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JEONG Insik, Ph.D.

Office Hours: After class and upon request
Office: P !"# $%el. &'()*'!)(+
E*,ail: i-eon./korea.ac.kr
%his course ser1es as an introduction to the field of international 2usiness $I3+. %he
pri,ar4 o2-ecti1e is to pro1ide students 5ith ke4 concepts and fra,e5orks pertainin. to
the current practices of I3. %he e,phasis is on pro1idin. conceptual tools and
kno5led.e 2ase upon 5hich 1arious real*5orld I3 pro2le,s can 2e dia.nosed and
anal46ed for i,pro1in. ,ana.erial decision*,akin.. Gi1en the o2-ecti1e, the course is
desi.ned to e7pose the students to $"+ the peculiarit4 associated 5ith international
2usiness 1is*a*1is its do,estic counterpart and $'+ 1arious strate.ic, functional, and other
,ana.erial issues that are of si.nificant i,portance in the conte7t of international
2usiness. A particular e,phasis 5ill 2e .i1en to the anal4sis of I3 issues fro, the
perspecti1e of 8orean 2usinesses.
Daniels, J.D., .H. :ade2au.h and D.P. ;ulli1an $')"&+, International Business:
Environments and Operations $"<th ed.+, Pearson.
=a1us.il, ;.%., G. 8ni.ht and J.:. :iesen2er.er $')"<+, Interntional Business: The New
Realities $&th ed.+, Pearson $supple,entar4+.
Hill, =harles >.., Global Business Today, ?cGra5*Hill $supple,entar4+.
%his course is conducted alon. a se,inar for,at, usin. a co,2ination of lectures, class
discussions, case anal4ses, in*class e7ercises, and .roup pro-ects. Gi1en the for,at, it is
essential for the students to read assi.ned te7t2ook chapters and supple,entar4 ,aterials
for each class. Acti1e participation in class discussion is stron.l4 encoura.ed.
Participation ")@
Indi1idual assi.n,ents A qui6 &)@
Group assi.n,ents &)@
E7a,s &)@
9 tentati1e
International Business (U) prin! "#$% "
A list of additional readin.s ,a4 2e pro1ided occasionall4 throu.hout the se,ester.
;tudents are also encoura.ed to consult ke4 2usiness periodicals to re,ain up*to*date
5ith current de1elop,ents in I3 practices and the .lo2al 2usiness en1iron,ent, such as
Asian >all ;treet Journal, 3usiness >eek, Econo,ist, Bar Eastern Econo,ic :e1ie5,
Bortune and other ,a-or 2usiness periodicals.
A. Nature of International 3usiness =h. "
3. Glo2ali6ation and the Bir, =h. C
a. %he ne5 .lo2al landscape
2. ?ultinational corporations
d. 8orean fir,s and the .lo2al ,arket D the past, present and future
d. Internationali6ation process
=. International 3usiness En1iron,ent
a. =ultural en1iron,ent =h. '
2. Econo,ic en1iron,ent =h. <, #
c. Go1ern,ental polic4 =h. E, !
d. Political, le.al, and ethical di,ensions =h. &, C
D. ;trate.ic Issues in International 3usiness
a. Assess,ent of forei.n ,arkets =h. "'
2. Borei.n ,arket entr4
c. E7portin. A i,portin. =h. "&
d. =olla2orati1e arran.e,ents =h. "<
e. Borei.n direct in1est,ent =h. "<
f. Nation*state 1s ?N=s =h. C
.. FNe5G ,ultinationals
h. ?N=s in ser1ice industries
E. Bunctional ?ana.e,ent
a. ?arketin. =h. "!
2. ;ourcin. and ,anufacturin. =h. "E
c. Hu,an resource ,ana.e,ent =h. ')
d. Accountin. and finance =h. "#, "(
E. ?ana.erial =hallen.es
a. Glo2al strate.4 =h. ""
2. Or.ani6ation and control =h. "C
c. %he future of international 2usiness =h. C
Group Assi.n,ents
* >ritten reports andHor presentations
International Business (U) prin! "#$% '
* In*class e7ercises, etc.
Indi1idual Assi.n,ents
* Iui6
* =ase anal4sis
* ?ini reports
Assi.n,ent ;a,ples
". =ase anal4sis A ,ini reports
%o .i1e a pra.,atic focus to the course, a series of cases 5ill 2e discussed. %his 5ill
require so,e or all students to prepare for presentation and discussion 2ased on the pre*
assi.ned topic. Occasionall4, students ,a4 2e asked to su2,it a 2rief report for the
'. Group pro-ect
All students are required to co,plete a .roup pro-ect after for,in. a .roup. %he nu,2er
of students in a .roup 5ill 1ar4 dependin. upon the class si6e. Pick one of the follo5in.
topics or su..est an alternati1e topic if necessar4. Each .roup 5ill ,ake a presentation
at the end of the se,esterJ a 5ritten report is also required on the last da4 of
presentations. %he len.th of the report 5ill 2e li,ited to ") pa.es, e7cludin. appendices
and references $infor,ation sources+.
$"+ ?arket entr4 decisions
* Pick a 8orean fir,
* Assess,ent of .lo2al ,arket opportunities for the fir,
* Entr4 ,ode decisions
* >hich ,arket to enterK
* Ho5 to enter the forei.n ,arketK
$'+ Lnderstandin. fir,s in other countries
* Pick a ,a-or countr4 $e7: 3ra6il, ;pain+
* Pick a ,ini,u, of t5o ,a-or fir,s in the countr4 $prefera2l4 in the sa,e industr4+
* =ollect up*to*date infor,ation on the fir,s $i.e., 2asic A i,portant MfactsN such as 2rief
histor4, product cate.or4, or.ani6ational characteristics, core co,petence, and .lo2al
* Bocus on their .lo2al strate.4. Are there an4 si,ilarities and differences in their
approach to the .lo2al ,arketK ;tren.ths and 5eaknessesK An4 su..estionsK
$&+ Lnderstandin. forei.n fir,s in 8orea
* Pick t5o 8orean su2sidiaries of forei.n ?N=s in the sa,e industr4 $includin. -oint
* =ollect up*to*date infor,ation on the parent and its 8orean su2sidiar4
* >hat are the ,a-or ,oti1es 2ehind the fir,sG entr4 into this countr4K
* Is the entr4 successfulK >h4 or 5h4 notK
* >hat are their stren.ths and 5eaknessesK
* >hat 5ould 4ou do if 4ou 5ere in char.e of the 8orean su2sidiar4 $or JO+K
International Business (U) prin! "#$% &
$<+ Lnderstandin. .lo2al co,petition in ,a-or industries
* Pick a ,a-or industr4 of interest
* Pick at least t5o Mleadin.N fir,s in the chosen industr4
* =ollect up*to*date infor,ation on the .lo2al ri1alr4 5ithin the industr4
* Bocus on their strate.ic differences $andHor si,ilarities+ in .lo2al co,petition
* Ho5 do the4 co,peteK
$C+ 8orean fir,s in the .lo2al ,arket
* Pick a 8orean fir,
* E7a,ine the fir,Gs international process and strate.ic approach to the .lo2al ,arket
* >hat are its stren.ths and 5eaknessesK
* An4 su..estionsK
;u2-ect to chan.e
Burther details 5ill 2e pro1ided in class
International Business (U) prin! "#$% <

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