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Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.

1. Some marine animals are dangerous to humans.
A. in the mountain B. in the ocean C. in the forest D. in the house
2. The floor was covered in tiny pieces of paper.
A. unimportant B. many C. very large D. extremely small
3. We had an accidental meeting with an old friend at the party last night.
A. unpleasant B. unexpected C. unlucky D. unacceptale
4. !ow many offsprings does a sperm whale usually have"
A. eggs B. mammals C. calves D. diets
5. !e is always interested in the mysteries that lie eneath the lue depths of the ocean.
A. over B. under C. aove D. on
6. #########is the variety of different types of plant and animal life in a particular region.
A. $nteraction B. !ericide C. %nvironment D. Biodiversity
7. &ohn's father is a #########scientist. !e studies life in the sea.
A. marine B. undersea C. sumarine D. organism
8. Some tiny organisms are #########along y the currents.
A. carried B. taken C. flowed D. moved
9. Sperm whales are #########( which means they eat meat.
A. herivores B. carnivores C. omnivores D. mammals
10. Seventy)five percent of the earth's #########are covered y sea and oceans.
A. face B. flat C. resurface D. surface
11. $n some countries( teenagers can live#########from their parents if they want.
A. dependently B. independence C. independent D. independently
12. *il spills are a great #########to the undersea world.
A. threat B. threaten C. threatened D. threateningly
13. The teacher had divided the students #########small groups efore they did their task.
A. of B. for C. into D. in
14. The authority supplied the victims of the fire #########food( clothes( and money.
A. on B. for C. to D. with
15. !er work has enormously contriuted #########the charity collection.
A. for B. on C. to D. in
16. $f $ in your position( $ would not accept her offer.
A. am B. were C. have een D. would e
17. +ou should work harder for the coming terminal examination.
A. had etter B. would rather C. needn't D. mustn't
18. *ur teacher often advises us that ######## work in order to reali,e our amitions.
A. you will B. we should C. should you D. should we
19. She suggested that he ######## his situation carefully.
A. should consider B. considers C. is considering D. has to consider
20. +ou ######## -ark. +ou know it's a secret.
A. should tell B. shouldn't tell C. couldn't tell D. might tell
21. What would Tom do if he ######## the truth"
A. would know B. has know C. knows D. knew
22. ######## you( $ would think twice aout that decision. $t could e a ad move.
A. $f $ am B. Should $ e C. $f $ were D. $f $ had een
23. That sounds like a good offer. $ ######## if $ ######## you.
A. had accepted.were B. will accept.am C. would accept.were D. accepted.were
24. $f energy ######## inexpensive and unlimited( many things in the world would e different.
A. is B. were C. had een D. would e
25. $f $ ######## wings( $ ######## take an airplane to fly home.
A. have.won't have to B. had.wouldn't have to C. have.will have to D. had.didn't have to
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
26. Their ############## to act is indicative their lack of interest. /!al0
27. They are talking aout the ############## effects of exercise. /bene!t0
28. 1ong prison sentences can e a very ############## deterrent for offenders. /a!!ect0
29. Would you like to contriute to our##############" /collect0
30. All ############## will e gratefully received. /contrb#te0
31. 2lease follow the proper procedures for dealing with ##############. /complan0
32. We should have had a proper ############## efore voting. /"sc#ss0
33. 2lease pay attention ecause this ############## concerns all of you. /n!orm0
34. Where our children's education is concerned( no compromised is ##############. /accept0
35. Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and ##############. /mana$e0
%ll n each blan& wth an approprate preposton.
36. Thanks ########modern technology( scientists have een ale to investigate the marine life.
37. Some of marine plants and animals live ########the sea ottom like the starfish.
38. -arine life would e ########stake if the sea iodiversity were not maintained.
39. 34 percentage ########the earth's surface is covered y seas and oceans.
40. We can learn a wide range of information aout marine life ########the satellite photographs.
'rte a sentence wth (should/shouldnt + the phrase)
$ have a headache. /see a doctor0 5 You should see a doctor.
!is stomach is aching. /not eat green fruit0 5 He shouldnt eat green fruit.
41. -y father has a sore throat. /not smoke so much0
42. 6am feels very tired. /go to ed early0
43. !e had an accident last week. /not drive so fast0
44. $ catch flu. /stay in ed0
45. !oa feels sleepy. /not stay up late0
46. !is shirt is very old. /uy a new one0
47. !er room is very dirty. /clean it every day0
48. $ play tennis adly. /practice tennis more regularly0
*#t the +erb n brac&ets nto the correct !orm.
49. $f men ##################only more reasonale( there would e no more war. /be0
50. $f $ ##################his address $'d give it to you. /&now0
51. $f people ##################more carefully( they'd travel round the world. /"r+e0
52. $f $ ##################a lot of money( $ would travel round the world. /ha+e0
53. $f she ################## hard( she couldn't support her family. /not wor&0
54. $f $ ##################a ig pri,e in a lottery( $'d give up my 7o. /wn0
55. What ##########you ######## if you found a urglar in your house. /"o0
56. $ could tell you what this means if $ ################## 8reek. /&now0
57. !e might get fat if he ################## smoking. /stop0
58. $ could get a 7o easily if $ ################## a degree. /ha+e0
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
59. &ack will win the election if he campaigned harder.
60. Were -r. -organ still a head teacher( he would not permit such ad ehave.
61. +ou can't go into the reception if you've got a ticket.
62. $ think you shouldn't do it if it were the right thing to do.
63. 9nless we work harder( we will finish on time.
64. $f $ had money( $ will uy a car.
65. What do you do if you lost your passport"
66. $f today is Sunday( we would have a lot of fun at the camping site.
67. $f there weren't gravity( o7ects you throw will go in an exactly straight line until they hit something.
68. A large portion of the world's water supply have een contaminated y factory waste( ships
and oil spills.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
69. Sea water is salty. $f the oceans ######## of fresh water( there ######## plenty of water to irrigate all of the
deserts in the world.
A. consisted.would e B. consisted.were
C. consist.will e D. would consist.could e
70. $ couldn't possily go there ######## my parents gave me some money.
A. if B. ecause C. ecause of D. unless
71. 2eter cannot go out for lunch ecause his car is roken.
A. $n spite of his roken car( 2eter goes out for lunch.
B. $f his car is not roken( 2eter will go out for lunch.
C. $f his car were not roken( 2eter could go out for lunch.
D. 9nless his car were not roken( 2eter could go out for lunch.
72. #########( they would enter the contest next week.
A. $f they are old enough B. $f they were old enough
C. They were old enough D. $f were they old enough
73. $ #########it if you #########with me.
A. will appreciate.had came B. would appreciate.are coming
C. would appreciate.came D. appreciate.would come
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
-an is a land animal( ut he closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea has served the needs of
man. The sea provided man with food and convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today( nearly
two thirds of the world's population lives within :; kilometers of the sea coast.
$n the modern technological world( the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive. <esources on land
are eginning to e used up. The sea( however( still can e hopped to supply many of man's needs.
The list of riches of the sea yet to e developed y man's technology is impressive. *il and gas
exploration have een carried out for nearly =; years. >aluale amounts of mineral exist on the ocean floor
ready to e mined.
?ish farming promises to e a good way to produce large @uantities of food. The culture of fish and
shellfish is an ancient skill practised in the past mainly y the Oriental people.
Besides oil and gas( the sea may offer new source of energy. %xperts elieve that the warm temperature
of the ocean can e used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. *cean currents and waves offer possile
use as a source of energy. Technology is enaling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The
development of strong( new materials has made this possile.
The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. %xperts elieve that y the year A;A; the
prolems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food( minerals and energy sources of the sea will e largely
74. The est title for this passage is ########.
A. Sea !arvest B. Sea ?ood
C. -an and the Sea D. Technology for %xploiting the Sea
75. The ma7or things that the sea offers man are ########.
A. fish and oil B. minerals and oil
C. warm temperature and ocean currents D. the food( energy sources and minerals
76. The sea serves the needs of man ecause ########.
A. it provides man with food. B. it supplies man with minerals
C. it offers oil to man D. all are correct
77. The words BOriental people) in paragraph C proaly mean ########.
A. the people in Asia B. African people C. %uropean people D. American people
78. We can conclude from this passage that ########.
A. the sea resources have largely een used up
B. the sea has not yet een fully exploited
C. the prolem that prevent us from using the food( minerals and energy sources of the sea have already
een solved
D. y the year A;A; the technology will e good enough to exploit all the sea resources
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. protect B. pollute C. destroy D. eliminate
2. Water pollution is more and more serious due to the tests of nuclear weapon in the seas and oceans.
A. circulation B. environment C. elimination D. contamination
3. -an and animals need a constant supply of water to live.
