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CXC Information Technology

Unit 1
Fundamentals of Hardware and Software
1. State the functions of the basic components of all
computers and list eamples where applicable. Control Unit!
"#U! main memory$immediate access storage! bac%ing
store$dis% storage! peripheral de&ices.
The Central 'rocessing Unit (C'U) is the microchip brain of the
computer. It contains the "rithmetic #ogic Unit ("#U) and the
Control Unit. It is connected to the *ain *emory.
and Logic
Control Unit Input Output
Control Unit is in charge of the C'U. The control unit eecutes
the instructions of the program. The control unit only
understands &ery simple instructions call machine code.
"rithmetic #ogic Unit ("#U) wor%s under the direction of the
C'U and performs arithmetic and logic operations.
*ain *emory! sometimes %nown as immediate access storage or
primary storage! stores the program currently being eecuted by
the C'U and the data needed by the program. +ata in main
memory is lost when the computer is turned off.
,ac%ing Store! sometimes %nown as the dis% dri&e or secondary
storage! stores programs and data not being used. +ata stored on
secondary storage de&ices is not lost when the computer is
turned off.
'eripheral de&ices are de&ices eternally connected to the
computer such as the mouse! %eyboard! printer and scanner.
-. .plain the functions and uses of primary storage de&ices
and media. ,istable de&ices! '/0*! .'/0*! /"*! /0*!
byte! %ilobyte! bit! megabyte! gigabyte! terabyte! word!
wordsi1e! address! location and address content.
,istable23 " bistable circuit or flip3flop is a simple electronic
circuit that remains in one of two stable states until it recei&es a
pulse (logic 1 signal) through one of its inputs! upon which it
switches! or 4flips5! o&er to the other state. ,ecause it is a two3
state de&ice! it can be used to store binary digits and is widely
used in the integrated circuits used to build computers.
/0* (/ead30nly *emory)23 memory de&ice in the form of an
integrated circuit (chip)! fre6uently used in microcomputers.
/0* chips are loaded with data and programs during
manufacture. They can be read but not written to by the
computer. Howe&er! the contents of the chips are not lost when
the power is switched off. /0* is used to form a computer7s
permanent store of &ital information! or of programs that must
be readily a&ailable but protected from accidental or deliberate
change by a user. For eample! a programmable calculator will
contain /0* to hold the instructions for performing the
standard mathematical functions such as sin ! cos and tan which
ne&er change.
'/0* ('rogrammable /ead30nly *emory)23 " memory de&ice in
the form of an integrated circuit (chip) that can be programmed
after manufacture to hold information permanently. '/0* chips
are empty of information when manufactured but can be
programmed once.
.'/0* (.rasable 'rogrammable /ead30nly *emory)23 Computer
memory de&ice in the form of an integrated circuit (chip) that
can record data and retain it indefinitely. The data can be erased
by eposure to ultra&iolet light! and new data recorded. .'/0*
can be programmed many times.
/"* (/andom3"ccess *emory)23 " memory de&ice in the form of
a collection of integrated circuits (chips)! fre6uently used as the
*ain *emory in computers. /"* chips can be both read from and
written to by the computer! but their contents are lost when the
power is switched off. *any modern commercial programs re6uire
a great deal of /"* to wor% efficiently. The 89 megabytes (*,)
of /"* with which most computers are sold with may not be
enough2 89 *, is a minimum recommendation! and 1-: or -;8 *,!
if you can afford it.
,it23 ,inary +igit. The smallest unit of data storage holds 1 or <.
,yte23 Usually : bits. ,ytes are a useful unit because 1 byte can
store 1 character.
=ord and wordsi1e23 " word is usually 9 ,ytes or >- bits. It is
con&enient for a computer to use a word to hold numbers. This is
where the term >-3bit machine comes from.
?ilobyte23 Some people thin% this is a 1<<< but in the world of
computers a %ilobyte is 1<-9 bytes. This is because 1<-9 is -
-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-. Thin% about a %ilobyte as 1<-9
characters or 1< pages of a typical boo%.
*egabyte23 1<-9 ?ilobytes or 1!<9:!;A8 bytes or -
. That is
enough storage to hold 1<< boo%s full of characters.
Bigabyte23 1<-9 *egabytes or 1!<A>!A91!:-9 bytes or -
. That is
a room full of boo%s.
Terabyte23 1<-9 Bigabytes or 1!<CC!;11!8-A!AA8 or -
. ThatDs a
whole lot of boo%s.
