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An in-depth monetary, economic, geopolitical and precious metals analysis

Donald S. McAlvany Editor

[This Special Report about illegal immigration is definitely not anti-Mexican (or Hispanic). This
writer has many dose friends (and relatives) who are Mexican or Hispanic, and has deep affection and
a great fondness for these people. But unlimited illegal (or legal) immigration into any country (from
wherever) will destabilize a country and so dilute its culture as to ultimately make its origins, history
and way of life only a distant memory. We are presently seeing this happen in Europe, South' Africa
and America and the implications for political and economic instability in these countries are very


"Mexican immigration poses challenges to our policies and to our identity in a way nothing else has in the
past.”- Samuel P. Huntington
"The Democratic Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of voters. The Re-
publican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very
important constituency." - Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO)
"We have an immigration system in this country that not only doesn't work, in many cases it doesn't even
make any sense” - Kendrick Meek
"I think Bush’s' immigration proposal is treason and he should be impeached" - Peter Brimelow


Illegal immigration is a global pandemic. "The poor of the world are voting with their feet. Europe is awash
with immigrants from northern Africa and the Middle East. African blacks flock into once racist South
Africa. Millions of Mexicans risk their lives daily to enter the U.S. Just as in the past, today’s new arrivals
are unsure to what degree they wish to shed their old culture, language and customs. Most are confused over
why they have abandoned countries they are unhappy 'with, and yet find themselves uneasy with those they
have chosen to embrace." Those words are from the book Mexifornia, and highlight the global nature of
illegal immigration, though our focus is on California and the U.S.

Although the rest of the U.S. resents it, California has long been an early warning sign ... an unwelcome
canary in the U.S. political coalmine. Most styles, cultural transfom1ations, ethical and moral upheavals,
fads, and new political directions in the U.S. have their roots on the Left (West) Coast.

While the radical changes that emerge in California have been both good and bad, they've rarely been
comfortable, du11 or benign and often spread like a noxious virus to infect the rest of the U.S. and the world.
Hence, there's no better place to assess the subject of legal and illegal immigration than California - home to
40% of America's immigrants - in an attempt to get a fix on the status and future direction of immigration in
the U.S.
Indispensable insight to California's immigration dilemma is provided by Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, a Senior
Fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution, a professor of classical studies at California State University in
Fresno, and a widely published author. Perhaps most importantly, Hanson was born and raised, and still lives
and works, on his family fam1 (established in the 1870s) near Selma, in California's Central Valley, at the
epicenter of America's immigration crisis.
Dr. Hanson's authoritative book, Mexifornia, is one of the main sources of material for this report. It leaves
no doubt that California (and the U.S.) today is undergoing an unprecedented demographic and cultural
revolution and is in the throes of an immigration crisis. Says Hanson: "We [California) got into our present
mess only during the last thirty years and then only by doing almost everything wrong. " Politicians on the
left and light, sociologists, educators and civil servants are happened in a web of political correctness that
prevents them from honestly facing problems, which is essential to solving those problems.
In Hanson's words: "The heart of the problem in California is always the truth we know versus the lie we
speak.” That sounds exactly like politicians on all sides of the immigration issue-federal, state and local. We
will try to strip fact from fiction, reality from political correctness, and corrupt politics from good
governance, uncover the truth and understand the real problems. Only then are solutions possible.


Here is what we know (and don't know); The Hispanic population of the U.S. is approximately 43 mi11ion
people, or 14% of the total population. Hispanics of Mexican descent account for 64% of total Hispanics
(over 70% in California), or approximately 27.5 mi11ion. The remaining 36% of Hispanics are from other
Latin American nations, most notably Puerto Rico and Cuba.

Forty-nine percent of a11 Hispanics in the U; S. live in two states: California (13 million) and Texas (8
mi11ion). Based on current projections, the U.S. Hispanic population is expected to rise to 24% of the total
U.S. population by 2050, and will constitute over half the population of California. California says its total
residents of Mexican heritage have increased tenfold in the last 30 years.
Half of all legal immigrants to the U.S. come from Mexico, but U.S. officials have no idea of the total
number of illegal Mexican immigrants in the U.S. Estimates range from 12 to 20 million, and it's likely the
number is nearer to the upper end of that range. Each year, 1.5 million aliens are apprehended trying to
illegally cross U.S. borders - the vast majority on the U.S.-Mexico border - but it's estimated that many times
that number are never caught.