A. regular B. rare C. short D. inade@uate
4. Without plants( most water would run off as soon as it falls( taking away valuale soil.
A. supplying B. recovering C. removing D. holding
5. The farmers removed some undeveloped trees to improve the growth of the rest.
A. eliminated B. planted C. fertili,ed D. transferred
6. !armful insects must e #######to protect our crops.
A. conserved B. protected C. destroyed D. cultivated
7. The new laws will e #######to restrict wildlife destruction.
A. pasted B. passed C. supplied D. taken away
8. 9p to now( A$DS have not een #######( and more and more people died of the disease.
A. treated B. concerned C. killed D. stopped
9. We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas #######.
A. during the night B. at night C. very @uickly D. very slowly
10. She is a famous ####### she is very interested in protecting wild animals from extinction.
A. conserve B. conservationist C. conservation D. conservational
11. 9p to now( we have hardly estimated the #######that our country suffered during the war.
A. destroy B. destroyale C. destructive D. destruction
12. The government have ecome more and more worried aout the #######of the coastline y the sea.
A. erode B. erosion C. erosive D. erodent
13. We should do something immediately to save the %arth####### eing destroyed.
A. from B. for C. in D. at
14. -an is doing harm #######the environment.
A. on B. in C. for D. to
15. ?ire is the greatest danger #######forests.
A. on B. of C. to D. in
16. ######### the report########## yet"
A. Was.written B. !as.written C. Did .write D. !as.een written
17. The roads in our town #########.
A. wide B. are eing wide C. are eing widened D. are eing widen
18. &ust a minute. The food is ready and the tale #########.
A. set B. sets C. is setting D. is eing set
19. ######### this tractor######### last year"
A. Did .uy B. Was . ought C. !as . ought D. !as .een ought
20. $n some areas( water #########from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply.
A. is eing taken B. has een taking C. is taking D. has taken
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
21. The world's rain forests must e safe from ##############. /"estro,0
22. -a7or steps are eing taken to control the ##############of eaches. /poll#te0
23. Water ##############is necessary for hydropower stations. /conser+e0
24. 2eople are ##############doing harm to the environment. /constant0
25. The government has made no attempt to reduce soil ##############. /ero"e0
26. !e stressed the need to pass a law in nature's ############## . /"e!en"0
27. -any species of plans and animals have een virtually ##############. /elmnate0
28. Trees( grasses( and other plant life play an important part in the natural ##############of water.
29. -odern farming practice has led to the virtual ##############of this ird. /"sappear0
30. The giant panda is an ##############species. /en"an$er0
%ll n each blan& wth an approprate preposton.
31. Water can e hold ####### land y vegetation.
32. -an is constantly doing harm #######the environment.
33. The farm is famous #######its production of coffee.
34. Burning coal and oil releases gases which are harmful #######humans.
35. $ think she is old enough to take care #######herself. She can live independently from her parents.
-ewrte these sentences be$nnn$ wth the wor"s pro+"e".
36. The manager always welcomes new employees.
6ew employees #######################################################################
37. &anet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.
&anet ################################################################################
38. Thomas %dison invented the phonograph in D:33.
The phonograph #######################################################################
39. Stephan Court has 7ust invented an armchair which can play music.
An armchair which can play music#########################################################
40. Where will your company send you next year"
Where will you ########################################################################
41. During the recession( the film was making people redundant almost every week.
During the recession( people #############################################################
42. !ad a special messenger delivered the package efore you got to the post office"
!ad the package #######################################################################
43. The students usually hold the concerts at the university.
The concerts ##########################################################################
44. The scientists are studying the prolem carefully.
The prolem ##########################################################################
45. The police found two children in the forest.
Two children ##########################################################################
-ewrte each sentence n the pass+e.
46. Did Sue knock that vase to the floor"
47. Alan's knowledge of art doesn't impress me.
48. *ne of the parents is taping the children's song.
49. $ will uy a computer tomorrow.
50. -r. Snow hasn't taught that course since DE:4.
51. The voters are going to decide that issue.
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
52. %rosion( which washes away valuale top soil( can prevent y planting trees and grass.
53. The first modern type of printing press was invented with a 8erman( &ohannes 8utenerg( in DC=E.
54. $t is estimated that much of a teenager's time is spending chatting on the $nternet.
55. $t's his wish that the money should to e given to charity
56. That pottery was find y an archaeologist while she was working in this area.
57. The children are only allowed watching television on the weekend.
58. They have translated 6guyen Du's novel BFieuG into several language.
59. A new school for disaled children will e uild here next month.
60. +ou should to take these talets and rest for a couple of days.
61. $'m afraid $ can't come with you on tomorrow.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
62. $t is impossile to do this work.
A. $t is impossile to e done this work. B. To e done this work is impossile.
C. Being done this work is impossile. D. This work is impossile to e done.
63. The teacher made us do a lot of homework ecause the final examination was coming.
A. A lot of homework was made to do.
B. A lot of homework was made y the teacher.
C. We were made do a lot of homework y our teacher.
D. We were made to do a lot of homework y our teacher.
64. They will find a etter solution.
A. A etter solution will e found. B. A etter solution will e find.
C. A etter solution will found. D. A etter solution will een found.
65. -r. 2ike is repairing the refrigerator at the moment.
A. The refrigerator is eing repaired at the moment y -r. 2ike
B. The refrigerator is repaired y -r. 2ike at the moment.
C. The refrigerator is eing repaired y -r. 2ike at the moment.
D. The refrigerator is e repairing y -r. 2ike at the moment.
66. They #########at work.
A. allow not to e worn 7eans B. are not allowed eing wear 7eans
C. are not allowed to wear 7eans D. do not allowed wearing 7eans
67. Today many serious childhood diseases #########y early immuni,ation.
A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can e prevented
68. The new computer system #########next month.
A. is eing installed y people B. is e installed
C. is eing installed D. is een installed
69. ) B-s. &ones( please type those letters efore noon.G ) BThey've already#########( sir. They're on your
A. typed B. een typed C. eing typed D. een eing typed
70. Both domestic and imported automoiles must #########anti)pollution devices.
A. e@uip with B. e e@uipped with C. e@uip y D. e e@uipped y
71. An announcement aout the eight o'clock flight to Chicago #########.
A. has een already made B. has already made
C. has already een made D. already made
72. They were carrying two in7ured players out of the field.
A. Two players were in7ured and carrying out of the field.
B. The field was eing carried two in7ured players.
C. Two players were in7ured and carried out of the field.
D. Two in7ured players were eing carried out of the field.
73. We have not used this computer for a long time.
A. ?or a long time has not een used this computer.
B. This computer has not used for long time.
C. This computer has een not used for long time.
D. This computer has not een used for long time. D
74. The polluted rivers #########.
A. cannot clean up B. cannot cleaned up
C. cannot e cleaned up D. cannot cleaning up
75. ######### the plane######### y -r. 2ike( my friend's father"
A. $s .flying B. $s the . flown C. $s . e flown D. $s . e flying
76. !ow do people make carpets"
A. !ow are carpets made" B. !ow do carpets make"
C. !ow do carpets made" D. !ow are carpets make"
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
We are all slowly destroying the earth. The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in. There is so much
smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world's cities. $n one well)known city( for example(
poisonous gases from cars pollute the air so much that traffic policemen have to rear oxygen masks.
We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result(
farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow enough to eat. $n certain countries in Asia there is too little rice.
-oreover( we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are @uickly disappearing. ?or instance(
tigers are rare in $ndia now ecause we have killed too many for them to survive. !owever( it isn't enough
simply to talk aout the prolem. We must act now efore it is too late to do anything aout it. &oin us now. Save
the %arth. This is too important to ignore.
