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Having caught-up with the current news on multiple fronts [and having pledged to exert far greater

selectivity when disseminating these blast e-mails, focused like-a-laser on action-items], it is desirable
to place current-observations within the context of prior-eventsand encompass previously-preserved
citations. The focus of this first blast e-mail is BHO himself, elaborating on his autocratic background
and actions [and, perhaps, presaging his Presidencys demise, either overtly or via prematurely being a
lame-duck]; first, a few follow-up items are provided regarding selected state-level issues.

Levity: Young Brother And Sister Team Dance The Salsa
Two Dogs Play The "Dueling Banjos"
Three dogs, told to wait for their treats
American Woodcock Dances Its Way Across The Street

Jim Foster, editor/publisher of germantown newspapers, has five Questions for the Next PA-Governor:
What is your proposal to deal with the fiscal meltdown of many of this states older cities and the
critical state of the underfunded pensions?
Would you consider returning full control of the Philadelphia School System back to the city, with the
full understanding its budget would be part of the citys annual budget, and would be reviewed and
overseen by the PICA Board with its continuing state oversight authority?
Would you consider expanding the size and transparency of the PICA Board (Presently without a
Chairman) and staffing it with a team of qualified experts rather than the political staffing process that is
currently in effect?
How do you view the proposed Comcast merger with Time Warner that is seeking FCC approval that
would likely make it a communications monopoly unseen since the 19
How would you approach statewide oversight and efficient regulation of the Natural Gas industry?
{A sixth would be based on the report that INTERNET GAMBLING COULD GENERATE $113M FOR PA.}

Rep. Mike Vereb, R-Montgomery County, who is a House GOP leader, predicted no
scenario in which the House takes up any impeacment action against AG-Kane until all
the investigations have been completed. The Corbett Medicaid plan advanced and
seeks bids from insurance companies; Federal approval, however, pends. Mike is also
the MCRC-Chair [MontCo Republican Party] and, of course, would disagree with the
view that the pennsylvania-gop-party has no principles; he also has disagreed with how
Guzzardi calculaes his liberty index. Also, policies adopted over the past year at half of
the 14 PSEA [Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Universities] allow
weapons in certain places on campuses. {Also, Corbett Will Not Appeal Voter ID Ruling.}

After the transportation-bill achieve passage, it was noted that Fines and fees were set-to-go-up-to-
offset-highway-funding-bill-costs; also, pennsylvania-turnpike-rates-jumped, an event that has become
customary after the state in 2007 enacted Act 44, requiring the commission to fork over $450 million
annually to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. {Also, Rivals threatened another sale of
Philly newspapers, and new bidding was initiated.}

This is the statement of Jimmy Clendennen, who is running to become a member of the
state-committee: The Path to Victory: A Campaign Centered on the Constitution.
Constitutional Republicanism is centered on an agenda of Constitutional Republican
limited government and economic freedom; a government of enumerated powers,
checks, balances and the separation of powers including 10th amendment federalism,
Rule of Law, free markets for free people and the divine rights of the individual, the
value and importance of every individual, as explicated in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Benghazi-Gate is hot, with the issues having been broken-down into five components: [1]Why were
the CIA personnel @ the Annex [Iran-Contra violation?]?; [2]Why didnt Hillary provide more
security or evacuate?; [3]Why wasnt a military response launched?; [4]How did the idea of a video
arise?; and [5]Why wasnt the Rhodes-memo released to Congress in 13? Of-interest is the fact that
Eileen McCann [Mrs. Dick Morris] discovered that, 36 Hours Before Rhodes Email, Hillary Used the
IDENTICAL Cover-Up Script; other facet of the scandal have been elucidated [2
Set Of Benghazi Talking
Points; Republican Presidential Candidates Usually Lose Before They Win; Benghazi Subpoena Scandal;
and Benghazi: Everybody's Following The Wrong Talking Points. Morris theorized that Hillary initiated
the idea of blaming the video, and it is anticipated that discovery of the security-briefing provided during
that entire week will confirm the fact that there WAS evidence [almost immediately] that this has been
a planned military assault [despite Presser-Carneys absolute denial that there was any evidence of any
etiology other than the video]. Some argue the medias-pre-election-cover-up-of-the-irs-and-benghazi-
scandals gave-obama-the-2012-election; this is phrased also as the 2012 elections, both presidential
and senate, were stolen by Obama, the Democratic Party, the IRS, and government employee unions.

