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Laboratory Experiment 5

Numerical Transonic Lab

Andrew J. Klages
, Lab Section 12096, 5/02/2014
Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering Student, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 85287
Flow is calculated numerically around two different airfoils, the symmetric NACA 00! and the
transonic "AE !#!!, usin$ the lineari%ed transonic small perturbation potential e&uation with
appropriate boundary conditions' The "AE !#!! airfoil analysis is performed separately for the
upper and lower surfaces while the symmetric NACA 00! airfoil is only analy%ed o(er the upper
surface' )e(en plots are presented for all three surfaces analy%ed, includin$, surface shape, (elocity
potential, (elocity in the x direction, pressure coefficient, lift coefficient, dra$ coefficient and a
contour plot of the coefficient of the transonic flow e&uation' As expected the NACA 00! airfoil
performed poorly at hi$her *ach numbers $eneratin$ a sharp increase in (elocity near the critical
liftin$ surface +ust ahead of the , chord point' Con(ersely, the transonic "AE !#!! airfoil
mana$ed (elocity increase (ery well up to approximately *ach 0'#5' -ased on the obser(ation of a
shoc. in the flow as indicated by an abrupt decline in the pressure coefficient, the critical *ach
number for the NACA 00! was estimated to be approximately 0'/0 while the critical *ach
number for the "AE !#!! is estimated to be approximately 0'#!' -oth (ales are in $ood a$reement
with noted sources and in both cases correspond to a sharp decrease in lift coefficient' -oth airfoils
were analy%ed at an an$le of attac. of %ero de$rees and results would li.ely be more pronounced at
hi$her an$les of attac. where flow separation would tend to occur at much lower *ach numbers
on the NACA 00! as compared to the transonic "AE !#!!'
Undergradate Aeros!ace "ngineering Stdent, #e!t. o$ %ec&anical ' Aeros!ace "ngineering, Ari(ona State
Uni)ersit*, +e,!e, A- .52./
a 0 s!eed o$ sond
1 0 s,all !ertrbation !otential e2ation coe$$icient
3! 0 !ressre coe$$icient
3d 0 drag coe$$icient
3l 0 li$t coe$$icient
3$ 0 $orce coe$$icient
# 0 doblet strengt&
d4 0 di$$erential 4
d* 0 di$$erential *
d3! 0 di$$erential !ressre coe$$icient
$546 0 air$oil s&a!e $nction
7 0 generic $nction designation
8 0 8ressre
9 0 2./.1 J/:g;K 0 !articlar gas constant $or air
+ 0 te,!eratre
U 0 )elocit*
4 0 3artesian distance in 4
* 0 3artesian distance in *
< 0 air$oil angle o$ attac:
0 1.4 0 &eat ca!acit* ratio $or air
= 0 t&ic:ness ratio o$ air$oil
> 0 densit*
? 0 !ertrbation )elocit* !otential
?4 0 !ertrbation )elocit* in t&e 4 direction
?44 0 !ertrbation acceleration in t&e 4 direction
?* 0 !ertrbation )elocit* in t&e * direction
?** 0 !ertrbation acceleration in t&e * direction
1' 1ntroduction
7low is calclated n,ericall* arond two di$$erent air$oils, @A3A 0012 and 9A" 2.22, sing t&e lineari(ed
transonic s,all !ertrbation !otential e2ation wit& a!!ro!riate bondar* conditions. 7or !ri,ar* discreti(ation
tec&ni2es are sed to calclate t&e !ertrbation !otential, )elocit* and acceleration. A central di$$erence tec&ni2e
is a!!lied to calclate !ertrbation )elocit* and acceleration $or sbsonic $low regions w&ile an !wind di$$erence
tec&ni2e is a!!lied to s!ersonic $low regions. 7orward and bac:ward di$$erence tec&ni2es are sed to calclate
bondar* conditions at )arios stages in t&e n,erical algorit&,. +&e algorit&, a!!lied is a $or, o$ t&e AassB
Seidel ,et&od sed in conCnction wit& t&e a!!ro!riate bondar* conditions.
7low calclations are !er$or,ed sing %A+LA1 so$tware and !lots are generated to dis!la* t&e air$oil s&a!e
$nction, !ertrbation )elocit* !otential, !ertrbation )elocit*, !ressre coe$$icient, li$t coe$$icient, drag coe$$icient,
and t&e )ale o$ t&e !otential e2ation coe$$icient, 1. 8lots are generated $or si4 )ales o$ %ac& n,ber inclding
0.4, 0.6, 0./5, 0.., 0..5, and 0.9. Dales o$ !ressre coe$$icient are anal*(ed $or eac& air$oil at eac& %ac& n,ber to
assess t&e location and strengt& o$ t&e s&oc: wa)e t&at $or,s as well as t&e t&res&old at w&ic& it a!!ears. 1ased on
!lotted data t&e !er$or,ance o$ t&e @A3A 0012 and 9A" 2.22 ,a* be co,!ared in t&e transonic $low regi,e.
11' Experimental 2rocedure
En order to de)elo! a n,erical soltion tec&ni2e one ,st $irst discreti(e t&e lineari(ed transonic s,all
!ertrbation !otential e2ation, "2. 516.
( ) 0 1 1