77. The seas and rives nowadays #################.
A. cannot e swum in B. are less dirty than they used to e
C. are dirty enough to swim in D. are contaminated
78. Smoke ###################.
A. is harmful to health B. is full of the ig cities
C. causes a healthy life D. makes life in ig cities difficult
79. $n one well)known city( traffic policemen have to wear oxygen masks ###############.
A. in order to protect themselves from eing in7ured
B. ecause there are so many cars on the streets
C. in spite of poisonous gases D. ecause of air pollution
80. Why do farmers in parts of Africa and Asia not grow enough to eat"
A. Because many trees have een planted. B. Because people cut down many trees.
C. Because there is too little rice.
D. Because there are large areas of land that cannot e used.
81. Wild animals are ###################.
A. in danger of extinction B. eing protected from natural environment
C. killed so many that they cannot live in the forests
D. so rare that they cannot survive
82. What's the est title for the passage"
A. Conservation B. 2rotect the 6atureH C. The %nvironment D. Save the %arthH
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. The peasants depend on a good harvest for their existence.
A. rely B. elieve C. hike D. recogni,e
2. The cattle drank from a river polluted with toxic chemical.
A. waste B. colorless C. odorless D. poisonous
3. -any people come to the national park to see the work eing done to protect endangered species.
A. plants or animals that may e dangerous to people.
B. plants or animals that disappeared from the world.
C. plants or animals that are aout to die.
D. plants or animals that may soon ecome extinct.
4. At what time will the meeting e over"
A. egun B. started C. lasted D. ended
5. Contamination is threatening the park and many species of animals living in it.
A. population B. pollution C. elimination D. distriution
6. The residents are going to e removed when they uild an airport neary.
A. very far B. not very far C. remote D. distant
7. Cuc 2huong 6ational 2ark contains over A;; s@uare kilometers of rainforest.
A. forest which has only wild flowers
B. thin forest which has no rain
C. thick forest in a tropical part that has a lot of rain
D. thick forest in a temperate ,one that has a lot of rain
8. When the wastes are poured onto the atmosphere( the air ecomes contaminated and unpleasant.
A. dense B. dirty C. pure D. spoiled
9. They were sent to a local#######right after their parents' death.
A. orphanage B. hospital C. park D. prison
10. Cuc 2huong national park is #######DI; km south west of !a 6oi.
A. lied B. estalished C. aandoned D. located
11. 6early D(;;; of the world's ird species are #######with extinction.
A. threatened B. endangered C. protected D. aandoned
12. Scientists are now researching new measures to prevent#######levels from rising.
A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollution
13. The regulation of the competition will e announced #######on T> next week.
A. office B. official C. officially D. officer
14. Success is dependent ####### how hard you have worked.
A. upon B. into C. onto D. out of
15. She sometimes does not have enough time to take care #######her old parents.
A. on B. to C. for D. of
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
16. Do you have ##############costume in your country" /Jcustom0 /naton0
17. This usiness was ##############in D:I;. /establsh0
18. !e has een living in an ##############since his parents died. /orphan0
19. $ love the country ##############in spring. /especal0
20. The giant panda is an ##############species. /en"an$er0
21. The shop ##############sells milk. /near0
22. The river is highly ##############for swimmers. /"an$er0
23. !er ##############led her into the deserts of central Asia. /e/plore0
24. There is a danger of serious ##############from radioactive waste. /contamnate0
25. Brown rice ##############a lot of vitamins and minerals. /contan0
0+e the correct preposton.
26. Tourists go to Cuc 2huong 6ational 2ark to look #######the D(;;;)year)old tree.
27. !e left school to take care #######his sick mother.
28. Do you elong #######any campus clus or organi,ations"
29. Were you surprised #######the grade you received"
30. $'m always interested #######how to recogni,e the different species of plants.
Complete the sentences wth the correct !orm o! the +erbs n brac&ets.
31. $ didn't go into usiness with Sam. $f $ /$o0######### into usiness with him( $ /become0
################ a success.
32. We got to the station in time to catch the train. $f we /mss0 #########it( we /be0 ################ late
for the meeting.
33. -ary and $ weren't ale to go on a honeymoon. We /can. $o0 ################ away if my father /not.
$et0 #########sick.
34. $ took a taxi to hotel ut the traffic was very ad. $t /be0 ################ @uicker if $ /wal&0 #########.
35. $t's good that you reminded me aout Ann's irthday. $ /!or$et0 ################ if you /not remn"0
36. The view was wonderful. $f $ /ha+e0 #########a camera( $ /ta&e0 ################ some photographs.
37. 9nfortunately( $ didn't have my address ook with me when $ was in 6ew +ork. $f $ /ha+e0 ######### your
address( $ /sen"0 ################ you a postcard.
38. We /ma,. be0 ################ at the airport for hours( if we /not &now0 #########that the flight was
39. The accident was your fault. $f you /"r+e0 #########more carefully( it /not happen0 ################.
40. $f you /tell0 #########me you needed money( $ /can. len"0 ################ you some.
I! necessar,. correct these sentences.
41. $f &ack had een honest( he would return the money.
42. The video pauses if you press this utton.
43. $f she would have really wanted to see me( she would have come earlier.
44. $f he doesn't reak the window then who is responsile"
45. $f Claire will continue to work hard( she should pass the exams easily.
46. Steve would have een attacked if $ hadn't come along.
47. $'d e ale to visit &im first thing in the morning if $ stay in -anchester overnight
48. Speak to &ane if you wanted to ook a room.
49. $f you know what it was going to e like( why did you come"
50. +ou'd e surprised if $ told you how much this cost.
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
51. $f we leave now for our trip( we could drive half the distance efore we stop to have lunch.
52. We could have given you a lift if we'd know you were coming this way.
53. The car would survive the tornado if it had een parked on the other side of the road.
54. The oceans contain many forms of life that has not yet een discovered.
55. $f 6ick hadn't come along( what would happen"
56. The aim of this exercises is to practice using will for a future fact or prediction.
57. !eavily polluted factories will e close down sooner.
58. The shirt with three differently colors elongs to !ai( my rother.
59. $f had you sent the application form to that company( you would have een offered a 7o.
60. Before the final decision is reached( the various possiilities should proaly discussed y the whole team.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
61. $f the world's tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate( many animal species
############### extinct.
A. ecome B. would have ecome C. will ecome D. would ecome
62. The teacher was asent today( so class was canceled. $f she ########asent again tomorrow( class
############## tomorrow( too.
A. is . will cancel B. is . will e canceled
C. was . would e canceled D. was . would cancel
63. There would e less conflict in the world if all people ######## the same language"
A. speak B. will speak C. spoke D. had spoken
64. $f you ######## us aout the ad service( we'd have eaten there.
A. didn't tell B. wouldn't have told C. hadn't told D. had told
65. $f they had searched more carefully( they ######## the watch sooner.
A. will find B. would find C. found D. would have found
66. ######## resigned( we would have een forced to sack him.
A. $f he had not B. !adn't he C. $f he not D. $f he not had
67. $f ######## for work early( he could have caught the us
A. $f had 2eter left B. !ad 2eter left C. 2eter had left D. $f 2eter left
68. 9nless you ######## me all your troules( $ cannot do anything to help you.
A. tell B. do not tell C. did not tell D. telling
69. $ won't lend you this money ######## you promise to pay it ack.
A. in case B. if C. otherwise D. unless
70. ######## there are some more ideas( we can end the meeting now.
A. 9nless B. $f C. As if D. $n case
71. 9nfortunately( $ don't know 2hilosophy( so $ can't answer your @uestion.
A. $f $ know 2hilosophy( $ can answer your @uestion.
B. $f $ know 2hilosophy( $ will e ale to answer your @uestion.
C. $f $ knew 2hilosophy( $ would e ale to answer your @uestion.
D. $f $ had known 2hilosophy( $ would have een ale to answer your @uestion.
72. +ou got into troule ecause you ignored my advice.
