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15.1 GAS TURBINE ENGINE Fundamentals.

Question Number. 1. On an axial flow, dual compressor forward fan engine, the fan turns the same speed
as the.
Option A. low pressure turbine.
Option B. high pressure compressor.
Option C. forward turbine wheel.
Correct Answer is. low pressure turbine.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age % refers.
Question Number. &. A turbo 'et engine gi(es.
Option A. large acceleration to a small mass of air.
Option B. large acceleration to a large weight of air.
Option C. small acceleration to a large mass of air.
Correct Answer is. large acceleration to a small mass of air.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age &)* refer.
Question Number. *. "he basic gas turbine engine is di(ided into two main sections+ the cold section
and the hot section.
Option A. "he cold section includes the engine inlet, compressor, and turbine sections.
Option B. "he hot section includes the combustor, diffuser, and exhaust.
Option C. "he hot section includes the combustor, turbine, and exhaust.
Correct Answer is. "he hot section includes the combustor, turbine, and exhaust.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. A 'et engine deri(es its thrust b!.
Option A. drawing air into the compressor.
Option B. impingement of the propelling gases on the outside air.
Option C. reaction of the propelling gases.
Correct Answer is. reaction of the propelling gases.
Explanation. Newtons third law applies/ olls o!ce "he #et engine $age &)* refers.
Question Number. 0. 1hich of the following might be used to identif! turbine discharge pressure2.
Option A. $t3.
Option B. $t&.
Option C. "t3.
Correct Answer is. $t3.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */0.
Question Number. %. ,n a free turbine.
Option A. there is a clutch between compressor and power output shaft.
Option B. there is a direct dri(e with a free/wheel unit.
Option C. there is no mechanical connection with the compressor.
Correct Answer is. there is no mechanical connection with the compressor.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age 0 refers.
Question Number. 3. Bernoulli6s "heorem states that at an! point in a flow of gas.
Option A. the static pressure and d!namic pressure are e7ual.
Option B. the static pressure is less than the d!namic pressure.
Option C. the total energ! remains constant.
Correct Answer is. the total energ! remains constant.
Explanation. 8ee Chapter & of olls o!ce "he #et Engine.
Question Number. 9. "he wor5ing fluid of a gas turbine engine is.
Option A. gasoline.
Option B. 5erosene.
Option C. air.
Correct Answer is. air.
Explanation. :erosene pro(ides the energ! to dri(e the air.
Question Number. ;. 1hich statements are true regarding aircraft engine propulsion2.
Option A. "urbo'et and turbofan engines impart a relati(el! large amount of acceleration to a smaller
mass of air.
Option B. ,n modern turboprop engines, nearl! 0< percent of the exhaust gas energ! is extracted b!
turbines to dri(e the propeller and compressor with the rest pro(iding exhaust thrust.
Option C. An engine dri(en propeller imparts a relati(el! small amount of acceleration to a large mass of
Correct Answer is. An engine dri(en propeller imparts a relati(el! small amount of acceleration to a
large mass of air.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */.*.
Question Number. 1<. As subsonic air flows through a con(ergent no==le the (elocit!.
Option A. decreases.
Option B. increases.
Option C. remains constant.
Correct Answer is. increases.
Explanation. Bernoulli6s "heorem again.
Question Number. 11. ,n a twin spool compressor s!stem, the first stage turbine dri(es the.
Option A. N& compressor.
Option B. N1 and N& compressors.
Option C. N1 compressor.
Correct Answer is. N& compressor.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */19.
Question Number. 1&. At what point in an axial flow turbo'et engine will the highest gas pressures
Option A. At the compressor outlet.
Option B. At the turbine entrance.
Option C. 1ithin the burner section.
Correct Answer is. At the compressor outlet.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&<.
Question Number. 1*. 1hich of the following units are generall! used to measure aircraft noise2.
Option A. Effecti(e percei(ed noise decibels >E $ N d B?.
Option B. @ecibels >dB?.
Option C. 8ound pressure.
Correct Answer is. Effecti(e percei(ed noise decibels >E $ N dB?.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he 'et engine page 1;; refers.
Question Number. 1.. "he diffuser section is located between.
Option A. the burner section and the turbine section.
Option B. station No. 3 and station No. 9.
Option C. the compressor section and the burner section.
Correct Answer is. the compressor section and the burner section.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&<.
Question Number. 10. ,f the -$ shaft shears.
Option A. turbine runawa! occurs.
Option B. compressor o(erspeed occurs.
Option C. compressor underspeed occurs.
Correct Answer is. turbine runawa! occurs.
Explanation. "he turbine dri(es the -$ compressor or fan.
Question Number. 1%. "he term $t3 means.
Option A. pressure and temperature at station No. 3.
Option B. the total pressure at station No. 3.
Option C. the total inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. the total pressure at station No. 3.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. 1hat section pro(ides proper mixing of the fuel and efficient burning of the gases2.
Option A. @iffuser section and combustion section.
Option B. Combustion section and compressor section.
Option C. Combustion section onl!.
Correct Answer is. Combustion section onl!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&1.
Question Number. 19. Of the following, which engine t!pe would most li5el! ha(e a noise suppression unit
Option A. "urboprop.
Option B. "urbo'et.
Option C. "urboshaft.
Correct Answer is. "urbo'et.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */03 refers.
Question Number. 1;. "he pressure of supersonic air as it flows through a di(ergent no==le.
Option A. decreases.
Option B. increases.
Option C. is in(ersel! proportional to the temperature.
Correct Answer is. decreases.
Explanation. A4$ Airframe "extboo5 $age &/*1 and &/*&.
Question Number. &<. "he s!mbol for designating the speed of a -$ compressor in a twin spool engine is.
Option A. N.
Option B. NA.
Option C. N1.
Correct Answer is. N1.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/1* refers to N1 for -$ N& for B $.
Question Number. &1. A turbo'et engine is smoother running than a piston engine because.
Option A. the lubrication is better.
Option B. it runs at a lower temperature.
Option C. it has no reciprocating parts.
Correct Answer is. it has no reciprocating parts.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &&. A gas turbine engine comprises which three main sections2.
Option A. Compressor, diffuser, and stator.
Option B. "urbine, compressor, and combustion.
Option C. "urbine, combustion, and stator.
Correct Answer is. "urbine, compressor, and combustion.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. 1hen a (olume of air is compressed.
Option A. heat is gained.
Option B. no heat is lost or gained.
Option C. heat is lost.
Correct Answer is. no heat is lost or gained.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/19 refers / assuming adiabatic.
Question Number. &.. "he pressure of subsonic air as it flows through a con(ergent no==le.
Option A. increases.
Option B. remains constant.
Option C. decreases.
Correct Answer is. decreases.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &0. ,f a (olume of a mass of air is 0.% cubic feet at &3*:, at &3.: it will be.
Option A. & cubic feet greater.
Option B. 1)&3* less b! weight.
Option C. & cubic feet smaller.
Correct Answer is. & cubic feet greater.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &%. ,n what section of a turbo'et engine is the 'et no==le located2.
Option A. Exhaust.
Option B. "urbine.
Option C. Combustion.
Correct Answer is. Exhaust.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &3. Newton6s Cirst -aw of Dotion, generall! termed the -aw of ,nertia, states+.
Option A. "o e(er! action there is an e7ual and opposite reaction.
Option B. Corce is proportional to the product of mass and acceleration.
Option C. E(er! bod! persists in its state of rest, or of motion in a straight line, unless acted upon b!
some outside force.
Correct Answer is. E(er! bod! persists in its state of rest, or of motion in a straight line, unless
acted upon b! some outside force.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &9. A high b!pass engine results in.
Option A. o(erall slower airflow and greater propulsi(e efficienc!.
Option B. o(erall faster airflow.
Option C. greater propulsi(e efficienc!.
Correct Answer is. o(erall slower airflow and greater propulsi(e efficienc!.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/&; refers.
Question Number. &;. Bernoulli6s "heorem states that at an! point in a flow of gas.
Option A. the static pressure and d!namic pressure are e7ual.
Option B. the static pressure is less than the d!namic pressure.
Option C. the total energ! remains constant.
Correct Answer is. the total energ! remains constant.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *<. "he Bra!ton c!cle is 5nown as the constant.
Option A. temperature c!cle.
Option B. mass c!cle.
Option C. pressure c!cle.
Correct Answer is. pressure c!cle.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *1. ,n a cho5ed no==le, (elocit! increases, and.
Option A. densit! decreases.
Option B. pressure decreases.
Option C. pressure increases.
Correct Answer is. pressure increases.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant $age &/&*. As the no==le goes sonic the pressure starts
to increase as a result of the shoc5 wa(e.
Question Number. *&. Esing standard atmospheric conditions, the standard sea le(el temperature is.
Option A. &;FC.
Option B. 0;FC.
Option C. 0;FC.
Correct Answer is. 0;FC.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. **. 8tandard sea le(el pressure is.
Option A. &;.;& inches Bg.
Option B. &;.&; inches Bg.
Option C. &;.<< inches Bg.
Correct Answer is. &;.;& inches Bg.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *.. "he highest pressure in a gas turbine is.
Option A. at the no==le exit.
Option B. at the burner exit.
Option C. 'ust after the last compressor stage but before the burner.
Correct Answer is. 'ust after the last compressor stage but before the burner.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 10 refers.
Question Number. *0. "he (elocit! of subsonic air as it flows through a con(ergent no==le.
Option A. remains constant.
Option B. increases.
Option C. decreases.
Correct Answer is. increases.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *%. A turboprop engine deri(es its thrust b!.
Option A. impingement of the prop/wash on the outside air.
Option B. reaction of the prop/wash.
Option C. reaction of the propulsion gases.
Correct Answer is. reaction of the prop/wash.
Explanation. Newtons "hird -aw.
Question Number. *3. Adiabatic compression is.
Option A. an isothermal process.
Option B. one where there is an increase in 5inetic energ!.
Option C. one where there is no loss or gain of heat.
Correct Answer is. one where there is no loss or gain of heat.
Explanation. 8herwin and Borsle! "hermod!namics $age 1.. refers.
Question Number. *9. ,n a ducted fan engine, the fan is dri(en b! the.
Option A. turbine.
Option B. air passing o(er the compressor.
Option C. accessor! gearbox.
Correct Answer is. turbine.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age &/;.
Question Number. *;. A modular constructed gas turbine engine means that.
Option A. all engines ha(e a specific component la!out.
Option B. the engine is constructed b! the (ertical assembl! techni7ue.
Option C. its ma'or components can be remo(ed and replaced without disturbing the rest of the engine.
Correct Answer is. its ma'or components can be remo(ed and replaced without disturbing the rest of the
Explanation. "he @ictionar! of Aircraft "erms b! @ale Crane has this definition.
Question Number. .<. "he accessor! gearbox of a high b!pass engine is.
Option A. on the B$ Compressor housing.
Option B. in the forward bearing housing.
Option C. attached to the turbine casing.
Correct Answer is. on the B$ Compressor housing.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age */;.
Question Number. .1. On a gas turbine engine, what is the fan dri(en b!2.
Option A. , $ turbine.
Option B. -$ turbine.
Option C. B $ turbine.
Correct Answer is. -$ turbine.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age % refers.
Question Number. .&. 1hich law relates to the 5inetic, pressure, and potential energ! in a fluid
Option A. Bernoulli6s theorem.
Option B. Newton6s laws.
Option C. Charles6s law.
Correct Answer is. Bernoulli6s theorem.
Explanation. "he sum of the energies in a s!stem is constant. so if one decreases another will
Question Number. .*. "he densit! of gas ma! be expressed as.
Option A. (olume)weight.
Option B. weight)(olume.
Option C. pressure)(olume.
Correct Answer is. weight)(olume.
Explanation. Basic $h!sics this one.
Question Number. ... E 8 B$ is.
Option A. Borsepower)efficienc!.
Option B. 8haft horse power G exhaust efflux.
Option C. $ower a(ailable at the turbine less the power re7uired to dri(e the.
Correct Answer is. 8haft horse power G exhaust efflux.
Explanation. Effecti(e 8haft Borse $ower is the measure of total power of a turbo prop engine.
Question Number. .0. A di(ergent duct will cause subsonic flow to decrease in.
Option A. (elocit!, increase pressure.
Option B. (elocit!, pressure remains constant.
Option C. pressure, increase (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. (elocit!, increase pressure.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1* fig &/* refers.
Question Number. .%. "he Bra!ton c!cle is.
Option A. the name gi(en to the intermittent c!cling of an electrical de/icing s!stem.
Option B. the continuous combustion c!cle ta5ing place in a gas turbine engine.
Option C. the constant (elocit! c!cle ta5ing place in a gas turbine engine.
Correct Answer is. the continuous combustion c!cle ta5ing place in a gas turbine engine.
Explanation. "he Bra!ton C!cle is also 5nown as the constant pressure c!cle.
Question Number. .3. "he purpose of a diffuser is to.
Option A. increase the 5inetic energ! of the air.
Option B. induce a swirl to the air prior to combustion.
Option C. increase the static pressure of the air.
Correct Answer is. increase the static pressure of the air.
Explanation. @iffusers are alwa!s static di(ergent ducts.
Question Number. .9. On a triple spool engine, the first stage of turbines dri(e.
Option A. the -$ compressor.
Option B. the B$ compressor.
Option C. the , $ compressor.
Correct Answer is. the B$ compressor.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine Cig &/0/& refers.
Question Number. .;. am effect is.
Option A. the increase of d!namic pressure at the face of the compressor.
Option B. con(ersion of static pressure to 5inetic pressure at the face of the compressor.
Option C. con(ersion of 5inetic energ! to pressure energ! at the face of the compressor.
Correct Answer is. con(ersion of 5inetic energ! to pressure energ! at the face of the compressor.
Explanation. "he greater the ram effect the greater the efficienc! of the propulsion s!stem.
Question Number. 0<. 1hich of the following statements is true on a high b!pass ratio
Option A. Both the compressor and combustion s!stem are larger than their turbo'et e7ui(alent.
Option B. "he compressor assembl! is larger and combustion chamber smaller than their turbo'et e7ui(alent.
Option C. Both the compressor and combustion chamber are smaller than the turbo'et e7ui(alent.
Correct Answer is. Both the compressor and combustion chamber are smaller than their turbo'et
Explanation. 8maller compressors and combustion chambers can be used on high b!pass fans as the! are
more efficient than turbo 'ets.
Question Number. 01. ,n the dual axial flow or twin spool compressor
s!stem with a free power turbine, Nf would be an
indication of.
Option A. turbine thrust indication.
Option B. first stage compressor speed.
Option C. free power turbine speed.
Correct Answer is. free power turbine speed.
Explanation. "he free turbine dri(es the prop/shaft onl!.
Question Number. 0&. A waisted dri(e shaft is primaril! to.
Option A. achie(e d!namic balance.
Option B. reduce weight.
Option C. pro(ide a fuse if the dri(en component is o(erloaded.
Correct Answer is. pro(ide a fuse if the dri(en component is o(erloaded.
Explanation. An example of this t!pe of dri(e shaft is fitted between a gearbox and an , @ A .
Question Number. 0*. "he 6core engine6 or 6gas generator6 is made up of the following components+.
Option A. ,nlet, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, exhaust.
Option B. "urbine, combustion chamber, compressor.
Option C. Compressor, turbine, exhaust, propelling no==le.
Correct Answer is. "urbine, combustion chamber, compressor.
Explanation. "he core engine is that which the primar! airflow passes>the air that passes through the
combustion chamber."he inlet is not included as the air is normall! split down the b!pass duct at the
entrance to the compressor s!stem.
Question Number. 0.. "he principle of 'et propulsion is.
Option A. the calorific (alue of fuel burnt is e7ual to aircraft.
Option B. the interaction of fluids and gases.
Option C. e(er! action has a e7ual and opposite reaction.
Correct Answer is. e(er! action has a e7ual and opposite reaction.
Explanation. "his is Newtons "hird -aw.
Question Number. 00. Bo!le6s law states that, at constant temperature, if a gas is compressed.
Option A. its absolute pressure is proportional to its (olume.
Option B. its absolute temperature is proportional to it6s (olume.
Option C. its absolute pressure is in(ersel! proportional to its (olume.
Correct Answer is. its absolute pressure is in(ersel! proportional to its (olume.
Explanation. ,f the (olume is reduced the pressure goes up.
Question Number. 0%. 1hat part of a 'et engine has the most potential energ!2.
Option A. ,mmediatel! after the combustion chamber.
Option B. #ust before the combustion chamber.
Option C. ,mmediatel! after the B$ compressor.
Correct Answer is. #ust before the combustion chamber.
Explanation. 1here the fuel >unburned? is pumped in.
15.2 Engine Pe!oman"e.
Question Number. 1. am effect6 due to aircraft forward speed will cause the efficienc! of the engine
Option A. remain constant.
Option B. decrease.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. increase.
Explanation. am effect impro(es compression ratio which impro(es thrust without using extra fuel
olls o!ce "he #et engine $age &1; refers.
Question Number. &. "he efficienc! of a gas turbine engine at altitude.
Option A. decreases.
Option B. remains constant.
Option C. increases.
Correct Answer is. increases.
Explanation. "he compressor performs better at lower air temperatures>see #eppersen Aas "urbines $age
&/**? thus impro(ing thermal efficienc!. Also lower air temperatures up to the tropopause assist in
maintaining $ropulsi(e Efficienc!>whilst accepting that decreasing densit! decreases mass flow?. Also note
that operators fl! at the tropopause whene(er possible e(en for short flights for the best 8CC.
Question Number. *. 1hich statement is true regarding 'et engines2.
Option A. At the higher engine speeds, thrust increases rapidl! with small increases in $D.
Option B. At the lower engine speeds, thrust increases rapidl! with small increases in $D.
Option C. "he thrust deli(ered per pound of air consumed is less at high altitude.
Correct Answer is. At the higher engine speeds, thrust increases rapidl! with small increases in $D.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */.*.
Question Number. .. 8ome turboprop and turbo'et engines are e7uipped with two spool or split
compressors. 1hen these engines are operated at high altitudes, the.
Option A. low pressure rotor will increase in speed as the compressor load decreases in the lower densit!
Option B. low pressure rotor will decrease in speed as the compressor load decreases in the lower densit!
Option C. throttle must be retarded to pre(ent o(erspeeding of the high pressure rotor due to the lower
densit! air.
Correct Answer is. low pressure rotor will increase in speed as the compressor load decreases in the
lower densit! air.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */19.
Question Number. 0. am effect6 due to aircraft forward speed will cause the thrust of the engine to.
Option A. remain constant.
Option B. decrease.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. remain constant.
Explanation. "hrust is constant, but efficienc! will increase.
Question Number. %. 1ith a fixed throttle, and with increased massairflow, what happens to E$2.
Option A. E$ goes up.
Option B. E$ remains constant.
Option C. E$ goes down.
Correct Answer is. E$ goes down.
Explanation. 1ith increasing mass airflow with throttles fixed am pressure >$t&? increases but the $3
pressure remains the same. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines page 1&/19 refers.
Question Number. 3. At what stage in a gas turbine engine are gas pressures the greatest2
Option A. Compressor outlet.
Option B. "urbine outlet.
Option C. Compressor inlet.
Correct Answer is. Compressor outlet.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 9. ,ncreasing ram effect with increased speed.
Option A. reduces thrust due to reduced compressor efficienc!.
Option B. increases thrust due to increased maximum airflow.
Option C. reduces thrust due to reduced turbine temperature.
Correct Answer is. increases thrust due to increased maximum airflow.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/*0 refers.
Question Number. ;. "he highest heat to metal contact in a 'et engine is the.
Option A. burner cans.
Option B. turbine inlet guide (anes.
Option C. turbine blades.
Correct Answer is. turbine inlet guide (anes.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. 1hich compressor t!pe gi(es the greatest ad(antages for both starting flexibilit!
and impro(ed high altitude performance2.
Option A. 8ingle spool, axial flow.
Option B. @ual stage, centrifugal flow.
Option C. 8plit spool, axial flow.
Correct Answer is. 8plit spool, axial flow.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. 1hich of the following is the ultimate limiting factor of turbine engine
Option A. Compressor inlet air temperature.
Option B. Burner can pressure.
Option C. "urbine inlet temperature.
Correct Answer is. "urbine inlet temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. At altitude, idling $D is.
Option A. same as at sea le(el.
Option B. higher than at sea le(el.
Option C. lower than at sea le(el.
Correct Answer is. higher than at sea le(el.
Explanation. @ue to decreased densit! there is less resistance to rotation.
Question Number. 1*. "hrust.
Option A. increases with high temperature.
Option B. increases with low temperature.
Option C. decreases with low temperature.
Correct Answer is. increases with low temperature.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/** efers.
Question Number. 1.. 1hich of the following (ariables affect the inlet air densit! of a turbine engine2.
Option A. Altitude of the aircraft, Ambient temperature.
Option B. Compression ratio, "urbine inlet temperature, Altitude of the aircraft, Ambient temperature.
Option C. 8peed of the aircraft, Compression ratio, "urbine inlet temperature,Altitude of the aircraft.
Correct Answer is. Altitude of the aircraft, Ambient temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. "he propulsi(e efficienc! is.
Option A. low, with a low mass flow acceleration.
Option B. high, with a low mass flow acceleration.
Option C. high, with a high mass flow acceleration.
Correct Answer is. high, with a low mass flow acceleration.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/*3 efers / a large mass of air mo(ed slowl!H.
Question Number. 1%. "he $D for maximum power would be.
Option A. lower on a colder da!.
Option B. lower on a hotter da!.
Option C. greater on a colder da!.
Correct Answer is. lower on a colder da!.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */1% refers.
Question Number. 13. Bow does engine thrust (ar! with temperature2.
Option A. ,ncrease in temperature gi(es greater thrust because of low friction in compressors.
Option B. -ow temperatures gi(e low thrust.
Option C. -ow temperature gi(es greater mass flow and therefore greater thrust.
Correct Answer is. -ow temperature gi(es greater mass flow and therefore greater thrust.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $ower plant $age &/** efers.
Question Number. 19. A method of comparing engine efficiencies is b! comparing.
Option A. fuel consumption.
Option B. thrust to weight ratio.
Option C. specific fuel consumption.
Correct Answer is. specific fuel consumption.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $ower plant $age3/* efers.
Question Number. 1;. 1ith a fixed throttle in a climb.
Option A. $D will increase.
Option B. $D will remain constant.
Option C. $D will decrease.
Correct Answer is. $D will increase.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */10 refers.
Question Number. &<. "he point of maximum (elocit! in the engine is in the.
Option A. exhaust exit no==le.
Option B. combustion chamber.
Option C. no==le guide (anes.
Correct Answer is. exhaust exit no==le.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 10 refers.
Question Number. &1. At constant $D, the pressure ratio of the compressor and the temperature rise
across the compressor.
Option A. increases with height.
Option B. remains constant irrespecti(e of height.
Option C. decrease with height.
Correct Answer is. remains constant irrespecti(e of height.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&< refers.
Question Number. &&. 1ith the aircraft stationar!, propulsi(e efficienc!.
Option A. depends on $D.
Option B. is minimum.
Option C. is maximum.
Correct Answer is. is minimum.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/&; refers.
Question Number. &*. "he efficienc! of con(ersion of 5inetic energ! into propulsi(e wor5 is a measure of.
Option A. mechanical efficienc!.
Option B. propulsi(e efficienc!.
Option C. thermal efficienc!.
Correct Answer is. propulsi(e efficienc!.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/&; refers.
Question Number. &.. 1hat effect does high atmospheric humidit! ha(e on the operation of a 'et engine2.
Option A. @ecreases compressor and turbine $D.
Option B. @ecreases engine pressure ratio.
Option C. Bas little or no effect.
Correct Answer is. Bas little or no effect.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/3<.
Question Number. &0. $ower is ad'usted in a gas turbine engine b!.
Option A. increasing fuel flow.
Option B. increasing air and fuel flow.
Option C. increasing airflow to the combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. increasing air and fuel flow.
Explanation. Iou cannot ha(e extra fuel without extra air.
Question Number. &%. "he engine rating plug.
Option A. is permanentl! connected to the E E C.
Option B. is connected to the E$ transmitter.
Option C. is permanentl! connected to the Engine casing.
Correct Answer is. is permanentl! connected to the Engine casing.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&1.
Question Number. &3. Clat ated thrust is defined as.
Option A. the thrust at the ambient temperature point abo(e which thrust drops below 1<<J.
Option B. that power achie(ed at idle $D.
Option C. that power achie(ed at maximum EA".
Correct Answer is. the thrust at the ambient temperature point abo(e which thrust drops below 1<<J.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/*..
Question Number. &9. "hrust rating on an CA@EC controlled engine can be changed b!.
Option A. (ar!ing the ballast resistor in the EA" s!stem.
Option B. changing the engine rating plug.
Option C. (ar!ing the E$ datum plug.
Correct Answer is. changing the engine rating plug.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&1 refers.
Question Number. &;. $ropeller tor7ue is analogous to.
Option A. engine $D.
Option B. shaft horsepower.
Option C. propeller $D.
Correct Answer is. shaft horsepower.
Explanation. $ropeller tor7ue is e7ual and opposite to 8B$ under stead! state conditions.
Question Number. *<. "he total power in a turboprop engine is the.
Option A. 8B$.
Option B. BB$.
Option C. E 8 B$ .
Correct Answer is. E 8 B$ .
Explanation. E 8 B$ K shaft horse power plus residual gas exhaust thrust.
Question Number. *1. ,n a di(e, with the throttles fixed, the E$ will.
Option A. not change.
Option B. increase.
Option C. decrease.
Correct Answer is. decrease.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines page 1&/19 refers.
Question Number. *&. 1ith an increase in forward speed, the engine thrust.
Option A. decreases slightl! but reco(er due to ram effect.
Option B. increases.
Option C. decreases.
Correct Answer is. decreases slightl! but reco(er due to ram effect.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age &/*0 refers.
Question Number. **. "he main factor considered when designing an engine is.
Option A. maximum fuel consumption.
Option B. maximum turbine temperature.
Option C. maximum tip speed.
Correct Answer is. maximum turbine temperature.
Explanation. "he turbine is the most highl! stressed component in the engine.
Question Number. *.. "o ensure an engine maintains self sustaining speed.
Option A. idle remains same for an! densit!.
Option B. idle increases with densit! decrease.
Option C. idle increases with densit! increase.
Correct Answer is. idle increases with densit! decrease.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1<* para 10 refers.
Question Number. *0. A factor that limits EA" is the.
Option A. 'et pipe.
Option B. compressors.
Option C. turbine.
Correct Answer is. turbine.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 1* refers.
Question Number. *%. "hrust will.
Option A. increase at high temperatures.
Option B. decrease at low temperatures.
Option C. increase at low temperatures.
Correct Answer is. increase at low temperatures.
Explanation. Bigher densit! gi(es higher mass flow hence higher thrust.
Question Number. *3. Across the turbines, there is.
Option A. a general temperature rise.
Option B. a general temperature drop.
Option C. an isometric expansion.
Correct Answer is. a general temperature drop.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 10 shows a temperature decrease across the turbines due
to energ! extraction.
Question Number. *9. ,f the throttle position remains constant.
Option A. with increasing OA", $D and "A" will increase.
Option B. with decreasing OA", $D will increase.
Option C. with increasing OA", "A" will increase.
Correct Answer is. with increasing OA", $D and "A" will increase.
Explanation. As OA" increases the air is thinner $D increases but thrust decreases due to the thin
air. Extra fuel is re7uired to increase thrust therefore "A" increases.
Question Number. *;. ,f an aircraft climbs with a fixed throttle position.
Option A. thrust decreases and $D increases.
Option B. thrust and $D remain the same.
Option C. thrust increases and $D remains the same.
Correct Answer is. thrust decreases and $D increases.
Explanation. "hinner air causes thrust to decrease and the compressor to speed up.
Question Number. .<. am pressure reco(er! will generall! ta5e effect at aircraft speeds of.
Option A. mach 1.
Option B. mach <.1 / <.&.
Option C. onl! when the aircraft is stationar! with engines running.
Correct Answer is. mach <.1 / <.&.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas turbine $owerplant page */& refers. 1ith the aircraft stationar! and engines
running inta5e pressure is negati(e. As the aircraft begins its ta5e off run the pressure reco(ers to abo(e
ambient >ram reco(er!.
Question Number. .1. As the air is passed through the turbine, due to the con(ergent shape formed
between ad'acent blades.
Option A. pressure decreases, (elocit! increases, temperature increases.
Option B. pressure increases, (elocit! increases, temperature constant.
Option C. pressure decreases, (elocit! increases, temperature decreases.
Correct Answer is. pressure decreases, (elocit! increases, temperature decreases.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine Cig &/0/1 refers.
Question Number. .&. "he hottest component in a gas turbine engine is.
Option A. the no==le guide (anes.
Option B. the turbines.
Option C. the combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. the combustion chamber.
Explanation. Combustors ha(e to withstand flame temperatures of &<<< degrees C.
Question Number. .*. "he basic e7uation for thrust is.
Option A. thrust K force L acceleration.
Option B. thrust K mass L (elocit!.
Option C. thrust K mass L acceleration.
Correct Answer is. thrust K mass L acceleration.
Explanation. Newtons second -aw.
Question Number. ... "o maintain the selected $D of a gas turbine at altitude.
Option A. the pilot will ha(e to throttle bac5.
Option B. more fuel will automaticall! be added.
Option C. the fuel will automaticall! be reduced as the aircraft climbs.
Correct Answer is. the fuel will automaticall! be reduced as the aircraft climbs.
Explanation. ,n a h!dro mechanical engine the $1 capsule will sense increasing altitude and trim off
the fuel.
Question Number. .0. "he term $b means.
Option A. burner pressure measured at the diffuser case.
Option B. burner pressure measured at the NAM.
Option C. burner pressure measured at the combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. burner pressure measured at the combustion chamber.
Explanation. Burner pressure is the static pressure in the combustor can, used in some s!stems to
regulate fuel flow.
Question Number. .%. 1hich of the following is not an engine rating2.
Option A. Daximum Continuous.
Option B. ,dle.
Option C. Daximum "a5e Off.
Correct Answer is. ,dle.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .3. At higher then standard da! ambient temperatures, compressor speed will be.
Option A. lower than standard da! speed.
Option B. no different.
Option C. higher than standard da! speed.
Correct Answer is. higher than standard da! speed.
Explanation. "he air is thinner at higher temperatures, therefore the compressor has less load to wor5
against and goes faster. #et Engine Cig &/19 refers. Note that due to the max allowable EA" the engine
will reach a limiting 6corner/point thrust6 and fuel will be trimmed off to pre(ent an! o(er boost or o(er
Question Number. .9. am eco(er!6 is a measure of.
Option A. inta5e efficienc!.
Option B. net thrust.
Option C. forward air speed.
Correct Answer is. inta5e efficienc!.
Explanation. am eco(er! is the abilit! of an inta5e to con(ert 5inetic energ! into useful pressure
Question Number. .;. most li5el! parameter limiting the height at which a 'et engine powered aircraft
can operate would be insufficient.
Option A. lift to support the aircraft weight.
Option B. mass airflow to maintain 10+1 air)fuel ratio.
Option C. ox!gen to support combustion.
Correct Answer is. ox!gen to support combustion.
Explanation. "he engine will flame out with insufficient ox!gen.
Question Number. 0<. 1ith increasing ram effect.
Option A. turbine temperatures decreases.
Option B. propulsi(e efficienc! decreases.
Option C. propulsi(e efficienc! increases.
Correct Answer is. propulsi(e efficienc! increases.
Explanation. ,ncreasing am Effect increases the o(erall s!stem pressure ratio, hence increasing
propulsi(e efficienc!.
Question Number. 01. Cull re(erse power is approximatel!.
Option A. ;0J of forward thrust.
Option B. 30J of forward thrust.
Option C. 0<J of forward thrust.
Correct Answer is. 0<J of forward thrust.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants page */0& refers.
Question Number. 0&. "he efficienc! of a gas turbine would be greatest at.
Option A. cold temperatures.
Option B. low pressure.
Option C. hot temperatures
Correct Answer is. cold temperatures
Explanation. Daximum thermal efficienc! is achie(ed at the tropopause due to that being the coldest
ambient temperature achie(able.
Question Number. 0*. ,n a gas turbine engine, turbine section.
Option A. temperature decreases along with pressure and (elocit!.
Option B. (elocit! decreases and pressure increases.
Option C. (elocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Correct Answer is. (elocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Explanation. $ressure and temperature alwa!s go down in the turbine as (elocit! goes up.
Question Number. 0*. ,n a gas turbine engine, turbine section.
Option A. temperature decreases along with pressure and (elocit!.
Option B. (elocit! decreases and pressure increases.
Option C. (elocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Correct Answer is. (elocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Explanation. $ressure and temperature alwa!s go down in the turbine as (elocit! goes up.
Question Number. 0.. As air densit! changes the $D of a gas turbine engine will change. Bow is $D 5ept
at a constant speed2.
Option A. ,t is not.
Option B. Automaticall! b! a simple engine de(ice.
Option C. Danuall! b! the pilot.
Correct Answer is. ,t is not.
Explanation. 1hilst maximum $D6s are limited b! (arious de(ices $D is free to wander with changing
densit!. eg As !ou climb higher minimum idle will increase.
Question Number. 00. 1ith fixed throttle and increasing altitude, the fan on a high b!/pass engine will.
Option A. decrease $D.
Option B. increase $D.
Option C. sta! the same $D.
Correct Answer is. increase $D.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 0%. "hrough turbine rotor blades, the pressure.
Option A. increases, temperature increases, (elocit! decreases.
Option B. decreases, temperature and (elocit! decreases.
Option C. remains constant, temperature increases.
Correct Answer is. decreases, temperature and (elocit! decreases.
Explanation. "he #et Engine >.th edition? fig &/0/1 page 10 >wor5ing c!cle and airflow?.
Question Number. 03. "emperature of the mass airflow through a Aas "urbine Engine.
Option A. increases from the inlet, through the compressor and the diffuser into the burner, and
decreases through the turbine into the exhaust.
Option B. increases from the inlet, through the compressor and remains constant through the diffuser and
increases at the burner, and decreases through the turbine into the exhaust.
Option C. remains constant at the inlet, increases from the compressor and the diffuser into the burner,
and decreases through the turbine into the exhaust.
Correct Answer is. increases from the inlet, through the compressor and the diffuser into the burner,
and decreases through.
Explanation. N,-.
15.# Engine Inlet.
Question Number. 1. ,f an electrical de/icing s!stem is operating, thrust will.
Option A. decrease.
Option B. remain constant.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. remain constant.
Explanation. Bot air anti icing will reduce thrust, not electrical.
Question Number. &. A bellmouth compressor inlet is used on.
Option A. helicopters.
Option B. supersonic aircraft.
Option C. aircraft with low ground clearance.
Correct Answer is. helicopters.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */0 refers.
Question Number. *. Electrical de/icing operates.
Option A. continuousl! and intermittentl!.
Option B. c!clicall! independent of ambient air temperature.
Option C. c!clicall! dependent on ambient air temperature.
Correct Answer is. continuousl! and intermittentl!.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 10< refers.
Question Number. .. "he inlet door on a (ariable geometr! inta5e is open at.
Option A. idle speed.
Option B. supersonic speeds.
Option C. subsonic speeds.
Correct Answer is. subsonic speeds.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine fig &*.; refers.
Question Number. 0. Anti/ice is recommended during.
Option A. OA" G1<FCentigrade and (isible moisture.
Option B. thunderstorms.
Option C. OA" below 1<FCentigrade .
Correct Answer is. OA" G1<FCentigrade and (isible moisture.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age ;/& efers.
Question Number. %. A pitot inta5e is di(ergent from front to rear because it.
Option A. reduces ram compression.
Option B. produces the maximum amount of ram compression.
Option C. speeds up the air before it hits the compressor face.
Correct Answer is. produces the maximum amount of ram compression.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 3. Anti icing of 'et engine air inlets is commonl! accomplished b!.
Option A. electrical heating elements located within the engine air inlet cowling.
Option B. electrical heating elements inside the inlet guide (anes.
Option C. engine bleed air ducted through the critical areas.
Correct Answer is. engine bleed air ducted through the critical areas.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 9. "he term 6am atio6 in regard to air inta5es is the relationship between.
Option A. ambient pressure and ambient temperature.
Option B. ambient temperature and compressor inlet temperature.
Option C. ambient pressure and compressor inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. ambient pressure and compressor inlet pressure.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. An increase in the am atio of an inta5e will.
Option A. ha(e no effect upon the temperature of the air.
Option B. increase the temperature of the air.
Option C. decrease the temperature of the air.
Correct Answer is. decrease the temperature of the air.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. As an aircraft approaches the transonic range, the aerod!namic efficienc! of a
$itot t!pe inta5e.
Option A. increases due to the ram effect.