#ocation! "ddress and Content.
#ocation23 each word is located in memory. These are %nown as
memory locations.
"ddress23 e&ery memory location has an address so that it can be
"ddress content23 the contents of the memory location at the
gi&en address.
>. State and compare the characteristics and uses of
secondary storage de&ices and media. *agnetic tape! floppy
dis%! micro3floppy dis%! hard dis% (fied head! mo&ing head!
echangeable)! optical dis%s! *agneto optical dis%s! C+!
Hard +is% dri&e 23 *agnetic! capacity ranges from 9<*b to 1<<Ds
of Bb but 1< to >< Biga bytes is common. *ost hard dis% dri&es
are mo&ing head and fied into the system unit.
FI' +ri&es 23 *agnetic! 1<<*b or -;<*b capacity!
remo&able$echangeable. .pensi&e alternati&e to floppy dis%s.
Floppy +is% dri&e 23 *agnetic! 1.99*b capacity!
remo&able$echangeable. Slower and more unreliable than a hard
dis% dri&e but con&enient for mo&ing data from one computer to
another. =atch out for &irusesG
*icro3floppy dis%23 " mini floppy dis% sometimes found on laptop
and palm top computers.
C+3/0* (Compact +is% /ead 0nly *emory) 23 0ptical! 8;<*b
C+3/ (Compact +is% /ecordable) 23 "llows you to record your own

C+3/= (Compact +is% /e=ritable) 23 Uses a special Compact +is%

that is reusable! but note that not all C+3/0* dri&es can read
these special /e=ritable C+Ds.
+E+ (+igital Eersatile +is%) 23 0ptical! capacities &ary but 9.A Bb
and :.; Bb are common.
Some de&ices use a combination of *agnetic and 0ptical
techni6ues to store data these are *agneto3optical dis%s.
Common ,ac%up +e&ices
" ,ac%up is a copy of all the important files on your system in
case your hard dis% dri&e fails.
Tape +ri&e or Tape Streamer 23 *agnetic! se6uential de&ice with
&ery high storage capacities up to 1<<Ds of Bigabytes. Similar to a
music cassette or &ideo tape. Common ma%es of tape include +"T!
+#T! H' and .X",HT..
C+3/ and C+3/= are sometimes used as bac%up de&ices.
9. .plain the terms associated with bac%ing storage de&ices
and media. /ead$write heads! sectors! trac%s! buffers!
cylinders! access time! se6uential access! direct access.
'latter 23 Hard dis% dri&es contain a number of platters or dis%s
of magneti1able material.
.ach platter on a hard dis% is di&ided into trac%s and sectors.
Trac% 23 If a read$write head remains still as the platter spins
the read$write head passes o&er a single trac% on the platter.
The trac%s are concentric circles on the platter.
Sector 23 .ach trac% is di&ided into many sectors.
Cylinder 23 =hen the read$write heads remain still trac%s on each
platter can be accessed. This is a cylinder.
The speed of a hard dis% dri&e depends on two main factors see%
time and latency.
See% time is the time it ta%es to mo&e the read$write head to
the correct trac%.
#atency is the time that the read$write head has to wait for the
correct sector to come round. #atency depends on how fast the
dis% is rotating.
"ccess time I See% time J #atency time.
" typical dis% dri&e has

18 heads! which means : platters.
8!-;> Trac%s.
8> Sectors per trac%.
;1- ,ytes per sector! which means
;1-@8>@8!-;>@18 I >!--A!19:!-:: bytes
or approimately > Biga bytes.
+is% dri&es are direct access de&ices! sectors can be accessed in
any order.
*agnetic tapes usually ha&e : trac%s allowing 1 byte to be stored
across the tape. Tape dri&es are serial or se6uential de&ices!
bytes are accessed in order from the beginning to the end of the
,uffer23 +is% dri&es ha&e memory of their own. This allows the
dis% dri&e to accept data from the C'U faster than it can write it
to the dis%. Thin% of the buffer as a waiting area for data
between the C'U and the dis% dri&e.
;. State the characteristics and uses of input de&ices and
media. 0ptical mar% reader (0*/)! character readers (0C/!
*IC/)! mouse! Koystic%! light3pen! touch terminals! &oice
data entry (E+.)! &oice response unit! pads and tablets!
point of sales ('0S)! bar code! %eyboard! %ey to dis%!