A. $f you don't ignore my advice( you don't get into troule.
B. $f you don't ignore my advice( you won't get into troule.
C. $f you didn't ignore my advice( you wouldn't get into troule.
D. $f you hadn't ignored my advice( you wouldn't have got into troule.
73. !e stepped on the mine( and it exploded
A. $f he doesn't step on the mine( it doesn't explode.
B. $f he doesn't step on the mine( it won't explode.
C. $f he didn't step on the mine( it wouldn't explode.
D. $f he hadn't stepped on the mine( it wouldn't have exploded.
74. $f they had searched more carefully( they the watch sooner.
A. will find B. would find C. found D. would have found
75. +ou cannot get higher results ################################## .
A. if you work harder B. unless you work harder
C. if you worker harder D. unless you will not work harder
76. $f 2eter his car efore the drive he #########the prolem of out of petrol.
A. checked . will not get B. had checked . would not have got
C. checks . will not have got D. would e checking . will not have got
77. $f $ had enough money( $ ############### aroad to improve my %nglish.
A. will go B. would go C. went D. would have gone
78. $f you had done as $ told you( $ think you ##########################.
A. would succeed B. would have succeeded C. could succeed D. had succeeded
79. $f $ had known you were in hospital( $ ###################to see you
A. will go B. would go C. went D. would have gone
80. 2eter could not answer the @uestions so the teacher got angry.
A. $f 2eter can answer the @uestions so the teacher will not get angry.
B. $f 2eter could answer the @uestions the teacher would not get angry.
C. $f 2eter had answered the @uestions( the teacher would not have got angry.
D. $f 2eter had answered the @uestions so the teacher would not have got angry.
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
$n the 9nited States and its territories alone( there are more than C; national parks( varying consideraly in
landscape and mood. %ach park was chosen for its uni@ue features( representative of a particular region of the
country. %verglades 6ational 2ark( for example( at the southern tip of ?lorida( is a huge sutropical
swamp( which provides refuge for such unusual reptiles as the alligator and for thousands of varieties
of irds( including the graceful pink flamingo. $n sharp contrast to the %verglades is the arid( dusty park of the
West. -esa >erde 6ational 2ark in Colorado( for example( preserves the ruins of an $ndian civili,ation
which flourished in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Today( tourists can wander through the awesome cliff
dwellings that the $ndians carved out of the steep rock.
81. What is the main idea of the passage"
A. The large numer of nation parks.
B. 6ational park as a wildlife refuge.
C. The diversity of the national parks.
D. The differences etween -esa >erde 6ational 2ark and the %verglades.
82. 6ational parks in the 9S #################.
A. are a lot different from each other
B. change a lot in landscape and mood
C. are made more interesting
D. are completely different from other parks in the world
83. %verglades 6ational 2ark is #################.
A. in the south of the 9nited States
B. home to alligators and many varieties of irds
C. an area of land that is full of water
D. all are correct
84. The word BwhichG in the passage refers to ##################.
A. -esa >erde 6ational 2ark B. ruins C. $ndian D. civili,ation
85. Which of the following statements is false"
A. %very national park in the 9S has its special features.
B. %verglades 2ark has a cold climate.
C. The ruins of an $ndian civili,ation are eing preserved.
D. Some of the dwellings in -esa >erde are accessile only y ladder.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. *ur actions express our love more than any words can do.
A. help B. create C. perform D. show
2. !e shouted cra,ily. !e seemed to lose control his emotions.
A. delights B. entertainments C. communications D. feelings
3. -usic is very much an integral part of our life.
A. essential B. unnecessary C. impolite D. encouraged
4. &a,, is comination of America and Western %uropean music.
A. mixture B. occasion C. instrument D. emotion
5. She is a popular singer ut her records have never got into the top ten.
A. delightful B. famous C. proud D. ideal
6. Ao Dai is the >ietnamese ########## costume.
A. communicative B. expensive C. traditional D. occasional
7. ##########is traditional music of a country.
A. &a,, B. ?olk music C. 2op music D. Classical music
8. Can you play any ########## instruments" K 6o( $ can't.
A. music B. musical C. musically D. musician
9. The and played only sad and ########## pieces of music during the funeral.
A. 7oyful B. hopeful C. delighting D. solemn
10. LTien Muan Ca'( the >ietnam national ##########was written y >an Cao.
A. folk song B. anthem C. epic D. pop song
11. $ am used to listening to a ##########of music efore going to sleep.
A. sheet B. piece C. ar D. slice
12. -usic is a wonderful kind of ########( which is the passion of many people( young and old alike.
A. entertain B. entertainer C. entertainment D. entertaining
13. We are really excited ##########the news that a pop and is going to perform at our village.
A. at B. on C. with D. into
14. !er appearance was @uite different##########what $ had expected.
A. in B. from C. with D. to
15. *ur achievements are something to e proud##########.
A. for B. at C. of D. in
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
16. Why can't you ever take anything ################" /sero#s0
17. -others are often the ones who provide ################support for his family. /emoton0
18. !e was smiling( ut his eyes retained a look of ################. /solemn0
19. She shows little ################of good music. /apprecate0
20. We regret this service is temporarily ################. /a+alable0
21. !e was an################in ringing aout and end of the conflict. /nstr#ment0
22. !er voice was ################calm. /s#rprse0
23. The hotel offers a haven of peace and ###########away from the ustle of the city. /serene0
24. ################crowds greeted their arrival. /cheer0
25. She played the concerto with passionate ################. /l,rcal0
%ll n each blan& wth an approprate preposton.
26. 1anguage and music make humans different #######all other animals.
27. $ often get presents from my uncle #######special occasions( such as Christmas( 6ew +earN
28. -usic lulls aies to sleep #######night and wakes students ####### in the morning.
29. $ usually listen #######music on the radio.
30. $t is difficult to imagine what our lives would e like #######music.
'rte two sentences as one #sn$ to1 n!nt+e.
Trees were planted along the street. This was done to reduce traffic noise.
5 Trees were planted along the street to reduce traffic noise.
31. $ swept the roken glass of the path. $ wanted to prevent an accident.
32. !e ought a truck. !e did this to carry out his usiness.
33. 1aura went to the ank. She wanted to cash a che@ue.
34. The staffs are working at weekend. They want to complete the pro7ect in time.
Choose the correct alternat+e.
35. The school oys are in a hurry not to . in order not miss their school us.
36. They were talking in whispers so that . so as noody could hear ottles.
37. -y mother needs a tin opener to open . so that opening the ottles.
38. Advice is given so that . in order to students can choose the est course.
39. +ou may put your money in a small coin ank so that . in order to keep it safe
40. We wrote Fatie's name on the calendar so as not to . so that not forget her irthday.
41. She stayed at work late in order to . so that she could complete the report.
42. $ need some new clothes $ haven't got anything nice to wear . so that wear
43. !e turned on the radio in order to listen . so that to the news.
44. Trees are eing planted y the road side so as to reduce . in order that reducing traffic noise.
2a&e 3#estons !or the #n"erlne" wor"s 4 phrases n the !ollown$.
45. &ackson will captain the team if 6ick isn't availale.
46. The Bach concert lasted four hours.
47. The concert last night was great.
48. -y %nglish teacher is very tall and lond.
49. -y favorite musician is Trinh Cong Son.
50. The opera was first performed in DEEA.
51. We tale a holiday once a year.
52. The concert is usually held at the university.
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
53. $ often switch off the heating so that saving money.
54. We gave 6ick a map so that he will e ale to find the way all right.
55. Scott &oplin( a well K known African American piano player( was orn in D:I: and had died in DED3.
56. The caves of Altamira( which was discovered in northern Spain( contain interesting paintings
y early cave dwellers.
57. 2erhaps mankind's first important music influence was the songs of irds.
58. Woody 8uthrie wrote thousands of songs during his lifetime( many of them ecame classic folk songs.
59. $n aout DEA;( experimental psychologists have devoted more research to learning than to
any other topic.
60. $n order to not miss her us( -elanie was hurrying.
61. Composer !ahn Cage used many unusual o7ects as instrument in his( music( including
cowells( flower pots( tin cans( can saw lades.
62. To uilding their nests( tailorirds use their ias as needles.
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
All over the world people listen to classical music. Classical music is difficult to descrie. $t means
different things to different people. Some famous classical composers were Bach( >ivaldi( !aydn( and -o,art.
$n their music( they did not tell a story or show strong emotion. They wanted to make a eautiful( interesting
design. They wanted to write lovely sounds.
