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1. Which rule requires that all aircraft registered in India must have
Nationality & registration markings
a) Rule 133 A ) Rule !"
c) Rule 1# d) Rule 3$
%. Indian Airlines Airus aircrafts &ill have nationality marking
a) I' ) (W c) )* d) N
3. +ark the correct sentence regarding Indian registered aircraft
Registration markings
a) +arkings &ill e I' , -.W
) +arkings &ill e )* / -.W*0
c) +arkings &ill e )* / A1' 1%3
d) +arkings &ill e )* / 2+3
4. Nationality & Registration marks in case of lighter than air airshi5s shall e in
a) 6uselage
) *he hull or staili7er surfaces
c) 8n the engine 5anels
d) No markings required
#. +ark correct sentence
a) 25ecial alloons should have their nationality & registration markings in t&o 5laces
) It shall a55ear near the ma9imum hori7ontal circumference of alloon
c) 1oth a &
d) None
"!. *he lighter than air aircraft height of marks hall e :other than unmanned free alloons)
a) At least #" mm
) At least #" cms
c) Not more than #" cms
d) No limits & &ill de5end on si7e of aircraft
"$. +ark the correct sentence
a) ;eavy aircraft / markings on &ings height shall e not less than #" cms
) ;eavy aircraft / markings on furelage height shall e at least 3" cms
c) ;eavy aircraft / height of marking on the vertical tail surface shall e at least 3" cms.
d) All true
"<. +ark the correct sentence
a) Width of letter of markings shall e %=3
of height of letter
) *hickness of markings shall e 1=4
of height
c) *he s5ace et&een t&o letters in the markings shall e at least 1=4
of height of the
d) 1oth a & c are true
"(. *he identification 5late of the aircraft
a) Will have nationality & registration markings
) Name and address of o5erator
c) 1oth a &
d) As at a) and name and address of A+8.
1". Rule #< of Aircraft rules 1(3$ requires that
a) All Indian registered aircraft should affi9 identification 5late &ith nationality markings
) -very aircraft shall e &eighed and its '> determined
c) .eals &ith si7e and location of nationality and registration makings
d) -very aircraft shall e fitted &ith instruments and equi5ments.
11. -m5ty &eight means
a) +easured or com5uted &eight of an aircraft &ith &eight of all items of fi9ed o5erating
equi5ment or other equi5ment &hich are mandatory.
) Weight of an aircraft e9cluding the &eight of all removale equi5ment and other items of
dis5osale load.
3age 1 of !
c) 1oth a &
d) ?ot of an aircraft &hich is em5ty of all 5ay load.
1%. +a9imum take,off &eight :+*8W)
a) Is the ma9imum &eight &ith &hich the aircraft can take,off
) Is the ma9imum 5ermitted take off &eight as 5er ' of A or flight manual
c) Is the ma9imum &eight of total load or 5assengers &hich can e carried on oard
d) None of the aove
13. Aircraft of &eights elo& %""" kgs
a) 2hould e re&eighed during ' of A rene&al
) Need not e re&eighed on routine asis
c) 2hould e re&eighed yearly once
d) None.
14. +ark the correct sentence regarding re&eighing of aircraft of A@W aove %"""kgs
a) Re&eighing every year during ' of A rene&al
) -9tension of 4 months or elo& can e granted y regional
Air&orthiness office for re&eighing 5eriods
c) -9tension u5 to 3 months for re&eighing can e granted y 2u,RA8.
d) 2hall e re&eighed every five years.
1#. An aircraft shall e required to e re&eighed if
a) It has under gone maAor re5air
) +aAor changes in cargo com5artments effecting &eight and alance
c) A maAor alteration has een done
d) All aove
1!. *he &eight schedule &ill e 5re5ared y a a55ro5riately licensed A+- in category
a) 'at A ) 'at 1
c) 'at 0 d) 'at .
1$. Weight schedule should contain
a) Registration marking and serial no. of aircraft
) +a9imum usale fuel ca5acity
c) *y5e of aircraft
d) All aove
1<. +ark the correct sentence regarding &eight schedule
a) It &ill have date of &eighment &ith signature of licensed A+-=a55roved 5erson
) It &ill record em5ty &eight '>
c) +a9imum numer of 5assengers
d) All aove
1(. *he &eight schedule &ill e a55roved y
a) RA8 ) .>'A ;qs
c) B'+ of schedule airlines
d) .irector of Air&orthiness
%". Whose res5onsiility is it to ensure that the aircraft is satisfactorily loaded efore each flight
a) *he B'+
) 3ilot,in,command
c) A+- licensed in 'at A & '
d) Accountale +anager of the o5erator
%1. 2tandard &eight for 5re5aration of load sheet :including handag)
a) 6or cre& <#kgs and adult 5assenger $#kgs
) 're& $#kgs and adult 5a9 !#kgs
c) 're& and adult 5a9 for $#kgs
d) 're& <#kgs and adult 5a9 $"kgs
%%. Rule requires that every aircraft shall e fitted and equi55ed &ith instruments and equi5ments.
a) Rule #< ) Rule #$
c) Rule !" d) Rule 3$
%3. 3hysicians kit is mandatory in
3age % of !
a) All 5assenger carrying aircrafts.