First of a11, we are not opposed to immigrants; they've been the lifeblood of this nation since its founding.
However, we are opposed to uncontrolled immigration, uncontrolled borders, and especially uncontrolled
politicians, who see the immigration issue as a political football, an urgent call to provide amnesty for
millions of illegal aliens, and an excuse to compromise on the country's laws, principles, traditions and
Americans across the political spectrum are utterly fed up with elected Washington politicians who ignore
their constituent taxpaying citizens on immigration issues. Judging from proposed legislation, Republican
and Democratic politicians alike have tried to bulldoze through a "compromise" immigration bill that
amounts to a sellout of the American people. Many years ago Will Rogers spoke timeless wisdom that rings
true today: "This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold
of a hammer.”
1. COMPASSION - There are few among us who do not have sympathy and compassion for the many
genuine, god-fearing, ethical and hard-working illegal aliens. Had we been born in a country with limited
opportunity and faced with a life of destitution, many of us would be just like them, seeking a way out by
whatever means available. It is no mystery why millions of Mexicans risk their lives to reach El Norte, a
bastion of hope and opportunity.

2, THE FLIP-SIDE OF COMPASSION - There is a Hip-side, however, to compassion. Many illegal aliens
are not genuine, god-fearing, ethical and hard-working. Many are hardened criminals or gang members,
and/or immersed in illegal drugs trafficking. And it’s virtually never mentioned, but terrorists are also
slipping across the border. The few who get caught begs the larger question of "how many don't get
caught?" The idea of a compassionate "comprehensive immigration refom1 bill" that embraces well-
intentioned hardworking immigrants on a level equal with criminals is a sham. Onesize-fits-all fits no one.
Any decision to admit immigrants, whether for temporary work or full-fledged citizenship, must be on an
individual case-by-case basis after review by diligent immigration personnel.
There are billions in the Third World who lead lives at least as bad as or worse than Mexicans. Porous
borders that allow millions to enter the U.S. illegally - whether good or bad people - ultimately spells doom
for a nation President Reagan called "The Shining City Upon a Hill." A drowning man will drown his
rescuer if the rescuer does not control the victim. If the U.S. doesn't get control of its borders it will be
dragged down to Third World level by drowning immigrants. When the lights of the shining city are snuffed
out, everyone's hopes and dreams will be extinguished. Insecure borders benefit no one.

At the core of America's immigration problems is "assimilation." Historically, nothing has contributed more
to the creation of a strong, unified nation than assimilation. Difficult as it always is, immigrants have
traditionally adopted the language and customs of their new American homeland - ahead of old world ways.
They melded into an America that prides itself on being called "the melting pot of nations," and they became
Americans first. and hyphenated-Americans second.
Not only did this attitude prevail among European immigrants, but also among Mexicans and other Latin
Americans who migrated to the U.S., either legally or illegally, and eventually became U.S. citizens. But, as
Hanson observes, "something has changed since 1970 - and changed profoundly."
That change is a lethal combination of multiculturalism, separatism and political correctness. Hanson
"Since roughly 1970, the evolving concept of multiculturalism - which holds that Western civilization merits
no special consideration inasmuch as all cultures are of equal merit has proved to be the force-multiplier of
illegal immigration from Mexico. It turns a stubborn problem of assimilation into a social tragedy stretching
across generations.
"Almost every well-intended and enlightened gesture designed to help immigrants in the last three decades -
de facto oven borders, bilingual educations, new state welfare programs, the affirmation of a hyphenated
identity!, a sweeping revisionism in southwestern American history has either failed to ensure economic
parity or thwarted the processes of assimilation.

