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Bivariate Logistic Regression
Socio-economic variables are very often categorical, rather than interval scale.
In many cases research focuses on models where the dependent variable is
categorical (Bonney, 1987). For example, the dependent variable might be
unemployed / employed, and we could be interested in how this variable is
related to sex, age, ethnic group, etc. In this case we could not carry out a
multiple linear regression, as many of the assumptions of this technique will
not be met, as will be explained theoretically below. Instead we would carry
out a logistic regression analysis. Hence, logistic regression may be thought
of as an approach that is similar to that of multiple linear regressions, but
takes into account the fact that the dependent variable is categorical.
Logistic regression or logit regression is a type of probabilistic statistical
classification model. It is also used to predict a binary response from a binary
predictor, used for predicting the outcome of a categorical dependent
variable (i.e., a class label) based on one or more predictor variables
(features). That is, it is used in estimating empirical values of the parameters
in a qualitative response model. The probabilities describing the possible
outcomes of a single trial are modeled, as a function of the explanatory
(predictor) variables, using a logistic function. Frequently (and subsequently in
this article) "logistic regression" is used to refer specifically to the problem in
which the dependent variable is binarythat is, the number of available
categories is two (Bishop, 2006).

Where and How to Use it
Much experimental design work has focused on the linear model due to its
simplicity and practicality. However as the amount of statistical analysis using
nonlinear models increased in fields such as the chemical, biological, and
clinical sciences, the motivation for optimal designs for these models was
provided. (Heise & Myers, 1996). In situations where the dependent (y)
variable is continuous and can be reasonably assumed to have a normal
distribution we do not transform the y variable at all and we can simply run a
multiple linear regression analysis (Flom, 2009).
In situations where the dependent variable is dichotomous or 0/1 as we have
seen today the most common procedure is to use logistic regression, using
the Logit link. (Tranmer & Elliot, 2005)
When you choose to analyze your data using binomial logistic regression, part
of the process involves checking to make sure that the data you want to
analyze can actually be analyzed using a binomial logistic regression. You
need to do this because it is only appropriate to use a binomial logistic
regression if your data "passes" seven assumptions that are required for
binomial logistic regression to give you a valid result.

! Assumption.no.01: Your dependent variable should be measured on
a dichotomous scale. Examples of dichotomous variables include gender (two
groups: "males" and "females"), presence of heart disease (two groups: "yes"
and "no"), personality type (two groups: "introversion" or "extroversion"), body
composition (two groups: "obese" or "not obese"), and so forth. However, if
your dependent variable was not measured on a dichotomous scale, but
a continuous scale instead, you will need to carry out multiple regression,
whereas if your dependent variable was measured on an ordinal scale, ordinal
regression would be a more appropriate starting point.
! Assumption.no.02: You have one or more independent variables, which can
be either continuous (i.e., an interval or ratio variable) or categorical (i.e.,
an ordinal or nominal variable). Examples of continuous variables include
revision time (measured in hours), intelligence (measured using IQ score),
exam performance (measured from 0 to 100), weight (measured in kg), and
so forth. Examples of ordinal variables include Likert items (e.g., a 7-point
scale from "strongly agree" through to "strongly disagree"), amongst other
ways of ranking categories (e.g., a 3-point scale explaining how much a
customer liked a product, ranging from "Not very much" to "Yes, a lot").
Examples of nominal variables include gender (e.g., 2 groups: male and
female), ethnicity (e.g., 3 groups: Caucasian, African American and Hispanic),
profession (e.g., 5 groups: surgeon, doctor, nurse, dentist, therapist), and so
forth. You can learn more about variables in our article: Types of Variable.
! Assumption.no.03: You should have independence of observations and the
dependent variable should have mutually exclusive and exhaustive
! Assumption.no.04: There needs to be a linear relationship between any
continuous independent variables and the Logit transformation of the
dependent variable. In our enhanced binomial logistic regression guide, we
show you how to: (a) make a natural log transformation of your dependent
variable; (b) use the Box-Tidwell (1962) procedure to test for linearity; and (c)
interpret the SPSS output from this test and report the results (Laerd
Statistics, 2014).

Practical Applications
We will explain this with an example:-
We are considering a research done by a university research committee
hearing a complaint against animal research being conducted by a member of
the university faculty (Wuensch & Poteat, 1998). The complaint included a
description of the research in simple but emotional language. Cats were being
subjected to stereotaxic surgery in which a cannula was implanted into their
brains. Chemicals were then introduced into the cats brains via the cannula
and the cats given various psychological tests. Following completion of
testing, the cats brains were subjected to histological analysis. The complaint
asked that the researcher's authorization to conduct this research be
withdrawn and the cats turned over to the animal rights group that was filing
the complaint. It was suggested that the research could just as well be done
with computer simulations.
In defense of his research, the researcher provided an explanation of how
steps had been taken to assure that no animal felt much pain at any time, an
explanation that computer simulation was not an adequate substitute for
animal research, and an explanation of what the benefits of the research
were. Each participant read one of five different scenarios that described the
goals and benefits of the research. They were:
! COSMETIC -- testing the toxicity of chemicals to be used in new lines of
hair care products.
! THEORY -- evaluating two competing theories about the function of a
particular nucleus in the brain.
! MEAT -- testing a synthetic growth hormone said to have the potential of
increasing meat production.
! VETERINARY -- attempting to find a cure for a brain disease that is killing
both domestic cats and endangered species of wild cats.
! MEDICAL -- evaluating a potential cure for a debilitating disease that
afflicts many young adult humans (Wuensch & Poteat, 2014).

How to Run Bivariate Logistic Regression in
Click Analyze > Regression > Binary Logistic... on the main menu, as
shown below:

You will be presented with the Logistic Regression dialogue box, as shown

Transfer the dependent variable, heart disease , into the Dependent: box,
and the independent variables, age , weight , gender and VO2max into
the Covariates: box, using the buttons, as shown below:

Click the Categorical button. You will be presented with the Logistic
Regression: Define Categorical Variables dialogue box, as shown below:

Note: SPSS requires you to define all the categorical predictor values in the
logistic regression model. It does not do this automatically.

Transfer the independent, categorical variable, gender , from
the Covariates: box to the Categorical Covariates: box, as shown below:

In the Change Contrast area, change the Reference Category: from
the Last option to the First option. Then, click the Change button, as shown

Note: Whether you choose Last or First will depend on how you set up your
data. In this example, males are to be compared to females, with females
acting as the reference category (who were coded "0"). Therefore, First is

Click the Continue button. You will be returned to the Logistic
Regression dialogue box.
Click the Options button. You will be presented with the Logistic
Regression: Options dialogue box, as shown below:

In the Statistics and Plots area, click the Classification plots, Hosmer-
Lemeshow goodness-of-fit, Casewise listing of residuals andCI for
exp(B): options, and in the Display area, click the At last step option. You
will end up with a screen similar to the one below:

Click the Continue button. You will be returned to the Logistic
Regression dialogue box.
Click the OK button. This will generate the output. (Laerd Statistics, 2014)

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