Option B. decreases due to the shoc5 wa(e.
Option C. is not effected b! forward speed.
Correct Answer is. decreases due to the shoc5 wa(e.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. ,nlet guide (anes are anti/iced with.
Option A. rubber boots.
Option B. thermal blan5ets.
Option C. engine bleed air.
Correct Answer is. engine bleed air.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age ;/1 efers.
Question Number. 1&. ,nta5e air turbulence.
Option A. decreases the efficienc! of the compressor.
Option B. increases the efficienc! of the compressor.
Option C. has little effect on the efficienc! of the compressor.
Correct Answer is. decreases the efficienc! of the compressor.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */1 efers.
Question Number. 1*. 1hat will be the effect of operating the inta5e anti/icing s!stem of a gas turbine
Option A. A decrease in power.
Option B. ,ncreased power at altitude.
Option C. ,ncreased power for ta5e off.
Correct Answer is. A decrease in power.
Explanation. Bleeding off air from the compressor must reduce power.
Question Number. 1.. A $itot inta5e is di(ergent from front to rear because it.
Option A. produces the maximum amount of ram compression.
Option B. reduces ram compression and turbulence.
Option C. speeds up the air before it hits the compressor face.
Correct Answer is. produces the maximum amount of ram compression.
Explanation. olls o!ce #et Engine $age &.0 refers.
Question Number. 10. 1ith an electrical ice protection s!stem, the heating elements operate.
Option A. continuousl!.
Option B. part continuous / part intermittent.
Option C. intermittentl!.
Correct Answer is. part continuous / part intermittent.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 10< refers.
Question Number. 1%. "he purpose of a bellmouth compressor inlet is to.
Option A. pro(ide an increased ram air effect at low airspeeds.
Option B. maximi=e the aerod!namic efficienc! of the inlet.
Option C. pro(ide an increased pressure drop in the inlet.
Correct Answer is. maximi=e the aerod!namic efficienc! of the inlet.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 0/&<.
Question Number. 13. "he (ortex dissipators installed on some turbine/powered aircraft to pre(ent engine
CO@ utili=e.
Option A. (ariable geometr! inlet ducts.
Option B. (ariable inlet guide (anes >,AM? and)or (ariable first stage fan blades.
Option C. a stream of engine bleed air blown toward the ground ahead of the engine.
Correct Answer is. a stream of engine bleed air blown toward the ground ahead of the engine.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */1&.
Question Number. 19. Mariable amp ,nta5es restrict airflow b!.
Option A. di(erting the airflow around the inta5e.
Option B. reducing the area of the inta5e.
Option C. creating shoc5/wa(es in the inta5e.
Correct Answer is. creating shoc5/wa(es in the inta5e.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age */0.
Question Number. 1;. "he inlet door of a (ariable geometr! inta5e at supersonic speeds will be.
Option A. closed.
Option B. open.
Option C. mid/$osition.
Correct Answer is. closed.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page */0 refers.
Question Number. &<. 1hen operating an engine in icing conditions, care should be ta5en when the.
Option A. temperature is below G1<FCentigrade with (isible moisture.
Option B. temperature is below 1<FCentigrade.
Option C. temperature is below <FCentigrade.
Correct Answer is. temperature is below G1<FCentigrade with (isible moisture.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page ;/1 refers.
Question Number. &1. Anti/icing for a turboprop is achie(ed b!.
Option A. bleed air suppl! from compressor.
Option B. electric bonded heater mats.
Option C. hot oil suppl! from lubrication s!stem.
Correct Answer is. electric bonded heater mats.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $owerplant $age ;/1. and $age 1*< Cig.1*/. refers.
Question Number. &&. A di(ergent inta5e is.
Option A. di(ergent from front to rear.
Option B. con(ergent)di(ergent from front to rear.
Option C. di(ergent)con(ergent from front to rear.
Correct Answer is. di(ergent from front to rear.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $owerplant $age */& refers.
Question Number. &*. 1hat purpose does the nose cone ser(e on the>N1? fan on a high b!pass engine2.
Option A. 8treamlined fairing.
Option B. educe and straighten an! turbulent air.
Option C. Assist in diffusing airflow.
Correct Answer is. 8treamlined fairing.
Explanation. "he nose cone is fitted to the N1 fan disc streamlining the airflow into the fan.
Question Number. &.. A (ariable geometr! inta5e at subsonic speeds.
Option A. 'et pipe area is increased.
Option B. throat area is decreased.
Option C. throat area is increased.
Correct Answer is. throat area is increased.
Explanation. "he inlet is onl! reduced at mach 1.< or abo(e.
Question Number. &0. Electrical anti/ice.
Option A. heats oil which is distributed around engine.
Option B. heats elements, placed under mats around engine.
Option C. heats air which is distributed around engine.
Correct Answer is. heats elements, placed under mats around engine.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 10< refers.
Question Number. &%. "he c!cling speed of the electrical de/icing mat.
Option A. comes in . speeds.
Option B. is not affected b! weather conditions.
Option C. is affected b! weather conditions.
Correct Answer is. is affected b! weather conditions.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age ;/. refers.
Question Number. &3. "he (ariable inlet guide (anes are operated.
Option A. b! fuel pressure.
Option B. electricall! from coc5pit.
Option C. using N1 fan speed.
Correct Answer is. b! fuel pressure.
Explanation. ,AM6s ha(e traditionall! been electricall! controlled and fuel operated, within an ,AM
Question Number. &9. "he inta5e of a gas turbine engine is designed to.
Option A. protect compressor from CO@ .
Option B. pro(ide turbulent free air.
Option C. pro(ide streamlined fairing for aircraft.
Correct Answer is. pro(ide turbulent free air.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age &.0 refers.
Question Number. &;. "he (elocit! of air on entr! to compressor inlet on an aircraft fl!ing supersonic
speed would be controlled at.
Option A. Dach &.&.
Option B. Dach 1.
Option C. Dach <...
Correct Answer is. Dach <...
Explanation. "he (ariable ramp causes a normal shoc5 wa(e to form in the inta5e thus Dach 1 is the
maximum speed through itN howe(er it is further slowed b! diffusion in the di(ergent portion of the inta5e
duct. #eppesen aGp "echnician $owerplant "extboo5 page 0/19.
Question Number. *<. ,f an inlet is cho5ed then the (elocit!.
Option A. increases and pressure decreases.
Option B. increases and pressure increases.
Option C. decreases and pressure increases.
Correct Answer is. decreases and pressure increases.
Explanation. A cho5ed no==le will occur as the air reaches Dach 1N hence it is forming a shoc5/wa(e in
the inta5e.
Question Number. *1. ,n an aircraft fl!ing at supersonic speed, to reduce the air (elocit! at the
compressor, the (ariable inta5e.
Option A. exhaust 'et cone area increased.
Option B. throat area is decreased.
Option C. throat area is increased.
Correct Answer is. throat area is decreased.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age &.3 refers.
Question Number. *&. A well designed inta5e will ta5e ad(antage of forward speed b!.
Option A. con(erting 5inetic energ! into pressure energ!.
Option B. con(erting (elocit! energ! into 5inetic energ!.
Option C. con(erting pressure energ! of the air into 5inetic energ!.
Correct Answer is. con(erting 5inetic energ! into pressure energ!.
Explanation. "his is 5nown as am effect.
Question Number. **. ,n subsonic multi/engine aircraft, a normal inlet duct will.
Option A. decrease and then increase in si=e, front to rear, along length of the duct.
Option B. increase in si=e, front to rear, along length of the duct.
Option C. increase and then decrease in si=e, front to rear, along length of the duct.
Correct Answer is. increase in si=e, front to rear, along length of the duct.
Explanation. $age */& #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants refers.
Question Number. *.. 1hat t!pe of inta5e is one that decreases graduall! in area and then increases2.
Option A. Con(ergent.
Option B. Con(ergent ) @i(ergent.
Option C. @i(ergent.
Correct Answer is. Con(ergent ) @i(ergent.
Explanation. "he fixed plug supersonic inta5e is a con)di shaped inta5e.
Question Number. *0. ,n an electrical de/icing s!stem, the main elements will be on.
Option A. intermittentl!, 9 times a minute, dependant on OA" .
Option B. intermittentl!, . times a minute, dependant on OA" .
Option C. continuousl! and intermittentl!.
Correct Answer is. continuousl! and intermittentl!.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 10< refers.
Question Number. *%. ,nta5es are designed to.
Option A. decrease the inta5e air pressure.
Option B. decelerate the free air stream flow.
Option C. accelerate the free air stream flow.
Correct Answer is. decelerate the free air stream flow.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page */& refers.
Question Number. *3. "he air inta5e for a gas turbine powered subsonic aircraft would be of.
Option A. con(ergent form.
Option B. di(ergent form.
Option C. con(ergent)di(ergent form.
Correct Answer is. di(ergent form.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft gas turbine $owerplant page */& refers.
Question Number. *9. turboprop engine inlet anti/ice s!stem operates.
Option A. continuousl!.
Option B. c!clicall! dependant on weather conditions.
Option C. c!clicall! independent on weather conditions.
Correct Answer is. continuousl!.
Explanation. 1hilst the blades ma! be intermittent the inta5e mat is on continuousl!.
Question Number. *;. 1hat is true for a bellmouth inta5e2.
Option A. $ressure increases and (elocit! decreases.
Option B. Melocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Option C. $ressure and (elocit! decrease.
Correct Answer is. Melocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Explanation. A bellmouth inta5e is onl! used on helicopters or static test beds to impro(e aerod!namic
efficienc!. ,t is a con(ergent duct therefore pressure decreases and (elocit! increases.
Question Number. .<. 1hat is the s!stem that brea5s up ice formations on a turboprop engine nose cowl
Option A. Nose cowl heating.
Option B. @e/icing.
Option C. Anti/icing.
Correct Answer is. @e/icing.
Explanation. 1hilst the nose cowl is heated >b! air or oil? the 7uestion is about remo(ing ice after
it has formed so deicing is correct.
Question Number. .1. ,n a (ariable geometr! inta5e, the (elocit! of the air on the engine compressor
face is controlled b!.
Option A. ramp and spill doors.
Option B. inta5e augmentation doors.
Option C. shoc5/wa(e pattern, ramp and spill doors.
Correct Answer is. shoc5/wa(e pattern, ramp and spill doors.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page &.3 para 1& fig &*/;.
15.$ Engine %om&essos.
Question Number. 1. A b!pass engine -$ compressor.
Option A. supplies less air than is re7uired for combusti10.. Compressors
Option B. supplies more air than is re7uired for combustion.
Option C. supplies onl! the re7uired 7uantit! for combustion.
Correct Answer is. supplies more air than is re7uired for combustion.
Explanation. B! definition the b!pass duct sends air around the combustion chamber.
Question Number. &. Bow does a dual axial flow compressor impro(e the efficienc! of a turbo'et engine2.
Option A. "he (elocit! of the air entering the combustion chamber is increased.
Option B. Dore turbine wheels can be used.
Option C. Bigher compression ratios can be obtained.
Correct Answer is. Bigher compression ratios can be obtained.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */1*.
Question Number. *. ,n a re(erse flow s!stem, the last stage of an axial flow compressor is often
centrifugal. "his is to.
Option A. pro(ide initial turning of the airflow.
Option B. pre(ent compressor surge.
Option C. increase the temperature rise.
Correct Answer is. pro(ide initial turning of the airflow.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age 0 refers.
Question Number. .. 1hat are the two main functional components in a centrifugal compressor2.
Option A. Buc5et and expander.
Option B. ,mpeller and diffuser.
Option C. "urbine and compressor.
Correct Answer is. ,mpeller and diffuser.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */1*.
Question Number. 0. A b!pass ratio of 0+1 indicates that the b!pass flow is.
Option A. e7ual to 1)0 of the hot stream.
Option B. fi(e times the hot stream.
Option C. fi(e times the cold stream.
Correct Answer is. fi(e times the hot stream.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1%)13 refers.
Question Number. %. "he stator (anes in an axial/flow compressor.
Option A. direct air into the first stage rotor (anes at the proper angle.
Option B. con(ert (elocit! energ! into pressure energ!.
Option C. con(ert pressure energ! onto (elocit! energ!.
Correct Answer is. con(ert (elocit! energ! into pressure energ!.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page &0 refers.
Question Number. 3. 1hat units in a gas turbine engine aid in stabilisation of the compressor during
low thrust engine operations2.
Option A. Bleed air (al(es.
Option B. 8tator (anes.
Option C. ,nlet guide (anes.
Correct Answer is. Bleed air (al(es.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *1 refers.
Question Number. 9. 1hat purpose do the diffuser (anes of a centrifugal compressor ser(e2.
Option A. "o con(ert pressure energ! into 5inetic energ!.
Option B. "o increase the air (elocit!.
Option C. "o con(ert 5inetic energ! into pressure energ!.
Correct Answer is. "o con(ert 5inetic energ! into pressure energ!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. @uring the high $D range on an axial flow gas turbine engine, in what position are
the (ariable inta5e guide (anes and bleed (al(es2.
Option A. At maximum swirl position, bleed (al(es open.
Option B. At minimum swirl position, bleed (al(es closed.
Option C. At maximum swirl position, bleed (al(es closed.
Correct Answer is. At minimum swirl position, bleed (al(es closed.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page &;/*1 refers.
Question Number. 1<. 1hat is the purpose of the diffuser section in a turbine engine2.
Option A. "o con(ert pressure to (elocit!.
Option B. "o reduce pressure and increase (elocit!.
Option C. "o increase pressure and reduce (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. "o increase pressure and reduce (elocit!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&<.
Question Number. 11. "he fan speed of a twin spool axial compressor engine is the same as the.
Option A. low pressure compressor.
Option B. forward turbine wheel.
Option C. high pressure compressor.
Correct Answer is. low pressure compressor.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */19.
Question Number. 1&. Bleed (al(es are normall! spring loaded to the.
Option A. closed position.
Option B. open position.
Option C. mid/position.
Correct Answer is. open position.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age *1 refers.
Question Number. 1*. 1hat is the function of the stator (ane assembl! at the discharge end of a t!pical
axial flow compressor2.
Option A. "o increase air swirling motion into the combustion chambers.
Option B. "o direct the flow of gases into the combustion chambers.
Option C. "o straighten airflow to eliminate turbulence.
Correct Answer is. "o straighten airflow to eliminate turbulence.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */13.
Question Number. 1.. ,n a turbine engine with a dual spool compressor, the low speed compressor.
Option A. alwa!s turns at the same speed as the high speed compressor.
Option B. see5s its own best operating speed.
Option C. is connected directl! to the high speed compressor.
Correct Answer is. see5s its own best operating speed.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. 1hat units in a gas turbine engine aid in guiding the airflow during low thrust
engine operations2.
Option A. 8tator (anes.
Option B. Bleed air (al(es.
Option C. ,nlet guide (anes.
Correct Answer is. ,nlet guide (anes.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. 1hat is one purpose of the stator blades in the compressor section2.
Option A. ,ncrease the (elocit! of the airflow.
Option B. 8tabili=e the pressure of the airflow.
Option C. Control the direction of the airflow.
Correct Answer is. Control the direction of the airflow.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */13.
Question Number. 13. Compressor stall is caused b!.
Option A. a low angle of attac5 airflow through the first stages of compression.
Option B. rapid engine deceleration.
Option C. a high angle of attac5 airflow through the first stages of compression.
Correct Answer is. a high angle of attac5 airflow through the first stages of compression.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 19. 1hat is used to aid in stabili=ation of compressor airflow2.
Option A. Mariable guide (anes and)or compressor bleed (al(es.
Option B. $ressuri=ation and dump (al(es.
Option C. 8tator (anes and rotor (anes.
Correct Answer is. Mariable guide (anes and)or compressor bleed (al(es.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1;. 1hat is the primar! factor which controls the pressure ratio of an axial flow
Option A. Compressor inlet temperature.
Option B. Compressor inlet pressure.
Option C. Number of stages in compressor.
Correct Answer is. Number of stages in compressor.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &<. "he non/rotating axial/flow compressor airfoils in an aircraft gas turbine are
5nown as.
Option A. stator (anes.
Option B. bleed (anes.
Option C. pressuri=ation (anes.
Correct Answer is. stator (anes.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &1. "he purpose of a bleed (al(e, located in the beginning stages of the compressor is
Option A. (ent some of the air o(erboard to pre(ent a compressor stall.
Option B. control excessi(el! high $D to pre(ent a compressor stall.
Option C. (ent high ram air pressure o(erboard to pre(ent a compressor stall.
Correct Answer is. (ent some of the air o(erboard to pre(ent a compressor stall.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &&. @uring the low $D range on an axial flow gas turbine engine, in what position are
the (ariable inta5e guide (anes and bleed (al(es2.
Option A. At maximum swirl position, bleed (al(es open.
Option B. At maximum swirl position, bleed (al(es closed.
Option C. At minimum swirl position, bleed (al(es closed.
Correct Answer is. At maximum swirl position, bleed (al(es open.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. "he energ! changes that ta5e place in the impeller of a centrifugal compressor are.
Option A. pressure decrease, (elocit! decrease, temperature increase.
Option B. pressure increase, (elocit! decrease, temperature increase.
Option C. pressure increase, (elocit! increase, temperature increase.
Correct Answer is. pressure increase, (elocit! increase, temperature increase.
Explanation. rolls ro!ce boo5 page &1.
Question Number. &.. 1hat is the primar! ad(antage of an axial flow compressor o(er a centrifugal
Option A. Bigh frontal area.
Option B. Areater pressure ratio.
Option C. -ess expensi(e.
Correct Answer is. Areater pressure ratio.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &0. Compression occurs.
Option A. across stators and rotors.
Option B. across rotors.
Option C. across stators.
Correct Answer is. across stators and rotors.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */&. refers.
Question Number. &%. 1hich of the following can cause fan blade shingling in a turbofan engine2.
Option A. -arge, rapid throttle mo(ements and CO@.
Option B. Engine o(er temperature, large, rapid throttle mo(ements and CO@.
Option C. Engine o(erspeed and large, rapid throttle mo(ements.
Correct Answer is. -arge, rapid throttle mo(ements and CO@.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &3. 8e(ere rubbing of turbine engine compressor blades will usuall! cause.
Option A. crac5ing.
Option B. bowing.
Option C. galling.
Correct Answer is. galling.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&0.
Question Number. &9. 1hich two elements ma5e up the axial flow compressor assembl!2.
Option A. otor and stator.
Option B. 8tator and diffuser.
Option C. Compressor and manifold.
Correct Answer is. otor and stator.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &;. ,f the $D of an axial flow compressor remains constant, the angle of attac5 of the
rotor blades can be changed b!.
Option A. changing the compressor diameter.
Option B. changing the (elocit! of the airflow.
Option C. increasing the pressure ratio.
Correct Answer is. changing the (elocit! of the airflow.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *<. "he gas turbine Compressor $ressure atio is.
Option A. Compressor inlet pressure di(ided b! Compressor discharge pressure.
Option B. Dass of air b!passing the combustion s!stem di(ided b! Dass of air going through the combustion
Option C. Compressor discharge pressure di(ided b! Compressor inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. Compressor discharge pressure di(ided b! Compressor inlet pressure.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *1. An ad(antage of the centrifugal flow compressor is its high.
Option A. ram efficienc!.
Option B. pressure rise per stage.
Option C. pea5 efficienc!.
Correct Answer is. pea5 efficienc!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *&. "he compression ratio of an axial flow compressor is a function of the.
Option A. number of compressor stages.
Option B. air inlet (elocit!.
Option C. rotor diameter.
Correct Answer is. number of compressor stages.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. **. #et engine turbine blades remo(ed for detailed inspection must be reinstalled in.
Option A. the same slot.
Option B. a specified slot 19<Fawa!.
Option C. a specified slot ;<Fawa! in the direction of rotation.
Correct Answer is. the same slot.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&0.
Question Number. *.. "he procedure for remo(ing the accumulation of dirt deposits on compressor blades
is called.
Option A. the purging process.
Option B. the soa5 method.
Option C. field cleaning.
Correct Answer is. field cleaning.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *0. "he two t!pes of centrifugal compressor impellers are.
Option A. impeller and diffuser.
Option B. single entr! and double entr!.
Option C. rotor and stator.
Correct Answer is. single entr! and double entr!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *%. Between each row of rotating blades in a compressor, there is a row of stationar!
blades which act to diffuse the air. "hese stationar! blades are called.
Option A. stators.
Option B. rotors.
Option C. buc5ets.
Correct Answer is. stators.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *3. Bleed (al(es are.
Option A. closed at low $D.
Option B. alwa!s slightl! open.
Option C. closed at high $D.
Correct Answer is. closed at high $D.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 9/3 efers.
Question Number. *9. Compressor field cleaning on turbine engines is performed primaril! in order to.
Option A. pre(ent engine oil contamination and subse7uent engine bearing wear or damage.
Option B. pre(ent engine performance degradation, increased fuel costs, and damage or corrosion to gas
path surfaces.
Option C. facilitate flight line inspection of engine inlet and compressor areas for defects or CO@.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent engine performance degradation, increased fuel costs, and damage or
corrosion to gas path surfaces.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *;. ,f the -$ compressor shaft se(ered.
Option A. the -$ turbine will speed up and the -$ compressor will slow down.
Option B. the -$ compressor of cruise thrust.
Option C. the B$ compressor will slow down.
Correct Answer is. the -$ turbine will speed up and the -$ compressor will slow down.
Explanation. "he -$ "urbine is attached to the -$ compressor.
Question Number. .<. An ad(antage of a centrifugal compressor is.
Option A. it is d!namicall! balanced.
Option B. it is unaffected b! turbulence.
Option C. it is robust and can stand some shoc5 from icing/up.
Correct Answer is. it is robust and can stand some shoc5 from icing/up.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1; efers.
Question Number. .1. Mariable inlet guide (anes pre(ent.
Option A. compressor runawa!.
Option B. engine flame out at high speed.
Option C. compressor stalling.
Correct Answer is. compressor stalling.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 9/1 efers.
Question Number. .&. An axial flow compressor surges when.
Option A. later stages are stalled.
Option B. all stages are stalled.
Option C. earl! stages are stalled.
Correct Answer is. all stages are stalled.
Explanation. "he definition of a surge is when all stages are stalled and flow re(ersal occurs.
Question Number. .*. As a conse7uence of tapping air from the compressor, the "A" will.
Option A. fall.
Option B. remain constant.
Option C. rise.
Correct Answer is. rise.
Explanation. 1hen a bleed (al(e opens it is alwa!s accompanied b! a rise in "A" of 10/*< degrees.
Question Number. ... Compressor air bleeds promote the flow of air through the earl! stages b!.
Option A. opening to allow air in.
Option B. closing.
Option C. opening to allow air out.
Correct Answer is. opening to allow air out.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 9/3 refers.
Question Number. .0. .Compressor blades ha(e a reduced angle of attac5 at the tips.
Option A. to pre(ent turbine stall.
Option B. to increase the (elocit!.
Option C. to allow uniform axial (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. to allow uniform axial (elocit!.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */1% refers.
Question Number. .%. Compressor surge is caused b!.
Option A. o(er fuelling.
Option B. rapid closing of the throttle.
Option C. prolonged engine running at high $D.
Correct Answer is. o(er fuelling.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&% refers to fuel s!stem malfunction / o(er
Question Number. .3. $ressure rise across a single spool axial flow compressor is in the order of.
Option A. four to one.
Option B. two to one.
Option C. up to fifteen to one.
Correct Answer is. up to fifteen to one.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 10 refers.
Question Number. .9. 1hat purpose do the diffuser (anes of a centrifugal compressor ser(e2.
Option A. "o con(ert pressure energ! into 5inetic energ!.
Option B. "o increase the air (elocit!.
Option C. "o con(ert 5inetic energ! into pressure energ!.
Correct Answer is. "o con(ert 5inetic energ! into pressure energ!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .;. "he purpose of the rotating guide (anes on a centrifugal compressor is to.
Option A. direct the air smoothl! into the impeller.
Option B. pro(ide initial diffusing of the air.
Option C. pre(ent damage b! solid ob'ects.
Correct Answer is. pro(ide initial diffusing of the air.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page &1 refers.
Question Number. 0<. 1hat is the surge margin of an axial flow compressor2.
Option A. "he margin between the compressor wor5ing line and the surge line.
Option B. "he margin between minimum and maximum pressure ratio obtained at constant $D.
Option C. "he margin between the stall condition and the surge condition.
Correct Answer is. "he margin between the compressor wor5ing line and the surge line.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine figure */1. refers. >8ee the 6safet! margin6?.
Question Number. 01. "he compression ratio of a 'et engine is.
Option A. the compressor outlet pressure di(ided b! the number of compressor stages.
Option B. the ratio between turbine pressure and compressor outlet pressure.
Option C. the ratio between compressor outlet pressure and compressor inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. the ratio between compressor outlet pressure and compressor inlet pressure.
Explanation. "he higher the ratio the more efficient the engine.
Question Number. 0&. Mariable inlet guide (anes help to pre(ent.
Option A. compressor runawa!.
Option B. ice build up on compressor blades.
Option C. compressor stalling.
Correct Answer is. compressor stalling.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page &9 refers.
Question Number. 0*. Air through the compressor, before entering the combustion chamber, passes.
Option A. through di(ergent passage to increase the pressure.
Option B. through no==les to increase the (elocit!.
Option C. through di(ergent passage to decrease the pressure.
Correct Answer is. through di(ergent passage to increase the pressure.
Explanation. All compressor blades and stators are di(ergent, and all increase pressure.
Question Number. 0.. -ow mass airflow through a compressor will produce.
Option A. stalling of rear stages.
Option B. stalling of earl! stages.
Option C. no effect.
Correct Answer is. stalling of earl! stages.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&0 refers.
Question Number. 00. A bleed (al(e.
Option A. relie(es compressor cho5ing at low $D.
Option B. controls air inta5e pressure.
Option C. bleeds air from compressor for inta5e deicing.
Correct Answer is. relie(es compressor cho5ing at low $D.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age &; refers.
Question Number. 0%. ,f a compressor has a compression ratio of ;+1 and an inta5e compression of &+1,
what is the o(erall compression ratio2.
Option A. ;+1 inta5e compression does not add to the o(erall compression ratio of the s!stem.
Option B. 19+1.
Option C. 11+1.
Correct Answer is. 19+1.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&< refers.
Question Number. 03. A compressor stage stalls when.
Option A. adiabatic temperature rise is too high.
Option B. compression ratio is too high.
Option C. smooth airflow is disrupted.
Correct Answer is. smooth airflow is disrupted.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&0 refers.
Question Number. 09. ,nlet guide (anes are fitted to.
Option A. control the 7uantit! of air entering the inta5e.
Option B. guide the airflow onto the turbine rotor first stage.
Option C. control the angle of airflow into the compressor.
Correct Answer is. control the angle of airflow into the compressor.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&. refers.
Question Number. 0;. 1h!, in an axial flow compressor is the cross sectional area of the compressor air
duct reduced at each stage2.
Option A. "o decrease the (elocit! of the air rising under pressure.
Option B. "o maintain the (elocit! of the air under rising pressure.
Option C. "o permit stronger, shorter blades to be used in the later stages.
Correct Answer is. "o maintain the (elocit! of the air under rising pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */&. refers.
Question Number. %<. An abradable lining around the fan is to.
Option A. pro(ide less lea5age for anti/icing.
Option B. pre(ent fan blade tip rub.
Option C. strengthen the E$ (alue.
Correct Answer is. strengthen the E$ (alue.
Explanation. $re(ents fan blade tip losses.
Question Number. %1. Allowable damage on the first stage compressor blade is restricted to.
Option A. middle third of the blade to the outer edge.
Option B. outer third of the blade to the outer edge.
Option C. root end of the blade.
Correct Answer is. middle third of the blade to the outer edge.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 0/&< refers.
Question Number. %&. "ip speed of a centrifugal compressor can reach.
Option A. Dach 1.*.
Option B. Dach 1.<.
Option C. Dach <.9.
Correct Answer is. Dach 1.*.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas turbine $owerplant $age */11.
Question Number. %*. 1hat is the profile of a compressor blade2.
Option A. A cutout that reduces blade tip thic5ness.
Option B. "he leading edge of the blade.
Option C. "he cur(ature of the blade root.
Correct Answer is. A cutout that reduces blade tip thic5ness.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */1%.
Question Number. %.. "he resultant (elocit! of air exiting an axial compressor stage depends upon.
Option A. aircraft forward speed.
Option B. compressor $D.
Option C. Both of the abo(e.
Correct Answer is. Both of the abo(e.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age */&* efers.
Question Number. %0. 1hat is a compressor stage2.
Option A. One compressor rotor and one no==le guide (ane.
Option B. One rotor plus one stator.
Option C. One No==le Auide Mane and one rotor.
Correct Answer is. One rotor plus one stator.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age &0 refers.
Question Number. %%. ,f the b!pass ratio is <.3+1, the <.3 pounds of air is.
Option A. fed into B.$ compressor compared to 1 pound fed around it.
Option B. fed around the engine to 1 pound fed into B.$. compressor.
Option C. b!passed for e(er! 1 pound at the inta5e.
Correct Answer is. fed around the engine to 1 pound fed into B.$. compressor.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age &/; refers.
Question Number. %3. Ad(antage of an axial flow o(er a centrifugal flow gas turbine engine.
Option A. power re7uired for starting is less.
Option B. low weight.
Option C. high pea5 efficiencies.
Correct Answer is. high pea5 efficiencies.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine page &1 shows how higher compression ratios >axial flow
compressors? gi(e lower 8CC. 1hich means higher efficienc!.
Question Number. %9. Compressor blades reduce in length.
Option A. from tip to root to maintain uniform (elocit! in compressor.
Option B. from -.$ to B.$ section to maintain uniform (elocit! in compressor.
Option C. from root to tip to maintain correct angle of attac5.
Correct Answer is. from -.$ to B.$ section to maintain uniform (elocit! in compressor.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age && refers.
Question Number. %;. @eposit build/up on compressor blades.
Option A. airflow is too fast for deposits to build up.
Option B. will not decrease efficienc! but ma! cause corrosion.
Option C. can decrease compressor efficienc! and cause corrosion.
Correct Answer is. can decrease compressor efficienc! and cause corrosion.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page 0/. refers.
Question Number. 3<. "he diffuser after the compressor, before the combustion chamber.
Option A. increases (elocit!, decreases pressure.
Option B. decreases (elocit!, pressure increases.
Option C. increases (elocit!, pressure remains constant.
Correct Answer is. decreases (elocit!, pressure increases.
Explanation. Assuming this refers to a centrifugal compressor see figure */% olls o!ce "he #et
Question Number. 31. ,n a compressor, diffusion action ta5es place across.
Option A. rotors.
Option B. rotors and stators.
Option C. stators.
Correct Answer is. rotors and stators.
Explanation. 8tators and rotors in compressors both form di(ergent ducts hence the! both diffuse.
Question Number. 3&. "he ring of fixed blades at the inta5e of an axial flow compressor are called.
Option A. inlet guide (anes.
Option B. first stage stator blades.
Option C. first stage diffuser blades.
Correct Answer is. inlet guide (anes.
Explanation. "he fixed ,AM6s precede the 1st stage rotor which is in front of the 1st stage stator.
Question Number. 3*. 1hat is the purpose of pressure balance seal2.
Option A. "o ensure the location bearing is ade7uatel! loaded throughout the engine thrust range.
Option B. "o ensure -$ compressor is staticall! balanced.
Option C. "o ensure B$ compressor is d!namicall! balanced.
Correct Answer is. "o ensure the location bearing is ade7uatel! loaded throughout the engine thrust
Explanation. $ressure balance seals oppose the tendenc! of compressors to mo(e forward.
Question Number. 3.. "he optimum air speed for entrance into the compressor is approximatel!.
Option A. same as aircraft speed.
Option B. Dach <...
Option C. Dach 1.
Correct Answer is. Dach <...
Explanation. @iffusion in the inta5e reduces the speed to 0<<ft)second >about mach <..?.
Question Number. 30. 1hat is the acceptable damage on stator blades that ha(e been blended2.
Option A. One third along from root to tip.
Option B. One third from tip to root.
Option C. One third chord wise.
Correct Answer is. One third from tip to root.
Explanation. "he root of the blade has tighter tolerance than the tip, and chord wise indentations are
also critical so our best guess is from tip to root
Question Number. 3%. 1ith regard to compressor blades, which of the following is true2 No damage is
permissible on.
Option A. a shroud fillet area.
Option B. the lip of a blade.
Option C. the last third of the outboard leading edge.
Correct Answer is. a shroud fillet area.
Explanation. 8hroud fillets are critical areas whereas the outer third of the blade is less so.
Enshrouded tips are also less critical than shroud fillets.
Question Number. 33. ,dentif! a function of the cascade (anes in a turbo'et engine compressor section.
Option A. "o remo(e air swirl before the combustion chamber.
Option B. "o direct the flow of air to stri5e the turbine blades at a desired angle.
Option C. "o decrease the (elocit! of air to the combustor.
Correct Answer is. "o remo(e air swirl before the combustion chamber.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants page */&* describe the axial flow compressor as
6containing sets of airfoils in cascade6. ,t further sa!s that the last stage of stationar! (anes, called
exit guide (anes turn the airflow bac5 to an axial direction on its wa! to the combustor.
Question Number. 39. "he pressure ratio can be influenced b!.
Option A. compressor inlet temperature.
Option B. number of stages in compressor.
Option C. compressor inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. number of stages in compressor.
Explanation. Compressors are rated b! their pressure ratio, the more stages the greater the pressure
Question Number. 3;. Air bleed (al(es are.
Option A. closed at low $D.
Option B. open at high $D.
Option C. open at low $D.
Correct Answer is. open at low $D.
Explanation. Air bleed (al(es reduce the pressure de(eloped in a compressor until the speed is
increased towards the blade design speed.
Question Number. 9<. "he compressor case annulus is.
Option A. con(ergent.
Option B. di(ergent.
Option C. parallel.
Correct Answer is. con(ergent.
Explanation. All axial flow compressor case annulus are con(ergent to maintain a constant axial
(elocit! through the compressor.
Question Number. 91. ,f the tip clearance in a centrifugal compressor is too small.
Option A. there would be pressure losses through lea5age.
Option B. there is danger of sei=ure.
Option C. aerod!namic buffeting would cause (ibration.
Correct Answer is. aerod!namic buffeting would cause (ibration.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page && para 1& refers to too small a clearance setting up
aerod!namic buffet.
Question Number. 9&. A 1st stage -$ compressor blade is able to continue in ser(ice if the damage is
within limits, and within the.
Option A. middle third of blade chord/wise.
Option B. outer third onl!.
Option C. root section onl!.
Correct Answer is. outer third onl!.
Explanation. epairs across the chord or at the root are normall! prohibited, outer third is the onl!
safe answer.
Question Number. 9*. 1hat is meant b! a compressor stage2.
Option A. One rotor and one stator assembl!.
Option B. All rotors and stators.
Option C. One rotor and one guide (ane assembl!.
Correct Answer is. One rotor and one stator assembl!.
Explanation. $ara 1* page && of olls o!ce the #et Engine refers.
Question Number. 9.. 1hat is the normal pressure rise across each compressor stage of an axial flow
Option A. 1.0+1.
Option B. 1.&+1.
Option C. 0+1.
Correct Answer is. 1.&+1.
Explanation. $ara &< page &0 of olls o!ce the #et Engine refers.
Question Number. 90. 1here does compression ta5e place as air passes through an axial flow compressor2.
Option A. otor blades.
Option B. 8tator Blades.
Option C. otor and 8tator blades.
Correct Answer is. otor and 8tator blades.
Explanation. Compression occurs through all stages figure *.; page &0 of olls o!ce the #et Engine
Question Number. 9%. No==le Auide Mane bow is an indication of.
Option A. engine o(erspeed.
Option B. engine o(erheat.
Option C. engine shoc5 loading.
Correct Answer is. engine o(erheat.
Explanation. Earl! turbines, both blades and NAM were susceptible to 6creep6 // prolonged exposure to
excessi(e heat.
Question Number. 93. A build up of foreign ob'ects and dirt on compressor blades.
Option A. has a large effect on compressor efficienc! and ma! cause corrosion.
Option B. has no effect on the efficienc! of the compressor but ma! cause corrosion.
Option C. has no effect on compressor efficienc! due to the speed of rotation.
Correct Answer is. has a large effect on compressor efficienc! and ma! cause corrosion.
Explanation. Compressor washes are used to reduce this problem.
Question Number. 99. 1hat is the purpose of the stator (anes in the compressor section of a gas turbine
Option A. ,ncrease the (elocit! of the airflow.
Option B. Control direction of the airflow.
Option C. $re(ent compressor surge.
Correct Answer is. Control direction of the airflow.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page && para 1*.
Question Number. 9;. ,n a twin spool compressor, the -$ section runs at.