"Almost everything stern and uncompromising that for two centuries has helped other immigrants to the
United States: language immersion, autonomy from government assistance, rapid assumption 0./ an
American identity, and eager acceptance of mainstream American culture - has either been discounted as
passé or embraced only halfheartedly. "
In other words, the approach to immigration has changed from one of responsible "tough love" to disastrous
government mollycoddling wrapped in political correctness. This has occurred in educational institutions,
medical facilities, and welfare offices, not to mention in the bowels of local, state and federal gov ernments
themselves. Also playing a significant part are radical activist organizations, such as La Raza, that add fuel to
racist fires and undermine the process of assimilation. -
Assimilation has historically been the glue that melded immigrants into this free and liberty-loving melting
pot of nations. Today, America's assimilation model is being drowned out by the siren ca11 of
multiculturalism, the antithesis of assimilation. The leftwing multiculturalists are telling immigrants that
they must not assimilate, but preserve their language, culture and traditions, the blueprint for a Tower of
Babel and the destruction of the ethical, moral and social fabric of America.
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, himself an immigrant and the first Jewish member of the U.S. Su-
preme Court, said that Americanization [assimilation] required an immigrant to adopt "the clothes, the
manners and the customs generally prevailing here" as well as "the English language as the common
medium of speech.” He said: "We properly demand of the immigrant even more than this - he must be
brought into complete harmony with our ideals and cooperate with us for their: attainment. Only when this
has been done will he possess the national consciousness of an American. "
Today, instead of aspiring to Brandeis' basic assimilation guidelines as the foundation for citizenship and
patriotism, multiculturalists and many Hispanic activists term them "racist." Instead of assimilation. hard
work and traditional American values. Ann Coulter says. "Democrats are trying to turn new immigrants into
wards of the state - so they will be permanent Democratic voters.” And. "Rich Republicans and their
handmaidens in Washington are trying to turn immigrants into a permanent servant class.” Encouraged by
multiculturalists and with no incentive to assimilate, "[Mexican1 immigrants are replacing American culture
with Latin American culture, " and America's time-honored identity - the envy of the world - is unraveling.


Liberal elitists constantly promote a profitable "race industry," mouthing worn out 1960s clichés and slogans.
They employ the tactics of Jesse Jackson arid his Rainbow Coalition to intimidate and shake down
corporations and others for financial compensation. They constantly promote the idea that today's Mexican
and Indian immigrants are victims of racial prejudice, the brutalities of capitalism and economic exploitation
rather than simply refugees escaping oppression and hopelessness in their homeland to seek a better life for
themselves and their families in El Norte.

Hanson says, "Millions of impoverished Mexicans and Indians still risk their lives daily to reach the prom-
ised land of America, apparently glad to escape the wretchedness of their native land." So, he asks, “If
America was so discriminatory and racist ... why would any Mexican ... ever come north to such a certified
hell-hole?” This disconnect should make everyone instantly suspicious of the elitists' misbegotten agenda.

The negative results of the multiculturalists' ill-conceived agendas are causing great harm to all concerned.
For example, in educational institutions, those with Mexican surnames are given special opportunities and
scholarships, while others with equal or greater Hispanic heritage and qualifications (but not Hispanic
names) are turned away.

The Mexican-American caucus in the California state legislature demands that colleges and universities
graduate Hispanics at a rate comparable to the racial makeup of the surrounding communities, regardless of
achievement. It amounts to a "dumbing down" of the entire system, yet in the same breath they decry the
poor level of education and profess to be mystified as to the reasons.

Nearly half of all high school graduates entering the California State University system need remedial high
school classes to bring them up to an acceptable level for entry. Despite millions in government education
expenditures to help aliens who have entered the school system, the California educational system is an
abject failure. Thirty percent of California Hispanics do not graduate from high school and nationwide 40%
of Hispanics are high school dropouts. Less than 10% of Hispanics have a 4-year college degree.

The curricula at California colleges and Universities reveal the extent to which leftists in academia have
commandeered, derailed and corrupted a balanced educational system. When Hanson reviewed course
offerings at the University of California Santa Barbara, he found 62 "ethnic pride" courses listed under
Chicano Studies. ''The history department offerings included 13 similar courses on Latin and Chicano
issues, in addition to more generic classes on race and oppression.” Astoundingly, there was only one
course on the Civil War and no courses dedicated to the U.S. Revolutionary War or WW II.
Big government and big corporations are also big villains in the destruction of the old assimilation model
that worked so well. Both have little interest in local institutions. Says Hanson: "The former finds power in
mindless consensus, the latter in money, and both look askance at anything that poses an obstacle.”
The bottom line is that millions in government, politics and the educational establishment have profited im-
mensely from a multicultural society that fails to enforce immigration laws, and rejects the values of the
U.S. Constitution, integration and assimilation. Assimilation means they would no longer have a job, so they
have a vested interest in perpetuating its failure.
Instead of promoting assimilation as they should, Hanson says, "we are left with one of the last great ab-
surdities among the bankrupt ideologies and worldviews of the twentieth century: the present-day efforts of
well-heeled elites and comfortable middle-class white teachers and bureaucrats to provide to immigrants
desperate to become part of the United States every reason why they should hold themselves separate and
not commit themselves to the new world they have discovered.”
Despite elitists' claims that their approach ensures assimilation and prosperity, "statistics reveal that after
twenty years, Mexican immigrants who have obtained lawful papers still have double the welfare rate of
American citizens.” This story is exactly the opposite of the independent, industrious, hard-working pre-
1970 immigrants and proves the fallacy of the approach employed by the politically correct elitists ma-
nipulating today's sham system.