Then composers started to interpret ideas. They told stories aout wars( armies( and soldiers. They wrote
aout religion. Sometimes they composed music for holidays. They told love stories and showed strong emotion.
Some of these composers were Beethoven( Schumann( Chopin( -endelssohn( Wagner( and Tchaikovsky.
Classical music stays with people a long time. Bach wrote aout =;; years ago( Beethoven wrote aout A;;
years ago( and Tchaikovsky wrote over D;; years ago.
Sometimes people close their eyes to listen to classical music. When they close their eyes( they can see the
design. They can listen to the same classical music many times and en7oy it. Sometimes it is difficult to
understand. The listener has to think aout it. !owever( we can all learn to en7oy some classical music. $t is very
important to people.
63. Classical music is famous ########.
A. in the Western B. in %urope C. in the 9nited States D. all over the world
64. The first classical composers wanted to ########.
A. tell stories aout religion B. write lovely sounds
C. show strong emotion D. and c
65. What kind of stories did some composers not tell in their music"
A. love B. wars C. religion D. racial integration
66. Beethoven #####################.
A. composed his music a long time ago B. 7ust wanted to make an interesting design
C. did not tell a story.
D. wrote some music that as difficult to understand
67. 2eople sometimes close their eyes when they listen to classical music in order to ########.
A. understand it clearly B. think aout the design
C. from the picture of the design in their mind D. hear the same classical music many times
68. Classical music ##################.
A. is different from people to people
B. is difficult to understand so that listener always has to think aout it
C. was composed y famous musicians very long time ago
D. is necessary for people ecause it makes life more colorful
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
69. The staffs are working at weekend ######## delay the pro7ect any further.
A. so that not to B. to not C. so as not to D. for not
70. She hid the present ########.
A. so that the children wouldn't find it B. in order to the children not to find it
C. for the children not find it D. in order that the children not to find it
71. $ ought this new software ######## Chinese.
A. to learning . learning C. to learn D. learned
72. $'ll post the card today ######## there on my mother's irthday.
A. to get it B. in order to get it c. so as it gets D. so that it gets
73. $ am afraid that $ cannot help you with your assignment ecause $ have some of my own ###########.
A. to e done B. for do C. for $ do D. to do
74. She was the last applicant ########y the personnel manager and also the only one that was offered the 7o.
A. to interview B. to e interviewing C. interviewing D. to e interviewed
75. ######## the coffee" $t smells good.
A. Who made B. Did who make C. Whom made D. Who is made
76. ########" ) 6ot ad.
A. !ow are you B. Who are you C. Where are you from D. What are you
77. ######## at Christmas" K $ went home for Christmas.
A. What did you do for B. ?or what did you do C. Where did you went D. What did you do
78. ########" K $ left on Decemer 4
A. When do you leave B. When did you leave C. Why did you leave D. !ow did you leave
79. ########" K The 9SA( ut now he is living in 1ondon.
A. Where does &ohn come from B. Where is &ohn living
C. !ow long has &ohn lived in 1ondon D. What does &ohn do in the 9SA
80. ########there" K $ spent three wonderful weeks there.
A. !ow often did you stay B. !ow far you stayed
C. !ow long did you stay D. !ow long you stayed
81. ########from here to Australia" K $ do not know exactly ut it takes eight and a half hours y plane.
A. !ow long is it B. !ow often is it C. Which distance D. !ow far is it
82. $ think he is an enthusiast collaorator ########.
A. for us working with B. for us to work with
C. to us for working with D. in order we can work with
83. 2eter has practiced playing the piano ########the piano contest which is going to e organi,ed next week.
A. so that he could enter for B. to enter for
C. in order to enter for D. all are correct
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Actors are those who appear in front of a camera and take part of the characters in a film.
A. persons in a film B. scriptwriters C. cinematographers D. directors
2. Don't forget we're meeting on ######## ?riday for ######## lunch.
A. a .a B. an . O C. O . the D. O . O
3. !e chose a suitale position to put his camera so that he could take the est photographs.
A. gesture B. promotion C. place D. change
4. She shows considerale talent for performing so she has ecome famous rapidly.
A. excitedly B. interestedly C. thrillingly D. @uickly
5. Titanic used to e the most luxury liner which sank due to an iceerg in its first voyage.
A. pro7ector B. film maker C. large ship D. motion pictures
6. ?ilms are made not only to show to #######in a movie theater ut also e used for many other purposes.
A. film makers B. audiences C. T> viewers D. supporters
7. ?ilms are produced y recording actual people and o7ects with ########.
A. cameras B. musical instruments C. vehicles D. actions
8. A film crew is a group of people hired y a film company for the purpose of producing a########.
A. motion picture B. script C. poem D. character
9. The main ########is played y 6icole Fidman.
A. actress B. character C. director D. film maker
10. There's a love story in it( and it's very funny. $ suppose you'd call it a ######### .
A. horror film B. detective film C. romantic comedy D. thriller
11. Thanks to many ########discoveries and inventions( we can en7oy more and more exciting films with a lot
of wonderful scenes.
A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically
12. They are making a film ased on the ########events that happened in DE34.
A. history B. historical C. historian D. historically
13. These films cannot e ########. +ou had etter have the photographer retake them.
A. develop B. development C. developer D. developed
14. That film is only E; minutes ########length ut it is very interesting.
A. on B. at C. with D. in
15. The film is ########a eautiful princess( who had had a long sleep efore a prince came and woke her up.
A. aout B. in C. on D. for
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
16. Do you elieve in the ##################of ghosts. /e/st0
17. The work is progressing ##################. /rap"0
18. The sudden #################of a policeman caused the thief to run away. /appear0
19. +ou must place these events in there##################context. /hstor,0
20. This is the most ##################race that $'ve ever taken part in. /thrll0
21. $ like ##################detective stories very much. /rea"0
22. $ was ##################of you to share your food with me. /$enerost,0
23. $t's a ############### this country that such a great musician died so young. /tra$c0
24. <esearches in this field have made some important new #################. /"sco+er0
25. !e's a romantic at heart( a orn ##################. /a"+ent#re0
%ll n each blan& wth an approprate preposton.
26. The history of cinema egan ########the early DE
27. Sound was introduced to the film ######## the end of DEA;s.
28. $ prefer science fiction films ########detective films.
29. Titanic is ased ########the true story of the Titanic disaster that occurred in DEDA.
30. The film is ########two women who drive across America.
Choose the correct a"5ect+e.
31. $ was disappointing/ disappointed in the movie. $ had expected it to e etter.
32. Are you interesting/ interested in soccer"
33. The soccer game was @uite exciting/ excited. $ had a great time.
34. $t's sometimes embarrassing/ embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.
35. $t was really terrifying/ terrified experience. Afterwards everyody was very shocking/ shocked.
36. $ had never expected to get the 7o. $ was really amazing/ amazed when it was offered to me.
37. Why do you always look so boring/ bored" $s your life really so boring/ bored.
38. $ didn't find the situation funny. $ was not amusing/ amused.
39. $ thought the program on wildlife was fascinating/ fascinated. $ was asolutely fascinating/ fascinated.
40. Did Tim feel frightening/ frightened when he saw the snake at his feet"
-ewrte the !ollown$ sentences. #sn$ (It was not until. that. . . )
41. $ didn't get up until half past ten.
42. She weren't allowed to open her presents until her irthday.
43. We didn't have any holiday until last summer.
44. She didn't stop learning 8erman until the age of AC.
45. $ couldn't finish my pro7ect until -ark helped me.
46. $ didn't sleep until midnight.
47. They didn't pay the ill until the electricity was cut off.
48. $ couldn't comment further until $ had all the information.
Complete the sentences wth (an, a, or the).
49. $ ought ######hat and pair of shoes at ######mall. 9nfortunately ######shoes are######wrong si,e. $'ll
take them ack tomorrow.
50. 6. Where are ######children" ) 7. They are in ######yard.
51. -y sister's ######teacher in ######school near Seattle. She has three children( two girls and ######oy.
######girls are in her class at school( ut ######oy isn't old enough for school yet.
52. 6. Where are my shoes" ) 7. *n ######floor in######kitchen.
53. $ went to ######restaurant last night.