Option A. a lower $D than the B$ spool.
Option B. a higher $D than the B$ spool.
Option C. the same $D than the B$ spool.
Correct Answer is. a lower $D than the B$ spool.
Explanation. N,-.
15.5 %om'ustion Se"tion.
Question Number. 1. ,n a turbo'et engine, combustion occurs at.
Option A. constant (elocit!.
Option B. constant (olume.
Option C. constant pressure.
Correct Answer is. constant pressure.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants page &/19 refers.
Question Number. &. A tubo/annular gas turbine combustion s!stemconsists of.
Option A. a number of flame tubes in an annular air casing.
Option B. a number of flame tubes each with its own air casing.
Option C. an annular flame tube in an annular air casing.
Correct Answer is. a number of flame tubes in an annular air casing.
Explanation. olls o!ce boo5 page .< para 19.
Question Number. *. ,n which t!pe of turbine engine combustion chamber is the case and liner remo(ed
and installed as one unit during routine maintenance2.
Option A. Cannular.
Option B. Annular.
Option C. Can.
Correct Answer is. Can.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&*.
Question Number. .. ,n a turboprop engine, combustion ta5es place at constant.
Option A. pressure.
Option B. densit!.
Option C. (olume.
Correct Answer is. pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&;.
Question Number. 0. "he air passing through the combustion chamber is.
Option A. entirel! combined with fuel and burned.
Option B. used to support combustion and to cool the engine.
Option C. speeded up and heated b! the action of the turbines.
Correct Answer is. used to support combustion and to cool the engine.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. "he air used for combustion is.
Option A. $rimar! and secondar!.
Option B. $rimar!.
Option C. 8econdar!.
Correct Answer is. $rimar!.
Explanation. Air through the core engine is defined as primar! air.
Question Number. 3. Combustion chamber flame temperature is in the order of.
Option A. &<<<FCentigrade.
Option B. &<<<FCahrenheit.
Option C. &<<<F:.
Correct Answer is. &<<<FCentigrade.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 9. Bot spots in the combustion section of a turbo'et engine are possible.
Option A. dirt! compressor blades.
Option B. malfunctioning fuel no==les.
Option C. fault! igniter plugs.
Correct Answer is. malfunctioning fuel no==les.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. Another name for a cannular combustion chamber is.
Option A. turbo/annular.
Option B. multiple can.
Option C. can/annular.
Correct Answer is. can/annular.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. Another name for a cannular combustion chamber is.
Option A. annular.
Option B. tubo/annular.
Option C. multiple can.
Correct Answer is. tubo/annular.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. "he approximate percentage of the mass airflow ta5en in b! the flame tube snout is.
Option A. 9&J.
Option B. 9J.
Option C. 19J.
Correct Answer is. 19J.
Explanation. olls o!ce boo5 page *% para %.
Question Number. 1&. 1hat component creates a (ortex in a gas turbine flame tube2.
Option A. "ertiar! hole.
Option B. 8wirl (anes.
Option C. Cascade (anes.
Correct Answer is. 8wirl (anes.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. ,n the combustion chamber.
Option A. static pressure and (olume remains constant.
Option B. static pressure decreases slightl! and (olume increases.
Option C. static pressure and (olume decreases.
Correct Answer is. static pressure decreases slightl! and (olume increases.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/19 refers.
Question Number. 1.. 1hich of the following t!pes of combustion sections are used in aircraft turbine
Option A. Annular, (ariable, and cascade (ane.
Option B. Dultiple can, annular, and can/annular.
Option C. Can, multiple can, and (ariable.
Correct Answer is. Dultiple can, annular, and can/annular.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. 8econdar! air in the combustion chamber is used for.
Option A. increasing axial (elocit! of gases.
Option B. combustion.
Option C. cooling.
Correct Answer is. cooling.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */*1 efers.
Question Number. 1%. @uplex burners ha(e.
Option A. two calibrated outlets.
Option B. (ariable orifices.
Option C. a spring.
Correct Answer is. two calibrated outlets.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 11% efers.
Question Number. 13. "he o(erall air)fuel ratio of a combustion chamber can (ar! between.
Option A. .0+1 and 1*<+1.
Option B. 1*<+1 and &<<+1.
Option C. 1<+1 and .0+1.
Correct Answer is. .0+1 and 1*<+1.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *% refers.
Question Number. 19. 1hen light/up ta5es place.
Option A. the no==le guide (anes spread the heat to ad'acent flame tubes.
Option B. interconnectors spread the heat to ad'acent flame tubes.
Option C. each flame tube is isolated from its neighbours.
Correct Answer is. interconnectors spread the heat to ad'acent flame tubes.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *; refers.
Question Number. 1;. 1h! do the holes in the bod! of the duple burner pro(ide air to the shroud around
the burner head2.
Option A. "o assist atomisation of the fuel at slow running.
Option B. "o reduce burner temperature.
Option C. "o minimise carbon formation on the burner face.
Correct Answer is. "o minimise carbon formation on the burner face.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine figure 1<.19 refers.
Question Number. &<. "he air passing through the combustion chamber of a 'et engine is.
Option A. entirel! combined with fuel and burned.
Option B. used to support combustion and to cool the engine.
Option C. speeded up and heated b! the action of the turbines.
Correct Answer is. used to support combustion and to cool the engine.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *3 refers.
Question Number. &1. A toroidal (ortex is.
Option A. a (apour trail (isible in moist air conditions.
Option B. a region in the combustion chamber of low (elocit! re/circulation.
Option C. a bull/nosed cowling for deflecting air from the static.
Correct Answer is. a region in the combustion chamber of low (elocit! re/circulation.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *% refers.
Question Number. &&. 1h! is it necessar! to ha(e a combustion drain s!stem2.
Option A. "o pre(ent pressure build up in the combustion chamber.
Option B. "o pre(ent initial o(er/fuelling on start up or hot start.
Option C. "o allow water in the combustor to drain awa!.
Correct Answer is. "o pre(ent initial o(er/fuelling on start up or hot start.
Explanation. Excess fuel is drained on shutdown to a(oid a subse7uent hot start.
Question Number. &*. 1hat is a cannular combustion s!stem2.
Option A. One common flame tube closed in a common air casing.
Option B. A set of flame tubes, each mounted in a separate air casing.
Option C. A set of flame tubes, enclosed in a common air casing.
Correct Answer is. A set of flame tubes, enclosed in a common air casing.
Explanation. Also 5nown as tubo/annular see olls o!ce "he #et Engine page .1.
Question Number. &.. "he flame temperature is approximatel!.
Option A. 1.<<FCentigrade.
Option B. &<<<FCentigrade.
Option C. 0<<FCentigrade.
Correct Answer is. &<<<FCentigrade.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *3 refers.
Question Number. &0. Cuel entering the combustion chamber from an atomi=er spra! no==le enters as.
Option A. fuel in air pulses.
Option B. a fuel)air mixture.
Option C. fuel continuousl!.
Correct Answer is. a fuel)air mixture.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 113 refers.
Question Number. &%. An ad(antage of an annular combustion s!stem is.
Option A. unrestricted airflow at maximum $D.
Option B. diameter of engine is reduced due to the cans being smaller.
Option C. decrease in combustor length compared to a tubo/annular combustor of the same output.
Correct Answer is. decrease in combustor length compared to a tubo/annular combustor of the same
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age .< refers.
Question Number. &3. Bow is the combustion chamber drain (al(e closed2.
Option A. B! 1&th stage compressor air pressure.
Option B. B! a return spring.
Option C. B! combustion chamber gas pressure.
Correct Answer is. B! combustion chamber gas pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 3/0; refers.
Question Number. &9. 1hich statement is true regarding the air passing through the combustion section of
a 'et engine2.
Option A. Dost is used for engine cooling.
Option B. Dost is used to support combustion.
Option C. A small percentage is fre7uentl! bled off at this point to be used for air/conditioning and)or
other pneumatic powered s!stems.
Correct Answer is. Dost is used for engine cooling.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &;. Bow are combustion liner walls cooled in a gas turbine engine2.
Option A. B! secondar! air flowing through the combustion chamber.
Option B. B! bleed air (ented from the engine air inlet.
Option C. B! the pattern of holes and lou(ers cut in the diffuser section.
Correct Answer is. B! secondar! air flowing through the combustion chamber.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *<. @ilution air is placed.
Option A. in the dilution =one of the combustion chamber after the primar! =one.
Option B. in the primar! =one of the combustion chamber.
Option C. in the swirl (anes of the combustor.
Correct Answer is. in the dilution =one of the combustion chamber after the primar! =one.
Explanation. "he air cools and adds to the mass flow.
Question Number. *1. A @uplex burner uses.
Option A. small burner at low $D and both burner at hi $D.
Option B. small burner at low $D and large burner at hi $D.
Option C. both burners at low and hi $D.
Correct Answer is. small burner at low $D and both burner at hi $D.
Explanation. #eppesen A and $ "echnician $owerplant "extboo5 3/%%.
Question Number. *&. "he approximate percentage of the mass airflow which b!passes the flame tube snout
Option A. 9J.
Option B. 9&J.
Option C. 19J.
Correct Answer is. 9&J.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *% shows &<J.
Question Number. **. Clame stabili=ation in a combustion chamber is achie(ed b!.
Option A. the correct burner pressure.
Option B. the airflow pattern.
Option C. the correct air)fuel ratio.
Correct Answer is. the airflow pattern.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *% refers.
Question Number. *.. Cuel no==les are cleaned.
Option A. with a rag and sol(ent.
Option B. in/situ with carbon solution.
Option C. in/situ with detergent solution.
Correct Answer is. in/situ with detergent solution.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants page 3/0. refers.
Question Number. *0. 1hen heat is added to the combustion chamber.
Option A. pressure increases rapidl! (olume remains constant.
Option B. pressure changes slightl! and (olume increases.
Option C. pressure rises at chamber outlet.
Correct Answer is. pressure changes slightl! and (olume.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1& figure &/& refers.
Question Number. *%. A shroud placed around fuel no==les.
Option A. fla5es the carbon to minimise accumulations.
Option B. pre(ents carbon build up.
Option C. builds up carbon deposits to assist atomisation.
Correct Answer is. pre(ents carbon build up.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas turbine $owerplants page 3/0. refers.
Question Number. *3. Carbon forming on fuel spra! no==les will ha(e the effect of.
Option A. increasing the combustion chamber pressure ratio.
Option B. producing turbulent air flow.
Option C. changing the fuel spra! angle.
Correct Answer is. changing the fuel spra! angle.
Explanation. Carbon on the fuel no==les will distort fuel spra! flow and direction. "his can cause hot
spots within the combustion chamber.
Question Number. *9. Combustor air that is not used to support combustion.
Option A. will film cool the liner and dilute combustion chamber exit temperature.
Option B. is b!/pass air.
Option C. is considered as the total air flow.
Correct Answer is. will film cool the liner and dilute combustion chamber exit temperature.
Explanation. "his air is 5nown as secondar! or tertiar! combustor air.
Question Number. *;. At high rotational speed at sea le(el, a duple burner would be passing fuel (ia the.
Option A. main no==le.
Option B. primar! no==le.
Option C. primar! and the main no==le.
Correct Answer is. primar! and the main no==le.
Explanation. "he duple no==le is also called the duplex no==le. the #et Engine page 11% refers.
Question Number. .<. "he fabricated liner of a flame tube is achie(ed mainl! b!.
Option A. argon arc process.
Option B. electric resistance welding.
Option C. ox!acet!lene welding.
Correct Answer is. argon arc process.
Explanation. an argon arc >".,.A? welding is used to repair combustion liners, it is assumed that this
is also the manufacturing process. can an!one confirm this with a reference.
Question Number. .1. 1h! is it necessar! to ha(e a combustion chamber drain2.
Option A. "o allow unburnt fuel to drain awa!.
Option B. "o pre(ent pressure build/up in the combustion chamber.
Option C. "o allow fuel to return to -$ when B.$ coc5 is closed.
Correct Answer is. "o allow unburnt fuel to drain awa!.
Explanation. "he residual fuel must be drained off to pre(ent subse7uent wet starts.
Question Number. .&. "he purpose of the swirl (anes in the combustion chamber is to produce.
Option A. flame re/circulation.
Option B. gas re/circulation.
Option C. ade7uate mixing of fuel and air.
Correct Answer is. gas re/circulation.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *% paragraph 3 refers to recirculating gases.
Question Number. .*. A (aporising burner in'ects fuel (apour.
Option A. with the airflow.
Option B. across the airflow.
Option C. against the airflow.
Correct Answer is. against the airflow.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants page 3/00 refers.
Question Number. ... A duplex burner in a gas turbine engine has & orifices.
Option A. one for water in'ection and one for fuel flow.
Option B. one for low speed conditions the second used for high speed conditions.
Option C. one for normal flow conditions and the &nd one to increase the normalmaximum flow.
Correct Answer is. one for low speed conditions the second used for high speed conditions.
Explanation. "his is a most right answer. $rimar! flow onl! normall! occurs onl! during start >low
Question Number. .0. A combustion chamber has a.
Option A. con(ergent inlet, di(ergent outlet.
Option B. con(ergent inlet, con(ergent outlet.
Option C. di(ergent inlet, con(ergent outlet.
Correct Answer is. di(ergent inlet, con(ergent outlet.
Explanation. olls o!ce / "he #et Engine >.th edition? figure ./1, ./*, ./0, ./;, pgs *% / .&.
15.( Tu'ine Se"tion.
Question Number. 1. "he three main t!pes of turbine blades are.
Option A. impulse, (ector, and impulse/(ector.
Option B. reaction, con(erging, and di(erging.
Option C. impulse, reaction, and impulse/reaction.
Correct Answer is. impulse, reaction, and impulse/reaction.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&3.
Question Number. &. 1hat are the two main basic components of the turbine section in a gas turbine
Option A. 8tator and rotor.
Option B. Bot and cold.
Option C. ,mpeller and diffuser.
Correct Answer is. 8tator and rotor.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&0.
Question Number. *. "urbine impulse blading forms a.
Option A. constant area duct.
Option B. di(ergent duct.
Option C. con(ergent duct.
Correct Answer is. constant area duct.
Explanation. olls o!ce / "he #et Engine >New? $age 1*0 diagram.
Question Number. .. "he turbine section.
Option A. increases air (elocit! to create thrust.
Option B. uses heat energ! to expand and accelerate the gas flow.
Option C. dri(es the compressor section.
Correct Answer is. dri(es the compressor section.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&0.
Question Number. 0. 1here do stress rupture crac5s usuall! appear on turbine blades2.
Option A. Across the blade root, parallel to the fir tree.
Option B. Across the leading or trailing edge at a right angle to the edge.
Option C. Along the leading edge, parallel to the edge.
Correct Answer is. Across the leading or trailing edge at a right angle to the edge.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&0.
Question Number. %. 1hat is meant b! a shrouded turbine2.
Option A. "he turbine blades are shaped so that their ends form a band or shroud.
Option B. "he turbine wheel has a shroud or duct which pro(ides cooling air to the turbine blades.
Option C. "he turbine wheel is enclosed b! a protecti(e shroud to contain the blades in case of failure.
Correct Answer is. "he turbine blades are shaped so that their ends form a band or shroud.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&9.
Question Number. 3. "urbine no==le diaphragms located on the upstream side of each turbine wheel, are
used to.
Option A. decrease the (elocit! of the heated gases flowing past this point.
Option B. direct the flow of gases parallel to the (ertical line of the turbine blades.
Option C. increase the (elocit! of the heated gases flowing past this point.
Correct Answer is. direct the flow of gases parallel to the (ertical line of the turbine blades.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&0.
Question Number. 9. educed blade (ibration and impro(ed airflow characteristics in turbines are
brought b!.
Option A. shrouded turbine rotor blades.
Option B. impulse t!pe blades.
Option C. fir tree blade attachment.
Correct Answer is. shrouded turbine rotor blades.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. 1hat term is used to describe a permanent and cumulati(e deformation of turbine
Option A. 8tretch.
Option B. Creep.
Option C. @istortion.
Correct Answer is. Creep.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. 1hat is the ma'or function of the turbine assembl! in a turbo'et engine2.
Option A. @irects the gases in the proper direction to the tailpipe.
Option B. 8upplies the power to turn the compressor.
Option C. ,ncreases the temperature of the exhaust gases.
Correct Answer is. 8upplies the power to turn the compressor.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. Aas pressure through the turbine section will generall!.
Option A. increase.
Option B. remain the same.
Option C. decrease.
Correct Answer is. decrease.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. A condition 5nown as 6hot strea5ing6 in turbine engines is caused b!
Option A. a partiall! clogged fuel no==le.
Option B. excessi(e fuel flow.
Option C. a misaligned combustion liner.
Correct Answer is. a partiall! clogged fuel no==le.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. "emperature through the turbine stages generall!.
Option A. remains the same.
Option B. decreases.
Option C. increases.
Correct Answer is. decreases.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1.. 8hrouded blades allow.
Option A. smaller inlets to be used.
Option B. higher turbine inlet temperatures.
Option C. thinner more efficient blade sections to be used.
Correct Answer is. thinner more efficient blade sections to be used.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */.& refers.
Question Number. 10. Continued and)or excessi(e heat and centrifugal force on turbine engine rotor
blades is li5el! to cause.
Option A. galling.
Option B. creep.
Option C. profile.
Correct Answer is. creep.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&&.
Question Number. 1%. N.A.M6s form.
Option A. con(ergent ducts.
Option B. parallel ducts.
Option C. di(ergent ducts.
Correct Answer is. con(ergent ducts.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */*9 refers.
Question Number. 13. @irt particles in the air going into the compressor of a turbine engine will form a
coating on all but which of the following2.
Option A. "urbine blades.
Option B. Casings.
Option C. ,nlet guide (anes.
Correct Answer is. "urbine blades.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 19. educed blade (ibration and impro(ed airflow characteristics in gas turbines are
brought about b!.
Option A. shrouded turbine rotor blades.
Option B. fir tree blade attachment.
Option C. impulse t!pe blades.
Correct Answer is. shrouded turbine rotor blades.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1;. A purpose of the shrouds on the turbine blades of an axial flow engine is to.
Option A. reduce air entrance.
Option B. increase tip speed.
Option C. reduce (ibration.
Correct Answer is. reduce (ibration.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &<. Bot section inspections for man! modern turbine engines are re7uired.
Option A. on a time or c!cle basis.
Option B. onl! when an o(er temperature or o(erspeed has occurred.
Option C. onl! at engine o(erhaul.
Correct Answer is. on a time or c!cle basis.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &1. 1h! do some turbine engines ha(e more than one turbine wheel attached to a single
Option A. "o facilitate balancing of the turbine assembl!.
Option B. "o extract more power from the exhaust gases than a single wheel can absorb.
Option C. "o help stabili=e the pressure between the compressor and the turbine.
Correct Answer is. "o extract more power from the exhaust gases than a single wheel can absorb.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &&. 1hen aircraft turbine blades are sub'ected to excessi(e heat stress, what t!pe of
failures would !ou expect2.
Option A. Bending and torsion.
Option B. 8tress rupture.
Option C. "orsion and tension.
Correct Answer is. 8tress rupture.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. 1hich of the following conditions is usuall! not acceptable to an! extent in
turbine blades2.
Option A. Crac5s.
Option B. @ents.
Option C. $its.
Correct Answer is. Crac5s.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &.. "he forces dri(ing a turbine round are due to.
Option A. impulse onl!.
Option B. reaction onl!.
Option C. impulse and reaction.
Correct Answer is. impulse and reaction.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 0< efers.
Question Number. &0. No==le guide (anes gi(e a.
Option A. pressure increase, (elocit! decrease.
Option B. pressure increase, (elocit! increase.
Option C. pressure decrease, (elocit! increase.
Correct Answer is. pressure decrease, (elocit! increase.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */*0 refers.
Question Number. &%. 8hrouding of stator blade tips is to.
Option A. minimise (ibration.
Option B. ensure ade7uate cooling.
Option C. pre(ent tip turbulence.
Correct Answer is. minimise (ibration.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */.* refers.
Question Number. &3. 1h! are two or more turbine wheels coupled2.
Option A. "o 5eep turbine rotor diameter small.
Option B. 8o power output is doubled.
Option C. "o simplif! d!namic balancing.
Correct Answer is. 8o power output is doubled.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page .0 refers.
Question Number. &9. unning clearance on a turbine dis5 is 5ept to a minimum to reduce.
Option A. temperature loss.
Option B. aerod!namic buffeting.
Option C. tip losses.
Correct Answer is. tip losses.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */19 refers.
Question Number. &;. "wo basic t!pes of turbine blades are.
Option A. impulse and (ector.
Option B. reaction and impulse.
Option C. tangential and reaction.
Correct Answer is. reaction and impulse.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */.< refers.
Question Number. *<. 1h! are no==le guide (anes fitted2.
Option A. "o decrease (elocit! of the gas flow.
Option B. "o increase (elocit! of the gas flow.
Option C. "o increase (elocit! of the air flow.
Correct Answer is. "o increase (elocit! of the gas flow.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */*9 refers.
Question Number. *1. A turbine dis5 is.
Option A. a dis5 at the core of the engine that the blades are attached to.
Option B. a segmented or complete shroud on blade tips that reduces lea5age.
Option C. a shroud around the stators of the turbine.
Correct Answer is. a dis5 at the core of the engine that the blades are attached to.
Explanation. "he turbine blades are mounted to the disc which absorbs the centrifugal force.
Question Number. *&. .1hen carr!ing out a borescope the damage on turbine blades that would indicate a
failure is.
Option A. spec5ling.
Option B. tip curl.
Option C. colour changes.
Correct Answer is. tip curl.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants figure 0/&* page 139 and figure 0/&% page 190 refers.
Question Number. **. "he acti(e clearance control s!stem aids turbine engine efficienc! b!.
Option A. automaticall! ad'usting engine speed to maintain a desired E$.
Option B. ad'usting stator (ane position according to operating conditions and power re7uirements.
Option C. ensuring turbine blade to engine case clearances are 5ept to a minimum b! controlling case
Correct Answer is. ensuring turbine blade to engine case clearances are 5ept to a minimum b!
controlling case temperatures.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *.. "urbine rear struts.
Option A. straighten the gas flow.
Option B. increase the (elocit! of the gas flow.
Option C. increase the pressure of the gas flow.
Correct Answer is. straighten the gas flow.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page */*. refers.
Question Number. *0. Bowing of turbine blades indicates an.
Option A. o(er/temperature condition.
Option B. o(er/speed condition.
Option C. under/temperature condition.
Correct Answer is. o(er/temperature condition.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page 0/*< refers to bowing as part of the ageing
process. O(er temp is the onl! answer rele(ant to aging >temperature creep?.
Question Number. *%. On an impulse/reaction turbine blade it is.
Option A. impulse at the root and reaction at the tip.
Option B. reaction at the root and impulse at the tip.
Option C. impulse and reaction all the awa! along the blade.
Correct Answer is. impulse at the root and reaction at the tip.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page */.< refers. olls o!ce pg.0< para.1< and
figure0.% stagger angle.
Question Number. *3. "urbine creep effects.
Option A. turbine blades.
Option B. turbine dis5s.
Option C. N.A.Ms.
Correct Answer is. turbine blades.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 0/&9 refers.
Question Number. *9. Creep is.
Option A. not found in turbines.
Option B. a temporar! deformation of turbine.
Option C. a permanent deformation of turbine.
Correct Answer is. a permanent deformation of turbine.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 0/&9 refers.
Question Number. *;. Creep, o(erall.
Option A. has no effect on turbine diameter.
Option B. increases turbine diameter.
Option C. decreases turbine diameter.
Correct Answer is. increases turbine diameter.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 0/&9 refers.
Question Number. .<. Bow are turbine dis5s attached to the shaft in gas turbine engine2.
Option A. 8plined.
Option B. Cur(ic couplings.
Option C. Bolted.
Correct Answer is. Bolted.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft gas "urbine $owerplant page */.1 refers.
Question Number. .1. Cir tree turbine blade attachment locates the blade.
Option A. allows slight mo(ement.
Option B. radiall!.
Option C. axiall!.
Correct Answer is. allows slight mo(ement.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 0& $ara 1; refers.
Question Number. .&. Creep ma! occur to turbine blades due to.
Option A. prolonged low $D use.
Option B. o(er/temp with excessi(e centrifugal loads.
Option C. high bac5 pressures.
Correct Answer is. o(er/temp with excessi(e centrifugal loads.
Explanation. Creep is irre(ersible olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 0% refers.
Question Number. .*. Creep ma! occur to turbine blades due to.
Option A. prolonged low $D use.
Option B. o(er/temp with excessi(e centrifugal loads.
Option C. high bac5 pressures.
Correct Answer is. o(er/temp with excessi(e centrifugal loads.
Explanation. Creep is irre(ersible olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 0% refers.
Question Number. ... Corces dri(ing the turbine are due to.
Option A. aerod!namic lift imposing impulse on blades.
Option B. momentum and directional acceleration of gases.
Option C. expansion of gases.
Correct Answer is. momentum and directional acceleration of gases.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age .;/0< refers.
Question Number. .0. ,mpulse turbine blades run cooler than reaction blades because.
Option A. impulse spin faster radiall!.
Option B. temperature drop across N.A.M is greater.
Option C. con(erging rotors increase (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. temperature drop across N.A.M is greater.
Explanation. ,mpulse blades ha(e total pressure drop in N.A.M6s hence air is colder as it enters
turbine $age01 refers.
Question Number. .%. An increase in turbine diameter is caused b!.
Option A. prolonged high temperatures and centrifugal loads.
Option B. products of combustion.
Option C. o(er speed.
Correct Answer is. prolonged high temperatures and centrifugal loads.
Explanation. "his is 5nown as creep.
Question Number. .3. 1hich of the following is most li5el! to occur in the turbine section of a gas
turbine engine2.
Option A. $itting.
Option B. Aalling.
Option C. Crac5ing.
Correct Answer is. Crac5ing.
Explanation. A turbine bearing is under great heat stress, crac5ing is the onl! possible choice here.
Question Number. .9. Aluminium deposits on the turbine show up as.
Option A. white or sil(er spec5les.
Option B. white powder traces.
Option C. blac5 stains.
Correct Answer is. white or sil(er spec5les.
Explanation. CA,$s E -)*/1< refers. ,t also sa!s titanium spec5les are blue or gold.
Question Number. .;. An impulse)reaction turbine is designed to ensure.
Option A. greater axial (elocit! at the blade root.
Option B. uniform axial (elocit! from blade root to tip.
Option C. greater axial (elocit! at the blade tip.
Correct Answer is. uniform axial (elocit! from blade root to tip.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas turbine $owerplant page */.< refers.
Question Number. 0<. Excessi(e turbine temperatures can lead to.
Option A. turbine blade creep and an increase in the diameter of the turbine.
Option B. not a serious problem as long as engine oil pressure is within limits.
Option C. a serious fire ris5 in the engine.
Correct Answer is. turbine blade creep and an increase in the diameter of the turbine.
Explanation. #eppesen gas turbine $owerplant $age 0/&9 discusses the causes of creep.
Question Number. 01. 1hat are blue and golden deposits e(idence of, on a turbine blade2.
Option A. "itanium.
Option B. Aluminium.
Option C. Dagnesium.
Correct Answer is. "itanium.
Explanation. Aluminium and magnesium lea(e white powder deposits so b! elimination the answer is
Question Number. 0&. Nec5ing and mottling of turbine blades.
Option A. is due to thermal stress.
Option B. is formed during manufacture.
Option C. is due to bending when the gas hits the blades.
Correct Answer is. is due to thermal stress.
Explanation. Nec5ing could occur due to creep which is a function of thermal stress and centrifugal
loads, and turbine blades do show signs of discolouration after use, the latter is not normall! a defect.
Question Number. 0*. ,mpulse blades operate cooler than reaction blades because.
Option A. impulse blades rotate at higher speeds.
Option B. the N.A.M6s cool the air.
Option C. the airflow has a higher (elocit! through a impulse turbine N.A.M.
Correct Answer is. the airflow has a higher (elocit! through a impulse turbine N.A.M.
Explanation. ,mpulse turbine N.A.Ms accelerate gases faster than their reaction counterparts therefore
the pressure and temperature is reduced more in the impulse turbine.
Question Number. 0.. @uring a borescope chec5 of the B.$ turbine blades.
Option A. dr! motor the engine at minimum speed.
Option B. hand turn the turbine wheel.
Option C. attach a de(ice to the accessor! gearbox and rotate slowl!.
Correct Answer is. attach a de(ice to the accessor! gearbox and rotate slowl!.
Explanation. All large A"E ha(e a hand turning tool adaptor fitted to the accessor! or high speed
Question Number. 00. "he turbine section of a 'et engine.
Option A. con(erts d!namic pressure into mechanical energ!.
Option B. circulates air to cool the engine.
Option C. extracts heat energ! to dri(e the compressor.
Correct Answer is. con(erts d!namic pressure into mechanical energ!.
Explanation. "he shape and si=e of the turbine blades determines the amount of energ! extracted from
the d!namic pressure of the airflow.
Question Number. 0%. "he temperature and centrifugal loads which the turbine is sub'ected to during
normal engine operation causes.
Option A. fatigue failure.
Option B. elastic stretching.
Option C. creep loading.
Correct Answer is. creep loading.
Explanation. Creep is a permanent deformation caused b! high centrifugal loads at continuous high
Question Number. 03. ,mpulse/reaction turbine blades form.
Option A. tip half reaction, root half ,mpulse.
Option B. 1 stage impulse, 1 stage reaction.
Option C. tip half ,mpulse, root half reaction.
Correct Answer is. tip half reaction, root half ,mpulse.
Explanation. "urbine blades mo(e from impulse at the root to reaction at the tip.
Question Number. 09. A fir tree root.
Option A. allows compressor cooling air to alle(iate thermal stress.
Option B. attaches turbine blades to the turbine dis5.
Option C. allows indi(idual turbine blades to be changed without engine disassembl!.
Correct Answer is. attaches turbine blades to the turbine dis5.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 0& para 1; refers.
Question Number. 0;. "he passage between ad'acent no==le guide (anes forms a.
Option A. con(ergent duct.
Option B. di(ergent duct.
Option C. parallel duct.
Correct Answer is. con(ergent duct.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 01 paragraph 1* refers.
Question Number. %<. As the hot gasses flow through an impulse turbine blading, the (elocit!.
Option A. will decrease.
Option B. remains constant.
Option C. will increase.
Correct Answer is. remains constant.
Explanation. ,n an 6,mpulse bladed turbine6 the turbine blades form parallel ducts therefore the
(elocit! will remain constant figure 0/0 of the #et Engine shows the contour of impulse turbine blades.
Question Number. %1. 1hat is the normal range of turbine efficienc!2.
Option A. ;<J / ;0J.
Option B. 3<J / 90J.
Option C. *<J / .<J.
Correct Answer is. ;<J / ;0J.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 01 $ara 11 refers to ;&J.
Question Number. %&. "urbine engine components are ne(er manufactured b!.
Option A. electrical resistance welding.
Option B. argon arc welding.
Option C. gas welding.
Correct Answer is. gas welding.
Explanation. Both Argon arc and Electron beam welding are referred to in the #et Engine so we
assume gas welding is not used, this is probabl! due to carburisation of the weld.
Question Number. %*. Bow is a radial turbine dri(en2.
Option A. B! impulse.
Option B. B! change of momentum and angle of airflow.
Option C. B! reaction.
Correct Answer is. B! change of momentum and angle of airflow.
Explanation. adial turbines are effecti(el! re(ersed centrifugal compressors.
Question Number. %.. "urbine dis5 growth is due to.
Option A. a permanent change in dis5 diameter.
Option B. an o(erall increase in blade length.
Option C. a build up of carbon deposits.
Correct Answer is. a permanent change in dis5 diameter.
Explanation. "he turbine disc does not include the blades.
Question Number. %0. A no==le guide (ane is.
Option A. hollow in construction to allow for thermal expansion.
Option B. hollow in construction to allow for flow of cooling air.
Option C. solid in construction to support the guide (ane.
Correct Answer is. hollow in construction to allow for flow of cooling air.
Explanation. Air is tapped from the B.$ compressor and passed through the N.A.M to cool it.
Question Number. %%. A slow constant growth in a turbine blade is 5nown as.
Option A. primar! creep.
Option B. secondar! creep.
Option C. tertiar! creep.
Correct Answer is. secondar! creep.
Explanation. N,-.
15.) Engine E*+aust.
Question Number. 1. "he function of the exhaust cone assembl! of a turbine engine is to.
Option A. swirl and collect the exhaust gases into a single exhaust 'et.
Option B. collect the exhaust gases and act as a noise suppressor.
Option C. straighten and collect the exhaust gases into a solid exhaust 'et.
Correct Answer is. straighten and collect the exhaust gases into a solid exhaust 'et.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&<.
Question Number. &. A no==le is 6cho5ed6 when the gas flow or air flow at the throat is.
Option A. sonic.
Option B. subsonic.
Option C. supersonic.
Correct Answer is. sonic.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1.N refers.
Question Number. *. "he struts on the exhaust cone.
Option A. straighten the gas flow onl!.
Option B. support the exhaust cone and straighten the gas flow.
Option C. support the exhaust cone onl!.
Correct Answer is. support the exhaust cone and straighten the gas flow.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. A no==le is 6cho5ed6 when the engine inlet airflow is.
Option A. subsonic.
Option B. supersonic.
Option C. subsonic or supersonic.
Correct Answer is. subsonic or supersonic.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 0. 1hat is the maximum practical angle through which the gas flow can be turned during
thrust re(ersal2.
Option A. 19<F.
Option B. 0<F.
Option C. 1*0F.
Correct Answer is. 1*0F.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1%< refers.
Question Number. %. A supersonic duct is.
Option A. con(ergent then di(ergent along its length.
Option B. di(ergent then con(ergent along its length.
Option C. a con(ergent duct that is cho5ed at the largest end at mach 1.
Correct Answer is. con(ergent then di(ergent along its length.
Explanation. Misualise the exhaust no==le of the space shuttle booster roc5ets.
Question Number. 3. Noise from the 'et wa5e when untreated b! suppression is.
Option A. high fre7uenc!, high decibel.
Option B. low fre7uenc!, low decibel.
Option C. low fre7uenc!, high decibel.
Correct Answer is. low fre7uenc!, high decibel.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */03 refers.
Question Number. 9. Bot spots on the tail cone of a turbine engine are possible indicators of a
malfunctioning fuel no==le or.
Option A. a fault! igniter plug.
Option B. an improperl! positioned tail cone.
Option C. a fault! combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. a fault! combustion chamber.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. An exhaust cone placed aft of the turbine in a 'et engine will cause the pressure
in the first part of the exhaust duct to.
Option A. increase and the (elocit! to decrease.
Option B. decrease and the (elocit! to increase.
Option C. increase and the (elocit! to increase.
Correct Answer is. increase and the (elocit! to decrease.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */*<.
Question Number. 1<. A con(ergent/di(ergent no==le.
Option A. re7uires the aircraft to be tra(elling at supersonic speeds.
Option B. ma5es maximum use of pressure thrust.
Option C. produces a t!pe of thrust 5nown as 5inetic thrust.
Correct Answer is. ma5es maximum use of pressure thrust.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. "he (elocit! of supersonic air as it flows through a di(ergent no==le.
Option A. decreases.
Option B. increases.
Option C. is in(ersel! proportional to the temperature.
Correct Answer is. increases.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. "he #et $ipe of a gas turbine engine.
Option A. protects the airframe from heat damage.
Option B. has an inner cone to protect the rear turbine disc.
Option C. is con(ergent in shape to increase the (elocit! as much as possible.
Correct Answer is. protects the airframe from heat damage.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. Cor what purpose is the propelling no==le of a gas turbine engine designed2.
Option A. "o increase the (elocit! and decrease the pressure of the gas stream lea(ing the no==le.
Option B. "o decrease the (elocit! and increase the pressure of the gas stream lea(ing the no==le.
Option C. "o increase the (elocit! and pressure of the gas stream lea(ing the no==le.
Correct Answer is. "o increase the (elocit! and decrease the pressure of the gas stream lea(ing the
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1.. ,f the exit area of the no==le was too large, the effect is.
Option A. exit (elocit! lower causing loss of thrust.
Option B. will cho5e at a lower gas temperature.
Option C. exit (elocit! lower, negligible effect on thrust.
Correct Answer is. exit (elocit! lower causing loss of thrust.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. A cho5ed no==le.
Option A. increases thrust.
Option B. decreases thrust.
Option C. has no effect on the thrust.
Correct Answer is. increases thrust.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. "he exhaust section is designed to.
Option A. increase temperature, therefore increasing (elocit!.
Option B. decrease temperature, therefore decreasing pressure.
Option C. impart a high exit (elocit! to the exhaust gases.
Correct Answer is. impart a high exit (elocit! to the exhaust gases.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. e(erse thrust can onl! be selected when the throttle is.