A huge motivation for assimilation occurs when it is very difficult or impossible for immigrants to return
home to their countries of origin. For example, most 18th, 19th and 20th century European immigrants were
cut off from their homelands by oceans, which made maintaining ties difficult and assimilation virtually un-
avoidable. Similarly, Cuban exiles who couldn't return to Cuba after Castro toppled Batista in 1958, also as-
similated well.

A major reason why a vast number of Mexican immigrants in the U.S. have not assimilated is partly
attributable to their proximity to Mexico. They retain close ties with Mexico; they send an estimated $35
billion back home to their families in Mexico annually; many periodically return home to visit; and there is a
constant stream of illegal immigrants sustaining and fueling Mexican culture inside the U.S.
There are occasional eruptions of Mexican national pride, for example, at U.S. - Mexico soccer games, when
Mexicans who are U.S. residents cheer for the Mexican team. At first glance one might say this is little
different than Britain or Germany where ethnic Pakistanis and Turks cheer their native teams. However, the
glaring difference is that Mexican support for their home team goes far beyond simple nostalgic support.
They boo during the U.S. national anthem, hold U.S. flags upside down, insult, punch and spit on U.S. team
supporters, and throw beer and trash at U.S. players.
This despicable attitude occurs in their host country, towards people who largely welcome them, who
provide them jobs that pay considerably more than anything they could get at home, and where the quality of
life is infinitely better than at home. The reality is that few immigrants want to return to Mexico - they would
rather be a Mexican in the U.S. or an American in Mexico than a Mexican in Mexico, so it's hard to
understand why they bite the hand that welcomes and feeds them and their families. Such disdain and
disrespect is a symptom of the failure to assimilate. The reason has everything to do with antiassimilation,
multiculturalist’s indoctrination.


There is no shortage of smoke and minors in California. Depending on your viewpoint and methodology,
legal and illegal immigrants are either a fantastic benefit or a huge burden to the economy. Liberal
economists say legal immigrants contribute $25 billion annually to the U.S. economy. Using different
models, more pragmatic economists say they cost the U.S. economy $40 billion per year. The realists also
say that the average illegal immigrant costs the State of California S50.000 more in services than he will
contribute in taxes in a lifetime: and that the average California household pays at least $1,200 per year to
subsidize the difference between what immigrants cost the state and what they pay in taxes. Confusion and
misinformation prevail in a state that has among the highest tax rates in the nation.
U.S. law says hospitals must provide services to expectant mothers regardless of whether they are U.S.
citizens or illegal aliens. U.S. law also says that any baby born in the U.S. to an illegal alien automatically
becomes a U.S. citizen. These "anchor" babies then make it impossible to deport the parents who may be
illegal aliens. It is a fact that in many cities in the southwestern U.S. - especially California. Arizona. New
Mexico and Texas - up to 75% of all babies born in many hospitals are from illegal aliens, most of who pay
little or nothing for hospital services. and U.S. taxpayers pick up the tab.


What is the driving force behind illegal immigration from Mexico? Mexico's economy is controlled by a few
powerful elitists and monopolies, which effectively stifle economic opportunity for the population at large.
For example, Carlos Slim, now listed as the world's richest person, controls 95% of Telefonos de Mexico and
wields tremendous influence, not only in Mexico, but throughout all of Latin America. In the face of bleak
opportunity at home, the allure of U.S. culture "to create capital, provide security, offer freedom and
emphasize the individual rather than the tribe,” are all quality-of-life life essentials out-of-reach of most
Mexicans in Mexico.
Drug cartels are also devastating the infrastructure of Mexico. The success of U.S. "Plan Colombia" in
neutralizing drug cartels drove those cartels from Colombia to Mexico where they are now battling for turf.
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon has launched a massive effort to combat the cartels with troops, and has
garnered huge support tram Mexican voters for doing so. But fighting drug cartels (with their billions of
dollars from drug money) is a Herculean task.