54. What's ######name of the restaurant we went last night"
55. When you come to ed( can you put######cat out and turn off ######lights"
56. She spends aout ######hour ######night doing the housework.
57. -y rother plays ######violin and my sister plays ######guitar.
58. 1ook outsideH ######sky is getting very dark. $ hope there isn't going to e######storm.
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
59. We're always ama,ing y &ohn's incredile travel stories.
60. The comedian worked hardly to entertain the children in the hospital.
61. The critic's description of the film made it sound very appealed.
62. 2art of the entertainment of seeing a movie is understanding how the director comination a
63. range of different styles to attain an artistic goal.
64. $t was not until they had seen the movies stars the crowd outside the movie would not disperse.
65. BDid you see that film on television in Saturday"G Susan asked me.
66. She checks the company accounts very efficient.
67. Because of the parade( we weren't allow to park in the !igh Street.
68. The actors left the hotel separately in order avoid attracting a lot of attention.
69. Some movie fans can't separate fantasy from reality and confused an actor with the character he plays.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
70. B1ook outside. ######## sky is getting very darkG B$ hope there isn't going to e a storm. G
A. A B. The C. O D. Some
71. $'d like to invite him to ######## dinner next week( if that's *F with you.
A. a B. the C. O D. an
72. B$'m going out for a walk. !ave you seen my shoes"G B+es( they're on ########### floor in
############## kitchen. G
A. a . the B. the . the C. a . a D. the . a
73. BWould you like ######## ice cream" There's one in ######## fridge. G BThanks. G
A. an . the B. an . a C. O . the D. a . the
74. Don't forget we're meeting on ######## ?riday for ######## lunch.
A. a .a B. an . O C. O . the D. O . O
75. B$'ve got ############ headache. $'ve had it all day. G BWhy don't you go to ########### health centre"
$t's open until six. G
A. a . a B. O . the C. a . the D. a . O
76. B$'ve got some prolems with my phone ill. Can $ see someone aout it"G
) B+es( go to ######## fifth floor. ######## lift is along the corridor. '
A. the . A B. the . The C. O . A D. the . O
77. B%xcuse me. $'d like to rent ######## new game. G B!ere you are. Sega 8enesis. 2lease take it to
######## cashier over there. G
A. a . the B. the . the C. O . the D. a .a
78. The movie was so ######## that we couldn't sleep last night.
A. thrill B. thrilling C. thrilled D. thriller
79. B$ think the way &essica ehaved was @uite ########. G B+es( $ think so. '
A. shock B. shocked C. shocking D. shockingly.
80. B!ow does &ane like her new car"G BShe's ######## with it. G
A. delighted B. delighting C. delight D. delightful
81. BThis handmade cloth is eautiful. G BTo see such @uality is ########. G
A. pleasing B. please C. pleased D. so pleasantly
82. PDo you think -argaret will take the 7o you offered her"' B$ don't know. She seemed ##### in it( however.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
83. BThe students all went to the circus yesterday. G B$ heard it was really ########. G
A. amused . amusing C. amuse D. amusingly
84. B$ was ######## that &an couldn't come to the party. G B!er oss made her work overtime. G
A. disappointing B. disappointedly C. disappoint D. disappointed
85. B!ow ############ we are to hear that you got the scholarshipHG BThank you. $t was really a surprise. G
A. pleasing B. pleased C. pleasingly D. please
86. B$ can't elieve that &im is marrying the vice)president's daughter. G BThat they would get married is ######.
A. surprised B. surprisingly C. surprising D. surprise
87. BThe caaret was amusing. G BClaire was certainly ########. She couldn't stop laughing. G
A. amuse B. amused C. amusing D. amusive
88. There's an ######## film on at the local cinema.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
89. B+ou look nervous. ' LThis thunder makes me ########. G
A. scary B. scare C. scaring D. scared
90. $t was not until we entered the theatre ########.
A. that we had handed the usher our tickets B. that we handed the usher our tickets
C. and we handed the usher our tickets D. so we handed the usher our tickets
91. $t was not until they have to find a 7o that they learned %nglish.
A. They learned %nglish until they had to find a 7o.
B. They had learned %nglish efore they had to find a 7o.
C. 6one of them learned %nglish until they had to find a 7o.
D. 6one of them did not learn %nglish until they had to find a 7o.
92. $t was not until one was found the search for a star ########.
A. will stop B. would stop C. didn't stop D. wouldn't stop
93. +ou should not sign the contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.
A. $t is not until you have studied its provisions carefully that you should sign the contract.
B. $t is not until you have studied its provisions carefully that you should not sign the contract.
C. Although it is until you have studied its provisions carefully that you should not sign the contract.
D. $t is not until you have studied its provisions carefully when you should not sign the contract.
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
*riginally( all films were made to e shown in movie theatres. The development of television has allowed
films to e roadcast to larger audiences( usually after the films are no longer eing shown in theatres. <ecording
technology has also enaled consumers to rent or uy copies of films on video tapes or D>Ds( and $nternet
downloads may e availale and have started to ecome good sources for the film companies. Some films are
now made specifically for T> movies or direct)to)video. These films are often considered not to e as interesting
as films that are shown in theatres. And indeed( some films are not en7oyed. The movie theatre pays an average
of aout 44Q of its tickets sales to the movie studio( as films rental fees. Actually( when the film is shown on the
first days the theatre has to pay higher price to the movie studio and then the money is decreased after the
duration of the film's showing. According to a study made in A;;;( aout AIQ of !ollywood movie studios'
worldwide income came from ox office ticket salesR CIQ came from D>D sales to consumersR and A:Q came
from television roadcast.
94. ?ilms #####################.
A. are only shown on T> B. are only shown in movie theatres
C. cannot e seen in family D. are roadcast to larger audiences on T>
95. ?ilm viewers ################.
A. cannot en7oy a film at home B. have to go to the theatre to en7oy a film
C. can en7oy a film through the $nternet D. cannot en7oy a film through the $nternet
96. Consumers can rent or uy copies of films on video tapes or D>Ds thanks to ########.
A. recording technology B. television
C. the invention of the $nternet D. $nternet downloads
97. ?ilms made specifically for T> movies or direct)to)video are often considered ######## films that are
shown in theatres.
A. not to e as interesting as B. to e as interesting as
C. to e much more interesting than D. to e more interesting than
98. The money that the movie theatre has to pay for the movie studio is called ########.
A. worldwide income B. film rental fees C. ticket sales D. D>D sales
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. !ow many countries took part in the first World Cup"
A. interested B. participated C. competed D. co)operated
2. The tournament is to e 7ointly hosted y $ndia( 2akistan and Sri Blanca.
A. comining many people or groups B. involving two or more people or groups
C. in collaoration or cooperation D. BSC
3. By &uly A;;I( the world had witnessed eighteen World Cup tournaments.
A. planed B. hosted C. seen D. noticed
4. The World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world.
A. organi,ed B. competed C. witnessed D. regarded
5. !e is a ######## footall player. !e plays footall with great pleasure and effort.
A. passionate B. disappointing C. competitive D. considerate
6. 8ermany was the ######## of the A;;I World Cup. The D:
World Cup was held there.
A. continent B. host nation C. competitor D. region
7. The %nglish footall team was the world ######## in DEII. $t won the World Cup.
A. champion B. competition C. tournament D. honour
8. Since its eginning in DE=;( the Soccer World Cup has grown to e one the most spectacular
sporting######## in the world.
A. factors B. events C. regions D. athletes
9. ?ootall is one of the ######## sports.
A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive
10. ?ootall is considered to e the most ######## sport all over the world.
A. popular B. popularity C. popularly D. populari,e
11. ?ootall is a ########with many people( young and old alike.
A. passion B. passionate C. passionately D. passionless
12. A footall team must e well) ######## enough to score the game.
A. organi,e B. organi,ed C. organi,ation D. organi,ing
13. !e was ######## from the contest in the fourth round.
A. eliminate B. eliminated C. elimination D. eliminatory
14. There was an exciting footall match this afternoon. 1iverpool played ####### -anchester 9nited.
A. on B. for C. with D. against
15. ?ootall is popular ######## children as well as adults.
A. to B. as C. among D. along
16. $n the A;D; the ?ootall World Cup final tournament ########in Africa for the first time ever.