yy xx x

+wo bondar* conditions are a!!lied to t&e edges o$ t&e $low $ield. +&e near $ield bondar* w&ere t&e air$oil
e4ists is calclated according to "2. 526 w&ile t&e t&ree re,aining $ar $ield bondaries are calclated according to
"2. 5F6. +&e condition i,!osed on t&e $ar $ield edges awa* $ro, t&e air$oil is a doblet w&ose strengt& is ta:en
$ro, t&e %r,an and 3ole !a!er
and calclated according to "2. 546.
x d!
U x
6 5
6 0 , 5



2 2
6 , 5
e e
e e
y x
x "
y x


+ dxdy u
dx x ! U "
6 5

"ac& o$ t&e $or e2ations 516 to 546 ,st be co,bined and discreti(ed in order to calclate t&e $ield !ro!erties at
e)er* !oint on a ,atri4 o$ )ales establis&ed dring t&e discreti(ation rotine. A AassBSeidel ,et&od is a!!lied to
calclate t&e )elocit* !otential ,atri4 $or a gi)en iteration o$ a !rogra,,atic loo! designed to continall* !date
)ales as a $nction o$ t&e bondar* conditions.
8rior to contining t&e discssion o$ discreti(ation it ,st be noted t&at %A+LA1 so$tware
o!erates on
,atrices wit& t&e ass,!tion t&at t&e origin o$ a gi)en ,atri4 is located in t&e to!, le$t &and corner. Additionall*,
%A+LA1 re$ers to )ales in a ,atri4 b* a row and col,n designation w&ere t&e row is indicated $irst and t&en t&e
col,n. Un$ortnatel* t&e 3artesian coordinate s*ste, considers t&e origin o$ t&e $irst 2adrant to be t&e botto,
le$t &and corner and )ales o$ 4 are s!eci$ied be$ore )ales o$ * b* con)ention. As a reslt, t&e code sed to
!er$or, t&e n,erical $low calclations is set! to wor: wit&in t&e constraints o$ %A+LA1Gs con)ention. +&e near
$ield bondar* w&ere t&e air$oil e4ists is considered to be t&e le$t &and side o$ t&e !otential ,atri4. 7low is
considered to ,o)e $ro, to! to botto, and t&e !!er $ar $ield bondar* is t&e rig&t &and side o$ t&e !otential
,atri4. 7ollowing t&e a$ore,entioned con)entions, all o$ t&e discreti(ation $or,las ,a* be a!!lied wit&ot
,odi$ication to calclate $ield !ro!erties in %A+LA1. Dales o$ 4 and * are considered to be row and col,n
s!eci$ications in t&e %A+LA1 con)ention, res!ecti)el*. Hne ,st ta:e care, &owe)er, to adCst !lots and reslting
data anal*sis and recall t&at critical !ro!erties near t&e air$oil sr$ace are located in t&e $irst col,n o$ eac& ,atri4
in %A+LA1 on t&e $ar le$t &and side w&ere t&e to! o$ t&e col,n is inbond $low and t&e botto, o$ t&e col,n is
otbond $low. Et is also necessar* to adCst t&e air$oil s&a!e data to center it along a single col,n )ector s!anning
t&e $ll &eig&t o$ t&e !otential ,atri4.
Sorce code and s&a!e data $or calclations in)ol)ing t&e @A3A 0012 and 9A" 2.22 air$oils is inclded in
A!!endi4 A at t&e end o$ t&is re!ort.
+&e $irst ste! in calclating t&e $low !ro!erties arond an air$oil in %A+LA1 is to i,!ort air$oil s&a!e data $ro,
an otside sorce $ile. A col,n )ector and a series o$ ,ani!lations are sed to !lace t&e air$oil geo,etr* on a
single col,n )ector o$ t&e sa,e &eig&t as t&e !otential ,atri4. Air$oil geo,etr* on t&e new )ector is inter!olated
as a $nction o$ 4 sing %A+LA1Gs biltBin inter!olation $nction.
+&ree discreti(ation e2ations are sed to calclate $low !ro!erties in)ol)ing a deri)ati)e. A two !oint central
di$$erence tec&ni2e, "2. 556, is sed to calclate a local deri)ati)e sing one !oint a&ead and one !oint be&ind t&e
local !oint. +&ree !oint $orward di$$erence, "2. 566, is sed to calclate a local deri)ati)e w&en two )ales a&ead o$
it are :nown along wit& t&e local $nction )ale. +&ree !oint bac:ward di$$erence, "2. 5/6, is sed to calclate a
local deri)ati)e w&en two )ales be&ind it are :nown along wit& t&e local $nction )ale. 7or t&e !r!oses o$ t&is
in)estigation all t&ree tec&ni2es are !ri,aril* sed to calclate )ales in t&e 4 direction 5%A+LA1 )ertical6.
# #
d# $ i $ i
$ i