Hopefully President Calderon will succeed in pushing through long overdue reforms in all areas of the
economy and society to improve the lives of ordinary Mexicans. However, he must overcome an entrenched
legislature, a corrupt civil service that is highly resistant to change and which sees its survival dependent on
maintaining the status quo, and elitists and monopolies that wield tremendous power and influence. Mexico
is a classic Third World nation with out-of-control drug cartels wreaking havoc.


With an entrenched political and educational bureaucracy promoting separatism and multiculturalism day in
and day out, year in and year out, it's surprising there isn't more unrest in the Hispanic community, especially
among illegal aliens. The only real visible unrest of note was on May 1, 2006, when more than a million
Hispanics marched nationwide to protest their (illegal) status, and call for inmigration reform Politicians saw
the protests as a heaven-sent opportunity to create legislation to aid Hispanics (and get their votes), while
tens of millions of ordinary U.S. citizens were enraged. First and foremost the protestors were in the U.S.
illegally, yet they were demanding rights equal to those of U.S. citizens. This did not sit well with voters.
Protestors were wise enough to ultimately realize that their demonstrations harmed more than helped their
cause and have wisely refrained from further marches.

But there is a massive, behind-the-scenes force that is doing more than anyone could have ever envisioned to
counteract the agenda of the multicultural, antiassimilation crowd-globalization. The force of globalization is
an amoral, brutally mercantilist, often unwelcome, new world culture-of-consumerism that has settled on the
entire planet like a thick fog. From time to time we get glimpses of its dramatic effects on all of us, including
on illegal aliens. Globalization is uniting the world in an appetite for material things, and in the process it's
dissolving the old divides of bigotry, intolerance, race, class, language and culture. For once, the separatists
and multiculturalists are losing traction against an adversary that is impossible to target, browbeat, bribe or

Globalization has great appeal in the Third World for hundreds of millions who lead lives of poverty,
desperation and oppression. They-including Mexicans automatically gravitate to anything that will alleviate
their pain and misery and offer hope for a better life. But there is usually a tradeoff for the creature comforts
of globalization: sacrifice of culture and national identity. Illegal Mexicans flock to California to find work,
earn more in a few days than they earn in an entire month in Mexico, and they are suddenly able to buy and
enjoy material things that were only a dream south of the border. They are so overwhelmed by these material
riches and living a life of royalty compared with Mexico, that things like strong patriarchal family values and
religion become secondary.

Globalization is global assimilation ... but in the material realm. The French lament the tremendous appeal
and success of McDonald's, Disneyland and rap music, which divert attention from their haute cuisine,
national icons, sophisticated music and core culture. But Hanson says that "what leftists have completely
missed is that the greatest engine for social and cultural equality and harmony in America [and the world] is
the corporations they denounce-amoral entities that follow profits rather than allegiance to ideas, prejudices
good and bad, or tradition. We are at the last frontier of cultural democratization and limitless mass
production, where for the first time in history, entertainment, fashion and media are economical,
understandable, reachable and apparently enjoyed by everyone - regardless of race, age or gender. "

Sadly, globalization is dumbing-down all cultures to a common denominator that has the widest mass appeal
worldwide. Many believe worldwide globalization is American globalization, and to a large extent they are
right, as America is the root of globalization and its retail imprint is ubiquitous. China is the main wholesaler
supplying American globalization. The separatists and multiculturalists in California are for the first time up
against a formidable riva1. The multiculturalists will likely lose, but so will many others as traditions and
cultures are rapidly fading everywhere in todays materialistic, globalizing world.

Globalization is not only about addiction to material goods, but also about notions of entitlement. Mexican
workers-legal and illegal-in California have quickly learned how to tap into social welfare systems,
disability, workman's compensation, Head Start, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, supplemental
assistance, etc. This strikes at the heart of the time-honored American work ethic and is a huge negative side
effect of globalization and illegal immigration.

Along with the pros and cons of globalization, American attitudes at large have changed significantly since
its onslaught. For example, few objections remain to racial integration, intermarriage and open housing,
which means, "there are almost no institutional barriers and few cultural impediments to assimilation-apart
from those promoted by ideologues and intellectuals.”