Option A. closed.
Option B. 30J power position.
Option C. open.
Correct Answer is. closed.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1%< refers.
Question Number. 19. A Con(ergent/@i(ergent no==le.
Option A. ma5es maximum use of $ressure thrust.
Option B. produces a t!pe of thrust 5nown as 5inetic thrust.
Option C. re7uires the aircraft to be tra(elling at supersonic speeds.
Correct Answer is. ma5es maximum use of $ressure thrust.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */.; refers.
Question Number. 1;. On front fan engines, to obtain thrust re(ersal, the.
Option A. hot and cold streams are re(ersed.
Option B. hot stream is re(ersed.
Option C. cold stream is re(ersed.
Correct Answer is. cold stream is re(ersed.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 10; refers.
Question Number. &<. Exhaust noise can be reduced b!.
Option A. lowering the (ibration fre7uenc!.
Option B. increasing the mixing rate.
Option C. increasing the 'et (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. increasing the mixing rate.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page &<1 refers.
Question Number. &1. Operating thrust re(ersers at low ground speeds can sometimes cause.
Option A. sand or other foreign ob'ect ingestion, hot gas re/ingestion.
Option B. hot gas re/ingestion, compressor stalls.
Option C. sand or other foreign ob'ect ingestion, hot gas re/ingestion, compressor stalls.
Correct Answer is. sand or other foreign ob'ect ingestion, hot gas re/ingestion, compressor stalls.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 %/1<.
Question Number. &&. "hrust re(ersers utili=ing a pneumatic actuating s!stem, usuall! recei(e operating
pressure from.
Option A. the engine bleed air s!stem.
Option B. high pressure air reser(oirs.
Option C. an on/board h!draulic or electrical powered compressor.
Correct Answer is. sand or other foreign ob'ect ingestion, hot gas re/ingestion, compressor stalls.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. "he purpose of cascade (anes in a thrust re(ersing s!stem is to.
Option A. turn the exhaust gases forward 'ust after exiting the exhaust no==le.
Option B. form a solid bloc5ing door in the 'et exhaust path.
Option C. turn to a forward direction the fan and)or hot exhaust gases that ha(e been bloc5ed from
exiting through the exhaust no==le.
Correct Answer is. turn to a forward direction the fan and)or hot exhaust gases that ha(e been bloc5ed
from exiting through the exhaust no==le.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &.. A con(ergent exhaust no==le produces mainl!.
Option A. momentum and pressure thrust.
Option B. momentum thrust.
Option C. pressure thrust.
Correct Answer is. momentum thrust.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age &19.
Question Number. &0. "he rearward thrust capabilit! of an engine with the thrust re(erser s!stem
deplo!ed is.
Option A. e7ual to or less than its forward capabilit!, depending on ambient conditions and s!stem design.
Option B. less than its forward capabilit!.
Option C. e7ual to its forward capabilit!.
Correct Answer is. less than its forward capabilit!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 %/1<.
Question Number. &%. 1hich statement is generall! true regarding thrust re(erser s!stems2.
Option A. Engine thrust re(ersers on the same aircraft usuall! will not operate independentl! of each
other >must all be simultaneousl!?.
Option B. ,t is possible to mo(e some aircraft bac5ward on the ground using re(erse thrust.
Option C. Dechanical bloc5age s!stem design permits a deplo!ment position aft of the exhaust no==le onl!.
Correct Answer is. ,t is possible to mo(e some aircraft bac5ward on the ground using re(erse thrust.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 %/;.
Question Number. &3. 1hat is the proper operating se7uence when using thrust re(ersers to slow an
aircraft after landing2.
Option A. Ad(ance thrust le(ers up to ta5eoff position as conditions re7uire, select thrust re(erse, de/
select thrust re(erser, retard thrust le(ers to ground idle.
Option B. etard thrust le(ers to ground idle, raise thrust re(erser le(ers as re7uired, and retard
thrust re(erser le(ers to ground idle.
Option C. 8elect thrust re(erse, ad(ance thrust re(erser le(ers no higher than 30J N1, and retard thrust
re(erser le(ers to idle at approximatel! normal taxi speed.
Correct Answer is. etard thrust le(ers to ground idle, raise thrust re(erser le(ers as re7uired, and
retard thrust re(erser le(ers to ground idle.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 %/;.
Question Number. &9. Dost exhaust s!stem failures result from thermal fatigue crac5ing in the areas of
stress concentration. "his condition is usuall! caused b!.
Option A. the high temperatures at which the exhaust s!stem operates.
Option B. improper welding techni7ues during manufacture.
Option C. the drastic temperature change which is encountered at altitude.
Correct Answer is. the high temperatures at which the exhaust s!stem operates.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &;. "hrust re(ersal on a high b!pass engine is achie(ed b!.
Option A. bloc5er doors.
Option B. clamshell configuration.
Option C. buc5et t!pe doors.
Correct Answer is. bloc5er doors.
Explanation. $age 1%< figure.10/& refers but see also #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age
Question Number. *<. ,f damage is found to the re(erse thrust cascade (anes and the! need replacing, !ou
Option A. replace damaged (anes with .0 degree (anes.
Option B. onl! replace (anes with new ones that ha(e the correct part as the originals remo(ed.
Option C. interchange the cascade (anes as the! are interchangeable.
Correct Answer is. onl! replace (anes with new ones that ha(e the correct part as the originals
Explanation. Cascade (ane segments are NO" interchangeable, the! all direct air at different angles.
Question Number. *1. 1hen should thrust re(ersers be used2.
Option A. At low $D and low forward speed.
Option B. At high $D and high forward speed.
Option C. At high $D and low forward speed.
Correct Answer is. At low $D and low forward speed.
Explanation. "hrust re(ersers cannot be actuated if the throttles are set abo(e idle and the! can onl!
be used on the ground.
Question Number. *&. ,f the area of the no==le was too large the effect is.
Option A. will 6cho5e6 at mach 1.
Option B. exit (elocit! lower causing loss of the thrust.
Option C. exit (elocit! lower, negligible effect on thrust.
Correct Answer is. exit (elocit! lower causing loss of the thrust.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page &/&< and others.
Question Number. **. -obe t!pe exhaust noise suppressors are made from.
Option A. heat resistant allo!.
Option B. composite Daterial.
Option C. steel.
Correct Answer is. heat resistant allo!.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age &<0 refers.
Question Number. *.. 1hat indication does the pilot recei(e that thrust re(ersers ha(e deplo!ed2.
Option A. An audible warning.
Option B. A se7uence of lights.
Option C. A feeling of rapid deceleration.
Correct Answer is. A se7uence of lights.
Explanation. Boeing 303)3%3 use the word 6re(6 in amber for unloc5ed and green for deplo!ed on the
upper E,CA8 screen.
Question Number. *0. 1hat angle are the exhaust gasses turned through in a clamshell t!pe thrust
Option A. 19< degrees.
Option B. 1*0 degrees.
Option C. .0 degrees.
Correct Answer is. 1*0 degrees.
Explanation. "urned through 1*0 degrees is .0 degrees forward, the maximum a thrust re(erser of an!
sort turns the air forward.
Question Number. *%. "he purpose of a propelling no==le is to.
Option A. increase the (elocit! of the air and increase thrust.
Option B. decrease the (elocit! of the exhaust to increase static pressure.
Option C. direct the air onto the turbines.
Correct Answer is. increase the (elocit! of the air and increase thrust.
Explanation. "he con(ergence of the propelling no==le in a subsonic pure 'et engine is set so that max
speed is 'ust below Dach 1.
Question Number. *3. ,f a thrust re(erser is deplo!ed at lower than normal landing speed.
Option A. exhaust gases can be ingested into the engine.
Option B. the thrust re(erser will be ineffecti(e.
Option C. if the EA" gets too high the thrust re(erser will automaticall! restow.
Correct Answer is. exhaust gases can be ingested into the engine.
Explanation. Exhaust gas ingestion is a problem for thrust re(erser s!stems when stationar! or (er!
Question Number. *9. "he si=e of the exhaust section is dictated b!.
Option A. cone or diffuser si=e and location.
Option B. si=e of engine onl!.
Option C. si=e and location of the engine.
Correct Answer is. si=e and location of the engine.
Explanation. "he exhaust section is of a certain diameter and can be of different lengths depending on
the location of the engine within the fuselage or wing root >,E English Electric -ightning?.
Question Number. *;. On a Clamshell door t!pe thrust re(erser. "he Clamshell doors redirect the exhaust
gas stream.
Option A. < degrees to the thrust line.
Option B. .0 degrees to the thrust line.
Option C. ;< degrees to the thrust line.
Correct Answer is. .0 degrees to the thrust line.
Explanation. .0 degrees to the thrust line is an alternati(e to 6turned through 1*0 degrees6.
Question Number. .<. Normal gas turbine engine6s exhaust duct is.
Option A. di(ergent.
Option B. con(ergent)di(ergent.
Option C. con(ergent.
Correct Answer is. con(ergent.
Explanation. "he exhaust no==le consists of a parallel duct then the propelling no==le which is alwa!s
Question Number. .1. As the air flows out at the outflow of a cho5ed no==le.
Option A. (elocit! increases and pressure decreases.
Option B. (elocit! and pressure decrease.
Option C. (elocit! decreases and pressure increases.
Correct Answer is. (elocit! decreases and pressure increases.
Explanation. A cho5ed no==le has a shoc5 wa(e in it and air is at Dach 1. After the shoc5 the air must
be decreased in speed and pressure is rising.
15., Beaings and Seals.
Question Number. 1. Dain bearing oil seals used with turbine engines are usuall! what t!pe>s?2.
Option A. "eflon and s!nthetic rubber.
Option B. -ab!rinth and)or carbon rubbing.
Option C. -ab!rinth and)or silicone rubber.
Correct Answer is. -ab!rinth and)or carbon rubbing.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */0.
Question Number. &. ,f, during inspection at engine o(erhaul, ball or roller bearings are found to ha(e
magnetism but otherwise ha(e no defects, the!.
Option A. are in an acceptable ser(ice condition.
Option B. cannot be used again.
Option C. must be degaussed before use.
Correct Answer is. must be degaussed before use.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&%.
Question Number. *. A carbon seal has which t!pe of sealing arrangement2.
Option A. Cull contact with race.
Option B. Cull contact with casing.
Option C. Cull contact with lab!rinth.
Correct Answer is. Cull contact with race.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine page ;& refers.
Question Number. .. "he highest turbine bearing temperature ta5es place.
Option A. all the time.
Option B. at start/up.
Option C. at shut/down.
Correct Answer is. at shut/down.
Explanation. On shut down the bearing looses its cooling so for short periods it ma! actuall! heat up.
Can an!one confirm this with a reference2.
Question Number. 0. ,ndentations on bearing races caused b! high static loads are 5nown as.
Option A. fretting.
Option B. galling.
Option C. brinelling.
Correct Answer is. brinelling.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. "he function of a lab!rinth seal is to create.
Option A. a restricted lea5age of air between fixed and rotating components.
Option B. an airtight seal between fixed and rotation components.
Option C. an airtight seal between fixed ad'acent casing surfaces.
Correct Answer is. a restricted lea5age of air between fixed and rotating components.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 0/*% efers.
Question Number. 3. "he bearings of a compressor rotor are usuall!.
Option A. ball and roller.
Option B. plain.
Option C. sintered.
Correct Answer is. ball and roller.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age ./.;)0< refers.
Question Number. 9. Bearing seal failure would most probabl! cause.
Option A. high oil temperature.
Option B. high oil consumption.
Option C. low oil pressure.
Correct Answer is. high oil consumption.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 0/*% refers.
Question Number. ;. 1h! are oil seals pressurised2.
Option A. "o ensure minimum oil loss.
Option B. "o ensure oil is forced into the bearings.
Option C. "o ensure that the oil is pre(ented from lea(ing the bearing housing.
Correct Answer is. "o ensure minimum oil loss.
Explanation. $ressurised lab!rinth seals stop oil lea5ing out of the bearing housing between rotating
shafts and stationar! casing. Note that oil is alwa!s sca(enged out of theses housings therefore answer c
must be wrong.
Question Number. 1<. 1hat bearing is used to ta5e axial loads on a main rotation shaft of a gas turbine
Option A. $lain bearing.
Option B. oller bearing.
Option C. Ball bearing.
Correct Answer is. Ball bearing.
Explanation. Ball bearings absorb force in all directions. "he others onl! do so radiall!.
Question Number. 11. 8eals on a gas turbine engine restrict lea5age of oil b!.
Option A. spring pressure.
Option B. closel! tolerated contacting components.
Option C. air pressure.
Correct Answer is. air pressure.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. An abradable lining in the fan case.
Option A. pre(ents fan blade tip rub.
Option B. produces less lea5age at tips for anti/ice.
Option C. pro(ides acoustic medium.
Correct Answer is. pro(ides acoustic medium.
Explanation. "he prime purpose is to optimise fan performance, but it is also an acoustic lining.
Question Number. 1*. 87uee=e film bearings are usuall! found on.
Option A. B.$ compressor section.
Option B. the turbine section.
Option C. -$ compressor section.
Correct Answer is. -$ compressor section.
Explanation. 87uee=e film bearings utilise the oil film to dampen radial out of balance. "he largest
rotor is normall! going to ha(e the largest out of balance. hence -.$ compressor section is our best
guess. No reference can be found.
Question Number. 1.. "aper roller bearings accept loads in which direction2.
Option A. Axial loads onl!.
Option B. adial and axial in both directions.
Option C. adial and axial in one direction onl!.
Correct Answer is. adial and axial in one direction onl!.
Explanation. "aper rollers are onl! used when the axial load is low. ,.E thrust bearings are not taper
rollers, but ball bearings.
Question Number. 10. 8ome lab!rinth seals.
Option A. control the outflow of air at the turbine.
Option B. are self lubricating.
Option C. are spring loaded.
Correct Answer is. control the outflow of air at the turbine.
Explanation. -ab!rinth seals can be air seals as well as oil seals.
Question Number. 1%. "he purpose of 6s7uee=e film6 t!pe bearing is to.
Option A. increase the flow of oil to the rolling element.
Option B. minimise the effect of (ibration.
Option C. impro(e outer race cooling.
Correct Answer is. minimise the effect of (ibration.
Explanation. "he film of oil acts as a buffer between the outer race and the casing.
Question Number. 13. ,n a 'et engine the rotating assembl! oil seals are maintained oil tight b! means
Option A. a garter seal.
Option B. an annular expander ring.
Option C. air pressure.
Correct Answer is. air pressure.
Explanation. Air pressure acts across a lab!rinth seal to hold the oil in the bearing chamber.
15.- .u'i"ants and Fuels.
Question Number. 1. :erosene will burn effecti(el! at an air)fuel ratio of.
Option A. 10<+1.
Option B. 10+1.
Option C. .0+1.
Correct Answer is. 10+1.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &. 1hen using $rist or Biopor.
Option A. it is left and burnt with the fuel.
Option B. it is diluted with water to a */1 mix.
Option C. it is flushed out immediatel!.
Correct Answer is. it is left and burnt with the fuel.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/& refers.
Question Number. *. 1hat is @.E..@ &.;.2.
Option A. Oil.
Option B. 1ide cut gasoline.
Option C. :erosene.
Correct Answer is. :erosene.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $ower plant page 3/1 refers.
Question Number. .. A high (iscosit! index means the oil (iscosit!.
Option A. will (ar! greatl! with temperature change.
Option B. has a large index number.
Option C. will not (ar! greatl! with temperature change.
Correct Answer is. will not (ar! greatl! with temperature change.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age %/& efers.
Question Number. 0. A fuel s!stem icing inhibitor is a fuel additi(e which.
Option A. pre(ents both the water and the fuel free=ing.
Option B. pre(ents the fuel from free=ing.
Option C. pre(ents the water in the fuel free=ing.
Correct Answer is. pre(ents the water in the fuel free=ing.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/& refers.
Question Number. %. 1hat will be the result of operating an engine in extremel! high temperatures using
a lubricant recommended b! the manufacturer for a much lower temperature2.
Option A. "he oil pressure will be lower than normal.
Option B. "he oil temperature and oil pressure will be higher than normal.
Option C. "he oil pressure will be higher than normal.
Correct Answer is. "he oil pressure will be lower than normal.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 3. "he time in seconds re7uired for exactl! %< cubic centimeters of oil to flow
through an accuratel! calibrated orifice at a specific temperature is recorded as a measurement of the
Option A. specific gra(it!.
Option B. flash point.
Option C. (iscosit!.
Correct Answer is. (iscosit!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 9. Epon what 7ualit! or characteristic of a lubricating oil is its (iscosit! index
Option A. ,ts rate of flow through an orifice at a standard temperature.
Option B. ,ts rate of change in (iscosit! with temperature change.
Option C. ,ts resistance to flow at a standard temperature as compared to high grade paraffin base oil at
the same temperature.
Correct Answer is. ,ts rate of change in (iscosit! with temperature change.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. Compared to reciprocating engine oils, the t!pes of oils used in turbine engines.
Option A. are re7uired to carr! and disperse a higher le(el of combustion b!/products.
Option B. ha(e less tendenc! to produce lac7uer or co5e.
Option C. ma! permit a somewhat higher le(el of carbon formation in the engine.
Correct Answer is. ha(e less tendenc! to produce lac7uer or co5e.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/&0.
Question Number. 1<. ,f all other re7uirements can be met, what t!pe of oil
should be used to achie(e theoreticall! perfect engine
Option A. An oil that combines high (iscosit! and low demulsibilit!.
Option B. "he thinnest oil that will sta! in place and maintain a reasonable film strength.
Option C. An oil that combines a low (iscosit! index and a high neutrali=ation number.
Correct Answer is. "he thinnest oil that will sta! in place and maintain a reasonable film strength.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. ,n addition to lubricating >reducing friction between mo(ing parts?, engine oil
performs what functions2.
Option A. Cools, seals, pre(ents corrosion.
Option B. Cools, seals, pre(ents corrosion, cushions shoc5 loads.
Option C. Cools and seals.
Correct Answer is. Cools, seals, pre(ents corrosion, cushions shoc5 loads.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. "he (iscosit! of a li7uid is a measure of its.
Option A. weight, or densit!.
Option B. rate of change of internal friction with change in temperature.
Option C. resistance to flow.
Correct Answer is. resistance to flow.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. 1hich of the following factors helps determine the proper grade of oil to use in a
particular engine2.
Option A. Ade7uate lubrication in (arious attitudes of flight.
Option B. Operating speeds of bearings.
Option C. $ositi(e introduction of oil to the bearings.
Correct Answer is. Operating speeds of bearings.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1.. 8pecific gra(it! is a comparison of the weight of a substance to the weight of an
e7ual (olume of.
Option A. oil at a specific temperature.
Option B. mercur! at a specific temperature.
Option C. distilled water at a specific temperature.
Correct Answer is. distilled water at a specific temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. 1hat ad(antage do mineral base lubricants ha(e o(er (egetable oil base lubricants
when used in aircraft engines2.
Option A. Cooling abilit!.
Option B. Chemical stabilit!.
Option C. Criction resistance.
Correct Answer is. Chemical stabilit!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. Bigh tooth pressures and high rubbing (elocities, such as occur with spur t!pe
gears, re7uire the use of.
Option A. an E.$ lubricant.
Option B. metallic ash detergent oil.
Option C. straight mineral oil.
Correct Answer is. an E.$ lubricant.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. 1hich of these characteristics is desirable in turbine engine oil2.
Option A. Bigh (olatilit!.
Option B. Bigh flash point.
Option C. -ow flash point.
Correct Answer is. Bigh flash point.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/&0.
Question Number. 19. 1hat action is ta5en to protect integral fuel tan5s from corrosion due to micro
biological contamination2.
Option A. ubber liners are installed in the tan5.
Option B. A biocidal additi(e is added to the fuel.
Option C. "he inside of the tan5 is coated with !ellow chromate.
Correct Answer is. A biocidal additi(e is added to the fuel.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 3/& refers.
Question Number. 1;. 1hat should be chec5ed)changed to ensure the (alidit! of a turbine engine
performance chec5 if an alternate fuel is to be used2.
Option A. Daximum $D ad'ustment.
Option B. Cuel specific gra(it! setting.
Option C. E$ gauge calibration.
Correct Answer is. Cuel specific gra(it! setting.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &<. :erosene is used as turbine engine fuel because.
Option A. 5erosene has more heat energ! per gallon and lubricates fuel s!stem components.
Option B. 5erosene has (er! high (olatilit! which aids in ignition and lubrication.
Option C. 5erosene does not contain an! water.
Correct Answer is. 5erosene has more heat energ! per gallon and lubricates fuel s!stem components.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &1. Calorific (alue is the.
Option A. amount of heat or energ! in one pound of fuel.
Option B. (aporisation point of fuel.
Option C. fuel boiling temperature.
Correct Answer is. amount of heat or energ! in one pound of fuel.
Explanation. Deasured in D.#):g or B"E)-b.
Question Number. &&. "he specific gra(it! of fuel affects.
Option A. thrust rating.
Option B. aircraft range.
Option C. engine efficienc!.
Correct Answer is. aircraft range.
Explanation. Areater @ensit! for a fixed (olume e7uals greater weight of fuel / hence greater range.
Question Number. &*. Oil used in a gas turbine engine is usuall!.
Option A. mineral.
Option B. natural.
Option C. s!nthetic.
Correct Answer is. s!nthetic.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age 9* refers.
Question Number. &.. An oil spectroscope measures.
Option A. contaminants suspended in the oil.
Option B. 8.A. of the oil.
Option C. contaminants in the surface of the oil.
Correct Answer is. contaminants suspended in the oil.
Explanation. 8ee #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $age %/& for oil sampling b! spectrometer anal!sis.
Question Number. &0. ,gnition of fuel depends upon.
Option A. (olatilit!.
Option B. atomisation.
Option C. both (olatilit! and atomisation.
Correct Answer is. both (olatilit! and atomisation.
Explanation. A (olatile fuel will (apourise more easil!. if it is a low (olatilit! fuel >#et/A1
etc?then the fuel is atomised through spra! no==les into the combustion chamber.
Question Number. &%. :erosene is used instead of gasoline because.
Option A. 5erosene is highl! (olatile and has good lubrication 7ualities.
Option B. :erosene is less (olatile and has good lubrication properties.
Option C. 5erosene has a higher (olatilit! than gasoline and has good lubrication abilities.
Correct Answer is. :erosene is less (olatile and has good lubrication properties.
Explanation. :erosene is a more stable fuel for storage and handling.
Question Number. &3. ,f the specific gra(it! of a fuel is increased, the weight of a tan5 of fuel will.
Option A. decrease.
Option B. remain the same.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. increase.
Explanation. 8A K 1eight of fuel relati(e to water.
Question Number. &9. eid (apour pressure, is the (apour pressure exerted b! a fuel when heated to.
Option A. *9FC.
Option B. .9FC.
Option C. 10FC.
Correct Answer is. *9FC.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 119 para 11*.
15.1/ .u'i"ation S0stems.
Question Number. 1. "he oil pressure in the cooler is.
Option A. same as the fuel pressure.
Option B. lower than the fuel pressure.
Option C. higher than the fuel pressure.
Correct Answer is. higher than the fuel pressure.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &. 1hen rotating, the gear t!pe oil pump.
Option A. draws oil into the pump and carries it round between the gear teeth and casing.
Option B. draws oil into the pump and through the intermeshing gears to the outlet.
Option C. draws oil into the pump, half being carried around between pump and casing, the other half
passing between the gears to the outlet.
Correct Answer is. draws oil into the pump and carries it round between the gear teeth and casing.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. A sca(enge filter is incorporated in a gas turbine lubrication s!stem to.
Option A. protect the sca(enge pump.
Option B. protect the oil cooler.
Option C. protect the pressure pump.
Correct Answer is. protect the pressure pump.
Explanation. "he #et Engine >New Edition? $age 191.
Question Number. .. "he wor5ing fluid of a constant speed dri(e >C.8.@? is.
Option A. from separate tan5.
Option B. within the unit.
Option C. ta5en from the engine lubrication s!stem.
Correct Answer is. within the unit.
Explanation. C.8.@s and ,.@.As ha(e their own self contained oil s!stem.
Question Number. 0. 1hat is the possible cause when a turbine engine indicates no change in power
setting parameters, but oil temperature is high2.
Option A. Bigh sca(enge pump oil flow.
Option B. "urbine damage and)or loss of turbine efficienc!.
Option C. Engine main bearing distress.
Correct Answer is. Engine main bearing distress.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. Bow is engine oil usuall! cooled2.
Option A. B! a fuel)oil cooler.
Option B. B! ram air.
Option C. B! bleed air.
Correct Answer is. B! a fuel)oil cooler.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age %/&0 efers.
Question Number. 3. 1hat filters are used to protect oil pressure spra! 'ets2.
Option A. Celt)paper filters.
Option B. ,n/line thread filters.
Option C. Dicronic filters.
Correct Answer is. ,n/line thread filters.
Explanation. boo5 page 9& states that thread t!pe filters are used as last chance filters.
Question Number. 9. "he chip detector in the oil s!stem is a.
Option A. window in the pump casing.
Option B. window in the oil pump.
Option C. magnetic plug in the return line.
Correct Answer is. magnetic plug in the return line.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age %/&% refers.
Question Number. ;. 1hen rotating, the g!roter t!pe oil pump.
Option A. oil is drawn into the pump and through the intermeshing gears to the outlet.
Option B. oil is drawn into the pump, half being carried around between pump and casing, the other half
passing between the gears to the outlet.
Option C. draws oil into the pump and carries it round between the gear teeth and casing.
Correct Answer is. draws oil into the pump and carries it round between the gear teeth and casing.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age %/1. efers.
Question Number. 1<. Oil pic5s up the most heat from which of the following turbine engine components2.
Option A. Compressor bearing.
Option B. otor coupling.
Option C. "urbine bearing.
Correct Answer is. "urbine bearing.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/*1.
Question Number. 11. ,n a 'et engine which uses a fuel oil heat exchanger, the oil temperature is
controlled b! a thermostatic (al(e that regulates the flow of.
Option A. both fuel and oil through the heat exchanger.
Option B. oil through the heat exchanger.
Option C. fuel through the heat exchanger.
Correct Answer is. oil through the heat exchanger.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/*&.
Question Number. 1&. 1hat is the purpose of the last chance oil filters2.
Option A. "o filter the oil immediatel! before it enters the main bearings.
Option B. "o assure a clean suppl! of oil to the lubrication s!stem.
Option C. "o pre(ent damage to the oil spra! no==le.
Correct Answer is. "o pre(ent damage to the oil spra! no==le.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/*<.
Question Number. 1*. 1hich of the following is a function of the fuel oil heat exchanger on a turbo'et
Option A. Aerates the fuel.
Option B. Emulsifies the oil.
Option C. ,ncreases fuel temperature.
Correct Answer is. ,ncreases fuel temperature.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/*&.
Question Number. 1.. At cruise $D, some oil will flow through the relief (al(e of a gear t!pe engine
oil pump. "his is normal as the relief (al(e is set at a pressure which is.
Option A. higher than pressure pump capabilities.
Option B. lower than the pressure pump capabilities.
Option C. lower than the pump inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. lower than the pressure pump capabilities.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. 1hat will happen to the return oil if the oil line between the sca(enger pump and
the oil cooler separates2.
Option A. Oil will accumulate in the engine.
Option B. "he sca(enger return line chec5 (al(e will close and force the oil to b!pass directl! to the
inta5e side of the pressure pump.
Option C. "he return oil will be pumped o(erboard.
Correct Answer is. "he sca(enger return line chec5 (al(e will close and force the oil to b!pass
directl! to the inta5e side of the pressure pump.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. "he oil dampened main bearing utili=ed in some turbine engines is used to.
Option A. dampen surges in oil pressure to the bearings.
Option B. pro(ide lubrication of bearings from the beginning of starting rotation until normal oil
pressure is established.
Option C. pro(ide an oil film between the outer race and the bearing housing in order to reduce (ibration
tendencies in the rotor s!stem, and to allow for slight misalignment.
Correct Answer is. pro(ide an oil film between the outer race and the bearing housing in order to
reduce (ibration tendencies in the rotor s!stem, and to allow for slight misalignment.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. After ma5ing a welded repair to a pressuri=ed t!pe turbine engine oil tan5, the
tan5 should be pressure chec5ed to.
Option A. not less than 0 $8, plus the maximum operating pressure of the tan5.
Option B. not less than 0 $8, plus the a(erage operating pressure of the tan5.
Option C. 0 $8,.
Correct Answer is. not less than 0 $8, plus the maximum operating pressure of the tan5.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/*3.
Question Number. 19. $ossible failure related ferrous metal particles in turbine engine oil cause an
>electrical? indicating t!pe magnetic chip detector to indicate their presence b!.
Option A. bridging the gap between the detector center >positi(e? electrode and the ground electrode.
Option B. generating a small electric current that is caused b! the particles being in contact with the
dissimilar metal of the detector tip.
Option C. disturbing the magnetic lines of flux around the detector tip.
Correct Answer is. bridging the gap between the detector center >positi(e? electrode and the ground
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/**.
Question Number. 1;. 1hat would be the probable result if the oil s!stem pressure relief (al(e should
stic5 in the open position on a turbine engine2.
Option A. ,ncreased oil pressure.
Option B. @ecreased oil temperature.
Option C. ,nsufficient lubrication.
Correct Answer is. @ecreased oil temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &<. 1hat is the primar! purpose of the oil to fuel heat exchanger2.
Option A. @e aerate the oil.
Option B. Cool the oil.
Option C. Cool the fuel.
Correct Answer is. Cool the oil.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/*&.
Question Number. &1. -ow oil pressure can be detrimental to the internal engine components. Bowe(er,
high oil pressure.
Option A. has a negligible effect.
Option B. will not occur because of pressure losses around the bearings.
Option C. should be limited to the engine manufacturer6s recommendations.
Correct Answer is. should be limited to the engine manufacturer6s recommendations.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &&. 1hat is the primar! purpose of the oil breather pressuri=ation s!stem that is used
on turbine engines2.
Option A. $re(ents foaming of the oil.
Option B. Allows aeration of the oil for better lubrication because of the air)oil mist.
Option C. $ro(ides a proper oil spra! pattern from the main bearing oil 'ets.
Correct Answer is. $re(ents foaming of the oil.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. 1hat t!pe of oil s!stem is usuall! found on turbine engines2.
Option A. @r! sump, dip, and splash.
Option B. @r! sump, pressure, and spra!.
Option C. 1et sump, spra!, and splash.
Correct Answer is. @r! sump, pressure, and spra!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/&%.
Question Number. &.. Bow are the teeth of the gears in the accessor! section of an engine normall!
Option A. B! surrounding the load bearing portions with baffles or housings within which oil pressure
can be maintained.
Option B. B! splashed or spra!ed oil.
Option C. B! submerging the load bearing portions in oil.
Correct Answer is. B! splashed or spra!ed oil.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &0. Danufacturers normall! re7uire turbine engine oil ser(icing within a short time
after engine shutdown primaril! to.
Option A. pre(ent o(er ser(icing.
Option B. help dilute and neutrali=e an! contaminants that ma! alread! be present in the engine6s oil
Option C. pro(ide a better indication of an! oil lea5s in the s!stem.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent o(er ser(icing.
Explanation. #eppersen A4$ "echnician $owerplant Boo5 $age ;/*%.
Question Number. &%. ,n order to relie(e excessi(e pump pressure in an engine6s internal oil s!stem,
most engines are e7uipped with a.
Option A. (ent.
Option B. relief (al(e.
Option C. b!pass (al(e.
Correct Answer is. relief (al(e.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &3. "he t!pe of oil pumps most commonl! used on turbine engines are classified as.
Option A. positi(e displacement.
Option B. constant speed.
Option C. (ariable displacement.
Correct Answer is. positi(e displacement.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/&9.
Question Number. &9. ,f the oil in the oil cooler core and annular 'ac5et becomes congealed, what unit
pre(ents damage to the cooler2.
Option A. Oil pressure relief (al(e.
Option B. Airflow control (al(e.
Option C. 8urge protection (al(e.
Correct Answer is. Oil pressure relief (al(e.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &;. 1hat will result if an oil filter becomes completel! bloc5ed2.
Option A. Oil flow to the engine will stop.
Option B. Oil will flow at the normal rate through the s!stem.
Option C. Oil will flow at a reduced rate through the s!stem.
Correct Answer is. Oil will flow at the normal rate through the s!stem.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *<. A turbine engine dr! sump lubrication s!stem of the self contained, high pressure
Option A. stores oil in the engine cran5case.
Option B. has no heat exchanger.
Option C. consists of pressure, breather, and sca(enge subs!stems.
Correct Answer is. consists of pressure, breather, and sca(enge subs!stems.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *1. 1hat is the primar! purpose of the hopper located in the oil suppl! tan5 of some
dr! sump engine installations2.
Option A. "o reduce the time re7uired to warm the oil to operating temperatures.
Option B. "o impart a centrifugal motion to the oil entering the tan5 so that the foreign particles in
the oil will separate more readil!.
Option C. "o reduce surface aeration of the hot oil and thus reduce oxidation and the formation of sludge
and (arnish.
Correct Answer is. "o reduce the time re7uired to warm the oil to operating temperatures.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/11.
Question Number. *&. 1hat determines the minimum particle si=e which will be excluded or filtered b! a
cuno t!pe >stac5ed disc, edge filtration? filter2.
Option A. Both the number and thic5ness of the discs in the assembl!.
Option B. "he spacer thic5ness.
Option C. "he disc thic5ness.
Correct Answer is. "he spacer thic5ness.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 ;/13.
Question Number. **. A full flow oil s!stem has.
Option A. a single fixed minimum oil pressure.
Option B. a (ariable oil pressure dependant upon throttle setting.
Option C. a hot and cold oil pressure limit.
Correct Answer is. a (ariable oil pressure dependant upon throttle setting.
Explanation. "his s!stem does not ha(e a pressure regulating (al(e, onl! a max pressure relief (al(e
for safet! purposes.
Question Number. *.. A felt filter in an oil lubrication s!stem should be.
Option A. remo(ed and cleaned in D.E.:.
Option B. remo(ed and replaced with a new filter element.
Option C. remo(ed and cleaned in a container of lead free petrol.
Correct Answer is. remo(ed and replaced with a new filter element.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $owerplant page %/1. refers.
Question Number. *0. 1hat filter is used in a oil sca(enge pump in the inlet side of the pump2.
Option A. 1ire wound filter.
Option B. "hreaded filter.
Option C. 1ire mesh filter.
Correct Answer is. 1ire mesh filter.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine page 9& refers to a coarse strainer fatted to the inlet of oil
pumps. 1ire mesh is considered to be the same thing.
Question Number. *%. A (ane t!pe oil pump output is controlled b!.
Option A. outlet pressure against spring pressure.
Option B. outlet pressure controlling ser(o.
Option C. output pressure controlling plate angle.
Correct Answer is. outlet pressure against spring pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft gas "urbine $owerplants page %/1< refers.
Question Number. *3. "he sump in a dr! sump oil s!stem.
Option A. is used as a collecting point onl!.
Option B. houses all the engine oil.
Option C. pro(ides lubrication for the main bearings.
Correct Answer is. is used as a collecting point onl!.
Explanation. @r! sumps are sca(enged bac5 to the reser(oir.
Question Number. *9. A 'et engine gear box breather is pre(ented from lea5ing oil to atmosphere b! the
action of.
Option A. air or oil (al(e.
Option B. oil thrower ring and centrifugal force.
Option C. impeller and centrifugal force.
Correct Answer is. impeller and centrifugal force.
Explanation. efer to page 91 olls o!ce "he #et Engine for a diagram of a gearbox centrifugal
Question Number. *;. "he air/cooled/oil/cooler has an anti/surge (al(e in order to.
Option A. protect the cooler.
Option B. restrict the engine max oil pressure.
Option C. stop oil draining from the s!stem when the cooler is remo(ed.
Correct Answer is. protect the cooler.
Explanation. "he term anti surge (al(e is unusual, an oil pressure relief b!pass (al(e is a better
Question Number. .<. A thread t!pe oil seal in a lubrication s!stem.
Option A. screws oil bac5 into the bearing sump when the shaft rotates
Option B. has a thread on a stationar! portion to pre(ent fluid lea5s.
Option C. onl! seals when stationar!.
Correct Answer is. has a thread on a stationar! portion to pre(ent fluid lea5s.
Explanation. "his is a t!pe of lab!rinth seal, see page ;& of "he #et Engine.
Question Number. .1. "he oil s!stem generall! used on most modern turboprop engines is.
Option A. dr! sump t!pe.
Option B. wet sump t!pe.
Option C. A low pressure s!stem.
Correct Answer is. dr! sump t!pe.
Explanation. "he oil is contained in a separate oil tan5.
