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My Special Person Project

For your final project, you wi ll create a booklet that tells us about a speci al person in
your life. Thi s person could be a famil y member, friend, teacher, etc. and would be
someone who has influenced you. Be creative and use photos, drawi ns, and other
artisti c elements to enhance your story.
!!!!! " booklet tellin us about your special person
!!!!! " photos or drawi n of your speci al person in the bookl et
!!!!! #reati vi ty and ori inal ity, that is, your booklet should not be like anyone else$ s in
cl ass
!!!!! %nclude the followi n rammar points&
!!!! ' sentences wi th (can)
!!!! ' sentences wi th (can$t)
!!!! ' adverbs of fre*uency +usuall y, never, sometimes,
!!!! ' dai l y routines of your special person
!!!! ' se*uence words +then, fi rst, ne-t,
!!!! ' pieces of personal informati on about your person +ae, married,
children, job,
!!!! ' descripti ve words about your person +blond, tall,
.ubric for oral presentati on&
/-cellent+0, 1ood +2, "cceptable+3, 4ot "cceptable +5,
1."MM". Uses correct
throughout the
Uses correct
structures most of
the time
Sometimes uses
correct grammar
Rarely uses correct
grammar structures
P./S/4T"T%64 Professional,
student can be
clearly heard and
understood by the
entire class
Student can be
clearly heard and
understood 85% of
the time
Student can be
clearly heard and
understood 60% of
the time
Student can barely be
heard or understood
P.6474#%"T%64 Pronunciation is
good throughout
the presentation
Pronunciation is
good through most
of the presentation
Pronunciation is
good only some of
the time
Pronunciation is
poor, making the
.ubri c for visual presentation&
!cellent "#$ %ood "&$ 'cceptable "($ )ot acceptable "0$
%R'**'R Uses correct
grammar structures
throughout the
Uses correct
grammar structures
most of the time
Sometimes uses
correct grammar
Rarely uses correct
grammar structures
,R'-./.-0 -he pro+ect is
original and 1ery
-he pro+ect is
original and
-he pro+ect is partly
based on others3
ideas and sho4s
little creati1ity
-he pro+ect is
completely based on
others3 ideas and
sho4s no creati1ity
,5)-)-S 'll re6uirements are
*ost of the
re6uirements are
Some of the
re6uirements are
/ery fe4 or none of
the re6uirements are
Total Points:
Sample -e!t for 7e1el & Re6uirements8
*y older sister, ,arolina, is 1ery special to me2 She is married and li1es in 9uito 4ith her husband, 7ucio2 -hey
ha1e t4o children, Patricio and rin, 4ho are in elementary school2 ,arolina is #52 She has bro4n hair and
green eyes2 She is 1ery pretty and 6uite tall2 She usually 4ears bright, colorful clothes that make her look really
happy and fun2
,arolina al4ays gets up at 6800 '* from *onday to :riday2 :irst, she makes breakfast for her family2 She can
make the best banana pancakes, but she can3t make sausages2 -hen she helps her children get dressed2 Patricio
and rin can brush their teeth, 4ash their faces, and comb their hair, but they can3t tie their shoes properly2
'fter that, 7ucio dri1es the children to school because they can3t take the bus from their house2 ,arolina ne1er
dri1es because the traffic makes her ner1ous2
rin can play the piano, and she usually has a lesson on -hursday at &800 P*2 Sometimes Patricio plays
1olleyball 4ith his friends at recess2 7ucio picks them up at ;800, and ,arolina and her family eat dinner at
68002 )e!t, she helps Patricio and rin 4ith their home4ork2 -hey can use the computer to look up ans4ers, but
they rarely need to do so2 :inally, the children take a bath and go to bed2
<hene1er . need ad1ice, . kno4 . can call ,arolina to talk about my problem2 . can3t think of anyone else that
is as kind and smart as she is2 . am so lucky to ha1e such a 4onderful sister2

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