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A systems approach based on a rights

framework for the governance of Sri Lanka

oto via FT.lk
by Dr. Siri Gamage
- on 05/10/2014
I rea the arti!le title "e-vi#iting the "a$a%ak#a
&egemoni! Pro$e!t'Gro(nvie)# 05/0*/2014+ by Daya%ala Thiranagama )ith intere#t. It look#
at the !on#tr(!tion o, Sinhale#e -(hi#t #(%rema!y moel. #trength# an )eakne##e# o, "&P.
an the )eakne##e# o, the o%%o#ition an the T/0. The %oint# mae are intere#ting a# the
arti!le i# (#ing iea# o, Gram#!i in a theoreti!al #en#e. 1ne )eakne## in the arg(ment %re#ente
i# that the "&P i# !on!eive a# an all %o)er,(l. (ni,ie entity )hile the o%%o#ition i# !on!eive
a# i#$ointe. la!king a !oherent a%%eal to the Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate. an even a vi#ion
o, governan!e. In the !on!l(#ion. the a(thor #tate#
2The %oliti!al e!on#tr(!tion o, the "&P i# going to be linke to the re#toration o,
r(le o, la). re#%e!t ,or ba#i! h(man right# in!l(ing right to li,e. an the evol(tion
o, %oliti!al %o)er to the Tamil !omm(nity. 3ith the #%a!e ,or Sinhale#e !ha(vini#m
an nationali#m #o #(!!e##,(lly o!!(%ie by the "&P. tho#e )ho have been
i#%la!e nee to %re%are ,or a very long an ar(o(# emo!rati! battle to ,in a
ne) %oliti!al %ath. learning ,rom vi!torie# a# )ell a# i#a%%ointment# )hile at the
#ame time bringing ,or)ar a ne) generation o, yo(ng leaer#4.
I, thi# i# to be the !a#e. a ,(namental !ontrai!tion emerge# ,or the o%%o#ition in trying to
avo!ate evol(tion o, %o)er to the Tamil !omm(nity an a%%ealing to the Sinhala -(hi#t
ele!torate #im(ltaneo(#ly5 I, the %oliti!al an moral #(%rema!y ha# been a!hieve by the "&P
by the ,a!tor# !laime in the arti!le. the o%%o#ition %artie# are !om%elle to ,ollo) the #ame
%oliti!al line# a# the "&P i.e. me too %hilo#o%hyor evolve a i,,erent %oliti!al line an a
governan!e logi! ba#e on the a!t(al !on!ern# o, the %o%(la!e in the !o(ntry e.g. re#toration o,
e!onomi!. emo!rati!. environmental an !ivil right#. Thi# arti!le e6amine# thi# !on(nr(m
For a #tart. I o not believe that the Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate i# a (ni,ie an monolithi!
entity that i# a #lave to one or other %oliti!al %ro$e!t #(!h a# the "&P on it# o)n volition. In a
!o(ntry )here the 2man(,a!t(re !on#ent4 i# #trongly at %lay at the ele!tion#. ele!tion# alone
!annot be taken a# a ,air barometer o, the ele!toral )i#he#. Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate i# a
highly iver#e entity in !la## 'an e!onomi!+. !a#te an !(lt(ral 'in!l(ing ling(i#ti! (e to the
#%rea o, Sinhala an 7ngli#h mei(m+ term#. 3hile ma$or #e!tion# o, thi# ele!torate may be
#trongly in,l(en!e by the r(ral origin# o, the "a$a%ak#a# in a #ymboli! #en#e. an it# #(rvival
in#tin!t# )ell #erve by the hegemoni! %ro$e!t a,ter e,eating the 8TT7. %l(# the roa
evelo%ment %ro$e!t# in the r(ral area#. the brea an b(tter i##(e# a,,e!ting the aily live#.
em%loyment an ho(#ing i##(e#. i##(e# o, !ivi! an %oliti!al right#/,reeom# ,orm the bero!k
o, the ,ormation o, %ro or anti government #entiment# that are !r(!ial in a national ele!tion.
