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73 CbYjn]l 1 Mj]lYncihm qcnb O]Yf LogZ]lm

69/ B Nvssbz Mppqjt vtfe upefufsnjof uif qpjou bu

xijdi b ufmfqipof mjof jt hspvoefe/ Uif volopxo
ejtubodf upuif qpjou pguif hspvoe- e+gpsb mfohui
pguif mppqpg43 njmft boe sftjtubodft pg 333 boe
495 pint jt hjwfo cz
e >333 +495 / 43
Gjoe e-

Uif tvsgbdf bsfb jo trvbsf jodift pgb gmbusjoh

xiptf jotjef sbejvt jt 3 jodift boe xiptf pvutjef
sbejvt jt 4 jodift jt bqqspyjnbufmz
33 33
. / 4
. . / 3
8 8
Gjoe uif bsfb pguijt tvsgbdf jo trvbsf jodift/
Uif tvsgbdf bsfb jo trvbsf jodift pgb sjoh tfdujpo
xiptf jotjef ejbnfufs jt 29 jodift boe xiptf
pvutjef ejbnfufs jt 37 jodift jt bqqspyjnbufmz
33 37 +29 37 . 29
- . .
Gjoe uif bsfb pguijt tvsgbdf jo trvbsf jodift/
Up gjoe uif qjudi ejbnfufs- :* pgb hfbs xjui 47
uffui boe bo pvutjef ejbnfufs pg9 jodift- xf vtf
: >47(9)
49 +4
Gjoe : jo jodift/
Dipptf b mfuufsgps uif volopxo rvboujuz boe vtf uif psefs pgpqfsbujpot upgjoe jut wbmvf/Tff fybnqmf 2.9 D/
73/ B xpnbo qvsdibtfe b dbtf pgtpeb (35 cpuumft) bu

B dbsqfoufs nvtu dvu b 27.gppumpohcpbse joup 5.
26 qfs cpuumf-6 qpvoet pgdboez bu5: qfs qpvoe- gppumfohuit boe b 23.gppumpohcpbse joup
boe 31 kbst pgcbcz gppe bu86d qfs kbs/ Xibu xbt 4.gppu mfohuit/ Ipx nboz qjfdft pgmvncfs xjmmif
ifs upubmcjmm(b) jo dfout- (c) jo epmmbstboe dfoutA ibwfA
74/ DpmmffoNfbepx jt b uzqjtu jo b mbxgjsn/ Ifs cbtf 77/ Kbof- Ebwje- boe Nbsz bsf uzqjtut jo bo pggjdf/
qbz jt %8qfs ipvs gpsb 51.ipvs xffl boe tif Ebwje dbo uzqf 86 xpset qfs njovuf- Kbof dbo uzqf
sfdfjwft ujnf boe b ibmggpsfwfsz ipvs tif xpslt 91 xpset qfs njovuf- boe Nbsz dbo uzqf :6 xpset
pwfs 51 ipvst jo b xffl/ Ipx nvdi xjmmtif fbso jg qfs njovuf/ Ipx nboz xpset dbo uifz uzqf
tif xpslt 5: ipvst jo pof xfflA uphfuifs jo 26 njovuftA
75/ J o b tfsjft pgqplfs hbnft- Bdf NdHff xpo %5-111 78/ Uif tupdl nbslfu pqfofe bu3-836 qpjout po b hjwfo
jo fbdi pg4 hbnft- mptu%2-611 jo fbdi pg5 hbnft- ebz/ J gjumptu: qpjout qfs ipvs evsjoh uif gjstu4
boe xpo %3-111 jo fbdi pg3 hbnft/ Ipx nvdi eje ipvst bgufs pqfojoh boe uifo hbjofe 7 qpjout qfs
Bdf xjo (ps mptf) jo uif : hbnft'A ipvs evsjoh uif ofyu 6 ipvst- xibu eje uif tupdl
nbslfu dmptf bu'A
1aEinSl . eSEQ-cgilhLeSf
Tbcf] ih Y nlcj ni CYhY\Y. QihsY b]Yl\ ih nb] lY\ci
nbYnnb] n]gj]lYnol] ni\Ys qcff Z] 20
C]fmcom. Tcff
mb] h]]\ b]l qchn]l [iYn? TbYn qcff nb] n]gj]lYnol]
Z] ch\]al]]m FYbl]hb]cn? T] [Yh \]n]lgch] qbYn
C]fmcomcmch\]al]]m FYbl]hb]cn Zs nb] _iffiqcha
< =- .20 +32
< >36 +32
< =68
Ml\]l i_ ij]lYncihm: gofncjfs
< >. / 31 +43
Qb] n]gj]lYnol] cm68 \]al]]m FYbl]hb]cn. Pb] qcff
hin h]]\ b]l qchn]l [iYn.
785 Bglp]kl mhDbYim]k2 O]oc]p.Eq]k[cl] 2-2
DbYim]k 2 k]oc]p
I. 2- 2. 2- 3. 2
7 25 I
7. - 8. - or 3-
8 8 8
9 H 2: 6 3
12. - or [- 13. - 14. - IS. - 16.
7 7 24 6 9
8 8
18. - 19. - acre 20. 263.51 21. 31.795 22. 1,355.09
12 8
23. 14.3 24. $565.49 25. 7.86 acres 26. >12.42 mpg
27. 10 28. 68.4 29. 25 30. 78.72 31. 150,51,52,53,54,55
3211,2,3,4\ 33. 'O f 34. 1-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3
35. - W 36. - _ m_
"H z H"H Hz H(0 " 2/2 zz 4242
54. '-
' @
,0/ 3( >)
('_ 14 :_ 6( >U
] [25
22 22 22 22
= I . 4 = 4 59. -& 3
- - . 2
= - . 9 - -& 4
7 7 7 7
198 88 198 - 88 110 5
= - - - = --- = - or 15- square inches
7 7 7 7 7
65. Let o = the total number of pieces of lumber. Ehuhchmf the
16-foo1 board by 4 and the 12-foot board by 3 will give us the
number of pieces of lumber. If we _cc the number of pieces from
the 16-foot board to the number of pieces from the 12-foot board,
we will have the total number of pieces.
total is number of combined
number pieces with
of pieces from the
l 27 .</.5
= 4 + 4 Priority 3
= 8 Priority 4
There will be 8 pieces of lumber.
3 21 1
5. _
6. - or 1-
20 20
5 2
10. - acre EE2 1cup
9 6
17 2
7. 280.
20 15
IS. 0
29. 20
I3. 61
27. 43
6. 23
II. 288
25. 0
5. 22
23. 20
4. 15
21. -44
3. -2 2. 64
19. I
I. -25
Eq]k[cl] 3.3
Answers to odd-numbered problems
I. 9 3. 5 5. 48 7. 5 9. 62
17. -'
@ d[lpan /
Eq]k[cl] 3.2
Solutions to trial exercise problems
, u
8. --8-
has one term because the fraction bar is a grouping
_ , a
symbol. 24. -5- - c is a polynomial. A constant can appear in
the denominator, a variable cannot. 36&"2 of w/decreased by 2
times x would be
w . 3w/ 39. 3 times a number. increased by I:
If we let x represent the number, then we would have 3x , I.
Review exercises
Answers to odd-numbered problems
I. 2 terms 3. 3 terms 5. I term 7. 3 terms 9. 2 terms
11. I term 13. 2 terms 15. 5 is the coefficient of w
- I is
understood to be the coefficient of x. -4 is the coefficient of y
17. 1is understood to be the coefficient of x, -I is understood to be
the coefficient of x/ . 3 is the coefficient of y 19. - 2 is the
coefficient of _- . I is understood to be the coefficient of a- I is
understood to be the coefficient of b 21. polynomial. binomial
23. not a polynomial because a variable is in the denominator
25. not a polynomial because a variable is in the denominator
27. polynomial. trinomial 29. a . 4_ 31. x + 5
44/ t$u , v' 35. [ * a 37. 'let x = the number( t * 12
39. 'let w = the number( 3x , I 41. 'let x = the number(
/$t , 4(
12 -;.- 3
number of pieces
from the 12-foot
10 3
4. .hk1-
8 8
25 I
9. - or 8-
3 3
39. = 40. = 41. ? 42. = 43. ? 44. ? 45.-4
46. 3 47. -6 48. 1 49. -6 SO . 15 51.-4
52. -9 53. 3 54. 15 55. -21 56. 12 57. 24
58. - 144 59. 0 60. -7 61. 2 62. - 6 63. undefined
64.0 65. indeterminate 66. -I 67. -9,-4
68. a. 52,000 + '- 3,000( + '- 2.560( + '- 3,300( b. $43,140
69. 40 70. a. +9, +8. -5, -6 b. ?-+6 c.58