Chris Stevens was not responsible for the reduction in security personnel, Gregory
Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, wrote in a Wall
Street Journal op-ed Thursday. His requests for additional security were denied or
ignored. Officials at the State and Defense Departments in Washington made the
decisions that resulted in reduced security.

judge-napolitano said that the fact that the white-house withheld the benghazi-emails could-be-
violation-federal-law [obstruction of justice] and that the power of the benghazi House Select-
Committee was potent; obama-can even be-forced-to-testify. JUDICIAL WATCH avers the BENGHAZI
COMMITTEE DETAILS. MSNBC interviews were remarkable; Gowdy said the Benghazi Investigation
Transcends Politics, but Requires Obama Administrations Cooperation, while Scarborough Interrupted
Alex Wagners Benghazi Denial, exclaiming, Dont Insult Our Intelligence! {Listen to Patriotic American
actor, Jon Voight, speaking about the White House's facilitating Iran's nuclear weapons, covering-up
scapegoating "Islamophobia" for running Benghazi arms to al-Qaeda in Syria, and election fraud in the
voting system.}

This matter segues into the issue of transparency, noting that [liberal] NY-Times Editor
Jill Abramson concluded BHOs tenure has created the 'Most secretive White House I
have ever dealt with'; a reporter was even banned-from-meeting-with-obamas interior-
secretary. Litigation has emerged, as a Court rejected Obamas food stamp secrecy and
the consumer financial protection bureau was accused of violating transparency law.
{obamas administration: complete-and-absolute-corruption-throughout.}

The fact that 26 Democrats joined Republicans in voting to seek a special counsel to probe the IRS
targeting scandal illustrates that a Department of Justice investigation of the matter is a joke, Rep. Jim
Jordan (R-Ohio) said. Indeed, irs-agreed-to-give-house-committee-all-lois-lerner-emails; in response,
harry-reid-scolded the press-for-being-too-fair-to-republicans. Ultimately, the idea that Lerner should
get immunity is pure insanity, because 1) she should be held to answer for what she did, 2) we dont
know how involved she was and thus dont know just how egregious her criminal activities were, and 3)
even if she did testify, its very unlikely that she would give any names of bigger fish in the
Administration who were involved, so granting immunity would be fruitless. Ultimately, Gowdy feels the
irs-scandal leads to the white-house.

Guzzardi notes Personnel is Policy, and thus, illustrating another dimension to his
incompetence [in addition to elevating people such as Lois Lerner] is his proclivity to
appoint ambassadors to reward politically [Max Baucus was not Exactly Prepared to be
Ambassador to China] or as acknowledgements of campaign contributions [Obama's
Norway Ambassador Pick Fumbled Basic Questions About Norway]. Also, obamas pick-
of-new-chief-advisor is rich-in-symbolism for, apparently, bain was not so-bad-after-all.

BHOs autocratic-intent is out-of-control [Obama not waiting on legislation: 'I've got a pen and I can use
it to sign executive orders'; VIDEO; obama-eliminating-opposing-voices-using-dictatorial-practices;
obama-asks-mayors-to-help-him-act-like-a-dictator-and-rule-by-decree; obama will negotiate with
putin, but not with-republicans. Some ascribe his audacity to what Podesta said to Obama [You dont
need Congress. Just use executive orders. Whos going to stop you? and Laughing Podesta said Obama
is to Enact 'Energy Transformation Agenda' Through Executive Action] and others, such as Mark Levin,
feel he is Executing a Quiet Coup and cannot stomach bipartisanship that could support tyranny. In
reaction, although dana-milbank falsely claims republicans are flip-flopping on-judicial-activism, House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) called on the courts to check the presidents
overreach, and he complained that the federal courts have read their own powers much more
narrowly than they should.

The Liar-In-Chief can tell Potential Sheepies: WE DONT HAVE AN URGENT DEFICIT
CRISIS as the debt worsens; he can also prevaricate about personal knowledge [obama-
said his father-served-world-war-ii and denied before he admitted he had Lived With
Illegal Immigrant Uncle], and then demonstrate Holocaust Hypocrisy. Just revealed, also,
is that the "Devastating" Sequester Cuts Cost a Total of One (1) Federal Job!

Dinesh DSouza, director of the 2012 documentary 2016: Obamas America, was arrested and indicted
for campaign finance fraud; an Edwards donor was charged with a misdemeanor for the same crime.
Thus, the-dsouza-arrest suggests obama-adopted the-stalinist-style, even as the media are not-very-
curious-about this issue; in any case, the Godfather Producer Joined D'Souza for Post-2016 Film, and
note this preview. This is the open-letter that he remitted on January 14, 2014 in reaction to this event,
recognizing that obamas-goal is to quash-targeted-filmmakers-upcoming-movie:

I feel very privileged to now have two Oscar-winning producers working on my
upcoming film, America. This week, we announced that Gray Frederickson, Best Picture
Oscar-winner for The Godfather Part II, will co-produce America along with Gerald
Molen, who also won an Oscar for Best Picture.

America comes out in the theaters across the country on the Fourth of July, and
Frederickson makes a great addition to our team. His credits include Apocalypse Now,
One From the Heart, The Outsiders, and The Grand Energy Transition, a movie that
makes the case that hydraulic fracking does not harm the environment.

Watch the teaser trailer for America here, and read the Hollywood Reporter article
about the Frederickson announcement here.