We must expand on the issue of border security, as terrorists crossing our borders go largely unmentioned in
the press. The following quote is £1:om the book, The Day of Islam by Paul L. Williams: "By 2004 cells of
radical Islam sprouted throughout Mexico, including virulent cells of al Qaeda in the Rio Grande valley and
the northern province of Sonora and a large cell of Hezbollah in Tijuana. The Muslim radicals began to use
Latino gangs, including Mara Salvatrucha, to shepherd them across the border into the U.S. The going rate
for such service ranged from $30.000 to $50,000 per client. The rate included safe passage over the border,
shelter within the states, and, as a bonus, a bogus matricular consular.”

"Matricular consulars are official identification cards that are issued by the Mexican government through its
many consular offices. The cards verify that the holders are Mexican citizens who are living outside of
Mexico with the government's permission. They may be used Mexican by Mexican nationals to open bank
accounts, secure employment, and obtain driver's licenses and welfare benefits in the U.S. According to
many U.S. officials, the cards pose a serious threat to national security. Steve McCraw, assistant director of
the FBI's Office of Intelligence, provided the following testimony to a House Judiciary Subcommittee in
Washington on June 26, 2003: 'The ability of foreign nationals to use the matricular consular provides an
opportunity for terrorists to move freely within the U.S. without triggering name-based watch lists that are
disseminated to local police officials. '"

It is estimated that 3 million illegal aliens enter the U.S. every year from Mexico. Among them are those
classified as "special interest aliens" (SIAs), who come from countries sponsoring terrorism, and there are
many SIAs crossing the border. "Cocaine alley" is a well-known route for illegal aliens from Mexico's Sierra
Madre into Cochise County, Arizona. This route is "strewn with discarded Muslim prayer rugs, pages from
the Koran, instructions in Arabic on how to cross the Rio Grande, and beverage boxes with Farsi and
Arabic letters.”
From October 2002 to July 2003, the Department of Homeland Security reported that 4,226 SIAs [read
terrorists] had been apprehended at the Mexican and Canadian borders. Over the next year that number
jumped 42% to 6,025. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) commented on these numbers: "One must take
into account that, even by the most conservative estimates, the number of folks not getting caught by the
Border Patrol are two or three times the number caught. If so, at least 18,000 special interest aliens have
entered America just in the first nine months of 2004.” The Department of Homeland Security reported that
by December 2005, "fifty-one terror suspects had been apprehended at the border on a wide variety of
charges, including arms smuggling and illegally wiring large sums of money into the country.”
What happens to these SIAs? Due to lack of jail space, only those aliens who are known to be violent,
hardened criminals on the run from foreign governments are detained. The others, including SIAs, are
released from custody, into the U.S., as soon as they have received hearing dates from immigration judges.
This "catch and release" program is certifiably insane. Within a few days after release, most aliens, including
"special interest aliens." have vanished forever into the U.S. population and fewer than 5% ever show up for
their immigration hearings. When asked why probable terrorists are released into the U.S., Undersecretary of
Homeland Security Asa Hutchinson said, "Any attempt to isolate, arrest, and incarcerate the illegals who
come from terror-sponsoring countries would smack of egregious insensitivity and betray an odious attitude
of racial profiling”. Political correctness will be the death of us all.
Our porous borders also present huge terrorist dangers by way of trade and commerce and lax customs
inspections. Drugs are packed into massive bundles and reach the U.S. in the holds of cargo jets and ships.
The Day of Islam book says, "Mexican 'black-tar' heroin comes across the border-thanks to corrupt customs
officials in commercial trucks. i\1exico's economy presently is deeply dependent on the $30 billion drug
trade with its good neighbor to the north. "

Far more worrisome is testimony by a leading al Qaeda operative, Mohammed Junaid Babar, who was born
and raised in Queens, NY. When faced with a 70-year prison sentence for planning a London bombing, he
chose to spill his guts and go into the witness protection program. Among other revealing information, Babar
said "al Qaeda terrorists were relying on Latino gangs, most notably Mara Salvatrucha members, to
transport not only operatives but also nuclear supplies and weapons across the [US.-Mexico] border.” If
drugs can be so easily moved across borders, so can nukes. One shudders when contemplating the (under
construction) NAFTA superhighway, where customs will not be at the U.S.-Mexico border, but in Kansas
City. A smuggled nuke could theoretically be in the U.S. heartland in a matter of hours before anyone was
the wiser.

...... .