*ar% Sensing and 0ptical Character /ecognition 23 In mar%
sensing! mar%s are made in pencil on a specially designed form.
The position of the mar% is detected and con&erted into
meaningful data.
For eample.
" form could ha&e the following 6uestion2
Hes Lo
+o you li%e fishM N O N O
The person simply has to put a line through Hes or Lo to mar%
down their answer. " mar% sense reader reads the answers
directly into the computer. There is no %eying in of data. *ar%
sensing is often used for multiple choice tests.
0ptical Character /ecognition (0C/) 23 Similar to a mar% sense
reader as it scans data into the computer directly. Howe&er! it is
not the position if the mar% that gi&es the data to the computer.
It is the shape of the mar% that tells the computer what the
characters and numbers are. 0C/ can be used to scan whole pages
of tet into a computer at once.
*agnetic In% Character /ecognition (*IC/) 23 Used on ban%
che6ues. They ha&e 19 different letters! including the digits < to
C. The letters are printed using magnetic in% along the bottom of
the che6ue! which can be read directly by the computer. =hen a
customer buys something using a che6ue! they fill in all the
information 3 such as the name of the shop! the price of the
goods and the customerDs signature. This information is then put
on the che6ue in magnetic in%. The completed che6ue is then
ta%en to the ban% that uses a *IC/ reader. The che6ue is then
read into the computer.
+ata is not &erified! and che6ues can easily be damaged. Howe&er!
input can be &ery fast 3 -<<< che6ues can be read in a minute and
is difficult to forge.
*ouse 23 *ice can ha&e two! or three buttons. *ice are used with
a =I*' (=indows! Icons! *enus! 'ointers) en&ironment.
Poystic% 23 Used mainly for games. =hen the Koystic% is mo&ed!
the computer responds to these changes and mo&es the pointer
on the screen accordingly.
,ar Codes and #ight 'ens 23 ,ar codes are read by the computer
using a light pen or a laser scanner. They can be found in many
supermar%ets. The bar code is read by the pen or scanner. This
information is used to identify the item 3 such as a can of co%e.
*ost items now ha&e a bar code on them. The information is
scanned at the till which is connected to the computer. This is
called a 'oint of Sale terminal ('0S terminal).
" bar code contains2 the country where the product came from!
the company! the product! and a chec% digit. 0nce scanned! the
information can be put onto the receipt showing full details of
the item.
.'0S allows detailed information to be held within the system. It
helps with stoc% %eeping! re3ordering and mar%eting. Tills can be
operated 6uic%er so fewer staff are needed. Indi&idual price tags
are not needed! but this can ma%e things harder for the customer
who wants to compare indi&idual prices.
Touch Screens 23 " touch screen operates by touching the screen
to select an option. They are commonly used for public
information. For eample! "irports ha&e a touch screen
information ser&ice point that pro&ides information about flights!
tourist sights etc.
Eoice +ata .ntry (E+.) 23 This is a useful! but unde&eloped
method for input. .&erybody can tal% but not e&eryone type at
high speed. =e use a microphone for input! and spea%ers for
Braphics 'ad 23 +rawing using the mouse or trac%er ball is
possible! but different to using a pen on paper. " Braphics pad
allows you to use a pen! which is much more natural. The surface
of the graphics pad is a thin membrane surface that registers
the penDs mo&ements.
?eyboard 23 The most common de&ice for data input.
?ey to dis% 23 Historically computers were epensi&e so data was
not typed directly into the computer as we do today. ?ey to dis%
systems were used to input the data onto a dis% which would then
be read by the main computer.
Scanner 23 Scanners are used to input tet! diagrams and pictures
into the computer. Tet can now be recogni1ed using 0C/
software! so the tet scanned in can be con&erted to tet ready
for use by a word processor. +iagrams and pictures! when scanned
into the computer! can be used by graphics or photo editing
*agnetic Stripe Cards 23 " magnetic stripe is a small strip of
magnetic tape sealed onto the surface of a plastic card. ,an%s!
credit card companies! and telephone companies use them. The
strip contains information such as the customerDs credit limit (if
it were a credit card) or the amount of units left on the card (if
it were a telephone card).
Sensors 23 There are many types of sensors that are used to
measure things li%e heat! or wind speed. Sensors could be used to
monitor the temperature in a furnace.
8. Compare the characteristics and functions of output
de&ices and media. Eisual display unit (E+U)Q resolution!
printers! character! line! page! impact! non3impact! plotters!