I am also so excited to let you know that we have finalized the debate details, and I will
be going head-to-head with Bill Ayers on January 30 at 7:30 PM ET. And the best part?
We'll be streaming the event live online for you to watch! Click here to bookmark the
streaming page and sign up for a debate day reminder.

Meanwhile, ignoring threats of federal-investigations were this story reported, a recap of the
Internet-buzz regarding his [falsified?] "long-form" Birth Certificate [8/4/1961] claims the
eligibility-case is still-alive; az-sheriff joe-arpaio has claimed it is a forgery and note this summary
by RICHARD R. SILVERLIEB, Attorney at Law [354 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston, NJ 07039]:

1. It states he is "African-American," a term that wasn't used at that time; people
of color were called Negroes.

2. It states his 25-year-old father was Barack Hussein Obama, born in "Kenya, East
Africa," a country that did not exist until 1963, two years after Obama's birth,
and 27 years after his father's birth; prior to 1963, it was known as the "British
East Africa Protectorate."
[Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenya].

3. It states he was born at the "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital," an
entity that did not exist until 1978 following merger of "Kapi'olani Maternity
Home" and "Kaui Keolani Children's Hospital.
[Ref: http:www.kapiolani.org/women-and-children/about-us/default.aspx].

4. BHOs book states his father fought in WW II, an impossibility because, if he was
25 years-old in 1961, he was born in 1936 and would have been 9 years-old
when the war ended in 1945.

The Obama Girl [Carey Wedler] burned Her Obama Shirt because Mr. Obama, you are the biggest
fraud that has ever been perpetrated on the American people because:

You bailed out bankers and placed them in your cabinet.
You placed Monsanto in charge of your FDA.
You helped out pharmaceutical and health insurance companies with Obamacare.
You expanded Bushs wars and started new ones with drones branding yourself a humanitarian
war monger.
You bragged about crippling sanctions against Iran though they directly affected civilians.
You extended the Patriot Act and asserted your right to spy on the American people.
You asserted your right to detain them without trial.
You seized the authority to assassinate Americans without providing any evidence of their guilt
or offering them due process of law.
You viciously punish journalists and pursue whistleblowers who expose your crimes though you
vowed to protect them when you were running for office.
You arm Al Qaeda insurgents and refused to close Guantanamo, and you along with congress
have criminalized protest.
And still you have the audacity to scold dictators about democracy, protests and freedom.

During his recent appearances in California, Obama Complained to Hollywood Donors of 'Frustration'
PREVENTION BOARD' as he jetted-off to San Diego for a $10k-Per-Photo Fundraiser.
As BHO only seems to take a break from $-raising to take vacations [and, while-on-
hawaii-vacation, he has lambasted the gop CongressPeople who-went-home-for-the-
holidays and-abandoned-less-fortunate], Pat Sajak noted the benefits associated with
this approach to governance [tweet of December 28, 2013]: Fewer speeches, no press
conferences, fewer decrees. I never thought I'd find someone else's vacation so
relaxing. {Michelle Obama and three of her family members stayed in a $8,350-per-
night Beijing presidential suite but, despite a 24-hour butler and other perks that come
with the lodging, her entourage inconvenienced pretty much everyone and made the
hotel staff fed up.} Simply put, Obama abuses taxpayer money as he campaigns,
fundraises, and lives high on the hog all on the taxpayers dime.
The claim that Muslim-Brotherhood-Influence has Reached the White-House has received scrutiny
herein previously, particularly within contexts domestic [muslim-muscle-flexing-in-nyc] and foreign
[german-elections-more-eu-more-islam]; the trenchant concern is that [noting alliances created during
the past half-decade], he said my-administration-is-proud-to-be-your-partner to a muslim-
brotherhood front-group linked-to-terrorism. BHO presumably derived surcease from the fact that the
presumptive 'Million Muslim March' was renamed 'Million American March Against Fear' to connote
overlapping legalities [as efforts are continually made to rationalize the Constitution with the Quran];
ultimately, however, it is impossible to square basic tents of the Constitution and Sharia law.
{Meanwhile, 9/11 Victim Families claim the Obama Administration is Sabotaging GitMo Trials via FBI-
meddling; they claim the goal may be to derail the hearings to force them into federal court stateside.}

Infrequently reported are the implications of his word-choice, most notably when Fort
Hood was shot-up by Major Hasan [jihad-massacre victims were shot-numerous-times-
while-lying-the-ground as he shouted "Allahu Akbar"]; rather than portraying this as
[Islamic] Terrorism [and triggering provision of key survivor-benefits, such as PTSD-
treatment], BHO maintains this was merely an example of Workplace-Violence,
contradicting Hasan; notwithstanding his 2007 LECTURE ON ISLAM. Indeed, his
Attorney claims BHO and Army "twisted rules" to avoid admitting that Hasan is a jihadist
and, although this mass murderer was dishonorably discharged, he will get to keep
$300,000 he's gotten in salary since his jihad attack. {Also, an American al-Qaeda
terrorist openly urged attacks on US diplomats.}

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