) ?arge 5ulic *5t aircraft carrying more than %" 5a9 including cre& &hen engaged in
commercial flights
c) All trans5ort aircraft including cargo aircrafts on all flights
d) None.
%4. *he 3hysicianCs kit &ill e used in emergency y
a) Air hostess
) 'ain attendant
c) Bualified medical 5ractitioner
d) Any 5assenger
%#. +ark the correct sentence
a) Aircraft &ith seating ca5acity of more than %#" shall have 4 5hysicianCs kits
) Aircraft &ith seating ca5acity of !1,1#" shall have % 5hysicianCs kits.
c) Aircraft &ith seating ca5acity %1,!" shall have "1 5hysicianCs kit
d) Aircraft &ith ca5acity %1,!" shall have % first aid kits.
%!. +ark the correct sentence
a) All aircraft should have first aid kit
) 6irst Aid kit contents &ill e certified y a qualified medical 5ractitioner
c) *he quantity of contents of 6A kit varies as 5er seating ca5acity of aircraft.
d) All true.
%$. *he contents of 6A kit=3hysicians kit shall e e9amined y medical officers.
a) -very si9 months for trans5ort aircrafts
) -very one year for training aircraft
c) As at a) and ) ut every 3 months
d) As at a) and )
%<. If 3hysicianCs kit is used in flight
a) It should e immediately sealed y cain cre&
) It should e sealed y the same doctor &ho used it.
c) It should e re5lenished and certified y a doctor and then sealed
d) It can e in use till all the medicines finish.
%(. 2elf -9tinguishing means
a) *he material shall urn ut &ill not urn other items around it.
) +aterial shall self,e9tinguish &ithin a s5ecified time after removal of flame
c) *he material &ill not catch fire even if flame is continuously a55lied
d) None.
3". +ark the correct sentence
a) *rans5ort aircraft having A@W 1#"""kg or more should have furnishing materialD &hich
are Eself e9tinguishingF.
) 6lame resistant means not susce5tile to comustion to the 5oint of 5ro5agating a flame
after ignition source is removed.
c) 1oth a & true
d) None.
31. *rans5ort aircrafts are ty5e certificated to
a) 6AR %#=GAR %# standard
) 6AR 33 standard
c) 6AR %3 standard
d) None.
3%. 'oncession is
a) 3ermission y .>'A to use limited quantity of sustandard material=5arts
) 3ermission to fly &ith a 5articular com5onent or 5art unserviceale or removed,&ith out
affecting the safety of aircraft.
c) 3ermission to use limited quantity of material=5arts not manufactured in accordance &ith
a55roved design s5ecifications.
d) -9tension granted for carrying out maAor modification or re5air &ithout affecting the safety
of aircraft.
3age 3 of !
33. Alterations carried out on aircraft 5rimary structure or 5arts &hich are likely to endanger the
safety of aircraft if not carried out or it im5ro5erly carried out are
a) Re5air ) +aAor re5air
c) 6unctional tests d) +aAor modifications.
34. +aAor modifications affect
a) Weight of aircraft
) 'hange in design
c) 'hange in flight characteristics
d) All aove
3#. +aAor re5air if im5ro5erly carried out &ill affect
a) 'entre of gravity
) Weight of aircraft
c) 'hange in design
d) 6light characteristics
3!. Requests for grant of concessions relating to use of materials=5arts in cock5it door &ill e given
a) .>'A ;qs. *hough RA8
) .>'A ;qs. .irectly
c) RA8
d) B'+ of organi7ation a55roved in category HAC & H1C
3$. +ark the correct sentence.
a) Request for grant of concessions relating to maAor modifications must e referred to .>'A
via RA8.
) 6or minor modifications in case of a55roved firms &ith s5ecific a55rovals concessions can
e authori7ed y B'+ &ith intimation to RA8.
c) 1oth a & are true
d) As in ) ut RA8 a55roval should e taken first.
3<. +ark the correct sentence
a) Requests for concessions relating to fuel system &ill e dis5osed of y RA8
) Requests for concessions relating to hydraulic 5o&er system &ill e dis5osed of y RA8
c) 'oncessions relating to landing gear system &ill e authori7ed y B'+ of a55roved firms
&ith s5ecific a55roval for such delegationsD under intimation to RA8
d) None of there.