, 1 , 1
# # #
d# $ i $ i $ i
$ i



+ +
4 F
, 2 , 1 ,
# # #
d# $ i $ i $ i
$ i



4 F
, 2 , 1 ,
A deri)ati)e col,n )ector, d$/d4, is calclated $or se in "2. 526 at t&e near $ield bondar* sing t&e
inter!olated air$oil s&a!e )ector !re)iosl* discssed. +&e si(e o$ t&e col,n bondar* )ector de!ends !on t&e
grid si(e $or t&e calclation and t&e code is written to be $le4ible enog& to acco,,odate di$$erent grids b*
c&anging a single )ale at t&e to! o$ t&e code. +&e code is bilt so t&at t&e $ield ,atri4 is alwa*s s2are bt t&e
li,its and t&ere$ore t&e di$$erential c&ange in lengt& is )ariable. I4 and I* ,a* not be e2al in t&e codeJ t&e*
de!end on t&e $ield li,its establis&ed dring )ariable initiali(ation.
"2ations 566 and 5/6 are sed to calclate t&e local bondar* )elocities as a $nction o$ !otential along t&e le$t
and rig&t sides o$ t&e $ield 5%A+LA1 to! and botto,6. "2ation 556 is sed to calclate t&e central )elocities sing
srronding )ales o$ !otential.
7or sbsonic $low, two central di$$erence e2ations are sed to calclate $low !ro!erties in t&e $ield. "2ation
556 &as alread* been introdced $or calclation o$ t&e bondar* $nction bt is reBorgani(ed below $or se in t&e
$low $ield as "2. 5.6. "2ation 596 is sed in conCnction wit& "2. 5.6 to calclate acceleration.
( )
x dx
d $ i $ i
$ i
$ i x


, 1 , 1

( )
( )
, 1 , , 1
x dx
d $ i $ i $ i
$ i
$ i xx


7or eac& $ield )ale to be calclated t&e coe$$icient o$ acceleration $ro, "2. 516 is e)alated. +&e coe$$icient is
isolated and designated K1L below in "2. 5106 $or con)enience.
( )

% 1 1

E$ t&e )ale o$ 1 in "2. 5106 is greater t&an (ero at a gi)en !oint t&e $low, t&e $low is sbsonic at t&at location and
"2. 5.6 and "2. 596 are sed to calclate $low !ro!erties. E$ t&e )ale o$ 1 in "2. 5106 is less t&an (ero at a gi)en
!oint in t&e $low, t&e $low is s!ersonic at t&at location and !wind di$$erence, "2. 5116 is sbstitted $or "2. 596 $or
acceleration in t&e 4 direction onl*.
( )
( )
, 2 , 1 ,
x dx
d $ i $ i $ i
$ i
$ i xx