A. is hold B. is holding C. will hold D. will e held
17. $ have 7ust read the Weather ?orecast that tomorrow it ########sunny and hot.
A. is B. is going to e C. e D. will e
18. -any footall fans elieve that the A;D; World Cup ####### to e the planet's iggest sporting event ever.
A. is going to promise B. will promise C. is promising D. promises
19. There's someone knocking at the door. ########.
A. $'ll answer it B. 1et me open it C. $'m opening it D. Both a and
20. Why have you ought so much food" $ ########for ten people.
A. will cook B. am going to cook C. cooked D. have cooked
21. 1ook outH That tree ########.
A. is going to fall B. will fall C. falls D. will e falling
22. Why are you so sad"G) B$ think ########in the exam next week. G
A. $ would fail B. $ will fail C. $ failed D. $ fail
23. ########successful in the eauty contest.
A. $ think she won't e B. $ think she is not going to e
C. $ don't think she will e D. 6one is correct
24. The phone ########. $ ######## it
A. is ringing.will answer B. is going to ring.am answering
C. will ring.answer D. will ring.am going to answer
25. B$'m going to die for hunger. G B<eally" ######## a packet of instant noodle. G
A. $'ll uy you B. $'m going to uy you c. 1et's uy you D. all are correct
26. %xcuse meH ########it for me as a personal favor"
A. Will you do B. Are you going to do C. Are you doing D. !ave you done
27. As soon as he ########( $ ########you a phone call.
A. is going to come.give B. will come.am going to give
C. comes.will give D. will come.will give
28. Don't e worried so much. $ ########with your pro7ect( $ promise.
A. am going to help B. will help C. would help D. is helping
29. &essie ########a eauty contest next month. She ######## everything ready with excitement at the
A. is going to take part in.is making B. will take part in.is going to make
C. is taking.will make D. takes.makes
30. Where is 1idia" K *h( she ########some tickets for the match etween 1iverpool and -anchester 9nited.
A. is going to uy B. ought C. will uy D. will e ought
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
31. World Cup( the#################footall tournament is held every four years. /naton0
32. ?ootall is considered the most#################sporting event in the world. /pop#lart,0
33. There are AA#################in each footall team. /pla,0
34. 1ong was selected to play in the #################footall team last week. /pro!esson0
35. The World Cup is followed with great #################around the gloe. /nterestn$0
36. !e was in #################with ten others( so he did well to win the race. /compete0
37. -anchester players have een trying to score another goal ut their efforts are############.
38. All competitors take part in the *lympic 8ames in the spirit of#################. /sportsman0
39. -y rother is fond of doing #################research /scence0
40. She hits the all with great #################. /acc#rate0
%ll n each blan& wth an approprate preposton.
41. Do you take part ########the school footall team" K 6o( $ cannot play footall so well.
42. 2elT is famous ########in his footall records.
43. The ?$?A World Cup Trophy has een awarded ########the world champions since DE3C.
44. $n the final match( our school team defeated the visiting one y C ########=.
45. -any people ecome so attracted ########footall that they seem not to miss any matches.
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
46. $'m going to finish the work tonight if you like.
47. $f there is fine weather( we world go on an excursion to >ung Tau tomorrow.
48. $ hope to will come to %ngland next year to spend some months in 1ondon.
49. Bill did not reali,e what time was it when $ knocked on the door.
50. $t was too late for something to e done.
51. The second World Cup was held in $taly in DE=C. $n the final match $taly plays against C,echoslovakia( and
$taly ecame the Champion.
52. The World Cup first was televised in DE4C and is now the most widely)viewed and followed porting event in
the world( exceeding even the *lympic 8ames.
53. 9p to now( the final of the World Cup was only een contested y %uropean and South American
teams. Asian and African teams have never won the trophy.
54. The final tournament of the A;;I World Cup egan on &une E( A;;I with a group stage for which
the =A teams will e divided into eight groups of four teams each.
55. Captain Uinedine Uidane of ?rance( who playing in his final matches efore his announced
retirement( was honoured with the 8olden Ball award for the est player in the A;;I World Cup.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
56. They have 7ust ought some paint. Their old house ########this afternoon.
A. is going to paint B. is going to e painted
C. is going to painting D. is going to e painting
57. $ do not think <eal -adrid ########in the league.
A. will e win B. is going to win C. winning D. won
58. -y oy friend intends to have a part time 7o. !e ########in a restaurant in the summer.
A. will work B. is going to work C. works D. shall work
59. 6ext week when there ########## a full moon( the ocean tides ########higher.
A. is going to e.are B. is.will e C. will e.are D. e.are going to e
60. Tomorrow we ########tennis instead of footall. Would you like to 7oin us"
A. play B. shall play C. will play D. are going to play
61. As soon as he ########( $ ########you a phone call.
A. is going to come.give B. will come.an going to give
C. comes.will give D. will come.will give
62. %xcuse meH ########it for me as a personal favor"
A. Will you do B. Are you going to do C. Are you doing D. !ave you done
63. $ swear that $ ########you the truth.
A. will tell B. are going to tell C. telling D. told
64. What ########tomorrow morning" K $########my grandmother with some chores.
A. are you doing.are you going to help B. will you do.have helped
C. do you do.are helping D. are you going to do.help
65. BWowH This case is heavy. G K B$ ########it for you. 8ive it to meG
A. will carry B. am carrying C. am going to carry D. carry
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
The ?$?A World Cup( sometimes called the ?ootall World Cup or that Soccer World C up( ut usually
referred to simply as the World Cup( is an international footall competition contested y the men's national
footall teams of memer nations of the ?TdTration $nternationale de ?ootall Association /?$?A0. The
championship has een awarded every four years since the first tournament in DE=;( except in DECA and DECI(
due to World War $$. !owever( the event is often on going( as the @ualifying rounds of the competition take
place over the three years preceding the final rounds. Since DEED( ?$?A has also held the Women's World Cup
on the similar four)year schedule. The tournament's final phase( which is often called the World Cup ?inals(
involves thirty)two national teams competing at several venues within the host nation or nations over a period of
aout a month. $t is the most widely)viewed sporting event in the world( with D. D illion people watching the
A;;A tournament final.
$n the eighteen tournaments held( only seven nations have won. Bra,il is the most successful
World Cup team( having won the tournament five times. The current Cup holder( $taly( follows with four
tittles( while 8ermany holds three. The other former champions are 9ruguay and Argentina with two titles each(
and %ngland and ?rench with one title each. *nly two teams from outside these two continents( %urope and
South America( have ever reached the semi)finals of the competitionV the 9SA in DE=; and South Forea in A;;A.
The most recent footall World Cup ?inals were held etween &une E and &uly E( A;;I in 8ermany( where $taly
was crowned champions after eating ?rance 4)= in a penalty shoot)out.
66. According to the text ########.
A. any footall teams can take part in the World Cup tournaments.
B. only footall teams which are the memers of ?$?A can take part in the World Cup tournaments.
C. teams of any footall clus can also take part in the World Cup tournaments.
D. the World Cup is a competition for amateur players
67. Which sentence is true"
A. The Second World War had not influenced the World Cup tournaments.
B. Since the first World Cup( there has een no interruption of the tournaments.
C. Because of the Second World War( the World Cup tournaments in DECA and DECI were cancelled.
D. Although the Second World War happened the World Cup tournaments in DECA and DECI were still
68. !ow long do the @ualifying rounds of the World Cup take"
A. one year B. two years C. three years D. four years
69. !ow many World Cup tournaments were held"
A. D: B. 4 C. 3 D. =A
70. ?rom the text we learn that #################.
A. The 9SA won the World Cup trophy once
B. -ore than half of the world population en7oyed the A;;A tournament final
C. 8ermany is the most successful team
D. ?rance was the runner)up in the A;;I tournament final
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Muoc Tu 8iam was estalished on the grounds of >an -ieu.
A. set up B. taken C. made up D. got up
2. *ur school was originally very small( ut recently it has 7ust een reuilt.
A. initially B. traditionally C. eventually D. firstly
3. >enice was once a city of rich merchants.
A. traders B. visitors C. tourists D. customers
4. She is representative of >ietnamese women( devoted and faithful.
A. attractive B. traditional C. educated D. typical
5. 6o new usiness can flourish in the present economic conditions.