Question Number. .&. A spur gear pump operating in a lubrication s!stem promotes.
Option A. high flow at low pressure.
Option B. low flow at low pressure.
Option C. low flow at high pressure.
Correct Answer is. low flow at high pressure.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .*. -ast chance6 filters in a lubrication s!stem are ser(iced during.
Option A. line maintenance.
Option B. routine oil change.
Option C. engine o(erhaul.
Correct Answer is. engine o(erhaul.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ... "he identification of a lubrication fluid line is the word 6lubrication6.
Option A. followed b! a caution.
Option B. followed b! s7uares.
Option C. followed b! circles.
Correct Answer is. followed b! s7uares.
Explanation. N,-.
15.11 Fuel S0stems.
Question Number. 1. ,f the swash plate of a positi(e displacement swash plate pump is perpendicular to
the axis of the pump, the flow will be.
Option A. re(ersed.
Option B. =ero.
Option C. maximum.
Correct Answer is. =ero.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &. 1hat mo(es the swash plate awa! from the minimum stro5e position2.
Option A. educed inlet pressure.
Option B. A spring.
Option C. ,ncreased ser(o pressure.
Correct Answer is. A spring.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. "he burner fuel flow is at maximum at.
Option A. 1<FCentigrade abo(e ,.8.A. sea le(el.
Option B. ,.8.A. sea le(el.
Option C. altitude.
Correct Answer is. ,.8.A. sea le(el.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. Bow is ser(o pressure, which is used to control fuel pump 68wash $late6 angle
Option A. Crom pump deli(er! pressure through (ariable restrictions.
Option B. Crom pump deli(er! pressure through fixed restrictions.
Option C. Crom pump inlet pressure through fixed restrictions.
Correct Answer is. Crom pump deli(er! pressure through (ariable restrictions.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 0. 1hat would be the effect on the engine if the B.$.C half ball (al(e in the ser(o
line stic5s open2.
Option A. A reduction of fuel flow, therefore a decrease in $D .
Option B. "he B.$.C would be ineffecti(e at sea le(el onl!.
Option C. An increase of fuel flow, therefore an increase in $D .
Correct Answer is. An increase of fuel flow, therefore an increase in $D .
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. 1h! is an A.C.E fitted to a gas turbine engine2.
Option A. ,t increases the rate of acceleration of the engine.
Option B. ,t controls the operation of the metering bloc5 during sudden acceleration.
Option C. ,t limits the rate of increase in fuel flow during sudden acceleration.
Correct Answer is. ,t limits the rate of increase in fuel flow during sudden acceleration.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 3. ,f fuel pump ser(o pressure is reduced, pump output will.
Option A. increase.
Option B. decrease.
Option C. remain constant.
Correct Answer is. decrease.
Explanation. Old boo5 $age 1<< figure.1</0.
Question Number. 9. 1h! is the B.$.C fitted in a gas turbine engine fuel s!stem2.
Option A. "o (ar! pressure pump output in relation to the pressure (ariation at the inta5e.
Option B. "o proportion the fuel flow between primar! and main burner lines.
Option C. "o decrease the fuel flow to the burners with increased air inta5e pressure.
Correct Answer is. "o (ar! pressure pump output in relation to the pressure (ariation at the inta5e.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. 1hat must be done after the fuel control unit has been replaced on an aircraft gas
turbine engine2.
Option A. Iou must recalibrate the fuel no==les.
Option B. Iou must retrim the engine.
Option C. Iou must perform a full power engine run to chec5 fuel flow.
Correct Answer is. Iou must retrim the engine.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./1&.
Question Number. 1<. A 5inetic (al(e is a de(ice used to control B.$ pump output. "his is achie(ed b!
mo(ement of a.
Option A. needle (al(e.
Option B. diaphragm and half ball (al(e.
Option C. 5nife blade.
Correct Answer is. 5nife blade.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. 8pecific fuel consumption at altitude will.
Option A. decrease.
Option B. remain constant.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. increase.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. @uring an! stabilised running condition, the spill or half ball (al(e is.
Option A. lightl! seated.
Option B. closed full!.
Option C. open full!.
Correct Answer is. lightl! seated.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. 1hat is the purpose of the attenuator fitted between the B.$ fuel pump and the
B.$.C in a fuel s!stem2.
Option A. ,t restricts the pressure feed top the B.$.C.
Option B. ,t ensures a suppl! of fuel free from foreign matter to the BC half ball (al(e.
Option C. ,t damps out pulsations in the fuel deli(er! to the B.$.C.
Correct Answer is. ,t damps out pulsations in the fuel deli(er! to the B.$.C.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1.. 1h! is the h!dromechanical go(ernor fitted to a gas turbine engine fuel pump2.
Option A. "o enable the engine to operate o(er a wide range of fuel 8As.
Option B. "o enable efficient control of fuel flow to be maintained at altitude.
Option C. "o enable the engine to operate o(er a wide range of fuel flow.
Correct Answer is. "o enable the engine to operate o(er a wide range of fuel 8As.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. A barometric $ressure Controller controls.
Option A. barometric pressure.
Option B. fuel flow to suit atmospheric pressure changes.
Option C. fuel tan5 pressure at altitude.
Correct Answer is. fuel flow to suit atmospheric pressure changes.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. :inetic (al(es are used because.
Option A. the! are less li5el! to lea5.
Option B. the! are more sensiti(e.
Option C. the! are not sub'ected to wear.
Correct Answer is. the! are more sensiti(e.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. 1hen considering a centrifugal t!pe engine speed go(ernor, an increase in fuel 8.A.
will cause.
Option A. no change in maximum $D .
Option B. an increase in maximum $D .
Option C. a reduction in maximum $D .
Correct Answer is. a reduction in maximum $D .
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 19. On a CA@EC engine.
Option A. A channel uses control alternator and B channel uses aircraft bus power.
Option B. A channel uses a separate winding of the control alternator to B channel.
Option C. A and B channel use the same phases of the motor.
Correct Answer is. A channel uses a separate winding of the control alternator to B channel.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 3/&& refers.
Question Number. 1;. Normal fuel)air ratio for successful combustion is.
Option A. 10+1.
Option B. &0+1.
Option C. 1<+1.
Correct Answer is. 10+1.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age */*&.
Question Number. &<. 1hich of the following influences the operation of an automatic fuel control unit
on a turbo'et engine2.
Option A. Exhaust gas temperature.
Option B. Dixture control position.
Option C. Burner pressure.
Correct Answer is. Burner pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 3/%*.
Question Number. &1. 1hat is the purpose of the -.$. pump2.
Option A. "o ensure rapid acceleration when the throttle is opened.
Option B. "o pre(ent ca(itation of the B.$ Cuel pump.
Option C. "o ensure the engine will continue to run if the B.$. fuel pump fails.
Correct Answer is. "o pre(ent ca(itation of the B.$ Cuel pump.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &&. "he fuel pump plungers are lubricated b!.
Option A. s!nthetic anti/free=e oil.
Option B. grease pac5ed bearings.
Option C. the Cuel.
Correct Answer is. the Cuel.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. 1hich forces control the maximum $D go(ernor in a non/h!dromechanical swashplate
t!pe of pump2.
Option A. otor centrifugal pressure opposed to tension spring loading.
Option B. otor centrifugal pressure plus tension spring loading opposed to pump deli(er! pressure.
Option C. otor centrifugal pressure plus tension spring loading opposed to pump inlet pressure.
Correct Answer is. otor centrifugal pressure opposed to tension spring loading.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &.. 1h! do the holes in the bod! of the duple burner pro(ide air to the shroud around
the burner head2.
Option A. "o reduce burner temperature.
Option B. "o assist atomisation of the fuel at slow running.
Option C. "o minimise carbon formation on the burner face.
Correct Answer is. "o minimise carbon formation on the burner face.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &0. A fuel heater pre(ents.
Option A. Neither.
Option B. -$ filter icing.
Option C. B.$ filter icing.
Correct Answer is. -$ filter icing.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/.0 refers.
Question Number. &%. On a CA@EC engine the E.E.C.
Option A. has electronic control of the h!dro/mechanical fuel control in some modes.
Option B. has mechanical control of the h!dro/mechanical fuel control s!stem.
Option C. has electronic control of the h!dro/mechanical fuel control unit in all modes.
Correct Answer is. has electronic control of the h!dro/mechanical fuel control unit in all modes.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/&< refers.
Question Number. &3. @uring normal running conditions, combustion is.
Option A. continuousl! supported b! ignition.
Option B. self supporting.
Option C. intermittentl! supported b! ignition.
Correct Answer is. self supporting.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &9. On a CA@EC engine, the channel reset.
Option A. alwa!s selects A channel.
Option B. selects B channel.
Option C. selects standb! which becomes acti(e on the next start.
Correct Answer is. selects standb! which becomes acti(e on the next start.
Explanation. CC%/9< C& CA@EC Engine Course notes refer.
Question Number. &;. 1ith a decrease in fuel 8A, what is the result when the engine is fitted with an
uncompensated fuel go(ernor2.
Option A. No effect.
Option B. Daximum $D decrease.
Option C. Daximum $D increase.
Correct Answer is. Daximum $D increase.
Explanation. olls o!ce $ara 1<* $age 11% refers.
Question Number. *<. "he maximum $D of a turbine engine is limited b!.
Option A. a temperature sensiti(e de(ice which reduces the fuel pump speed.
Option B. di(ersion of some of the fuel pump outlet flow b! a spill (al(e sensiti(e to burner fuel
Option C. reduction of the fuel pump stro5e b! a spill (al(e sensiti(e to centrifugall! generated fuel
Correct Answer is. reduction of the fuel pump stro5e b! a spill (al(e sensiti(e to centrifugall!
generated fuel pressure.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1<* $ara &* efers.
Question Number. *1. "o what condition does the fuel flow respond during aircraft acceleration2.
Option A. Dass airflow rate through the engine.
Option B. "he effect of 6ram/air6 at altitude.
Option C. "he change in pressure at the compressor inta5e.
Correct Answer is. Dass airflow rate through the engine.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/% efers. "his refers to the parameters that ma5e
mass airflow/ "& and N& in particular.
Question Number. *&. @uring acceleration, the fuel flow is increased at a controlled rate in order to.
Option A. pre(ent fuel pump damage.
Option B. increase s.f.c.
Option C. pre(ent surge and the ris5 of flame/out.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent surge and the ris5 of flame/out.
Explanation. O(er fuelling during acceleration is a prime cause of surge.
Question Number. **. "he B.$.C controls the C.C.E b!.
Option A. pressure sensing.
Option B. temperature sensing.
Option C. densit! sensing.
Correct Answer is. pressure sensing.
Explanation. B$C is the Barometric $ressure Control.
Question Number. *.. ,f the swash plate of a positi(e displacement swash plate pump is perpendicular to
the axis of the pump, the flow will be.
Option A. =ero.
Option B. re(ersed.
Option C. maximum.
Correct Answer is. =ero.
Explanation. olls o!ce #et Engine $age ;9/;; refers.
Question Number. *0. "he burner fuel flow is at maximum at.
Option A. altitude.
Option B. 1<FCentigrade abo(e ,.8.A. sea le(el.
Option C. ,.8.A. sea le(el.
Correct Answer is. ,.8.A. sea le(el.
Explanation. Cold dense air re7uires more fuel than hot warm air to maintain the air/fuel ratio.
Question Number. *%. "he t!pe of fuel control unit most commonl! used in modern 'et engines is.
Option A. mechanical.
Option B. h!dro/mechanical.
Option C. electrical.
Correct Answer is. h!dro/mechanical.
Explanation. olls o!ce #et Engine $age ;; refers.
Question Number. *3. Bow is ser(o pressure, which is used to control fuel pump swash plate angle,
Option A. Crom pump inlet pressure through fixed restrictions.
Option B. Crom pump deli(er! pressure through fixed restrictions.
Option C. Crom pump deli(er! pressure through (ariable restrictions.
Correct Answer is. Crom pump deli(er! pressure through (ariable restrictions.
Explanation. 8er(o pressure is initiall! supplied through a fixed restrictor, then modified b! half
ball (al(e and 5inetic 5ni(es olls o!ce "he #et Engine page ;9/1<1 refers.
Question Number. *9. 1h! is the Barometric $ressure Control fitted in a turboshaft engine fuel s!stem2.
Option A. "o proportion the fuel flow between primar! and main burner lines.
Option B. "o (ar! pressure pump output in relation to the pressure (ariation at the inta5e.
Option C. "o decrease the fuel flow to the burners with increased air inta5e pressure.
Correct Answer is. "o (ar! pressure pump output in relation to the pressure (ariation at the inta5e.
Explanation. Barometric $ressure Control is an old name for Altitude >and hence air densit!? 8ensing
Enit see olls o!ce "he #et Engine figure 1</1& or 1</3.
Question Number. *;. @uring an! stabilised running condition, the spill or half ball (al(e is.
Option A. alwa!s (ar!ing between full! closed and full! seated.
Option B. lightl! seated.
Option C. open full!.
Correct Answer is. lightl! seated.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page ;9 refers.
Question Number. .<. "he swash plate in a fuel pump, when static is.
Option A. at some intermediate position.
Option B. in the minimum position.
Option C. in the maximum position.
Correct Answer is. in the maximum position.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page ;9 refers.
Question Number. .1. A 5inetic (al(e is a de(ice used to control B.$ pump output. "his is achie(ed b!
mo(ement of a.
Option A. diaphragm and half ball (al(e.
Option B. 5nife blade.
Option C. needle (al(e.
Correct Answer is. 5nife blade.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1<* refers.
Question Number. .&. 1h! is it necessar! to control fuel suppl! to the engine during rapid acceleration2.
Option A. "o pre(ent compressor stall abo(e cruise $D .
Option B. "o control maximum $D .
Option C. "o pre(ent excessi(el! high EA" and possible compressor surge.
Correct Answer is. "o pre(ent excessi(el! high EA" and possible compressor surge.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1<. refers.
Question Number. .*. 1hich component corrects for air densit! effects on fuel)air mixture in a gas
turbine engine2.
Option A. "he barometric pressure control unit.
Option B. "he ad'ustable throttle (al(e.
Option C. "he pressurising (al(e.
Correct Answer is. "he barometric pressure control unit.
Explanation. Barometric pressure senses densit! changes.
Question Number. ... 1h! is the high pressure fuel pump fitted in a gas turbine engine aircraft2.
Option A. "o maintain a (apour free pressure from the aircraft fuel tan5s to the -$ fuel pump.
Option B. As an emergenc! in case of failure of the -$ pump.
Option C. "o pro(ide the ma'orit! of the fuel pressure to the engine.
Correct Answer is. "o pro(ide the ma'orit! of the fuel pressure to the engine.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 11& refers.
Question Number. .0. 1hat are the positions of the pressuri=ation (al(e and the dump (al(e in a 'et
engine fuel s!stem when the engine is shut down2.
Option A. $ressuri=ation (al(e open, dump (al(e open.
Option B. $ressuri=ation (al(e closed, dump (al(e open.
Option C. $ressuri=ation (al(e closed, dump (al(e closed.
Correct Answer is. $ressuri=ation (al(e open, dump (al(e open.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .%. "he densit! of air is (er! important when mixing fuel and air to obtain a correct
fuel to air ratio. 1hich of the following weighs the most2.
Option A. 30 parts of dr! air and &0 parts of water (apor.
Option B. 1<< parts of dr! air.
Option C. 0< parts of dr! air and 0< parts of water (apor.
Correct Answer is. 1<< parts of dr! air.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .3. A mixture ratio of 11+1 normall! refers to.
Option A. 1 part air to 11 parts fuel.
Option B. a stoichiometric mixture.
Option C. 1 part fuel to 11 parts air.
Correct Answer is. 1 part fuel to 11 parts air.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .9. Cor what primar! purpose is a turbine engine fuel control unit trimmed2.
Option A. "o obtain maximum thrust output when desired.
Option B. "o properl! position the power le(ers.
Option C. "o ad'ust the idle $D .
Correct Answer is. "o obtain maximum thrust output when desired.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%;.
Question Number. .;. 1hich t!pe of fuel control is used on most of toda!6s turbine engines2.
Option A. B!dromechanical or electronic.
Option B. Dechanical.
Option C. Electronic.
Correct Answer is. B!dromechanical or electronic.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%<.
Question Number. 0<. Ender which of the following conditions will the trimming of a turbine engine be
most accurate2.
Option A. No wind and low moisture.
Option B. Bigh moisture and low wind.
Option C. Bigh wind and high moisture.
Correct Answer is. No wind and low moisture.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 01. An B.D.E recei(es its signals from.
Option A. E.E.C.
Option B. A@C.
Option C. thrust le(er resol(ers.
Correct Answer is. E.E.C.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&<.
Question Number. 0&. ,n order to stabili=e cams, springs, and lin5ages within the fuel control,
manufacturers generall! recommend that all final turbine engine trim ad'ustments be made in the.
Option A. decrease direction.
Option B. increase direction.
Option C. decrease direction after o(er/ad'ustment.
Correct Answer is. increase direction.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/3<.
Question Number. 0*. 1hen trimming a turbine engine, the fuel control is ad'usted to.
Option A. set idle $D and maximum speed or E.$..
Option B. produce as much power as the engine is capable of producing.
Option C. allow the engine to produce maximum $D without regard to power output.
Correct Answer is. set idle $D and maximum speed or E.$..
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%;.
Question Number. 0.. A super(isor! electronic engine control >E.E.C? is a s!stem that recei(es engine
operating information and.
Option A. controls engine operation according to ambient temperature, pressure, and humidit!.
Option B. ad'usts a standard h!dromechanical fuel control unit to obtain the most effecti(e engine
Option C. de(elops the commands to (arious actuators to control engine parameters.
Correct Answer is. ad'usts a standard h!dromechanical fuel control unit to obtain the most effecti(e
engine operation.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%..
Question Number. 00. ,n a CA@EC s!stem, acti(e control switcho(er occurs.
Option A. when channels A and B are health!.
Option B. on shutdown.
Option C. on engine start up onl!.
Correct Answer is. on engine start up onl!.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&<.
Question Number. 0%. 1hat causes the fuel di(ider (al(e to open in a turbine engine duplex fuel no==le2.
Option A. An electricall! operated solenoid.
Option B. Bleed air after the engine reaches idle $D .
Option C. Cuel pressure.
Correct Answer is. Cuel pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%%.
Question Number. 03. "he (al(e on a (ane t!pe fuel flow measuring de(ice becomes stuc5. 1hat safet!
bac5up is a(ailable for the engine fuel flow2.
Option A. A differential pressure b!pass (al(e.
Option B. A b!pass (al(e.
Option C. A fuel bleed (al(e.
Correct Answer is. A differential pressure b!pass (al(e.
Explanation. $allett Aircraft ,nstruments and integrated s!stems page *%; refers. Note the (al(e opens
against spring pressure.
Question Number. 09. 1hat are the principal ad(antages of the duplex fuel no==le used in man! turbine
Option A. Allows a wider range of fuels and filters to be used.
Option B. estricts the amount of fuel flow to a le(el where more efficient and complete burning of the
fuel is achie(ed.
Option C. $ro(ides better atomi=ation and uniform flow pattern.
Correct Answer is. $ro(ides better atomi=ation and uniform flow pattern.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%%.
Question Number. 0;. 1hat is the purpose of the flow di(ider in a turbine engine duplex fuel no==le2.
Option A. Allows an alternate flow of fuel if the primar! flow clogs or is restricted.
Option B. $ro(ides a flow path for bleed air which aids in the atomi=ation of fuel.
Option C. Creates the primar! and secondar! fuel supplies.
Correct Answer is. Creates the primar! and secondar! fuel supplies.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%%.
Question Number. %<. 1hich of the following turbine fuel filters has the greatest filtering action2.
Option A. 8tac5ed charcoal.
Option B. 8mall wire mesh.
Option C. Dicron.
Correct Answer is. Dicron.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %1. 1here is the engine fuel shutoff (al(e usuall! located2.
Option A. Aft of the firewall.
Option B. Ad'acent to the fuel pump.
Option C. @ownstream of the engine dri(en fuel pump.
Correct Answer is. @ownstream of the engine dri(en fuel pump.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 3/%*.
Question Number. %&. 8uper(isor! E.E.C sends its output to the.
Option A. fuel (al(e.
Option B. B.D.E)C.C.A.
Option C. EA" thermocouple circuit.
Correct Answer is. B.D.E)C.C.A.
Explanation. B&11/0*0 has this s!stem / the trim signal is passed to the C.C.A. a CA@EC engine would
recei(e trim signals at the B.D.E.
Question Number. %*. ,f a CA@EC loses its A@C input. ,n the short term it will.
Option A. go to limit protection mode.
Option B. go into hard re(ersion.
Option C. go into soft re(ersion.
Correct Answer is. go into soft re(ersion.
Explanation. 8ometimes 5nown as the Alternate mode. CC/% CA@EC engine has this facilit!.
Question Number. %.. "he primar! purpose of an E.E.C is.
Option A. to change analogue inputs into digital format to pro(ide glass coc5pit information and reduce
flight crew wor5load.
Option B. to sa(e fuel, reduce crew wor5load and reduce maintenance costs.
Option C. to change analogue inputs into digital format to reduce flight crew wor5load and pro(ide
maintenance information.
Correct Answer is. to sa(e fuel, reduce crew wor5load and reduce maintenance costs.
Explanation. ,nputs and outputs to the CA@EC are both digital and analogue, hence a and b are both
wrong. Optimised performance is the reason CA@EC was introduced
Question Number. %0. 1hen both CA@EC channels are health! the! will alternate.
Option A. as selected on the flight dec5.
Option B. when one channel fails.
Option C. on each engine start.
Correct Answer is. on each engine start.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&<.
Question Number. %%. "he purpose of the -$ fuel pump is to.
Option A. ensure the B.$ fuel pump does not ca(itate.
Option B. pump fuel from the aircraft fuel tan5s to the engine.
Option C. ensure the fuel flow go(ernor gets enough fuel.
Correct Answer is. ensure the B.$ fuel pump does not ca(itate.
Explanation. Daintains about .< psi to the inlet of the B.$ $ump.
Question Number. %3. ,n a CA@EC s!stem, what is the result of Channel A failing to recei(e information
from a sensor2.
Option A. Channel A will ta5e the information from the bac5up sensor.
Option B. Channel A will ta5e the information from channel B.
Option C. Channel B will assume control.
Correct Answer is. Channel A will ta5e the information from channel B.
Explanation. "his assumes that channel A is still capable of full control and that channel B is
recei(ing a good sensor signal.
Question Number. %9. ,n a CA@EC engine with a h!dromechanical fuel s!stem, how is fuel flow controlled2.
Option A. B! oil h!draulics.
Option B. B! fuel pressure.
Option C. B! electro/h!draulic ser(o (al(es >E.B.8.Ms?.
Correct Answer is. B! electro/h!draulic ser(o (al(es >E.B.8.Ms?.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/&< refers.O
Question Number. %;. On the approach.
Option A. $D should be abo(e the minimum idle for maximum acceleration.
Option B. $D should be high.
Option C. $D should be lower than minimum for maximum acceleration.
Correct Answer is. $D should be abo(e the minimum idle for maximum acceleration.
Explanation. A high >or flight? idle setting is used for maximum acceleration in the e(ent of
Question Number. 3<. "he air data inputs to the CA@EC E.C.E fails. "he result will be+.
Option A. a lac5 of flight data.
Option B. the E.C.E re(erts to the fail/safe mode.
Option C. uncorrected data from hard wired analogue sensors is utilised.
Correct Answer is. the E.C.E re(erts to the fail/safe mode.
Explanation. ,f all air data input fails then the E.C.E re(erts to an alternate >Cail/safe? mode.
Question Number. 31. A CA@EC s!stem consists of.
Option A. B.D.E, A.@.C and sensors.
Option B. E.E.C, A.@.C and sensors.
Option C. B.D.E, sensors and an E.E.C.
Correct Answer is. B.D.E, sensors and an E.E.C.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $age 3/%& refers.
Question Number. 3&. A fuel heater pre(ents.
Option A. entrained water in fuel free=ing.
Option B. -$ fuel filter icing.
Option C. pipelines free=ing.
Correct Answer is. entrained water in fuel free=ing.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 3/.0 refers. 1hilst the -$ fuel filter ma!
bloc5 as a result of free=ing it is the entrained water that fro=e first.
Question Number. 3*. 1hen re/light is re7uired in flight on a CA@EC engine, the pilot selects.
Option A. one igniter.
Option B. igniter selected automaticall!.
Option C. both igniters.
Correct Answer is. igniter selected automaticall!.
Explanation. "he CA@EC chooses whiche(er igniter it wants.
Question Number. 3.. "he position of fuel heater in fuel s!stem is.
Option A. between the fuel control unit and the burner manifold.
Option B. after the -$ fuel filter and before the B.$ pump.
Option C. before the -$ fuel filter.
Correct Answer is. before the -$ fuel filter.
Explanation. "his position ensures the fuel will not free=e in the fuel filter. "he #et Engine $age
11% $ara 1<< refers.
Question Number. 30. "he E.E.C recei(es its primar! power from.
Option A. 110M AC emergenc! BE8.
Option B. separate permanent magnet alternator.
Option C. 110M AC main BE8.
Correct Answer is. separate permanent magnet alternator.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page 3/&& refers. note that answers a and b are
bac5 up power supplies.
Question Number. 3%. "he fuel trimmer on a turbo/prop engine isoperated.
Option A. manuall!, to pre(ent high EA" due to altitude increase.
Option B. automaticall! controlled in con'unction with CCE.
Option C. manuall! to pre(ent excessi(e $D at high altitude.
Correct Answer is. automaticall! controlled in con'unction with CCE.
Explanation. No "urbo/prop aircraft has a manual fuel trimmer as far as we are aware. #eppesen $age 3/
1& sub para d further refers.
Question Number. 33. "he main ad(antage of CA@EC is.
Option A. it has electrical control of h!dro mechanical unit in all modes.
Option B. efficienc! is alwa!s maximum.
Option C. it changes ".-.A to most efficient E.$. rating.
Correct Answer is. efficienc! is alwa!s maximum.
Explanation. educed pilot wor5load and maximum efficienc! of performance is the greatest ad(antage of
Question Number. 39. ,nlet side of a fuel pump has a.
Option A. threaded micron filter.
Option B. wire mesh filter.
Option C. wire wound filter.
Correct Answer is. wire mesh filter.
Explanation. #eppesen aircraft gas turbine $owerplants $age 3/.9 refers.
Question Number. 3;. 1hen a throttle is selected to increase power, the pressure drop across the Cuel
Control Enit throttle orifice.
Option A. increases then decreases due to decreasing pump output.
Option B. drops then increases due to increasing pump output.
Option C. remains the same.
Correct Answer is. drops then increases due to increasing pump output.
Explanation. On selection the pressure drop across the throttle decreases then reco(ers as the pump
increases the flow of fuel.
Question Number. 9<. 1hen the E.E.C super(isor! circuit senses a fault on the engine, the fault
light will be on and the E.E.C will.
Option A. remo(e fuel, down trimming signal onl! when E.E.C switch selected off.
Option B. remo(e fuel, down trimming signal immediatel!.
Option C. remo(e fuel, down trimming signal onl! after landing.
Correct Answer is. remo(e fuel, down trimming signal immediatel!.
Explanation. "he E.E.C referred to here is that discussed in olls o!ce the #et Engine page 11&. ,t
is fitted to an B&11/0*0E..
Question Number. 91. ,n/Clight the engine E.E.C controls.
Option A. EA".
Option B. throttle position.
Option C. fuel flow.
Correct Answer is. fuel flow.
Explanation. "hrottle position is controlled b! the crew or auto throttle. EA" is a function of fuel
Question Number. 9&. A CA@EC does not ha(e which of the following2.
Option A. Control of thrust re(erser operation.
Option B. An automatic starting capabilit!.
Option C. Automatic control of engine fire bottles.
Correct Answer is. Automatic control of engine fire bottles.
Explanation. Cire extinguishers are alwa!s operated from the flight dec5.
Question Number. 9*. A CA@EC consists of.
Option A. Electronic controls, sensors and an B.D.E.
Option B. Electronic control and throttle position transmitter.
Option C. Electronic control onl!.
Correct Answer is. Electronic controls, sensors and an B.D.E.
Explanation. A CA@EC is the full s!stem of sensors and control unit. 8ometimes the B!dro mechanical
Enit >B.D.E? is also included as part of the s!stem.
Question Number. 9.. @uring aerobatic manoeu(res, what pre(ents fuel from
spilling out of fuel tan5 (ents2.
Option A. Booster pump differential pressure.
Option B. Baffle plates in tan5s.
Option C. Cloat operated (al(es.
Correct Answer is. Cloat operated (al(es.
Explanation. Cloat operated (al(es allow the (ent lines to (ent both wa!s if there is no fuel on the
float, but will Oshut when the float is lifted b! fuel.
Question Number. 90. After a bag tan5 replacement, where would !ou disconnect the s!stem to carr! out
the flow chec5s2.
Option A. At the engine.
Option B. At tan5 outlet.
Option C. "an5 isolation coc5.
Correct Answer is. At the engine.
Explanation. CA,$s A-)*/13 states that for an! aircraft fuel flow test after ma'or s!stem interruption
connect the flow rig at the engine bul5head.
Question Number. 9%. 1hat is the purpose of a sil(er strip on a fuel filter2.
Option A. "o detect excess metal.
Option B. "o detect sulphur in fuel.
Option C. "o strain oil for contamination.
Correct Answer is. "o detect sulphur in fuel.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age &0. refers.
Question Number. 93. "he basic concept of an B.$ fuel control is.
Option A. automatic ad'ustment of the fuel control unit b! pre(enting excess fuel reaching the burners.
Option B. the bleeding of excess fuel bac5 to the input of the B.$ pump swash plate piston.
Option C. constant ad'ustment of the swash plate angle of the B.$ fuel pump.
Correct Answer is. constant ad'ustment of the swash plate angle of the B.$ fuel pump.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $ages ;9 / 1<& refer.
Question Number. 99. "o pre(ent compressor surge and o(erheating of the combustion chamber due to o(er
Option A. a barometric unit is fitted.
Option B. a throttle unit is fitted.
Option C. an acceleration control unit is fitted.
Correct Answer is. an acceleration control unit is fitted.
Explanation. "he acceleration unit automaticall! limits the rate of increase of fuel flow until
sufficient air is passing through the engine.
Question Number. 9;. 1hen CA@EC is in normal mode.
Option A. channel A or B will be in command.
Option B. channel A will be in command.
Option C. channel B will be in command.
Correct Answer is. channel A or B will be in command.
Explanation. Both channels are operating but either one can be in control if the! are both health!.
Question Number. ;<. Out of the following thrust le(er resol(er angles, which one is the forward idle
Option A. 0 degrees.
Option B. 90 degrees.
Option C. .< degrees.
Correct Answer is. .< degrees.
Explanation. All CA@EC engines will ha(e re(erse thrust settings therefore the ".-.A of < degrees will
be max re(erse, and 90 will be max forward therefore .< is the idle figureure.
Question Number. ;1. "rimming is a term applied to ad'usting the.
Option A. idle speed and maximum thrust.
Option B. fuel specific gra(it!.
Option C. part trim stop.
Correct Answer is. idle speed and maximum thrust.
Explanation. @ale Crane @ictionar! of Aeronautical "erms *rd edition efers.
Question Number. ;&. Cuel boost pumps are cooled using.
Option A. ram air.
Option B. Cuel pumps do not re7uire cooling.
Option C. fuel.
Correct Answer is. fuel.
Explanation. Cuel pumps, of an! t!pe usuall! use the fuel the! are pumping to cool the bearings.
Question Number. ;*. A fuel trimmer unit is ad'usted at altitude.
Option A. automaticall!, (ia a fuel trim unit.
Option B. manuall! to compensate for propeller tor7ue.
Option C. manuall! to compensate for EA" change.
Correct Answer is. automaticall!, (ia a fuel trim unit.
Explanation. 1e assume here that the fuel trim at altitude is due to decreasing air densit!4 pressure.
"he Cuel flow go(ernor >fuel trimmer? does this automaticall!.
Question Number. ;.. Baffles in a rigid fuel tan5.
Option A. help pre(ent micro/biological corrosion.
Option B. strengthen the tan5 structure.
Option C. pre(ent surge.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent surge.
Explanation. "his 7uestion was definitel! as5ed in module 10/ it should be in module 11HH.
Question Number. ;0. ,n a CA@EC s!stem, what does the E.E.C measure along with $D 2.
Option A. $ressure and "emperature.
Option B. $ressure.
Option C. "emperature.
Correct Answer is. $ressure and "emperature.
Explanation. Normall! the E.E.C reads as a minimum "o $o $s* and "&0.
Question Number. ;%. ,n a CA@EC s!stem, how are the power suppl! windings for channel A and Channel B
Option A. "wo independent generators.
Option B. On one generator with & separate windings.
Option C. One generator and one winding.
Correct Answer is. On one generator with & separate windings.
Explanation. "he engine alternator is a permanent magnet alternator with & windings within the stator
housing. "here ma! also be a third winding that is used to indicate B.$ $D >B.$ tachometer? within the
same housing.
Question Number. ;3. ,f an Engine CA@EC s!stem loses air/data permanentl!, the pilot will.
Option A. turn that E.E.C Off.
Option B. select alternate pitot static.
Option C. switch to Alt on the rele(ant E.E.C.
Correct Answer is. switch to Alt on the rele(ant E.E.C.
Explanation. B! switching to Alternate mode manuall! the E.E.C uses cornerstone $amb and "amb.
Question Number. ;9. A CA@EC s!stem ta5es measurements from Engine 8peed,.
Option A. "emperature and $ressure.
Option B. and "emperature.
Option C. and $ressure.
Correct Answer is. "emperature and $ressure.
Explanation. "/ambient, $/ambient and $ s* as a minimum.
Question Number. ;;. Dain purpose of the fuel boost pumps is to pro(ide.
Option A. emergenc! dump 'ettison.
Option B. cross/feed fuel from one tan5 to another.
Option C. fuel pressure to both engine pumps.
Correct Answer is. fuel pressure to both engine pumps.
Explanation. 8uppl! of fuel to the engines is the primar! purpose although the other two answers ma!
also be options.
Question Number. 1<<. "he swash plate in the fuel pump of an axial flow gas turbine engine is controlled
Option A. ser(o h!draulic pressure.
Option B. electrical ser(o control.
Option C. ser(o fuel pressure.
Correct Answer is. ser(o fuel pressure.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age ;; et al refers.
Question Number. 1<1. "he end fittings on a fuel non/return (al(e are normall! of different si=es to.
Option A. pre(ent incorrect installation.
Option B. facilitate bleeding the s!stem.
Option C. allow a full fuel flow through the (al(e.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent incorrect installation.
Explanation. Also 5nown as chec5 (al(es, NM6s ha(e different end fittings and sometimes an arrow
showing direction of flow embossed on the casing.
Question Number. 1<&. E.E.C recei(es signals from $D sensor and.
Option A. pressure sensors.
Option B. pressure and temperature sensors.
Option C. temperature sensors.
Correct Answer is. pressure and temperature sensors.
Explanation. Dodern CA@EC s!stems recei(e all three t!pes of sensor but 7uite often do not use the EA"
signals for control.
Question Number. 1<*. 1hen does E.E.C channel change o(er occur2.
Option A. On engine start up.
Option B. On engine shut down.
Option C. On fault.
Correct Answer is. On engine start up.
Explanation. "he E.E.C prepares for the changeo(er b! resetting the E.E.C on shut down, but does not
actuall! do it until the next start. A simple single fault >compared to a complete channel failure? will
not cause a change o(er.
Question Number. 1<.. "he possible combined output from all the sca(enge pumps in a lubrication s!stem
will be.
Option A. greater than the pressure pump output.
Option B. less than the pressure pump output.
Option C. the same as the pressure pump output.
Correct Answer is. greater than the pressure pump output.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<0. ,f the 5nife/edge blade in a 5inetic (al(e is full! in.
Option A. pump pressure is constant.
Option B. ser(o pressure is being bled off.
Option C. ser(o pressure is increasing.
Correct Answer is. ser(o pressure is being bled off.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1<* para *1 figure 1</9.
15.12 Ai S0stems.
Question Number. 1. Engine anti/ice is ta5en from the.
Option A. turbine.
Option B. B.$ compressor.
Option C. -$ compressor.
Correct Answer is. B.$ compressor.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age ;/& refers.
Question Number. &. ,n an axial flow turbine engine, compressor bleed air is sometimes used to aid in
cooling the.
Option A. inlet guide (anes.
Option B. turbine, (anes, blades, and bearings.
Option C. fuel.
Correct Answer is. turbine, (anes, blades, and bearings.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. ,f air is ta5en from the compressor for air conditioning or anti/icing.
Option A. thrust will increase EA" will increase.
Option B. thrust will decrease EA" will increase.