En order to calclate t&e $ll $ield $low !ro!erties, "2. 5.6 and "2. 596 ,st be ada!ted $or se in t&e * direction.
"2ations 5126 and 51F6 are ,odi$ied )ersions o$ "2s. 5.6 and 596 $or se in t&e * direction. Et is not necessar* to
ada!t "2. 5116 $or se in t&e * direction becase it is ass,ed t&at t&e * co,!onent o$ t&e $low )elocit* will not be
s!ersonic at an* !oint in t&e $ield. +&is ass,!tion is based on t&e idea o$ a s,all !ertrbation in w&ic& t&e
!ri,ar* e$$ect o$ t&e air$oil or an* ot&er near $ield obstrction is to ,odi$* $low !ro!erties in one direction, na,el*
( )
y dy
d $ i $ i
$ i
$ i


1 , 1 ,

( )
( )
1 , , 1 ,
y dy
d $ i $ i $ i
$ i
$ i


+&e $inal ste! in co,!leting a single iteration o$ t&e n,erical soltion algorit&, is to sbstitte "2s. 596, 5106,
5116, and 51F6 into "2. 516 and sol)e $or t&e local )elocit* !otential, ?i,C. Mand calclations $or eac& sbstittion and
deri)ation are inclded in A!!endi4 1 o$ t&is re!ort. +wo e2ations arise $or t&e central $ield !oints, one $or t&e
sbsonic case, "2. 5146, and one $or t&e s!ersonic case, "2. 5156 based on "2. 5116 in !lace o$ "2. 596 as discssed.
( )
( )
2 2
1 , 1 ,
, 1 , 1
6 5 6 5
x y %
x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i
+ + +

+ +

( )
2 2
1 , 1 ,
, 2 , 1
6 5 6 2 5
x y %
x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i



7or t&e lower bondar* 5%A+LA1 le$t bondar*6, t&e !resence o$ t&e air$oil ,st be ta:en into accont.
Sbstitting "2. 5126 into "2. 526 and sol)ing $or ?i,CB1, we $ind "2. 5166.
x d!
$ i $ i
6 5
1 , 1 , +
Sbstitting "2. 5166 bac: into "2s. 5146 and 5156 *ields "2. 51/6 $or t&e near $ield bondar* $or sbsonic $low
and "2. 51.6 is deri)ed $or t&e near $ield bondar* $or s!ersonic $low.
( )
( )
2 2
1 ,
, 1 , 1
6 5
2 6 5
x y %
x d!
yU x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i


+ +

+ +

( )
2 2
1 ,
, 2 , 1
6 5
2 6 2 5
x y %
x d!
yU x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i


"ac& iteration o$ t&e !rogra, loo! calclates t&e bondar* conditions sing central, bac:ward or $orward
di$$erence tec&ni2es as a!!ro!riate $or t&e bondar* being considered. +&e !rogra, t&en calclates a local )ale
o$ )elocit* !otential sing "2s. 5146, 5156, 51/6 and 51.6. At eac& ste! t&e !rogra, selects w&ic& o$ t&e $or
e2ations to se based on w&et&er it is on t&e near $ield bondar* and w&et&er t&e $low is s!ersonic or sbsonic
based on w&et&er t&e )ale o$ 1 is greater t&an or less t&an (ero.
+o co,!lete t&e algorit&, t&e code ,st calclate an !dated )ale o$ )elocit* !otential $or co,!arison wit&
t&e old )ale o$ )elocit* !otential. "2s. 5146, 5156, 51/6 and 51.6 are ,odi$ied to indicate w&et&er eac& ter, is !art
o$ t&e !dated ,atri4 or t&e !re)ios ,atri4. En cases w&ere a )ale was calclated and !laced in t&e !dated
,atri4, t&at )ale can be sed to calclate a local )ale at t&e ne4t !oint. "2ations 5196, 5206, 5216 and 5226
re!resent re)ised )ersions o$ t&e !re)ios $ield e2ations w&ere !dated ,atri4 )ales are indicated wit& an asteris:.
3entral 8oints N Sbsonic "2ation
( )
( )
2 2
1 , 1 ,
2 O
, 1 , 1
, O
6 5 6 5
x y %
x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i
+ + +

+ +

3entral 8oints N S!ersonic "2ation
( )
2 2
1 , 1 ,
2 O
, 2
, 1
, O
6 5 6 2 5
x y %
x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i



@ear 7ield 1ondar* 8oints N Sbsonic "2ation
( )
( )
2 2
1 ,
2 O
, 1 , 1
6 5
2 6 5
x y %
x d!
yU x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i