&oice! microfilm! permanent (hard copy)! temporary copy
(soft copy)! speed! print 6uality! storage capacity! human
readable! machine readable.
*onitors or E+U (Eisual +isplay Unit) 23 *ost information can be
displayed on the monitor.
" monitor can be high! medium! or low resolution. /esolution is
measured in piels. " piel is a &ery small area of the screen. It
can be thought of as a &ery small dot. These dots are used to
ma%e up a picture 3 similar to the dots which ma%e up the pictures
in newspapers.
High resolution can display 1<-9 by A8: piels! or more. They are
used for &ery detailed graphics wor%. The screen can be large and
is often epensi&e.
*edium resolution can display :<< by 8<< piels.
#ow resolution can display 89< by 9:< piels3 similar 6uality to a
tele&ision set.
Character printers! now &ery old! print one character at a time
li%e a typewriter.
#ine printers! again old technology! form a complete line before
printing. Chain printers are an eample.
'age printers! modern printers that print a whole page at a time.
Can be laser or in%Ket printers.
In% Pet 'rinter 23 Lon impact printers where in% is s6uirted out
onto the paper to form the output.
In% Pet printers are cheap to buy! but can be epensi&e to run 3
the in% needs replacing regularly! and the no11les which s6uirt
the in% can become bloc%ed. Howe&er! they produce &ery good
6uality print! and can use colours.
#aser 'rinter 23 'age printer. #aser printers can print a wide
&ariety of characters and graphics. Colour printers are also
a&ailable. Ruality is ecellent.
#aser printers are &ery popular. They are fleible! &ery fast! and
6uiet. Howe&er! they are epensi&e.
Impact and non3impact. "n impact printer wor%s by impacting the
shape of the character through a ribbon onto the paper. +ot
*atri printers are impact printers. #etters are formed by a
grid! or matri of A by ; dots. They use a print head which has a
grid of pins which are used to form letters when pressed against
an in% ribbon. +ot matri printers are cheap and reliable. They
are used in small offices! and schools.
Hard copy. 'rinted output from the computer is called hard copy.
Hard copy is usually human readable.
Soft copy. 0utput displayed on a screen.
0ther output de&ices include23
Eoice synthesis 23 0ften used at airports for routine
announcements of flights in different languages.
*icrofilm 23 Low old technology.
A. +escribe how data are stored and manipulated within the
computer. ,inary number! binary addition! "SCII! discrete
and continuous data! parity! con&ersion of decimal to binary
and binary to decimal. /epresentation of integers (positi&e
and negati&e)Q sign and magnitudeQ twoDs complementQ
charactersQ ,C+ representation.
The binary number system is a system of 1Ds and <Ds
To con&ert from binary to decimal use the se6uence
1-: 89 >- 18 : 9 - 1
To con&ert from binary to decimal write down the binary number
under the se6uence lined up to the right
..g. 1<<1<
1-: 89 >- 18 : 9 - 1
1 < < 1 <
and add up 1@18 J <@: J <@9 J 1@- J <@1
18 J < J < J - J < I 1:
Con&erting from decimal to binary is easy too
..g. Con&ert :C to ,inary
=rite down the se6uence
1-: 89 >- 18 : 9 - 1
Is the number (:C) bigger than or e6ual to 1-:M Lo so write a <
under the 1-: in the se6uence.
Is the number (:C) bigger than or e6ual to 89M Hes so write a 1
under the 89 in the se6uence and ta%e 89 off :C lea&ing -;.
Is the remaining number (-;) bigger than or e6ual to >-M Lo so
write a < under the >- in the se6uence.
Is the remaining number (-;) bigger than 18M Hes so write a 1
under the 18 in the se6uence and ta%e 18 off -; lea&ing C.
Is the remaining number (C) bigger than or e6ual to :M Hes so
write a 1 under the : in the se6uence and ta%e : off C lea&ing 1.
Is the remaining number (1) bigger than or e6ual to 9M Lo so
write a < under the 9 in the se6uence.
Is the remaining number (1) bigger than or e6ual to -M Lo so
write a < under the - in the se6uence.