/onethele##. the im%a!t o, meia mani%(lation# an tran#mi##ion# %romoting one kin o,
reality/,(t(re an !on#tr(!ting Sinhala-Tamil/9(#lim binarie# a# the main %illar# o, the
%oliti!al i#!o(r#e in#tea o, 2the neoliberal e!onomi! an #o!ial %ro$e!t4 !annot be (ner
Th(# the Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate i# there to be )on : not abanone thinking that it i# too
har a vent(re (e to the e6i#ten!e o, "&P. ;on#tr(!tion o, a %oliti!al an moral i#!o(r#e
aro(n the key i##(e# o, e!onomi!. %oliti!al. environmental an !ivi! right# an ,reeom# in a
manner that i# ea#ily (ner#too by the %o%(lation i# a %rimary ne!e##ity in thi# !onte6t. 7a!h
o, the#e right# an ,reeom# ha# to be ,(rther el(!iate in a lang(age that the Sinhala
-(hi#t ele!torate (ner#tan#. an any ero#ion in them !lari,ie. The )ay to re#tore the#e
right# an ,reeom# nee# to be !are,(lly arti!(late in!l(ing ne!e##ary !hange# in the #y#tem
o, governan!e. I, the latter i# the ,o!(# )itho(t the ,ormer. then it i# a #it(ation o, %(tting the
!art be,ore the hor#e. 0ny a!tion %art ha# to be %re!ee by a relevant !onte6t :in thi# !a#e the
right# an ,reeom# !onte6t : )hi!h ha# (niver#al a%%eal not only in the !o(ntry b(t el#e)here
aro(n the )orl. The !onte6t %rovie# the meaning#. an the meaning# %rovie ,oo ,or
tho(ght. I, the o%%o#ition %artie# evelo% #(!h a %ro%o#ition an an a!tion %lan. then it !an
even be!ome the !ataly#t ,or the "&P to !hange it# !o(r#e e%ening on the ma## a%%eal that
the o%%o#ition %artie# are able to generate in the Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate.
There are #it(ation# )here o%%o#ition %artie# have !ome to %o)er by (#ing a mi6 o, 2me too
%hilo#o%hy4 'meaning ,ollo)ing the "&P in thi# !a#e+ an !am%aighning on %o%(lar
i#!ontent# on brea an b(tter i##(e#. 0 ,amo(# e6am%le in the 0(#tralian !onte6t i# ho)
<evin "( !ame to %o)er e,eating =ohn &o)ar. &o)ar )a# #een a# an (ne,eatable
leaer in hi# thir term )ho )a# !am%aigning ,or a ,o(rth term. &o)ever. "( ao%te #ome
o, &o)ar4# o)n %oli!ie#. rhetori! an tol the 0(#tralian ele!torate that he !o(l o them
better. Thi# )a# %o%(larly labele a# the 2me too %oli!y4. &e !laime that he !o(l e#tabli#h
better relation# )ith !o(ntrie# like ;hina (e to hi# ;hine#e lang(age an i%lomati! #kill#.
traitional labor %arty %lat,orm# #(!h a# e(!ation an health )ere #ho)n a# area# )here the
labor )ill have more !reential#. i##(e# #(!h a# ho(#ing. %etrol %ri!e an living !o#t# )ere
are##e by (#ing vario(# %romi#e#. 9o#t o, all he )a# a goo !omm(ni!ator. &e b(ilt a
,ollo)ing among yo(nger voter# by (#ing moern #o!ial meia an a tea #hirt !am%aign. To
a to hi# avantage. the ele!torate at the time )a# reay ,or a !hange. I o not believe that he
!o(l have been able to a!hieve the #ame re#(lt i, there )a# no ,ree meia in the !o(ntry. Thi#
i# going to be an ob#ta!le ,or any ,(t(re %oliti!al movement b(ilt on 2a right# an ,reeom#
%lat,orm4 in Sri 8anka. In thi# !onte6t. )ay# o, evelo%ing a !reative %(bli! %eagogy i.e.