+ +

+ +

@ear 7ield 1ondar* 8oints N S!ersonic "2ation
( )
2 2
1 ,
2 O
, 2
, 1
6 5
2 6 2 5
x y %
x d!
yU x y %
$ i
$ i $ i $ i $ i
$ i


Et s&old be noted t&at t&e )ale o$ t&e 4 coordinate 5%A+LA1 row6 is going to be 1 $or "2s. 5216 and 5226 at t&e
near $ield bondar* bt it is le$t to t&e !rogra,,er to ,a:e an a!!ro!riate sbstittion based on coordinate
con)ention sed in t&e so$tware.
Additionall* in t&e s!ersonic cases, "2s. 5206 and 5226 one s&old note t&e e4istence o$ an inde4 KiB2L w&ic&
wold case t&e !rogra, to cras& i$ t&e s!ersonic case were in)o:ed wit&in two !oints o$ a le$t or rig&t bondar*
5%A+LA1 to! and botto,6. 3onse2entl*, t&e li,its o$ t&e $ield ,st be selected to a)oid an* !ossibilit* t&at
s!ersonic $low wold occr near t&e bondaries.
3on)ergence error is Cdged b* co,!aring t&e absolte )ale o$ t&e nor,s o$ t&e !dated ,atri4 and t&e
!re)ios ,atri4 according to "2. 52F6
66 5 6 5 5
&orm &orm a'so(ute Err 5226
An error tolerance o$ 0.2 was sed to generate ,eaning$l !lots $or bot& air$oils at eac& %ac& n,ber. A 100
!oint s2are grid was selected wit& 4 coordinate li,its $ro, BF ,eters to PF ,eters and a &eig&t o$ F ,eters abo)e
*00. +&e air$oil was centered on t&e 4 coordinate 5%A+LA1 )ertical6. +&e c&ord lengt& o$ t&e air$oil is calclated
$ro, t&e air$oil s&a!e data in t&e code bt it &a!!ened to be nit* $or eac& s&a!e data $ile sed in t&e in)estigation.
A$ter t&e loo! error &as $allen below t&e tolerance t&res&old, !ressre coe$$icient, 3! is calclated according to
"2. 52F6

( )


$ i x $ i
, ,

+&e !rogra, stores t&e )ector o$ 3! )ales on t&e near $ield bondar* 5%A+LA1 le$t6 and calclates a new
)ector containing t&e di$$erential )ale o$ d3!, d4, and d* $or !oints along t&e air$oil s&a!e onl*. A generic $orce
coe$$icient is calclated $or t&e !!er air$oil sr$ace $or eac& coordinate direction b* di)iding t&e dot !rodct o$ t&e
di$$erential !ressre coe$$icient and t&e o!!osite coordinate di$$erential )ectors as s&own in "2s 52F6 and 5246.
d)p dy