69 + '-II( = 58 71. 25 72. -64 73. -16 74.-27
75. 98 76. - 3 77. 20 78. 49 79. -9 80. 20
81. -14 82. 27
31. 160 33. 288 35. 54 37. 2,140 39. 114 41. 256
15,000 540 400
64/ H
45.-- 47. - 49.- 51. 96l
857 13 33 10
66/ 6m + 21c 57. a.p + 12 b.p - 5 59. 258 - m + l
Solutions to trial exercise problems
2+ $0[ , /\' $[ * [* >[3' ( , 2' (] [' ( - ' (]
>[3'2( , 2'3(] ['2( - '-2(] = [6 + 6] [4] = [12] [4] = 48
.1+ $1[ + \' * $0[ * \' $] + /_' = [4' ( + ' (]
- [3' ( - ' (] [ ' ( , 2' (] >[4'2( , '3(]
- [3'2( - '3(] [' -2( , 2' - 3(] >[8 , 3]
- [6 - 3] ['-2( , '-6(] >[II] - [3] [-8] >[11] - [-24]
= 35 31. F = oq0<F >) *) *) *= '1,000('0.08('2( = '80('2(
= 160 39. = = F /N * ./-B/"
= ' (2' ( - 120' (2
N" $ '
_ '12(2'100( - 120'5(2 = '144('100( - 120'25(
'100( 100
14,400 - 3,000 = _ 11_ ,4_ 0_ 0 >114 47. R =
. R = _ '_ ('_ (
100 100 J" $'
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
37. ./2
" U
2 H
H 11 H
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 2 3 4 5
"3 11:
"( 2 !
P b
H 11 H uH H H
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-1 0 1 2 3
61. 50 63. u , 2
36+ $6)62' l , $./+66' m
65. 12[+ s 78/ /2+---j * 2,000

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