Strategy to market the %rin!i%le#. meaning#. #ymbol# an a!tion %lan# !ommonly kno)n a#
%oli!ie# nee# to be !on!e%t(ali>e )ith a %ro%er (ner#taning o, the %ain that the ele!torate
i# ,eeling. i, any. Poli!ie# an #trategie# have to be roote in the gra## root# !omm(nitie#.
1ne ?(e#tion that everyone :yo(ng. mile age. ol. Sinhala. Tamil. 9(#lim-have to a#k i#
)hat right# an ,reeom# have they lo#t (e to the e6i#ten!e o, "&P5 8a) an orer i##(e
#eem# to have !a%t(re the imagination o, many !ommentator#. &o)ever. #ome )o(l arg(e
that there i# no ma## #!ale a##a(lt on the right# an ,reeom# o, %eo%le in the !o(ntry an
%eo%le are ,ree to move aro(n. e6%re## their vie)# thro(gh vario(# %(bli! meia. an even
move bet)een !o(ntrie# ,or )ork an other %(r%o#e#. 3hile there i# a meia i#!o(r#e abo(t
the i#mantling o, vario(# !on#tit(tional an other me!hani#m# that e6i#te be,ore to %rote!t
!iti>en right# an ,reeom#. thi# i#!o(r#e i# largely re#tri!te to a ,e) inivi(al# an
organi#ation# )riting in 7ngli#h. 9oreover. it i# being !ir!(late by (#ing Internet meia
a!!e##ible to the ia#%ora rather than thro(gh the national meia. In thi# #en#e. the
terminologie# (#e an arg(ment# avan!e by re,eren!e to even 3e#tern tho(ght an
kno)lege available in 7ngli#h mei(m #o(r!e# may not be the #(itable terminology to e(!ate
the Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate at gra## root# level#.
The @/P !am%aign in 1*AA le by =." i a%%eal to the ma##e# not only be!a(#e the %eo%le
ha !on#ierable #(,,ering# (e to the %oli!ie# o, the then S8FP le !oalition b(t al#o he )a#
able to arti!(late the #(,,ering an the )ay ,or)ar ,or the !o(ntry by (#ing verna!(lar
lang(age e%itomi>e by the term Dharmi#hta Sama$ayak 0ti kireema a# hi# main #logan.
Sele!ting a %ro%er terminology to !hara!teri#e the %rei!ament o, Sinhale#e -(hi#t ma##e# in
brea an b(tter term#. right# an ,reeom# !laim# an the )ay ,or)ar by the (#e o, #im%le
lang(age that i# (ner#too by the average !iti>en i# a key to any ,(t(re o%%o#itional %oliti!al
%lat,orm an it# #(!!e##. The !o(ntry nee# a #trong o%%o#ition in the %arliament an many
#takeholer# re!ogni>e it a# a mean# o, !he!k# an balan!e# neee ,or a ,(n!tioning
0nother im%ortant ,a!tor that nee# !are,(l !on#ieration i# )hether #(!h a %oliti!al :#o!ial
movement ba#e on %eo%le4# right# an ,reeom# %l(# brea an b(tter i##(e# #ho(l ,o!(# on
the %er#onalitie# :)hether it i# "a$a%ak#a# or anyone el#e. 9y vie) i# that )hile it look# a
#(itable #trategy in the #hort term. to be #(!!e##,(l in the long r(n. o%%o#ition %oliti!al %artie#
an other organi#ation# !on!erne )ith the i##(e# mentione )o(l be better #erve i, their
,o!(# i# on the #y#temi! i##(e# rather than %er#onality i##(e#. In my vie). %er#onality ,o!(#
oe# not get the o%%o#ition any)here :e6!e%t tem%orary %oliti!al #!oring. -e,ore batting. the
gro(n ha# to be )ell %re%are. The ,o!(# on %er#onalitie# #eem# me to be a game o, !ri!ket
)itho(t the gro(n being %re%are )ell or even the a(ien!e being e(!ate abo(t the r(le# o,
the game.