d)p dx

Li$t and drag coe$$icients are t&en calclated b* ,lti!l*ing eac& $orce coe$$icient b* t&e a!!ro!riate trig
$nction to s, 4 and * co,!onents o$ eac& di$$erential $orce according to "2s. 5256 and 5266. Al!&a is t&e angle o$
)!x )!y )( + 6 sin5 6 cos5 5256
)!y )!x )d + 6 sin5 6 cos5 5266
"2ations 5256 and 5266 are dobled in t&e !rogra, to accont $or t&e to! and botto, &al)es o$ t&e s*,,etric
Si4 !lots are generated $or eac& air$oil s&a!e tested inclding, air$oil s&a!e !ro$ile, )elocit* !otential, )elocit* in
t&e 4 direction, !ressre coe$$icient, coe$$icient o$ li$t, coe$$icient o$ drag and a contor !lot o$ t&e coe$$icient
,atri4, 1, $or t&e &ig&est %ac& n,ber. 7or co,!arison t&e a4is li,its $or eac& !lot are &eld constant $or eac&
air$oil. +&e grid li,its, n,ber o$ grid !oints and t&e error tolerance are also constant $or all t&ree s&a!es.
111' "esults 3 4iscussion
+wo air$oils are tested at $low s!eeds o$ %ac& 0.4, 0.6, 0./5, 0.., 0..5, 0.9. En t&e case o$ t&e @A3A 0012
air$oil, t&e s&a!e is s*,,etric abot t&e c&ord in t&e )ertical a4is and it is t&ere$ore onl* necessar* to rn t&e code
once. Dales o$ li$t and drag coe$$icients are dobled to accont $or bot& &al)es o$ t&e air$oil. En t&e case o$ t&e
9A" 2.22 air$oil, t&e two &al)es are not s*,,etric and t&e !rogra, code is rn se!aratel* $or t&e to! and botto,
&al)es o$ t&e air$oil. +&e botto, &al$ is re$lected abot t&e 4 a4is to ensre co,!atibilit* wit& t&e !rogra,
$nctionalit*. 7igres 1, 2 and F re!resent !lots o$ t&e air$oil s&a!es tested.
Fi$' Airfoil )hape (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface 8)ymmetric9'
Fi$' ! Airfoil )hape (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' 0 Airfoil )hape (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface 8"eflected :(er ;9'
All t&ree air$oil s&a!es were tested in t&e sa,e ,anner sing identical code. +&ree )elocit* !otential !lots were
generated $or t&e lower air$oil bondar* s&owing )ales $or eac& o$ t&e si4 %ac& n,bers tested. 7igres 4, 5 and 6
re!resent !lots o$ )elocit* !otential at t&e air$oil bondar* against &ori(ontal location e4tending one c&ord lengt&
$ro, center.
Fi$' < =elocity 2otential (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' 5 =elocity 2otential (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' > =elocity 2otential (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface'
As wold be e4!ected t&e )elocit* !otential is greater wit& increasing %ac& n,ber $or all t&ree !ro$iles
considered. +&e !!er sr$ace o$ t&e @A3A 0012 and t&e 9A" 2.22 are onl* sbtl* di$$erent w&ic& translates into
)er* si,ilar )elocit* !otential !lots, t&e o)erall s&a!es o$ t&e cr)es are )er* si,ilar. +&e lower sr$ace o$ t&e 9A"
2.22 !ro$ile, &owe)er, incldes a slig&t in$lection or !trned cr)e w&ic& !resents as a slig&tl* di$$erent s&a!e to
t&e )elocit* !otential cr)e w&en co,!ared to t&e !!er sr$aces o$ bot& air$oils. At t&e &ig&est %ac& n,ber t&e
lower sr$ace o$ t&e 9A" 2.22 de,onstrates a s&ar! !ea:.
+&ree !ertrbation )elocit* !lots were generated $or !ertrbation )elocit* in t&e 4 direction. 7igres /, . and 9
re!resent !lots o$ !ertrbation )elocit* )s. &ori(ontal !osition $or all t&ree s&a!es considered.
Fi$' / 2erturbation =elocity (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' # 2erturbation =elocity (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' ? 2erturbation =elocity (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface'
Et is in t&e !ertrbation )elocit* !lots t&at a dra,atic di$$erence between t&e !er$or,ance o$ t&e @A3A 0012 and
9A" 2.22 air$oils can be obser)ed. 1ot& air$oils de,onstrate si,ilar )elocit* !ro$iles $or %ac& 0.4 and %ac& 0.6.
Mowe)er as t&e %ac& n,ber increased abo)e 0.6, t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil begins to e4&ibit a dra,atic !ea: Cst in