Option C. thrust will decrease EA" will decrease.
Correct Answer is. thrust will decrease EA" will increase.
Explanation. Air is ta5en from the B.$ compressor hence there is less mass flow.
Question Number. .. "urbine case cooling utili=es.
Option A. -$ compressor air.
Option B. fan air.
Option C. B.$ compressor air.
Correct Answer is. fan air.
Explanation. Can air is the coldest in the engine.
Question Number. 0. Air for anti/icing is ta5en from the.
Option A. accessor! Aearbox.
Option B. -$ compressor.
Option C. B.$ compressor.
Correct Answer is. B.$ compressor.
Explanation. -$ air would not be hot enough.
Question Number. %. As air is bled off the engine, EA" will.
Option A. remain constant.
Option B. decrease.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. increase.
Explanation. -ess air, but same fuel e7uals higher EA".
Question Number. 3. "he heat absorbed b! internal components can be detrimental to thrust and is
pre(ented b!.
Option A. reducing fuel flow to reduce internal temperature.
Option B. bleeding air off the compressor to heat the components.
Option C. bleeding air off the compressor to cool the components.
Correct Answer is. bleeding air off the compressor to cool the components.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age ./0* refers.
Question Number. 9. On a gas turbine engine, thermal wing de/icing s!stem deri(es air.
Option A. (ia air from the B.$ turbine.
Option B. through a pressure regulating shut/off (al(e >$..8.O.M?.
Option C. through a pressure relief s!stem.
Correct Answer is. through a pressure regulating shut/off (al(e >$..8.O.M?.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 10< efers.
Question Number. ;. ,nlet for cooling air for the first stage turbine blades is fed (ia the.
Option A. blade root.
Option B. grill holes.
Option C. leading edge of the blade.
Correct Answer is. blade root.
Explanation. "he cooling air is ducted through the turbine disc to the blade root then out into the
airstream through holes in the leading and trailing edges.
Question Number. 1<. Air bleed for an anti/ice s!stem is.
Option A. tapped directl! off the compressor.
Option B. sent through a pressure regulator.
Option C. sent through the air conditioning.
Correct Answer is. tapped directl! off the compressor.
Explanation. 1ith this method if the engine is running then anti/ice air is alwa!s a(ailable.
Question Number. 11. 1ith bleed (al(es open for anti/ice.
Option A. thrust is unaffected.
Option B. thrust decreases, fuel consumption decreases.
Option C. thrust decreases, fuel consumption increases.
Correct Answer is. thrust decreases, fuel consumption decreases.
Explanation. N,-.
15.1#, Stating and Ignition S0stems.
Question Number. 1. ,n the B.E.,.E. the discharge resistors.
Option A. allows the capacitors to discharge when the unit is switched off.
Option B. allows sufficient (oltage to be stored to pro(ide relight facilities up to 00,<<< ft.
Option C. protects the unit from excessi(e (oltages.
Correct Answer is. allows the capacitors to discharge when the unit is switched off.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &. ,n the B.E.,.E. the cho5e.
Option A. prolongs the life of the plug.
Option B. protects the unit from excessi(e high (oltages.
Option C. prolongs the discharge.
Correct Answer is. prolongs the discharge.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. ,n an electrical starting s!stem, the slow start resistor is short circuited b! the.
Option A. centrifugal 8witch.
Option B. time switch.
Option C. o(erspeed switch.
Correct Answer is. centrifugal 8witch.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. "he ad(antage of an air starter s!stem is.
Option A. it pro(ides a more rapid start.
Option B. it is light, simple and economical.
Option C. there is no ris5 of engine fire during starting.
Correct Answer is. it is light, simple and economical.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $owerplant Boo5 $age 9/.; 6Air starters weigh about one/fifth the
wieght of a comparable electric starter. "his gi(es air turbine starters a high power/to/wieght ratio.
because of this, pneumatic starters are used almost exclusi(el! on commercial 'et aircraft.
Question Number. 0. An ad(antage of a gas turbine starter is.
Option A. it pro(ide high power for low weight.
Option B. it does not re7uire external connections.
Option C. it uses a low (olatile fuel.
Correct Answer is. it pro(ide high power for low weight.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. ,f the engine fails to light/up, the starter c!cle is canceled b!.
Option A. a centrifugal switch.
Option B. a low pressure rela!.
Option C. a time switch.
Correct Answer is. a time switch.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 3. Cor starting the engine, the B.$ coc5 should be initiall!.
Option A. in a position which depends on the fuel s!stem.
Option B. open.
Option C. closed.
Correct Answer is. closed.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 9. On light up, the gas temperature will.
Option A. rise slowl!.
Option B. rise rapidl!, then fall as $D increases to idle.
Option C. rise rapidl!.
Correct Answer is. rise rapidl!, then fall as $D increases to idle.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. 8elf sustaining $D means that.
Option A. "he engine can accelerate to full power in under 0 seconds.
Option B. "here is sufficient power for ground maneu(ering.
Option C. "he engine will run independentl! of external help.
Correct Answer is. "he engine will run independentl! of external help.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. A 6hot start6 with excessi(e temperatures ma! be caused b!.
Option A. wrong grade of fuel.
Option B. throttle partl! open.
Option C. high electrical power suppl!.
Correct Answer is. throttle partl! open.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. A dr! motoring c!cle would be re7uired to.
Option A. clear the engine after a wet start.
Option B. chec5 engine run down time.
Option C. chec5 the operation of the igniters.
Correct Answer is. clear the engine after a wet start.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. 1hat t!pe of turbine blade is most commonl! used in air starter motors2.
Option A. eaction.
Option B. ,mpulse.
Option C. ,mpulse/reaction.
Correct Answer is. ,mpulse.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. ,gnitor plugs are cleaned b!.
Option A. compressed air and brushing lightl! with soft brush.
Option B. light sand blasting.
Option C. steel wool.
Correct Answer is. compressed air and brushing lightl! with soft brush.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 11/11 refers.
Question Number. 1.. An B.E.,.E wor5s b!.
Option A. a discharging capacitor.
Option B. ac busbar.
Option C. a contact brea5er.
Correct Answer is. a discharging capacitor.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 11/0 refers.
Question Number. 10. 1hen is ignition used2.
Option A. Cor relight and start up.
Option B. Cor continuous relight.
Option C. At high altitudes.
Correct Answer is. Cor relight and start up.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1&3 efers.
Question Number. 1%. An ignitor plug for a large gas turbine ta5es the form of a.
Option A. glow6 plug.
Option B. spar5ing plug.
Option C. surface discharge plug.
Correct Answer is. surface discharge plug.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1*1 efers.
Question Number. 13. "he spar5 in the Bigh Energ! igniter is supplied b!.
Option A. a capacitor.
Option B. a contact circuit brea5er.
Option C. the AC busbar.
Correct Answer is. a capacitor.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age11/. refers.
Question Number. 19. 8elf sustaining speed is.
Option A. M1 speed.
Option B. the $D at which the engine continues without external assistance.
Option C. ta5e off (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. the $D at which the engine continues without external assistance.
Explanation. After the starter has cut out and the $D and "A" ha(e stabilised.
Question Number. 1;. @uring normal running conditions.
Option A. combustion is intermittentl! supported b! ignition.
Option B. combustion is self supporting
Option C. combustion is continuousl! supported b! ignition.
Correct Answer is. combustion is self supporting
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page *3 refers.
Question Number. &<. Bigh energ! ignition is re7uired because of the.
Option A. high flash point of the fuel.
Option B. absorbed moisture content.
Option C. low flash point of the fuel.
Correct Answer is. high flash point of the fuel.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/1 refers.
Question Number. &1. ,n the B.E.,.E. the discharge resistors.
Option A. allow sufficient (oltage to be stored to pro(ide relight facilities up to 00,<<< ft.
Option B. allow the capacitors to discharge when the unit is switched off.
Option C. protect the unit from excessi(e (oltages.
Correct Answer is. allow the capacitors to discharge when the unit is switched off.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1&; refers
Question Number. &&. "he rate of discharge of a B.E.,.E. is.
Option A. . discharges per re(olution.
Option B. %< / 1<< per second.
Option C. %< / 1<< per minute.
Correct Answer is. %< / 1<< per minute.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &*. 1h! do turbine engine ignition s!stems re7uire high energ!2.
Option A. Because the applied (oltage is much greater.
Option B. "o ignite the fuel under conditions of high altitude and high temperatures.
Option C. "o ignite the fuel under conditions of high altitude and low temperatures.
Correct Answer is. "o ignite the fuel under conditions of high altitude and low temperatures.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/1<&.
Question Number. &.. "he t!pe of ignition s!stem used on most turbine aircraft engines is.
Option A. low tension.
Option B. capacitor discharge.
Option C. high resistance.
Correct Answer is. capacitor discharge.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/1<&.
Question Number. &0. A safet! feature usuall! emplo!ed in pneumatic starters that is used to pre(ent the
starter from reaching burst speed if inlet air does not terminate on schedule is the.
Option A. stator no==le design that cho5es airflow and stabili=es turbine wheel speed.
Option B. dri(e shaft shear point.
Option C. spring coupling release.
Correct Answer is. stator no==le design that cho5es airflow and stabili=es turbine wheel speed.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/.;.
Question Number. &%. A safet! feature usuall! emplo!ed in pneumatic starters that is used if the clutch
does not release from the engine dri(e at the proper time during start is the.
Option A. spring coupling release.
Option B. dri(e shaft shear point.
Option C. fl!weight cutout switch.
Correct Answer is. fl!weight cutout switch.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/.;.
Question Number. &3. Airflow to the pneumatic starter from a ground unit is normall! pre(ented from
causing starter o(erspeed during engine start b!.
Option A. a preset timed cutoff of the airflow at the source.
Option B. stator no==le design that cho5es airflow and stabili=es turbine wheel speed speed.
Option C. acti(ation of a fl!weight cutout switch.
Correct Answer is. acti(ation of a fl!weight cutout switch.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/.;.
Question Number. &9. Air turbine starters are generall! designed so that reduction gear distress or
damage ma! be detected b!.
Option A. inspection of a magnetic chip detector.
Option B. characteristic sounds from the starter assembl! during engine start.
Option C. brea5age of a shear section on the starter dri(e shaft.
Correct Answer is. inspection of a magnetic chip detector.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/01.
Question Number. &;. ,nspection of pneumatic starters b! maintenance technicians usuall! includes
chec5ing the.
Option A. stator and rotor blades for CO@.
Option B. oil le(el and magnetic drain plug condition.
Option C. rotor alignment.
Correct Answer is. oil le(el and magnetic drain plug condition.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/01.
Question Number. *<. $neumatic starters are usuall! designed with what t!pes of airflow impingement
Option A. adial inward flow turbine and axial/flow turbine.
Option B. Centrifugal compressor and axial/flow compressor.
Option C. @ouble entr! centrifugal outward flow and axial/flow turbines.
Correct Answer is. adial inward flow turbine and axial/flow turbine.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/.;.
Question Number. *1. A clic5ing sound heard at engine coast/down in a pneumatic starter incorporating a
sprag clutch ratchet assembl! is an indication of.
Option A. gear tooth and)or pawl damage.
Option B. one or more bro5en pawl springs.
Option C. the pawls re/contacting and riding on the ratchet gear.
Correct Answer is. the pawls re/contacting and riding on the ratchet gear.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/0<.
Question Number. *&. "he primar! ad(antage of pneumatic >air turbine? starters o(er comparable electric
starters for turbine engines is.
Option A. high power/to/weight ratio.
Option B. reduction gearing not re7uired.
Option C. a decreased fire ha=ard.
Correct Answer is. high power/to/weight ratio.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. **. "he purpose of an under current rela! in a starter/generator s!stem is to.
Option A. 5eep current flow to the starter/generator under the circuit capacit! maximum.
Option B. disconnect power from the starter/generator and ignition when sufficient engine speed is
Option C. pro(ide a bac5up for the starter rela!.
Correct Answer is. disconnect power from the starter/generator and ignition when sufficient engine
speed is reached.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/.%.
Question Number. *.. Bow does the ignition s!stem of a gas turbine engine differ from that of a
reciprocating engine2.
Option A. Dagneto to engine timing is not critical.
Option B. One igniter plug is used in each combustion chamber.
Option C. A high energ! spar5 is re7uired for ignition.
Correct Answer is. A high energ! spar5 is re7uired for ignition.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/1<&.
Question Number. *0. ,n a gas turbine engine @.C capacitor discharge ignition s!stem, where are the high
(oltage pulses formed2.
Option A. At the rectifier.
Option B. At the triggering transformer.
Option C. At the brea5er.
Correct Answer is. At the triggering transformer.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/1<*.
Question Number. *%. ,gniter plugs used in turbine engines are sub'ected to high intensit! spar5
discharges and !et the! ha(e a long ser(ice life because the!.
Option A. operate at much lower temperatures.
Option B. are not placed directl! into the combustion chamber.
Option C. do not re7uire continuous operation.
Correct Answer is. do not re7uire continuous operation.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/1<0.
Question Number. *3. Areat caution should be exercised in handling damaged hermeticall! sealed turbine
engine igniter transformer units because.
Option A. some contain toxic chemicals.
Option B. some contain radioacti(e material.
Option C. compounds in the unit ma! become a fire or explosion ha=ard when exposed to the air.
Correct Answer is. some contain radioacti(e material.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 9/1<%.
Question Number. *9. Aenerall!, when remo(ing a turbine engine igniter plug, in order to eliminate the
possibilit! of the technician recei(ing a lethal shoc5, the ignition switch is turned off and.
Option A. disconnected from the power suppl! circuit.
Option B. the transformer exciter input lead is disconnected and the center electrode grounded to the
engine after disconnecting the igniter lead from the plug and waiting the prescribed time.
Option C. the igniter lead is disconnected from the plug and the center electrode grounded to the engine
after disconnecting the transformer/exciter input lead and waiting the prescribed time.
Correct Answer is. the igniter lead is disconnected from the plug and the center electrode grounded to
the engine after disconnecting the transformer/exciter input lead and waiting the prescribed time.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *;. 1hat is the first engine instrument indication of a successful start of a turbine
Option A. A rise in the engine fuel flow.
Option B. A rise in oil pressure.
Option C. A rise in the exhaust gas temperature.
Correct Answer is. A rise in the exhaust gas temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .<. B.E.,.E ignitor plugs recei(e their electrical suppl! from.
Option A. discharge inductor.
Option B. starter s!stem electrical circuit.
Option C. discharge capacitor.
Correct Answer is. discharge capacitor.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1&;.
Question Number. .1. An B.E.,.E is rated in.
Option A. #oules.
Option B. 1atts.
Option C. Amps.
Correct Answer is. #oules.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $owerplant $age 11/0 to 11/3 refers.
Question Number. .&. A glow plug operates.
Option A. manuall!.
Option B. b! heat action.
Option C. electricall!.
Correct Answer is. b! heat action.
Explanation. "he extreme heat of the plug ignites the fuel. ,t is powered b! electricit!. 8ee #eppesen
Aircraft Aas "urbines page 11/;.
Question Number. .*. "he resistor in a @.C. starter motor.
Option A. pre(ents o(er speed.
Option B. pre(ents current surge when motor is at low rpm.
Option C. used when @.C. motor fails.
Correct Answer is. pre(ents current surge when motor is at low rpm.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1&& refers.
Question Number. ... 1here does the high (oltage t!pe turbine ignition recei(e its (oltage pulse from2.
Option A. $rimar! windings.
Option B. ectifier.
Option C. "rigger transformer.
Correct Answer is. $rimar! windings.
Explanation. olls o!ce the 'et engine Cig 11/1& shows an AC s!stem. this uses a transformer to
generate the high (oltage at the discharge gap.
Question Number. .0. On a gas turbine engine @C starting circuit, if there is an open circuit on the
contact of the o(er speed rela!.
Option A. starter motor will stop onl! when starter switch selected off.
Option B. starter motor will continue to run for *< sec and then stop.
Option C. no power suppl! is connected to the starter motor.
Correct Answer is. no power suppl! is connected to the starter motor.
Explanation. efer Cig 11/* olls o!ce "he #et engine. "he main rela! cannot close if the o(erspeed
rela! is open.
Question Number. .%. "he field of the @.C. starter motor used on gas turbine engine
Option A. series onl!.
Option B. shunt or compound.
Option C. series or compound.
Correct Answer is. series or compound.
Explanation. Aircraft electrical s!stems E.B.# $allett *rd edition page 10. refers.
Question Number. .3. 1hen 6blow out6 is selected on the Aas "urbine Engine starting circuit.
Option A. the starter motor is stopped when starter switch selected off or when the timer switch cuts out.
Option B. the o(er/speed rela! will de/energise the starter circuit.
Option C. ignition is continuousl! on.
Correct Answer is. the starter motor is stopped when starter switch selected off or when the timer
switch cuts out.
Explanation. efer Cig 11/* olls o!ce "he #et Engine. "he blow out circuit is used to blow out an!
'et pipe fire. ,n this mode there is no ignition or fuel hence the starter cannot o(erspeed.
Question Number. .9. After an unsuccessful start of an engine.
Option A. the engine has to be left for some time before another start.
Option B. unburnt fuel can be drained from fuel drainage lines.
Option C. unburnt fuel can be e(acuated b! motoring the engine with B.$ coc5 closed.
Correct Answer is. unburnt fuel can be e(acuated b! motoring the engine with B.$ coc5 closed.
Explanation. On normal shutdowns combustors and fuel manifolds are drained through the drain manifold.
After an unsuccessful start there will be fuel throughout the hot section. Bence a dr! run is needed to
purge the engine.
Question Number. .;. A glow plug ma! be used in place of a spar5 plug on.
Option A. low temperature engines.
Option B. large engines.
Option C. small engines.
Correct Answer is. small engines.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 11/; refers to the $1 $"% as an example of
a smaller engine.
Question Number. 0<. 1hen an engine being started b! an air starter reaches self sustaining speed.
Option A. the motor is disconnected b! the fl!weight cut out switch.
Option B. the starter (al(e is disconnected b! the fl! weight cut/out switch in the air starter.
Option C. the motor is disconnected b! the pilot.
Correct Answer is. the starter (al(e is disconnected b! the fl! weight cut/out switch in the air
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1</; refers.
Question Number. 01. 1hen reconnecting a B.E.,.E , which cable must be reconnected first2.
Option A. ,t ma5es no difference.
Option B. -." before B.".
Option C. B." before -.".
Correct Answer is. B." before -.".
Explanation. "his is the re(erse of disconnecting, when -." is isolated and then disconnected first.
Question Number. 0&. An aircraft fl!ing through hea(! rain ma! use, as a precaution.
Option A. airframe deicing.
Option B. engine inta5e deicing.
Option C. continuous ignition.
Correct Answer is. continuous ignition.
Explanation. Continuous ignition is used in case of flame out caused b! the inclement weather.
Question Number. 0*. "he starter light is on during a start c!cle >low (oltage electrical starter?.
Option A. ,ndicates electrical power is flowing to the starter.
Option B. ,f the light sta!s on after *< seconds action is re7uired.
Option C. "his is normal for *< seconds, ta5e no action.
Correct Answer is. ,f the light sta!s on after *< seconds action is re7uired.
Explanation. 8ee the olls o!ce #et engine low (oltage starter s!stem on page 1&*. "he indicator
light indicates power to the igniter. "he Cull current time switch cuts out the circuit after a period of
Question Number. 0.. A @.C starter motor disconnects due to.
Option A. current decreasing switching off an o(erspeed rela!.
Option B. current increasing switching off an o(erspeed rela!.
Option C. a centrifugal switch that acts li5e an o(erspeed rela!.
Correct Answer is. current decreasing switching off an o(erspeed rela!.
Explanation. 8ame starter circuit reference as abo(e. As the starter accelerates drawn current reduces
and causes the o(erspeed rela! to drop out.
Question Number. 00. 1hat is the purpose of the current limiting resistor in a starter circuit2.
Option A. "o pre(ent the starter from o(er speeding in the final phase of starting.
Option B. "o pro(ide o(erall control of the the speed of the starter.
Option C. "o pre(ent an initial current surge.
Correct Answer is. "o pre(ent an initial current surge.
Explanation. "he starter motor is protected from excessi(e current until the timer shorts out the
resistor. 8ee the 'et engine page 1&*.
Question Number. 0%. On a low energ! dual ignition s!stem >P* 'oules?, if a relight is necessar!.
Option A. it occurs automaticall!.
Option B. the pilot selects both ignitors.
Option C. the pilot selects one of the two ignitors.
Correct Answer is. the pilot selects both ignitors.
Explanation. Normal low)high s!stems ha(e a choice of low or high energ! ignition with high being used
for relight. ,n these s!stems the pilot can choose 1, & or both.
15.1$, Engine Indi"ation S0stems.
Question Number. 1. "he compensation de(ice on an E.A." s!stem must be re/calibrated after.
Option A. each time a part of the s!stem is replaced.
Option B. does not need calibration.
Option C. manufacture and o(erhaul.
Correct Answer is. does not need calibration.
Explanation. "he compensation de(ice is an automatic de(ice $age 1.< olls o!ce boo5 refers.
Question Number. &. 1hen testing an E.A." s!stem.
Option A. the O.A." is alwa!s ta5en into consideration.
Option B. the O.A." is neglected.
Option C. O.A." is onl! ta5en into consideration when o(er&<FC.
Correct Answer is. the O.A." is alwa!s ta5en into consideration.
Explanation. "o test the s!stem the test set has to trimmed for ambient temperature, as the s!stem
when in operation is ad'usted for ambient temperature b! the compensating resistor. "his is clearl! stated
in the B 3*3 ADD.
Question Number. *. 1hat is the Engine $ressure atio >E.$..? used for2.
Option A. "o limit the maximum exhaust gas temperature.
Option B. "o indicate the thrust produced b! the engine.
Option C. As a cross chec5 for minimum acceptable thrust.
Correct Answer is. "o indicate the thrust produced b! the engine.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. 1hat happens when bulb t!pe thermometer resisti(e element goes open circuit2.
Option A. eads less than ambient.
Option B. No reading gi(en.
Option C. eads more than ambient.
Correct Answer is. eads more than ambient.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 0. On an E.A." thermocouple s!stem, the hot 'unction.
Option A. is placed up stream of the combustion chamber.
Option B. is placed in coc5pit.
Option C. is placed downstream of the combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. is placed downstream of the combustion chamber.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. On an $D s!stem using a s!nchronous generator, the pointer is deflected b!.
Option A. a potentiometer.
Option B. a 1heatstone bridge.
Option C. an AC ser(omotor.
Correct Answer is. an AC ser(omotor.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/1* refers.
Question Number. 3. "or7ue pressure is usuall! read from a.
Option A. tor7ue meter.
Option B. direct reading pressure gauge.
Option C. tension gauge.
Correct Answer is. direct reading pressure gauge.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age1&/&1 refers.
Question Number. 9. "he drag cup in a tacho/generator is balanced b!.
Option A. calibrated hairspring.
Option B. ad'ustable counterbalance weights.
Option C. ad'ustment screw.
Correct Answer is. calibrated hairspring.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/1. refers.
Question Number. ;. Cuel flow indication is ta5en from.
Option A. after the B.$ pump.
Option B. after either B.$ $ump or -$ $ump.
Option C. after the -$ pump.
Correct Answer is. after either B.$ $ump or -$ $ump.
Explanation. Mane t!pe flowmeters are usuall! in the -$ 8uppl!. ,ntegrated flowmeters in the B.$
Question Number. 1<. 1hat power is re7uired for E.A." gauge indication2.
Option A. No power / it is self generating.
Option B. 110M AC.
Option C. &9M @C.
Correct Answer is. No power / it is self generating.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/0 efers.
Question Number. 11. A Bourdon tube instrument ma! be used to indicate.
Option A. position and 7uantit!.
Option B. pressure and temperature.
Option C. pressure, temperature, position and 7uantit!.
Correct Answer is. pressure and temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1&. 1hat instrument on a gas turbine engine should be monitored to minimi=e the
possibilit! of a 6hot6 start2.
Option A. $D indicator.
Option B. "urbine inlet temperature.
Option C. "or7uemeter.
Correct Answer is. "urbine inlet temperature.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./0.
Question Number. 1*. oil temperature thermocouples are usuall! constructed of.
Option A. iron constantan.
Option B. alumel constantan.
Option C. chromel alumel.
Correct Answer is. iron constantan.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1.. "he $D indication of a s!nchronous AC motor tachometer is go(erned b! the
Option A. current.
Option B. fre7uenc!.
Option C. (oltage.
Correct Answer is. fre7uenc!.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. ,nstruments that measure relati(el! high fluid pressures, such as oil pressure
gauges, are usuall! what t!pe2.
Option A. Bourdon tube.
Option B. Mane with calibrated spring.
Option C. @iaphragm or bellows.
Correct Answer is. Bourdon tube.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. ,nstruments that pro(ide readings of low or negati(e pressure, such as manifold
pressure gauges, are usuall! what t!pe2.
Option A. @iaphragm or bellows.
Option B. Mane with calibrated spring.
Option C. Bourdon tube.
Correct Answer is. @iaphragm or bellows.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. ,n what units are gas turbine engine tachometers calibrated2.
Option A. $ercent of engine pressure ratio.
Option B. $ercent of engine $D.
Option C. Actual engine $D.
Correct Answer is. $ercent of engine $D.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&.
Question Number. 19. ,n a turbine engine, where is the turbine discharge pressure indicator sensor
Option A. At a location in the exhaust cone that is determined to be sub'ected to the highest pressures.
Option B. ,mmediatel! aft of the last turbine stage.
Option C. At the aft end of the compressor section.
Correct Answer is. ,mmediatel! aft of the last turbine stage.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1;. "he exhaust gas temperature >E.A." ? indicator on a gas turbine engine pro(ides a
relati(e indication of the.
Option A. turbine inlet temperature.
Option B. temperature of the exhaust gases as the! pass the exhaust cone.
Option C. exhaust temperature.
Correct Answer is. turbine inlet temperature.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./0.
Question Number. &<. Engine pressure ratio is determined b!.
Option A. di(iding engine inlet total pressure b! turbine outlet total pressure.
Option B. multipl!ing engine inlet total pressure b! turbine outlet total pressure.
Option C. di(iding turbine outlet total pressure b! engine inlet total pressure.
Correct Answer is. di(iding turbine outlet total pressure b! engine inlet total pressure.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &1. A red triangle, dot, or diamond mar5 on an engine instrument face or glass
Option A. the maximum limit for high transients such as starting.
Option B. a restricted operating range.
Option C. the maximum operating limit for all normal operations.
Correct Answer is. the maximum limit for high transients such as starting.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./0.
Question Number. &&. 1hat is the primar! purpose of the tachometer on an axial compressor turbine
Option A. Donitor engine $D during cruise conditions.
Option B. Donitor engine $D during starting and to indicate o(erspeed conditions.
Option C. ,t is the most accurate instrument for establishing thrust settings under all conditions.
Correct Answer is. Donitor engine $D during starting and to indicate o(erspeed conditions.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &*. Engine pressure ratio is the total pressure ratio between the.
Option A. front of the engine inlet and the aft end of the compressor.
Option B. front of the compressor and the rear of the turbine.
Option C. aft end of the compressor and the aft end of the turbine.
Correct Answer is. front of the compressor and the rear of the turbine.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &.. On an aircraft turbine engine, operating at a constant power, the application of
engine anti/icing will result in.
Option A. an increase in E.$..
Option B. noticeable shift in E.$..
Option C. a false E.$. reading.
Correct Answer is. noticeable shift in E.$..
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &0. "he indicator of a tachometer s!stem is responsi(e to change in.
Option A. (oltage.
Option B. fre7uenc!.
Option C. current flow.
Correct Answer is. fre7uenc!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &%. "he fuel flow indication data sent from motor dri(en impeller and turbine, and
motorless t!pe fuel flow transmitters is a measure of.
Option A. fuel mass flow.
Option B. fuel (olume flow.
Option C. engine burner pressure drop.
Correct Answer is. fuel mass flow.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &3. ,n addition to fuel 7uantit!, a computeri=ed fuel s!stem >C.C.8? with a totali=er
indicator pro(ides indication of how man! of the following2.
Option A. Cuel flow rate, Cuel used since reset or initial start up, Cuel time remaining at current power
Option B. Cuel flow rate, Cuel used since reset or initial start up, Cuel time remaining at current
power setting, Cuel temperature.
Option C. Cuel flow rate, Cuel used since reset or initial start up, Cuel temperature.
Correct Answer is. Cuel flow rate, Cuel used since reset or initial start up, Cuel time remaining at
current power setting.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &9. "he fuel flow indicator rotor and needle for a motor impeller and turbine
indicating s!stem is dri(en b!.
Option A. direct coupling to the motor shaft.
Option B. an electrical signal.
Option C. a mechanical gear train.
Correct Answer is. an electrical signal.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./..
Question Number. &;. Dotor dri(en impeller and turbine fuel flow transmitters are designed to transmit
Option A. using aircraft electrical s!stem power.
Option B. mechanicall!.
Option C. b! fuel pressure.
Correct Answer is. using aircraft electrical s!stem power.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *<. 1hat unit in a tachometer s!stem sends information to the indicator2.
Option A. "he two phase AC generator.
Option B. "he three phase AC generator.
Option C. "he s!nchronous motor.
Correct Answer is. "he three phase AC generator.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplants 1&/1*.
Question Number. *1. Engine oil temperature gauges indicate the temperature of the oil.
Option A. entering the oil cooler.
Option B. entering the engine.
Option C. in the oil storage tan5.
Correct Answer is. entering the oil cooler.
Explanation. olls o!ce boo5 fig 9/3.
Question Number. *&. "hermocouple leads.
Option A. ma! be repaired using solderless connectors.
Option B. are designed for a specific installation and ma! not be altered.
Option C. ma! be installed with either lead to either post of the indicator.
Correct Answer is. are designed for a specific installation and ma! not be altered.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. **. 1h! do helicopters re7uire a minimum of two s!nchronous tachometer s!stems2.
Option A. One indicates engine $D and the other tail rotor $D.
Option B. One indicates main rotor $D and the other tail rotor $D.
Option C. One indicates engine $D and the other main rotor $D.
Correct Answer is. One indicates engine $D and the other main rotor $D.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *.. ,f the thermocouple leads were inad(ertentl! crossed at installation, what would
the E.A." gauge pointer indicate2.
Option A. Do(es off scale on the high side of the meter.
Option B. Do(es off scale on the =ero side of the meter.
Option C. Normal temperature for pre(ailing condition.
Correct Answer is. Do(es off scale on the =ero side of the meter.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *0. A common t!pe of electricall! operated oil temperature gauge utili=es.
Option A. either a wheatstone bridge or ratiometer circuit.
Option B. a thermocouple t!pe circuit.
Option C. (apour pressure and pressure switches.
Correct Answer is. either a wheatstone bridge or ratiometer circuit.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *%. "he indication on a thermocouple/t!pe E.A." indicator is produced b!.
Option A. resistance changes in two dissimilar metals.
Option B. a difference in the (oltage between two dissimilar metals.
Option C. a current generated b! the temperature difference between dissimilar metal hot and cold
Correct Answer is. a current generated b! the temperature difference between dissimilar metal hot and
cold 'unctions.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *3. 1hat is the Engine $ressure atio >E.$.? used to indicate2.
Option A. "he power produced b! the engine.
Option B. "he thrust produced b! the engine.
Option C. As a cross chec5 for minimum acceptable thrust.
Correct Answer is. "he thrust produced b! the engine.
Explanation. Normall! used on Bigh B!pass Engines.
Question Number. *9. 1here is "urbine Outlet "emperature >".O."? measured2.
Option A. Epstream of the turbine.
Option B. @ownstream of the turbine.
Option C. ,n the combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. @ownstream of the turbine.
Explanation. ,t can be in the 'et pipe or more normall! toda! in between turbine stages or e(en within
Question Number. *;. A thermocouple indicator is basicall! a.
Option A. milliammeter.
Option B. milli(oltmeter.
Option C. milliohmeter.
Correct Answer is. milli(oltmeter.
Explanation. A thermocouple generates an E.D.C between hot and cold 'unction, hence the gauge is a
Question Number. .<. A thermocouple indicator is connected to the.
Option A. cold 'unction.
Option B. hot 'unction.
Option C. difference between the hot 'unction and the cold 'unction.
Correct Answer is. cold 'unction.
Explanation. $allett Aircraft ,nstruments and ,ntegrated 8!stems $age *%& efers.
Question Number. .1. "hrust in a high b!pass fan engine is indicated b!.
Option A. N* $D or $1)$. ratio.
Option B. N1 $D or N* $D.
Option C. N1 $D or E.$..
Correct Answer is. N1 $D or E.$..
Explanation. and $41 tend to use E.$.. AE use N1.
Question Number. .&. Bow is the N1 and N& measured on a triple spool engine2.
Option A. "achometer connected to the internal gearbox.
Option B. "achometer connected to the external gearbox.
Option C. $ulse t!pe speed probes.
Correct Answer is. $ulse t!pe speed probes.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/1% refer. Cig 1&/1<B shows the s!stem used on
olls o!ce triple spool engines.
Question Number. .*. Dodern oil pressure ser(o transmitters sense.
Option A. absolute pressure.
Option B. B.$ oil pressure.
Option C. differential pressure.
Correct Answer is. differential pressure.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/&9 refer.
Question Number. ... E.A." thermocouples are usuall! made of.
Option A. nic5el and platinum.
Option B. chromel and platinum.
Option C. chromel and alumel.
Correct Answer is. chromel and alumel.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/. refer.
Question Number. .0. "hrust in a high b!pass engine is indicated b! measuring.
Option A. N* $D.
Option B. neither of the abo(e, thrust is not indicated in flight.
Option C. fuel flow.
Correct Answer is. neither of the abo(e, thrust is not indicated in flight.
Explanation. "he onl! indication of power in flight is E.$. or, for a high b!pass engine, N1 $D.
Question Number. .%. 1hat power suppl! is re7uired for a thermocouple s!stem to wor52.
Option A. Alternating current.
Option B. @irect current.
Option C. Neither of the abo(e.
Correct Answer is. Neither of the abo(e.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et engine $age 1*; refers.
Question Number. .3. ,n a thermocouple temperature sensing s!stem, what is the purpose of the
compensating resistor2.
Option A. "o correct for (ar!ing ambient temperatures at the hot 'unction.
Option B. "o correct for (ar!ing ambient temperatures at the cold 'unction.
Option C. "o standardise the reading for different engine t!pes.
Correct Answer is. "o correct for (ar!ing ambient temperatures at the cold 'unction.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 1.< refers.
Question Number. .9. ,n a tachometer generator.
Option A. the fre7uenc! output is in(ersel! proportional to engine speed.
Option B. fre7uenc! output is proportional to engine speed.
Option C. the fre7uenc! output is constant.
Correct Answer is. fre7uenc! output is proportional to engine speed.
Explanation. $allett Aircraft ,nstruments and ,ntegrated 8!stems $*.9 refers.
Question Number. .;. Mibration pic5/ups are located.
Option A. on both fan and turbine cases.
Option B. on the fan)compressor case.
Option C. on the turbine case.
Correct Answer is. on both fan and turbine cases.
Explanation. Can be on one or both, depending upon the engine.
Question Number. 0<. ,n a capaciti(e t!pe fuel 7uantit! indicating s!stem the tan5 units are connected
Option A. series.
Option B. parallel.
Option C. series)parallel.
Correct Answer is. parallel.
Explanation. EB# $allett Aircraft ,nstruments and ,ntegrated 8!stems page **3 refers.
Question Number. 01. "or7ue measurement in a gas turbine engine is.
Option A. not alwa!s reliable.
Option B. highl! reliable.
Option C. re7uired onl! when the turbine dri(es a propeller.
Correct Answer is. re7uired onl! when the turbine dri(es a propeller.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1*9 refers.
Question Number. 0&. Mibration signals, when pic5ed up,.
Option A. go straight to indicator.
Option B. go through half wa(e rectifier to indicator.
Option C. the fre7uencies are filtered to exclude unwanted fre7uencies.
Correct Answer is. the fre7uencies are filtered to exclude unwanted fre7uencies.
Explanation. "he filters in the Mibro/meter use rotor speed to identif! (ibration fre7uencies.
Question Number. 0*. E.A." is displa!ed in.
Option A. :el(in.
Option B. degrees centigrade.
Option C. degrees Cahrenheit.
Correct Answer is. degrees centigrade.
Explanation. E.A." is alwa!s measured in centigrade.
Question Number. 0.. N& is ta5en from.
Option A. a speed transducer on the fan rear frame.
Option B. a tachometer attached on the N1 gearbox.
Option C. a tachometer on the accessor! gearbox.
Correct Answer is. a tachometer on the accessor! gearbox.
Explanation. "he N& gearbox is dri(en b! the N& compressor. A single winding of an alternator can be
used for the speed signal as an alternati(e to a.