There are more ,(namental #y#temi! rea#on# that the !iti>en# nee to be !on!erne abo(t the
e6%aning 2neoliberal e!onomi! an #o!ial %ro$e!t4 in the name o, #o-!alle globali>ation rather
than )a#ting m(!h o, %oliti!al !a%ital on the %er#onalitie# involve in the !ontem%orary
governan!e. S(!h ,(namental i##(e# re?(ire a#king ?(e#tion# abo(t the long-term
#(#tainability o, an e!onomi! #y#tem b(ilt on neoliberal e!onomi!/market %rin!i%le#. 0t lea#t in
0(#tralia. )e are #eeing a tren to)ar in!rea#e !o#t o, living in!l(ing very high (tility
%ri!e#. e6%an#ion o, ta6e# an levie# the (#er %ay #y#tem. !orr(%tion among #ome %oliti!ian#.
e!ay in moral an val(e ,o(nation# that the #o!iety ha been b(ilt (e to the e6%aning
!on#(meri#t-!or%orati#t !(lt(re an li,e#tyle. 1ne goo thing abo(t the 0(#tralian %oliti!o-
b(rea(!rati! #y#tem i# that it #till ha# liberal emo!rati! ,(namental# )orking in ,avor o, the
!iti>en# in!l(ing in b(ilt !he!k# an balan!e#. e.g. the Senate i# not ominate by the %artie#
that govern. There,ore the governing %artie# have to negotiate )ith minor %artie# to get
government bill# a%%rove by the Senate. Bet the ten#ion# bet)een market ,or!e# an
governan!e by ele!te re%re#entative# in a ma$oritarian emo!ra!y !ontin(e all the time.
;iti>en# organi>e along vario(# i##(e# that matter to them an #eek to !hange the min# o,
%oliti!ian# )ho are in the governing #eat. e.g. !oalition again#t !oal #eam ga# e6%loration :
tho(gh )ell %ai lobbyi#t# ,rom the big !or%oration# are al#o a!tive in oing the #ame.
In the Sri 8ankan !a#e )here there i# a ma$oritarian emo!ra!y 'or ,or that matter "&P+ an a
r(le ,rom the to% (e to the e6i#ten!e o, an 76e!(tive Pre#ien!y. organi>ing !iti>en vie)#
aro(n key i##(e# that matter to the %eo%le i# not an ea#y ta#k. e#%e!ially in a !limate o, ,ear
an the bia#e# in the meia. &o)ever. there i# no alternative to oing #o i, the o%%o#ition
%artie# an organi#ation# !on!erne )ith right# an ,reeom# i##(e# %l(# brea an b(tter
i##(e# ,or all o, the !o(ntry4# !iti>en# are to e#tabli#h a movement )ith a long term #trategy.
Ienti,i!ation o, key i##(e# in m(nane term# i# the ,ir#t ta#k. It may be the !o#t o, living.
ero#ion o, ,ree e(!ation. %oor health ,a!ilitie#. !orr(%tion. ,armer#4 %roblem#. in#(,,i!ient
in!ome#. in!rea#e ta6e# an levie#. lan a!?(i#ition#. environmental i##(e#. nee ,or
a!!o(ntability. ,ree meia. hegemony o, the %oliti!al !la## or any other. 7a!h o, the#e i##(e#
nee# to be ienti,ie an mae into a !oherent %lat,orm not only ,or %oliti!al ige#tion by
tho#e holing o,,i!e in vario(# %artie# b(t al#o the general ma##e#. 3hile the ma##e# may be
#(,,ering ,rom any o, the#e i##(e#. (nle## #ome organi>ation %rovie# leaer#hi% an e(!ation
(#ing ma## %eagogi!al #trategie#. the ma##e# are not going to organi>e them#elve# to eman
#ol(tion#. Thi# i# )here the leaer#hi% an #trategy !ome in to %lay.
