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Naji Nasimi

Black holes aren't that black.
Theory: How they tick
Black holes are really small but they have a mass greater than anything. Because of the mass and
the force of this object it has an extremely powerful gravitational force. Nothing can escape it.
Under the classic physics, even light is trapped. Such a strong pull of the black hole creates an
observational problem. Scientist cant see them, the way they the stars. Scientists rely on the
radiation emitted by the black hole itself. The radiation is emitted as dust and gas are drawn into
the black hole by its strong gravitational force. The existence of black holes was first announced
in the 18th century.
There are three layers for the black hole. There is the outer and the inner event horizon and the
singularity itself. The event horizon of the the black hole is the boundary around the black hole
where the light loses its ability to escape. Once something crosses the event horizon, it cannot
leave. Gravity is constant across the event horizon. The singularity is the inner region of the
black hole, where its mass lies. It is the only point in space-time where the mass of the black hole
is concentrated. `under the law of classic mechanics of physics, nothing can escape from a black
hole. however, things shift slightly when quantum mechanics added to the problem. Under
quantum mechanics, for every particle there is an anti particle. it is a particle with the same mass
and opposite electric change. When crash into each other, particle-antiparticle pairs can
annihilate one another. in other word they push each other away from each other. If a particle-
antiparticle is created just beyond the reach of the event horizon of a black hole, it is possible to
have one of the particle or the antiparticle to be drawn into the black hole while the other is
ejected. Common wisdom holds that we can never see a black hole because nothing can escape it
- not even light. Fortunately, black holes aren't completely black. As gas is pulled into a black
hole by its strong gravitational force, the gas heats up and radiates. That radiation can be used to
illuminate the black hole and paint its profile.
Black hole are the brightest objects in the whole universe, even though its name is black hole it is
not black. Black holes also create the biggest explosions in ever known. They Fire Intergalactic
Death Rays. These are some fact to about black holes.

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