Is the remaining number (1) bigger than or e6ual to 1M Hes so
write a 1 under the 1 in the se6uence and ta%e 1 off 1 lea&ing <
So we ha&e
1-: 89 >- 18 : 9 - 1
1 < 1 1 < < 1
How is Lumerical +ata Stored in the Computer
,C+ 23 ,inary Coded +ecimal is the simplest way of storing data in
a computer. .ach digit is gi&en a binary code
decimal < is <<<<
decimal 1 is <<<1
decimal - is <<1<
decimal C is 1<<1
- 9
so the number -9 would be stored as <<1< <1<<.
This isnDt &ery useful so sign and magnitude representation was
Sign and *agnitude 23 The first ,IT of the number is the sign the
remaining bit are the binary number so 23
<<<<111< is decimal 19
1<<<111< is decimal S19
Sign and magnitude wor%s well until we want to add numbers with
different signs together.
This is not easy so the really cle&er computer boffins in&ented
twoDs complement.
TwoDs Complement 23 " really cle&er system for storing numeric
data so that numbers with different signs can easily be added.
Here is how it wor%s
For any binary number the negati&e of that number is
represented by re&ersing the bits (1Ds complement) and adding 1
(-Ds complement)
+ecimal 1- is <<<<11<<
So to find how decimal S1- will be stored re&erse the digits to
1111<<11 (1Ds complement)
and add 1
1111<1<< (-Ds complement)
The really cle&er thing about twoDs complement is that it ma%es
maths easy for the computer.
A S > is the same as A J (3>)
00000111 is decimal A
11111101 is decimal S>
add them together
00000100 which is 9
Characters are held in the computer using binary numbers
according to the "SCII ("merican Standard Code for
Information Interchange)
T"D is 8; or 1<<<<<1 in binary
The net letter
T,D is 88 or 1<<<<1<
TCD is 8A or 1<<<<11
TFD is C< or 1<11<1<
TUD is 1-; or 11111<1
=hen binary data is transmitted! for eample o&er the Internet!
errors can occur. 'arity chec%ing allows these errors to be
detected and repaired. Consider sending the bloc% of binary
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
'arity can be 0dd or .&en. In 0dd parity the number of 1Ds in
each row and in each column must be odd. To achie&e this one
etra row and one etra column is added to the data. If the
number of 1Ds in a row is e&en the etra data bit will be a 1 ma%ing
the total for the row odd. If the number of 1Ds in a row is odd the
etra bit will be a < %eeping the total for the row odd. The same
procedure is applied to the columns.
1 1 % % % 1 % 1 1
% % 1 1 1 % 1 % 1
% 1 % 1 % % % 1 %
% 1 1 1 1 % 1 1 1
1 % 1 % 1 1 1 % %
1 % % % 1 % 1 % %
1 % 1 % % % 1 % %
1 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 %
% 1 1 1 1 % % 1 &arity
If the original data is corrupt in one bit the parity is wrong on
one row and one column so the incorrect bit can be detected and
automatically replaced.
1 1 % % % 1 % 1 1
% % 1 1 1 % 1 % 1
% 1 % 1 % % % 1 %
% 1 1 1 '%( % 1 1 1 ! e)en
1 % 1 % 1 1 1 % %
1 % % % 1 % 1 % %
1 % 1 % % % 1 % %
1 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 %
% 1 1 1 1 % % 1 &arity
4 e)en
:. +istinguish between systems and applications programs.
0perating system functions! batch processing systems! on
line systems! dis% formatting! file management! data
transfer! resource management!
Computers do only one thing. They obey instruction. " set of
instructions is called a program.
Hardware is the physical components of the computer.
Software is the programs.
There are two main types of software23
System Software are the programs that run the computer.
The operating system is the part of the system software.
=ith out an operating system the computer is useless.
=indows C: is a common operating system.
The operating system manages the hardware
resources of the computer such as the memory! dis%
dri&es! monitor and printer.
The operating system allows the user to manage their
files by pro&iding files and folders.
It pro&ides an interface between the user and the
There are - types of operating systems 23
a. 0n #ine Systems allow you to sit at the computer and
b. ,atch 'rocessing System allows you prepare your
program away from the computer and submit it the
computer operator to be run.
"pplication Software are the programs that are used to do
the wor%. *S =ord! .cel! Corel+raw are all application
software. It is important to choose the right application for
the Kob.
=ord processing for tet manipulation.
Spreadsheet for automatic calculation.
+atabase for storing and manipulating data.
+es% Top 'ublishing for page layout
C. +iscuss the difference between generalised and specialised
application pac%ages. "pplication programs! custom written
software! general3purpose softwareQ specialised software
pac%age! customisation of general3purpose software.