A. continue B. engrave C. grow well D. witness
6. 2eople from diverse cultures may misunderstand each other.
A. similar B. different C. western D. ethnic
7. The city government encourages developing international commerce.
A. trade B. exchange C. education D. communication
8. The young people tend to e more dynamic than the old ones.
A. exciting B. crowed C. imaginative D. energetic
9. Some giant companies tend to uy small firms to expand their usiness.
A. very ig B. roke C. very tiny D. endless
10. Thong 6hat Conference !all was ######## uilt in D:I4 and heavily damaged y a omardment in
?eruary DEI=.
A. firstly B. eventually C. newly D. mostly
11. There are many cultural ######## in !anoi.
A. spaces B. sites C. marks D. points
12. >an -ieu is an example of well)preserved ######## >ietnamese architect.
A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. traditionalism
13. *ur mother is the first ######## of our life.
A. educate B. education C. educator D. educative
14. -ore and more foreign tourists arrive ######## >ietnam.
A. at B. for C. along D. in
15. $ am not so good at -ath ######## -ary.
A. than B. as C. so as D. more
16. The vitamin content of fish may e considered as similar as ########.
A. as eef B. those of eef C. that of eef D. which of eef
Complete these sentences wth the approprate !orm o! the wor"s n parentheses.
17. -y teacher ##############me to take this examination. /co#ra$e0
18. The ##############of a famous doctor was announced last night. /"e0
19. Don't leave the lights on. $t wastes##############. /electrc0
20. The room was decorated( and was##############admired y everyody. /attract0
21. -ai was ##############to look at the eautiful things in the shop windows. /ama8e0
22. They're oth good##############ecause they type carefully. /t,pe0
23. ##############activities should e promoted. /c#lt#re0
24. Can you##############life without electricity and other modern convenience" /ma$naton0
25. The children are much ##############in picture)ook. /nterest0
26. Would you like to do ##############research" /scence0
%ll n each blan& wth an approprate preposton.
27. !oi An was recogni,ed y 96%SC* ###### a World Cultural !eritage Site.
28. There are many places ####### interest in our home town.
29. Those visitors arrived in >ietnam ####### the 9S and Canada.
30. ###### comparison ######## his writing( mine is worse.
31. Muoc Tu 8iam was estalished ###### the grounds of >an -ieu.
Complete the sentences b, #sn$ the comparat+e !orm.
32. This exercise is too difficult. $ think you should make it ###############. /smple0
33. $ feel much ################### now that the exams are over. /rela/e"0
34. The last exam was @uite easy and $ egan to feel ############ aout my results. /con!"ent0
35. $n some parts of the country( prices are ################### in others. /h$h0
36. $n my thinking( health and happiness are ######################## money. /mportant0
37. *ur new car is a little ##############our old one( ut still fits easily into the garage. /w"e0
38. Can you think of anything ########################## to say" /ntell$ent0
39. $ like living in the countryside. $t is ###################living in a ig city. /peace!#l0
40. $ndian food is #############################Chinese( $ think. /nce0
41. 6ow that they had oth had their hair cut( the twins looked even ################# usual. /al&e0
'rte the s#perlat+e !orm o! the wor"s n brac&ets.
42. That film was ##################################################film $ have ever seen. /born$0.
43. $t's een ####################################################day in 1ondon for =4 years. /hot0.
44. The telephone is one of ################################################inventions ever. /#se!#l0
45. Some people now consider her to e ############################figure in British politics. /con!"ent0
46. They've got a lot of money. They're #####################################clu in the country. /rch0
47. ###########################ancient $ndian urial ground is near Austin( Texas. /recentl,. "sco+ere"0
48. This is ##############################################################$'ve ever got up. /earl,0
49. $'ve got #####################################################computer in the worldH /power!#l0
50. Who is ##########################################################student in the class" /cle+er0
51. The factory uses #################################################production methods /mo"ern0
-ea" the passa$e. an" then choose the correct answer.
!oi An Ancient Town is situated =;km south of Danang and known as a ?aifoo to early Western traders.
!oi An was one of the ma7or trading centers in Southeast Asia in the DI
K D3
centuries. !oi An was also an
important port of call for Dutch( 2ortuguese( $talian( Chinese( &apanese( $ndonesia and other merchant vessels in
the ?ar %ast. $n the town( there are one or two streets whose original structures remain almost intact. All the
houses were made of rare wood and were decorated with hori,ontal lac@uered oard and vertical parallel panels
engraved with Chinese characters. !oi An is highly attractive for historical( geographic( artistic( architecturalN
$n recent years( !oi An has ecome a popular tourist destination in >ietnam. $n DEEE( it was certified y
96%SC* as a World Cultural !eritage Site.
52. !oi An Ancient Town##########.
A. is situated in Da6ang. B. was formerly a ma7or trading center.
C. was famous to Western traders.
D. was the most important trading center in Southeast Asia..
53. -any merchant vessels in the ?ar %ast################
A. docked at the port of !oi An B. -ight have a call in !oi An
C. used to visit !oi An D. engaged trade with !oi An.
54. Some streets in !oi An ###############
A. are harmed B. are eing changed their original structures
C. are still well)preserved D. are in ad conditions
55. The old houses in !oi An ##################
A. were full of Chinese characters B. were made of oards and panels
C. were engraved on rare wood
D. were made of wood and carved with ornamental designs.
56. !oi An ############
A. is attractive for its historical aspect B. is a destination of a lot of tourists.
C. is a World Cultural !eritage Site. D. all are correct.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
57. There are fewer dogs in Cardiff ##############.
A. than Bristol B. than in Bristol C. as Bristol D. than Bristol is.
58. This film was ################the one we saw last night.
A. as funnier as B. as the funniest than C. funnier than D. mare funny than
59. !e was ##################.
A. more greatly disappointed as we thought. B. more disappointed greatly than we thought.
C. the more greatly disappointed than we thought.
D. more greatly disappointed than we thought.
60. $t was ####################### $ thought.
A. more later than B. much more later than C. much later than D. a little more late
61. We travel and we get a lot of knowledge.
A. The most we travel( the most knowledge we get.
B. The more do we travel( the more knowledge do we get.
C. The more we travel( the more we get knowledge
D. The more we travel( the more knowledge we get.
62. The new dictionary gives us #####################.
A. more information than the old one B. more information than the old
C. information more than the old one D. information much more than the old one
63. $ spend #########################.
A. time in homework less than you do B. time in homework less than you are
C. less time on homework than you do D. less time on homework than you are
64. We ecame ################### y his selfish ehavior.
A. more irritated than B. much than irritated
C. much and more irritated D. more and more irritated.
65. Among the students that -r. 2ike has ever taught( 2eter is ################.
A. etter B. the etter C. est D. the est
66. After he has got his Bachelor Degree( he can earn ############### he used to.
A. twice as much as B. twice as many as C. as much twice as D. as much as twice
67. +our car is ######## mine.
A. same with B. the same to C. the same as D. as same as
68. $ have never heard such as exciting story like this efore.
A. This is the most exciting story that $ have ever heard.
B. $ have ever heard a lot of exciting story like this.
C. $t is the story that is more exciting than $ have ever heard.
D. The story is as exciting as the ones $ have ever heard
69. $ think we cannot find places in a ig city that ############### the country.
A. so @uiet as B. as @uiet as C. more as more @uiet D. as and as @uiet
I"ent!, the one #n"erlne" wor" or phrase that m#st be chan$e" !or the sentence to be correct.
70. >ietnam was invaded and dominated y the Chinese feudalism more one thousand years( ut >ietnamese
people still preserve their own national character.
71. ?rom the eginning of the twentieth century to the present( technology progressed to the point that there are
no limits to what we can achieve.
72. Do you know which means of transport are used efore trains and cars were invented"
73. Wuan !uong is a eautiful lake located in the center of Dalat. $t is a poetic site that attracting a lot of tourists.
74. Dalat ?lower 2ark is famous for its various species of flowers. $t is considered a natural museum that has a
fine collection of mare than three hundreds different kinds of flowers
75. $t was that the first institution set up with the specific purpose of producing constant technological
innovation and improvement.

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