to
think,so in turn,i will share a piece of my knowledge with everyone who asks for it,peace to all
madmen and seekers of truth out there who were in need of help from your fellow men and
when you called upon them for help,they laughed in your face,they spat on you and they even
beat you to the ground for daring to think in such a way,you know what ? FUCK THEM,WE
DONT NEED THEM,they can literally choke on a horse cock and die for all i care,so sayonara
to these bitches and welcome to the real world to my fellow madmen,mad love to all of you from
Romania ! btw,dont judge me by my name,i let go of the name they gave me at birth and
buried it along with the man that i used to be,back then i was known as victor,as for my real age
i cant remember.
6. Taco Says:
March 26, 2014 at 4:15 am
Stalking is means to get strong. It should be ruthless. Then you can dream.
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