$ront o$ t&e Q c&ord s!an location. At %ac& 0./5 t&e !ea: is !rononced bt not dra,atic bt at %ac& 0.. and
abo)e t&e )elocit* !ea: on t&e @A3A 0012 is )er* signi$icant. +&e 9A" 2.22 !er$or,s )er* di$$erentl*, &owe)er,
t&e )elocit* increases steadil* o)er t&e to! o$ t&e air$oil wit& increasing %ac& n,ber ntil a!!ro4i,atel* %ac&
0..5 w&ere a !ea: begins to de)elo! along t&e botto, sr$ace. +&e !!er sr$ace re,ains s,oot& ntil %ac& 0.9.
+&e local )elocit* !ea: o$ t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil at %ac& 0./5 e4ceeds t&e !ea: )ale o$ t&e !!er sr$ace o$
t&e 9A" 2.22 at %ac& 0..5. +&e reslt is t&at t&e @A3A 0012 creates sonic $low at ,c& lower $ree strea,
)elocities co,!ared to t&e 9A" 2.22 air$oil.
+&ree !lots o$ !ressre coe$$icient )s. &ori(ontal location are generated $or eac& o$ t&e air$oil s&a!es being
considered. 7igres 10, 11 and 12 re!resent !ressre coe$$icient )erss &ori(ontal location.
Fi$' 0 2ressure Coefficient (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' 2ressure Coefficient (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' ! 2ressure Coefficient (s' 5ori%ontal 2osition 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface'
8ressre coe$$icient !lots indicate, once again, dra,atic di$$erences in !er$or,ance between t&e @A3A 0012
air$oil and t&e 9A" 2.22 transonic air$oil. En t&e case o$ t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil a !ressre !ea: begins to de)elo!
in $ront o$ t&e Q c&ord location and re,ains in !lace as t&e %ac& n,ber increases all t&e wa* ! to 0... As t&e
%ac& n,ber increase abo)e 0.. t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil generates a )er* large !ressre !ea: and li:el* a
signi$icant s&oc: to dro! t&e $low bac: to sbsonic s!eeds. R&ile t&e !ressre !ea: ,o)es bac: slig&tl* at )er*
&ig& %ac& n,bers t&e ,agnitde o$ t&e !ea: is dra,atic and air$oil !er$or,ance wold s$$er greatl*.
+&e 9A" 2.22 on t&e ot&er &and ,aintains a s,oot& low !ressre !ro$ile $or %ac& n,bers ! to 0.. on t&e
lower sr$ace and 0..5 on t&e !!er sr$ace. +&rog&ot t&e entire range o$ %ac& n,bers t&e 9A" 2.22 re,ains
relati)el* !ea:B$ree wit& onl* a slig&t !ea: a!!earing at t&e &ig& end o$ t&e %ac& n,ber range. ")en w&en t&e
s&oc: occrs on t&e 9A" 2.22 it occrs ,c& $rt&er bac: along t&e air$oil !ro$ile be&ind t&e critical li$ting sr$ace
and its ,agnitde is less t&an t&at o$ t&e @A3A 0012.
S!ersonic $low is !resent w&ere a strong decrease in !ressre coe$$icient is noted indicating t&e !resence o$ a
s&oc: wa)e.
8lots o$ li$t coe$$icient )s. %ac& n,ber are !resented in $igres 51F6, 5146 and 5156.
Fi$' 0 Lift Coefficient (s' *ach Number 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' < Lift Coefficient (s' *ach Number 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' 5 Lift Coefficient (s' *ach Number 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface'
Hnce again a dra,atic di$$erence in !er$or,ance is obser)ed w&en co,!aring t&e @A3A 0012 to t&e 9A" 2.22
air$oil. +&e li$t coe$$icient )ales are s:ewed as a reslt o$ t&e di$$erence between t&e !ro$iles and t&e $act t&at t&e
9A" 2.22 !!er and lower sr$aces are anal*(ed se!aratel*. @onet&eless, a !ea: )ale is obser)ed at
a!!ro4i,atel* %ac& 0./F $or t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil w&ile a !ea: )ale a!!ears at a!!ro4i,atel* %ac& 0..2 $or t&e
9A" 2.22 air$oil on bot& t&e !!er and lower sr$ace. %a:s*,i:
and 3ar!enter
bot& indicate critical %ac&
n,bers $or t&e @A3A 0012 on t&e order o$ 0./5 and 0..F $or t&e 9A" 2.22.
+&ree !lots o$ drag coe$$icient are !resented in 7ig. 16, 1/ and 1. $or eac& o$ t&e t&ree s&a!es considered.
Fi$' > 4ra$ Coefficient (s' *ach Number 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' / 4ra$ Coefficient (s' *ach Number 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' # 4ra$ Coefficient (s' *ach Number 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface'