The Mexico border gets virtually all the press attention, but we should be equally concerned about the
Canadian border with respect to terrorism. Beryl Wajsman, president of the Institute for Public Affairs in
Montreal, said in July 2006: "Montreal is the leading center for Islamist and Jihadists groups in North
America, many inspired by or with ties to al Qaeda. In total, with dozens of cells, Montreal has the largest
number of such groups in any city in North America, not on a per capita basis, but in gross numbers.
Radicals go to ground in Montreal. "
It is incredibly easy for anyone to get political sanctuary in Canada due to its lax immigration laws and lack
of screening. Refugees and immigrants, legal or illegal, can obtain permanent residency in three years,
which entitles them to a Canadian passport and virtually unrestricted access to other countries in the western
hemisphere, including the U.S. Not only are Canadian border guards unarmed, but there are over 200 U.S.-
Canada border-crossing roads that are completely unguarded. We must not forget that a number of the 9111
hijackers crossed into the U.S. from Canada. Canada's border might possibly be of greater concern than
Mexico, though both should be of vital concern.


Secure borders are paramount, as all other steps in solving the immigration problem will fail without them.
There's no question that policing thousands of miles of borders is a big job, but that task pales in comparison
to the threat posed by millions of illegal immigrants who are a growing cancer in the social and financial
fabric of the nation. And securing U.S. borders is nothing when compared to the possibility that terrorists
could smuggle a nuke into the U.S. through porous borders. In fact, some credible sources say al Qaeda has
already positioned tactical nukes in a number of U.S. cities and are just waiting.
There is sophisticated technology available today UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), seismic sensors, high
resolution cameras, satellite imagery, etc---to greatly augment the efforts of Border Patrol agents on the
ground. In past years and decades, Congress enacted legislation that made secure borders mandatory, but
those laws were never satisfactorily enforced. Politicians' promises that they can-be-trusted with border
security ring hollow. This time, U.S. citizens want tight border security in place and working before trusting
the government on other immigration matters.
First and foremost, any legislation on immigration reforms must put unavoidable, mandatory steps in place
for border control. Of course, we're not so naive as to believe that border laws will stop all illegal aliens any
more than laws against rape or murder will stop all rapists and murderers. But assiduous enforcement of
laws will go a long way towards achieving those goals. Strict imposition of border controls must replace
past practices of mostly just looking the other way. To achieve this, it's inevitable that more technology and
manpower must be put on the borders.
In addition to border security, all U.S. employers should be required to provide social security numbers of
employees to the government for validation. The government should then provide confirmation to employers
of immigrant workers' legal status. There has been widespread fraud and abuse in this area and stiff penalties
should be imposed on employers not adhering to these simple guidelines. This requirement should apply
equal1y to new and existing workers.
Congress needs to outlaw "birthright citizenship" so that so-called anchor babies aren't a foot in the door for
illegal aliens. U.S. citizens who give birth to children in Mexico are not automatically granted Mexican
citizenship, and that is the case in most nations. The same should apply to babies born to non-citizens in the

Many of us have worked in other nations, and there is normally an established process to obtain proper
work permits for residency, tax payments, etc. This process should be no different for Mexicans wishing
to work in the U.S. Reasonable procedures for migrant workers should be implemented once border
security is effectively working.


What amounts to slow-motion amnesty, by any other name, is a poisoned chalice being offered by
politicians. Multinational corporations, multiculturalists and politicians have put commerce above the
nation's basic security and social considerations. This amounts to betrayal of U.S. citizens and is tantamount
to treason based on the Constitution and the principles of the nation's founding fathers. Fom1er Colorado
Governor Richard Lamm says: ''Amnesty is a big billboard, a flashing billboard, to the rest of the world that
we don't really mean our immigration law. "
Border security is a gigantic concern, not just because of millions of illegal immigrants, but because
terrorists are being swept in with the tide. Border security should be the paramount concern of every
citizen and politician in America. In the words of Timothy Murphy: "Illegal immigration is a crisis for
our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is
straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health car, and education systems. "
The U.S. needs to root out multicultural, antiassimilation, separatist attitudes, especially in California,
that are so destructive to the assimilation of immigrants already inside the U.S. Failure to do so will
undermine the financial solvency of the nation and destroy its social fabric from within.
Lastly, and most importantly, the only way our elected representatives will carry out our wishes is if we
emphatically tell them what we want. Otherwise, the forces of globalization and big business lobbies will
smother our voices. Let your Senators and Congressmen know exactly where you stand on immigration-
issues and tell them there is no room for compromise on the issue of border security. "A Nation without
[secure] borders is not a nation.” -Ronald Reagan

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