"pplication Software are the programs that are used to do the
wor%. *S =ord! .cel! Corel+raw are all application software. It
is important to choose the right application for the Kob. There
are - types of application software 23
Beneral 'urpose applications can be used for different Kobs. "
word processing pac%age can be used to write letters! reports!
stories or ad&erts. It is possible to customise general3purpose
applications using templates. For eample a company might create
a letter head template document that includes the companyDs
address and logo to be used for all letters.
Speciali1ed applications can only be used for one Kob. " payroll
pac%age can only be used to calculate payroll.
Software programs can either be 23
,ought 0ff The Shelf from companies li%e *icrosoft or Corel.
This is usually general3purpose applications.
Custom written software where the company writes the program
for itself using a programming language li%e 'ascal or Rbasic.
1<. +istinguish between types of user interface. Command
dri&en! menu dri&en! H.#' facilities! pull3down and pop3up
menus! icons. Hardware2 touch screens! pi&oted monitors!
antiglare screen.
Command line and Tet based system. Interaction with the
computer is with lines of tet. Hou type in a command and the
computer responds.
"n eample of a tet based system
Braphical User Interface (BUI). Uses pictures and a pointing
de&ice as the means of interacting with the computer. =indows
C: is an eample of a BUI.
" BUI usually includes =I*'.
=indows! Icons! *enus! 'ointer
"ll good interfaces ha&e help facilities to assist you! loo% for a
help menu in a BUI or type TH.#'D in on the command line.
=elcome to the .change ,ureau
1) .uro
-) Papanese yen
>) "merican dollars
9) /ussian roubles
'lease select a currency for con&ersion
1! -! > or 9 V
Hardware is also part of the Human Computer Interface and
consideration might be gi&en to touch screens! pi&oted monitors
that can be adKusted for easy &iewing and antiglare screens which
can reduce reflections from the monitor.
11. +escribe and apply appropriate file management
techni6ues. +irectories! naming of files! labelling of
dis%ettes! storage of files on dis%ettes! user bac%3upQ user
chec% point.
" collection of data or a program stored in the computers
eternal storage! on the hard dis% dri&e.
Files are used to contain word processing documents!
spreadsheets! databases! pictures and presentations. They also
contain programs such as *S3'aint! Corel+raw or *S3=ord.
" computer may ha&e many thousands of files so it is important
that files always ha&e meaningful names. T/egister >,D is a good
filename! T*y StuffD is not.
To %eep all these files in order the operating system uses
directories or folders.
+irectory or Folder
" directory or folder! they are same! is a container in which to
store files that belong together. For eample all the files for
=indows C: are stored in a folder called =indows. Users
normally %eep their files in a folder called *y+ocuments.
To help organise files further the operating system allows a
folder to contain other folders. Hou might create folders to
contain your .nglish essays and another to contain your maths
+is%ettes are useful to students for storing small numbers of
files and folders. +is%ettes should be clearly labelled identifying
the contents of the dis%ette.
,ac%3ups. " floppy dis%ette! C+3/ecordable! C+3/e=ritable or
magnetic tape can be used as a bac%up de&ice. " bac%up is a copy
of important files %ept in different location. Users should ma%e
copies of all their important files regularly! perhaps once or twice
a wee%. *any people %eep se&eral copies e.g. a copy of last wee%Ds
files on one floppy and a copy of the files from a wee% before
that on another.
1-. Use the appropriate operating system functions to
Create a directory$folder.
'roduce a directory listing of files.
'repare a dis%ette to store data.
Copy single files from one dis%ette to another.
Create a bac%up copy of a dis%ette.
+elete unwanted files.
1>. /ecognise and use the terms commonly associated with
data communication. 'oint3to3point and broadcast
transmission computer networ%! modem! bandwidth! simple!
duple! half duple protocol! local area networ%! wide area
networ%! up3load! down3load! e3mail! bulletin board! data
transfer mode! &oice band.
#ocal "rea Letwor%s (#"L) 23 =here the computers to be
connected are 6uite close to one another then a #"L may be used.
/esources li%e printers! plotters etc. may be shared. #ocal "rea
Letwor%s are useful when connecting computers inside the same
building. Small business in particular uses them to share
resources! scanners! plotters and laser printers.
=ide "rea Letwor% (="L) 23 =hen computers are
geographically separate then a ="L is appropriate. =ide "rea
Letwor%s are useful for organisations that ha&e department or
branches in different buildings or locations.