Question Number. 00. Engine (ibration is monitored using.
Option A. electromechanical de(ices.
Option B. Cenwall t!pe sensors.
Option C. pie=oelectric accelerometer.
Correct Answer is. pie=oelectric accelerometer.
Explanation. $ie=oelectric de(ices con(ert force>from the (ibration? to a milli/(olt output.
Question Number. 0%. ,ntegrating fuel flow gi(es.
Option A. a(erage fuel flow.
Option B. total fuel consumed.
Option C. fuel flow and acceleration.
Correct Answer is. total fuel consumed.
Explanation. An ,ntegrator is incorporated in a fuel flow/meter to gi(e a total fuel used figure.
Question Number. 03. "he gauge on a bulb t!pe temperature indicator shows =ero. "his could be caused b!.
Option A. open circuit in the wiring.
Option B. temperature bulb going open circuit.
Option C. two cables shorting together b! the sensor.
Correct Answer is. two cables shorting together b! the sensor.
Explanation. $allett ,nstruments and ,ntegrated s!stems $age *19 refers. A short will remo(e all power
from both windings and the pointer will go tominimum scale.
Question Number. 09. ,n a thermocouple s!stem, the si=e of the E.D.C that is produced is a result of.
Option A. the difference between the hot and cold 'unction.
Option B. the cold 'unction onl!.
Option C. the hot 'unction onl!.
Correct Answer is. the difference between the hot and cold 'unction.
Explanation. "he E.D.C is a result of the difference between the & 'unctions.
Question Number. 0;. A ballast resistor is fitted.
Option A. in parallel, to gi(e identical readings for all engines.
Option B. in series, to gi(e identical resistance (alues for all engines.
Option C. in series, to gi(e identical resistance (alues to all airframes.
Correct Answer is. in series, to gi(e identical resistance (alues to all airframes.
Explanation. N,-.
15.15, Po1e Augmentation S0stems
Question Number. 1. 1hen reheat is used, E.$..
Option A. is reduced.
Option B. remains constant.
Option C. is increased.
Correct Answer is. remains constant.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he 'et engine page 130 states that as $% increases in the 'et pipe the
no==les are opened to reduce $% bac5 to its normal (alue.
Question Number. &. 1hen reheat is selected and in operation, the mass gas flow.
Option A. decreases.
Option B. remains the same.
Option C. increases.
Correct Answer is. remains the same.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. 8creech liners in the afterburning 'et pipe.
Option A. pre(ent unstable combustion.
Option B. pre(ent c!clic (ibrations of large amplitude.
Option C. acts as noise suppressors.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent c!clic (ibrations of large amplitude.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. 1ater methanol for cooling is in'ected into the.
Option A. compressor inlet or outlet.
Option B. engine hot =one.
Option C. combustion chamber.
Correct Answer is. compressor inlet or outlet.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/.1 refers.
Question Number. 0. On an in'ection s!stem.
Option A. methanol is in'ected neat.
Option B. town water)methanol is in'ected.
Option C. deminerali=ed water)methanol is in'ected.
Correct Answer is. deminerali=ed water)methanol is in'ected.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/.1 refers.
Question Number. %. 1hen using water methanol in an axial flow compressor, it is in'ected into the.
Option A. compressor inlet or burner section.
Option B. burner.
Option C. inta5e.
Correct Answer is. compressor inlet or burner section.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant Cig 3/*&.
Question Number. 3. "he main reason for adding methanol to the water is to.
Option A. temper the cooling effect of the water to pre(ent distortion.
Option B. suppl! the additional heat re7uired.
Option C. pre(ent mixture free=ing.
Correct Answer is. pre(ent mixture free=ing.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 191 refers.
Question Number. 9. "he primar! purpose of water in'ection is to.
Option A. decrease mass airflow.
Option B. increase the calorific (alue of the fuel.
Option C. cool the turbine.
Correct Answer is. cool the turbine.
Explanation. Notice that the answers did not include 6increase mass airflow6. Cooling the turbine is
the primar! purpose oKif the water is in'ected in the combustor outlet manifold.
Question Number. ;. 1ater used in a thrust augmentation s!stem should be demineralised to pre(ent.
Option A. bloc5ing the 'et.
Option B. carbon formation.
Option C. fouling the blades and (anes.
Correct Answer is. fouling the blades and (anes.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. "he 7uantit! of water usuall! carried b! an aircraft e7uipped with water in'ection
is enough for.
Option A. three ta5e/offs.
Option B. one ta5e/off.
Option C. two ta5e/offs.
Correct Answer is. one ta5e/off.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/.1 refers.
Question Number. 11. 1ater methanol in'ection will increase thrust b! up to.
Option A. 3<J.
Option B. 0<J.
Option C. *<J.
Correct Answer is. *<J.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant page 3/.1 shows 1</10J so *<J is nearest.
Question Number. 1&. ,n'ection of water)methanol into compressor inlet causes.
Option A. increase in power due to the burning of methanol alone.
Option B. increase in power without the need for burning extra fuel.
Option C. increased efficienc! of the engine due to reduced icing in the airflow.
Correct Answer is. increase in power without the need for burning extra fuel.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft gas "urbine $ower plant page 3/.1 refers.
Question Number. 1*. eheat is the term used to describe.
Option A. adding fuel in the exhaust section.
Option B. adding of fuel in the turbine section.
Option C. adding of fuel in the compressor section.
Correct Answer is. adding fuel in the exhaust section.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1%; refers.
Question Number. 1.. 1ater)methanol is in'ected.
Option A. at high temperatures.
Option B. at high temperature, at high altitudes.
Option C. at high temperatures or high altitudes.
Correct Answer is. at high temperatures or high altitudes.
Explanation. #eppesen aircraft gas turbine $owerplants $age 3/*; refers.
Question Number. 10. "he reheat ignition s!stem which incorporates a platinum)rhodium element is 5nown
Option A. catal!tic ignition.
Option B. hot/shot ignition s!stem.
Option C. spar5 ignition s!stem.
Correct Answer is. catal!tic ignition.
Explanation. fuel spra!ed on to the catal!tic element heats up and ignites.
Question Number. 1%. 1ater or water)methanol in'ected into the combustion chamber inlet increases.
Option A. mass airflow through the turbine.
Option B. combustion chamber outlet temperatures.
Option C. fuel to air ratio b! up to &<J.
Correct Answer is. mass airflow through the turbine.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas turbine $ower plant page 3/.1 refers.
Question Number. 13. Dethanol is added to water when augmenting thrust in order to.
Option A. reclaim lost pressure at the compressor.
Option B. increase the densit! of air entering the compressor.
Option C. reclaim lost heat at the turbines.
Correct Answer is. reclaim lost heat at the turbines.
Explanation. Dethanol burns, but its heat output is low. ,t6s prime purpose is to act as an antifree=e
in the water.
Question Number. 19. Afterburning is initiated in order to.
Option A. heat the exhaust to pre(ent cho5ing at subsonic gas (elocities.
Option B. burn off the fuel that is not combusted in the combustion section.
Option C. increase the local speed of sound at the 'et no==le.
Correct Answer is. increase the local speed of sound at the 'et no==le.
Explanation. A faster 8o8 allows for greater momentum thrust at the exhaust no==le.
Question Number. 1;. Bow is the flame stabilised in the reheat s!stem of a gas turbine engine2.
Option A. B! creating a greater potential between inlet 4 'et pipe temperatures.
Option B. B! ensuring that the gas (elocit! is greater than the flame (elocit!.
Option C. B! ensuring that the flame (elocit! is greater than the gas (elocit!.
Correct Answer is. B! ensuring that the gas (elocit! is greater than the flame (elocit!.
Explanation. "he guttering in the reheat manifolds allows the flame to stabilise at the point.
Question Number. &<. @uring operation of the engine e7uipped with water in'ection s!stem, the metering
of the coolant to the s!stem is.
Option A. selected b! the pilot.
Option B. due to atmospheric pressure.
Option C. due to altitude change.
Correct Answer is. selected b! the pilot.
Explanation. 1ater in'ection is used on ta5e off as re7uired b! the pilot.
Question Number. &1. 1ater methanol in'ection is used.
Option A. at high altitude ta5e off conditions onl!.
Option B. at a combination of higher than normal air temperatures and high altitude ta5e off conditions.
Option C. at higher than normal ambient air temperatures onl!.
Correct Answer is. at higher than normal ambient air temperatures onl!.
Explanation. 1ater Dethanol adds to the weight of the air thus compensating for reduced densit!.
15.1(, Tu'o2&o& Engines
Question Number. 1. A free turbine is usuall! found on a.
Option A. turbo/'et.
Option B. turbo/fan.
Option C. turbo prop.
Correct Answer is. turbo prop.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &. A free turbine is.
Option A. not directl! connected to the power output shaft.
Option B. connected directl! to the propeller and compressor.
Option C. connected directl! to the power output shaft.
Correct Answer is. connected directl! to the power output shaft.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page 0 refers.
Question Number. *. "he fuel flow in a turboprop engine within the constant speed range is controlled.
Option A. automaticall!.
Option B. manuall!.
Option C. No Control.
Correct Answer is. automaticall!.
Explanation. Once the power le(er has set the gas generator $D it is controlled automaticall! to
maintain the constant speed.
Question Number. .. "or7ue measurement is ta5en from the.
Option A. reduction gearbox.
Option B. prop shaft.
Option C. free turbine shaft.
Correct Answer is. reduction gearbox.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 1*3 refers.
Question Number. 0. Electrical propeller de/icing pads are.
Option A. at the root.
Option B. at the tip.
Option C. on the trailing edge.
Correct Answer is. at the root.
Explanation. On the leading edge from the root outward.
Question Number. %. Cuel trimming on a turboprop engine is.
Option A. pilot controlled.
Option B. go(ernor controlled.
Option C. automatic.
Correct Answer is. go(ernor controlled.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page ;9 refers.
Question Number. 3. 1hat controls the fuel trimmer on a turboprop engine2.
Option A. "he blade angle.
Option B. $ropeller Control Enit.
Option C. Engine 8peed Ao(ernor.
Correct Answer is. Engine 8peed Ao(ernor.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine page ;9 refers.
Question Number. 9. 1hat is the purpose of the reduction gear on a propeller dri(en engine2.
Option A. "o maintain a constant propeller blade speed.
Option B. "o enable tor7ue measurement.
Option C. "o pre(ent the propeller tips reaching the speed of sound.
Correct Answer is. "o pre(ent the propeller tips reaching the speed of sound.
Explanation. eduction ratios (ar! between 1*.0 +1 and 1<+1.
Question Number. ;. ,f an E.$. gauge is installed on turbofans as a measure of power output, what is
used on a turboprop2.
Option A. E.$. gauge.
Option B. "or7ue/meter.
Option C. "hermocouples.
Correct Answer is. "or7ue/meter.
Explanation. "or7ue is used because it is measuring the resistance to rotation of the propeller, which
is turned b! the power of the engine.
Question Number. 1<. 1hat t!pe of reduction gear is used on most turboprop modern engines2.
Option A. Belical cut parallel spur gears.
Option B. Epic!clic reduction gear.
Option C. 8traight cut parallel spur gears.
Correct Answer is. Epic!clic reduction gear.
Explanation. Epic!clic gearing is essential to enable the (er! large tor7ue to be safel! absorbed.
15.1), Tu'o2S+a!t Engines.
Question Number. 1. A turbo/shaft engine has.
Option A. a mechanical connection between compressor and turbine.
Option B. a power shaft which is not connected to the compressor.
Option C. none of the abo(e.
Correct Answer is. a power shaft which is not connected to the compressor.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age &/% refers.
Question Number. &. On a twin spool turbo/shaft engine, the free turbine is connected to the.
Option A. output gearbox.
Option B. -.$ gearbox.
Option C. B.$ gearbox.
Correct Answer is. output gearbox.
Explanation. "he output gearbox will normall! contain a reduction gear s!stem and tor7ue measuring
Question Number. *. ,n the ma'orit! of helicopters, the thrust generated b! the gas generator is
absorbed b! the.
Option A. -.$ turbine.
Option B. Cree power turbine.
Option C. B.$ turbine.
Correct Answer is. Cree power turbine.
Explanation. "he power turbine dri(es a reduction)rotor transmission gearbox.
15.1,, Au*ilia0 Po1e Units 3APUs4.
Question Number. 1. An A.$.E has.
Option A. automaticall! controlled thrust and is self contained.
Option B. (ariable speed and is self contained.
Option C. constant speed and is self contained.
Correct Answer is. constant speed and is self contained.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 3/&%.
Question Number. &. An A.$.E shut down is initiated b!.
Option A. high oil pressure, fire warning, hot oil temperature.
Option B. low oil pressure, fire warning, hot oil temperature.
Option C. low oil pressure, fire warning.
Correct Answer is. low oil pressure, fire warning, hot oil temperature.
Explanation. Bone!well **1/&<< A.$.E handboo5 refers.
Question Number. *. An A.$.E start c!cle is completed at.
Option A. 1<<J $D.
Option B. 30J $D.
Option C. ;0J $D.
Correct Answer is. ;0J $D.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&0 refers.
Question Number. .. An A.$.E power le(er is located.
Option A. behind the throttles.
Option B. at the Clight Engineer 8tation.
Option C. An A.$.E is full! automatic and does not re7uire a power le(er.
Correct Answer is. An A.$.E is full! automatic and does not re7uire a power le(er.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&*.
Question Number. 0. An A.$.E consists of.
Option A. a power compressor and load compressor.
Option B. a power compressor and directl! connected turbine.
Option C. a load compressor and free turbine.
Correct Answer is. a power compressor and load compressor.
Explanation. "he power compressor generates the pressure to dri(e the s!stem, the load compressor
supplies air to the aircraft pneumatic s!stem.
Question Number. %. 1hen necessar!, A.$.E engine cooling before shutdown ma! be accomplished b!.
Option A. closing the bleed air (al(e.
Option B. opening the bleed air (al(e.
Option C. unloading the generator>s?.
Correct Answer is. closing the bleed air (al(e.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*3.
Question Number. 3. Cre7uentl!, an aircraft6s auxiliar! power unit >A.$.E? generator.
Option A. is identical to the engine/dri(en generators.
Option B. has a higher load capacit! than the engine/dri(en generators.
Option C. supplements the aircraft6s engine/dri(en generators during pea5 loads.
Correct Answer is. is identical to the engine/dri(en generators.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*%.
Question Number. 9. Cuel scheduling during A.$.E start and under (ar!ing pneumatic bleed and electrical
loads is maintained.
Option A. automaticall! b! the A.$.E fuel control s!stem.
Option B. manuall! through power control le(er position.
Option C. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*3.
Correct Answer is. automaticall! b! the A.$.E fuel control s!stem.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. ;. An A.$.E is usuall! rotated during start b!.
Option A. a pneumatic starter.
Option B. a turbine impingement s!stem.
Option C. an electric starter.
Correct Answer is. an electric starter.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. Esuall!, most of the load placed on an A.$.E occurs when.
Option A. the bleed air (al(e is opened.
Option B. an electrical load is placed on the generator>s?.
Option C. the bleed air (al(e is closed.
Correct Answer is. the bleed air (al(e is opened.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*3.
Question Number. 11. "he function of an A.$.E air inlet plenum is to.
Option A. stabili=e the pressure of the air before it enters the compressor.
Option B. increase the (elocit! of the air before entering the compressor.
Option C. decrease the pressure of the air before entering the compressor. .
Correct Answer is. stabili=e the pressure of the air before it enters the compressor.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*3.
Question Number. 1&. ,n a large commercial passenger transport aircraft the A.$.E supplies.
Option A. pneumatics and electrics.
Option B. electrics.
Option C. pneumatics.
Correct Answer is. pneumatics and electrics.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft $owerplant $age 3/&0.
Question Number. 1*. 1hen in operation, the speed of an A.$.E.
Option A. remains at or near rated speed regardless of the load condition.
Option B. remains at idle and automaticall! accelerates to rated speed when placed under load.
Option C. is controlled b! a coc5pit power le(er.
Correct Answer is. remains at or near rated speed regardless of the load condition.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*3.
Question Number. 1.. Aenerall!, when maximum A.$.E shaft output power is being used in con'unction with
pneumatic power.
Option A. electrical loading will be automaticall! modulated to maintain a safe E.A.".
Option B. temperature limits and loads must be carefull! monitored b! the operator to maintain a safe
Option C. pneumatic loading will be automaticall! modulated to maintain a safe E.A.".
Correct Answer is. pneumatic loading will be automaticall! modulated to maintain a safe E.A.".
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 */*3.
Question Number. 10. Cor an A.$.E to run 6unmanned6 it must be e7uipped with.
Option A. an automatic fire extinguishing s!stem.
Option B. both an audible fire warning and an automatic fire extinguishing s!stem.
Option C. an audible fire warning.
Correct Answer is. both an audible fire warning and an automatic fire extinguishing s!stem.
Explanation. "he audible warning is external and internal and auto fire extinguishing >when the
engines are not running? is normal.
Question Number. 1%. An A.$.E is.
Option A. a self contained constant speed gas turbine engine.
Option B. a reser(ed engine in case of a main engine failure.
Option C. a self contained (ariable speed gas turbine engine.
Correct Answer is. a self contained constant speed gas turbine engine.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 3/&. refers.
Question Number. 13. 1hen the A.$.E is running and pneumatics are on.
Option A. bleed (al(e is closed, surge (al(e is open.
Option B. bleed (al(e is open, surge (al(e is closed.
Option C. bleed (al(e is open, surge (al(e is modulating.
Correct Answer is. bleed (al(e is open, surge (al(e is closed.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 19. 1hen is the A.$.E at its greatest load2.
Option A. 1ith generator loads on line.
Option B. 1ith bleeds closed.
Option C. 1ith bleeds open and with generator loads on line.
Correct Answer is. 1ith bleeds open and with generator loads on line.
Explanation. Dodern A.$.E6s suppl! pneumatics and electrical power.
Question Number. 1;. Auxiliar! power units pro(ide.
Option A. h!draulic and electrical power.
Option B. pneumatic and electrical power.
Option C. h!draulic and pneumatic power.
Correct Answer is. pneumatic and electrical power.
Explanation. Electrical power is normall! a(ailable up to the ser(ice ceiling with pneumatics up to
about 13<<< ft >Boeing B/303)3%3?.
Question Number. &<. 1hen starting an A.$.E what would the normal dut! c!cle be on a
modern aircraft2.
Option A. % attempted starts per half hour with 0 minutes between attempts.
Option B. * attempted starts per hour with 0 minutes between each attempt.
Option C. % attempted starts per hour with 0 minutes between attempts.
Correct Answer is. * attempted starts per hour with 0 minutes between each attempt.
Explanation. Bone!well A.$.Es recommend * continuous start attempts per hour. Boeing 303)3%3 notes add
that a %< minute cool/down period should be allowed before further start attempts are made.
Question Number. &1. Crom where does the A.$.E recei(e a fire signal2.
Option A. ,t has its own s!stem.
Option B. ,t is dependent on the airframe s!stem.
Option C. ,t is dependent on the engine fire s!stem.
Correct Answer is. ,t has its own s!stem.
Explanation. "he A.$.E compartment has its own firewires sending a discrete signal to the A.$.E fire
Question Number. &&. 1hat are the two most important signals when monitoring an A.$.E2.
Option A. E.A." and $D.
Option B. Oil $ressure and ,nlet $ressure.
Option C. E.A." and Oil $ressure.
Correct Answer is. E.A." and $D.
Explanation. E.A." and $D are monitored on the A.$.E page of E,CA8 )ECAD s!stems.
Question Number. &*. One of the accessories dri(en from the A.$.E gearbox in a centrifugal switch, the
purpose of which is to.
Option A. arm the go(erned speed indication circuits and max. $D go(ernor.
Option B. cancel the ignition circuits and arm the o(erspeed protection circuits.
Option C. control starting and automatic extinguishing circuits.
Correct Answer is. cancel the ignition circuits and arm the o(erspeed protection circuits.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &.. 1hat iniates A.$.E shutdown2.
Option A. Cire detection, low oil pressure, high oil temperature.
Option B. O(erspeed, fire detection, low oil 7uantit!.
Option C. -ow oil pressure, low oil pressure, high oil temperature.
Correct Answer is. Cire detection, low oil pressure, high oil temperature.
Explanation. Bone!well **1/&<< A.$.E handboo5 refers.
15.1-, Po1e&lant Installation.
Question Number. 1. $ipes, electrical cables and associated components of a fire/detection s!stem
should be.
Option A. fire resistant.
Option B. fire proof.
Option C. fire retardant.
Correct Answer is. fire resistant.
Explanation. 8ensors are set to actuate at a temperature below melting point of the detector and its
associated cables.
Question Number. &. "he minimum bend radius for a continuous loop t!pe fire wire is.
Option A. 1)& inch.
Option B. 1)9 inch.
Option C. 1 inch.
Correct Answer is. 1 inch.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. Acoustic linings made from composite materials are used in what section of the
Option A. Not used to suppress noise.
Option B. Bot section 4 Cold 8ection.
Option C. Cold section onl!.
Correct Answer is. Cold section onl!.
Explanation. $age &<0 $ara 19 refers, but see also #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age */
Question Number. .. Mibration mounts are used for.
Option A. stopping (ibrations entering the engines.
Option B. pre(enting engine (ibration loads being transmitted to the airframe structure.
Option C. damping out (ibration stresses on engine when being transported on an engine stand.
Correct Answer is. pre(enting engine (ibration loads being transmitted to the airframe structure.
Explanation. 8mall A"E6s such as the A.$.E in Boeing 303 and 3%3 use anti (ibration mounts.
Question Number. 0. An aircraft has a hea(! landing and on inspection of the engine mounting bolts the
bolts tor7ue loading has reduced, !ou should.
Option A. add washers to ta5e up an! gap or slac5ness and re/tor7ue to correct (alue.
Option B. remo(e bolt and carr! out inspection as the bolt ma! ha(e increased in length due to hea(!
Option C. re/tor7ue bolt up to correct tor7ue (alue.
Correct Answer is. remo(e bolt and carr! out inspection as the bolt ma! ha(e increased in length due
to hea(! landing.
Explanation. ,f the bolt has stretched answers a or b will not return the bolts to the original
Question Number. %. Corward engine mounts ta5e which loads2.
Option A. "hrust, (ertical and shear loads.
Option B. Centrifugal, thrust and axial.
Option C. "hrust, (ertical and impact.
Correct Answer is. "hrust, (ertical and shear loads.
Explanation. "his 7uestion is referring to p!lon mounted engine mounts.
Question Number. 3. Corward engine mounts ta5e which form2.
Option A. Castings.
Option B. Corgings.
Option C. Cabricated sheet steel.
Correct Answer is. Corgings.
Explanation. Corgings are the strongest form of manufacture for substantial structure.
Question Number. 9. $ipes around engines are.
Option A. aluminium.
Option B. mild seamless steel.
Option C. stainless steel.
Correct Answer is. stainless steel.
Explanation. 8tainless 8teel is best for corrosion and heat resistance.
Question Number. ;. Cibrous metallic lining for noise suppression is used.
Option A. for lobe t!pe noise suppressors.
Option B. in cold area.
Option C. in hot area.
Correct Answer is. in hot area.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age &<0 refers.
Question Number. 1<. Noise lining in the fan area is made from.
Option A. la!ers of bonded resin.
Option B. porous t!pe Bone!comb and bac5ing sheet.
Option C. felt with aluminium sheet.
Correct Answer is. porous t!pe Bone!comb and bac5ing sheet.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et engine $age &<0 refers.
Question Number. 11. A powerplant consists of.
Option A. a basic engine plus E.C.E.
Option B. a basic engine plus thrust re(erser, exhaust s!stem and gear box with accessories.
Option C. the complete engine as it would be found on aircraft including all connections, controls,
cowlings, inta5e etc.
Correct Answer is. the complete engine as it would be found on aircraft including all connections,
controls, cowlings, inta5e etc.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age &.* para 1 refers.
Question Number. 1&. Acoustic blan5ets are installed to.
Option A. reduce noise le(els.
Option B. increase thermal efficienc!.
Option C. aid the streamlining of the engine.
Correct Answer is. reduce noise le(els.
Explanation. Acoustic blan5ets are used in both hot and cold sections. "he material depends on the
Question Number. 1*. 1hen chec5ing the effect of inertia on the engine after hea(! landing !ou would
first chec5 the.
Option A. thrust line.
Option B. compressor shaft for distortion.
Option C. module alignment.
Correct Answer is. module alignment.
Explanation. 1e assume that 6the module6 means the powerplant, an initial chec5 will alwa!s be the
general (isual of the powerplant and its cowlings.
Question Number. 1.. Collowing the reports of a hea(! landing !ou would.
Option A. carr! out a complete (isual examination of the power plant.
Option B. examine the engine mountings and borescope the no==le guide (anes and turbine.
Option C. examine the engine mountings and fuse pins.
Correct Answer is. carr! out a complete (isual examination of the power plant.
Explanation. C.A.A.,.$s -eaflet %/* refers to inspection of p!lons, mounts and cowlings. As all of
these form part of the $owerplant then answer b is most correct.
Question Number. 10. "he purpose of spring bac5 and cushion on an engine power le(er is.
Option A. used when friction builds up in a s!stem.
Option B. used to pre(ent the controls hitting the fuel control stops.
Option C. used when full tra(el is used but slight mo(ement is still re7uired on the fuel control unit.
Correct Answer is. used when full tra(el is used but slight mo(ement is still re7uired on the fuel
control unit.
Explanation. 8ee the dash/pot throttle in "he #et Engine page 1<1.
Question Number. 1%. 1hat are sometimes installed in an engine mounting s!stem to tune out the worst
engine (ibrations2.
Option A. 8pring cushioned mounting pads.
Option B. Mibration absorbers of calibrated weight.
Option C. ubber encased wire/mesh (ibration isolators.
Correct Answer is. ubber encased wire/mesh (ibration isolators.
Explanation. A.$.E6s use this sort of engine mount.
Question Number. 13. 1here are the lifting points on a high b!pass turbine engine2.
Option A. On the fan and compressor casing.
Option B. On the fan, turbine and compressor casing.
Option C. On the fan and turbine casing.
Correct Answer is. On the fan and turbine casing.
Explanation. Assuming this means lifting with a t!pical bootstrap 5it forward and aft mounts attach to
the winches.
Question Number. 19. ubber anti/(ibration pads are fitted to engine.
Option A. components to pre(ent fatigue.
Option B. cradles to pre(ent damage during transportation.
Option C. p!lons to pre(ent (ibration through the airframe.
Correct Answer is. p!lons to pre(ent (ibration through the airframe.
Explanation. Quite often used in con'unction with cone bolt mountings.
Question Number. 1;. Engine thrust is transmitted through mountings that.
Option A. are designed to transmit eng thrust e7uall! through front and rear supports.
Option B. are designed to pre(ent the thrust line of the engine (ar!ing.
Option C. allow for radial and axial expansion.
Correct Answer is. allow for radial and axial expansion.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &<. ,f !ou reduced the length of bellcran5 >&? what would happen to the input to the
Option A. remain the same.
Option B. reduce.
Option C. increase.
Correct Answer is. increase.
Explanation. educing the arm from points 1 to & would decrease the arm length from the centre of
rotation on the C.C.E to the connection on the belcran5. "his would ,NCEA8E the amount of rotar! mo(ement
into the C.C.E.
15.2/ Fie Pote"tion S0stems
Question Number. 1. A fire wire is installed.
Option A. to withstand inertia, (ibration, etc, encountered during normal operation.
Option B. (erticall!.
Option C. hori=ontall!.
Correct Answer is. to withstand inertia, (ibration, etc, encountered during normal operation.
Explanation. Cirewires can be an! shape or position, retained in rubber clips.
Question Number. &. esisti(e and capaciti(e t!pe firewires are tested with.
Option A. megger)(oltmeter.
Option B. megger)ohmmeter.
Option C. multimeter.
Correct Answer is. megger)ohmmeter.
Explanation. #epperson A4$ $owerplant $age 11/11 refers.
Question Number. *. Cire wire clips ha(e rubber in them to.
Option A. stop heat transfer to the element.
Option B. insulate the fire wire electricall!.
Option C. support the wire.
Correct Answer is. support the wire.
Explanation. #epperson A4$ $owerplant $age 11/; refers.
Question Number. .. Cire extinguishers wor5 b!.
Option A. combining with remaining ox!gen to get rid of it.
Option B. creating more ox!gen.
Option C. reducing ox!gen.
Correct Answer is. combining with remaining ox!gen to get rid of it.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1*/% refers >Balon 1&11?.
Question Number. 0. Cire detection s!stems which are routed
through another =one.
Option A. must be protected b! the use of heat sin5s.
Option B. must be protected from heat sources in the =one.
Option C. are not allowed.
Correct Answer is. must be protected from heat sources in the =one.
Explanation. #A &0.1&<* states that a fire detection de(ice must not pass through another =one unless
it is protected from the heat of that =one.
Question Number. %. "he test switch of a continuous loop detector gi(es a.
Option A. continuit! chec5.
Option B. insulation chec5.
Option C. bonding chec5.
Correct Answer is. continuit! chec5.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 1*/*.
Question Number. 3. 1hat are the t!pes of continuous fire detection s!stem2.
Option A. Capacitance.
Option B. Capacitance and resistance.
Option C. ,nductance and capacitance.
Correct Answer is. Capacitance and resistance.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 1*/*.
Question Number. 9. 1hat is the operating principle of the spot detector sensor in a fire detection
Option A. A con(entional thermocouple that produces a current flow.
Option B. A bimetallic thermoswitch that closes when heatedto a high temperature.
Option C. esistant core material that pre(ents current flow at normal temperatures.
Correct Answer is. A bimetallic thermoswitch that closes when heatedto a high temperature.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 11/&.
Question Number. ;. ,n a fixed fire/extinguishing s!stem, there are two small lines running from the
s!stem and exiting o(erboard. "hese line exit ports are co(ered with a blowout t!pe indicator disc. 1hich
of the following statements is true2.
Option A. 1hen the red indicator disc is missing, it indicates the fire extinguishing s!stem has been
normall! discharged.
Option B. 1hen the green indicator disc is missing, it indicates the fire extinguishing s!stem has had a
thermal discharge.
Option C. 1hen the !ellow indicator disc is missing, it indicates the fire extinguishing s!stem has been
normall! discharged.
Correct Answer is. 1hen the !ellow indicator disc is missing, it indicates the fire extinguishing
s!stem has been normall! discharged.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. "wo continuous/loop fire detection s!stems that will not test due to a bro5en
detector element are the.
Option A. thermocouple s!stem and the -indberg s!stem.
Option B. :idde s!stem and the Cenwal s!stem.
Option C. :idde s!stem and the -indberg s!stem.
Correct Answer is. :idde s!stem and the Cenwal s!stem.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 1%/10.
Question Number. 11. 1hich of the following fire detection s!stems measures temperature rise compared to
a reference temperature2.
Option A. -indberg continuous element.
Option B. "hermocouple.
Option C. "hermal switch.
Correct Answer is. "hermocouple.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 11/..
Question Number. 1&. A fire in(ol(ing energi=ed electrical e7uipment is defined as a.
Option A. class B fire.
Option B. class @ fire.
Option C. class C fire.
Correct Answer is. class C fire.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1*. Bow are most aircraft turbine engine fire extinguishing s!stems acti(ated2.
Option A. Danual remote control (al(e.
Option B. $ushrod assembl!.
Option C. Electricall! discharged cartridges.
Correct Answer is. Electricall! discharged cartridges.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1.. A fire detection s!stem that operates on the rate of temperature rise is a.
Option A. thermocouple s!stem.
Option B. thermal switch s!stem.
Option C. continuous loop s!stem.
Correct Answer is. thermocouple s!stem.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. 1h! does one t!pe of Cenwal fire detection s!stem use spot detectors wired in
parallel between two separate circuits2.
Option A. 8o that a single fault ma! exist in the s!stem without sounding a false alarm.
Option B. "o pro(ide an installation that is e7ual to two separate s!stems+ a primar! s!stem and a
secondar!, or bac5/up s!stem.
Option C. 8o that a double fault ma! exist in the s!stem without sounding a false alarm.
Correct Answer is. 8o that a single fault ma! exist in the s!stem without sounding a false alarm.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. Bow does carbon dioxide >CO&? extinguish an aircraft engine fire2.
Option A. B! lowering the temperature to a point where combustion will not ta5e place.
Option B. "he high pressure spra! lowers the temperature and blows out the fire.
Option C. Contact with the air con(erts the li7uid into snow and gas which smothers the flame.
Correct Answer is. Contact with the air con(erts the li7uid into snow and gas which smothers the flame.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. A fuel or oil fire is defined as a.
Option A. class B fire.
Option B. class C fire.
Option C. class A fire.
Correct Answer is. class B fire.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 19. 1hich of the following is the safest fire extinguishing agent to use from a
standpoint of toxicit! and corrosion ha=ards2
Option A. Bromotrifluoromethane >Balon 1*<1?.
Option B. Bromochlorodifluoromethane >Balon 1&11?.
Option C. @ibromodifluoromethane >Balon 1&<&?.
Correct Answer is. Bromotrifluoromethane >Balon 1*<1?.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1;. "he explosi(e cartridge in the discharge (al(e of a fire extinguisher container is.
Option A. not a life dated unit.
Option B. a life dated unit.
Option C. mechanicall! fired.
Correct Answer is. a life dated unit.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician Airframe "extboo5 1%/&&.
Question Number. &<. A fire detection s!stem operates on the principle of a buildup of gas pressure
within a tube proportional to temperature. 1hich of the following
s!stems does this statement define2.
Option A. "hermal switch s!stem.
Option B. -indberg continuous element s!stem.
Option C. :idde continuous loop s!stem.
Correct Answer is. -indberg continuous element s!stem.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $owerplant "extboo5 11/1%.
Question Number. &1. "he most satisfactor! extinguishing agent for an inta5e fire is.
Option A. meth!l bromide.
Option B. dr! chemical.
Option C. carbon dioxide.
Correct Answer is. dr! chemical.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 1%/&&.
Question Number. &&. Bow is the fire extinguishing agent distributed in the engine section2.
Option A. 8pra! no==les and perforated tubing.
Option B. 8pra! no==les and fluid pumps.
Option C. Nitrogen pressure and slinger rings.
Correct Answer is. 8pra! no==les and perforated tubing.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 1%/&&.
Question Number. &*. 1hat is the principle of operation of the continuous loop fire
detector s!stem sensor2.
Option A. Core resistance material which pre(ents current flow at normal temperatures.
Option B. A bimetallic thermoswitch which closes when heated to a high temperature.
Option C. Cuse material which melts at high temperatures.
Correct Answer is. Core resistance material which pre(ents current flow at normal temperatures.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/0.
Question Number. &.. "he fire detection s!stem that uses a single wire surrounded b! a continuous string
of ceramic beads in a tube is the.
Option A. :idde s!stem.
Option B. thermocouple s!stem.
Option C. Cenwal s!stem.
Correct Answer is. Cenwal s!stem.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/0.
Question Number. &0. "he fire detection s!stem that uses two wires imbedded in a ceramic core within a
tube is the.
Option A. -indberg s!stem.
Option B. :idde s!stem.
Option C. Cenwal s!stem.
Correct Answer is. :idde s!stem.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/0.
Question Number. &%. A continuous loop fire detector is what t!pe of detector2.
Option A. ate of temperature rise detector.
Option B. 8pot detector.
Option C. O(erheat detector.
Correct Answer is. O(erheat detector.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/0.
Question Number. &3. 1hich of the following fire detection s!stems will detect a fire when an element is
inoperati(e but will not test when the test circuit is energi=ed2.
Option A. "he :idde s!stem and the Cenwal s!stem.
Option B. "he thermocouple s!stem and the -indberg s!stem.
Option C. "he :idde s!stem and the thermocouple s!stem.
Correct Answer is. "he :idde s!stem and the Cenwal s!stem.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/0.
Question Number. &9. After a fire is extinguished, or o(erheat condition remo(ed in aircraft e7uipped
with a 8!stron/@onner fire detector, the detection s!stem.
Option A. must be manuall! reset.
Option B. automaticall! resets.
Option C. sensing component must be replaced.
Correct Answer is. automaticall! resets.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/3.
Question Number. &;. Cor fire detection and extinguishing purposes, aircraft powerplant areas are
di(ided into fire =ones based on.
Option A. the (olume and smoothness of the airflow through enginecompartments.
Option B. engine t!pe and si=e.
Option C. hot and cold sections of the engine.
Correct Answer is. hot and cold sections of the engine.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *<. 1hat is the function of a fire detection s!stem2.
Option A. "o discharge the powerplant fire extinguishing s!stem at the origin of the fire.
Option B. "o acti(ate a warning de(ice in the e(ent of a powerplant fire.
Option C. "o identif! the location of a powerplant fire.