3(. All aircraft registered in India shall have aircraft log ook is mandated in
a) Rule #$ ) Rule !$
c) Rule 4$ d) Rule $$
4". *he flight re5ort ook=*ech log shall have
a) *ime of arrival and 5lace of arrival
) 2ignature of 5ilot in command
c) ;ours of flight
d) All aove &ith date of flight
41. *he log ooks in res5ect of ne&ly manufactured aircraft &ill e issued y
a) *he manufacturer or o&ner=o5erator
) .>'A during first ' of A check
c) *he RA8
d) None.
4%. *he first section of -ngine log ook shall contain
a) *est flight records
) +aAor re5airs
c) +odification records
d) 8verhauls done
43. *he second section of 5ro5eller log ook &ill contain
a) ;ours flo&n date &ise
) *est flights
c) 8verhaul records
d) +inor re5airs
3age 4 of !
44. *he third section of Radio a55aratus log ook &ill have
a) +odification status
) +aAor re5air records
c) 6light release ins5ection records
d) Re5lacement records.
4#. *he contents of Aourney log ook in case of scheduled o5erators &ill e a55roved y
a) B'+ ) Accountale +anager
c) RA8 d) -nglish 1ook 2toresD Ne& .elhi.
4!. *he entries in the log ooks shall e com5leted &ith in
a) %4 hours of com5letion of &ork
) 4< hours of com5letion of &ork
c) %4 &orking hours of the RA8
d) % &orking days of RA8
4$. When an engine is removed from the aircraft
a) -ntry should e made in Aircraft log ook
) -ntry should e made in Gourney log ook
c) -ntry should e made in -ngine log ook
d) 1oth a and c are correct
4<. When a com5onentD not having an individual log ookD is removed
a) -ntry should e made in Aircraft log ook
) -ntry should e made in Aourney log ook
c) -ntry should e made in 6light log ook
d) A ne& log ook is to e made and removal entry should e entered a such ook.
4(. +ark the correct sentence
a) Aircraft log ooks shall e 5reserved till if aircraft is 5ermanently &ith dra&n from use
) In case an aircraft is damaged eyond economical re5air the log ook &ill e 5reserved for
1 years from the date of accident
c) -ngine log ook &ill e 5reserved for a 5eriod of % years after engine is 5ermanently
&ithdra&n from use
d) All of the aove
#". If aircraft log ook is not maintained in the manner and from 5rescriedD then
a) *he o5erators license &ill e cancelled
) *he B'+=Accountale +anager &ill e &arned y .>'A to maintain the records.
c) *he aircraft shall e deemed un air&orthy.
d) *he license of the A+-=A+-Cs &ho are e95ected to make entry &ill e sus5ended.
#1. Rule $ of aircraft rules 1(3$ demands that
a) All aircraft registered in India shall carry instruments and equi5ments an s5ecified
) All Indian registered aircraft shall carry valid documents as s5ecified.
c) All Indian registered aircraft shall not carry any e95losive material onoard &hen in
5assenger trans5ortation.
d) All Indian registered aircraft should have nationality & registration markings.
#%. >rou5 A documents
a) ?oad and trim sheet
) Weight schedule
c) 6light manual
d) All aove
#3. >rou5 1 documents
a) +inimum equi5ment list
) ' of A
c) *echnical log
d) 6R'
#4. +ark the correct sentence
a) >rou5 HAC documents should e carried on oard in any safe 5lace in aircraft
) >rou5 H1C documents should e carried on oard aircraft and should e accessile to 5ilot
all times.
3age # of !
c) An aircraft &hich does not leave the vicinity of de5arting aerodrome may not carry. >rou5
documents on oard.
d) All 5assenger aircraft &ith A@W #$""kg and aove shall 5rovide 5assenger safety
information riefing card at every 5assenger seat location.
##. 3assenger safety information riefing card contains
a) 3laces of tourist attraction in the route
) -vils of drinking liquor and taking drug
c) Restrictions on smoking
d) All aove
#!. *a9y 5ermit is issued y
a) B'+
) RA8
c) 'hief 5ilot of the o5erator
d) 'ontroller of air &orthiness of the area.
#$. Bualifications for otaining ta9y 5ermit are
a) A+- in cat HAC covering the ty5e of aircraft
) A+- in cat H'C covering the ty5e of aircraft
c) 2hould e conversant &ith run&ay markings
d) 1oth & c true
#<. +ark the correct sentence
a) 3erson &ishing to otain ta9y 5ermit &ill e assessed for his ta9ying aility y RA8
) 3erson &ishing to otain ta9y 5ermit must manditorily hold R* license
c) *a9y 5ermit &ill e rene&ed for one year 5rovided the holder has ta9ied at least once
during 5receding year.
d) All true.
#(. 6or issue of ty5e a55roval to an aircraft &hich of the follo&ing documents are required to e
sumitted to .>'A
a) .etails of materials of construction
) A com5lete list of dra&ings
c) 2usidiary ty5e records
d) All of aove
!". All ins5ection records :during the 5rocess of manufacture of air craft) shall e retained for
a) *&o years ) *en years
c) 6ive years d) 8ne year
3age ! of !

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