0# #omeone )ho i# involve in the e?(ity an #o!ial $(#ti!e !laim# by a!aemi! #ta,, in a
(niver#ity environment. I kno) very )ell ho) lethargi! my !olleag(e# !an be even to !ome
,or)ar to !laim their (e ,rom the organi#ation. I have to ienti,y the i##(e#. evi#e the
#trategy )ith the #(%%ort o, !olleag(e#. im%lement it an #eek !hange thro(gh the #y#tem o,
(niver#ity governan!e by (#ing vario(# metho#. ;hange oe# not ne!e##arily !ome by
ao%ting a ho#tile a%%roa!h. 1,ten. (#e o, goo)ill an a %o#itive me##age not only to the
target gro(% )ho#e !laim# are the be ro!k o, my #trategy b(t al#o tho#e in the governing #eat
i# ne!e##ary to move the #trategy ,or)ar. Seeking !hange in the #y#tem i# th(# not limite to
evelo%ing an o%%o#itional %oliti!al or #o!ial movement. ;hange !an al#o be a!hieve by
)orking )ith tho#e in the governing #eat# i, the right #trategie# are ,orm(late an
I think the ,(t(re o, Sri 8anka ,or all it# !iti>en# !an only be a##(re by (ner#taning the logi!
o, governan!e an it# )eakne##e# in the !(rrent %ha#e. nee ,or t(rning %oliti!al an #o!ial
i#!o(r#e# a)ay ,rom the Sinhala-Tamil/9(#lim binarie#. an ,o!(#ing on a right# ba#e
,rame)ork ,or all o, it# !iti>en# together )ith a ,o!(# on brea an b(tter i##(e# an a long
term #trategy )ith gra## root# a%%eal in the long r(n. The more the o%%o#ition %artie# an
!riti!al meia ,o!(# on %er#onalitie# an #hort term gain# at the e6%en#e o, long term goal#. the
"&P )ill be able to !ontin(e by a##imilating more an more %er#onalitie# ,rom the o%%o#ing
#ie#. &o) m(!h %oliti!al !a%ital !o(l be gaine by linking the 2evol(tion o, %o)er to the
Tamil# i##(e4 to an o%%o#itional movement ba#e on 2right# an ,reeom# ,or all !iti>en#4 nee
to be retho(ght. 3hile there may be merit# o, evol(tion o, %o)er to the Tamil#. i, there i# no
ma## a%%etite ,or thi# in the Sinhale#e -(hi#t ele!torate ,or the ,ore#eeable ,(t(re. ao%ting
#(!h a #tan!e in the overall %oliti!al an moral %lat,orm at a !r(!ial $(n!t(re like toay !an be
%oliti!al #(i!ie.
In #hort then. the be#t )ay to are## the e,,e!t# o, "&P i# to !are,(lly e6amine it# im%a!t on
the live# o, %eo%le in a brea an b(tter #en#e %l(# moral. val(e an right# #en#e. 0 right# an
,reeom# ba#e a%%roa!h %l(# a !riti!al a%%roa!h to the neoliberal e!onomi! an #o!ial %ro$e!t
to (ner#taning the %rei!ament o, the !iti>en# !an be the !ataly#t ,or !hanging the #y#tem o,
governan!e :not the %artie# in the governing !oalition %er #e. In #(!h a !a#e. the ,o!(# ha# to be
on the #y#temi! i##(e# rather than %er#onality i##(e#. I, the o%%o#itional %artie# an movement#
are able to generate #(,,i!ient intere#t an enth(#ia#m among the ma##e# ,rom all !omm(nitie#
,or a long term goal o, re#toring vario(# right# an ,reeom# to their a!!e%table an e#ire
level#. the "&P may #tart to eroe )ithin a# the Sinhale#e -(hi#t or any other ele!torate i#
not a monolithi! entity b(t !on#i#t o, iver#e an !ontrai!tory element# ba#e on !la##. !a#te.
an !(lt(ral-ling(i#ti! ,a!tor#. In my %revio(# arti!le# to Gro(n Cie)#. I have ealt )ith the
!on#tr(!tion o, omination-#(borination in Sinhale#e #o!iety #ho)ing the )ay #(!h iver#itie#
,(n!tion to %ro(!e omination an #(borination.

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