#rag coe$$icient )ales are s:ewed becase o$ t&e wa* t&e sr$aces were anal*(ed, !articlarl* t&e $act t&at t&e
9A" 2.22 !!er and lower sr$aces were considered se!aratel*. @onet&eless, it is a!!arent t&at t&e drag coe$$icient
increases ,c& ,ore at lower %ac& n,bers $or t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil in co,!arison to t&e 9A" 2.22.
En order to deter,ine w&ere sonic $low &as occrred, t&ree contor !lots o$ t&e lineari(ed $low coe$$icient, 1
were generated $or eac& o$ t&e t&ree air$oil s&a!es considered. 3ontor !lots o$ 1 against &ori(ontal and )ertical
!osition are !resented in 7igs. 19, 20 and 21.
Fi$' ? Lineari%ed Flow E&uation Coefficient (s' 2osition at *@0'? 6 NACA 00! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' !0 Lineari%ed Flow E&uation Coefficient (s' 2osition at *@0'? 6 "AE !#!! 7pper )urface'
Fi$' ! Lineari%ed Flow E&uation Coefficient (s' 2osition at *@0'? 6 "AE !#!! Lower )urface'
All t&ree !lots are set! to indicate sonic $low in t&e cooler color range w&ere t&e )ale o$ 1 is less t&an or e2al
to (ero. At %ac& 0.9 it is clear t&at t&e 9A" 2.22 air$oil generates a ,c& s,all region o$ s!ersonic $low
co,!ared to t&e @A3A 0012. +&e &ig&er $low s!eeds are also s&i$ted $rt&er bac: along t&e air$oil s&a!e $or t&e
9A" 2.22 in co,!arison to t&e @A3A 0012.
1=' Conclusions
En conclsion, t&ree n,erical soltions are !resented $or si4 di$$erent %ac& n,bers sing t&e lineari(ed
transonic s,all !ertrbation !otential e2ation and a!!ro!riate bondar* conditions. +wo air$oils were considered
inclding a s*,,etric @A3A 0012 and an as*,,etric transonic 9A" 2.22, bot& &a)ing t&ic:ness ratios o$ 12S.
9eslts were anal*(ed $or t&e !!er sr$ace o$ t&e @A3A 0012 w&ile t&e 9A" 2.22 was s!lit along t&e c&ord line
wit& t&e to! and botto, sr$aces being anal*(ed se!aratel*. As e4!ected t&e @A3A 0012 de,onstrated !oor
!er$or,ance at &ig&er %ac& n,bers wit& t&e ,ost dra,atic reslts a!!earing in t&e )elocit* and !ressre
coe$$icient !lots. +&e @A3A 0012 air$oil created a s&ar! )elocit* and !ressre !ea: Cst a&ead o$ t&e Q c&ord
location $or %ac& n,bers as low as 0./. 3on)ersel* t&e 9A" 2.22 ,aintained a s,oot& )elocit* and !ressre
coe$$icient cr)e $or %ac& n,bers as &ig& as 0..5 on t&e !!er sr$ace and 0.. on t&e lower sr$ace. A s!ersonic
$low region was obser)ed to occr Cst $orward o$ t&e center !oint on t&e @A3A 0012 air$oil and Cst be&ind t&e
center !oint on t&e 9A" 2.22 air$oil at a $low s!eed o$ %ac& 0.9. +&e critical %ac& n,ber occrred near t&e !ea:
li$t coe$$icient at a!!ro4i,atel* 0./F $or t&e @A3A 0012 and 0..2 $or t&e 9A" 2.22 w&ic& is good agree,ent wit&
sorces cited in t&e re!ort. 3ritical %ac& n,ber is &ig&er $or lower angles o$ attac: and wold li:el* decrease
,ore signi$icantl* $or t&e @A3A 0012 at angles o$ attac: greater t&an (ero. +&e downtrned s&a!e o$ t&e 9A"
2.22 lower sr$ace contribted to slig&tl* !oorer !er$or,ance along t&e lower sr$ace co,!ared to t&e !!er
sr$ace bt wold li:el* i,!ro)e !er$or,ance at !ositi)e angles o$ attac: t&at were not considered in t&is
in)estigation. +ransonic $low was c&aracteri(ed b* a s&ar! decline in !ressre coe$$icient at a gi)en %ac& n,ber
indicating t&e !resence o$ a s&oc: in t&e $low. Dales o$ t&e transonic !otential e2ation coe$$icient, 1, were
anal*(ed and !resented $or t&e &ig&est %ac& n,ber considered. +&e @A3A 0012 e4&ibits !oor !er$or,ance at
&ig& %ac& n,bers wit& an abr!t increase in $low )elocit* concentrated Cst a&ead o$ t&e Q c&ord in t&e critical
li$ting sr$ace !ortion o$ t&e air$oil. 3on)ersel*, t&e 9A" 2.22 ,anages $low )elocit* )er* well $or %ac& n,bers
! to 0..5 wit& an* s&ar! increase in )elocit* occrring be&ind t&e Q c&ord !oint at &ig& %ac& n,bers.
Appendix A 6 )ource Code for NACA 00! and "AE !#!!
Appendix - 6 5and Calculations for 4eri(ed Field E&uations
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