It isn7t always the case that data can be transmitted o&er a
committed networ%. For remote sites the transmission of data
may be o&er the public telephone networ%.
*odem 23 The main item needed to communicate o&er the
telephone networ% is the modem. ,ecause computers use digital
ones and 1eros these must be con&erted to sound for use on a
telephone. This is %nown as "dulation and is done with a
modulator. "t the other end the sound has to be con&erted bac%
to digital ones and 1eros that is Wodulation and is done with a
demodulator. Hence *0+.* (*0dulator +.*odulator). Card
*odem$Internal *odem is internal to the computer and the
telephone cable is connected directly to the computer. The speed
of communication is commonly called the bandwidth. For a modern
modem the bandwidth is ;8 %bps (%ilo bits per second).
'rotocol 23 " protocol is the rules that computers agree to use
when communicating with each other. They are li%e languagesQ to
successfully communicate computers must use the same protocol.
'oint3to3'oint Communication 23 Used when two computers are
communicating with each other o&er a networ%.
,roadcast Communication 23 Sometimes one computer needs to
communicate the same message to many computers on the
networ%. The message is broadcast to all computers on the
Simple 23 Transmission is in one direction only. Shops may use
this to transmit to the head office sales figures.
Half duple 23 Transmission is bi directional but only one direction
at a time.
Full duple 23 Transmission is either way at anytime.
+own3load 23 +own3loading refers to the process of copying data
from a remote computer. For eample you down3load a =orld
=ide =eb page in order for you to &iew it.
Up3load 23 Up3load is far less common and refers to the process
of copying data to a remote computer.
.lectronic *ail (e3mail) 23 *essages sent electronically from
computer to computer o&er a networ%.
,ulletin ,oards 23 #i%e a regular bulletin board but stores and
displays electronic messages rather than paper messages.
Eoice ,and 23 Letwor%s can be used to transmit all types of data
including images and speech. =hen a networ% is used to transmit
speech! e.g. Internet phone calls! this is the &oice band.
19. +etect and rectify low3le&el problems with the
computer hardware. #oose interfacing cables! improperly
adKusted monitor controls! changing ribbons$cartridges.
Trouble Shooting 'rocedures for all .6uipment.
There are some problems that can occur with any electrical or
electronic e6uipment. In general these problems can be easily
chec%ed for and rectified.
Chec% the power supply soc%et. 'lug in a de&ice that you %now is
wor%ing such as a lamp.
Chec% the plug connections and fuse. It is important that the
correct &alue fuse is installed and that the earth is connected.
Chec% all other connections. *any computer connection cables are
fitted with clips or screws that ensure the cable is correctly
seated. " &isual inspection of the soc%ets should also be made.
Connectors are either male or female! male soc%ets ha&e pins and
female soc%ets ha&e holes. The pins in a soc%et can easily be
bro%en but it is important to note that some cable connections do
not re6uire all the pins and it may loo% as if pins are missing. The
most common fault on cable connections is that one or more pins
become bent and no longer fit into the holes.
*a%e sure that e&erything is turned on.
If these simple measures fail to sol&e the problem further
in&estigation is re6uired! as a component failure may ha&e
The monitor is not a users ser&iceable component. Eery high
&oltages are generated in the monitor and are stored e&en after
the monitor is turned off. There are! howe&er! some chec%s that
can be made without opening the monitor.
Chec% the power. *ost monitors ha&e a light to indicate they are
turned on.
Chec% the brightness is turned up. This is common fault the
brightness accidentally gets turned down until nothing is
displayed on the screen.
*odern monitors ha&e an energy sa&ing feature. The screen
automatically shuts down if the picture remains constant for a
period of time. It automatically reacti&ates when the picture
changes. .nergy sa&ing mode is usually indicated by the green
power on light changing to red. This is sometimes %nown as
standby mode.
'rinters come in all shapes and si1es but they ha&e common
The simplest printer error is that the printer is offline. This
means it is not ready to recei&e instructions from the computer.
" pause or online button and associated light indicate if the
printer is online or offline.
0ne or more co&ers are open. "s a safety measure printers will
not operate until all the co&ers are closed.
'aper Kams. *any printers now automatically detect paper Kams.
Some e&en go as far to indicate where the paper is Kammed.
0ften the Kam can be easily remo&ed. If this is not possible refer
to the manual! which will ha&e a section on clearing paper Kams.

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