Correct Answer is. "o acti(ate a warning de(ice in the e(ent of a powerplant fire.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *1. 1hat retains the nitrogen charge and fire extinguishing agent in a high rate of
discharge >B@? container2.
Option A. $ressure gauge and cartridge.
Option B. Brea5able dis5 or fusible dis5.
Option C. $ressure switch and chec5 tee (al(e.
Correct Answer is. Brea5able dis5 or fusible dis5.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/10.
Question Number. *&. "he use of water on class @ fires.
Option A. will cause the fire to burn more (iolentl! and can cause explosions.
Option B. has no effect.
Option C. is most effecti(e if spra!ed in a fine mist.
Correct Answer is. will cause the fire to burn more (iolentl! and can cause explosions.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/1&.
Question Number. **. "he pulling out >or down? of an illuminated fire handle in a t!pical large 'et
aircraft fire protection s!stem commonl! accomplishes what e(ents2.
Option A. Closes fuel shutoff, closes h!draulic shutoff, disconnects the generator field, and arms the
fire extinguishing s!stem.
Option B. Closes fuel shutoff, closes h!draulic shutoff, closes the ox!gen shutoff, disconnects the
generator field, and arms the fire/extinguishing s!stem.
Option C. Closes all firewall shutoff (al(es, disconnects the generator, and discharges a fire bottle.
Correct Answer is. Closes fuel shutoff, closes h!draulic shutoff, disconnects the generator field, and
arms the fire extinguishing s!stem.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *.. "he most satisfactor! extinguishing agent for an electrical fire is.
Option A. carbon tetrachloride.
Option B. meth!l bromide.
Option C. carbon dioxide.
Correct Answer is. carbon dioxide.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/1*
Question Number. *0. 1hich of the following fire detectors are commonl! used in the power section of an
engine nacelle2.
Option A. ate of temperature rise detectors.
Option B. CO detectors.
Option C. 8mo5e detectors.
Correct Answer is. ate of temperature rise detectors.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/*.
Question Number. *%. 1hich of the following fire detection s!stems uses heat in
the normal testing of the s!stem2.
Option A. "he :idde s!stem and the Cenwal s!stem.
Option B. "he thermocouple s!stem and the -indberg s!stem.
Option C. "he thermocouple s!stem and the Cenwal s!stem.
Correct Answer is. "he thermocouple s!stem and the -indberg s!stem.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ "echnician $ropulsion "extboo5 11/0.
Question Number. *3. Bow are extinguisher spra! rings chec5ed for freedom from obstruction2.
Option A. Ciring the s!stem.
Option B. Blowing through with compressed air.
Option C. $umping water through the s!stem.
Correct Answer is. Blowing through with compressed air.
Explanation. Answer a is the onl! reasonable answer.
Question Number. *9. 1hat is used as an extinguishant in fire bottles2.
Option A. Creon compounds.
Option B. Balogenated h!drocarbons.
Option C. 1ater.
Correct Answer is. Balogenated h!drocarbons.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbines $owerplant $age 1*/% refers, BE" Balogenated B!drocarbons
are Creon compounds. olls o!ce $age 103 also refers.
Question Number. *;. "he ad(antage of the two shot fire bottle s!stem is.
Option A. one bottle can be discharged after certain time dela! from the other bottle.
Option B. both bottles can be used in either of the engines.
Option C. one bottle can be used twice.
Correct Answer is. both bottles can be used in either of the engines.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine Engines 1*/% refers. Note that each bottle can onl! be discharged
Question Number. .<. "o chec5 a fire bottle in situ is ser(iceable.
Option A. weigh it, chec5 blow out discs, chec5 pressure.
Option B. chec5 blow out disc onl!.
Option C. chec5 blow out disc, pop up indicators, expir! date and pressure.
Correct Answer is. chec5 blow out disc, pop up indicators, expir! date and pressure.
Explanation. C.A.,.$s A-*)1< para ..* mentions all these things.
Question Number. .1. esisti(e t!pe fire/wires are tested using.
Option A. megger)ohmmeter.
Option B. ammeter)ohmmeter.
Option C. megger)(oltmeter.
Correct Answer is. megger)ohmmeter.
Explanation. "he megger tests insulation the ohmmeter tests continuit!.
Question Number. .&. 1hen testing an installed fire bottle.
Option A. a multimeter used.
Option B. a lamp and 1.0M cell used.
Option C. a safet! ohmmeter is used.
Correct Answer is. a safet! ohmmeter is used.
Explanation. An! explosi(e de(ice re7uires the use of a safet! ohmmeter to limit current flow through
the ignitor.
Question Number. .*. On chec5ing a fault free fire detection s!stem.
Option A. use megger as per normal.
Option B. a megger is ne(er to be used.
Option C. use a megger onl! for a short while as it can polarise the element.
Correct Answer is. use a megger onl! for a short while as it can polarise the element.
Explanation. "he fault free or continuous loop firewire is capaciti(e and resisti(e. $rolonged use of
the megger could polarise or charge the firewire, to gi(e a false capaciti(e reading.
Question Number. ... * wa!s to test ser(iceabilit! of a fixed fire bottle in situ are.
Option A. weigh, pressure, blow/out disc.
Option B. weigh, pressure, pop up indicator.
Option C. pressure, pop up indicator, blow/out disc.
Correct Answer is. pressure, pop up indicator, blow/out disc.
Explanation. A4$ Dechanic Bandboo5 EA/AC/%0 $age .<1 refers> Iou can6t weigh the bottle in situ?.
Question Number. .0. 1hen installing a flow (al(e on a 6two shot6 fire extinguishing s!stem care must be
ta5en to ma5e sure.
Option A. flow arrow should be in a correct direction.
Option B. flow (al(e is pointing towards the respecti(e bottle.
Option C. priorit! s!stem must ha(e the bigger flow side.
Correct Answer is. flow arrow should be in a correct direction.
Explanation. "wo shot s!stems do not ha(e an! priorit!. An! flow (al(e must be fitted in the right
direction which is toward the engine not the bottleH.
Question Number. .%. Omission of crushable washer on engine fire/wire connector will.
Option A. allow moisture ingress.
Option B. affect fire wire continuit!.
Option C. affect fire wire capacitance.
Correct Answer is. allow moisture ingress.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ power plant page 11/1< refers to copper crush washers at the connectors.
Answers a and c cannot be right therefore b ma5es best sense.
Question Number. .3. @ischarge cartridges of the fire bottle ha(e.
Option A. life time in hours)calendar and replace which e(er is longer.
Option B. life time in hours)or calendar and replace which e(er is sooner.
Option C. no life time it is onl! replaced when unser(iceable.
Correct Answer is. life time in hours)or calendar and replace which e(er is sooner.
Explanation. Operators usuall! change cartridges at planned chec5s. "he cartridge also has a finite
manufactures calendar life. "his is normall! longer.
Question Number. .9. "he :idde Cault Cree Cire detection s!stem has how man! internal wires in the
sensing element2.
Option A. 1.
Option B. *.
Option C. &.
Correct Answer is. &.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1&/0 efers.
Question Number. .;. 1hen testing a two pin fire bottle connector.
Option A. continuit! test 1 pin then short two together.
Option B. short two pins together.
Option C. continuit! test 1 pin, then the other, then short two together.
Correct Answer is. short two pins together.
Explanation. C.A.,.$s EE-)1/3 para *.%.. 8tates that to chec5 for insulation short two pins together
and chec5 for insulation resistance between bod! and shorted pins from bod!.
Question Number. 0<. Aas t!pe fire/wires operate b! utilising.
Option A. the change in the gas pressure.
Option B. the change in the gas dielectric le(el.
Option C. the change in the electrical resistance of the gas.
Correct Answer is. the change in the gas pressure.
Explanation. "he #et Engine page 10% $ara 1% refers. "hese gas filled t!pe fire/wires go b! the
name of 68!stron @onner6.
Question Number. 01. On a fire bottle, if the indicator pin was protruding, this would indicate.
Option A. the bottle is under weight.
Option B. extinguisher had been fired.
Option C. an o(er pressure had occurred in the bottle.
Correct Answer is. extinguisher had been fired.
Explanation. C.A.,.$6s A-)*/1< describes and shows a discharge indicator pin de(ice.
Question Number. 0&. 1hen testing a s7uib on a fire bottle, !ou use a.
Option A. multimeter >AMO?.
Option B. low current ohmmeter.
Option C. lamp and 1.0M cell.
Correct Answer is. low current ohmmeter.
Explanation. olls o!ce the #et Engine $age &9 refers.
Question Number. 0*. ,n a two shot fire extinguishing s!stem.
Option A. extinguishers distributed once to either engine compartment.
Option B. extinguisher distributed twice to each enginecompartment.
Option C. one s7uib can be fired, if that fails then the &nd s7uib can be fired.
Correct Answer is. extinguishers distributed once to either engine compartment.
Explanation. One shot from each bottle to either engine or both shots to one engine.
Question Number. 0.. Deth!l Bromide fire extinguisher are installed with nec5.
Option A. hori=ontal.
Option B. at the bottom.
Option C. at the top.
Correct Answer is. at the top.
Explanation. "he hea(ier fluid is pushed out of the bottle b! the head of gas sitting abo(e the li7uid.
Question Number. 00. ,n a Cenwall fire detection s!stem.
Option A. the tube is inconel and wire is nic5el.
Option B. inner electrode is inconel wire.
Option C. outer electrode is nic5el tube.
Correct Answer is. the tube is inconel and wire is nic5el.
Explanation. N,-. www.fenwallcontrols.com
Question Number. 0%. 1hen a fire extinguisher is discharged the immediate action is.
Option A. operate engine to idle.
Option B. clean with cold water.
Option C. clean with hot water.
Correct Answer is. clean with hot water.
Explanation. 1hen the extinguishant is introduced into the gas path hot water should be used. #eppesen
Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1*/9 refers.
15.21, Engine Monitoing and Gound 5&eation.
Question Number. 1. 1ho establishes the recommended operating time between o(erhauls >".B.O? of a gas
turbine engine.
Option A. "he engine manufacturer.
Option B. "he operator >utili=ing manufacturer data and trend anal!sis? wor5ing in con'unction with the
Airworthiness Authorit!.
Option C. "he Airworthiness Authorit! alone.
Correct Answer is. "he operator >utili=ing manufacturer data and trend anal!sis? wor5ing in
con'unction with the Airworthiness Authorit!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 */&3.
Question Number. &. 1hat is the first engine instrument indication of a successful start of a turbine
Option A. A rise in oil pressure.
Option B. A rise in the engine fuel flow.
Option C. A rise in the exhaust gas temperature.
Correct Answer is. A rise in the exhaust gas temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. A hung start is indicated b! the.
Option A. exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limits.
Option B. fails to reach idle $D.
Option C. $D exceeds specified operating speed.
Correct Answer is. fails to reach idle $D.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./3.
Question Number. .. "he blending of blades and (anes in a turbine engine.
Option A. ma! sometimes be accomplished with the engine installed, ordinaril! using power tools.
Option B. should be performed parallel to the length of the blade using smooth contours to minimi=e
stress points.
Option C. is usuall! accomplished onl! at engine o(erhaul.
Correct Answer is. No Answer.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 0. @uring inspection, turbine engine components exposed to high temperatures ma! onl!
be mar5ed with such materials as allowed b! the manufacturer. "hese materials generall! include.
Option A. la!out d!e, commercial felt tip mar5er or chal5.
Option B. la!out d!e, commercial felt tip mar5er, wax or grease pencil.
Option C. la!out d!e, commercial felt tip mar5er, wax or grease pencil, chal5 or graphite lead pencil.
Correct Answer is. la!out d!e, commercial felt tip mar5er or chal5.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&%.
Question Number. %. 1hen the leading edge of a first stage turbine blade is found to ha(e stress
rupture crac5s, which of the following should be suspected2.
Option A. Cault! cooling shield.
Option B. O(er speed condition.
Option C. O(er temperature condition.
Correct Answer is. O(er temperature condition.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./&0.
Question Number. 3. A magnetic chip detector inspection should be carried out.
Option A. within a specified time from shut down.
Option B. with engine cold.
Option C. with engine running.
Correct Answer is. within a specified time from shut down.
Explanation. A.-.C 0<& and 0<3 engines on 1.%).# specif! that the engine D.C.@ be chec5ed after
&<mins but before & hrs since shut down.
Question Number. 9. 1hat is the proper starting se7uence for a turbo'et engine2.
Option A. 8tarter, ignition, fuel.
Option B. 8tarter, fuel, ignition.
Option C. ,gnition, starter, fuel.
Correct Answer is. 8tarter, ignition, fuel.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./3.
Question Number. ;. Coreign ob'ect damage on a compressor, when boroscoping, is indicated b!.
Option A. tip curl.
Option B. nic5s and scores.
Option C. flats.
Correct Answer is. nic5s and scores.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 0/1* refers.
Question Number. 1<. "urbine blades are generall! more susceptible to operating damage than compressor
blades because of.
Option A. higher temperature stresses.
Option B. higher centrifugal loading.
Option C. high pressure and high (elocit! gas flow.
Correct Answer is. higher temperature stresses.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. A magnetic chip detector detects.
Option A. particles held in suspension.
Option B. particles which are too small for the na5ed e!e.
Option C. ferrous particles onl!.
Correct Answer is. ferrous particles onl!.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplants $age %/&% refers.
Question Number. 1&. A cool/off period prior to shutdown of a turbine engine is done to.
Option A. pre(ent (apor loc5 in the fuel control and)or fuel lines.
Option B. pre(ent sei=ure of the engine bearings.
Option C. allow the turbine wheel to cool before the case contracts around it.
Correct Answer is. allow the turbine wheel to cool before the case contracts around it.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./;.
Question Number. 1*. 1hen starting a turbine engine, the starter should be disengaged.
Option A. onl! after the engine has reached full idle $D.
Option B. when the ignition and fuel s!stem are acti(ated.
Option C. after the engine has reached self/sustaining speed.
Correct Answer is. after the engine has reached self/sustaining speed.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./3.
Question Number. 1.. 1hat should be done initiall! if a turbine engine catches fire when starting2.
Option A. Continue starting attempt in order to blow out the fire.
Option B. Continue engine start rotation and discharge a fire extinguisher into the inta5e.
Option C. "urn off the fuel and continue engine rotation with the starter.
Correct Answer is. "urn off the fuel and continue engine rotation with the starter.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./3.
Question Number. 10. A turbine engine hot section is particularl! susceptible to which 5ind of damage2.
Option A. 8coring.
Option B. Aalling.
Option C. Crac5ing.
Correct Answer is. Crac5ing.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1%. ,f a turbine engine is unable to reach ta5eoff E.$. before its E.A." limit is
reached, this is an indication that the.
Option A. fuel control must be replaced.
Option B. E.A." controller is out of ad'ustment.
Option C. compressor ma! be contaminated or damaged.
Correct Answer is. compressor ma! be contaminated or damaged.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 13. 1hich of the following engine (ariables is the most critical during turbine engine
Option A. Compressor $D.
Option B. "urbine inlet temperature.
Option C. Compressor inlet air temperature.
Correct Answer is. "urbine inlet temperature.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 19. 1ith the engine running at idle, the E.$. s!stem reads 'ust o(er 1.
Option A. "he s!stem has failed and needs attention.
Option B. "he s!stem needs re/calibration bac5 to 616.
Option C. "his is a normal condition and does not need attention.
Correct Answer is. "his is a normal condition and does not need attention.
Explanation. E.$. with the engine shut down should read 1. At idle a (er! small pressure increase
occurs in the 'et pipe.
Question Number. 1;. "he recurrent ingestion of dust or other fine airborne particulates into an engine
can result in.
Option A. the need for less fre7uent abrasi(e grit cleaning of the engine.
Option B. foreign ob'ect damage to the compressor section.
Option C. erosion damage to the compressor and turbine sections.
Correct Answer is. erosion damage to the compressor and turbine sections.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &<. 1hen the engine is not running, and engine blan5s are installed. "he E.$. gauge
shows 1.<, then.
Option A. the transmitter is fault!.
Option B. the recei(er is fault!.
Option C. it is normal.
Correct Answer is. it is normal.
Explanation. #epperson Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 1&/13 Cigure 1&/1&A.
Question Number. &1. 1hich of the following ma! be used to accomplish internal inspection of an
assembled gas turbine engine2.
Option A. Eltrasound, and fluorescent penetrant and ultra(iolet light.
Option B. Q/ra! and a borescope.
Option C. ,nfrared photograph! and fluorescent penetrant and ultra(iolet light.
Correct Answer is. Q/ra! and a borescope.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &&. un down time is indicati(e of.
Option A. an C.C.E malfunction.
Option B. compressor malfunction.
Option C. the freedom of rotation of the compressor.
Correct Answer is. the freedom of rotation of the compressor.
Explanation. 8hort run down time is indicati(e of bearing failure.
Question Number. &*. A hung start or false start is one in which.
Option A. light up6 occurs, but the $D does not increase.
Option B. there is no 6light up6.
Option C. the engine does not rotate.
Correct Answer is. light up6 occurs, but the $D does not increase.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplants $age 1</1 efers.
Question Number. &.. 1hat would be the possible cause if a gas turbine engine has high exhaust gas
temperature, high fuel flow, and low $D at all engine power settings2.
Option A. Cuel control out of ad'ustment.
Option B. -oose or corroded thermocouple probes for the E.A." indicator.
Option C. "urbine damage or loss of turbine efficienc!.
Correct Answer is. "urbine damage or loss of turbine efficienc!.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant "extboo5 ./0.
Question Number. &0. ,n regard to using a turbine engine oil anal!sis program, which of the following is
NO" true2.
Option A. ,t is best to start an oil anal!sis program on an engine when it is new.
Option B. A successful oil anal!sis program should be run o(er an engine6s total operating life so that
normal trends can be established.
Option C. Aenerall!, an accurate trend forecast ma! be made after an engine6s first oil sample anal!sis.
Correct Answer is. Aenerall!, an accurate trend forecast ma! be made after an engine6s first oil
sample anal!sis.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &%. 1hich of the following is the least li5el! indication of a main bearing failure2.
Option A. Bigh oil consumption.
Option B. Bigh oil temperature.
Option C. Bigh oil pressure.
Correct Answer is. Bigh oil pressure.
Explanation. -ow oil pressure would indicate bearing failure not BighH.
Question Number. &3. After shutdown, flames are present in the exhaust pipe. "he probable cause is.
Option A. a defecti(e fuel control unit >C.C.E?.
Option B. a defecti(e pressuri=ing and dump (al(e.
Option C. a defecti(e B.$ coc5.
Correct Answer is. a defecti(e pressuri=ing and dump (al(e.
Explanation. #eppesen Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 3/0% refers.
Question Number. &9. ,f the -.$ coc5 is used to shutdown an engine.
Option A. the C.C.E will continue to function.
Option B. flames will appear in the exhaust.
Option C. the B.$ fuel pump will run dr!.
Correct Answer is. the B.$ fuel pump will run dr!.
Explanation. "he -.$ coc5 is normall! aircraft mounted. "he engine will run until the B.$ fuel pump
runs dr!.
Question Number. &;. 1hen accelerating from 6light/up6 to ground idling speed, the E.A." will.
Option A. remain constant.
Option B. increase abo(e idle (alue then decrease to normal.
Option C. decrease below idle (alue then increase to normal.
Correct Answer is. increase abo(e idle (alue then decrease to normal.
Explanation. All Aas "urbines tend to o(erfuel until the $D increases sufficientl! to suppl! correct
idle air flow.
Question Number. *<. A gas turbine engine is stopped b! closing.
Option A. -.$ coc5.
Option B. B.$ coc5.
Option C. throttle (al(e.
Correct Answer is. B.$ coc5.
Explanation. olls o!ce "he #et Engine $age 11< refers.
Question Number. *1. A 6wet start6 is indicated b!.
Option A. no temperature indication.
Option B. low $D.
Option C. a prolonged cran5ing period.
Correct Answer is. no temperature indication.
Explanation. @ue to lac5 of ignition.
Question Number. *&. "he engine accelerates to idling b!.
Option A. gas flow.
Option B. combined efforts of starter motor and gas flow.
Option C. starter motor.
Correct Answer is. combined efforts of starter motor and gas flow.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. **. An oil emission spectrometer measures.
Option A. particles in suspension.
Option B. particles on the surface.
Option C. specific gra(it! of the oil.
Correct Answer is. particles in suspension.
Explanation. "he colour of the spectrum produced upon burning the oil indicates parts per million of
all metallic elements contained in the sample.
Question Number. *.. A broadband (ibration reading indicates.
Option A. the total (ibration sensed b! the transducer.
Option B. the pea5 allowable (ibration.
Option C. the N1 (ibration.
Correct Answer is. the total (ibration sensed b! the transducer.
Explanation. Broadband is the total of all the (ibrations sensed.
Question Number. *0. Mibration anal!sers determine which component is (ibrating b! anal!sing.
Option A. (oltage.
Option B. amplitude.
Option C. fre7uenc!.
Correct Answer is. fre7uenc!.
Explanation. "he faster the compressor shafts rotate the higher the fre7uenc!.
Question Number. *%. Bigh fre7uenc! (ibration.
Option A. causes engine components to crac5.
Option B. energises air particles prior to compression.
Option C. can gi(e an indication of a fluctuating >E.$.?.
Correct Answer is. causes engine components to crac5.
Explanation. "he more (ibration c!cles the nearer to failure the component will become.
Question Number. *3. Engine oil sampling anal!sis is ta5en.
Option A. after engine shut down.
Option B. at specific time after engine shut down.
Option C. when oil le(el is high.
Correct Answer is. at specific time after engine shut down.
Explanation. #eppesen A4$ $owerplant page ;/*0 refers.
Question Number. *9. 1ith external power applied, the engine will not run up to idle after reaching
starting speed. "he li5el! fault would be with the.
Option A. Cuel Control Enit.
Option B. clutch.
Option C. batter!.
Correct Answer is. Cuel Control Enit.
Explanation. Once an engine has reached starter cut out speed the onl! thing that can stop it
accelerating is underfuelling.
Question Number. *;. 1hen running down an engine.
Option A. it should be done as slowl! as possible to assist thermal stress.
Option B. it should be done as 7uic5l! as possible to stop excess of fuel gathering.
Option C. it should be done as slowl! as possible to reduce thermal stres.
Correct Answer is. it should be done as slowl! as possible to reduce thermal stress.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft Aas "urbine $owerplant $age 1./& refers.
Question Number. .<. 1hat ma! be an indication of a bleed (al(e stuc5 in the closed position2.
Option A. O(er speed.
Option B. -ow E.A." reading.
Option C. Compressor stalling at low $D.
Correct Answer is. Compressor stalling at low $D.
Explanation. A closed bleed (al(e at low $D means the compressor has too much air to handle, hence it
ma! stall or surge.
Question Number. .1. Excessi(e E.A." can.
Option A. cause N.A.M to creep.
Option B. cause damage to turbine.
Option C. cause damage to 'et pipe.
Correct Answer is. cause damage to turbine.
Explanation. "he turbine is the highest stressed component in the engine.
Question Number. .&. A 'et engine has a high oil temperature but all other power parameters are normal.
"he probable cause is.
Option A. a large 7uantit! of oil being returned to tan5.
Option B. gear box lea5age.
Option C. a main bearing in distress.
Correct Answer is. a main bearing in distress.
Explanation. Oil s!stems cool as well as lubricate.
Question Number. .*. 1hen cleaning salt from a compressor.
Option A. use water then manufacturer6s cleaning solution.
Option B. use water at low power then water at high power.
Option C. ne(er use water, use onl! the recommended solution.
Correct Answer is. use water at low power then water at high power.
Explanation. #eppesen Aircraft gas turbine $owerplants $age 0/0 refers to desalination washes using
water onl!.
Question Number. ... A hot start refers to.
Option A. earl! ignition.
Option B. high E.A." before idle $D is achie(ed.
Option C. too much fuel being supplied.
Correct Answer is. high E.A." before idle $D is achie(ed.
Explanation. A hot start is defined as an o(ertemping of the engine as the engine starts. ,t ma! be
caused b! o(erfuelling, but not necessaril!.
Question Number. .0. ,f a compressor surge occurs, it is recogni=ed b!.
Option A. coughing in the compressor and (ibration.
Option B. fluctuating $D and fuel flow.
Option C. fluctuating E.A." and thrust.
Correct Answer is. coughing in the compressor and (ibration.
Explanation. 1hilst E.A." and $D will fluctuate, fuel flow will not and thrust cannot be measured.
"herefore coughing and (ibration is the correct answer.
Question Number. .%. Crac5s ma! occur in hot section components of a turbine engine if the! are mar5ed
during inspection with.
Option A. a lead pencil.
Option B. chal5.
Option C. la!out d!e.
Correct Answer is. a lead pencil.
Explanation. Araphite based mar5ers can cause intergranular corrosion. 8ee #eppesen Aas "urbine
$owerplants $age 0/*1.
Question Number. .3. 1hat must not be used during an engine compressor wash2.
Option A. Chlorine.
Option B. @esalini=ation solution.
Option C. Crushed almond.
Correct Answer is. Chlorine.
Explanation. B! elimination b is correct. Crushed almond and desalination solutions are accepted
compressor wash applications.
Question Number. .9. "rend monitoring of spectrometric oil anal!sis is carried out how often2.
Option A. @uring each scheduled maintenance period.
Option B. At set periods once the rate of wear has been established.
Option C. After e(er! repair or modification.
Correct Answer is. At set periods once the rate of wear has been established.
Explanation. New components alwa!s wear more than when the! are run in. 8OA$ monitoring periods depend
on the component not on the aircraft ser(icing c!cle.
Question Number. .;. 8tarting an engine with a bleed (al(e stuc5 closed would cause+.
Option A. low E.A.".
Option B. possible stalling of the engine.
Option C. high E.A.".
Correct Answer is. possible stalling of the engine.
Explanation. Bleed (al(es are normall! open on start to pre(ent stalling.
Question Number. 0<. Aalling is a condition caused b! excessi(e.
Option A. chafing.
Option B. scoring.
Option C. temperatures.
Correct Answer is. chafing.
Explanation. 8ee @ale Crane / @ictionar! of Aircraft "erms.
Question Number. 01. ,f a burner was down, in a multi/can s!stem, the engine would tend to.
Option A. hang up.
Option B. run up.
Option C. surge.
Correct Answer is. surge.
Explanation. ,f a combustor tube fails to ignite there will be a pressure build up at the entrance to
that burner can.
Question Number. 0&. ,f the rundown time is less than the minimum stated for a gi(en engine.
Option A. unacceptable wear is occurring at the main bearings.
Option B. the rotating assembl! is free.
Option C. the rotating assembl! is being restricted.
Correct Answer is. the rotating assembl! is being restricted.
Explanation. Cailure to allow the engine to stabilise at idle after high power runs ma! cause the
rotor to rub on the casing in older engines.
Question Number. 0*. 1hen running an engine the following lights should be on+.
Option A. anti/collision and na(/lights >if fitted?.
Option B. na(/lights >if fitted?.
Option C. anti/collision >if fitted?.
Correct Answer is. anti/collision and na(/lights >if fitted?.
Explanation. An anti/collision light is alwa!s fitted and turned on for ground running. ,f there are
na( lights it ma5es sense to ha(e them on as well.
Question Number. 0.. 1ith spectral oil anal!sis program >8.O.A.$?, samples are ta5en.
Option A. when the oil tan5 is full.
Option B. at a specified inter(al.
Option C. when the oil is warm.
Correct Answer is. at a specified inter(al.
Explanation. 8OA$ samples are ta5en at routine ser(icing inter(als as part of a pre(entati(e
maintenance s!stem.
Question Number. 00. @uring start, if a bleed (al(e is stuc5 closed.
Option A. E.A." is unaffected.
Option B. E.A." will be higher than normal.
Option C. E.A." will be lower than normal.
Correct Answer is. E.A." will be lower than normal.
Explanation. Dore air is passing through the engine than it should therefore it will be cooler.
Question Number. 0%. @!namic balance testing locates unbalance in.
Option A. all planes.
Option B. two planes.
Option C. one plane.
Correct Answer is. two planes.
Explanation. @!namic balance is caused when the masses that are rotating are not e7ual and when the
component parts, for example, propeller blades, are not trac5ing in the same plane.
Question Number. 03. On a gas turbine engine with ba5ed oil deposits, how would !ou carr! out grit blast
cleaning 1ith the engine at2.
Option A. stationar!.
Option B. idle speed >low?.
Option C. high speed.
Correct Answer is. idle speed >low?.
Explanation. Compressor cleaning is done with the engine running using a (ariet! if grits in a water
Question Number. 09. A rotation pad on an accessor! dri(e gear box is pro(ided for.
Option A. N& rotation.
Option B. both are correct.
Option C. alternate tachogenerator fitment.
Correct Answer is. N& rotation.
Explanation. "he rotation of the B.$ compressor is re7uired during borescope inspection.
Question Number. 0;. 1hat would be indicati(e of a hung start2.
Option A. 8tarter would fail to disengage.
Option B. Bigh E.A.".
Option C. Engine would fail to reach self sustaining speed.
Correct Answer is. Engine would fail to reach self sustaining speed.
Explanation. ,n a hung start the engine normall! stagnates at or near the starter cut out and an!
attempt to accelerate the engine will result in a hot start.
15.22, Engine Stoage and Pese6ation.
Question Number. 1. Cuel s!stem inhibiting oil is.
Option A. mineral oil.
Option B. light anti/free=e oil.
Option C. 5erosene.
Correct Answer is. mineral oil.
Explanation. C.A.,.$s E-)*/1. refers to mineral oil.
Question Number. &. After placing an engine in an D.M.$ en(elope.
Option A. chec5 humidit! indicator after 1& hours.
Option B. chec5 humidit! indicator after &. hours.
Option C. chec5 humidit! indicator after .9 hours.
Correct Answer is. chec5 humidit! indicator after &. hours.
Explanation. Old C.A.,.$s leaflet E-)*/1. refers.
Question Number. *. On a (apour proof cocoon, there is a.
Option A. temperature indicator.
Option B. moisture indicator.
Option C. humidifier.
Correct Answer is. moisture indicator.
Explanation. C.A.,.$s E-)*/1. refers.
Question Number. .. 1hen an installed engine is not to be used for a period of up to 3 da!s.
Option A. it is necessar! to inhibit the engine.
Option B. it is onl! necessar! to blan5 off all apertures.
Option C. run the engine as prescribed in the Clight Danual.
Correct Answer is. it is onl! necessar! to blan5 off all apertures.
Explanation. C.A.,.$s E-)*/1..
Question Number. 0. ,nstalled engines must be re/preser(ed after preser(ation at least e(er!.
Option A. six wee5s.
Option B. six da!s.
Option C. six months.
Correct Answer is. six months.
Explanation. C.A.,.$s E-)*/1..
Question Number. %. On storage of an engine, the desiccant is.
Option A. loo5ed at within &. hrs if its blue its O:.
Option B. loo5ed at &. hrs later if its blue its O:.
Option C. loo5ed at &. hrs later if blue it should be replaced.
Correct Answer is. loo5ed at &. hrs later if its blue its O:.
Explanation. C.A.,.$6s E-)*/1. >Engine 8torage? refers. Note that answer a is partl! correct, but !ou
must also inspect the DM$ en(elope for damage or deterioration.
Question Number. 3. After placing an engine into storage, details would be recorded in.
Option A. "echnical -og.
Option B. Engine log boo5.
Option C. Aircraft log boo5.
Correct Answer is. Engine log boo5.
Explanation. All engines ha(e a log boo5.
Question Number. 9. 1hen storing an engine the fuel s!stem is to be inhibited. Bow is this done2.
Option A. emo(e plugs rotate engine then add oil.
Option B. otate engine whilst adding oil then remo(e plugs.
Option C. Add oil lea(ing plugs in.
Correct Answer is. emo(e plugs rotate engine then add oil.
Explanation. C.A.,.$6s E- */1. >Engine storage?refers. "his is a piston engine 7uestion but has been
reported as being in a module 10 exam.
Question Number. ;. An engine in storage for 3 da!s should.
Option A. ha(e storage oil placed in engine.
Option B. be run twice in that wee5.
Option C. be fitted with co(ers and blan5s and apertures co(ered.
Correct Answer is. be fitted with co(ers and blan5s and apertures co(ered.
Explanation. Old C.A.,.$6s E-)*/. refers.
Question Number. 1<. On a >M$? cocoon bag, if the humidit! indicator turns pin5)lilac.
Option A. desiccant is effecti(e and does not need changing.
Option B. desiccant is ineffecti(e and needs changing.
Option C. desiccant is changed wee5l!.
Correct Answer is. desiccant is ineffecti(e and needs changing.
Explanation. C.A.,.$6s E-)*/. refers.
Question Number. 11. "o inhibit the fuel s!stem of an installed engine.
Option A. pump oil into the engine when stationar!.
Option B. dr! motor the engine.
Option C. remo(e the ignitor plugs.
Correct Answer is. dr! motor the engine.
Explanation. C.A.,.$6s E- */1< details this procedure. ,t is done b! dr! motoring the engine with a
header tan5 of inhibiting oil connected to the inlet of the -.$ fuel pump.
Question Number. 1&. 1hen is the humidit! indicator chec5ed on a preser(ed engine2.
Option A. 1 Donth.
Option B. 1 Iear.
Option C. % Donths.
Correct Answer is. 1 Donth.
Explanation. C.A.A.,.$s leaflet 3/. states 6approximatel! monthl! inter(als6. ,f the desiccant is pin5
the en(elope must be opened, the desiccant replaced and the en(elope resealed.
Question Number. 1*. 1ith an engine in storage, desiccant is used.
Option A. as an insecticide.
Option B. as a corrosion inhibitor.
Option C. to remo(e moisture from the air.
Correct Answer is. to remo(e moisture from the air.
Explanation. A4C Dechanics Bandboo5 EA/AC%0 page *9; refers.
Question Number. 1.. 8mall cuts in a D.M.$. engine storage bag can be repaired.
Option A. with adhesi(e $MC tape.
Option B. b! (ulcanising.
Option C. b! replacing D.M.$.
Correct Answer is. with adhesi(e $MC tape.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 10. 1hen remo(ing an engine for long/term storage, bleed (al(es should be.
Option A. remo(ed.
Option B. loc5ed closed.
Option C. open but blan5ed.
Correct Answer is. open but blan5ed.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1. "he t!pes of water present in a(iation fuel are.
Option A. free and entrained both harmful.
Option B. free that is harmful and entrained that is harmless.
Option C. free that is harmless and entrained that is harmful.
Correct Answer is. free and entrained both harmful.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. &. Oil pressure and sca(enge pumps are usuall!.
Option A. spur gear pumps.
Option B. multi/plunger pumps.
Option C. diaphragm pumps.
Correct Answer is. spur gear pumps.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. *. "he purpose of a pressure filter in a lubrication s!stem is to.
Option A. protect the pressure pump.
Option B. protect the oil 'ets.
Option C. protect the sca(enge pumps.
Correct Answer is. protect the oil 'ets.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. .. a cur(ic coupling.
Option A. con(erts rotar! motion to reciprocating motion.
Option B. absorbs misalignment between the dri(ing and dri(en shafts.
Option C. accuratel! aligns the dri(ing and the dri(en shafts.
Correct Answer is. accuratel! aligns the dri(ing and the dri(en shafts.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 0. Ceeders are.
Option A. conduits used to carr! electrical cable.
Option B. fluid suppl! hoses.
Option C. hea(! dut! electrical generator cables.
Correct Answer is. hea(! dut! electrical generator cables.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. %. Bigh air humidit! will.
Option A. ha(e no affect on thrust.
Option B. reduce the thrust output.
Option C. increase the thrust output.
Correct Answer is. reduce the thrust output.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 3. C.,." sensor is made up of.
Option A. ,ron/constantan.
Option B. Chromel/alumel.
Option C. $latinum/rhodium.
Correct Answer is. $latinum/rhodium.
Explanation. N,-. http+))www.megatron.co.il)"hermocouple.html
Question Number. 9. 1hat is the maximum (alue of pressure with reference to a 'et engine2.
Option A. 1 Bar.
Option B. 1 :g)cm.
Option C. 1 Atmospheric $ressure.
Correct Answer is. 1 Atmospheric $ressure.
Explanation. 1 Atm. K 1.<1* Bar.
Question Number. ;. "he hottest casing is the.
Option A. B.$".
Option B. combustion chamber.
Option C. -.$".
Correct Answer is. B.$".
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 1<. Centrifugal compressor maximum tip speed is.
Option A. <.9 Dach.
Option B. 1.& Dach.
Option C. <.0 Dach.
Correct Answer is. 1.& Dach.
Explanation. N,-.
Question Number. 11. 1hat t!pe of oil is used in a gas turbine engine2.
Option A. 8!nthetic.
Option B. $hosphate Ester.
Option C. Dineral.
Correct Answer is. 8!nthetic.
Explanation. 8!nthetic.

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