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In Nursery Class this week we learnt all about trains as part of our transport topic.

We spoke
about the different places we have each travelled to on a train and looked at the very busy TFL
map. We then worked on our number recognition skills by colouring some trains in by numbers
and painted pictures of our ideal trains. Press here for more.

Reception Class went on an outing to The Secret Garden on Wednesday.
We had the most fantastic afternoon looking around the garden in the
sunshine. One of the gardeners lead us around, pointing out different plants,
flowers and herbs which we were all very interested in tasting! There were
beehives and a pond, so we had a little go at pond-dipping, although the
only pond creatures we managed to fish out were water lice...not a frog in
sight. Before we left we all planted broad beans to take back to school for
our garden, as well as some lovely wildflower seeds. Press here.

Over the past few weeks Year 1 have been busy getting our gardens ready and having fun with our
green experiments. We dissected a flower and learnt a lot about the different parts of plants.
Our bean in a maze experiment worked like a charm; the plant worked its way around the maze to
find the light. We looked at the function of the stalk and watched, as over a few days, the white
flowers changed colours. We planted our tomato plants, a wild flower patch and we watched as our
bean plant grew 55cm in 6 days. We have an ongoing experiment that the children are monitoring
to see what kinds of environments a seed can sprout in. We have also started looking at the forest
understory. Press here for more.

In Year 2/3, we've been working incredibly hard to complete our
own-made animal non-fiction books.

We researched all the information about
our chosen animals such as where they
live, what they eat and if they are
endangered. We've included all the
features of a non-fiction book such as a
contents page, diagrams and a glossary.
Almost all of
our books are
soon we'll
have a library
of our non-
fiction books
ready to be
The books are of incredible quality and
show off all the children's hard work. Come
and visit Year 2/3 and have a look at our
awesome books. Press here for more.

This week the focus was for children to find good ways of communicating - expressing
themselves appropriately and as clearly as possible to get their point across. The children here
have definitely shown that and it is pleasing to see teachers struggle to choose children! Next
week's focus follows on - the perennial focus on good manners. We want all our children to
use their great manners all the time, so let's see who gets the prize next week.
The Musician of the Week this week goes to Mabel in Year 1 because she is always eager
to learn during her weekly sessions. Her listening skills are excellent and she always
communicates her ideas clearly and concisely. Paul was impressed with how she worked
with her group this week to re-imagine Louis Armstrong's 'What a Wonderful World'. Great
The Artist of the Week went to Verity in Nursery Class for her beautiful and well described
painting of a train as part of Nursery Class' transport topic. We all really loved it! Well done
you! Press here.

Nursery Class ...... Alberta
Reception Class ... Ellie-Mae
Year 1 ..................... Theo
Year 2/3 ................ Reuben

Nursery Class

Stevie for being extra kind and fair to her friends this week and also for always being so polite
and using excellent manners at all times!

Hector for making excellent effort whilst writing his name and for also turn taking really well
with our new trampoline!

Reception Class

Milo who has shown lots of interest in our new 'Living and Growing' theme for this half term.
He's been very excited about all the planting we've been doing, keeping a close eye
on his seeds and beans to see how they're developing - lovely to see Milo!

Year 1

Xavi who has been trying exceptionally hard with communication this week. He has been
taking turns, listening to his friends and participating very well in his talking partner situations.
He has also been a help with tidying up and looking after school property. Well done Xavi.

Year 2/3

Huw who is really pushing himself to produce high quality work and has been working
super hard at home on his spellings, maths and non-fiction work. Huw takes pride in his
homework and it is always fantastic. Keep it up Huw!

Last Saturdays Playground Development
Staff, parents and children came along on Saturday, May 3rd to work on the second phase in the
development of our schools playground. They built a climbing wall, a trampoline, roofing, further
improvements to the mud kitchen, a tyre swing, and so, so much more.

We want to warmly thank all the parents, children and staff who got involved. It was a fun, sunny
day, and its amazing how much work they did. Thank you and well done! Here are some photos
taken during the project and press here to see more. Also, there will be another Saturday for the
finishing touches to get done coming up in June. The dates of this are to be confirmed soon, so if
you could spare the time to join us, wed be extremely grateful.

. alternative option.
Week 1 Dish of the Day
Dessert Tea
Egg fried rice with sweet
and sour sauce
Seasonal variety
Cheese on
toast & fresh
Tuesday Fish Cakes
Fishless Cakes
Fresh fruit
Tomato pasta &
sponge cake
Jacket Potato with
choice of: cheese,
beans, tuna, cauliflower
cheese or chilli
Vegetable soup
& fresh fruit
Thursday Veggie Lasagne
pasta with
Garlic bread
Beans on toast
& rice pudding
Friday Vegetable Pilaf
Boiled eggs
Fresh fruit
Margarita pizza
& seasonal fruit
After School Facilities Use
We are very proud of the developments in the playground, and the
staff diligently put away all the resources each evening so that its
ready for use the following day. Now that the days are getting
longer and the weather is getting better, please ensure that at late
pick up, your children do not use the resources that have been put
away outside. Im sure you understand; thanks in advance.
Early Years Buggies
Now that we have added the marvellous sandpit to
the playground, buggies need to be collapsed and
placed in the bike/scooter area. In order for all buggies
to fit, please ensure that you have a collapsible buggy
and that you enable space for all users to place their
buggies in the designated area. Thank you.
For Your Diary

Mapping out the rest of the academic year so you can book time off to not miss a thing!

WB 12
May ...................................................................................... Science Week
May ............................................................................................. Summer Recital 10:10am
May 30
May ......................................................................... Half Term (NURSERY & PLAY SCHEME OPEN)
June ............................................................................................ Sports Day
WB 23
June ..................................................................................... Parent/Teacher Consultation Week
July ................................................................................................ Summer Show 3pm
July ................................................................................................ Summer Show 3pm
July .............................................................................................. Summer Fete
July .............................................................................................. Last Day of Term (Picnic in the Park)
July .............................................................................................. Teacher INSET + Play Scheme + Nursery OPEN

Code Club Creations
All the clubs are in full swing now and it was delightful to see the work Code Club have been
doing using Scratch. The children have created their own computer games using code, which
after two sessions, is pretty amazing. To see an example of what they have produced press here.
Impressive stuff! Thank you to Rachel for running the club. We cant wait to see what theyll be
able to do by the end of term!

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